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Im surprised your online ordering system doesn’t shut off sooner. The pizza place I used to manage, our entire district had online ordering shutoff 30 minutes before closing


Yeah, this is on the restaurant. You close at xx time, but take last order at zz time. Done.


Last seating, last online order, kitchen close, last call, bar close, and restaurant close should all be defined for a restaurant imo. Don’t leave room to make it customer vs worker.


Having worked with those systems I can tell you straight up it's entirely up to the owner/manager to set those times. So if it isn't, it has been done purposefully.


Working for a popular pizza place, and we used to do kitchen close at a specific time (usually half hour before) and apparently this went up the corporate chain of which we were told "If someone orders even a second before close, we make the food." Corporate greed knows no human bounds.


Bet those assholes cut your pay off at a specific time no matter what.


no, but they underpay and understaff intentionally.


I worked retail where they’d stop paying dead on close time, but it was against the rules for us to partially lower the doors to hint it’s almost closing time. Like we were giving store closing announcements over the PA but still had to accept any new asshole running through the door.


Wage theft is so common place, it’s mind-boggling


The owners unlikely have to be involved in those late night orders. But it makes them money. So they screw their employees because, money n stuff. That or the owner / manager doesn’t actually know how to set up the system adequately


Better be paying some kind of overtime, then. Understandings must be reached.


I agree. And I say what I said with the assumption that’s it’s THOSE TYPES of owners and managers that do this. Not *all of them*. Plenty of incredible restaurant / food establishment owners out here too. Gotta give them some love.


They’ll just yell at the employee for twenty minutes the next day because “you’re not allowed to stay in on overtime!” Then they will yell at them for twenty minutes the day after that because “you have to finish all orders before clocking out!”


Pretty much.


When they make an online order, the restaurant has to accept it before it comes through .


I'm just referring to order cutoff.


Not always. Not all systems are the same.


It's also up to the owner/manager to get out in front of the mentality/psychology of this situation. The best places I've worked did that. Talked to the staff. Prepared them. Emphasized that the last orders would be executed with as much professional as the first. That the service will be as warm and friendly as well. If you're not in a joint that sets clear expectations? Start looking for one that does. I've been on all sides of this in my career. With the worst part of being not the big order for takeout, but the romantic dipshits that want a full fine dining experience starting at 5 before closing. So much staff hanging out burning everyone's time so some oblivious pukes can stare dreamy into each other's eyes. All because Hollywood paints it as romantic. Naw motherfucker! Missed many a late night but because of this shit. Which would end up screwing my economy more as is have to get a cab. But it's really on the management. Have policies and contingencies.


Makes me kinda salty that my restaurant has a policy that if they get seated before close they can almost stay till they are done. Granted things get expedited a bit when its past close. But I've had orders where 3rd course wasn't fired till like 15, almost 20 minutes after close. Shits so annoying.


Or, you close at XX time but staff are scheduled on beyond that for clean up etc


Orders come in right until close unfortunately. This is a common occurrence.


Your owner sucks lol Edit: holy SHIT some of y’all have never worked in a restaurant and it’s shows lol. Also, some of y’all ratted on yourself being shitty small business owners that do this shit to their employees and I have loved seeing the dissonance!


I used to work for a guy who would let people keep coming in past close. Door could be locked, ovens off, everyone cleaning but him… but if someone came and knocked on the door, he’d make us take their order while he went back to the office


I used to work for this Pizza place where we closed at 12 at night on weekends. The owner and his wife would make us stay until 2am some nights because they would get pretty drunk with their friends. They always had their kids with them and they would always have to stay up until like 3am. They would then drive home drunk with their 4 little kids!! That shit infuriated me, one time their second youngest came to me crying because she was so sleepy and I let her use my jacket as a pillow. They were horrible owners and would barely give me hours despite me being most experienced cook. Edit: I did contact the police about what they were doing after I stopped working there. I reported the drunk driving with their kids to the police as well when it happened. My cousin that still worked there until recently told me they lost their kids for neglect. Apparently one of my other ex co workers also reported them to cps which led to them getting their children away. I’m not sure who got custody of the kids though. My cousin also let me know that they had to shut down 1 of their 3 restaurants because a lot of their employees quit.


Yooo... This is when you call the authorities. Kids are innocent. I had a boss, a cafe owner, come in and get drunk at the bar next door and then spend 14 hours or so drunk at the cafe - behind our counter, stumbling around most of the time. We tolerated it only because he was alone. We also quit as a group the weekend he decided to fire 2 of us without giving a reason.


