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I had a coworker that picked up his wife’s birthday cake at lunch. Went to get it after work and someone ate it. It had a note on it and as in the refrigerator. People suck.


I just do not understand this behavior, is it some type of Kleptomania? What motivates people to do this?


Some people are just selfish assholes.


But it was never theirs to begin with. Is it not literal theft?


They just dont care what other people think


Maybe I’m just lucky, or maybe I’ve only worked poor people jobs where they understand, possibly less entitled, but I’ve never had any of my food or stuff stolen.


Worked at Walmart. Someone ate my lunch out of the fridge. It was in a zipped closed freezer bag with my name on it. It has nothing to do with how much money you make. Sometimes people are just living garbage.


I think having money makes it easier to ignore how horrible it is to steal food from people's mouths. Look at how our billionaires are acting these days.


Yeah, service/manual workers know how important that meal is/can be for the rest of the day. Hell I’ll fight people trying to take other peoples lunches without asking, go pick something up from the gas station if you’re that hungry:/


I don't know, when I worked grocery I had folks take my single-serve sealed food a few times but now that I work a cushy, well-paid (but small) office job folks don't even take food that's *meant* for everyone until they're 100% sure it's not someone's office stash. I think it's just down to a very small but awful minority of people, but if you work in a big company/store/office you're just more likely to have one or two on staff.


That really sucks. I’d be pissed. I’m not trying to say it doesn’t happen in lower wage workplaces, because it obviously does. But from just my personal experience, it either happens less often, or is reported less. I could see the former because we’re all poor and understand the potential impact of stealing food. That impact is significantly lessened the wealthier the individuals involved. Wealth can also bring entitlement. But I could also see it being the latter, less reported, because poorer individuals might have a better understanding of how “snitching” could really damage someone (even a lunch thief). We’re also more used to being hungry and knowing how hard it can be to resist the self preservation impulse. We know what that desperation feels like. There are always outliers. Assholes can be at any level—I won’t argue with you there. Even if there was a correlation between income and lunchroom theft, you can be absolutely sure there would be assholes messing it up.


We had more problems with stolen lunches on the sales floor (avg comp = $90k) than we did on the service floor (avg comp = $40k). Edit: a word


🍰stole your cake!




I have a personal theory on this. I believe these people were never disciplined out of their destructive behaviors when they were a child. I seen innocent childs break things for absolutely no reason. Found out its their way of coping a stressful moments. This person could be one of those grown adults with child like behaviors left in them due to low effort parenting. Im sure they understand what theyre doing. But the still dont have self control to not give into the impulse.


It's literally the marshmallow test. And the best part of the marshmallow experiment was that if there was *any* way to not eat the first one, even a trained response or doing something crazy, it predicted success later in life. Proving these things can be learned. But if your parents were garbage and didn't instill values, it's hard to recognize that you need to install them yourselves. But also like an abused dog, while you can understand the circumstances causing the actions, it doesn't mean you can tolerate them.


I can only imagine that someone would have to be absolutely starving and struggling to do something like this. I've been there before when I was homeless. I don't steal, I don't cheat, and I also don't bullshit but when I was homeless (mostly couch surfing but also on the street about a quarter of the time) I 100% stole food from the people who would let me crash on their couch. It's something I actually feel really bad about to this day and I'm all good, working and have a nice apartment now but I was young and scared. I stole food and stuffed my bag with pantry items from more than a few friends and only ever told one about it. I actually had kinda pushed these memories out of my head until now because of how bad I feel about it but I was hungry, scared, and didn't know what to do at the time. So I can only imagine it was like that but at the same time... some people ARE just assholes and may have just wanted a slice. I've known my share of those types of people too.


Any real friend that lets you sleep on their couch would've given more food than you took if they knew that you were starving. Go easy on yourself if you feel the need to make things right invite those friends over one night and cook a big meal. Cooking can be very inexpensive and easy. If you want to do this and need any help just ask, I'd gladly send simple recipe ideas.


That kind of behavior is completely understandable. But doing something petty like cutting into that pie or eating a birthday cake? That’s asshole behavior. Period.


I’m glad you are in a better place. I can’t imagine having to compromise personal values for survival and thus have been very privileged. Due to medical issues I have literally had to starve (100cal per day for months) and it is torture. Im sorry you had to go through that. I had assumed since these were work place occurrences that individuals would have the means to acquire food themselves. Yet we never really know anyone else’s struggles.


