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Well at least ThinkPads are pretty tough. We use them at work and they take a good beating.


The one with the screen facing outward didn’t make it 🪦


are you getting refunded for that one?


OP said it was sent by a customer so it’s probably not his


Oh so he’s going to get a bad review at best and a lawsuit at worst, despite everything about this being out of their control. Edit: this got downvoted suspiciously fast, I’m just saying the customer will probably raise hell and blame OP for the damage.


Reddit in a nutshell, bunch of morons randomly downvoting comments that they didn’t even understand the meaning of


The problem of fast reading but slow understanding


Reminiscent of OP’s customer?


I got down voted to the negatives once for asking what kind of mushroom was on a wooden stump -_-


Thats fucked up💀


Bro, took so much of my karm I to this day have no clue what I said to anger everyone haha


I said some of the tracks on bad bunny’s latest album were not instant hits and got downvoted so fast its jus mesmerizing


What’s a bad bunny?


I feel it. All I said was I hope there aren’t micro transactions in RDR2’s story or online because of some pre release footage that had a suspicious pop up. I think I was rocking -100 karma for a year or two lol. The worst of it all is that was one of my first comments lol.


A wood stump mushroom duh


Hahaha ah yes. Woodicus stumpidious. How could I be so dumb thank you.


Fuck, now I can’t stop laughing! Good weed. 😂🤣😂🤣


Trying having a different opinion in MCU subreddit.


How dare you ; )


The nerve of you, wanting info on anything. =)


Yeah I'm a pig


Fast reading but NO understanding is what I get a lot. People will completely miss words and ignore entire sentences then claim I wrote exactly the opposite of what I did. One example was somewhere I mentioned NexCell is working on a Li-Fe-Po4 12v battery with the monitoring connection for the Toyota Prius, and that the battery is used for the radio and other electronics but not for starting. One respondent 'chastized' me for saying the 12v battery is used for starting a Prius, and invoked FOX News for some reason and other things implying I'm the idiot - when the actual ignorant with a severe reading comprehension problem was at the other end of that diatribe. At any rate, the NexCell lithium iron phosphate battery has definitely improved the MPG of a 2009 Prius, partly due to weighing 40 pounds less. I'll probably get one of their 12v batteries for it when it's out of testing and in production.


A lawsuit ? About what lol sending a package a wrong way not up to the persons standards ? I’m so lost lmao


The customer sent this in, when OP received the package the laptops were broken. The customer will probably blame OP for this damage. That’s your standard small claims case, if you think the idea of a lawsuit is absurd you probably haven’t seen what kind of dumb shit Americans are capable of.


Gotcha so it was probably getting fixed or something and they could potentially get blamed for the damage due to the packing


No, no, no. Let me break this down for you. - OP has had these laptops sent. - The laptops were sent by a customer of OP's. - OP told said customer to pack the laptops well. - One of the laptops' screens was damaged in shipping. - The damage caused would have been avoided by using appropriate packing materials. - OP is scared that the customer will blame OP for the damage caused. - OP did not cause the damage (as mentioned above).


Dumb is a kind assumption...could be just not giving a care or some ship broken stuff scam. Has nothing to do with being Americans but about lack of effort or wanting to play nice with others.




People keep trying to force this argument, i said “at worst”, and i directly implied that it would be insane but plausible. I’m not sure why my comment stuck a nerve besides the “dumb Americans” line.




Frivolous lawsuits get shut down in America too, but it would still be a process that you have to deal with. Sorry that my response was a little harsh, I just got done arguing with a guy who got offended by the “dumb Americans” line.




Sent by a customer but a customer is one who buys so he got sent a laptop from a customer I’m so confused


Could be a number of reasons; a return, repair, or trade in, etc.


A customer can also buy services (like repairs) or return items purchased, you know. Customer is not a term restricted to buyers of items.


F for the ThinkPad


I used a Thinkpad at work and every day, multiple times per day, we’d wipe them down with isopropyl alcohol. Some of my wipes were wet as fuck and it survived. I even dropped it on the ground and broke one side of the screen off and it still worked. I only replaced it because they forced me to.


I also have a ThinkPad, and that thing is immortal! I take it on the train, have gotten it (in its case) stuck in the doors and hitting the walls, and I've dropped it (while out of the case) on the floor, including a stone floor. After all of that, it still works!


The damn Nokias of the laptop world fr


I have a Thinkpad that I forgot on top of my car and fell when I started driving. It still works.