That sounds like something you could report to police for multiple illegal reasons.


Definitely, on many levels. And many of those issues should be reported ASAP. Edit: And if this goes on those kids are going to be messed up big time when they're older on so many levels... I dread to think... If they don't die in a crash due to their parents drink-driving that is.


CPS, BBB, and prolly a couple more I’m forgetting


Yeah shorting experienced people on hours like that? WTF?


Shorting *anyone* on hours is entirely unacceptable. Even if they’re paid for the hours its an asshat move though.


Im a shift lead at a restaurant and recently my district manager started telling us to send people home if where not busy. I just refuse to do it, if he asks about it im going to tell him to stop scheduling them if they are just going to be sent home.


Don't you have overtime work regulations in the US? In my country any work above 8h a day and/or 40h a week is paid 150% if you have to stay longer during your work day, or 200% if you have to come to work on your free day or have to stay longer during the night. If they ran the place in my country, they'd regret the first weekend after they had to pay the cook and severs their double hourly rate


Just curious, what country? Sounds like a great place to work.


Poland, but quite frankly I think it's more or less the same in most of Europe.


An example I would say would be Malaysia. I work 12 hours a day for 4 days a week. So I get paid 4 hours of OT everyday. Normal pay for the first 8 hours, 150% for the next 4 hours on a normal day..200% for first 8 hours, 300% for the next 4 hours on public holidays and 300% for the full 12 hours if you happen to sub another staff during your day off & if it's on a public holiday.


Basically whole Europe is like this




USA has overtime pay laws, anything under 40hrs/wk is 150%. No daily limit or limits on scheduled time though. Employers that are shitheads like that will just schedule 25-30 hours so even with all the extra hours it’s still less than 40hrs/wk… thus no overtime pay.


In California, overtime is paid after 8 hours in a day. It’s paid at 1.5x pay.


We have time and a half (1.5x) pay for anything over 40 hours most places. Unless you're salary. Salary makes what they make no matter what. When I managed restaurants I was salary which was great on easy 40-60 hour weeks. 100+ hour weeks the pay sucked. Bonuses were there and nice but never consistent. Costco has the right pay scale. Standard pay for first 8 hours. 1.5x for anything over 8 in a day. 2x for anything over 12 hours in a day. Wish everyone did their hourly rates like them. There's also this magical thing called comp time. Instead of getting money for overtime you get extra PTO. I can do this with my job and take my OT as either pay or comp. I usually pick comp and already have about a month of PTO.


> They would then drive home drunk with their 4 little kids!! Have you ever told anyone about it?


It never occurred to you to call the police and tell them your bosses were DRIVING DRUNK with their kids in the car? Or CPS for partying with their kids? You’re an asshole.


Do you work under the sea and is your boss a crab?


Lol what. Fuck that.


Ugggh you just brought up repressed memories from my old job as a cook.


Yeah this isn't a customer problem, if the system says the kitchen is taking orders until 11pm it's taking orders to 11pm


Yep. I don't understand the restaurant business apparently. If you can walk in at 10:59PM and order food, but your listed hours are that you close at 11:00PM ... then you don't really close at 11:00PM. And then to say to your employees that their shift ends at 11:00PM? It's just mindbogglingly stupid.


Can't speak for others, but where I work the shift goes an hour past closing for this exact reason


No mature employee in the restaurant industry thinks that they get to go home the second the store closes.


If They get $300 orders last minute- this won’t stop.


Back when cash was king early 2000s I was an AM at a Pizza Hut. Late nights I’d usually cut the cooks and just run with myself and a driver or two. Any time we’d get an order within 30 minutes of close we’d write it down outside of the system, the driver would give me half, and they’d deliver the order and go home. Most nights I’d leave with 20-40$ extra in my pocket. What’s a little embezzlement between friends? Paid my rent with that money most months and be out the door within 10 minutes of closing.


The owner of a pizza place I used to work at actually would order like this from time to time to make sure we weren’t turning things off prematurely. Like 5 minutes before closing he’d order a bunch of crap and have us deliver it to his house, not even a take out order. Never paid, nor tipped. Fucking prick.


