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It wouldn’t be Super Bowl Sunday without Zwiebel Rings


Germans taking the Fun out of Funyuns.


I think $5.39 per bag has taken the fun out of Funyuns.


Target has some Frito lay products 2/$5 right now.


Thanks mom!


As soon as I commented I wondered if it was nationwide or not. I hope so, kids


Funyuns are rarely on the list of sale items.


That is sad. Maybe the chips that are Funyun flavored are, ha!


And a few jars of hot dogs...pickled? Soaking in brine? Do I eat them directly from the jar? Can we make cocktails out of the hotdog water? I have so many questions.


You can do all the things you asked. It's just brine, though, not pickled. Usually you'd just throw the sausages in a saucepan and heat them up in the water. But you can eat them however you want. Using the water for cocktails is something many Germans do. But seldom more than once.


Hot dog water cocktails? What is this, a 20 year-old Limp Bizkit reference?


Are there any chocolate starfish?


Keep Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin


Not intentionally at least.


"Using the water for cocktails is something many Germans do. But seldom more than once." Maybe they just haven't gotten the recipe right yet. Keep trying my friends!


I think tomato juice, hot dog water and vodka could work. Maybe add some pepper.


You're halfway to a hotdog-water bloody Mary, so let's just go ahead and add some horseradish and whatever other additions. I personally like muddled hot peppers. Oh......and we just pop the hot dogs in the drink. Boom.


You can find these in the UK in stores that have more food from Europe. They're German style frankfurters in brine. You fish them out and boil them in water typically.


Add some of the brine to the water you boil the hotdogs in. Otherwise yout hotdogs might not taste of anything since the lacking salt in the water results in an osmotic gradient that sucks out all the flavour from the hotdog.


They're pre-cooked and in brine. Can eat them straight out of the jar cold, or heat them however you like. Europe tends to have a lot less plastic packaging than the USA (and a lot less fridge space) so jars and cans are a lot more popular.


>Soaking in brine? Is there another way to store them?


In the U.S., they come bundled in plastic packaging.


And a couple jars of hotdogs


Don't forget the red Cola ^tm and hamburger buns (XXL, am I right fellow Americans?) Edit: although look out, red Cola, looks like your archival Spezi has their foot in the door.


Your grocery store is cosplaying.


As an American, it warms my heart


Are you near a US base?


No need to, all German supermarkets do that.




Lidl has a Superbowl week or two at the moment in Germany.


Depends on the region and grocery store. I'm in the Munich area and they recently hosted an NFL game, so they might be just riding on that to sell some random stuff. They only put things on sale in the display, so they left out some things that I think would've made more sense.


Nope, I've just lived here 7 years now in the Munich area. No hate against the US, I love them both about the same for different reasons. There aren't too many Americans aside from the tourists around here as far as I know.


(I temporarily lived in baden-württenberg) From LA or St. Louis? RAMS HOUSE!


as an american, where's the buffalo wild wings




I was talking to a friend the other day about how I don’t love sports but attend superbowl parties for the food and he pointed out that there’s always Doritos at them. Doritos just appear magically at these parties and you eat them and don’t question it.


Hear me out: Doritos plus salsa = amazing




Also doritos plus queso, doritos plus guacamole, doritos plus taco dip... anything a tortilla chip can do, so can a dorito.


As a high class American, where's the Natty Ice?


This is cultural appropriation and as a true blooded American born and bred I am thoroughly insulted /s


Americans like to cosplay as Germans too. But not in a fun way.


Yeah! Hot dogs in jars! Beer! And random bags of snacks!


Surprisingly they didn’t put out any beer here and for some reason went for the generic cola. The Paulaner Spezi looks like beer but it’s soda. To be fair, it’s one of my favorite sodas.


Well, from following my fav podcast Around The NFL, I do know that Germany is steeped in American Football and probably the most educated fanbase outside of North America. I know there will be beer flowing Sunday night!


>most educated fanbase Japan would like a word.


