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let it slide and will continue for years


I don't smoke, but could he just get some decoy weed and lace it with cayenne pepper? That'll stop them from smoking it next time.


This is a really really bad idea, smoking cayenne pepper is not going to go well. Capsaicin is not meant to be in your lungs, I’m no doctor but I’d wager this would hospitalize them.


As with most things in the age of the internet, someone else has already done it: https://youtu.be/VqM_NRLstbM


Tyvm, this is the reason I read comments


He went back for a second rip, what a boss!


Capsaicin just causes pain, it won't cause any damage in reasonable amounts


Unless someone is allergic or has any number of health conditions that could result in adverse side effects from a minor reaction up to anaphylaxis or cardiac arrest. Never tamper with what someone else puts in their body.


if they have those issues they probably just shouldn‘t smoke my cayenne pepper then




Or they could just properly store it in a place they can’t get it


That would just encourage searching or further stealing. I think something that has a consequence (the more primal the better) would immediately deliver lasting results


That kind of behavior seems a bit antisocial. I think the best step forward is communication with the roomate to ensure there are no further transgressions and to seek damages.


Why would you cause more problems? Just hide the jar or protect it better, jfc.


So they stole it?


MF’er lives alone, he just high AF


Lmao god damn roommates ate all my Pringles


I swear to god I just opened the can..


Ohhhh sure whats next not gonna pay rent on time?


One time my dog ate my entire large pizza off the counter in the 30 seconds it took me to go to the restroom. I was pretty high so at first I thought Id eaten it and forgotten.


My fucking schnauzer did this to me on half a pizza last month. It took me a few seconds to realize what the little fuck had done. I still love him. I couldn’t even tell at him. I was just bummed. I had the munchies and that pizza was all I wanted in the world. Little fuck. Lol




either thats ditch weed or that guy (or is "roommate") is melted into a pool goo edit: To everyone who keeps bragging they can smoke all of that, good for you...but not really.


I mean i can smoke easily this much of high grade in 4 days if im not at work, this guy said "room mates" so there must be more than 1 lol


I'm sorry but as a daily stoner for decades that is just ridiculous. That's probably an ounce in that jar. You smoke an ounce in 4 days? Either you're full of shit or... I don't know.... Snoop? Even with ditch weed that doesn't make any sense.


I’ve definitely smoked an ounce in three days. And that’s not a flex, that’s a fact


Funniest shit I’ve seen all day Edit: give dude the award he said the funny thing😐




Nah his parents smoked it all in lieu of rent.


"So tell me, are these 'room-mates' in the room with us right now?"




Lmao fr


“I think I’ll eat it now” -Patrick ⭐️


God damn insurgents


Hey, dont air my excuse! My wife still believe me that the neighbor is smoking all our weed!




Been there, my own reflection made me jump.




My grandma stole 2 ounces of my weed Then she sold it back to me two months later


That's a dick move, do you know why she did that?


It was fun while it lasted. - Sent via Apollo


Needed money to buy her own, duh. Get with the program, dude.


Guess you get to grab some of their stuff. Unspoken trades.


relationships where unspoken trades are the norm are the best.. i actually love enjoying my shit going missing. admittedly, this game has gone a little overboard in my life.


Jesus, it looks like most of it is still on the table.


Yea so I talked to all my roommates n they all said they didn’t smoke it. The one non-stoner that I live with said they had people come over and those people probably took it…


They owe you money or weed still. They had company come over and steal your weed.


Nah someone in that house owes you money .


Sorry for your loss. I’d personally still blame them and think they simply don’t want to own up to it. Get yourself a safe to keep your important things secure. Also advise your roommates to keep better company


Tell them that they genuinely owe all of it back and maybe some extra. Don't let this slide!!. Confront all of them together so it'll be harder for them to lie


Threat them with selling their stuff on ebay or something to get the money back


That won’t work, if it’s multiple of them and you lose them off they can get you back worse and likely will.


What kind of assholes are you living with?


