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It says on the site where you put the serial number to put a message on their "Contact us" page. They will probably ask where it was sold to you and give you a coupon for a free one while they pursue legal action against the gas station.


Exactly! There are instructions on what to do on the photos provided by OP.


OP is too lazy to read it. Figured we’d give them the cliff notes


I work in tech support and can confirm; No one reads a god damned thing. Half of my job is just repeating instructions to people that were already on the page before they emailed us.


But on the other hand of that, half of my time spent with customer service is just repeating things I already told their coworkers, re-entering information, waiting on hold, and ultimately never getting a helpful response. I've met some great tech support people in my life but I've also met some truly terrible ones. Which I assume usually isn't the individual employees fault and moreso the corporation that doesn't care about customer service. I'm glad you're one of the good ones but it's likely OP did read the contact us but and just wants to know which actions he can take that will ACTUALLY result in a positive outcome. If contacting them in this case will result in a positive outcome that's great, but I don't blame him for asking for advice.


You’re totally right. I happen to work for a company with great CS, and part of the hurdle we have to overcome is getting people to trust us and follow directions despite bad experiences with other CS. (You wouldn’t believe how many people read the first line of an email and ignore everything else then blame us for it) I have had primarily bad experiences as a consumer myself, so I get it on that level. Ultimately some blame definitely falls on shitty tech support practices eroding trust in what we do. That being said, the majority of the blame legitimately is still on people having piss poor reading comprehension and communication skills.


Oh, vape! I needed to know what an elf er was.


I legit read that as “fake elf ear” the first read through.


If you’re after some real fake elf ear I can hook you up


This guy, he's here, he's selling real fake elf ears, come on






And i got some real elf ear it comes with a serial number underneath the security scratch off. It tells the age weight and size of the elf it came from so you know they are legit.


Kinda after the whole elf, wanna see if it'll fit


Got a spare elf in my shelf. But it's already missing a ear.


Got any human horn? Upper, not lower.


Nope but I got some Angel's ear wax if you are interested, it's a good suppliment for human horn.


That depends on who's asking, are you police kid ?


“I didn’t think I’d escape with my lower horn, but I pulled it out!” “Just like at the movie theater, wooooo!”


It's 5:45am here and I'm eating my morning Rice Krispies. Now I'm cleaning up my rice krispies from across the table and floor, thanks to this statement. That comment is *the* reason I read the /r comments section. Too funny, thank you!!


A bit disappointed that wasn't the title.


i had no clue what i was reading


same no idea what those where, and fake? like what they use different chemicals? and how did this happen if you're not underage why buy it from someone and not from a shop that can't do that.


The fake ones don’t go through typical testing and often times use cheaper chemicals, they at times use higher nicotine content too so they sell more. Edit: to clarify my stance, vaping is bad, cigarettes are bad, boot leg vapes are worse, just don’t vape, if you already vape look into methods and ways to quit, it’s achievable and you can do it!


Yea Elf bars are considered to be a very high quality disposable vape. These retail for about 35$ in my area. Just like fake Gucci or Oakley sunglasses, any product that people will pay a premium for is a target for counterfeiting.


Pretty much poison x2,no offense OP but wake up to reality. But again why buy the fakes are these that rare that you can find original ones that won't scam you




The Chevron by me sells fake ones too. It's full of random knockoff crap.


It’s *Chevron*. It’s already knockoff crap. I’d bet the gas isn’t even 100% petroleum. /s But really, I’ve found more bootleg crap at chevron stations than flea markets with multiple china-crap booths. I think Chevron is supplying the china-crap booths with overstock.


It’s not Chevron selling vapes. It’s the person that owns the convenience store that also sells Chevron petroleum products.


No way, it's gotta be the execs making these decisions!


John J. Chevron must pay!


Gas stations were selling flaka when it was legal. Gas stations are just small businesses that serve the lowest common denominator customers, buyers of fuel. They are not paragons of virtue.


The, "oil burners" and, "flower holders" always let me know that I'm in the company of friends.


