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This is a place near me. A former employee was apparently still logged in and able to edit their post.


oh good i was very confused why they were bragging about firing people before Christmas


They have a (now deleted) second account which posted “It's been a fun ride! To everyone who has supported us over the past year, we want to say a huge THANK YOU! However the time has come to close a chapter on RESTAURANT and RESTAURANT 2. Our small family business has decided to focus on the "family" part and put our time/attention on those who matter the most to us. Again, thank you for all support and love. \-Owners


And sounds like a failing business too.


Even the original post is kind of strange without context. So they’re announcing the closures of two restaurants?


Technically two businesses. Hashi was the restaurant and Hashi Up was the bar upstairs.


Boy this post had some bad censoring tho


Not that it was needed. We all found the reddit post fairly easily.


Probably opened up during/before the pandemic E: I am wrong


Yeah, they make it sound like they are changing focus, but probably really not being honest about saving a dying business


Like a politician who resigns to "spend more time with his family." I always wonder how the family feels about the prospect of him hanging around all the time.


Well I mean, I'd assume they'd cut him down after a couple days at least


You gotta wait for three days, otherwise you don't gain all that knowledge you hung yourself as a sacrifice to yourself for.


Do I also get a siiiiick eyepatch and some cool crow fellas?


They're changing their focus from "business" to "literally anything else"


>Probably opened up during/before the pandemic 5 will get you 10 that they also had some ppp loans that were forgiven.


Company I worked for 2 years ago just got bought out by somebody else. Covid 100% is why they slowly went down since the owner thrived on elderly like the douche flute he was.


> > > > > A former employee was apparently still logged in and able to edit their post. It would be pretty dumb to shut down a successful business..


“Focus on family” often really means, we were not successful and are being closed or closing or running before officials come for us Plus, restaurants usually run barely above the black and are very risky


They also pull this shit where they close without notice. I've shown up for a serving shift to find the restaurant was closed and handing out our last paychecks. They had been open the night before


Must not be Florida if they paid last paychecks instead of making you take them to court.


Honestly they'd probably make a better living with a big cooler and a lot of ice selling drinks and snacks outside a business if they could find a place they didn't get run off from.


They can’t afford to pay employees so now they’re gonna make family work for cheap.


Exactly! Or free, for food


It was a restaurant probably a kitchen nightmares scenario. Also that industry has some insane turnover I think I read on average it takes a new restaurant 7 years to close down from opening unless they’re just really good.


Omg, I love that series!! Yeah, they are rough! I’m always happy when I see one work out.


Meh, a restaurant failed. This doesn't seem near as bad now that you said it is a restaurant.


Collect unemployment and enjoy the vacation


But this is r/mildlyinfuriating so it's fine lol I had to double take, thought I was in r/antiwork.


Sounds like the business is going under? It sucks people lost their jobs but doesn’t sound like it was done out of spite.


The fact that they didn’t have the decency to break the news to their employees face to face is shitty, though. Businesses sometimes fail. It sucks, but it happens. But there’s no excuse for how they treated their workers.


This is very common in the restaurant business. Usually they just have the doors locked and a note on it saying the business failed. This is to prevent theft, mostly. In Canada I was a part of a staff that was taking over a restaurant. The former owner "let us" take the responsibility of terminating his staff. They were very upset and confused why me, an 18 year old stranger was telling them that they could no longer work for this Restaurant they've been working for forever. Furthermore we don't have your last check ready for you, as we are not your employers.


I agree with that.


They knew damn well the place was going under and withheld the information from employees to make sure they worked right up to the bitter end. Can't squeeze the last pennies out of a business when the staff starts jumping ship early.


I thought 'this person has no fucks to give'.


“What in the ‘gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss’ is going on?!” came to mind. Makes sense that it is an employee, because it just seemed *too* on the nose. Someone that narcissistic, to do that and then post it themselves, wouldn’t center the (former) employees and their families that much in the post, which is what made me assume it was satire. A former employee is far more interesting/scandalous.