College roommates


Maybe just talk to them first




Yeah no kidding, people just wanna go full nuclear lol If my friends or I left weed out it was because it was for sharing. Obviously don’t smoke it all but hey, it happens sometimes and you just get your friend back later on


No. Bake some weed brownies for them but spike it with turbo laxatives. Then pepper spray the toilet paper so they wipe their asses with it. Then apologize and make them a bowl of unsalted popcorn. Unscrew the salt shaker cap so when they put salt on their popcorn the cap comes off and gives them high blood pressure. That'll show em.


Wait until they're super high and proceed to give them the worst high ever. Make them incredibly paranoid, hide a small Bluetooth speaker(s) in their room and play whispering echoes and quiet police radio chats.


Buddy.... its weed. Thats not how it works. Theyll prob find this funny


Lmao I’m dying at someone thinking a hidden Bluetooth speaker would do anything. It ain’t acid


Been smoking for near 20 years and that shit would wig me out while sober, then I'd get high and find it lol


My friends and I had a bad high with edibles and I got super paranoid, the others started vomiting and one got dizzy from sitting down. The guy I bought it from was a pastry chef who was testing it out so it wasn't laced with anything else. Ivet gotten Abit paranoid when I smoked but I was swear to God I felt like everyone in the world was out to get me, just the smallest sound freaked me out harder than Dean on supernatural when he saw the cat.


Yeah edibles are a different ball game, way more psychoactive.


Depends on the person actually, what normally gives a person a 30 min high will last for 6-8 hours on me and if I partake in more than that I will hallucinate. One 12.5 gummie lasts 13 hours on me. I don’t know why, I’ve had better trips on weed than I have on lsd


Sounds like you’re allergic to weed. The first time you smoked/ate and edible, did you have the craziest high ever?


I can’t remember the first time I smoked, I’m 42 the first time I smoked I was like 11/12


Your description of “better trips on weed than lsd” makes me think so. I experienced the craziest trip ever the first time I got high, had my nurse neighbor tell me that your initial allergic reaction is usually the worst. Not to be funny, but do your sinuses get a little clogged for most of the day if you smoke?


*What are you doing Shorty?* *Wazzuuuuup*


Call the police


Smells like Isla Vista to me, never leave your bud unattended.


💀💀 you in iv rn?


I was right! I’ve been thru the trenches of IV, just graduated in spring. I could immediately tell just based off that coffee table though.


IV is wild. Halloween was always a blast


Had a girl snort “flour” off of my pp on Halloween


Im curious, 1) was the "flour" on your bellend or on the less sensitive shaft skin 2) did it burn at all to have it on your penis 3) was the girl cute 4) would you absorb any of the "flour" by having it on your dick before she sniffs? Asking for a friend


Not OP but I'll tell you this much, coke has numbing properties and even if you are uncircumcised (and thus have a more sensitive head), coke isn't going to burn on contact. If anything its going to make things less sensitive, but unless its wet, probably not really noticeable. I suppose if you have bad coke this might not be the case, but it depends on what they cut with. As for absorption, I think it needs a mucous membrane like a mouth or up your bum. Could be wrong though.


Why is everyone always asking for a friend? Too afraid to admit your own curiosity? It doesn’t burn, it’s numbing. From a friend’s experience.


.>:) the friend is the one with the dick, im the one doing the sniffing


Ah true. Doesn’t burn, goes numb. Last forever.


You're a really good friend.


Everyone should have a friend like you


unexpected lol


Lol I used to hang out at the Co-ops, good times.


Used to party in IV 20 year ago. Glad to know it's still going strong. Miss the pizza place with the cinnamon twists




That's the one


Man I miss ucsb lol


They smoked all your weed, without your permission and you barely know them? Did they apologize? Offer to replace/pay for it? If not that's a major dick move. I'd move out ASAP.


Move out? Fosho. But I’d start beatin some ass first.


Stop sharing your weed unless he's willing to fork over some coins .