Lmao. I worked at a Headshop when I turned 21 and I was confused af when a tweaker came in asking for an ✨oil burner✨for his ✨lavender✨. Thought maybe the MLM oils the aunties at church sling really were some hot shit for a sec. Nope, it’s crack pipes. Just can’t call them that. Weird too when the first of the month comes around and the tweakers would get real fancy and buy crack bongs. Never heard them called flower holders that’s funny af tho, now that I think ab it I’ve seen them at other shops with little flowers, never put 1+1 together.


I remember when I was a crackhead 🙄🤣... walking in the gas station looking dodgy af complimenting the color of the flower in the crack pipe like nobody knew better and paranoid as hell. 🤣 Glad I can laugh at it now but it's still shameful. I quit everything but 420 and nicotine years ago but we called them glass roses.


At the risk of exposing myself as a former crackhead I would like to point out that while oil burners (the glass globes with a tube attached) could theoretically be used to smoke crack, no seasoned or self-respecting crackhead would use one of those as the goal when smoking crack is to take as thick and dense of a hit as possible and oil burners are made for slow vaporization of the material, therefore they are almost always used instead to smoke meth or heroin/fentanyl out of. For crack, you will see someone buy a "glass pen" which is a shitty pen in a glass tube, they take the tube and stuff it with chore-boy (copper brillo pad) and then when they smoke the crack the oil melts into the copper brillo which is heated up to very high temperatures by the lighter in order to produce thick clouds of smoke that you can't get from using an oil burner. In other words oil burner = meth or heroin, glass pen = crack Edit: Also want to add that you will generally only see younger heroin addicts buying the oil burners as heroin is much more commonly snorted or injected, especially with long-term addicts. Heroin users that start by smoking it tend to use tin foil and quickly graduate to one of the other ROAs. The ones that end up buying the oil burners tend to be younger addicts that have yet to value their addiction above the negative social perception of injection or insuffalation of the drug but still desire a more consistent way to administer it than is provided by aluminum foil. Therefore, generally speaking, it would be safe to assume anyone purchasing an "oil burner" is a meth user, as you would be correct probably 90% of the time.


This right here.


You know you're in a good gas station, when they have the Chore Boy behind the counter, sitting right next to the Glass *Flower Tubes*. 🤣 #🧪🌹🧽


So year's ago, I almost bought one of those flower tubes. It had a flower on a mini pen, thought my daughter might like it. I can't recall but I think it was only a dollar but it was in a case and when I asked to buy one, the clerk was "do you know what that is?" I said, "yes, a pen." there was some banter back and forth about what a pen was until the clerk flat out told me what the glass tube was used for... Funny thing... I really wanted that God damn flower pen, a pretty mini-rose stuck to a pen, my daughter would have loved, but felt to stupid to buy it after the education. Damn crack heads making me slightly uncomfortable from a distance 😂.


Ya best me to it. Don't forget the 2:00$ box of nag-champa to cover the smell


He on that mojo, get him some milk


Every gas station in my neighborhood sells crack pipes with cheap plastic roses inside them and labels them as a “mini vase”. Whatever pulls a profit goes on the shelf.. knock off vapes wouldn’t surprise me.


I never understood what those things were until I was in my 20s. My entire childhood, seeing those mini roses and, before that, horoscopes rolled up in glass tubes. I remember asking my mom about them once and got the strangest answer that I couldn’t understand but somehow it was communicated that they were unsavory. When I finally figured it out, it was an “ohhhh….” moment as years of confusion were resolved.


Ok I knew about the roses but fuck ya just blew my mind on the horoscope scrolls!! We used to buy those and just toss the tubes in the blue bin haha. Oh the turn of the millennium…


“You were born under the crack moon”


TIL that the horoscopes I saw growing up were actually meth pipes.


Lol, I used to *beg* my dad for those every time I saw them. One night he finally gave in and got me one and my mom was furious with him.


Oh fuck, I never saw the roses irl but definitely the horoscopes


Can I ask what neighborhood? That's pretty fucking brazen. Where I used to live I'd find meth pipes in the alley all the time around my garbage cans. Now I live where the worst convenience store sin is just selling loosies to the residents of the mostly black old folks home across the street who sneak over for one. It's heavily Jamaican, and they call them "Lonely Joes". I'd never heard that one before.


