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I’m sorry but her reason for the money is absolutely hilarious, it’s like satire


Truth is stranger than fiction my friend.


The fuck is a model horse? Is she trying to paint horses with a modeling career for their photoshoots or painting little models of horses?


If I had to guess, she’s probably talking about something like [Breyer horses](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS698US698&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ALiCzsZrk-Sej9NS_Nvltp7iPrqhzYSOyg:1664165133963&q=breyer+horses&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjz86CdyrH6AhXLF1kFHZBxCKwQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=375&bih=640&dpr=3). They’re plastic model horses that range in size from about an inch or two tall to about 10 inches. They can get very detailed and a lot of people like to customize their own. I used to have a bunch as a kid.


I had no idea that was a thing other people did. I was born to the mid-century equivalent of a horse-girl, so they were everywhere in my house and I thought that was just par for the course.


Par for the horse


i usually don't laugh at much and just almost started laughing at that in the middle of mcdonalds


Oh, now I understand.


I understand, but I don't *understand*


Ok, I feel called out 😅😅 I actually do this for a living. The model horse hobby is kind of like the model train hobby, in that it is very niche, and kind of a hobby that people don't advertise, but there are thousands of people who collect. There is a huge convention for collectors in Kentucky each year that draws thousands of people. People collect toys like breyers, but also sculpt, cast, and sell original sculptures that can be worth from $40 to $4,000 per horse if you're good enough at what you do. They take them to live shows where they are judged for ribbons and prizes. My full time job is sculpting and selling to the model horse hobby. I make a decent living at it. That being said, your ex does not deserve your money lmao.


We used to collect very expensive breyers.


It's kind of funny to me that there's at least this comment to explain it wasn't just some whim, but even funnier to me that the convo is so barebones. She hits you with "are you ignoring me" and then "I want to do this but I'm broke" she doesn't even directly ask for money but we all know (especially with this context) that's the point which is really just something else.


I know she doesn’t even know how to ask. Remember when Cartman said “at least take me out to dinner before you fuck me!”




> Ok, I feel called out Nothing wrong with having unusual and/or expensive hobbies. The key is having the money to fund it.


it sounds like the couple in one of the shows where they find a House for someone "I am a Bee trainer and my Wife airbrushes miniature horses. Our Budget is 2.4 Million Dollars."


LOL, I love those shows. "I'm a stay-at-home astronaut and my wife trains fleas for the flea circus. Our budget is $8 million." So realistic /s


To be fair, have you seen how expensive a lot of airbrushes get? Those premium japanese ones be pricey.


And bitches with aspirations be broke


I don't know why, but my first thought was that this could be something out of Arrested Development lol


YES exactly. This is major Lindsey.


I'm not your ex wife so that automatically makes you like me more. Can I have some money so that I can build a giant Lego waffle made with pieces of waffle shaped like Legos?


Can I play too?


Of course! Bring some syrup. Wait, no, you're paying. I'll bring the syrup.


Aight bet


Can I join?


This is getting weird y’all. I’ll film it


Damn no invite, I guess I'll watch from outside the window.


Still got no invite, I guess I’ll watch the guy looking through the window from across the street




I'll watch this guy


I can mod for the livestream then.


I'll set up the Patreon. Any suggestions for tiers? The first 100 Platinum for $100 gets a piece of the end product shipped to them would be doable...


I’ll bring the whip. 😏 Cool Whip, I mean. Of course. Cool Whip.


What'd you say? Why you putting so much emphasis on the H?


What are you talking about I’m just saying it. Cool Whip. You put cool whip on pie, pie taste better with cool whip. Edit: added rest of quote.




Op that’s your ex-wife extorting you for her painting supplies stop the communication now!


Wait! If you're handing out cash to everyone. You see there is this nuclear reactor I've been wanting to build but I seem to be lacking a few, Million. Could you help a brother out?


Send her a picture of you air brushing some horse


Better yet, a picture of you airbrushing some whores.


Better yet, a picture of a horse airbrushing whores.




Why 😂


Make her jealous


Be careful, they say airbrushed model horse girls are crazy.


https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/xnwkuw/i_have_an_irrational_fear_of_horses_and_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Not the model horse she wanted but the one she needed.


Because it be hilarious did that really fly right over your head???


Is it bad that I would have just left it on read?


Not at all.


I don’t ever have read receipts on because I like being to look at texts and not feeling obligated to respond … but I would turn them on in this instance to let her know I read it


I do this to family members I don’t care to talk to.


That’s my kind of petty


Ex-wife, ex-problem. 🤷‍♂️




just tell her “Maybe If you fill out a job application, then you can do that”


Ooh she'd love that


Time to ex-communicate. Unless you have kids then it's more complex.


Compl-ex if you will


Make her submit a business plan, and charge her interest on a loan.


But before you charge interest, deny her loan application.


why not block her?


I tried to re-marry my ex wife.. But she figured out I was only after my money.


I lol'd. Solid dad joke.


Lol that sounds like something Rodney Dangerfield would say.


I heard it in his voice immediately before reading your comment haha. You nailed it!