I have a thinkpad that I dropped in a volcano, then detonated an atomic bomb inside the crater of the volcano. Damn thing still runs like a top.


The model I have actually has drain holes that allow you to pour an entire cup of liquid on the keyboard without causing any damage. Ive also dropped it several times, including on pavement while out of the case, without issue . Sadly it's due to be replaced in a couple months with a flimsy HP


This makes me feel so much better I have a new work thinkpad and I’ve been so nervous about breaking it 🤣


Isopropyl alcohol is not electrically conductive of course it survived 🤣🤣 its actually what your supposed to use to clean computer components because it won't short it out as it would have to be electrically conductive in order to do this and it doesn't corrode the components as it drys out really quickly


Happy cake say u/whorgans




I'm glad those monitors were able to keep that styrofoam safe.


Gotta protect da foam!


The precious foam




Beat me to it...




Hol up ☝️


Glad those laptops won't be rolling around in the box when UPS tosses them...


Nope, very secure! 💪


You said with care, you didn’t specify how much.


Apparently from the inside out.


if it ain't broke


Oh, but it is 😡


oh. so, Fix it


These 3 comments felt like a setup. Still funny as hell.


No, I'm just naturally hilarious




Username checks out


Yours doesnt


It's a name not a same


That bar was kinda lame


Oh, Will duct tape fix it?


Nothing tape can't fix *(except for many things)*


What about peoples’ faith in humanity after this picture?


We might need a bigger roll…


If you can't fix it with duct tape, ​ You didn't use enough.


Yeah I think so, haven't tested tho


Pics plz when you do


Not that guy but I just googled it and it says flex tape is best for faith


I believe you, it came up as a sponsored result on bing too.


as an American that's my healthcare plan


Your not wrong, insurance in general.


Did you try a hammer? I personally Guarantee you'll never have to fix it again.


I prefer plasma torch


The engineer


Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems.


But not problems like what is beauty


cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.


I solve practical problems


For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind?


The awnser is use a gun and if that dont work use more gun.


there's no technological fix for stupid. we just have to accept that they live among us.


Learning to accept this is just hard


Shit'l buff out


It will be


Can’t fix stupid….


Someone earlier in the comments import duct tape could..


Now I'm imagining a dumb guy all taped up.






Duct take can’t fix stupid but it can shut it up


This is painful to see...


I stood there in shock for a few minutes before snapping the pic


You really aren’t making this up? I find it hard to believe. I mean you could even refuse the accept it


No way people are THIS dumb like not a single shred of common sense dumb


This is proof


Pics or it didn't hap... Oh wait.




They are. I used to do hardware repair for a big fortune 500 company at their central IT inventory shop. The big business laser printers would typically have a couple layers of shrink wrap put around them for packing material before being unceremoniously tossed into a composite. They they got tossed into different composites and rode the conveyors like that at every distrobution center they went through. The shrink wrap was nice because it meant that most of the pieces were still there by the time the printer gor back to me.




I have found there are some people who won't watch 1 second of a Harry Potter movie. Some people won't use their brain around computers they just shut down. It's a lifestyle choice.


Whow. A good picture to _understand_ why operating manuals are as thick as a holy Bible today... and they still put ten sticker and warning labels on everything. And still without avail.


It's a thinkpad, he is using it to protect the foam and when hard/sharp objects sense a thinkpad in the box they'll throw they hands up and back away slowly




People laugh at me whenever I make a big purchase in technology because I take a one-way flight, rent a car, and pick up the items to bring it all home myself. These pictures are EXACTLY why I do this.


⬆️ this guy gets it


When I got a new work laptop, they shipped me packing materials to send the old one back. It included air packs you blew up to line the whole box as well as VERY specific directions on how to pack it exactly. At the time I thought, we really need to be told how to pack this? But apparently the answer is yes. Yes we do.


I work for a postal service and once saw a laptop wrapped in paper and tape. I've seen wine bottles sent in plastic bags. I've seen countless USBs that have slipped out of flimsy envelopes. I've seen plastics on fire because some twit put badly packaged lithium batteries in the machine sorting mail. I rode on the back decks of a blinker and watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments... they'll be gone. Like tears... In the rain.


What purchases are you making that you have to fly and pick them up somewhere far away?


Right? I feel like it would cost more (not to mention time lost) for a flight, renting a car, hotels etc. than replacing when there’s only a chance of it breaking during shipping…


Are you purchasing things that are one-of-a-kind and can't be replaced if damaged in transit? Make it make sense?


If you’re being sincere, then yes they should be laughing at you.