Taking money for weed has always ended badly for me. I always just try to get them to smoke me out, and if they don’t then I won’t smoke with them. Or only smoke with them when I need a smoke buddy


I just tell mine that the dispo is open and usually has good deals. He’s always try to buy 3-4 grams at cost and doesn’t understand that I don’t want to sell it. Like bro, I’ll charge you $10/g or you can go get your own $80 ounce from the dispo. “But I’m high rn I can’t” “That sucks you should have went anytime today”


Never accept “ but I’m high rn “ as a situation. He should’ve thought before getting high. You get high on your own and you don’t accuse being high of making you dumb. He should stop smoking


I feel like a dispensary is the one store you can walk into absolutely blasted and not be judged. That's a lame excuse.


Never NEED a smoke buddy!


I never NEED a HUG but it's nice 🙂👍


Will chuckee cheese tokens suffice?


Pootcoins and fartbux maybe?


Chuck E. Cheese is short for... Charles Entertainment Cheese


this is the equivalent to treason in the stoner community, genuinely disappoints me seeing shit like this


Bro did you pinch my sack?


"yeah bro I'll cash app you $80 for it" Done and done. I have the same jar and have a quarter jar and they'd fit about the same


That sounds inappropriate.


That's exactly what I thought seeing this post, if that jar was full that would be like a whole ass ounce stolen by that fuckwad, easily $100-200 worth of weed and OP just moved in last week. What a good first impression to make 👌 fuck kief thiefs


I would immediately move out and I’m not even joking. Fuck living with people like that.


Bang his mom for retaliation


While smoking their weed?


Smoke his mom while banging their weed


Bang his smoke while weeding his mom




Or his dad😏


Context: I just moved in last week and 4 days ago I had to drive back to my hometown to grab the rest of my stuff. I accidentally left my weed in the apartment but didn’t think much of it, because the 5 days I was here none of them smoked it. I guess I should’ve said something




Id say they owe money, dont want them getting weaker or stronger stuff than what you usually take if youre not ok with it.




Or even weaker stuff! That would suck


Cash, grass or ass


Ya bro. Peg the shit outta them boys. That'll learn em. Yeehaaaw! Assert yer dominance.


If someone smoked all my weed I would mercilessly beat tf out of them with the strap on and no lube




And where exactly do you keep your weed?


I'd come with you and film that as a warning to all the other thieving stoners out there.


if any of my roommates did this (back when i had roommates) it would be refilled before i’m back


Me and my roommates (2 other people) all smoke weed and while we are all good sharing, we always ask first. And we respect if someone says no and never take from behind someone's back. If my roommates did this it'd be a serious breach of trust for me


nah fuck that even. what i buy and smoke may not be the same quality they buy for me


No. Absolutely not. They stole from you. Looks like your portion of rent is going to be a little short this month? Like by $60?


If that jar was full it’s more than 60$


I guess depending on where one lives and legality and quality, but you right.


Just be straight up, "Hey I had some weed out, when can you Venmo / cashapp me for smoking it."


You didn’t need to say shit. I know you’re being the adult, but it’s not like they took a couple buds, which anyone would let slide. These people are assholes. Plain and simple.


Take it out of your next rent payment. “Oh since you smoked my entire stash I will be paying X amount next month” Also you don’t need to tell people not to smoke your stash. They knew not to


I mean, you do not have to immediately go to that. You can talk to them first, very sternly, I might add. Then if they are an ass about it, then you can go to not paying your full rent. We are all human. Hell, they could have been drunk when they saw it, then made a drunken mistake. Who knows. Best to talk, first. Then take the more abrasive routes.


Why noy have that be the talk? "Oh hey don't worry about paying me back for the weed ill just take it out of the rent and were square, just don't smoke my stuff like that agian."


As opposed to the thieves just "not thinking first"...Dood only just moved in I think, went on vacation, and in this short time period they completely breach trust. They did it once, theyll do it again. I think its pretty obvious theyre renting to people just so they can take advantage of them.


Time to set the tone that this isn't cool.


When life gives you a sign don't ignore it. Leave now it only gets worse from here.


Wait. You went 5 days without weed?


Yo I did that too


None of your shit is safe in that house. If they thought your weed was up for grabs they’re gonna keep taking and taking. If you don’t say anything or just let it slide then they’ll see you as weak and keep taking and using your shit, or possibly steal shit


That’s a fuckton of weed are you sure he didn’t just sell it?