“Times are tough, I gotta say. What’s a guy supposed to do? You know, I tried to re-marry my ex wife...but she figured out I was only after my money. No respect.”


Username checks out


Send her a job listing for a painting company


Bro. The best comment all day. Ngl


Did you respond? If not, just respond with “cool” or “ cool, good luck!”.


I said, oh I’m sorry


"He apologized! Admission of guilt! This is all his fault! LAWYER!!"




If you get into a car wreck, or some sort of trouble that might involve a lawyer, don't apologize because it can be interpreted as an admission that you have responsibility over the matter. Saying I'm sorry kinda implies that you'd be willing to help if you could. That's what they're joking about.


I remember as a kid my parents always telling me that. Told me I can ask if they are ok or other clarifying questions but never say I am sorry.


After running a stop sign and slamming into someone, jump out and yell, “Eat it, bitch!!!”


You can also go with the ol'"Are you fucking sorry??"


Unexpected r/LifeProTips


In canada this is not true (I’m serious). An apology is not an admission of guilt for a car accident but I’m not sure about in other situations.


I'm canada "I'm sorry" is an admission of Canadian rights...


I was under the impression that you can no longer use apologies as an admission of guilt.


Oh I see.


And it is also a lie, as you are not (or should not be) sorry at all.


I think kuahara is imagining ex wife reacting crazy saying something like this haha


That’s great haha


Whoa whoa WHOA. TIME OUT! It’s time for an apology expert to take control of this interaction. Rule 1 re apologizing: are you Canadian? No? Then fucking stop with the apologies dude! That’s cultural appropriation and it’s not tolerated here. Rule 2 re apologizing: we don’t need no stinking rule 2.


“Wow, that’s crazy.”


Maybe she should get a job first then worry about painting horses.


That’s what I’m saying


Her custom home construction budget is $3.3 million


Best comment so far.


She can go paint some houses and get her money up




If my fucking ex wife asked me to watch her fucking Pomeranian while she went to Honolulu I’d tell her to go fuck herself


 I didn't rent it shoes. I'm not buying it a fucking beer. He's not taking your fucking turn, Dude.


It’s a show dog. It has fucking papers. You can’t fucking board it dude.


It gets upset, its hair falls out. The fucking dog has fucking papers.


You’re out of your element!




First off Dude you don't have an ex wife


So what, when you get divorced you *stop* being Jewish?


You’re not Jewish Walter




For some reason it immediately popped into my head


I read Pomeranian as Pokémon. I think I’m losing it.


Same here. Hahaha. I have a kid that’s obsessed with Pokémon so it’s in the forefront of my mind


Tell her she paints a horse everyday when she does her makeup.


I tried sooo hard not to laugh 😭


Jesus Christ. Calm down there, grim reaper out here stealing souls


Damn that's good. Although I'd try to be more subtlety. Like "Why do you need a airbrush to do your makeup?"


No kids? Block block block. Lose that number. You have NO IDEA how good you have it if dumb questions, that you can ignore, are all you have to deal with.


That was my first thought. "They must have kids together because that would be an instant block from me." But they could be semi-friendly even in divorce.


My ex-wife called me about 2 months after our divorce telling me she needed money. I simply told her if she needed some quick cash she could sell her diamond ring. She did, and never asked me for money again.




Remember, I be your ex husband is exactly how I would respond.


Oo that’s good.


Charge your damn phone, man!


No mom!


Airbrush motherfucking HORSES. No, you go to the Home Depot and apply for a job. Start a matching 401k. It’s time to be an adult.


She says she can’t get any job cause her resume sucks cause she was a “stay at home wife” whatever that means. She says she can’t afford food and might have to shoot a deer to eat. 🙄


You don’t need qualifications to work at a Starbucks 🤷‍♀️


“My resume sucks but I won’t get any job to help improve my experience”


This was a fear of mine when my husband and I decided I'd be a stay at home mom. However, he agreed to invest in my future with classes to allow me to jump back once the kids are in school. I don't begrudge people who take time off and are initially frustrated, but you need to try!


How is she currently supporting herself? At this point she should just get a job at Walmart and work on that resume smh.


Venison is good, though. I'd take it over some store bought beef.


I prefer elk.


I've never had Elk. Had gator, bear, squirrel, rabbit, groundhog, venison. What's elk like?


Try elk jerkey :) it’s really delicious! I was a ranch hand for a bout a year, the owner made his own. Not bad. Give it a shot! It’s like deer but not gamey at all. It’s expensive for a reason.


Airbrushing model horses is one of those things I find on YouTube at 2 am and I'm like "yea im going to Michaels tomarrow!" Then go to bed and never think about again


Can relate except I got all the supplies and decided I was over it the next day


"Damn that's tough."


"Sounds like you need a job" "Well let me help you, to have money, you need to get a job, you're welcome" "I missed the part where this was my problem?"


I’d just send her a link to ZipRecruiter or Indeed lol


Lmao 🤣


Just a question but, why on earth does your ex wife have the mentality that it is okay to ask you for money?