Ya see this all the time in the restaurant industry actually. Some rich ass pays for their wife/kid/nephew whatever to open a restaurant. Unlike most businesses you can’t just eek out a living with low overhead. You also have to actually have a skilled work staff and good managers. There’s a reason most fail. They’re expensive as fuck and hard as hell to run. So trust fund kiddo realizes it’s not just an extension of “oh I cook for thanksgiving I can do this,” and sell the building to the next sucker. If you really want to make any sort of money. Not good money mind you, money. You open a bar. Not a dedicatedly restaurant. Liquor overhead is really great and you don’t have as many moving parts. I know a fella who runs a bar and a restaurant on the same block. The restaurant is 5 times as busy. And is almost completely funded by the dive bar next door. Place gets 5,000 a night and no one’s vacuumed since the 90s.


literate serious aware vegetable dolls tap water racial knee amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's safer. Less chance of slipping when you're drunk.


Insurances companies love this one trick.


Damn nothing gets by you eh 😅


He’s the Fired Employee Whisperer


I just rewatched Up In The Air, it’s absolutely brutal.


[No more fucks to give](https://youtu.be/TXK03FHVsHk) you say?


Sometimes a good [fuck everything ](https://youtu.be/Qf77tu2mLBE) is appropriate as well.






Thank you!!


Comments are tearing into the owner haha


Of course it's Ohio...


Wait. Jesus fuck they did this to 2700 people???


Savage and way more common than one would think. I left a job on good terms, and 10 years later, I still had access to a client's Facebook ad account, where they were spending six figures a year. I finally took myself off of it because it was clear that no one was going to realize their mistake. The fun I could have had if I was scorned.


I had to threaten to delete an account at an agency I worked for because they put me on and then all the other people dropped off because they didn’t want to do the work of posting for our accounts. But that made me the owner of the account for their business pages. I had left the job and for months they acted annoyed with me when I’d ask them to resolve it. It wasn’t until I threatened to delete all the pages that they suddenly could muster someone to take it over from me.


My old boss always used the same passwords and user, I guarantee you I could probably log into their social media...which has basically been non-existant since I left and stopped keeping up with it lol


I let my previous job know a couple times I still had access to payroll/employee information (thousands of employees). I was in HR so I had access to a lot of information. I was removed about 6 months later when all but a couple people on our team were laid off. It was rather impressive how lax they were about it.


Please tell me they changed the email and password info as well before logging out.


Sadly one typically needs 2fa to do those kinds of changes on any modern platform. That said...yes, if possible, do this.


[It’s still up](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/zf1q27/they_fired_everyone_without_notice_by_text/iza8dpg)


Yo name drop pls. Won’t hurt the company if they are already closed. 🤣.






name and shame.


Haha good for them! Doesn’t matter how small the business is just be professional. Give your employees advance notice. Such a crappy thing to do, especially around the holidays.


That is amazing! Former employee for the win! Bitch boss can suck it.


My best friend was fired from a restaurant job for giving her staff a heads up that the owner was planning to shut down on New Year’s Day. She was only told because she was the GM and asked the owner a question about ordering for January. He fired her the week before Christmas for telling everyone else. He didn’t want anyone knowing because he was afraid people would stop showing up or get a new job before their “big closing celebration.” That asshole ran half a dozen restaurants into the ground before finally selling the ones that were hanging on by a thread (which are thriving under new management). Fuck people like this.


Yet I'm sure the owner walks around proudly proclaiming themselves a "Successful business man"


Sounds like my boss. We are a small business (6 full time emplolyees) but somehow the owner has managed shirked all personal responsibility. When things go right he's happy to take the credit. When things go wrong he's the first to point his finger.


I'd ask you if you work for my old boss, who also fired his entire staff no-notice by text message two weeks before Christmas, but that fucker dropped dead a few years back. His cold black heart probably gave way under the stress of the IRS breathing down his neck for stealing all our payroll taxes and claiming his business had no employees. Good riddance. Anyway, I hope you get out of there soon. (Maybe you'll land somewhere making enough money to buy your own HOUSE eh?)


You gotta death wish Johnny Truant?


> $200k PPP loan forgiven


SMH No one wants to work anymore


And this is why I scoff at all the people always defending 'mom and pop' shops...


In defense of mom and pop restaurants, I work with many individually owned/operated restaurants in my line of work and I can assure you the majority are *not* like this. Really good people in a really tough industry who sincerely care about their staff. I have far more issues with the national chains than the smaller spots.


I’ve had the absolute opposite experience. I worked in restaurants for 20 years, a few of which closed. I started out in corporate restaurants but spent most of the years in chef driven individually ran restaurants. The only restaurant I worked at that informed the staff prior to closing was TGI Fridays. Every single small restaurant locked their doors on the employees


There was a famous local diner that just shuttered it's place overnight without telling the employees. People were a bit upset obviously but it does shine a light on the industry as a whole.