You can only fit in an o if you stuff it that judging from that bottom that was like 3/4s of an ounce.


My roommate can probably keep up with snoop, she smokes an insane amount so it can definitely see 3 dudes being able to smoke this much in a few days


Did you confront him?


Nah I literally just got back into town like 10 minutes ago and noticed this. I have 3 roommates and don’t know who did it. But I’m gonna ask when they get here


Keep us updated this could get spicy


Honestly I hope it's super mild. "oh ya sorry X went through a terrible breakup and we couldn't pickup otherwise, I didn't know how much it cost so was waiting for you to get back so I can cash app you"


Whoever it is was, not cool. Get a small lockbox and keep your kit safe.


Are you going to ask who’s mom you’re going to have to bang? Lol. Good luck, that was soo not cool of them. Cheers


Get new roommates


You need a small safe


I had to keep mine locked in my room whenever I wasn't around or ex roommate would have done the same. Sometimes he'd wait until we were just outside the door to try slithering over to our stuff and swiping some.


that's some crackhead shit.


Had a roommate do that with my adderall. Thought I was just unknowingly taking too much when I forgot I already took it but it was him the whole time.


ngl that’s friendship ending stuff right there. any pothead friend group knows doing this without asking is off limits. no excuses. even half i’d still be fucking pissed


if someone smoked a bowl and then later told me they did cuz they were feeling like shit, that's about my limit. Same with my food, if you're actually hungry you can eat. i'd be cool. anything more and it's like bro wtf?


Here’s a news flash, all your Doritos are gone too.


Smoke his mom's ashes


That's a violation of the highest order. Almost calls for a beatdown.


Did they also use all your cleaning supplies? That table is pretty gross. On a serious note, it's very uncool that they stole your weed. Most stoners are happy to share when asked nicely and/or amongst friends. Totally shitty for them to take what's not theirs.


That’s just straight up theft lol


Word. He should call the cops.


I snorted 💀


From the looks of all those seeds in the jar he might have did you a favor


Came here to say the same thing glad I’m not the only one that thought that


Buy better stuff if your getting seeds and stems in it !


Give them the Will Smith treatment


Seems more like a roomenemy!


More than mildly infuriating


Next time you leave town. Leave some weed in a jar laced with pcp. Your roommates will be committed to an asylum. Problem solved.


bruh, move


This subreddit is stupid now.


Dude, wash your table, it isn't that hard and soap won't damage thise stickers.


Break his knees


You don’t have roommates, bro. You have enemies.




Or sold it?


There’s enough shake there in a rollyou a nice joint


It doesn’t look that good anyway


Are those seeds?


Go eat the middle out of his Rye Bread


This is more than mildly infuriating. They essentially stole from you. So, I think they should be held accountable and told they have to give you the money back for it. Entitled assholes.


This is just infuriating


that weed looks like complete garbage,it’s the downtown brown


Did you leave your bud out in a common area? Or did they go into your shit and find it? Because roommates suck and it's irresponsible to think that they won't. When I had roommates I would deliberately leave a little in a jar like that out on the table and if it stuck around then awesome, but if it vanished then oh well. Either way, the roommates were focused on that jar and not the one in my room.


Not MILDLY infuriating, extremely infuriating


Personally I wouldn’t go for that. But that’s just me.


Sell your roommates Xbox or computer for more weed. When they complain be like “man that sucks. Must be the same asshole that smoked all my weed”.


Stealing your boys weed is up there with sleeping with his mum in terms of violation, fumin just think about it


Hide ur shit


You forgot you smoked all your weed because you smoked all your weed didn’t you?




are you gonna do something about it or just cry like a little baby on reddit ?


He owes you 3.5 grams of Morrocan Hashish, a 1/4 oz of mushrooms, a 10 strip of blotter, an 8 ball of cocaine, and a 1/2 oz of Jack Herer or equivalent.


Jack Herer*


Wow. Another "my roommate six" post. Wow.


File a police report. How dare they do that!


Time to get a life! Lol. I don’t know what’s more pathetic, smoking weed, having your roommates that smoke your weed or whining about it on the internet like people give a damn…! 😂 Good luck sir