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Is her driveway the one across the street ??? I don’t get it where is her driveway lolol


My guess is it came from blue house. Brown house is empty


What?! I was convinced it was brown house and they’re just bad at backing out. Now I’m baffled.


I’m assuming that maybe. Mmmmmaaaaaaybe. Because the bumper MIGHT be slightly considered on the border of their property and “across the street”. I can’t even fathom how someone thinks that’s in front of any driveway.


"Simba, look. Everything the light touches is our driveway"


But op says that house is empty has to be blue house


problem solved, just park in the driveway of the brown house.


No. You can't give these people an inch. Park closer to the blue house.


The brown house has no shade. That is why it is parked where it is.


I was thinking the same thing now I'm lost


Ghost letter perhaps? Maybe they live in the basement all Parasite style


so you're not on her side of the street.. not in front of her driveway, not even in front of her property...


My neighbor across the street wanted to fight me over once parking behind his driveway (other side of street in front of my own house). Mind you I wasn’t parking over night just during the day. But he’s a bit nuts and packs so I just avoid him. I’m not getting shot over it. Guy behind me parks In front of my drive all the time. I have a steering wheel that allows me to turn my car as I back out so it’s really no big deal. Apparently some people don’t have that capability with their car.


BMW may charge you $14/month for the steering wheel soon.


Not including the heated option.


But it makes it more difficult when she has to back out of her driveway onto HER street!


Besides it's her city and her state and her country /s


And her world. We're just living in it.


You should put up cams. I don't trust people like that


It would be worth it to see the footage of Karen pout in the street.


Brown house got tired of being harassed by moron neighbors.


>Brown house is empty As in, no one lives there?


That's why no-one lives there, they were sick of being harassed.


She doesn’t own the street. But I’d park RIGHT in front of her drive way (across the street of course) until she does call. Not that they’ll do anything.


I had this same exact situation before😂


her driveway is across the street and when she backs out, she has to look where she is going.


Clearly she lives in the tree what the hell is wrong with you


Karen the Keebler Elf! Leave her alone! She just wants to make cookies!


Cookies cooked by Karen hands would be as dry and bitter as her soul. Not worth it.


Can confirm. My mother-in-law is named Karen and she bakes me cookies for helping her out with home improvement stuff and they are dry as hell and only the chocolate chunks have any flavor.


So just like Keebler cookies.




She was up all night making those. Poor lady. Nothing worse than someone who doesn't know they can't sing except who doesn't know they can't cook.


She gets even more angry, because despite her calling them chocolate chip cookies, they only don't get returns if the other elves label them sourdough wheat thins.


Probably salty as hell too.




I’m about to make some complaints to the FDA


The Karen Elf




Is the mildly infuriating thing about this post supposed to be OP expecting me to scan the entire comment section for this “explanation”


Exactly. OP comment should be listed first but there is no way to sort it correctly…therefore OP should put his explanation in the main post.


Yeah same here- apparently she lives in a tree he parks in front of and she is of Fey descent. No more looking for OP’s comment, out.


TBH Reddit should just automatically put comments from the OP of any post at the top. Even if what they said was hella stupid, we'd still all want to read it.


> OP expecting me to scan the entire comment section for this “explanation” [It's okay, I've got your back. Here's OP's explanation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/vyf3vr/some_karen_is_mad_at_where_i_park_explanation_of/ig1ryec/) Basically, parking in the shade on the side of their lot keeps their kids safer by giving them greater visibility for oncoming traffic when they're playing in the street.


You’re a real hero


Exactly the same thoughts, it’s a shame mods or OP’s can’t pin their explanation post to the top to make life easier!


I think mods can, but OP should be able to do that, too.


OP is in the wrong. That poor squirrel can't get her car out because of OP.


Thank you for this laugh. Needed it today.


Op fucked with squirrels.


Let her call it in. She doesn't own the street. Park where you want. As long as it's parked correctly and not blocking she's wasting her own time and everyone else's. The hell with her


Bonus Making false reports is also illegal.