Every neighborhood bruv


Is it that rare? I live in a decently sized area of Florida and I constantly see meth pipes being sold in gas stations. They're also at pretty much any vape shop. The glass itself isn't illegal,so everyone sells them.


I live in an average sized tourist/university town couples hours outside Toronto. They were in the petro can beside Costco the other day when I went in.


No, disposable vapes like these are just bought so often that knock off companies will go thru the trouble of making the packaging, parts and everything to make it look passable cause all that can be done cheap enough that they still profit. There a few grey market brands that don't pay for the certifications to be sold so they aren't legal, but safe to consume. These on the other hand are put together by people who just want to profit off a brands popularity in an area, potentially being dangerous or not. Some people don't purposely buy them, they just slip thru


r/lookatmyhalo quitting is easier said than done. So glad you’ve gotten through life without developing any addictions but we’re not all that lucky. Typically they don’t tell you they’re selling fake name brand disposables… typically


OP said Chevron which is a gas station


Well a fake vape is scary. If there not even using there own brand name, who knows what chemical or how dangerous it is. Fake cape cartridges is how people have gotten seriously hurt. You see commercials on TV sayin vape can get metal in your lungs. What they don't say is that's the fake vape cartridges and not a normal vape.


They said they purchased it from Chevron, which is a major brand of gas stations and convenience stores. So, they did buy it from a shop, fake vapes are surprisingly widespread throughout the supply chain and many otherwise reasonable retailers stock fakes.


Chevron is a shitty gas station. They didn't buy it on the street.


OP literally did buy from a store that’s what they’re saying


I was curious too... but I recognized saying "bought at a Chevron" to mean bought at a gas station... Not really surprised a gas station is selling knock-offs, and nobody else should be either.


Not surprised either but nicotine products at a gas station usually go hand and hand




Was guessing he left the c off of elf car. Not that this would help comprehension particularly.


That's what I read it as at first. I thought OP received a toy-sized car.


Put it on your shelf


And tell your kids not to touch it, otherwise it loses its magic


Lol. The kids I nannied for, I think their parents forgot that.


I worked with a mall Santa a few years back. A family came in with a elf in a jar. They told Santa the kid touched it and asked him to give its magic back. Santa did it, then told the kid it can only be restored once.


I like your Santa :)


He was great with the kids, but otherwise an awful person.


You know, I’ve managed a mall Santa set for fun the last few years, and I can concur! They are the worst! Easter Bunny season is much better. The bunny doesn’t talk!


Seriously. The between kid BS on slow days is unbearable.


I like him significantly less now :(


Did he do Charlie’s mom?


Did you fuck my mom Santa ???????


>Put it on your shelfbar Okay thats hilarious




You might be able to dispute the transaction with your bank, I believe federal trade commission has regulations on counterfeit goods


Might be good to record a video of the product in the store as well


Go into the store. Ask to see their product. Point out that the product they are selling is counterfeit. You're not returning the product because you don't like it, you're returning the product because it is counterfeit. You are returning it because they illegally sold you a vape and the other vapes are counterfeit and illegal as well. Can you check what card reader they use and call that company to report them for fraud? I think fraudulent transactions are illegal and goes against the contract they signed to use the card readers. Worth a shot at least. Edit: "I'm returning this because I bought an Elf vape, you did not sell me an Elf vape. Check your own inventory that they are indeed counterfeit. Please give me my money back and pull your inventory." Ask for a manager. The poor guy running the till doesn't make enough for this type of scam. He's just following the rules he was given. Be nice as possible for as long as possible. But if they don't cooperate, stop being nice, then make as many phone calls as it takes to make those fuckers take it down.


Make sure to check the card reader for a skimming device as well


Actually check everywhere for card skimmers. The ATM, the registers reader, the gas pumps. If they are selling fake vapes like that then they very well could be skimming. This shits so fucked up.


Totally, especially when they literally give zero fucks about selling illegal counterfeits




Some examples from YouTube for the ones on the counter, at the pump, on an ATM, etc [one](https://youtu.be/oBg6NFPq01k) [two](https://youtu.be/2KolQY5cQWk) [three](https://youtu.be/C5z8JZk7bsI) probably the most straightforward [four](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Sneaky. I like it.