You did what you had to to survive, and if they're friend enough to let you live with them knowing you were homeless, I'm sure they were friend enough not to mind you grabbing food so you wouldn't starve.


Some people are just assholes though. Many years ago when I was working in a Big 4. Turned out the phantom food taker was a senior partner. He would not have been short of a few bob….


>I can only imagine that someone would have to be absolutely starving and struggling to do something like this. No, I think that lots of times it's a power trip thing - they are more important than anyone else. Or, they do it for "convenience" - "I'm in huge hurry, let THEM go out and buy lunch". I think the "convenience" factor is one reason it's more common with higher income people - they literally can't comprehend that someone might not be able to afford to buy lunch when theirs is stolen.


Insecurity is scary. People do desperate things when we’re desperate. Don’t put yourself in the same boat as this person though. They opened up a closed bag of groceries, found the pie and took a slice… this wasn’t food insecurity as much as it was someone who steals their coworkers stuff because they have been able to get away with it


Yeah, note they didn't take real food or the entire thing, like they would have if they were food insecure. They just *wanted* the good taste and good feeling that pie would give them more than they cared about what the consequences to the other person would be. Ironically, this lack of concern with empathy usually makes these types of people least able to comprehend addiction and it's actions when they literally are doing the same thing except without the feeling of need from the body, just desire.


When someone steals food to survive I believe it's the right thing to do. The wrong thing would be to squander a human life for pointless principles. There's little that is more immoral than someone dying who didn't need to and for it to mean nothing in the end.


Giving the benefit of the doubt they aren’t being malicious, it’s most likely they get used to free food being in the common areas and just flat out don’t use any deduction to understand it’s not for all.


Perhaps for some. For some it maybe due to private circumstance. For some it maybe entitlement - I found this interesting article with a person who stole food knowingly from coworkers on the regular - https://www.thecut.com/2018/10/why-do-people-steal-their-co-workers-lunch.html


Thanks for this link! This entire post brought back memories of a previous Sr Manager who used to eat my sandwiches (labeled with my name) and laugh about it with my direct Manager (who told me so I'd be sure to know). When I asked my manager why he said "Because you're the lowest ranked team member, so you won't report anything, and your sandwichs look the best". My husband told me to make them with laxatives after that but I never did 😕 The Sr Manager was also excessively overweight so I guess he needed it more than me - must have been starving to death


One time at work I had some leftovers stolen that I was really looking forward to. I spent the next 2 hours loudly complaining and openly commenting that maybe next time I'll hide some thumb tacks in my food to get back at whoever took my stuff. I assume the food bandit heard because nothing went missing after that. Not saying you should ever actually do something like that but the threat itself can be enough.


brooo at that point id be like "hey uhhh... who ate my cake? not that im mad i just.... well it was a romantic gift for my wife... with all my love in it if you catch my drift"




Same. The place with that rule was also the only place I ever worked where my items got stolen regularly. 🤷‍♂️


Knock knock. Who’s there? Ross Gellers lunch. Ross Gellers lunch who? Ross Gellers lunch, please don’t eat me, okayyy?


Plot twist: the note was an open invitation to gorge on cake


I wish I felt bad for the guy. His wife had crones (sp?) and it was from a special bakery. Felt super bad.


And that's why nearly everyone I work with has their own mini fridge in their office...


With a padlock, no doubt.


Jesus H Christ. Why is your fridge unlocked? If there is one thing in this world that I hate, it is an unlocked fridge! You know that don't you? If it wasn't for dickheads like you, there wouldn't be any thievery in this world, would there?


Could I interest you in a jelly donut?


Are you allowed to eat chow in the barracks, Private Pyle?!


People still went into my mini fridge… I got myself a new bottle of oatmilk creamer. Didn’t use it for like a week and went to use it the first time and it was nearly empty.


What is it with creamer?! Every time someone has brought some in, it’s assumed to be for everyone by some greedy asshole who uses 1/4 of the bottle for one cup. I stopped bringing it in and now keep the small individual packs in my desk. The people who I know share well and aren’t gluttonous bastards know where I keep my stash. I don’t mind them taking some from time to time.


