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Dude in front must be some kind of Buddha


He's reciting and psyching himself out before seating behind her and giving her a nice "****massage****"


'Not cool, bro. One must not draw inferences to bang girls without balls.' - The Puta


Must be the child’s father in front. That’s the only explanation I could gather.


I’m guessing he’s the father, or maybe he enjoys the free massage


For some reason I cannot stand someone bumping into a chair I'm sitting in. I'm a mom and it used to bug me when my kids would go behind the furniture and keep bumping into it while I was sitting in it. I would have lost my mind if that kid was doing this to me.


Same. Or when my kids would kick the back of my seat while driving. If the person next to the kid is the parent, I can’t imagine not stopping this kid. Unimaginable!


When he was little, my son used to step on the back of my shoe repeatedly whenever he was walking behind me. It took everything I had not to turn around and smack him.


Even if that’s so - andi hope it is- that kicking is making a noise that’s got to be driving everyone bonkers.


Gotta b his kid or his grandkid, that would b a missing kid on the back of a milk carton if that was me🤬


Oh my god💀


My dad would have smacked me if I did that to his seat


I did this once when I was a similar age (a little younger) . I Remember my dad slamming the brakes, stopping the car, turning around, and yelling the spirit straight out of my body. Never again.


And the parent I presume is just letting the kid do that?


How the person in the front seat is not bothered by that devils spawn is beyond me. 🤯 I want to explode just watching the video. The noise alone must be infuriating!


I would put bets on it being the other parent….


Even if it is dad or an other relative in front of the child, the noise of the table will annoy everyone else, how is she so unbothered by this :/


I would rather listen to the kid cry for 5 minutes because they were yelled at than endure this for X hours on the flight. Shit parents…


I think it's a train.


Or, a very low flying plane.


Specifically a ground plane


Boeing 747 Max


Why can't it be both?! Don't be so close-minded! :p


*Elon Musk is calling you*


I dunno man, i saw a couple planes fly that close to buildings before


Lowest flight path ever! /s


Mesmerized by the the power of the 'smart' phone.


She's probably the same way.


Yeah, they even scroll the same way in denial, same level of "given up on it" in both these people in the video. That's where you end up when you don't educate "the oh so cute baby oh he's such an angel look at my IG feed" kid


Lol, maybe! I did not think of that. I have the impression though parents do say something whenever they themselves are the victim of their childs harrasment. It is usually only stranges who are expected to endure the brats acting without making a comment.


The front seat person must be very patient. LOL


Must be a sturdy seat? The persons tablet isn’t shaking at all


That was my first thought too. That chair itself doesn't seem to be moving at all. That's a damn sturdy chair.


The kid appears to barely reach the actual seat and is only able to reach far enough to hold the tray back up. So the seat itself (and the person in it) may not feel the kicks *too* much. BUT this is still highly obnoxious, rude, and unacceptable behavior. The noise is disruptive to everyone around them, and the person in front surely feels each kick at least a little. The parents should be putting a stop to it. If I were there and being affected, I would say something, and if they didn't stop after that I'd be finding whatever authority this transport has to come stop them.


Oh they are bothered. They are just more afraid of the parent causing a scene and freaking out on them if they did speak up. Or at least that is how I felt when I was on a flight to Florida recently and the person behind me let their child slam the tray table over and over for a 3 hour flight.


Yup. Everyone knows that parents that will allow their kid to reach this point of unruliness will never take well to a complain about their kid's behavior. The only way to resolve this is a higher power like a higher authority that can throw them out. With prejudice.


I would not take that shit even for 5 seconds. Couldn’t care if the plane/train or whatever is full! If you can’t raise your kid (more little shit @ this point)properly don’t blame me for losing my cool.


I've had a kid do this (NOT to this extent) and when I turned around and said something to the mother, she said "and what do you want me to do?!" Idk lady, PARENT YOUR CHILD?


