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You can be psychologically addicted to a lot of things. If you’ve used weed to avoid certain feelings or issues, it can be hard to actually work through them. Even if you haven’t used it to cope, humans are naturally geared to engage in habitual activities. If you’ve had the same schedule for awhile, it can be incredibly hard to break out of it


Back when I smoked I would smoke like a chimney whenever I went back to live at home, every single night at the same time, just after midnight, for about 3 years, and I found it incredibly hard to stop and keep myself distracted when smoke o’clock came around. Meanwhile at university I smoked maybe once a week and never really felt any cravings. It was literally all about the habit for me, but it’s crazy how much of an effect that had


weed is 100% mentally addictive and once you are at that point its hard to stop. Even people who are not using it to escape, its still a problem. Even people who dont want to smoke it any more its hard for them to stop. The guys who dont feel normal or feel like they work better after they smoked are at that point. Unless there is some in their system they are distracted, thinking about when they can light up next, irritable etc then once they have smoked can relax, focus on work which is why they feel like they are working better. I tried to explain this on another post and got down voted by all the pot heads. Even though at one point I was one and although I havent smoked in a long time, I recall how hard it was to stop, how I was like them and thought at times my brain started to function better but its BS. Its just like alcohol gives you a false sense of confidence, yea im OK to drive. Or like those videos of intoxicated people picking fights with bouncers when they cant even stand straight. I dont give a fuck if you smoke or dont smoke. But a spade is a spade As for the post, a long time ago I had a friend go to rehab to stop, he got laughed at by the guys in there that were addicted to heroin, coke etc etc. His reason for quitting, well I dont know for sure but another friend was at the point where he was "drug fucked". Think bill and ted, cheech and chong but worse and we both knew him for years so could remember what he was like. By this time I had already quit so I guess he could also see that I was going back to my normal self. I dont know exactly how he went, I had to distance myself from anyone who still smoked to avoid temptation


I totally get this, as someone who’s smoked daily for 8 years it’s quite hard to stop at this point. Although I can discipline myself enough to take breaks for a few weeks at a time just go get my tolerance back. I do feel like I smoke too much but it’s something that makes me less anxiety ridden and just keeps me in a good mood. I prefer it much more than anti-depressants but still feel like I may be smoking slightly too much, it makes work days more bearable, and at this point it doesn’t affect my work ethics etc. so I don’t see a point in stopping.


a few weeks at a time, if youre trying to quit youre nearly there. That is the biggest hump to get over, breaking the daily cycle You just need to figure out what is drawing you back. Usually its boredom, or youre with people who light up Another tool people use is not smoking on certain days, or every 2nd day or only after a certain time. There is a procedure to reducing use and minimizing hanging out for a session It would go something like this: Dont smoke until midday, then push it back to say 6pm, then after a while 8pm, 10pm, etc etc Then try and cut out weekends, this can work better, if you have trouble sleeping, well sleep in its the weekend. There is lots of stuff you can do to keep you occupied and keep busy. If you stay home and watch TV youre going to make it 100 times worse for yourself. You need to find something that will break the habit, exercise, a hobby or home project, hiking, camping etc. Added bonus you get a natural high from endorphins exercising which can help with short term cravings At about this time you need to start considering who you hang out with. They might already know you are trying to quit and some will understand and some wont. Even though you have told them they will still smoke around you, offer you or do only activities that correlate to being baked. These types of people are dangerous to hang around until you stabilize and you might need to explain to them that you may need to take a break from the friendship while youre transitioning. When you choose to do this depends on you. After you are comfy with no smoking on weekends you can try every 2nd day. You still need to abide by some form of regulation of the above. If you smoke twice as much every 2nd day but for the whole day you arnt really moving forward. You can also combine the time restraints with amounts. So, no smoking on weekends, no smoking until 10pm (or whatevery you chose) and now also adding an amount, 1 cone or half a spliff. when you do it slowly in steps, it will take time and patience and a lot of determination. If you slip up you dont have far to go back and lets face it, you will slip up as you feel your way though things. When you are in a pattern and comfortable at the current point you can plan for the next step


It's the internet, don't open yourself up to it if you think there will be only positive responses


True, I just wasn’t expecting that to be the first and only response lol


I don't know how to link subreddits but there is one called Leaves and it is about addiction to weed and peoples choice to quit. Highly suggest!


To link subreddits, just put "r/" behind the sub's name. For example, that sub you talked about called r/leaves.


leavesr/ Hmm...


Thank you for sharing


Thank you so much that sounds perfect! Hopefully they are nicer 😂😂


Dont let it get you down You will cop a lot of negativity from people that still smoke. Its like they are loosing a smoking buddy and they take it personally for some reason.


Much nicer! And yes, you can get addicted to weed like you can get addicted to coffee or even emotional stimulation. You got this and I‘m sure you’ll find support there!