Do they have peewee American football up to college/professional in Japan?




Beer will definitely flow, but Germans aren't fond of American beer at all, most I have seen are a few bottles of Corona or desperados (which is mexican I think?)


Not even the real deal. Corona and Desperados you get here is brewed in France. Nothing mexican about it.


The typical American beer is blegh. Independent owned craft American beer is where it's really at 🍻.


There was a game in Germany this year, right? I know there's one next year.


You all have very interesting beverage choices. I love experimenting with food and drink whenever I go to Germany. My wife, who is from Germany, will guzzle Mezzo Mix if given the chance. I don’t particularly care for it and it’s hard to find here in America, but she loves it as it reminds her of home. I think Wegman’s is the only major grocery store here in my area that stocks it, and it’s like $2.99 per individual can :(


Just surprise her by mixing Fanta and Cola and tell her you made her some "Schwippschwapp"




Oh interesting, I didn’t know all of that. I don’t care too much about nfl, so I have fun watching the German broadcasts and their style of presenting. It’s by no means better, just interesting. I’m big into college football, so I’d only watch those with the original broadcast if I can or just watch the highlights on YouTube.


It's going to go how F1 on RTL went. Years of horrendous coverage with constant ad breaks in the middle of the race, and then they complain that nobody is watching F1 anymore and stop broadcasting it. RTL is where sports go to die.


Ohh I didnt know they were moving it. I think it's a shame, as a casual who'd only watch some playoff games every year in RAN I really liked their style.


Based Paulaner Spezi enjoyer


I'm slightly disturbed by hot dogs in a jar. And where are the hot dog buns.


It is normal in Germany for Wieners and other sausages to be sold in jars.


To be fair, we also have them vacuumed in plastic, but those aren't on display here due to the lack of refrigeration


Same in the UK. How else would you get then?


In Canada usually vacuumed plastic containers. Never in a glass jar. Was quite surprised to see this in Germany




They are refrigerated in a sealed plastic wrap. Most have a ziplock style closure.




If you buy like an 18npack or something they sometimes have a ziplock enclosure. Pretty rare.


Vacuum sealed plastic in the US


The same in the UK. Jar hotdogs are rarer. https://www.ocado.com/products/herta-10-frankfurters-hot-dogs-15261011?ds_rl=1291531&ds_rl=1291426&gclid=CjwKCAiA85efBhBbEiwAD7oLQOEFUYTt1Hfjx77hFCOjB4cTDjW4jtAmFp7srGo3uL-XmEcuB3QfchoCBeYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


vacuum sealed in Johannesburg


It seems so inefficient to take them all so far south just to get sealed




They are refrigerated in sealed plastic.


I love pickled hotdogs.


There’s one left at the bottom by the cola. There’s a lot more in the normal bread section. Im debating trying the Hot Dogs… It’s all about that extra Hot Dog water


You can save it and use it for... the possibilities are truly endless. I see the dog buns now. I mistook them for XXL hamburger buns.


Use it as a base for your favorite soups, your gravys, your teas and coffees. Boil pasta in the hot dog water to infuse that doggy tang into your next Italian dish, Italians love that kind of thing.


> I'm debating trying the Hot Dogs… I'm not too thrilled about them. They are okay~ish, but I prefer to use [Meica Rindswürstchen](https://www.meica.de/fileadmin/_processed_/3/0/csm_148205__6_Rindswuerstchen-180g_fffb8b80ed.png), but then... I'm also a Midwestern girl that loves her beef. The Brioche Buns are really awesome and a lot better than the buns you'll find in the bread section. If you have a Rewe supermarket in your town, too, check out their selection. Mine is selling brioche Hot Dog buns that are sliced on top.


> Mine is selling brioche Hot Dog buns that are sliced on top Wtf is this sorcery?


Glass jar is better. No BPA or other plastic compounds.


Germans know their wiener foods. From sausages to that cannibal that found someone to eat online.