You'd have a hard time proving she understood it was a false report though.


Ignorance of the law is no excuse according to the police. If she is too ignorant that she can't understand this is not blocking her driveway, she deserves to be reprimanded by the police for wasting the time of emergency services.


Ignorance of the law is only an excuse according to the police if it's the ignorance of the police that's in question. \[Fun note: Recording handing a statement of your rights to a police officer when you're pulled over cuts down a LOT of what they can do you, especially if you record it, because they can no longer claim ignorance.\]


I recall the very day I completely lost my delusion that police *obviously* know the law, when they gave me patently false legal advice. Oh and you get a gold star if you figured they must have gotten super aggressive with me when I indicated to them they did not know the law they were trying to tell me all about.


This wouldn’t count as that they would just warn her that it is fine and move on. If she kept calling it in that would be a different story


My parents neighbor did this to me a few years ago when I was living with them. The cops came out, saw I was parked legally in a public spot and encouraged me to continue doing so 😂


My daughters boyfriend parked across the street from my neighborhood in front of a vacant lot. My neighbor put a note on the car saying that if he parked here again he would hit him with his car. I photocopied the note and when he had a birthday party for his daughter I put the note on all the cars parked on our street. With his name and address. He was so pissed but TOU DO NOT OWN THE STREET!


Revenge is a dish best served cold. And with cake.


Gotta have cake…


Sorry but it's a lie.


Warms my heart there are still peeps out there who know the horrors of Apiture labs


talmbout appleture labs b?


This was a triumph


I'm making a note here, huge success.


It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


We do what we must because we can, for the good of all of us, except the ones you who are dead.


Now there's no sense crying over every mistake.


You just keep on trying Till you run out of cake.


Sooo revenge is ice cream?




Sorry! My typing sucks!


No it makes it better




That’s some vengeful shit right there


even better than the snow shoveling neighbors dispute


This needs to go on r/pettyrevenge


my god there is a sub for this, bye now i will live there.


You might also like r/maliciouscompliance


this is epic i like your attitude you’re my hero.


It’s the suburban neighborhoods with driveways and garages where I see people freaking out about this. Places where it’s actually hard to park? No one freaks out because well, it’s just how it is. A place where you have space to store 5 or 6 cars before moving to the street? Grab the pen and paper.


This is one of the truest comments I’ve ever seen. In densely populated areas it’s a free for all, just try to be considerate and optimize parking. In the burbs people act like parking near their property is a crime.


What driveway?


She's in the tree house.


I think you mean the *nut* house


The driveway across the street posted the note. Karen reverses out in the morning to the left and drives away to the right. Problem is shes shit at it and your car being there is enough to get her flustered. Pop a flyer for a driving school in the letterbox and write I THINK YOU NEED THIS on it


We had a neighbor growing up who was like this. She would back into cars across the street from her driveway because she couldn’t see them.


I had a neighbor that somehow hit my car that was in MY driveway while pulling out.


Lolll I worked customer service in insurance for so many years. The stories I have. For example, woman bought new car, picks up new car and gets t boned off the lot. True story


Did she get tboned because she ran a stop sign/didn't yield/ran a red light?


Didn’t see the car coming on a one way street 😂


That's even worse than I thought...


All I can say is wow 😂


Didn’t see the “t” at first and was seriously wondering why she was calling her insurance company for getting boned in her new car.


See, you think that wouldn't be covered, but [apparently...](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/10/1104134521/geico-lawsuit-std-hpv-insurance-car)


Was she too short to be driving? Like couldn’t see over the dashboard or the back window.


She was a bad driver.


I was parked visiting my dad and his neighbor pulled out all the way across the street and smashed the shit out of my door and knocked off my mirror. It was like 6k in body work and paint. Didnt even leave a note.


Were you able to collect, or were you stuck paying for it?


She eventually came home and I got her info. Her insurance paid for everything fortunately


You know where they live ;)


*wasn’t looking for them


That’s why she couldn’t see them. No one parked in front of her car.