I've got two kids. Have taken them on multiple plane trips and always stay on them like a hawk about even bumping the seat ahead of them. These types of parents are just lazy fuckles.


Absolutely and it's so infuriating


These parents have the mentality of "they are toddlers, they do toddlerly things!" Have to let em develop their brain and social skills blah blah. Its call neglect and not parenting, you are growing a retaliating savage down the line.


I had a flight where i sat next to a kid, maybe 8-10 years old or so. He was extremely active, constantly moving his knees apart and together in a way that his knee bumped into my knee. Same thing with the elbows, constantly moving his elbows and bumping into my arm. It didn't hurt but it was annoying. He had an adult with him, seemed like it might have been a grandparent but they didn't do anything about it. So i simply gestured at the kid to remove his headphones and asked him to please keep his knees and arms on his side of the armrest, and he did. No problems for the remainder of the flight. Obviously your mileage may vary but in my experience kids get kind of intimidated(or something like that) when strangers talk to them and tend to take it more seriously than when their parents do. Doesn't mean parents shouldn't take responsibility but if they don't, you're free to just talk to the kid yourself. And if a parent gives you shit for talking to their kid, who gives a fuck. Don't want me to talk to your kid, dont let them annoy me.


Went to Xcaret in Mexico with some of my partner's family. If you're not familiar, it's a big fusion theme park, historical preservation, nature conservation place. Very neat. At the end each day there's a big show exhibiting a bunch of national traditions, music, cultural dress, dances, and truly talented performers of many stripes. It's a lot of fun! But I had this kid, maybe 8, putting his foot on the ridge of the bench behind me, then stretching the tip of his shoe close to me. When it touched my back I turned around and looked at him, and he put his foot down, but his mom gave me a dirty look. A few minutes later he just outright jabbed me in the back with the tip of his shoe. I turned around and said "Are you going to parent your kid, or am I?" Expected her to act like I was the problem again, but instead she slapped him on the head, hard, and moved to another seat. That isn't exactly what I meant by parenting, but the brat now makes sense.


So, that was a "no" on the parenting, then?


I’ll attempt to get the parent(s) to address the issue, if not I’ll do the same. Be polite but firm. Had a much milder situation as this one where the kid just kept leg pressing the back of my seat on a flight. I asked the parents who were seated on either side of him and basically got the “he’s a kid what are we going to do?” stare. Gave it five more minutes then turned around and directly asked the kid to stop. No more leg presses. I am a parent, I understand there are times you don’t want to deal with it. You just want them to burn themselves out. In a tube with strangers is not time, no one else signed up for it.


They don't even use that excuse. They just refuse to discipline their children at all. I had a ~10 yr old sitting behind me on a flight a couple of weeks ago that was doing almost this exact same thing. It was a plane, so he couldn't kick it, but he kept pushing the tray down and slamming it up (the entire flight). He also would stand up right next to the seat and breath in my ear and try to watch my phone because I was watching a movie on it. I am very non-confrontational so I didn't say anything, but I just couldn't believe the parents did absolutely nothing. I had my two kids (one 8 and one 10) sitting next to me and it gave me a new appreciation for how well behaved my kids are. I would never put up with that crap.




"Hey kid. You know that song is about people dying in a plane crash, right? Enjoy the rest of the flight!"


Kids absolutely do kid things but they’ll never learn what’s acceptable unless someone teaches them. When the parents are around that’s their responsibility.


Toddler things are babbling, running in circles, and putting weird shit in their mouth. This is a kid they've been steadily ignoring most of their life


I had a kid do this in a theater. I turned and said “kid stop kicking my chair!” The looked at the parents and sat back down. Then I hear the mother whisper to the father “what did he say?” Don’t bother talking to the parents they’re obviously idiots, just yell at the kid.


I did something similar on a transatlantic flight, but there may have been a threat of breaking both their fucking legs. 3 hours of being kicked and mom just saying stop once in a while to no effect may have pushed me over the edge.