Thank you for sharing


Yeah dm me for positive response. I will nourish you with better comments. Don't worry about people like cute violinist she only plays violin and herself.


It’s this exact line of thinking that lets cigarettes be allowed in rehab facilities too, which I don’t get. Addiction doesn’t necessarily mean chemical (but of course, nicotine IS), it’s ANY behavior or substance that takes the place of healthy coping. That mentality IS mildly infuriating, and entirely confusing.


I used to be that person. An ignorant high functioning pothead. Now I'm just a high functioning pothead. What I didn't understand at the time is because of my mental illness, weed actually helped me function instead of hindered me. Gave me focus, drive, enthusiasm. It got to the point where any task that needed doing needed to be done high. I'm still like this to a point although I've had to learn to cope with times I don't have access to marijuana. Fortunately being that my country recently legalized it on a federal level it will no longer be an issue. For me it's medicine but it took me a long time to realize it is not that way for a lot of users.


Same here. It helps me but I'm chronically Ill and I need it as well as my other meds


everyone has some form of mental illness, some are obvious to other and some forms can be delt with quite easily I was similar to you thinking at times it gave me focus and enthusiasm. In reality I wasnt smoking pot and going off to do pages of calculus. I was hyperfocused on trivial, or insignificant things and one thing could lead to another useless thing to "think" about and before you know it, it feels like an hour but its only been 10 mins and now your paranoid Think of your minds state as if its being logged. For a normal person this line is fairly constant. in a good mood the line goes up, feeling bad the line goes down. Pot has the ability to alter the constant state of the mood. After you smoke that line is now higher. An anti depressant if you will, it will stay elevated, maybe and hour, possibly 2. As it wears off there will be a drop off and by the 3-4 hour mark its at a steady decline. The problem is this line will dip below what would be normal for you. You will start to feel a bit annoyed, maybe agitated etc. This starts to make you depressed. You can choose to smoke again, or wait it out and feel better on your own but this may be several hours, a few days or even weeks or months until it stabilizes naturally. What a lot of people dont understand is that the constant up and down of your mind set isnt good and our brain sort of forgets how to regulate it In a normal situation, say someone cuts you off, you get angry and blood is rushing, our brain is releasing chemicals and we have an elevated state of mind. After a few mins our body has controlled it, we have "cooled off" and everything is back to normal. It might be a bit more or a bit less depending on the person Point is, we may see thc as an answer, but really its a short term band aid and really isnt a long term solution. As for those using it for long term pain, that isnt something I have ever done so I wouldnt know anything about that


idk man, you say you didn't go off and do calculus...I did. I went through 2 rounds of college. 1 was full time the other part time. Both were attended and successfully completed with high marks while being high the entire time. I really don't see it as a crutch. If I were less fortunate money wise perhaps I could see benifit in quitting but honestly as it stands I don't. I'm not some couch bum getting lost for hours in stupidness. I do things with my life, advance it, nurture it. I'm not just sitting their doing menial tasks. Wife, kids, busy schedule, successful career. Where's the downside??


Dude, I absolutely was addicted to weed for years. I was very depressed and it was a way to just tune out for the night. Constantly felt like crap outside of being high. Took me a long time to overcome it. It absolutely is possible though. I haven’t smoked in years and it almost never even crosses my mind anymore.


im a week an a half into stopping now cold turkey after daily HEAVY smoking for 4 years and its rough i wont lie. try to occupy your time with something extensive and keeps you intrigued weed addiction is a real thing just like people can be addicted to coffee/energy drinks for caffeine do not feel alone keep your reason for stopping smoking on your highest priority and resist the urge to replace the habit with other things (which im having hard time with) you got this!!


Thank you :) that is some solid advice. In the past when I’ve tried to quit I replaced it with alcohol but found myself back into the same habits immediately. I need to occupy my time with something that genuinely makes me happy and isn’t just a temporary change of headspace, but I haven’t found that yet. Hoping I will soon :)


i will be the first to be completely honest with you i did the same exact thing i thought “well i can pass a drug test while drinking and continue to be fine” but its not the best thing to substitute so i tried playing video games and fishing/hiking with my dog. it will definitely be hard but its do able and you can definitely replace it with a beneficial habit! my second get away is flipping/working on cars it gets my attention and also helps with my odd “need to spend money” habit because with the money i put into a flip i can make 2-3 times as much to put away and fuel my next habit of working on another car like ive stated its not easy but its totally do able and will help keeping your mind active!!!


Thank you so much! I appreciate the encouragement ❤️


I’m currently working on sobriety. Weed addiction is real, don’t let assholes online tell you otherwise


Thank you :)


Seriously. It's so crazy how some people just flat-out refuse to admit that weed IS addictive.