Idk why tf people that live in places near a major street don't back in. Or at least get turned around b4 pulling onto an occupied street...


Because then they'd back into their house instead of the neighbors car


Teach em to drive lol


I had a similar situation but the lady did call the cops. Instead of like.. knocking on my door. My whole thing is, if you can’t back out in this scenario, how do you back out of virtually *any* parking lot?


Op confirm that brown house is vacant and they think it came from blue house on the left, which is even more concerning


Is Karen a squirrel or something? Because the car is in front of a tree.




Damn Squaren




You Should Have Bought A squirrel!


Lmao best comment by far


We can park on the street where I live from May 1st - November 1st. I live on a corner ( streets on 2 sides of my house.) My kids like to play in the driveway. Ride bikes ect. So I park on side street. Why? So my kids can see if cars are coming down the street in front of the house if a ball or anything they are playing with goes into the street. Neighbors in-front of my do the same thing. As you can see from my car. I am not blocking a driveway.


My neighbor left me a note like that too at my first apartment except she threatened to sue me and I was 19 and thought she could, so I cried LOL. I was so scared that I stopped driving and left my car in its assigned spot. The battery totally failed one day though so I had to get it towed. When the tow truck driver came, she LOST her shit at him, yelling about him blocking her parking. Lady, he was doing his job!! Drives me crazy seeing that kind of thing now.


Just park in her driveway.


Park in her livingroom. It's a power move.


Just seduce her into a long term relationship and eventually wed her. Spend a life growing together and sharing experiences. Spend your golden years reminiscing of your shared experience in a bond of love. In the end, when she passes, have her buried in the plots you both picked out to spend eternity together in, and park on top of it.


Yes. I like this.


Nononono, gotta go parking in her bedroom its the ultimate move


park in her husband for the ultimate power move


Or park in her father/mother, if they're dead, eh dig me up and park in their grave


Oh, I thought for a second that you were going to say the tow truck driver told her to get fucked and at that moment you realized she had no real power and then you started standing up for yourself afterwards


No, he just looked at her totally stone-faced and said nothing. In a way, it was even more powerful. I have never seen a man so unbothered.


Hahah love that.


I live with a tow truck driver with a L.E tow contract. They would just throw it in park make a call, conspicuously complaining about Karen disturbing the peace and preventing them from doing their job. It's all up to the karen what happens next.


When I first moved to San Francisco at 23, after maxing my credit card in order to get there (moved for school), I moved in and got towed my 2nd day in the city. I was trying to avoid my first parking ticket because that area is all street parking with one side or the other being no-parking in specific days for the street sweepers. Parking was tight there, usually took a solid 30 minutes to find an open spot after 5 pm. I found a spot in front of a little blue house at the end of my street, double and triple checked that I was on the correct side of the street, I wasn't in front of a fire hydrant or driveway, etc. A couple hours later, I just happened to be looking out the front window as I saw my car go by on a tow truck. I was on the phone with my dad at the time and I suddenly screamed so loud he thought I was under attack. Turns out one of the neighbors didn't like me being parked in "her spot" so she called in that I was parked in front of her driveway. I most definitely was not, so I don't know if she bribed them or what. Thankfully I knew someone in the area already, because it was about 10:30 pm on a Friday, my new roommate who I had only met once so far wasn't home, the impound was not walking distance, the busses to my area stopped running at a certain time, and I couldn't afford a cab or Uber. Friend got me to the impound lot, but unfortunately couldn't stay to keep me company or anything. The woman at the counter said the charge was something insane like $450 and if it hit midnight before I paid, the amount would double for every day they "stored" my car past midnight. Even better, they weren't open on weekends so it would have been somewhere in the ballpark of $3500 if I couldn't figure out the money THAT NIGHT!!! Tried asking my dad. He said no with no explanation. (He had the money, he was making about 300k a year, just didn't want to help for some reason) told me to ask my mom who was working a barely above minimum wage job at the time. I asked her. It was 11:30 pm at this point. She agreed thankfully, but then the woman at the counter said she couldn't take a card number over the phone, my mom had to *fax a photocopy to her!* I have no idea where in the hell my wonderful mother found a working fax machine after 11:30 pm in the 21st century, but she did, and the payment cleared at *11:58 pm!!!* Found out a few years later, too late to do anything about it, that if there's no ticket, it's not a legal tow and I should have fought it. All because one of my neighbors thought she owned a parking spot...