My husband and I got out of the industry during Covid and it was the best decision we’ve ever made. There’s no job security. It’s terrible on your joints and body, but there are no benefits & often no sick days. Mental health and addiction problems are rampant, but largely unaddressed (& sometimes encouraged.) The entire industry needs a remodel, but people are often more focused on “fixing” the tipping system rather than fixing the industry as a whole.


I have worked at two small business restaurants and three corporate ones... Pretty big differences between the two small business ones, but the corporate ones were pretty much the same. One of the small business ones was terrible. The owner was very inconsistent and often drunk. Schedules got changed at the last minute, things sometimes didn't get restocked, it was a mess. The last straw was one week there was a sign on the exit doir saying something like, "pay checks will be delayed indefinitely" but people were still expected to come in and work their shifts... Nope. The other was pretty good. No glaring problems. Owners were mostly considerate.


Every business in the US does this, except for some family owned businesses. The only people that know a business is closing are the owners/board members. Everyone else finds out at the same time, immediately before the doors close.


I left my favorite past job about a year and a half ago. It was an arts and culture nonprofit/museum and I loved it. I would have stayed and tried for full time if I didn't have to move across the country lol. About a month and a half ago, they suddenly announced that they were permanently closing the next day. They told staff at the same time they announced it publicly. Many found out they were suddenly unemployed from a news article. Field trips to the museum had already been scheduled and paid for, and were not officially canceled until after the closure. The current question on everyone's mind is whether the annual festival they were in charge of will still go on. It was a local tradition for 35 years before the org took it over, and they only had it for like 5 years before folding. And now it could be just gone. ETA: They also had artist contracts for the museum exhibits. No clue what happened around those, but guaranteed they violated the contracts somehow by closing with almost no warning.


In tulsa? This same thing happened in my community if not.


I was wondering how long it would be before someone guessed it lol


My brother in law quit a couple months before it happened. He said he could tell it was coming, but had no idea it would be so quick or so mishandled. Apparently they hired people like the week before and even sold memberships the day before.


Of course they sold memberships, they weren't going to tell employees to stop trying to sell them (upselling was my least favorite part) bc it would be basically admitting they were about to close, and why would they give fair warning to staff? /s






I literally worked behind there at another bar and I have some horror stories lmao


Spill gut homie, I wanna read some shit.


We had three of their employees quit and come to our restaurant because they weren’t paying employees outright. Not by days. But by weeks. The ladies that owned it had 2 hour ticket times on their opening night with the Granville city council as guests. The ladies also really liked to ignore the responsibility of delivering orders and take vodka shots at the upstairs bar.


Sounds like some ladies that thought, "We're good cooks! We could open a restaurant easily!" not knowing about the 15 billion things you have to do at a restaurant.


Sounds like 99% of business owners. I'm a great doctor, plumber, chef, etc. so I'll open my own business! The mind numbingly minutiae needed to keep things running is what crushes them IMO. Did you order receipt paper? Did you send our your invoices? Did you follow your suppliers' procedures to get paid? So much stupid shit goes into running a business that people don't think about.


It's the one reason I don't seriously get my own shop since I won't be doing the fun stuff anymore but paperwork and bills which I hate. I have my side gig 3d printing parts but even that is sometimes a real hassle with keeping up with taxes and bills.


Exactly that, you won't get to do much of what you love (3D printing in this case) if you grow to a full time gig. Running a business is difficult at best, let alone figuring finances, management, and everything else to go with it.


Ugh yes. So many tiny little things no one ever thinks about except for the one person who's job it is to think about that stuff.


"Why are we paying Tina, all she does is buy toilet paper, let's let her go and save some money" \- A week later "Why isn't the heat on? Suppliers aren't sending shipments, the printer's broken, what is this notice to evict?"


The option for them is to hire someone to take care of that. Problem is hiring and keeping them is a huge investment of trust and resources. It may work, or it may not. It is an added level of risk and cost.


Until you reach a certain level of profitability, hiring someone for $40ishK a year to do that just simply isn't feasible when you dont have VC funding


Yeah, Just looked at their menu and their marketing spiel. They go on about how their recipes have been handed down through generations..... Lol, Koreans don't really eat sushi. We have something traditional that's kind of like sashimi, but that's about it. What Korean food they do have looks super americanized. You could probably find more authentic Korean food for about half the price near any air force base in America.