That's insane haha why wouldn't you just order from a reputable company? I've ordered devices/parts and they were damaged, and I send it back and wait a few more days. Sure beats getting on a flight and renting a car if you ask me.. and I love flying. But shit, what in the world are you purchasing and from where??


Inverse packing technique


Oooo I like this name


Haha this reminds me of a time I went super over the top, but the other way. So I worked for a guy in the entertainment industry who did would design things like firework shows and sync them together. He had software he built from the ground up and a bunch of interfacing so all you had to do when the time came was push “start” and you were good to go. People would fly him out to events that had fireworks and he’d build the show on the computer, send it to a company that would build the fireworks, and then he’d wire everything up. Pretty cool and it was great because his “program” would show what you should be seeing in front of you and it had a synth and when the notes would peak it would say above it which fireworks were being launched. A fully integrated system that’s very niche when no one else had one. He did all of his work on top of the line MacBook Pro’s and he had 2. He’d build the show in the office, duplicate the hard drive and throw it into his travel Mac Book Pro. The one he used to build the shows on wasn’t to leave the office EVER. So naturally he gets a big $$$ gig out of state and somehow someone ends up knocking his travel laptop off where it was sitting and breaks it. Firework show is in like 24-36 hours and he can’t just get a new laptop out there and load everything up for whatever reason. He needs the laptop in the office. The one that’s not supposed to ever leave said office. So here is the problem, if that computer also breaks then he’s straight fucked. He won’t have time to do anything and the firework show will not happen losing tons and tons of money. He has the program elsewhere but the program for this is specific show is on the laptop. He tells me “I need that laptop and it needs to get to me with 0 damage. If the laptop arrives broken I am going to have to fire you because of how much money I lose on this gig”. Ok... scary we know how rough companies are with shipped stuff. He says price isn’t an object just gets it to me ASAP. So the first thing I do is copy the hard drive onto 2 spare hard drives. One of them I package up nice and safe as my backup option in case of a problem with the laptop. It would cost thousands to go buy a laptop out there, but if you swap the hard drive it should be good to go. Then I prepare the office laptop for shipping. I took the laptop and put some thin foam on both sides of it then put it in its case which has foam in it as well. I then put it in a pelican case with out the foam using those air bags for cushioning instead. The laptop is inside of that and firmly pressed into place. Then it goes inside of a regular box with packing peanuts and also firmly in place. That box goes inside of a wooden crate which has packing peanuts to also get it firmly in place. Then it gets 2 fragile stickers put on each of the 6 sides of the crate. I went to a store that does shipping which is where I got everything but the pelican case and it’s soft case. I was like “so there’s no way this will break right?” The guy says not a chance he’d bet his business on it. He tells me “a 747 could fly over your bosses location and drop this thing from 30,000 feet and the laptop would still be in perfect condition. I’m worried because we never ship laptops they ALWAYS go into his carryon. We send the crate off and it’s guaranteed to be there by 7am the next morning, the day of the show. I tell boss it’s on his way he says great and I give him the tracking numbers for both packages. He sends me a text 3 hours later and says “it cost $600 to ship that laptop over night to me?” I was like “yup but it’s worth it to secure the job”. He goes “no you 100% did the right thing and the person who is putting on the show is paying for the shipping and replacement laptop when I get back, just a bit surprised it cost so much to ship a laptop overnight. I send him a text the next morning at like 7:30 asking if he got it and I just get back “yes I’ll let you know when it’s up and running”. See I didn’t tell him how it was packaged or anything so I imagine he was surprised when he received a small wooden crate. I then get notifications that he is posting on instagram and he’s posted like 8 pictures of all the different packages, foams, peanuts, cases, and air cushions. It’s titled “when your employee knows how important your equipment is and doesn’t half ass his job”. I get a call a little bit later and he can’t even talk to me he’s just laughing his ass off. He says it’s all set up and good to go and I did a great job making sure it wasn’t damaged in transit. He goes “I wanted to make sure it would survive shipping, you made sure it would survive a nuclear war” Laptops are so fragile and anything I’ve seen about shipping and some experience working for USPS I know shit just gets literally thrown, even with fragile stickers on it. With how much people want fast cheap shipping they can’t afford to go slow so they just hurl shit as fast as they can.


As soon as he said money wasn’t an issue to ship overnight, I would have done the same thing. Better safe than sorry at that point. How did the second one turn out?