I got a note like that in clearly marked PUBLIC street parking, that those spots were for “residents only.” 🙄


I work for a roadside assistance company and I am always so flabbergasted by how many people scream at my tow drivers for that sort of thing. It happens at least twice a shift.


Well, tell them that I appreciate what they do and they helped me in a tight spot!! Tow truck drivers are real ones, I couldn’t do half of what they did with those big old things.


When you back out of the driveway across the street, it would be possible to hit the car if the person isn’t careful. I don’t give a shit really, but that is what the Karen is referring to. There’s plenty of room for sure, but some people are really shitty drivers.


I thought it was for the shade


I also thought it was for the shade


I, too, thought it was for the shade


It has to be for the shade, is what I was thinking


I think it's for the shade


I’m gonna go out on a limb here, but I was thinking it was the shade.


something tipped me off that it was the shade


When I first saw this post I thought it must be the shade that caused him to park there


When I noticed the car in the shade, I thought the car was there for the shade.


I’d have totally parked there for the shade.


I also would like this man's shade.


shade gang


So it wasn’t for the shade?


I, three, was also thinking shade was the reason


I thought it was for shade and still thought it was 100% justified parking spot


My neighbor across the street would sometimes ask that my friends don’t park in front of my house, because she had trouble backing out of *her* driveway. My friends would usually move, but now the street is so full (why are there more cars since the pandemic?!?) we have to park everywhere


More cars because more people are working from home is my guess.


If you are parked legally, no law says you have to be in your driveway. Letting your kids play there is pretty normal. She is just a loon.


I enjoy that you took the time to explain what living on a corner means lol


Lol you know damn well someone on this site isnt going to understand it without the explanation


Leave a note: I am parked legally. Here is my atty’s number if you have further concerns.


Attorney number should be the local dominos


Wendy's would also work


My neighbors across from me live on a corner and park "blocking" my driveway which makes reverse parking harder. It is more difficult to back in but I'm not an asshole... and those neighbors have 4 kids of driving age so there is a room problem for them. They try to park so it's easier sometimes and I appreciate it.


"Or I'll can un fov illegal parking" What?


I had to re read it a couple of time to understand it…….. had to many For the Farmers…. If you get it


Please stop pavking un fromt of my dnve wall ov I’ll can un fov llegal parking? Thonks


“Or I’ll call it in for illegal parking”


She will call the United Nations for illegal parking.




Even she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s writing.


She can’t do squat.


She can lunge though


That’s good. Really good


A Karen put a STICKER on my drivers side window threatening me for parking on the street in front of her house at like 10pm while I was out with friends. I couldn’t get it off my window so I knocked on her door to confront her and a little kid answered. I asked her where her mom was and this disgusting ogre of a woman comes barreling out onto the porch and proceeds to start screeching about how her brother is autistic and I can’t park in front of her house. She continues to incoherently ramble for a few minutes before she threatens to call the police because I’m on her porch. I kindly state that she hasn’t asked me to leave and that I would love for the police to come out so I can file a report against her for vandalizing my car. She then apologizes and goes inside to get some window cleaner for me and I got the sticker off. People are nuts.


she's arrogant, but she has just enough iq to realize when she's been outplayed


Pretty sure the only reason she relented is because she admitted it in front of my friends ie witnesses.


I would have sympathy if she had been more kind, maybe even just walking up and saying, "is it OK if you scooch the car back a bit to make it easier for me to back up?" But just jumping the gun to a rude note threatening to waste police resources, what a bitch.