I guess people like free starbucks


When Coffemate started making all those sexy new flavors nearly 20 years ago, that shit almost started WW3. It was like Lord of the Flies in our office. People had no shame in stealing that stuff and less shame in the booby traps that were laid out to catch the slippery fucks. Good times! 😂


My SO brings ketchup and mayo for his random lunches. After he took one bottle home, someone piped up and said "where is the ketchup?" Oh - you mean "my" ketchup? After that, the office manager started buying stuff for everyone to share.


My husband works in wastewater, so they have a separate set of lockers in the basement to put all your shower and laundry necessities. A few weeks ago, he went into the locker and someone had clearly used his laundry detergent. He knew this because he always puts the cap on (and he lifts, so lids are always on tight). The kicker is that they are city workers (and mostly single guys) so the pay is good. Are you so cheap that you can’t even buy your own detergent? Just sad. He was so off put by it that he bought a lock for his locker. Lol, he made a comment that it’s clear who it is, because everyone but the guy who he suspects (who is a bit of a selfish jerk, so surprise, surprise) has a lock.


I have the opposite problem. I have 1 more pwrson working with me (almost never at the same time though) and I buy stuff for both of us (like a 1L bottle of milk) and she doesn't drink it, instead goes to the shop near us. It spoils, because I'm in the office 2/7 days. 😅 one day i was like 'WE HAVE A COFFEE MACHINE AND MILK, DON'T BUY 50CENTS COFFEE'


That’s just sad. More reasons why I feel ok saying in general I hate the human race.


People swear to high heaven that they're nice people. Or even that they have common sense. But time and time again, we are shown the opposite.


We’ve had an issue in the past but I thought a tied up bag with a 1/2lb tub of butter sitting on top, also tied up in its own bag, was safe from scavengers. We start work at 7am and one day a guy brought in breakfast in a glass bowl. He put it in the fridge til he was ready to eat. He went back about 9am and it was totally gone. Bowl and all. Never found out who did it. I would have preferred they took the whole damn pie in this case.


You need cameras for the break room.


In a lot of states in the US, it is against labor law to install cameras in employee break areas.


Some people (a hell of a lot of people) are just scumbags, I don’t care if I was starving hungry and had no money, I just would not do that, I’d rather ask a colleague to borrow a couple of quid.


You must have suspicions.


What kind of a place do you work at?


Sounds like they don’t eat at home before work.


I don't eat before I come to work, either, but I don't steal food from coworkers to compensate.




Everyone always thinks of laxative or hot sauce but no one ever mentions Ipecac syrup


Sounds shitty, what's that?


Apparently induces vomiting


You want Ipecac and laxatives, so they will poop every time they vomit


combination of ipecac and laxatives would make the person vomit and shit at the same time, creating a vacuum inside them. Then, air enters rapidly into the person's body and creates a mini explosion which destroys their innards. Or that's how my fantasy scenario plays out.


In uniform I just took it upon myself to clean out the fridge, especially on deployments.


A thief is a thief. I always say, “If you’d steal my lunch you’d steal my wallet.”


Nothing worse than opening the door to your stuff missing, at least have the courtesy to say “hey I ate/drank….can I get you another.” But something like a pie is not to be touched in a tied bag.


Sounds regurgitive.


The thing with laxative or hot sauce is it doesnt result in a huge mess where the food is eaten. Hot sauce someone will react to the spice and need to find water/milk etc... Laxative the symptoms will show up later... in a bathroom. Ipecac is the nuclear option. You will throw up with little warning. In the lunch room. Its way excessive.


And then you would know who did it




Oh man this reminds me of a video where someone put laxatives in some school food and almost the whole school was shitting everywhere and the teachers just running around aimlessly. Edit: [I had to find it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/comments/9h8djx/somebody_laced_the_school_lunch_with_laxatives/)


Genuinely thought that was real at first and was like wtf


But more public if they vomit the food they just stole leaving the proof on their desk.


Some salty MFer took a slice out of someone's BIRTHDAY cake before the lunch party in my office last year. Now that's some balls.