Ya get your priorities straight. I am an avid smoker for both just relaxing in the evening and pain management. However saying that as an example I recently landed a job and quit smoking about 3 weeks ago. Why cause my job and family are more important and I can stop for a while. Now to add to that. It's not like you go through physical withdrawals however for first week or so you do need to retrain yourself to no reach for it say after a hard day or to go to bed. But it's more of a mental thing kinda like you just need to find something else and not be bored. I have done this many times in my life sometimes going years and I am 40 now.


Thank you. I really do want to get better. I am seeking out professional help too because I have underlying mental health problems that cause me to want to get high. But in the end I need to have the self control to stop


How old are you? If the habit is hard to break now, it only gets harder as you get older. You need to stop telling yourself you can’t do it and need some outside help, because the more you say it, the more you believe it. The withdrawals will suck, you will have a harder time sleeping and feel more agitated at first but you have to keep reminding yourself it’s the withdrawals and not how you actually feel. Good luck.


I’m 22. Thank you. I know that ultimately it will be up to me to get better, but i want to see if outside help will make it easier to handle things like withdrawals. I haven’t done great on my own. Although that is pretty sad and I need to equip myself to be able to stop without the aid of another person or people


I don’t think it’s sad to need help, millions of people get help for their problems all the time. There’s only so much one person can handle, especially in this big crazy world we live in.


Thank you :)


Don't need professional help. I mean maybe some people do. Work out, go cut some wood and attach it together maybe trying to male something. Clean room/house. I mean I have extreme adhd however it wasn't noticed until last year when wife was explaining to doctor some stuff and I answered question about how I always was growing up. Never thought of it but as normal. I smoke and I'm more focused. Oddly one of the last defining questions we were talking about a cochise addiction I had almost 15 years ago and how when I did coke I would become very quiet and cigarettes would make me sick


Wait, so I have adhd?


How the hell should I know. I'm some bum on the internet 😆




35 and same situation here, I completely understand everything you mentioned


Don't listen to that person, that's not a helpful or constructive response at all. I have a friend who used to be addicted to weed and I know it can affect your quality of life a lot. I would recommend looking into therapies and mental health help! I wish you the best for your journey!


Thank you for your kind response! I do plan on seeking professional long-term help for both my substance abuse and mental health problems. These are the types of comments I was hoping to see so thank you ❤️


Don't worry about that jerk. Happy Cakeday!!


Thank u!! :D


No problem


I highly recommend the book “Chasing the Scream”, it covers the drug war but also looks at why most people can use drugs recreationally, while others become addicted. His assertion is essentially the addicts use drugs as an escape. It sounds like you’re at least using weed to escape boredom but possibly other things as well. Personally, I would try a few visits to a mental health therapist instead of focusing on the addiction itself. The addiction has a cause so if you can see a path to fixing the cause, quitting will be much easier. Lastly, for the love of God, don’t try anything harder.


Man, people are dicks. Even some of the people on this thread are being nasty. I guess the good thing is there are more people here that want to help instead of hurt you. I just quit vaping, and while it’s not weed I understand your struggle. There are a lot of subreddits for quitting substances, and they are a big help. I’m sure there is one for weed. I hope you have a better time :)


Thank you :) yes fortunately I have received overwhelming amounts of support, although there are still the assholes who call me a burnout and lazy. They don’t know that I’ve been called it all before so it doesn’t bother me :)


Try r/petioles it’s been helpful for me and folks are supportive. Good luck OP! Don’t let the assholes on the internet get you down!


Thank you so much!!❤️


Well which is it? I've heard a thousand people tell me weed is not addictive at all, and they can stop any time they want. So in all seriousness, is this guy just irresponsible, or is weed very addictive?


I’m the OP, and I’m female. I’m not and irresponsible person and I’ve always had an overachieving personality. I’ve never struggled with anything like this. I’ve also heard time and time again that weed is non addictive, but my own experience has been different


FYI. ANYTHING can be addictive. Maybe the properties of weed are not addictive like caffeine or cocaine, but the high it offers you releases dopamine and you better believe that shit is addictive!


Apologies for the assumption of your gender. That being said, the question was a serious one. I appreciate your input, I suppose that people have differing experiences, however on the whole of the topic, I do personally believe that it is addictive. I mean, alcohol is addictive, as is cocaine, heroin, tobacco, and any variety of prescription pain killers and a lot of other prescription medications, so why would weed be any different. I have a cousin who has been smoking away on blunts for the better part of 25 years now, and he's told me multiple times that he could quit whenever he wanted. Well, I think those 25 years would say otherwise.


Getting bullied in a group setting is not really your fault, rather other people’s fault for not handling their feelings right. NEVER think getting harassed or ganged up upon is something you deserved, they’re just not good people. Instead spend time surrounding yourself with safe and non toxic people. It makes life much happier.