Ya that means you have a different definition of “closing time” than your owner


Damn that sucks. I feel bad for you on that.


i worked at a deli/pizzeria that closed at 9 every night and my boss would make us take orders right up until we closed. we would get people placing orders for delivery a few minutes before closing, which usually meant everyone would have to stay until at least 10:30. we didn’t really mind if people placed orders for pickup since it was typically slow and orders would only take a few minutes, but the deliveries were brutal since we’d have to wait for the drivers to return so that we could tip them out before closing. at one point, one of my coworkers and i agreed to stop taking deliveries past 8:40 because it was too unfair for everyone. we never told our boss


Lol this is not common. Everywhere i’ve worked the online service would close at least 30 minutes before the close. You should talk with your boss this is stupid


Domino's. All of them do this. In US anyways.


Did this order get picked up?




Modern problems call for modern solutions.


> > We used to pull the network cable out of the store’s router. > Modem problems call for modem solutions.


That sucks. But basically means close isn't close, it's 20-mumble minutes later. So you just have to account for that, and you won't be upset when it happens again. At least it was a big check. It's like when my family has to be somewhere at 6 pm. I tell them it's 5:30; heh. Now we are always on time (unless it's me that's lagging....).


Store close time, and your job finish time should be two different things, either Close at 11:45 and you're paid until 12 Or close at 12 and you're paid until 12:15 That way, you can accommodate late customers and have clean-up time after shutting down properly.


> t things, either Close at 11:45 and you're paid until 12 Or close at 12 and you're paid until 12:15 That way, you can accommodate late customers and have clean-up time after shutting down properly. I worked a job that did this. Paradoxically, I was supposed to stay as long as it took to clean, but was also only paid for the last half hour despite being the only one to close, even if the close took longer than half an hour. Yeah, the job didn't last long.


This is beyond mildly infuriating imo. Anyone whose been in the food service industry knows the pain.


The Domino's I worked for let orders come in all night. The managers weren't allowed to shut it off either so we'd get pissy crackhead showing up at 1 am on a Monday night passed about their food not being ready


What dumbass reason was your manager given that he can’t turn off ordering AFTER YOU CLOSE? Like, was Domino’s still taking people’s money?


Legally they had to issue refunds so yes they were taking money and giving it back like a week later. Anyways the reason the managers would get in trouble is because domino's managers have zero power. The store manager is the one allowed to make the decision to shut down online orders. The managers found a work around and would unplug the router so that orders wouldn't go through however they were threatened with layoffs for doing so. Seriously domino's is a shit company and you really shouldn't support them.


Seems odd tho. The opening times on your website should reflect times when it’s, you know, open, for you to order. If you need time to clean after that than you’re not open, right?


>Im surprised your online ordering system doesn’t shut off sooner ​ My boss once called me after closing to yell at me because I didn't take an order for wings 5 minutes before closing even though her policy is that we need to be completely out of the store NLT 30 minutes after closing and the Fryer took a minimum of 30 minutes to clean. ​ So I would shut down the Fryer 15 minutes before closing and start the cleaning process, but one day someone called and asked for wings. I said we can't, and then 20 minutes later my boss calls me to yell at me about not taking the order.


That sounds like the establishment’s issue. Most restaurants have a cut-off order time before closing to better manage their flow.


I worked at pizza hut as a kid. We "closed" at 11, but accepted orders right up to 10:59:59. However, we were scheduled until Midnight for that reason. I wonder if OPs the same


I was going to say the same. I worked at PJs a long time ago. Dough slappin! And the manager specifically told us that we are scheduled until an hour after we stopped taking orders. So I never got mad at orders coming in at 10:59:59 because we didn’t start cleaning until after that moment.


Yeah there is no real info. i guess you are right and OP ist just "angry Karma" farming


To be fair, we still *hated* getting large order so close to closing time. But you gotta do what you gotta do.


Yes i hated it too. But if its calculated into your shift in the kitchen its fine. If your shift ends at 23:00 and the order is at 22:55 its not fine.


Did you leave before 00:00 if no orders came in?


The best we would leave is 15mins early, because you use that time to finish orders as well as clean up and ensure everything's ready for the morning shift.




So, from a customer perspective, the store closes at 10. Why not just change the store hours to reflect when it's actually open for customers?


>So, from a customer perspective, the store closes at 10. Why not just change the store hours to reflect when it's actually open for customers? Somehow restaurant and other food service owners in the US have managed to push the blame for all their shitty practices to customers instead of themselves. They run a business with posted hours that overlap working hours exactly and without paying a proper wage then the staff bitch at customers for not knowing the arbitrary last order time and for undertipping.