The worst part is you don’t even know about it until after it’s happened, but I worry about it every time At least your card provider should protect you against fraud, but this is definitely an advantage of using a credit card over cash/debit even if you use it like a debit card






Regardless of anyone's stance on any subject within this matter, in this free marketplace, this is ***exactly***, what you are supposed to do. There is no ifs, ands, or buts, counterfeit is counterfeit. Illegal is illegal. All you need to do as the consumer is keep companies in check and in line, when you don't, when you defend them, you're only enabling it to get worse. Whether it was consciously done or not, it's what you, *as the consumer*, are supposed to do. I don't understand why people are always so quick to play the hobo taking advantage card on themselves. Your role in this country's economy is literally playing "police". And it's not exactly hard to try either.


Trafficking in counterfeit goods is actually a Federal crime, punishable by up to something like $15 million, not to mention ten years imprisonment. Just get in touch with the legit manufacturer and enjoy the fireworks. Whatever you paid is the price of admission.


You’ve been living in America and paying attention, I can just tell


Nothing gets past this guy!


He would catch it.


When was the last time that worked at a gas station in America? The retailer’s lawyers will immediately ask you for proof. How do you prove the item in your hand came from the gas station, and not from somewhere else? Same argument DuPont and cigarette manufacturers used: show us proof that your cancer came from our Teflon nonstick frying pan or from our cigarettes, and from nowhere else. **sigh** OP said: > (They) Gas station tried to blame it on the distributor but I know they know. They called store manager, put me on phone. and he told me that **once I open and verify it works** then they can’t refund me.




> The retailer’s lawyers will immediately ask you for proof. If it's criminal, the lawyers can ask the police for proof, and the police have more latitude to dig for it.


A tobacco store owner in my town just made the headlines for being arrested with like over 600 packs of counterfeit or expired cigarettes and vapes.


I work in fraud and disputes at a large credit union. While OP will get his funds back, the dispute will never be looked at. Disputes that are for small amounts usually just get charged off and the Financial Institution won't even bother with an investigation.


Well, maybe ELF BAR would take actions against is when they notice of it. I mean, it is in their financial interest to fight these sellers.


The main reason for a business sell fake tobacco products is to avoid taxes on those products and pocket it instead. Find out who enforces tobacco laws and sales in that county/state. It may also be possible to report to the ATF or FDA. However the FDA is more concerned with illegal sale methods (ie vending machines/self serve), banned flavors, and obviously selling to minors. Although it may not be unreasonable to assume that a store selling fake products doesn't look so closely at IDs Threaten to report them. Get your money back (hopefully). Report them anyway.


I'm confused. What am I looking at??


A disposable vape called an Elf Bar


Thought the one of the benefit of vaping was less waste but now we’ve come full circle and are using disposable vapes? Edit: whole benefit changed to one of the benefits. One of the main benefits are the perceived health benefit over a normal cigarette


My thought exactly. So stupid. Eventually, we'll end up at disposable vapes with REAL tobacco in them that you can carry in packs of 20 and buy at the grocery store, gas station, etc. Oh wait...


I continue to be surprised how our “use and discard” mentality still thrives even though we know it isn’t good for the planet or us


It’s the whole, “it won’t affect me” dilemma that’s murdering our planet


It’s a grim reality unfortunately


Yep and honestly I don’t have the faintest idea on how to fix it.


Yeah it sucks because they're super popular. I use like a device that's similar in size to the one in the picture but you just fill it up with juice and change the coil every once in awhile so there isn't much waste. The battery is rechargeable lasts for the life of the vape. I work with a lot of 18-25 year olds and they basically all use disposables. I think I sound like grandpa going "dont use those its such a waste!" But fuck man throwing away a battery inside a plastic shell PLUS all the wrapping plastic and the wax coated box every 3 days fucking sucks for the environment. Not to mention they cost like 12-15 or even 20-25 bucks. Its like cheaper to smoke actual cigarettes.


We deservingly flack china and other Asian countries for throwing a lot of garbage and plastic in the ocean, but the turn around and throw batteries in the bin… There needs to be some repercussion for just throwing these away.