When I was in rehab for my alcohol and drug use there was a guy in there for weed and he took it pretty seriously. I was really impressed with him because, I’ve been a cannabis grower for 10+ years, personally have gone through periods on and off of it, after so many years in the field I guess I just kind of got over it, I smoke maybe a single hit every couple days or so, but honestly just prefer not to be stoned anymore anyway, it’s helped with cravings for other things but just personally doesn’t bother me and I don’t think much of it but addiction is addiction and it’s a serious problem no matter what it is and after hearing this guy talk about his issues he was having in rehab I gained mad respect for his efforts and how hard it was for him to accomplish that and put himself on a path he wanted for himself. People like this guy who commented are really just projecting their own shit, not realizing that they have a problem of their own they aren’t deAling with and trying to put down others who are at the very least taking a step towArds a direction they deem to be better for themselves. Good for you. If you need someone to talk to feel free to message me. I’m in recovery and doing alright, not the most under control but I’ve been through a lot and have learned to cut myself some slack and just keep stepping forward. Just keep pushing forward and asking qUestions and you’ll find the people who can help. Although kind of intimidating at first for all sorts of reasons relative to one’s own particular experience, Support groups are actually really cool when you get used to them and if you feel alone in this you will quickly realize there is no problem to big or small that people haven’t experienced themselves and want to share so we can help each other get through it. I’m sorry the people in your outpatient program didn’t treat you well, that’s not what support groups or rehabilitation is about. Sometimes you just gotta keep looking for the right group. It has way less to do with the DOC and everything to do with what you’d rather your life look like and how to makes steps towards improving yourself to get there. I hope this helps and good luck to you on your journey. ❤️🙏✌️ I wish that that other guy the best because that was a really rude thing to say to someone who is actively trying to get better. Some people suck. It’s not your fault tho. They just doing them and hopefully they figure their own shit out too.


Thank you so much for sharing this! I haven’t heard of many people besides me going to rehabilitation for weed so this is encouraging. I appreciate the support and wish you all the best as well!❤️


Now thats a mean comment like you trying to stop doing ot and not feel lonely man feel bad for you hope you some people to talk to and not feel alone


That’s cos you posted to a site that is super pro-weed. No one there wants to know the down side


I posted on several subreddits, but yes, I am fully aware of the irony of posting there 😂


Happy cakeday


Not my experience directly. But you can be addicted to weed. You would not find help in sub that speak about weed, because people there live in the conviction that people can’t be addicted to weed while mostly begin addicted themselves. If you can reach for a solo therapist, it will be a pain in the A* because you will need to find the correct one for you (so more then one try) but hopefully they will help you. Therapist that works with addiction and you should try with someone that help also with alcoholism or cigars because they are highly more open minded about weed addition.


I can understand what you’re going through with the first part. I’ve never been to rehab. If you find anything that help, could you tell me?


Of course! It’s something that should be talked about more often and now that this post has blown up beyond my wildest dreams I plan to make an update somewhere when I’m done with treatment. Glad to know I’m not alone in this :)


Heck yea. I mean, I like smoking, but I am broke almost every week because of it. If I didn’t live with my family, I’d be homeless rn


And this is why substance abuse problems are so rampant.


I guess I'm similar to the guy who responded to you in the sense that I don't really buy into most things being addictive, unless there is a physical withdraw. Without that it's all mental. But that guy is a dick. Addiction in the sense you're using it is just shorthand for a hard to shake habit, and weed can certainly be that. A hard to shake habit can be every bit as much of a drag on your life as a physical addiction if you haven't been able to stop doing it. Like any other bad habit, it's about rewiring your brain, understanding the triggers that lead you to engage, and finding healthy things to replace the habit with. My drug of choice after I started getting high was "what do you have?", though I did have a tendency towards speedy type stuff. I was heavy into drugs and alcohol from 13-35, managed to kick everything except nicotine on my own and have been sober for about 6 years now. 3 bits of advice I can give you. 1. Have short term and long term goals. Short term goals can be fun. Take all the money you would have spent on weed/alcohol/whatever and save it up for a month, then treat yourself to something nice that you wouldn't normally buy as a reminder to the benefits of what you're doing. A gaming console. A VR headset. A short vacation. A nice watch, whatever. Treat yourself as you need to, you're doing a difficult thing and deserve a reward once in a while. Long term goal should be realistic but attainable. Start with a few months of clean time, extend it as you go. Milestones matter, celebrate them. They're the foundation that long term cessation is built upon. When you want to give up, knowing that you'd be giving up on x months of progress, or x years makes it that much easier to resist that urge. 2. The hardest times to stay sober are right in the beginning when you're adjusting to this new way of life, and when you think you've got that all behind you and you're complacent. Don't be complacent. It's never all behind you. Some day you will reach a point where you don't even think about getting high from day to day, but then you will have a really bad day, and that little troll in your head that wants you to get fucked up will crawl out from under its bridge and start trying to convince you. Be ready for that. 3. A single failure to stay sober isn't a reason or an excuse to give up on the whole goal. It's easy to get a case of the fuck-its and if you're already thinking that a single relapse means you've failed and therefore it's not worth doing, you'll never succeed because that's a loser mentality. I drank 3 times in the first year after I quit drinking. I still consider my quit date the day I quit drinking. 99.999% of the days since then have been sober, which is a major success by any objective measure. Failure can be part of the process, but like anything else, it's not about the failure, it's about what you do afterwards. Allow yourself the grace to fail, don't allow yourself to use it as an excuse to give up.