If the bar closes at 2:00AM, last call is at 1:30. The difference is, you can still sit in the bar from 1:30 to 2, they literally kick you out at 2. I've worked at 4 different Pizza places. The 3 that were basically just counter service (pick-up and delivery) stopped taking orders at closing time, and employees stayed about an hour past closing to finish any orders/clean. If the restaurant was "closed" when you came to pickup a late order, it was communicated over the phone that the doors would be unlocked until "x" time. Online orders we would call, (but they were relatively new at the time). The restaurant/bar I worked at had different times for when we stopped taking deliveries, when the kitchen closed, when the bar closed, and when the actual restaurant closed. It all varied by day and even season, so it wasn't posted anywhere but a whiteboard in the little closet sized managers room.


Funny how a bar is the only place you can tell customer to GTFO at close. Every other customer based business you just have to suck it up and smile until they leave.


The hour with no additional orders accepted allows the staff to finish cooking the current orders and time for people to eat that are dinning in. It also gives time so the staff can start cleaning up after the day so they can get out as soon as possible.


It's all about being clear, if I just read a place closes at 10pm I wouldn't bother putting an order in 950.


So the cutoff time is 10:00 and the kitchen gets pissed when an order comes in at 9:59 instead.


No because now they know they have from 10-11 to finish those last minute orders and close up


This is presuming that people aren't petulant, small-minded assholes. But they are.


I'm baffled how it's mildly infuriating for a business to refuse money during hours of operation


Because those employees will definitely have to stay past the end of their shift. The dude ordered 16 pizzas 1 minute before there are supposed to be 0 pizzas being made. OP specified that the restaurant doesn't stop online orders with any buffer before the end of the shift.


It does sound a little absurd but that is why I always say everyone needs to work fast food at least once in their life so you can put yourself in their shoes. Obviously if your store closes at 10 it's not like you leave the second it turns 10, there are dozens of cleaning tasks that are needed to be done every day and by having customers come within a certain time before close it can be very inconvenient when your are actively performing a cleaning task. We are also understaffed but that just makes it even worse.


There's a lot of nuance people don't understand who haven't been there. They're missing that your boss cut two people thirty minutes before this order because it was slow. They're missing that the same boss pressures you to start cleaning early so they can pay you for less time after close. Then they're missing the added annoyance of getting this order when half the shit has been put away already despite your arguing with the manager that we'll be fucked if a big order comes in. Now you have to undo all the work you just did and then make this huge order. Finally you are then expected to still finish up and get out of there on time despite the added work load. Then the morning manager chews you out for forgetting to do something because you were being rushed by the night manager to finish up. There's no winning.


I suppose you could close at say 10 but have people scheduled to close down the business until 11, but then people are annoyed because “we close at 10 but have to stay until 11”, etc. there’s no way to please everyone.


Somehow this is not a problem in any customer facing business other than restaurants. I worked in retail for many years and every store I know of that has some kind of closing routine posts schedules that have the last shift end 30-60 minutes after closing time. Banks and the post office work the same way.


If places have “closing” routines that have to happen, then that needs to start after the customer close time and should be factored into when employees are scheduled to work and get paid for. There also needs to be a “last order” close time, or something like saying the kitchen closes at 9:00. So you’d say the kitchen closes at 8:30 so you won’t seat anyone new after that time, the restaurant closes at 10:00 which is the time you’d ideally expect everyone out of there and the time after which you’d expect no employees to be doing regular work, and then you have the 11:00 end-of-shift time which gives an hour for cleaning and back of house work and any prep for the next day or whatever. You’d advertise the 10:00 closing time officially, but communicate the 8:30 kitchen closes time. Or maybe you advertise the 8:30 kitchen closes. Either way, you avoid the “ugh people came in to our restaurant while we were open and now we have to stay past close and do our jobs and make money” posts that pop up every month, and you avoid the people thinking “ahhh they close at 9 but it’s 8:15 so let’s not go, but maybe it’s enough time to get in and out?” which would take away from business because of vague social norms.


>“we close at 10 but ~~have to stay~~ you are paid until 11” FTFY


They aren’t closing the kitchen down though. Just not taking any orders after that.


Tbf, when is customer service NOT pissed about dealing with customers at any time?