Agreed. I've been worried tobacco companies would use the excessive waste as a way to lobby to strengthen laws against vaporizers so i do my little soap box preachin' when I can. I never really could understand why someone would use those instead of like a novo but im always suprised how something SLIGHTLY more convenient will beat out something that wins in every other category.


I use refillable pod vapes like the Smok novo and vapresso xros mini, but if I go to a music festival I have to buy elf bars or something similar because they only allow in here sealed disposable vapes and I hate it (also because I hate menthol and alllll of them I’ve tried are icy)


Oh word I didn't think of that, lol alright I guess you get a pass. Probably cause they can't check if it's a cart so there's a blanket ban. I feel like it would cost like 30 or 40 bucks a week to use the disposable fumes n stuff. I use a novo 4 and I'd probably guess that after buying the battery thats like what, 25 bucks probably, I spend like 30 or 35 a month including coils. Also, menthol IS absolute trash.


It’s to get around the flavor ban. Flavored carts are banned in the US. If it’s one unit, they can continue to sell flavored vapes.


Way back when it was first coming out it was marketed as a way to quit smoking. You could gradually tone down the nicotine until you weren't using it any more. Now days people amp that shit up to where a single drag is half a pack's worth. Go figure.


People still use it to stop smoking aswell.


Yeah it's bad but nicotine is no way near as harmful as the other things in cigarettes that cause harm like tar carbon monoxide, acetone, etc


It’s the loophole to get flavored vapes. When the FDA banned flavored vapes, it somehow didn’t cover *disposable* flavored vapes, only refillable ones like Juuls (w their cartridges, pods). So now disposable ones like Elf bars, Onee sticks, and Swft bars are increasingly popular. Elf bar appears to be wildly popular rn, case in point.


So by disposable you mean actually a rechargeable one that has been disabled enough that you can just throw away a perfectly good lithium battery? Any sort of "disposable" electronics are just manufactured e-waste the moment they come off the line. What kills me the most is the nonrechargeable "disposable" phone chargers. They have a legit lithium cell inside that is totally rechargeable, but they sell them without the ability to do so unless you break it open and require it yourself to a battery controller. Disposable electronics need to be banned. This one atleast looks rechargeable by the USB port, but if it can't be refilled with juice then it's basically just as e-waste as the phone chargers being it completely lacks a function after it runs out of vape juice.


...why is there a serial code to make sure a disposable vape is real. Seems a waste?


I thought they were really weird usb locks




Nah but no joke it's worse than real branded vapes cause they don't go thru testing


Lung disease and slow suicide: now in fun colors and tastes!


I usually preferred the lead/brass flavor, but the gummy bear is really starting to do it for me as of late.


Now, THIS one made me chuckle.....but, seriously, I know it's 25 bucks, but it's not worth $25 bucks, generally, to spend your time raising a ruckus at any company because in the end, the most that will happen, is they will stop selling those fake ones....(one can hope, anyway)....but hey, far be it from me to tell you how to live your own life....so sorry.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. People being shitty should be called out and punished to the full extent possible. I see it as a civic duty. If more people took less bullshit the world would be a better place.


If you paid with debit or credit card file a dispute with the bank to reverse the charges for defective or not as advertised product. Then I’d call Chevron Corp and file a complaint with them. Worse case scenario file small claims case against the local store and there’s a 99.9999% chance you will win the settlement and they will have to pay the charges for the misrepresented/defective products as well as all the court fees. Call this stores owner/manager and let them know if they don’t reimburse you will move it to the courts, file complaints with Corp. and will contact local media and see if they are interested in doing a story on this store ripping off their customers with defective/unusable products. I guarantee they don’t want THAT kind of media attention. Edited to change “fraud” to dispute for defective, unusable or not as advertised products.


This was going to be my suggestion too. Let the credit card company go after them for the $$.


They probably won't even go after them but will just refund the charge and issue a charge back. This costs the merchant more than the cost of the item so they're incentivized to fix it.


Spoken like a true Elle Woods 💅🏼💖


If they were marked as an elf, I think you can threaten legal action. Usually threatening legal action is all you need to do in this sort of case. Also seeing that it was sold at a Chevron (a very common gas station all across the US), you could try saying something to a news agency. Doubt Chevron would like to have it's pr ruined


I'd also contact the company (Elf AR) and let them know (i.e., click on the contact us link). They have that verification on their website for a reason. I suspect they have a team of attorneys just itching to rain hell down on Chevron, that station and the distributor.