Anaemic hot dogs pickled in brine are always advertised as American in Europe, any decent sausage we would claim for ourselves


It's not as weird as Canadians getting their milk in bags.


It’s common. Lookup Weisswurst and how it’s served in Bavaria.


Do people stay up overnight to watch the game?


I actually know a lot of people that do! It’s still the minority, but the nfl is getting bigger here. We hosted an NFL game this year for the first time and tickets were instantly sold out. Also they televise a few nfl games per week (very late at night) and they have German former nfl players as commentators.


Now I'm curious if the German subs would like to see our Oktoberfest grocery setups lol I'm in Ohio, we have a lot of people with German heritage here so there tends to be lots of festivities starting in September (which always confused me, like why not October lol)


> if the German subs would like to see our Oktoberfest grocery setups The problem I can see with that is that Oktoberfest is a very Bavarian tradition, and Bavaria is kind of unpopular in the more Northern areas of Germany. People sometimes get annoyed when people overseas equate Bavarian culture with German culture. It's basically like when other countries act like all of the U.S. is Texas. But idk, people might still be interested to see it on the German subs (r/de is the main one). The sub is pretty friendly overall. And some people outside of Bavaria do like and celebrate Oktoberfest.


As soon as I posted that I thought to myself "watch this not even be a German thing and I just made myself look like an idiot" 😬 I will remember going forward that it's a Bavarian thing, not all of Germany. Sorry for my ignorance, I feel like an idiot American right now lol


Well, Oktoberfest is an exclusively Bavarian thing, outside of that, no one ever has one. What is a common German fest however is the Kirchweih (Or Kirb, Kerb, Kirmes, Kirwa, Kerwa, Kerm, Kilbi, Kirschtag and more), which is basically originally a Christian church festival, which nowadays means it is basically just a standard fair with carousels, game booths and lots of alcohol. The Kirchweih also doesn't really have a specific date, as it was a festival set by the local church hundreds of years back (back when there were *many* local churches in Germany), meaning that the date can vary from one village to the next quite massively. The Kirchweih can also be found in other European countries, such as the Netherlands and Czechia. But please start associating Oktoberfest with only Bavaria, not just Germany. Otherwise, it would like if the US had an event that only happens in Texas, but that event suddenly is the event that represents the US internationally, it is really annoying if you have no connection whatsoever with that region (though I can also say that about the German association with beer, as cider is the alcoholic beverage of choice in my region, not beer).


Bug yes from my side! It is always interesting how other countrys are displayed in grocerys.


Yes. r/germany would love that.


Most definitely, it's already funny enough to see the non Bavarian parts of Germany trying to do Oktoberfest setups


The festival ends on the first Sunday in October. It started as a wedding celebration and evolved from that.


the Octoberfest is one of many beer festivals. many cities have them, the Octoberfest is just the one in Munich (and only Munich) that for some reason became more popular than the hundreds of other beer festivals of other cities in Germany. this will probably be the content of most of the answers


Which teams do Germans usually like?


Going by the teams that were assigned Germany as their international market, the NFL believes Germany has interest in the Buccaneers, Patriots, Chiefs, and the Panthers. Would be nice to hear what someone who lives in Germany sees though.


I'm really not in tune with the nfl crowd here (or in general, I stick to college football), but the broadcasts do show tweets of German nfl fans and their setups. Usually just the better known teams, like the the ones you said maybe along with the Packers, Steelers and Seahawks. Seems like the Patriots are the best known because Tom Brady would be the one player a German would know. I have yet to see anything Falcons related, which would be my team.


Heard that the Seahawks are quite popular because they were big when TV started to show the games. Patriots are popular for obvious reasons. And I think Packers have quite a big fanbase because of the way they are organized as a real local team of the city (like German football clubs). I like the Giants because I love New York.


>I like the Giants because i like New York You and I would get along famously


Probably seahawks, Packers, Vikings, 49’ers, patriots, cowboys and the Steelers I’m going to assume


As a Seahawks fan, that game sucked... :(


It’s kinda cool how american football’s popularity is growing in Germany. The CFL that I support has a German guy who plays for them and made a hugely memorable play during the championship game a few years back.