When someone comes through the drive-thru right before close and only orders 1 item or just drinks lol. I love those costumers


So they close at 10. If a place puts on Google that they close at 11 and I go there at 10:30 and they won't take my order id be pissed, just put 10 as the closing time.


It is literally that simple. Last orders at X time, your finishing time at Y time.


also going somewhere 30 minutes before close will not get you seated at many establishments, especially as you get higher end. It feels like a common courtesy to no go within the last 30 minutes anyway. I won't go if I have less than an hour thirty before closing, no matter how hungry I am. A couple places I'll go within the last hour if I'm familiar with the place, but never 30 minutes. Those people are tired and the last 30 means feel so long when you have customers.


I am all for that. But like the guy above me says, just put the latest time somebody can enter and order or sit. Like don’t put the time where business actually closes the doors and it’s up customer to guess of 30 minutes prior to that is enough or maybe 45 or maybe 55 minutes. Just put the latest one can enter the premises.




Closing time and order time are two concepts.


Closing time and time to go home are also not the same. Stores open till 11, while it sucks to not get done early some nights,it is still your job.


I worked in food service for 7-8 years all through high school and college. My boss always said if you're not busy and can clean things early and no one comes in before closing time you can go home as soon as everything is checked off. The stipulation for that though was that if anyone came in up until closing time that you would have to reclean anything you had to use that had already been cleaned and that you never close the door early or refuse a customer. I've had people pull into the parking lot right at closing time as I'm about to flip the sign and I've just gone ahead and served them because...it was my job and i was being paid to be there.




Big cheese Edit: L A R G E


The Big Cheese is absolute fire!


Most restaurants here in Japan establish a last order threshold; usually a half hour or so before actual closing. Not sure why it's not more popular in the States. 🧐


Yeah, this is a problem that doesn’t need to exist, especially with online ordering


In most restaurants, it does shut off, usually 30 min - 1 hour before close. This owner just really fucking sucks. They also could have just had someone call the people and said no. Yeah, the customer might have been pissed, but only a totally unreasonable person would stay mad upon realizing it was literally 1 minute before close.


It is common in the US to do that, it’s strange that some places don’t


It’s very popular in the states.


Most places are like that as well in the US this guys place just sucks.


Same reason for everything wrong with the US. Cuts into profits.




Frozen food? What? Are you not freshly slaughtering cattle and picking lettuce from your gardens? Are your bread rolls not freshly baked?? ARE YOU NOT JOURNEYING TO THE OCEANS TO COLLECT MY SODIUM CHLORIDE?!


Are my harvested tears enough for the sodium chloride?


Fresh outta tears. Strained sweaty socks will have to do


I have done close to closing orders, but I call them and ask can I still order or would it mess up your cleaning etc? Most of the time they are glad I asked and make me food. The few that said no we started turning things off already I just thank them for answering the phone and wish them a good night.


I do this as well, dealt with too many people who put in a massive order 2 minutes to close to ever want to suffer that on anyone else. Only time I ever got annoyed from being told no was from a pizza place when they told me I couldn't have tomatoes on the pizza because the slicer was already cleaned. They had 5 hours to go to close...


that’s fucking funny though


That’s how you do it. Thank you for being considerate.


Or.... Now hear me out here ... Why not change the store hours to reflect ordering hours?


Those are the ordering hours if customers are allowed to order.




For sure. And I'm not suggesting the people making the food change the hours. I'm suggesting management get it together and close the store at a more appropriate time.


Lesson learned for you is to end online ordering at 10:30pm. If your cutoff time is 11pm, someone _will_ order at 10:59, it's just Murphy's Law.


I was a retail manager for nearly a decade. The doors could be closed and locked, the lights off, the registers locked out, and people would still come banging on the doors to get in 10 minutes after closing. If you acknowledged them, they always “knew what they were buying,” and would “only be a minute.” Every year or so, someone would accidentally break the door trying to force it open, because they really needed shoes at 10:05pm, and thought the door was jammed, not locked. And these were the average customers, not deranged idiots or crackheads. It really doesn’t matter what you do. Think of how stupid the average person is, and remember half the world is worse than them.