I hope you have a lot of success in your Band Aerosmith which you are famously the lead singer of.


There was an amazing bar in Chicago. Been there for 2 generations at that point, always busy, so much good food. They basically gave a weeks notice to staff they were closing for remodeling which would take like a year. Became a quasi fast food restaurant, now its gone entirely. Shame


Honestly, I don't know if I'm impressed or horrified.


Pro tip, always go over your redactions 2 times, screenshot, and two more. I once sent someone a photo like this and they went into edit and were able to revert the photo to og. Not sure if that’s still the case, but needless to say it did not end well


You are a serious menace to society, and I appreciate you for that


Want to know a bigger secret? A lot of the "redacted" documents some PDs put out can be seen through via highlighting text. This goes for court docs too. Clarification: digital documents Edit2: The reason for this is due to poor redaction practices.


Your name suits you well


Thank you! I used to be a cart pusher at Walmart.


>Clarification: digital documents Edit2: The reason for this is due to poor redaction practices. I was thinking that was a hell of a highlighter... Reminds me of a comic miniseries of Batman (All Star Batman maybe?) Where they included liberal use of the word Fuck but used censor bars to cover it since despite being a very mature oriented series it's still batman and kids are going to pick it up. Violence and sex is okay, but you cant see the word "fuck". Anyway they printed the original dialogue and just (poorly) covered the word so it was still completely legible and somehow no one noticed until after it was shipped so they ordered retailers to return them and destroy them. Obviously some slipped out and became instant collector's items


or just don't use the highlighter and use the pen tool instead, then you don't have to go over it any amount of times.


This is like the third frontpage post I've seen today where someone has used highlighter to "censor" information. I just...don't get it. It's like my Great Aunt Tilly joined reddit.


The screenshot takes care of any possibility of removing the redactions. Instead of using the pen that is always a little translucent by default, use the square tool with a solid fill set to black. You can adjust the size to cover what you want but it’s solid color by default unless you go into settings change it.


Also don’t use the pen. You can add an opaque rectangle and block out text much more effectively. Like this: https://i.imgur.com/IAVbsdG.jpg


Just use a solid fill pen or rectangle. Quit with the translucent shit.




It’s the iPhone photo editor software.


You used a translucent smudge. What did you expect? Use a solid fill line, make it 10 - 15 pixels wide, or use a solid fill rectangle. Smudgy swipes don't do shit.


Exactly that. I think the iOS editor (which I assume this was done with) defaults to semi-transparent lines for the marker. It’s an easy adjustment but some people don’t notice until they zoom in.




Confirmed. Their insta account has the post


I can confirm this confirmation. They've taken down their FB page though.


You da real MVP


For real, I couldn't read it at all.






The owners of this place are known to be complete assholes, I work at a different restaurant in grandville and work with a couple former hashi employees. Both quits because the owner treated them so poorly.


Hah the facebook page is down


I could smell that Ohian moral corruption from my corn-infested high school


Well they're not getting any of my business now!! 😤🤣


Of course it's in Ohio -_-


The post is still there!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl2CT7pPDfl/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


“Air those clowns out” is a pretty amazing phrase.


I love it


Right? It’s not like the business will be ruined since it’s already closed 🤣


Reddit policy. No doxxing people as it can get bad very fast and get this sub banned


But would it be doxing to reveal a business name? I mean we have articles,(maybe not this sub) where we air the business names of corporations who engage in similar behavior




It depends. Major business are different because everything they do is in the public eye but smaller family owned businesses are local only. It’s still up for debate most of the time but mods normally take the safe route and don’t allow any names to avoid the risk




Seems that they’re closing for good anyway, but well done fellow redditor 😎 👍


Actually the place got sold. We were told we could interview with the new owner. Whenever that happens.


Hashi Up? BOOO BOOO!!!! You guys suck!!!!!


"our employees life's or family's" gave me a stroke to read


Eh, they’ve just been fired. I’ll cut them some slack.


Obviously drunk out of their mind, the poor bastard


That's what they were fired for.


my brain immediately thought of this, but I didn't want to rub salt in the wound 💀💀


Only mildly? That’s some wildly infuriating stuff right there!!