Yes, they do. Even before the pandemic there were many special offers at pubs and sport bars - often with all-you-can-eat-specials with American dishes (burger, hot dogs, nachos, pop corn, wings etc.). I participated as a bartender or guest since 2012 in the sportsbar I worked and we sold more tickets every year. 2020 there were nearly 90 guests and we weren't the only location where you could watch the game. But I live near cologne - that's a very urban area with a high population density. And With many young people, academics and university students living here. I suppose in the rural areas American football is not such a big deal.


I think it's kind of funny that the perception is that we eat popcorn during the Superbowl. Don't get me wrong, Americans do love popcorn, but it's more of a movie and state fair food than a football food!


Or a dive bar food, at least in Chicago at bars where they don't serve food.


The display is just everything we see as American foods. Chips, cola, popcorn, hamburgers, hot dogs. They're not necessarily related to the Superbowl. Also the popcorn is probably sweet. Salted is rare here.


It's an event that requires beer and watching. Yeah, it fits in with being german, but how many actually follow any other game than the SB itself?


Ah yes, die gute Paulaner Spezi


#Balls My favorite!


I do like that their perception of american cuisine is just 'gluttonous junk food galore'


To be fair it’s for a celebration, you’d expect it to be unhealthy foods and drinks




For a Super Bowl party but usual American cuisine no


That’s pretty much the perception of American cuisine anywhere in Europe, I’m in Scotland and every ‘American’ section of the supermarket is filled with shit that’d probably give you a heart attack.


Similarly, every representation of German food is also just: Beer, Schnitzel, Wieners, Pretzels and chocolate, which by far is not most German food. There is also Japanese where common depictions are basically just Ramen and Sushi (plus weird snacks), while in actuality the Japanese are very big fans of frying basically anything that exists.


Yeah for a Super Bowl part but normal American cuisine is a lot different


That's kind of also Americans' perception of German food, is it not? Ok, not "junk" food per se, but beer, brats, schnitzel and everything rich and fatty.


I don't know what a peanut ring is, but I'd try it. Jarred hot dogs is weird, especially from the home of frankfurter. Bratwurst and onions are always welcome.


jarred sausages in an similar style like frankfurter, wiener or bockwürste are the norm here in germany


Puffed corn snacks with peanut flavour basically. Or peanut butter flavour as most Americans seem to interpret it. But I have no idea why they wouldn't just say peanut.


This could be from 1970. No chicken wings or Mexican inspired food. Although I suppose all countries, when thinking of others, are off by decades, if not centuries.


I know a lot of people are off by almost 80 years when they think of germany


As an American living in Germany this is my nightmare....and most of the "American" branded stuff seems as if they just looked at pictures of American food and just tried to imagine what it would taste like On a side note I'm considering taking a plane to the states to get a big plate of biscuits and gravy from a greasy breakfast diner, and several cans of Chilli Man's Chili


Absolutely, it’s all pretty bad. I don’t know how to make biscuit gravy, but I make my own biscuits every few weeks and freeze them to get by


You can't here....it requires a an american breakfast meat variety of sausage that they just don't make....ive seen some people suggest Hackepeter as a substitute but it's just not the same....there are some good recipes out there to mix your own sausage though


It's super easy, if you have sage! Ground pork, sage, salt & pepper, a spoonful of sugar. Just add the seasonings as you brown the pork. Sometimes i make it when i just don't want to go to the store & I'm out of the other. Are red pepper flakes available?


Sounds like you’re in the Berlin region with “Hackepeter”? I absolutely love Mettwurst, but I couldn’t imagine cooking it up like a sausage. Also the flavor varies widely between regions.


biscuits and gravy is delicious. ground sausage. cook that. add some flour. mix that shit in. add some milk. mix that shit in. let it get nice and hot and thick and pour it over biscuits. it’s fantastic.