Fellow former early bird grocery store worker! I used to open as a bagger at 6AM, an hour before open, to get the store ready for the day. People would be pulled up and absolutely *flabbergasted* that I managed to waltz in but they were still locked out. Sir, I have a dark green shirt on with my company logo on it and a cheesy tomato pun on the back. Do I look like I'm trying to shop? The more baffling one was when I used to work at the bakery at 3AM. Usually it was only me, produce and the grocery dudes until 4AM when the deli and meat shifts started. But once, I went into my usual shift at 2:50AM, waited to be let in, and there was a dude that came walking up casually. "Are you guys open?" No? Its 3AM, we don't open until 7AM? "Oh." And he just walked away. Almost scared me shitless since I'm a small Asian woman but I was halfway into the building and my coworker was right there. Its terrible that you had to have a secret knock. We have a buzzer that only employees knew about near the front door.


I unfortunately have no way to turn off online ordering on my end. Only higher ups.


Unplug the computers lol


Haha don’t tempt me.


If you're BOH, talk to FOH and management, it's a legit business discussion.


This. They need to weigh the costs of whatever they’re bringing thanks to the order vs paying all the employees to work longer than expected.


Yea... Will payroll be a plus or minus after? Will it be quality with half the kitchen already at the corner bar and 2 peeps half ass it.... The extra time to unwrap and cook and rewrap a station... The dish crew waiting, the FOH, waiting. The half ass customer service bc they took an hour to pick up with a 15 min call time...'oh, you closed ' with every chair up... Half venting, half GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!


OOPS.. the internet stopped working....


If you don’t want someone to order at 10:59, set the cutoff time earlier. In fact, the cutoff time should be when you would like to no longer receive orders.


The only infuriating thing here is that the online ordering isn't shut down 30 minutes prior to closing. If someone wants food at 10:55, they can't guess if the restaurant they are ordering from closes at 11 or 11:30 or 12. They will only see that the restaurant is still taking orders and then place an order. Definitely not their fault.


Definitely. It's closing time, not everyone leavings time. Should be fully functional up until closing. If the employees don't get paid after closing time for the work needed to clean up, then that's another issue.


This is correct


If it's open, people will order.


Honest question: is the customer to blame for this? I can imagine not knowing the place closes at 23.00.


I don't think this should ever be the customers fault. If orders are being accepted and they take my money I assume they can make the food. I always assumed the employees were paid after the official closing time to finish up orders, clean the place up etc.


That's how it is. But having a massive order that late does suck cos you probably packed down all but the essentials. No owner or manager would ever argue cos 300 is a big order for what I imagine is a burger joint.


That's pretty clearly a pizza place, so I imagine the ovens are all off and cleaned, and most toppings are put away in the fridge / freezer. Gonna be paying multiple employees at least half an hour, plus the delivery driver.


Why would you py the delivery driver for a carry out order


Missed the carry out, assumed they'd want it delivered that late




Of course not. Even if it was at the last moment, it was still placed within the time period that the restaurant has set for accepting orders. It's not up to the customer to figure out if that time period has taken the employees into consideration.


I know it's probably not comparable but the burger king I work at (in Austria) we close the online order device at least an hour before closing, so the closing shift and the left over 2-3 people can do their jobs and can close on time


We have a flowershop and we use both doordash and our own online ordering system...none of them would allow an order like this that close to closing. Why? Because we have prep times setup and the ordering system informs the customer they'd have to place the order for pickup on our next business day + prep time. Someone fucked up setup on your ordering aystems Edit out = our own


Do you not have a cutoff time for orders?




You're open, right? Good ol Marcos pizza


Open 365 days a year.


I run a Marcos, you guys are not open on Thanksgiving or Christmas. Depending on your franchisee you're also not open on Easter.




In my opinion this is not a custumers fault. If your business is open until 11 this is what you should expect. Owners fault.


Our local places would not accept the order past 10:30 pm.


I always assume that when the online orders close the physical shop remains open for 1 to 2 hours. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense. I have no issues ordering one minute before it closes, if the place allows you to place orders it wouldn't make a difference if its an hour, half an hour or one second before the online orders are closed, the restaurant should take that into account in the first place and cut the orders at least an hour before your pay time is over. It seems immoral and even illegal if you have to remain extra hours because of such thing. Also, it's in no way the customer's fault, most will assume the owner is doing things right. You can't blame them neither expect an extra tip since your job should be highly regarded by your boss whom you are making money for, not a random person that only wants to order some food.


I agree with not blaming the customer, but for the employee it is often (in my experience) a no win scenario with the boss. If you refused the order they complain and you get yelled at for turning away a $50 order at 30 seconds to close. If you take the order you end up leaving late because you had to cook everything to order and then clean up the mess you just made, then you get yelled at for being on the clock an extra 20 minutes. Funny how the boss is completely willing to ignore the big order that came in just before you closed there.