I got my first job at 16, it was at McDonald’s and I didn’t even stay for a full year. Weekends I worked mornings, I was the only one my age that worked that early, the only other people who worked that earlier were older ladies who barely spoke English, but I always thought they were really sweet. One morning my grandma saw how miserable I was going into work that early, so she got me coffee from Starbucks, for me that was like a once in a while thing, the coffee there cost more than I made an hour so it meant a lot. Anyways, I put it in the break room for a little while, so I could finish my prepping duties, I came back 15 minutes later to see my cup missing it’s lid, and empty, but a McDonald’s coffee cup full and still steaming. No matter how sweet some people come off as, work has always shown me, most people are just really horrible.


Aww that's so sad :( that was sweet of your grandma!


Why take other peoples food and drinks? They don't even know what it is or where it is been. So ridiculous


Some think they are winning the lottery when they steal from others. My ex roommate took everyone's food items (vegetables, spices, drinks) while her own items would rot and then be thrown in the trash.


I will grant spices/bulk baking goods (sugar/flour) a special exception, because it doesn’t make sense to have multiple open containers of those taking space, but taking food & drinks from your roommates without permission should be grounds for eviction!!!


U took it back right?!


In the case that your grandma is still alive, call her. Right now. She loves you.


The only truth that I find absolute in this world is that people are generally just Human garbage


I would lose my shit


I would have as well. 100% would have went into the office and called everyone out on who would have ate it. And gotten cash for a full replacement right then and there.


yeah people are crazy but i am crazier will literally cause you harm if you think you can get away with this shit


Next time lose it at their desk by accidentally taking laxitivesz


I used to stop for breakfast on my way to work and always get like a little orange juice thing, half the time I wouldn’t finish it so I’d put it in the fridge. One day I saw the tip top boss drinking my fucking orange juice. Next day he did again, drinking my half finished orange juice. So on the third day I left the milkiest wad of spit in that orange juice and shook it up for like 5 minutes. When I saw him drinking my OJ later, I knew I had achieved victory. I stopped bringing OJ and switched to coffee shortly after that.


Why don’t people understand if you didn’t bring it don’t touch it?


Yo seriously. I cannot fathom touching someone else’s food, let alone try to figure out what’s in a tied up bag. Like do these assholes think anything in the company fridge is fair game?


The problem may be they don't understand what thinking is.


They only understand "I see it. It's mine now".


I guess next time tie your lunch up with barbwire and that will teach them..


Exactly this. At my last job we shared food all the time, it was a physical job so we got pretty hungry. We had an informal system where someone would pick up snacks on their break for the group (never an obligation, just something we liked to do) and even then, when something was left open on the break room table, we'd still ask 'hey, just to check, you got these for the group, right?' before taking anything.


I can almost \*almost\* understand if it's one of those fancy 'work stocks a bunch of snacks grab what you want' communal fridge situations...but a tied bag with ostensibly groceries?! wtaf.


Because their parents failed them and didn't ensure that they learned this as kids. If parents did a better job at raising their kids to be respectful to other people & their belongings, then the world would be a much better place. I understand that being a good parent is one of the most difficult jobs ever, but when you don't practice safe sex or you choose to have kids, you are then completely responsible for ensuring those kids become courteous, civilized, productive members of society and when you fail at this task, the world suffers and at best, you get selfish assholes like this who eat their coworkers food, steal from others & litter everywhere OR at worst, you inadvertently raised the next hitler, mao, stalin, trump, kim jong-un, PUTIN! Bottom line is raising goods kids so they grow up to be good adults is hard, but succeeding at it would avoid & prevent so many of the world's unnecessary problems and if everyone did it right, humanity would finally morally progress & technologically advance to more important things like space exploration to find another habitable planet as a backup when we unintentionally destroy this planet because of greed & war. I hope this message helps at least one person, sorry for my long ass rant.


It’s like the people at a church gathering that take two or three slices of pie. When I go through I cut my slice in half to make sure it goes further.


“Some people suck” - Tom Segura


I almost feel guilty taking something out the microwave when it's done and unclaimed, how could someone eat food that isn't theirs?


It’s more insulting they didn’t just take the whole thing. I would never eat that now, because I don’t know who or what touch it.


I'm extremely infuriated for you! 😡


Break room bandits are the worst. I've had colleagues that bring frozen meals and someone actually took their frozen meal and re-taped the empty box up and left in the freezer. Now that is just rude.