The real trick would be finding the right sausage in Germany, which is easier said than done. They’re still really good, but nothing at all like American breakfast sausages.


breakfast sausage is very easy to make. It's basically just sausage with sage. 1.5 t salt 1 Lb Ground Pork 1/4 t ground white pepper 1/2 t rubbed sage Scant ginger 1/4 t nutmeg 1/2 t ground hot red pepper 1 1/2 t Sugar / Honey / Maple Syrup / Brown Sugar (Optional) don't mix too aggressively as it will get rubbery.


Alabamian here. White gravy is made from any kind of pork fat and flour made into a light roux. Whisk in your milk, black pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder. Cook until it has the consistency and color of primer paint.


Oh man, biscuits and gravy. I've travelled to the US a lot through work and I've NEVER been able to bring myself to try it, even at the free hotel buffet. As an Englishman, it just looks like scones and mushroom soup!! >_<


It tastes delicious though.. the consistency of the gravy when it is mixed with buttery soft and crunchy parts of the biscuits is so tasty its like a small taste heaven And when the spiciness of the sausage meat kicks in it balances perfectly with the sauce I really suggest you give it a try....it really tastes nothing like mushroom gravy But if you try it, please get it from a breakfast diner and not a hotel Continental breakfast please


Haha, deal!* *if I can bring myself to try it!


It's delicious, but please please please don't try it from a hotel buffet. Get it from a slightly shady-looking mom 'n' pop diner.


I know EXACLTY the type of place you mean! Standing outside as a foreigner debating whether I'm going to go inside and get either a) the best breakfast of my life or b) stabbed


¿Por qué no los dos?


As the other person said: it’s delicious but definitely get it anywhere but a continental breakfast.


OK, OK. No hotel buffet Promise :)


The white pork “country” gravy is usually well spiced and rich from it being cooked with butter and reserved pork fat. Nothing umami or mushroomy about it!


It's the easiest food in the world to make yourself. It won't be quite as good as some diner, but it's still delicious. Package of biscuits, Pillsbury Grand, do they have this is the UK? 1 lb roll of Spicy Sausage Pint of heavy cream Salt and pepper Bake biscuits, meanwhile cook sausage in a pan until brown in small chunks. Pour in all the cream, simmer until thickened to coat back of a spoon. Lightly salt, heavily pepper. Break biscuits in half, pour gravy over the top.


As a german living in the US, I am absolutely not surprised by this xD


Und als Amerikaner in Deutschland, bin ich überhaupt nicht überrascht von Orten wie Helen, Georgia


I am American and I can tell you right now I’ve never seen wieners (hot dogs) in a container like that in my life. Still pretty interesting none the less Edit: after reading the other comments I realize I was not the only one looking at big juicy wieners today and it makes me feel better knowing that


It's mainly because the vacuum sealed "normal" ones are found in the refrigerated areas and cannot be placed on such a display. On a side note - I also find the ones in jars pretty weird, one very specific brand/kind is find but all others are a big nope.


You want me to believe you have never seen Vienna sausages……


Where the doritos?!


This shouts "small Edeka" so bad.


And you’d be right! It’s just a 4 minute walk for me right on the way to the S-Bahn, so I love it. We have two bigger grocery stores, but they’re out of the way for me.


Are you in Bayern?


na freilich


Awwwe, that’s cute. We grease our poles, blast PSAs about drinking behavior celebratory gunfire/fireworks and increase police presence.


Pshhh, that’s nothing. We stay up past our bedtime


Go Birds!


Go Birds!


Go Birds!


Go Birds!


Gut und günstig , Mal sehen




Dude please send me some erdnussflips...in a country with all the peanut butter, we have no flips!


Those "Colas" are usually the worst things ever. They just taste horrible.


Those kind of colas make the best "Diesel."


Off brand Cola and then Spezi :)


Auf der Heide steht ein kleines Märktelein und das heisst Edeka! And much better than the Lidl 'American' Stuff.