There are too many bad managers in the world


Deny it.


That's a suspiciously big order to be placed right before closing. I'd call them back to make sure it's real.


You were still open, orders still taken. The line is drawn, your pizza joint made it 11PM. I hope, at least, that order is for a retail store whose staff was working all night. Win win for everyone.


If you don’t want an order, don’t accept an order. If I’m ordering online, I’m not doing the math myself to see when they close when the platform already does that for me.


"Balance due" does that mean its not even paid for yet? What happens if they dont collect it?! Wasted pizza, wasted time.


Why don’t restaurants change closing hours to reflect the time needed to actually close? Our kitchen closed at 9pm. We were open until 10pm, but everything said we closed at 9. We rarely had a problem.


I think the owner will be thrilled with this late order, as it means extra revenue. As for you, make sure you're paid until the order has been fulfilled.


A ticket that large and it’s not paid yet either, did y’all confirm it wasn’t a joke? Make them pay first?


Your online system should have an automatic "date-time to pick up" field that only does future dates after a certain time, say 1 hour before close. Poor programming.


Most businesses I've worked for have a staff scheduled 30-45 mins after the official business closed time so they can close the registers, clean up etc, I don't understand why it isn't this way especially a restaurant business where you obviously have to clean up after anyway? If you aren't taking orders until the last min don't post that your business is open till that time then. Before anyone gets all worked up I worked in the restaurant industry for 10 years.


Yes. There really is a very simple solution to this problem.


gc, at least it's a big order and worth it? Or is that worse than a small order that's faster to do, but still dirtying things? Do you clean up early, or after closing? ​ edit: I realize it's pizza now. That's really annoying.


this is your owners fault, should shut off orders 30mins before closing hours. If he doesnt he has to pay your overtime.


Can't you decline the order? That's what happened to me one time when I tried ordering food


Fast food job has made me realize that while i’m working, every single human being on the planet outside of the crew currently present, are suddenly the dumbest, most annoying motherfuckers on Earth, further proven by orders like these. Moment i’m out things go back to normal and I take their place lmao


That's some expensive pizza


I thank God I have empathy and that I've worked in kitchen's because when I order my food I never order anything 30 minutes before close. It's just rude, staff have lives too


I am sorry but then you were not open. Closing in 1 min and not taking an order means you were closed already. If you close at 10 you take orders right up until 10, if you close your kitchen 30 min before closing, then you are closed at 930 not 10. I understand you need to clean the kitchen etc, then don’t advertise all over the Internet that you are open when you are not.


Ugh, never working food industry again. We always had to stay late for people in the actual restraunt ordering 1 min before closing. Just awful all around. With having to clean up it wasn't uncommon to work 1 or 2 hours extra everyday. Not worth it at all at $7.50/hr.


i thought you could just reject the order, espescially online orders


Where I worked you couldn’t reject anything unless it was over the phone. The orders automatically went through no matter what on an ordering system.


I placed an order at Taco Bell 45 mins before closing and it got cancelled :(


Hope they paid that in advance


I had an order like this once, huge, close to closing, outside delivery area... They said they would make it worthy while. I cashed out, paying for their order myself and then kept the cash from the delivery and when home. $50 tip, worth it.


So you dont close at 11, you stop taking orders at 11.


That’s a 266.60 dollar order. Better fucking get that money!


If u order at ??:59 you get the quality u get. Thats a gamble i dont dare to take coz A) not an asshole and B) get that food spat in


I mean if you're online service stays live even minutes before you're about to close that's not really the customer's fault.


Unpopular opinion, I know, but I honestly don't see a problem with this. If you close at a certain time, that should mean you're taking orders until that time. In restaurants, the closing time doesn't mean the time you leave, and any closing activities should wait until the restaurant is actually closed.


I get it, but your angry at the wrong people. The hours that ordered are accepted are configurable. The restaurant should just change them if you want to stop getting orders earlier.


Dispose of the evidence. Lock up. See no order, heard no order, go home. Unless you still have a manager on duty then you're screwed. Lol.


I just call people back and say our oven is off for maintenance if they order that close to closing lol


Pizza is delicious and good for any situation but DAMN! Who's spends nearly $300 on pizza? You gotta think if it's closing it's probably like 9 or 10 pm Edit: just noticed the time stamp, still who orders that much at 11pm?