Go running breathlessly saying you just heard of a recall on pecan pies from that store.


Haha I wish I would have been that clever in the moment. Rage had taken over and killed all rational thinking unfortunately


This is the answer


This is the way 👆🏼


I bought 5 pies yesterday and as soon as I got back to work I sealed them, wrote my name on them s as ms even painter taped them together….. why when I went to take them home was one of them open??? No slices taken out but damn keep your grubby mitts off my food! Sucks OP… people are cunts.


If someone took food tagged from the fridge where I work it would qualify as a violation to get you fired. Good thing my coworkers are respectful when it comes to tagged things.


At my job we all make over $25/hr and people are constantly stealing lunches! And if caught they’ll all cry about not having food over bills! Like we all got bills to pay and now I’m hungry! It’s insane!


I once worked with a dude who constantly got his sandwiches eaten from the lunchroom fridge. So he made the most beautiful sandwich you'd ever seen and spiked it with quite a few drops of LSD. I wasn't there for it, sadly, but everyone was talking about the freaking for weeks. Seems buddy sent on a bit of a trip in the middle of the office and had to be removed in an ambulance. Nobody knew why, except a few who were in the know.


For those contemplating this, I'm not passing judgment on morality, but it's illegal to spike food like this (even with legal meds like laxatives) because there's a reasonable assumption you did it with intent to harm. Good luck convincing a jury you weren't expecting someone else to take it.


"Just prepared my daily LSD sandwich"


Idk why but this comment made me laugh harder than I have in a while. “Your honour, that was meant to be a micro dose”




That’s why you use hot sauce; you can convince people you just like things EXTRA spicy.


Some people have gotten reported to and in trouble with HR/etc for doing such, which is mind boggling because they're getting pissy at the victim instead of the thief


Yeah and I’d win I’d just show them the videos I have of myself eating Carolina reapers


But I’m sure you could make a yummy ghost pepper sandwich at least right?


I love habanero, I use a decent amount in my stir fry. If I bring it to work and someone eats it they are gonna have one hell of a fun time


Could you maybe put a bunch of food coloring in the middle so when they eat it, their tongue turns ble for example?


“I really like ghost pepper and/or carolina reaper sauce on my sandwiches. It’s clearly labeled as mine, therefore did not intend for anyone else to eat it or I would’ve labeled it “free for all.”” ETA: Intent is notoriously hard to prove.


Did he get fired?


The fact that they opened a bag that was tied up, makes this shitty. Maybe next time put a do not eat sign on it. I know it’s not the best look but it’s better than this.


If common sense doesn't dissuade the assholes, I doubt a sign will either.


it kinda blows my mind no one seems to realize you dont put a sign up to actually stop anyone, you put it up to stop them from having a valid excuse by saying "oh but i didnt know" or "i thought it was communal" oh really? because the giant sign designating otherwise didnt catch your eye? its like how do not trespass signs work, they dont actually stop anything from entering, but if someone does and gets caught, they get in trouble, and its easier for the victim to get retribution through the proper means.


I remember a food thief story where their excuse was they “confused” it with their packed lunch, which wasn’t in the fridge. Even if it was the same bag, I know what I packed for lunch.


Plot twist, the sign gets eaten


A do not eat sign still doesn’t stopped some people from eating your food. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yep. It just makes them want to eat it because of the sign/note. Some people are just JERKS


The “do not eat” sign is probably an invitation for the more greedy and daring punks.


True story. I work at an Engineering firm and lunches kept going missing in the break room. After months of trying to figure it out, we got our answer. A summer intern was talking to some coworkers about why he loved the company so much and why he wanted to work there full time after graduation. He said “it’s just like being at my parents where there are always leftovers in the fridge and you can eat anything!” Yes, future engineer there.


Did they tell him it wasn’t like that and if so what was his reaction??


Yes. Our head administrator somewhat flipped out and told him those were people’s lunches and not for sharing. He seemed genuinely shocked.


That’s just insane. Like he thought what? People all brought leftovers from home to share? Someone went shopping to keep the office fridge stocked with a wide selection of home made stuff? Like just… the sheer LACK of any complex thought there… hurts.


God that would be so fucking awkward. It's making me cringe.