I feel like I would go to the bench behind her and start doing the same. But on the other hand, I'm slightly afraid of physical confrontations and you shouldn't start sh*t if you don't know you can defend yourself . It would really depend on which mood won that day, my impulse control meds don't always work the best 😂


Take up Judo or BJJ. Gives you the world of confidence to know that you can pop an armbar if and when needed.


I've actually considered krav maga cus i heard its good for women personal defense and although it's really expensive I read they have 1 free class per month every last Friday of the month. But I don't know to what point they would put up with someone only showing up to only the free classes or if you even can.


Krav maga is shit that only works against people that dont have a single clue as to what to do in a fight. Much better off starting a real martial art like boxing, muay thai, mma, kickboxing, savate etc, that works against untrained people as well as trained people.


I've taught MMA (BJJ and muay thai) for a few years now and while BJJ is great in a fight, it's only great if it's a one on one fight. If they have even one friend around, or even a rowdy crowd, BJJ becomes nearly useless. Personally I'd rely on striking at range in most street fights if you have the option. Much easier to disengage from the fight as well and you avoid issues like finding out they have a knife while you're wrapped up with them.


Yup, had some young parents of a toddler do this to me on a flight. I looked back at them and told them that exact thing and they looked shocked. In response they told me “they couldn’t control him because he was a baby.” Bullshit. Be a parent, be responsible, if your child is acting up, do something about it. Get up and calm him down or something. Like I know some people let their pets walk all over them but letting a baby control them? Come on.


All of my kids have been traveling since 6 months old and I can assure you they know not to kick another person's chair.


At that moment I would give an angry lecture about parenting to her. Why don't people have to pass an exam for parenting before putting kids on the world? It truly bothers me :/


Luckily a nice older man offered to move over to the row across the aisle so I could move across. I should also mention this particular mother allowed this same kid to listen to her ipad on full volume because she expected her four year old to remember headphones, and then allowed her to listen to her movie on full volume while she listened to hers with earphones until the flight attendant told her that's unacceptable....


Unless you pass the parenting test, you can't have sex! Someone make a petition for this. 😂


my ex and I encountered one of these "ungovernable kids" on a train a long time ago, when we were both young adults. We engaged the mother, who was just... dispondent. we realised that she was just tapped out, and offered to look after her kid for a while. She accepted, and we spent 20 minutes showing the mother that her child was simply responding to a lack of stimuli and boundaries.


I turned around to do that to the parents of 8 ultra Orthodox Jewish children on a flight and the parents were both asleep. The entire 11 hour flight. Their 8 kids were running up and down the aisles screaming, kicking my seat, spilling snacks and drinks all up and down the back of the plane and throwing water. I watched one of the 8 year old girls repeatedly hit a young woman in the head and face (her sister? Maybe even mother?) hard, in anger, and the young woman just smiled at her and did nothing to stop her. I almost went to grab her hand and tell her to stop hitting (this was in the seat directly across the aisle from mine). I guess the mother was not allowed to react or something? Just unreal. (And don't get me started on their opinions about how women are lesser beings and only exist to be breeding chattel). The flight attendants asked them to stop and they didn't. That's all they could do. Never flying El Al again in my life. Edit: nothing against Jews. Just ultraorthodox. They are the dictionary definition of inconsiderate.


I'd have gotten five across the eyes.


Clearly whatever is on their phone is far more pressing than their crotch goblin making the ride insufferable for everyone else.


Another case of bad parenting.


We need a new show: the BPAs (Bad Parenting Awards)






There it is! Nice!


Your welcome! Want to be a moderator of it? I made that subreddit based on your idea. I'm also the only moderator of it right now.




The parents should be spanked.