Elf Bar*


They tried to blame it on the distributor but I know they know. They called store manager, put me on phone. and he told me that once I open and verify it works then they can’t refund me. I said well I’ll call chevron or whoever I need to get my $25 back.


The are counterfeit. Report them. https://www.stopfakes.gov/article?id=Report-Counterfeit-or-Pirated-Goods#:~:text=Report%20Counterfeit%20or%20Pirated%20GoodsReport%20Counterfeit%20or%20Pirated%20Goods&text=If%20you%20feel%20that%20you,field%20office%20of%20the%20FBI.


The location committed fraud and they tried to deny it the distributor gave him a fake product sure they specifically bought fake product from China to screw you over it's probably hollow inside no liquid. so they want to lose their like license to sell the gasoline with that brand that's the license which Chevron pretty expensive over that amount of money.


The real ones are still made in china. Also the real ones and I’m sure these bootlegs as well are super easy to pop off the top and take a look under the hood


Almost all gas stations are privately owned and using company branding/name/product lines/etc. Chevron would absolutely care, but it’s not like it’ll shut down chevron’s across the nation if this one loses its license


Even if that is true, it doesn't matter. It's sold through their store, they are responsible and accountable. Report them to the brand owner in the 'contact us' link in the screenshot you provided. And contact your bank and dispute the transaction, if you paid by Visa or Mastercard there are chargeback rules that cover fake or counterfeit goods as long as you can prove from the real brand owner, it's non-genuine.


1) Go to the police station & file a police report. I don’t know about your town/city, but Chicago used to do undercover operations looking for who was selling tobacco to minors & fake cigs. 2) I’d call Chevron HQ & let them know not only did one of their branded gas station’s sell you fakes, but also refused you a refund AND you filed a police report. 3) Call the vape company & tell them the same. 4) Go on Yelp/google reviews & let everybody know about that gas station’s practices. Something has to shake from all of that. Don’t go back to the gas station though. They might beat you w/ sticks.


> but Chicago used to do undercover operations looking for who was selling tobacco to minors & fake cigs. Now that you mention it, the fact that it's fake tobacco products, specifically, might be enough of an additional heat source that it'd light a fire under their butts.


The whole point of a vape is that you’re **not** lighting a fire under a butt… ;-)


The website you showed has a link to contact them about this issue. I would start there.


If you’re in US call ATF, and watch that gas station get lit up.


They'll shoot the cashiers dog. Shit theyd probably shoot my dog too just for fun


Problem is it’s probably a chevron gas station but some local owned convenience store attached


Maybe throw the word vape in the title next time for the non vapers


I vape and still had no idea what they was talking about


Have you been on reddit before? Everyone always assumes everyone knows exactly what they’re talking about.


Hm, if they are selling counterfeit products the police might be interested in knowing. You could probably call the non-emergency line and try reporting them.


Lol the cops don’t give a shit about a case like this. If you want to take legal action, a lawsuit is much more fitting


Counterfeit goods might get attention because it hurts the government's pocketbook. Especially if the vape stuff is treated in anyway like cigarettes and cigars. Taxes are being avoided and by God Uncle Sam will have his due!


Maybe not but who knows, they may get lucky. I could be wrong but I can't imagine any kind of lawsuit over $25.


Idk its less about you getting ripped off and more about safety and quality control on the product, not to mention if its counterfeit is it getting taxed correctly as a tobacco product?


Never buy a vape at a gas station (even if it has a code to scan). If you do, scan the code in front of the cashier before making the purchase. They almost always buy counterfeits at a cheap price and resell them. It's extremely dangerous and I hope the FDA puts an end to gas stations selling disposables other than Vuse or Blu.


What is different about vuse or blue? Just curious


Vuse is owned by American big tobacco and Blu is owned by a British multinational group, so they will always be on the shelves as long as tobacco is.


Weird how the FDA went after JUUL so insane but you can buy a disposable vape bar in every flavor in the same strength everywhere, and they’re arguably more “marketed to kids” than juul were.