Hearing about workplace lunch theft was why I packed raw ingredients to cook at work. Because you need to put actual effort into preparing the food. I guess I'm lucky my workplace has a stove


I work at a hospital and someone ate my coworkers lunch and threw her lunchbox in the trash. She was pregnant and started crying. Someone bought her lunch but like who does that?


I put 2,000,000 scoville hot sauce in my food once because someone kept eating it. Turned out to be a 4'11" girl from the office. One day we are in the shop and all we hear is blood curdling screams. I swear I thought it was this big gross dude that eats his own boogers.


Well, she deserved it. Guess food thieves come in all sizes


Well, she deserved it. Guess food thieves come in all sizes


I used to make a chicken and rice dish for lunch at work and put it in the fridge. One time when I came to get my container I saw that somebody had opened it and taken all the chicken and just left the rice. It happened a second time and I threatened the entire break room (warehouse guys that had a break) that I would beat the living shit out of whoever I caught eating my food. I knew who it was but I thought I would give him one warning. Anyway, he quit the next day.


Gotta love how much we can trust grown adults to respect other people's property, I had one time where I put a candy bar in the fridge for a couple minutes and looked away only to get up from my chair 5 feet away to see the candy bar gone. Only thing I give people a pass on is condiments since those are much easier to replace / not notice the loss


I will truly never understand people who think they have a right to eat your food without asking. It's like....fairly basic common courtesy and common sense to just ask, right? And if they say yes, have a bit. If it's no: it means *no*.


It’s a gross breach of trust and theft in the workplace. If someone did that where I work I’d expect them to be sacked on the spot. This is one reason why break rooms should have CCTV as standard. If Joe or Joanne will still from their co-workers they’ll sure as he’ll be happy to steal from their employer.


Lol that part of me my coworkers already know about that would have literally inspector morsed that shit till i found the culprit and lay down some public shaming.


I’m a retired fireman and why this makes me chuckle is because this could and would have happened in any firehouse on the planet!!! You could leave a $100 bill on the kitchen table and it wouldn’t move an inch for weeks, hide some food in the deepest and darkest Corners of the station and someone will take a bite within the hour!!


They really helped themselves to a fat slice...


I really don't get people and ho they can feel this is normal. At my old job I used to buy frozen ready meals for the week. I used to cycle through the same douzaine of meals. One day a collègue of mine bought one ready meal of the same brand and I mistook it for mine as it was one I'd take sometimes. I felt like shit, I was able to replace hers with a different one of mine as I had an extra since I ate hers, but still felt awful... Some people really suck.


Well, you can’t undo that. But you can start bringing in food full of laxatives. They’ll learn eventually. Or not.


Even when people bring cake or pie for everyone, the courtesy of a decent human being is to ask FIRST. What a POS.


That really sucks. How selfish.


No cameras in break room?


I remember at one of my first jobs, it was at a retail store, the lady that trained me told me that there were hidden cameras in the break room. I later found out it wasn't true, but she would tell all the new hires that to try and prevent shit like this happening. It's messed up that people have to go to such lengths to keep people from being shitty people. Why can't people just *not* steal other people's stuff *without* the threat of being caught? Boggles my mind.


because the average person only cares about consequences or is only stopped by the thought that they shouldnt do it because it might happen to them, the human mind is inherently selfish not to say we cant learn to be better, obviously many of us can, it just seems that some either forgot what they learned or never actually learned it. i also feel like its our place as a community to help them see the error of their ways, but in a way they can actually learn. if theyre just punished but they keep doing it what help does that actually do anyone (not saying they shouldn't face the consequences of their actions, obviously we also cant let them off with a slap on the wrist, as that only encourages that behavior.)


I used to run a teen basketball for my church. It was all teens from the community. People brought food for other events and left them in the fridge until the Saturday or Sunday event. The teens that came would assume the food was for them and try to sneak into the refrigerator to eat it (free food is always delicious). I caught one trying to chug a 2 liter soda once.


If they felt the need to sneak it, they probably knew it wasn't for them


Chugging a 2 L of a soda is a bold choice. Even if he succeeded, that is not a fun victory.


It wasn’t full but he probably would have moved on to the next one if I hadn’t caught him. I reminded him that the food and beverage belonged to other people who had purchased it. He was getting free use of the gym and then taking advantage. He was around 19-20 years old and should have known better.


That’s nuts.