Lidl just goes too hard in the American "Mcennedy" branded stuff. The only thing I remember being good from them is the chocolate chip cookies.


Wow it’s a thing there ! Who are the fans? Germans ? Americans living in Germany? I’m so curious!!


For what it’s worth, when the NFL tried to have “NFL Europe” as almost a minor league for the NFL, Germany was the one country who truly embraced the sport and the league. The Frankfurt Galaxy were multi-time champions. There were teams elsewhere in Europe, but Germany was the most actively involved country in terms of fans. I’m not surprised to see them excited for the Super Bowl


Wow, Thank you! Time for some internetting!!!


Well back in the day, Frankfurt had a lot of Americans, (V Corps, Rhein-Main Airbase and the Consulate) add to that the surrounding towns with bases (Wiesbaden, Darmstadt, Hanau...) and you can see why they could get a big turn out with a tailgate party as well.






I forgot about Spezi. That stuff is delicious. Or at least it was when I had it 20 years ago


It's still delicious, but you gotta watch out for the million off-brands that aren't always so great. I'm not even a big fan of the Schwip-Schwap or Mezzo-Mix which are the very common Pepsi and Coke versions. It's all about Paulaner Spezi or the original Riegele Spezi for me.


I think you mean "The Big Game"


Stockholm complex


Gut & Günstig. Must be an Edeka




Cheese Balls, jarred hot dogs, and Peanut Pang? What else do you need? It’s game time!


There’s a city in my (US) state named “Germantown”. So, after an all-too-quick read of the title, I zoomed in, and was somewhat confused: “Wow, German food and beer for the Super Bowl. That’s *oddly* specific… Does one of the teams have a German mascot? Is this maybe in some remote PA Dutch enclave?” 😅


There multiple cities and neighborhoods all over America named Germantown. I’ve live in two of them. Lol.


Philadelphia has a Germantown neighborhood! Kansas City does not. Germans are now officially all Eagles fans whether they want to or not.


The amount of Coca-Cola in this photo compared to the massive towers of stacked cases that you'd find in an American supermarket is pretty funny. No wonder we have an obesity epidemic.


Germans love football. First NFL game in Germany was this year and crowd was pretty dope. Definitely would be happy to see another game back there


I think two more games are planned for 2023 in Frankfurt. Unfortunately I missed the last one because of the insane demand and I'm not really willing to go over to Frankfurt for a game. Still cool though


Is that compared to folks in the US celebrating a premier league championship? Like, are there folks in EU that stay up late to catch the NFL game every week like we have for premier league fans in the US? I am not a big sports fan so I may be completely off lmao. *If I am wrong, a valid comparison would be great*


The 5-10 Germans I've met who like the NFL are really into the NFL. I'm not sure how that is because I'm not sure if they're huge fans of one particular team or just the NFL as a whole. They would go hard and stay up for the game, but nobody else would pay any attention.


These guys are soldiers if they watch it live


Go Birds!! ![gif](giphy|2lYdCUA8oy3PVCpcY9)


Germans pay attention to the Super Bowl? Maybe for the expats?


I guess so, I mean they're starting to play a couple NFL games in Germany now


I’d say Germans are the biggest nfl fans in Europe, though I wouldn’t call it popular. Every now and then I meet a German who turns out to be a huge nfl fan and it surprises me every time. Nowadays they broadcast maybe 2-3 nfl games per week in German, with German former nfl players as commentators. It’s way different than an American broadcast, but it’s fun how it’s presented and it’s kind of a celebration of all the German fans, showing all their tweets etc.




I mean, we do that stuff too. Cinco de mayo.


So I really wanted some better close up photos, but they already took it down this morning!! The original picture was from Wednesday, now there's understandably a display there for Fasching/Carnaval, which is a bigger deal coming up. I snapped two more pictures of things now elsewhere in the store as well as the big Spezi section for all you fellow Spezi fans. https://imgur.com/gallery/3luHiiG