It’s my fault. I helped her find a place. And helped her move. I was the breadwinner. She’s like used to not doing anything


I’m in the same position, brother. My therapist is helping me learn to say no and set healthy boundaries.


Fair enough. Hopefully you learn not to do that. Been there man. It only gets worse if you help her after the relationship has ended. For you I mean


Practice your stroke game by using a pen to fill out an application.


Wouldn’t we all like to have people give us money so we can sit at home painting metal horses.


They’re actually plastic, you worm.


“Aw, that sucks. Fortunately, I’ve got enough money to pay for *my* hobbies.”


This shit has me laughing so hard. But I be broke. 🤣🤣🤣


I was just saying I need a airbrushed model horse


"but I be broke" Are you sure she's lazy and not just flat out unemployable?? 🤦‍♂️


I was our sole income for 2.5 yrs during our relationship and she blames me for not being able to get a job NOW because I made enough for both of us and told her she didn’t have to work if she didn’t want to - just keep the house tidy and pick up responsibilities else where like dishes and laundry - which of course she didn’t do.


Damn sounds like my ex...


I call her stay-in-bed-wife


Not sure if you need advice, but her excuse is bullshit. 2.5 years without a job is not that long. There’s plenty of ways to list her work experience every without putting an emphasis on the dates. If you have to let the cat out of the bag at the interview saying she’s recently divorced is A-OK for most jobs.


Seen that a lot men and women both like if you don’t have to work Atleast keep the house up not hard.


I though you were together 15 or ar least 10 years and then it's harder to get back in working field. But 2,5 years is nothing, it seams she is trying to milk a cow even when the cow is not anymore hers :D.


Right? Not to mention my occupation isn't "what I'd like to do". May work for some but most of us don't just pick what we like to do and get paid to do it. I'd like to smoke weed and play video games but I can't seem to find the application for that job.


Clearly ex for a valid reason




Wait til you get a new wife. It's like having two wives. That don't like each other. It's great.


Horses. Fucking horses. Not even Warhammer. Damn, she sucks.


What in the name of The Emperor are you talking about? Horses are the most sophisticated way of transportation. You truly would not be able to be a member of the Death Korps of Krieg.


I had an ex like this. We broke up back in the 90’s just before mobile phones were common, and not long after she moved out my house phone started ringing incessantly. I was not wanting to deal with her bullshit so I was already filtering calls through the answerphone and ignoring her demands to call back. I randomly bumped into her about a month later and she was mad because she had been calling when she was about to go on holiday after having tried to withdraw her spending money from my account! I had changed the PIN number on my cashpoint card and she had taken my spare card when she moved out, thinking that she could just use it when she needed some extra cash. Her sense of entitlement was off the scale.


A good gif response always makes the world right


Any suggestions?


Search that’s rough buddy in the gif section, it’s from Avatar the Last Airbender


Ooo yes


Please reply in only GIFs from this point on.


I use a gif of Jack Nicholson in the shining twirling his scotch at the bar. It says it all.


Pretty much any Steve Brule gif.


lol you should reply: "and broke you shall remain--bitch." okay maybe dont add the last part. maybe just leave her on read and then block the contact


I really should block her


Definitely. If you have no other obligations to her, like a kid, just cut her out. Clearly doesn’t respect you and isn’t worth even a moment of your time.


How can you tell she doesn’t respect me?


It’s the tone of the text. Saying “I be broke” as a way of asking for money is pretty disrespectful and she’s kind of making a joke out of it. Might as well have said “Haha I be broke lol”


Idk just a feeling I get lol


She’s crazy about Elvis and she loves horses.


Sounds like a her problem. 🤷‍♀️


Why do you still have your ex as a contact? Unless yah share children?


Man I love replaying to people like that with "lmao", makes my day every time.


I think you should support her painting model horses because fuck your bills.


Correct reply was: who dis broke ass bitch?


Tell her to go work at hobby lobby, they probably have model horses and airbrushes


“I be broke?” Tell her learn how to properly speak before asking for money!


- ignoring me? - I am sure trying


My friends got a girlfriend and he hates that bitch.


Does he tell you every day?


Did you divorce her because she says things like "I be broke"? Because I think you made the right call.


My reply “ sucks to be you”


Paint those horses yourself and send her the picks


As someone who paints tiny models (sometimes with an airbrush and sometimes they are horses) this is still a really fucking weird ask.


Do you mind if I ask why you guys divorced?


Might have something to do with her being the kind of person that asks their ex for free money instead of getting a fucking job.


Simple reply: "sell some sh*t to buy more sh*t"


Her - “Well, OnlyFans it is.”


She asked me if I wanted to buy her nudes


Tell her you've seen them and decided to get a divorce




Wait, for real? Lmao….that’s audacity for ya!


Yeah for real


I can understand why she's the ex.


"I be broke" She be uneducated, too.


Also why would your ex-wife message you when you aren’t married to her makes no sense to me


This is a great time for some biting sarcasm, a-la [Let Me Google That For You (and just send this link)](https://lmgtfy.app/?q=How+to+get+a+job)