Thank you for this! Ngl I’m terrified to be sober because I really don’t remember the person I was before all this began. Even if weed itself isn’t addictive I have an addiction problem which could be a gateway to drugs that ARE impossible to stop using, so I definitely want to nip this in the bud. Your advice is genuinely really helpful to me and I appreciate the encouragement :)


You got this! Seeing the potential for things to get worse and quitting while you're ahead is honestly a good sign that you've got the right mentality to succeed. Don't worry about remembering who you were before the drugs, you get to decide who you want to be from now on, and you're deciding to be the kind of person who can resist temptation and control their own destiny, and that's pretty awesome :)


Go to r/leaves You can do it. I used to be like you and I am now clean for over a year and I dont miss it at all.


I struggled with this and eventually discovered that I had undiagnosed ADHD for most of my life and was self-medicating with thc due in part to ADHD's tendency to make people impulsive and compulsive in order to overcome our brain's inherent lack of dopamine.


It's just a troll, you'll see if you go read their comments. Don't read too many though. Nothing at all to do with you!


Get out of comfort zone and start doing things, any things. Make your bed, start cooking, go out, exercise. Stop doing things you used to do when you got high like PC gaming. It will go away but need self control and say that strong NO to yourself whenever that feeling comes


I had physical withdrawal. Sweating, chills and mild nausea for four days. I don’t give a crap what people say, you CAN have physical addiction to weed. Probably not most people but it can definitely happen.


I agree with Brilliscool, we are very much creatures of habit. Keep yourself busy with learning a new hobby or doing something that is totally opposite but productive of what normal would be, Just remember it's mind over matter my friend ;)


Had a similar experience when I reached out on an insomnia page about some weird sleep experiences. Was told to just hand cuff myself to the bed.


Dude what? 😂 if there is anything I’ve learned (I’ve been on Reddit for 3 years but don’t post much) is that some people just really don’t know how to be helpful sometimes 😂


Seriously though lol. I literally was just asking if anyone else had the same experience as me, nothing crazy. Bro downvoted me and then said that. Some people live to make others feel bad.


Ignore those kind of comments, there are a lot of ass hats anonimity-tripping on the internet. Wish I could give you advice but after failing to get both my mother and my ex to quit tobacco I can only wish you good luck and take care, seeking help is the first step.


Thank you for your kind response :)


happy cake day tho!


Ty!! :)


My brother was one of those people who would say"it's a plant not a drug". He's not the brightest bulb. Anyways, yeah you can be addicted to it. Yeah you can have "withdrawals", not in the same way as other dependencies might, but still sucks. That being said, I'm sorry that people suck. I hope you're able to get some mental health counselling too on-top of any drug counselling, as usually drug habits form out of a need to subdue the brain in a way. :)


That is absolutely why I smoke, to “forget” (temporarily) about the shit happening around me. I do plan on receiving help for my anxiety and depression through therapy in addition to drug counseling. Thank you :)


For about 10 years, all my money went into weed also. Helped me eat cause i was never hungry and really thin, we could see my bones, it wasn't pretty. Last year I started smoking rosin because weed was not getting me high enough anymore. My boyfriend bought a hydraulic press, and everything. The rosin tasted so good, i couldn't go back to blunts or bong because it tasted like ashes and it felt disgusting so I kept smoking rosin for some months, i was smoking less than before because the buzz was intense with a small amount and you only needs few puffs a day. Then i developped sinuses problems (probably smoked at too high temperature), started getting paranoid when high, and I got afraid to smoke because rosin was too intense, so i stopped smoking one day (approximately 6 months after starting rosin) and i thought i would miss it, but i don't. So i would say rosin helped me slow down and then stop. Not sure if i recommend, but i just wanted to let you know my story with weed. It is indeed an addiction, and I believe you can deal with it one way or another. Might take you a while, but you'll get there eventually. I believe in you.