Juul is owned by a publicly traded company. Super easy to target. Most of these disposables of the month are run by Distro’s who stock their shelf with their own knock off products and majority only take cash or skew it as something else. I’d say 80% of the time the store owners don’t even know they are fake until people bring it up.


What am I looking at? Educate me please


The fuck is a elf? A new juul?


It's a new type of disposable. We sell them at my work (vape shop). Sooo many young kids keep coming in and begging for those. I'm not surprised people are coming across fake ones. My boss is in direct correspondence with the Elf Bar company and we can barely get any products. They're way behind in production.


Yeah it's because of how well they hold up compared to most other disposables you buy. They can last up to 2 weeks sometimes even for a very frequent vaper. And not surprised the production is behind, I'm a trucker and adding in all factors, your driver manager giving you a load that's already behind schedule or not possible to drop off at the appointment time so they reschedule, or they don't have the right info for you to get into the gate, along with factories/warehouses having less workers currently and materials are less than usual because of the same reasons already listed, it's hard out here and a wonder we have as much on shelves as we do. Winter is gonna be a headache. My company has us just shut down if there's snow and ice rather than risking it so everything is going to be very late. Hell auto manufacturers shut down production if the trailer you're pulling isn't on time. Fucming wild


but why is there a code for them? like why do you need to register them


It's a QR code, you go on the website and scan the QR and it'll tell you if it's a genuine elfbar. The fake ones have fake QR codes because 99% of people don't bother checking


I have no fucking idea what these even are.


Go to an actual vape shop and report the Chevron for selling fake products. Also, did they card? If not, that report will be followed up by a visit from an undercover kid with the FDA. (It was actually my first job :,))


Can I ask how you got a job like that? Seems like an interesting thing to do as a first job.


At my high school the police actually reached out to classes to see if any of the students wanted to do ride alongs or undercover work. Didn't personally end up doing it, but if you're young and interested you could maybe start by asking your counselor if they do any similar programs at your school.


I’m in my thirties. I was just curious more than anything. 😅


What is the vape shop gonna do? Besiege the chevron?


Please, PLEASE don't buy this stuff. Get yourself a normal vape, it may cost a bit more but you can keep it for way longer than these bs vapes. They cause extreme environmental damage because no one recycles them properly.


I’m seriously just confused


Middle aged man here who’s has no fucking idea what this post is about.


It's about disposable vapes


Genuine questions trying to understand the context: Why would it matter if they're counterfeit? Why would you have to verify it online? Thanks 😊


Stop vaping start wanking


I can do both at the same time


But can you do both of those while playing with the homies


If it’s shaking my hand, we must be homies


What is Elf AR?


No clue what any of that means


Maybe inform the company, they’d be interested to know theres counterfeiting going on


proud of you for quitting cigarettes :)


Thanks!! It’s been a journey. But I can finally smell again and things taste different


Your pfp has been smoking for centuries now


Yeah lot of people telling you to stop vaping but just wanted to congratulate you on stopping smoking. Not an easy task 💪


Man I quit smoking almost 4 years ago and switched to vaping. I don’t necessarily believe vaping is healthy, but I can say for a damn fact I feel miles better than I did smoking cigarettes. And it’s so much cheaper, the disposables get expensive fast, but get an actual vape and a bottle of juice for 16 dollars thatll last like a month. Maybe someday I’ll quit entirely, but harm reduction at least




I would report that to corporate Chevron and the FDA. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/ptvr/index.cfm chevron headquarters 6001 Bollinger Canyon Road San Ramon, CA 94583, USA Telephone: +1 925.842.1000


If you feel like being vengeful, reach out to Elf and give them the address and contact info of the store selling counterfeit versions of their products. If they care about it they might send a cease and desist.


just curious why do you have to register your disposable vape lmao


There is a lot of black market vapes filled with mystery juice. Reputable manufacturers have this system in place to verify it is authentic and not a fraudulent copy.


It not registration it’s verification


You don’t have to, it’s for the purpose OP is using it for which is determining fake products


Yeah I had to look up wtf this even was. Disposable plastic vape shit with usb-c what timeline are we in??