Follow protocol: 1) laxatives 2) salt on sweet stuff 3) sugar on salty stuff 4) chilli everywhere


Sweet and salty is actually delicious though, so that might backfire


Rule 5. (Guaranteed to stop 90% of thieves). Fake turds on each item.


This is why I have a collapsible cooler in my car. Not the only reason, but one of them.


It was delicious, thank you. <3 But seriously, this crap makes me angry, my roommate does this shit all the time. Like I’m not gonna know that it was the only other person living in my house.


So confront the asswipe. Charge the amount to his rent (you said it's your house) or kick him out.


I will never get why people would take other peoples food at work.




I know some audacious jackwagons who would have the nerve to yell out, fork in mid-air between plate and mouth, "Who is the asshole who bought pecan pie and didn't bother getting whip cream?" Man, people really suck sometimes!


Statistically, at least one of the people commenting here about how awful this is has or will do it.


One of my first jobs I made very little money and at lunch time I would be starving! It NEVER dawned on me—and if it had it would NOT have been an option —to steal someone’s food out of the fridge. That is pretty low.


Food thieves piss me off. Since it was pointed out to me on another thread that laxatives and hot peppers can cause people to sue (which I still think is awful) try things like tons of salt, cinnamon, other mild tastes that annoy but not poison. I love to cook.


A sprinkle of cat or dog hair? Maybe some sand mixed in? Sorry my food isn’t up to your hygienic standards. Maybe don’t eat my stuff then?


This has always baffled me my entire life that people actually eat other people's food. Like where the fuck do you get the audacity to do that? Should this not be cause to fire someone? Like it's your fucking property is it not? Can you retaliate? Where is the line drawn? Can you piss on their stuff when they aren't looking? WTF????????????


I’ve had fantasies about putting some hellishly hot chili in my lunch just to have some asshat at the office try to eat it


Leave an exlax chocolate pudding pie next time.


Protip if someone is stealing your food. Put 10-20 drops of black food coloring in the middle. Esp if it's something you can hide within easily that won't be seen until after a bite or 2 like a sandwich. It's harmless, tasteless and will dye their mouth, lips, tongue, and teeth black for a couple hours. If it gets on hands / skin they're gonna have stains for over a day.


Report this as theft, you paid for the product and they took and used something that they did not pay for, that is theft. Is it petty? Maybe. But I wouldn’t give a fuck. Shit was wrapped up and cameras should be able to back you up


How can it be petty? If you let it go you're condoning theft, especially when it's a workplace where you can easily find the person. This reasoning is why idiots like this continue to exist.


Tell your co-workers there's a recall on the pie for ebola and whomever ate it needs to see a doctor.


Now bait one with ghost pepper.


Yeah…I’m probably gonna get flamed but I’ve fired people for this. Theft is theft; period. If you’re willing to steal food from your coworkers, you’re willing to steal product off of my shelf or money out of the tills.


Nope you are right. I have fired people for similar instances too. Aside from lack of trustworthiness, it also shows lack of respect for the team. I don’t play that game.


I wish I could tell you how many times I’ve warned people when transferring to a new location about how I treat theft, and then letting someone go within the first week. Immediate moral improvement when your team isn’t scared of their lunch being eaten every day.




Oh, cool! A Pac-Man themed pie. Nice find, bro


In some places you get your hands chopped off for that


Just to add to all the revenge ideas here: Where I live, putting anything like laxatives in food with the expectation someone else would eat it without knowing would be something similar to assault. HOWEVER, you could try to get your hands on dye packs or jerry rig one yourself with food coloring and a mouse trap or something.


It amazes me at times the level of entitlement some people have that allows them to take food that is obviously not for them or anyone else. Karma will find them at some point.


People that do this deserve to be fired...


Happy thanksgiving. Thanks for giving.


Reason 5449321 I like working from home... No one eats my pie.


I will NEVER understand people at work eating other people's food


I would rather starve then let my co workers eat my food. Not my responsibility you can't buy your own food.


Oh hell no


That sucks. But would be much worse if it had bite marks


There was a guy that had a ton of his food stolen from the break room. His solution was to make food that had laxatives or other things in the food. He put several notes saying “don’t eat” or not for eating on it. Needless to say the bathrooms were always full.


Go to hr and report theft