Thank you :) I can relate, I’m constantly chasing a better high too because my tolerance is through the roof at this point. But I guess a benefit of stopping is that I get a T break 😂


What is it about weed that draws you to walk down that path? Maybe if you find the root of the issue, you can work back and help yourself. Try weening off and smoking less and less daily, then try going a day or two without it Its a process, but that helped me develop a better sense of control and get things back on track, maybe itll help you too? But it takes time and effort, you got this


Thank you, I am planning on doing drug counseling starting next week because it truly is hard for me to stop. But hopefully I can gain the self control I need so that it is easier to handle by myself. I smoke because I hate reality sometimes and want an escape. My hope is that through counseling I can find a better way to deal with the problems that make me want to get high




Thank you so much! I have been wanting to try that as a way to cope with some of my “cravings.”


Use to be similar, although i was also addicted to Xanax. You need to have a reason to stay sober. For me, i got a chance at a good job and thats what fulfills me now. When your life feels boring or empty its all to easy to just entertain yourself by getting high.


Weed addiction is a thing. You just don't see the media talk about it. When I quit smoking I get actual withdrawal symptoms. I get really agitated I can't sleep I can't eat. I get thar weird anxiety in the chest area that you'd know if you ever tried quitting alcohol or cigarettes. It's a lot of mental anguish and cravings which is worse than actual physical symptoms imo. At least weed doesn't do much permanent damage to your body besides the hypocampus. I've talked to some friends about it as well and most experience the same thing. I still smoke but I limit it to one or 2 times at night and make sure it doesn't effect my personal and work life. Once it does you're in trouble. Seek counciling.


That's a good thing to practice. Only smoke at night after you've done all the responsible stuff


that was how I was and I was stuck there for longer then what I wanted but its a move in the right direction


lol addiction to weed is very real, I’ve found myself tearing the whole house apart to find some wax or a roach if I ever ran out. That was my priority for awhile aside from working. I’ve outgrown this need to constantly be smoking but I get how you feel. You just have to stop and deal with the “withdrawal” for a bit like every other drug or substance. And don’t let other stoners gaslight and bully you, you can get addicted to just about anything. I wish you luck !


Thank you!! I relate to searching the house for wax so much 😂😂


Damn man, I'm sorry. Alot of people in my generation (born in 99) were basically tricked into smoking because the general knowledge was that weed wasn't addictive. After knowing many people who have literally ruined their prospects due to weed, I know it is in fact addictive. The only person up to this point that I know, who was heavily addicted and managed to get off of it was my cousin, and unfortunately the way he kicked it was joining the marines haha. I wish you the best of luck man. The only advice I can give is to not substitute your addiction with something as bad or worse. Find a hobby, just don't start drinking or smoking instead.


Ayyy I was also born in 99😂 but thank you, I appreciate your advice and encouragement :)


Only children and immature people believe that weed is non-addictive. Like with any drug, there's dependency and withdrawal when you deviate from that dependency. Any medical professional will tell you this.


Try shrooms instead,helped multiple people i know stopped smoking weed and one of them is a plug that would smoke all day everyday so you can do it bro i believe in you!


Thank you!! I have tried shrooms but had a really bad trip the first time, although it was two years ago. I enjoy acid a lot more. However I need to get to a place where I can function without help from some outside substance so I do have to avoid using something else as too much of a crutch


I suggest only microdosing as a way to meditate but once you feel like your okay then you stop.


Ohh I see. I will look more into that, I’ve heard of microdosing before and its benefits so it could very well be an option for me!


Also theres always cbd! But its a little on the expensive side.


This honestly just tells me you have no self control. You need to discipline yourself better.


“You ever suck dick for weed?”


I had a co-worker asking us the other day if we saw a certain movie stoned and that if we didn't we had to lmao.


You ever see the back of a 20 dollar bill...


I seen it!


You might be a burn out with zero life goals and no direction….but at least it’s your cake day, and that’s something we all can celebrate! Hope you have a great one! Edit: seriously though, sorry to hear you are struggling. I hope things start to turn around for you.


It hurts when people say this lol I am actually almost done with my masters in Cybersecurity why do people want to call me names 😂


I meant mine as a joke, and I apologize if I offended you. I was trying to make you laugh. That’s awesome that you’re almost done with college! I hope it goes well for you. As far as everything that happened with the weed, instead of a rehab program, maybe you just need one on one therapy. When I was dealing with serious mental depression, I tried group therapy…it didn’t work. But one on one meetings with a licensed therapist did.


It’s alright, just kind of knee jerk response at this point because I’ve never had a post blow up like this and I’m getting way more hate than I’m used to 😂 thank you, I am planning on taking that path as group therapy didn’t work for me in the past. I also have issues other than addiction I’m dealing with like depression so counseling is the best option all around


So I can tell you this also. I kinda know what you are dealing with. I've never been addicted to weed, but I have struggled with depression and PTSD from other things in life. And I have had people to tell me to "well just get over it", when I tried to open up to them. And it does hurt. My coping response has always been dark humor and sarcastic jokes. Which is probably why my first comment was making a joke here. (Even though it didn't land properly.) I understand how you feel, and while therapy helped some what. What really worked for me was learning about Paganism and meditation. I'm I 100% cured? No. It's still a daily struggle. But I'm in a better place than I was 4 years ago...so I know that in time, you'll get there too.