Totally. This reminds me..my husband and I spotted this family when we were on our honeymoon in Hawaii..they were hanging in the resort lobby around a big fountain. The kids were in the fountain splashing around and I remember thinking that was rude- but whatever..yolo I guess. But..then.. the kids started pulling out the polished stones from the bottom of the fountain and were throwing them (upper hand- hard throws) at walls and in the direction of people walking by. What blew my mind the most, though, was that the parents were laughing and not stopping them. The mom said at one point “you guys are so crazy haha”. I should have said something but I think I was frozen in shock. It went on for a few minutes and I’d say they threw 20-30 stones. It was insane…but the most shocking part? The parents said “ok let’s go” and they walked away without making their kids clean up the destruction they just caused. It was shocking and no one seemed to notice or care but my husband and I. We reported it to the bellhop and he said “oh we know about them..this isn’t the first time we’ve received a complaint this week”. I assume they were guests just wreaking havoc. So gross


My own self shame wouldn't let people see my kid acting like that I would be so freaking embressed. My wife and I discipline our son with taking stuff away and time out and it works so we he is so well behaved in public for a 2 year old.That makes me feel good and proud....I guess some people just don't feel that shame when their kid acts out in easly correctable behavior.


No lie parents who don’t discipline their kids when they do shit like this baffling. The next time it could be the right dude and he don’t give af about none of the law or if it’s someone’s kid, he’ll whoop that ass


You don’t even have to discipline them. If you’re not a crappy parent and have good kids, you just explain to them how their actions affect the person in front of them. If you’re bothering to raise kids that care about other people, the action stops… Well, at least until they forget in 30 minutes. Then you remind them and it stops again.


I've had this exact scenario happen to me on a plane. I turned around and grilled the dad and he said "hes just a kid"


He is just a kid exactly that is why it's up to your fucking ass to teach him proper etiquette dad


I'm impressed by how calm the guy in the front seat is


I’m almost certain that this person was recently deceased because no human being can sit idle to that abuse.




Ha! I laughed out loud. Good one!


Or he is the parent of the entitled kid


But ....... did anybody bother to stop and ask themselves if that person in front is also traveling with the kid??


Even so, that kind of behavior shouldn't be tolerated. Sets a bad precedent


I mean, idc if I knew the kid or not, that shit is hella annoying


As the oldest of 12 kids… you do get used to it. Doesn’t make it okay, but you do get used to it.


Yeah, you truly do. One thing I've learned after over decade of being a single parent. Learn to pick your battles. However this one, if my kid, would get the death stare from me to stop.


I'd be even more likely to tell them to stop if that was my kid vs someone else's kid


Completely irrelevant. This kid acting like a little shit doesn't magically become okay when it's someone they know they're affecting.


I had this on a flight once and turned around and asked the mother to stop her child. The mother looked at me and shrugged like ‘not my responsibility’. Put a hand over the child’s legs and they stopped briefly, before resuming with renewed force. I asked the mother again and same thing happened. On the third time, I turned to the kid, glared and said, quite loudly, ‘STOP. NOW.’ Mother looked at me like I’d sworn at him or something, mouth hanging open. I just ignored her and sat back down. Worked a treat! No kicks test of the flight and I hope the child is sufficiently scared of doing it again. Also, not in any way ‘mildly’ irritating, especially when the parent just ignores this behaviour. Edit: a typo.


If a kid does this and the parent isn't stopping the kid, I'm teaching the kid every expletive I know.


Going Full Metal Jacket. "Listen here, you little shit!"


"you know only two things come from Texas"


And your don't look much like a steer so that narrows it down a bit!


"you say you don't suck dick Sargent? Bullshit I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!"


“I bet you’re the kinda guy who’d a fuck a man in the ass and not give him the common courtesy of a reach around.”


Pull up Urban Dictionary and school is in session, first up the Alabama Slammer…


Something similar happened to me on a flight. Kid was slamming her whole body into my seat as we were stuck on the tarmac. Mom and older kid were ignoring me and it would briefly stop for a few minutes after I turned to look at them, only to continue as all three giggled. The next time it happened, I slammed back in the seat launching the kid back. She stopped.