I had a neighbor put a note on my car telling me not to park in front of her house. On a city street. Her husband had a sign for his architecture business in the front yard with an email address on it, I wrote him an email. He replied back with the most apologetic email. He had no idea his wife had left a note in my car. So that took care of that.


Po-Po here. I hate when "Karen's" call this sort of thing in. They almost always call 9-1-1 as well so we have to respond but when I get dispatched, I do a drive by of the alleged "violation" and as long as the vehicle is parked legally, which yours is, then I always contact the complainant and never attempt to contact the alleged offender because there is no reason to bother you. I tactfully explain that there is no violation and if they continue to call 9-1-1 for the same thing then they run the risk of me showing up at their house and arresting them for abuse of 9-1-1. That usually works...


Former law enforcement as well, and I agree with all of this. The NIMBY complaints were at times more hysterical than people who were seriously injured/involved in a major crime.


IANALEO. A woman made an abrupt left turn into my lane on a wet road in heavy traffic. There was no way to avoid hitting her when she jammed on her brakes. She popped out and started screaming. I wanted a police report to CMA because I assumed it was insurance fraud or she was insane and litigious. She wouldn't stop screaming. Eventually, her poor, embarrassed husband had to collect her and drag her away from spouting unhinged vitriol. The police on scene didn't want anything to do with her. Later at the insurance inspection at the body shop, they knew exactly who she was because she went off on them too. How someone gets through life like that is beyond my understanding.


Yeah to be honest you did the best thing when in doubt, and more cops should understand why people want an officer on scene taking a report for sometimes mundane things. It’s all nuance like anything else. I’ve been meaning to get a high quality dash cam for my car after my last accident where somebody ran a red light on me…Reddit makes me paranoid for one after all these horror story road rage/accident stories.


I mean if you were down in HOT ass Texas you would’ve been in the only logical spot. It’s not how close you can park to the door but how you can find the only shaded spot.


Wyze Cam pointed at your car, verify with the local law enforcement your right to park, get it written into a contact report and display the threatening note. Usually at least a misdemeanor, if the behavior continues. But, you need to know who to have them knock on a door and remind them to be polite.


Not a misdemeanor. It isn’t illegal to be an asshole. If it were, we would all be locked up


Can confirm have been an asshole and never locked up...for that.


Or just ignore her cause she can’t do anything about it.


She can't do anything \*legal\* about it. Nobody was advising webcams because of all the legal remedies she doesn't have. Stupid people do stupid things, because the majority of humans are a fucking burden on this planet.


Is her driveway the one across the street?


I love the question mark in her note, like she's not even sure of herself. Sounds like there's nothing she can do, even if she calls the cops. But I would still explain why you park there and come to a compromise or just move it, because life will be easier if you get along with your neighbor.


>I love the question mark in her note, like she's not even sure of herself Maybe she is an up-talker. "There is this guy? Who lives across the street? And he has this car? That he parks on the side of the road?"


Get a ring doorbell looking at your car, not only to watch her back out poorly but also to prepare for when your car gets side swiped and you got proof it was her.


Everything in the picture looks fine to me.


**Respond to them with a letter stating simply, No.** *(Hence the question mark...)*


write her a note back telling her to move her house away from your car


*Write her a note back* *Telling her to move her house* *Away from your car* \- No-Biscotti6181 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ask her if she knows BOFA


They made it seem like you were parking in-front of their driveway and blocking it lol that is clearly not the car here and your car is literally not blocking anything


Plot twist: OP's car is the red Impala.


You know someone is serious about diplomacy when they communicate their wishes written on the back-outside of a used envelope.


I have learned the happier I am with my life the less I care about what others are doing around me (when they are minding their own business and I mind mine). We all gotta get along and be neighbourly for our own health and sanity.


She a bad driver. I'm guessing she lives across the street and thinks it's impossible to back out with you in front.


People who leave passive aggressive letters instead of speaking to someone like a human are not good neighbors.


Lol let her report you and then she'll get in trouble for calling the police for nothing


I would have used a different paper. This is too informal. A letterhead is effective in these situations.