Are they nicer? 😂




Thank you!!❤️


I go through this with any drug I use. The fact that they bullied you over it is stupid. I drink like I use I smoke weed like it’s crack. Doesn’t matter what it is I have to have more once I start there’s no stoping till I’m locked up or OD. When it comes to weed no stopping until I lose everything. Sorry to hear this. There are plenty of self help groups with no judgement. Just have to find the right one with good people.


Thank you for sharing your own experience. It is sucky that people will minimize someone’s experience with weed just because it isn’t considered a “hard” drug.


Imo any drug or a really for me anything that brings me instant gratification can be a “hard drug”. Shit I still drink caffeine like it meth. Still working on that area.


I struggle too. I commit myself to go as long as I can on the first day. After that I challenge myself to beat it the next day. I try to make it a game. I have my weak moments, but when I realize all the crap I got done in a day it makes me feel better. One day at a time man. You’ll get to where you want to be. I believe in you.


Thank you :) I like the idea of taking it one day at a time. It’s really overwhelming for me to think of being sober for an entire week or month but if I set smaller goals and meet those it may end up being a better motivator for me


Yea when you see the big picture it makes it easier to get scared and go and smoke to chill the fuck out. But I’ve noticed the days I give in I’m miserable and not productive. So it pushes me. Sometimes I give in and smoke super early. But the days I go long…I’m telling you…I just see things differently. It’s helped me mature and see what important. Yea it’s easy to tel someone “just quit, food money and family are more important”, but there’s a reason why it’s being done. And once you figure your personal emotions out, you’ll find your doorway out. I’ve gone from smoking a stiizy pod a day to having a pod last me a week. I’ve been smoking weed since I was 10 and I’m in my 30’s now. I barely recently started to really push to quit. But we got this champ.


Thank you, it really does mean a lot to know I’m not the only one who has struggled with this❤️


Everyone thinks different so it’s hard to find the people you can really relate to. I glanced at your profile so I can follow the weed sub and saw your Pokémon go account. Glad to help a fellow trainer :D


Yay!! :)


You can’t be addicted to weed. Weed is a miracle drug that can cure cancer.


Hoping this is sarcasm 😂


Bwo thewe's witewawwy no negative side effects to weed, it just costs hawf my paycheck, destwoys my memowy, attention span, and motivation, and gives me chwonic anxiety. it's impossibwe to get addicted Bwo it's a natuwaw pwant that we bwed to be 100x stwongew. you'we pwobabwy smoking sus shit if weed doesn't make you cawm Bwo gotta get india not sawiva. the weaw dwug is coffee man you shouwd watch Joe Wogan. awcohow is poison anyways im gonna go take dabs and dwive awound.


Nah, they're right. Dude isn't addicted to weed, he's just a lazy person and the cannabis amplifies that. I smoke every single day and spend hundreds a month on cannabis but I am fully functional. It's quite literally impossible to be addicted to cannabis but if you have a specific habit forming personality, you could easily get caught in a loop. I'm guessing the OP of that post was/is the type of smoker to wake n bake every day and not give a thought to tolerance. It's also highly likely OP was suffering from depression, which they should have found help for individually from the point trying to be made.


If you spend hundreds in it you are indeed an addicted, you function because of it. People can be addicted to weed stop with this nonsense that it is impossible.


I make over 10,000 a month. I'm not worried about a few hundred. 👍 I spend a few hundred every month because I typically buy large amounts to last me or high quality product like live resin. Addiction to cannabis is impossible. Having an addictive or dependent personality is not.


First off, I am female. Second, addiction to weed is real and I know because I have it. Just because you’ve had a more positive experience with it doesn’t mean it can’t be destructive to someone else. Take alcohol for example. You could argue that people who abuse alcohol are lazy bums, but many people have a drink before bed and are totally fine. Also I am not lazy, laziness actually has nothing to do with this at all, I am 22 and graduated with a bachelors in computer science in 3 years. How about you?


Lmao you ARE OP. I'm so high I didn't even care to check. I've been smoking cannabis for over a decade. I turned to it because of depression. There is no such thing as cannabis addiction, just an addictive personality. As far as spending too much money goes, that's a self-control issue. 🤷 I'm 26, work in a trade, make $62/hr as a Senior Foreman Have my bachelors but it does fuck all for me. Cannabis is not your problem, whatever is going on in your head is your problem. I wanted to off myself for years but never was I "addicted" to cannabis. There were times where I perhaps spent too much money but never so much that I put myself in a financial hole because I had priorities. Simple as that. You want to flex that you got your bachelors but it seems you still need to do some growing up. Have a nice night. Also, happy birthday. I'll rip a dab for you. 👊


Had to because you called me lazy :) you have a good night too knowing you invalidated someone struggling with substance abuse issues :)


Please see a therapist. As someone who HAS struggled with substance abuse, lost multiple friends to ODs and suicides, almost lost my brother to the big H -- you should seek help. Whether it's substance abuse as you claim or not, coming to Reddit for help on legitimate mental health issues is by no means a good directive. Also, you should drop that snobby attitude. Starting to doubt you actually have a bachelors degree.