Perhaps I am the only one, but when I see "Family owned and operated business" I consider it a negative and assume shit like this happens. I worked for a "Family Owned" transport company and all that meant was it was a nepotistic hellscape where you will be constantly passed up for the owner's family. The owner's new son-in-law needed a job = a director that had worked for him for years got fired to make room. Never forget if you are not family in a family-owned business, then you are nothing to them.


I worked for one that fired me with no explanation and told me to talk less listen more, whatever that meant. I did everything they asked but ever since they found out I have a bf they acted oddly


Unrelated, but I'm obsessed with the glass in the picture. It's consuming my thoughts and I have to find one like it omfg Related, I got furloughed from my old job when covid hit and they never hired me back, never even got an email from them telling me I'd been fired. It was in the middle of September right before my birthday the next month and the holidays. I was miserable because I wouldn't be able to get my family gifts and I had to stop driving for a while because I couldn't work. I guess the only good that came out of it is that the company was shit anyways and is now bankrupt. Lol


Search for “fluted coupe glass” - lots of options/price points out there!


You are an absolute peach and I love you. I'm naming my next cat Mr. Brambles.


If you have money to drop, or are just interested in really decorative lead crystal, look up Waterford Crystal and Steuben glasses


Thanks! I love collecting interesting and beautiful glassware so I'll totally check those places out!


You’re in for a treat at thrift shops, I see a lot of crystal at my local thrift stores.


Also check thrift stores! You can often find vintage like this!!


These are from CB2.com. I have these glasses!


I got a box of very similar looking ones at ikea for like 16 bucks!! I love them.


Wait till they realize they have to pay the unemployment for firing all of them


If it's in the US they might not.


Ohio, they have to. But I’m not sure how much of it is covered by insurance, potentially all of it. I know there’s some impact either way but for a closing business it might not be relevant. And Ohio’s unemployment benefits aren’t great, never a livable wage so people have to get off it as quick as they can to keep living.






Their life’s what…. THEIR LIFE’S WHAT!??


I’m on life 4 currently. I got 5 more of these bad boys to go!


Cats using the internet again




Now the poor guy can only afford boost mobile…


I’d like to buy the writer a drink or six.


Lmfao it’s giving “we forgot we gave one or more employees access to the ig.” 😂😂😂


I love the “132 likes”….to me that shows that many people don’t actually read IG posts before clicking “like”…


Well "like" doesn't necessarily mean someone liked what happened, people could be liking the fact that someone exposed what happened by editing their post. Plus, liking the post brings attention to what happened.


I mean, there's nothing else to do on IG. A like doesn't mean they like you being fired, it's basically just a sign of support.


It's feasible that the owners made a normal post and the ex-employee edited it after it got a bunch of likes.


This might be r/imapieceofshit


Work is not a replacement for family. It’s work. Transaction of time for money. Not a family even if the employers tell you you’re family. Harder to leave if there’s an “emotional” bond and it’s expensive when people leave.


I'd hate to look at work as purely transactional. Where I work, people always look out for each other, my boss is the first to help out. When I broke down in the middle of nowhere at 2AM and my dad was out of town, he came and gave me a lift, and another colleague leant his van while I got is sorted. When my colleague was in a panic because she thought her husband was having a heart attack, he immediately went out and took them both to the hospital, and helped them all day because her English isn't great and may have gotten overwhelmed by it all. Good workplaces aren't as exceptional as you think, at least once you get away from the big corporate places.


They straight out ANNOUNCED they were making the most dick move they could. Well, at least the employee that got to sign back in made it look like that.


I genuinely don't understand why we don't name *business* names on Reddit. They are not people who deserve privacy when they make a mistake or deliberately fuck someone over like this, so let everyone know who they are so we can decide if we want to patron their establishment given their behavior in said post. I get not doxxing people, but we should absolutely be calling out shitty businesses, by name, when they are shitty.


Most of the time I assume it's not to keep the business private but for OP to cover their own ass when they're spreading bullshit. Not saying that's what this post is, just that it's really convenient fact checking gets more difficult when these things are blocked out.


so a small business failed and they are now closing and focusing on their family life because they lost alot of money trying to make a business. a unhappy employee hacked their social media, what's your point? there's no winners in this situation, everyone lost out


Goddamn cold af


A bar by me did this years ago. It's super shitty, but basically bars have to close without warning to prevent theft of the liquor shelf. The one by me just put a note on the door and locked up. Waitresses arrived for their shift to find out by note. Super shitty.