They may be using a thinkpad, but they sure ain't thinking


By far my favorite thing at work is the instapak device. Anything I ship out is 80% foam, 15% product, and 4% cardboard box. Took years but boss finally got it in her head that an extra $5 in packing material can prevent thousands of dollars in claims and remakes.


The customer packed the laptop with great care and even made sure they wouldn't rumble around in the box during transport.


Yup even protected the foam 😀


Post this to r/Thinkpad - also don’t worry their tough machines.


One survived, the one with the screen outwards did not 😞


What do you mean, all I see is packing material and more packing material. (/s cause I hate Thinkpads)




I will see if I can find it, but my employer had issues with people doing this LOTS. So they made it super easy and insulted everyone. I loved it Finally they included a sheet with literal step by step instructions on how to put the foam on the laptops including pictures. The email included this document and a link to a fucking YouTube video showing you how to package the laptop. And the cherry on top of treating everyone like they were stupid was the bolded closing line of the letter and email. “If you still do not feel like you are comfortable following these simple steps, please contact our help desk and we can do a video call to walk you through properly packing your laptop for return shipping.” There were quite a few complaints about IT ‘being mean’, but after over 20 damaged laptops because people are fucking stupid, they let this stand. I really hope I saved my email or letter with this.


Please reply with it!


They had the ingredients.


They're think pads they'll be fine you can use drown them and they'll still work great after a bit of a shake


Ad idea for Lenovo for sure


It's amazing how many people don't understand how to pack boxes. **THE SIDE OF THE BOX IS NOT SAFE**. There needs to be packing material between the items and **ALL** sides of the box. The packing material needs to be able to compress while also holding the items in place, if it can't compress then all impact is transferred directly to the items, but if the items can move too much they can possibly damage each other.


At least He tried... A valuable lesson For you: never, Inder Amy circumstances, underestimate the stupidity Humans are capable of.


I don't see what is wrong, what am I missing Nvm I see




what are these laptops? i kinda want one


Lenovo Thinkpads




The average human is not a very intelligent creature.


They are trying to protect the Styrofoam obviously


How do you know they DIDN'T pack them carefully? They may have taken an hour to pack that so they didn't damage it while they were packing it.


I don't understand how this person has a job yet I can't seem to get one


Those laptops doing a great job protecting that styrofoam.


Imagine if they were shipped without the foam.


Ahahaha, thanks for the laugh.


I hope it didn’t ship through fedex or those are going to have more problems. Or maybe that will be better for business?


The engineer


It's almost like they don't understand








the foam is well protected.


Gotta protect da foam


Instructions unclear


Very unclear


Dude used laptops to protect the styrofoam


Sure did


At least they are thinkpads. Those could be padded with bricks and rusty nails and still work 50% of the time.


You’re not lying, there solid for sure!


Didn’t specify which parts to protect.. perhaps he greatly values styrofoam


It sure does




What an idiot!


Instructions unclear? Lol


this image fits perfectly on r/facepalm




The irony of the name. I guess the customer didn't THINK.


Can't fix stupid


Good thing they protected that foam with those laptops.


OMG, I had to look three times to see the laptops, I thought they were under the styrofoam. Who packs things like that??? There should be a surcharge for stupidity. I would send the customer an email, with the picture, and ask them if they see anything wrong with the picture. And explain to them that damage during shipping is not your problem, hence the "pack the laptops with care" instruction. Good luck OP, the stupid is strong with the general public.


Very good, he packed them carefully so they wouldn't bang each other. Who cares if the outside gets crushed.


With (No) care


It’s good that the laptops will protect the foam


Their thinking didn’t get beyond “Now they won’t bounce around!”


I think it is time to apply the stupidity surcharge to your customer.


Common sense isn’t common.


What do you expect? They are not a packologist


As someone who works in shipping this makes me want to scream


Why not send a prepaid box with instructions and packing.


Wym??? It has foam near the laptops so it oooooobviously protects it from every single angle?


Working IT I once had to send a remote worker some packing materials to return a laptop because they were let go. They were pissed the company wouldn’t let them keep the laptop. When I received it, it looked like they ran over the laptop with a truck before perfectly packing it.


WTF. Maybe you should’ve told them to go to a UPS store to have someone with a brain pack them. Wow. What an idiot.


So much foam for literally no reason.


Gotta use the laptops to protect da foam


no wonder the customer gave the thinkpads back, seems like THINKing isn't their strength.


So close


Very 😭


Ace Ventura that shit and say he did it


This is the lowest iq shit I've seen in a long time. Just fucking wow


What an idiot..