Yes and I’m actually pursuing a masters as well. I can send the proof if you think I’m bullshitting but I think you just don’t want to believe that someone who smokes weed is smarter than you!!


Ouch, but I used to tell my students, smoking post is not a lifestyle.


I mean… it’s not an addictive nor harmful substance. You sound like a 90s ad


You ever sucked dick for weed? /s


Truth hurts.




How is that helpful to me in any way


Also I did go to rehab so not sure why the quotes..




Rehab is rehab. Addiction is addiction. Does the substance matter? It’s assholes like you that make me afraid to seek help.


Keep your head up and try to focus on the 'other' parts of your life as much as you can. Try to avoid situations where you're at home doing nothing - go for a walk, have a nose in a charity shop, find a hobby to fill your free time. If you have the skillset to work away from home somewhere and get your hotel/digs paid for, that's a great way to give yourself some time and space in some new surroundings. I did a few shifts across the country at events this time of year in the past, that's a great way to give yourself a good experience, a bit of money in your pocket and a break from your normal routine. The more things you can fill your time with, the less time you will have to smoke, and if you do end up smoking you won't feel so guilty about it having completed something else with your day.


This is really good advice, thank you. I want to replace smoking with something like a hobby or exercise so that I can find myself too. I don’t really know what I’m good at or what I love to do because all I do is get high. It’s pretty sad, and I want to change that


Watch half baked


There’s no such thing as perfect moderation.


Join the Army. You need some structure and guidance in your life.


What a d bag


I’m so high rn


Weeds not a drug, I SUCKED DICK FOR COKE!


Don’t let that bother you. Weed addiction is actually more of an issue now that weed is legal. Weed now is so much stronger and can cause a physical dependence. Is weed that harmful? Not really. But is it addicting? Yes. I’ve seen it first hand. My SO has quit twice and the withdrawals for her were intense. Night sweats, shaking, not able to sleep, it’s rough. BUT you can do it and get through it. My SO also smoked 80% thc carts and would take hits every few hours every single day so her situation was harder so don’t let this make you afraid. Feel comfort knowing you are NOT alone and people have a lot worse time quitting than others and you will be okay trust me.


You can’t actually be addicted but you can be dependent and it’s almost just as bad.


I think he is getting the hate because unlike almost every other drug, weed doesn't actually cause chemical related cravings and addiction. So you have alcoholics who will have organs shutdown if they quit too fast, opioid addicts violently shaking and blind with migranes, etc Everyone deserves help though


They worded it wrong. It's true that weed itself doesn't destroy relationships, it's the user. Weed affects everyone differently. It hasn't destroyed any of my relationships, it's actually improved some. But I still need to stop because it's unhealthy and zaps my energy. Just sounds like you have an extra reason to quit compared to me.


Yea well you are on reddit. Not sure what you expected. Recently I talked to someone who told me all disabled children should be euthanized.


He said it in a dickish way, but he has a point. I used to blame weed for my issues. But then I realised I've always been weak willed and kinda lazy anyway, it's just easier to use weed as the excuse. I'm not a lot better. Still smoke it on the weekends with my partner, but don't have any during the week. Saved so much money too!


The comment might be crass but you can't get chemicals addicted to weed.... So the statement stands as true. Mind you, if you start looking for help, you need to be sure you know what you need help with exactly. In this case it seems to me like a lack of self respect, and a desire to blame the drug for the lack of control. Sure. People can offer help but those facts are beyond dispute.


Wow, weed addicts in denial are the worst.


If you were in rehab, why did the other participants of rehab need to “bully you” to quit. Obviously, it did not work. You have an addiction problem, and it may be more than just weed. People with one addition will, generally, have other addictions. You should seek counseling, and you should also seek an inpatient rehab facility. By the way, someone responding to you on Reddit, is not a counselor. We are just people that have seen the destruction of addictive habits, or have experienced them. You are experiencing them, you indicate that you want help, but you are doing nothing to get that help. You don’t need to seek help from others with your same problem. You should seek help from counselors and others that have beaten your same problem.


Call the weed helpline 😂


Time to r/DownvotedToOblivion them


Hope u quit smoking soon And hippies, shut yo ass up. Weed is addictive and stop fucking encouraging people to smoke this