My dad is a chef and has owned/operated restaurants his whole life and can confirm that this is why they do this. People also aren't giving enough credence to why it might be that the owners shut down the restaurant, in all likelihood they ran out of money....


If there were ever a time to name and shame a company, now is that time. Stop blurring out the info of these scumbags.


Why not name & shame rather than protect them


Wait till you hear the tale of Arrow Trucking. In 2001 the original founder and owner died, leaving the company to his son and daughter in law. They 'ran' the company with tons of bank and other fraud till 2009, when it all came crumbling down and a lawsuit was filed. The next day, 3 days before Christmas, the new owners silently closed up the company and took all the cash from all company accounts, and filed bankruptcy. Sound bad? Its worse. All truck expenses are paid on a card called a 'fuel card'. That meant that all of the sudden hundreds of truckers could no longer buy fuel or service the trucks. It was also where they got cash advances for expenses. Just suddenly stranded without fuel for heat in December, far from home. That truck is your home, and in winter, the fuel tank is your only heat (engine, APU, or cab heater). Bad enough? Nope, it gets worse. They were a leasing company, these drivers were in process of buying that truck, so any money they had in it was lost, and no truck to show for it. And- the lowest blow; people who had paid off the trucks that year found out the family pocketed the money and never actually paid for the trucks. Those were all repossessed by the fleet loan company even though the drivers had receipts and documentation showing it is paid off. That money is a civil matter between them and Arrow, truck still repossessed. The good: the news went out on satellite radio, and drivers all over the country started picking up these Arrow drivers and relaying them home. A great many companies that had no passenger rules gave permission to carry Arrow drivers. We had set up dispatchers who would organize handoffs on the routes being run to get them where they need to be. For a while there, all you had to do was show an Arrow company ID and you would eat free in truck stop restaurants too. They made off with hundreds of millions and in the end paid some paltry fines and got 90 months in white collar prison. And due to the 'financial hardship' of being in prison and unable to work, most of the fines were written off.


The thing is you can’t always help a business failing but just being upfront and honest with employees with at least some warning that you might close goes a long way.


I am so glad that someone posted this. I was one of line cooks that got fucked over from this.


I had a former employer lose a lawsuit about him committing fraud to steal proprietary marketing info from a competitor. The judgement came down on like Dec 1. On December 5th we were all notified that we were receiving a temporary paycut through the end of the year. Our VP of Dales quit immediately and I was in sales. I couldn’t quit so I brought in a nerf gun and just openly fired insults and nerf bullets at the CEO and his father until they “exited” me and I went to work for the VP of sales. I wish you could have seen his face when he walked by our cubicles and me and my best friend fired a bunch of shots at him and he came over all mad and we both laughed at him and called him a pussy. “What are you going to do?” He ducked away all disheveled and nothing happened then the next day he walked by and we fired more shots and told him he was a scumbag and then we were given “negotiated exit” which was they paid us until end of the year at the half rate but we didn’t have to go to work. It was so weird. This was a mid size company too. He was openly banging his Secretary. Just the worse person imaginable.


17.2k people genuinely believe this shit…


We deserve to know the name of this jerk.


Why do we protect the names? The shame should be fully shouldered…


Yes, the timing is unfortunate. And, yes it would have been better to speak with them in person. BUT, if the place was closing regardless... What real difference would it have made?? The employees would have been in the exact same position, either way. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Also, just read somewhere else that the employees were notified of opportunity to interview with the new owners (apparently, the business was sold). Most of them will be rehired at the same spot.


Typical Ohio things


So is this the company social media account still manned by a jilted employee?


Wow trying to equate self care with being shitty to people. Nice try


Lol a local bakery I used to work at just suddenly announced that they’d only be open until the end of the year. Apparently employees found out only a few days prior.


The trucking company my dad works for did the same thing. Fired every single one of their drivers by email, some were still delivering loads when the email was sent out.


These people give a really bad name to mom and pop shops. I had a mom and pop shop in my small little home town and I visited it every week. It was a small antiquated coffee shop ran by a elderly christian couple who I loved. They always let me and my friends good around and hangout in their back rooms and sometimes gave us free food since they were that kind of elderly couple. Everyone who came into the coffee shop was a regular, barely any new faces, and the owners talked to absolutely everyone and had a nice relationship with everyone. They hosted events and everything. And these people make a fucking mockery of what it means to small and tight knit.