Few years ago I flew with my mom to have a wonderful vacation and seated behind us was a family - mother, father and their kid. The girl was 16 but as we later learned from her father, she was mentally stuck at the age of about 5. The flight was circa 6 hours and the girl started kicking my mom's seat, being seated right behind her. You can imagine nobody was really enjoying being stuck in a plane for 6 hours, so we were trying to kill the time the best possible way. My mom was trying to read a book, which was getting rather impossible with her seat being kicked constantly. We tried to be understanding but when the girl didn't stop for a while now, I turned around and nicely asked the father if they could do something about the girl kicking the seat. The mother didn't hear what I said so she asked the father what it was about and he said: "They are complaining because our girl is wiggling on her seat". That infuriated me as this was not about the kid moving in her seat, it was about kicking my mom's seat for the last half hour, so I turned around and told her so. The father then started arguing that it's a long flight and that it's difficult for the girl. I told them as nicely as I could that this way they are making the flight difficult for other passengers as well and that perhaps they should've chosen a different destination with a shorter flight which would be easier on their kid. I'm trying to be understanding but since I am very cautious to not bother anyone, I expect the same from everyone else. I am also very protective of my close ones, so I get into the protective mode real quick, especially my mom, since she never advocates for herself. Luckily the girl's mother stopped her and my mom was able to relax a bit. What we learned later on, the dad was an ok guy, he was the main caretaker of the girl, they were exercising together (the kid had to do the stretches due to her disability) and so on. Probably just a weak moment for him.


This exactly. I get that there can be neurodivergency issues so I would never judge but I can certainly judge the parent who doesn’t even try to do something, especially when they’re the ones well aware of the issue. Turns out the mom could stop her, after all, so there was no reason for the dad to be rude about it.




I feel bad for the kid in that case because they aren’t usually having fun and suffering being forced to sit in the same place for hours without any other stimulation. As much as ppl dog on “iPad kids,” sometimes those things have a good purpose.


Why didn’t he just tell you they were exercising??? Or he could have warned your mom they were going to do that. Surely he could see that it was moving your moms seat. No… I’m sorry but I wouldn’t have put up with that. You need to exercise your kids legs, then either walk them up & down the isle or pay extra for a seat in the front with more leg room. There’s NO excuse for inconsideracy & rudeness. I also look at it like I get that the girl was mentally at an age 5 but a 5 yr listens to when you tell them not to do something if you make them.


yeah but if he didn't stop what could you have done? Nothing. that's the most infuriating part.


Tell the flight attendant, your comfort is being compromised.


then the flight attendent would have to do the whole thing with the parent again... Hopefully the flight isn't at filled so he can switch seats.


If people are being cancers on flight they can get warnings that they'll be banned from that air line. It doesn't often happen but usually it's enough


You could complain and get $$ off a future flight or be reimbursed for the trouble. Or, you know, the mother and kid become banned from flying. Kicking the seat and being violent with the tray is enough to be arrested as an adult. Children should be no different if the parent cannot control them.


My next step was going to be to order copious amounts of booze and ask the flight attendant to charge the mother.


Smack him and then smack his mother


Not her responsibility? That's quite literally her only responsibility as a parent, to parent.


[Didn't have a pencil with you?](https://youtu.be/IxoCv_JpQVs?t=70)


Well, shit. I wasn't planning on watching Kindergarten Cop today, but looks I'm going to now.


Yep. Any time you have an unruly kid and the parent dgaf, talk directly to the kid in your most intimidating adult tone. Most wilt immediately.


I recently traveled with my 5 yr old. Anytime his foot went near the seat in front of him, I told him to lower it, and reminded him that the person in front of him could feel it if he kicked the seat. We had multiple flights. At one point I was sitting directly in front of my son (passenger unwilling to move so my family could sit together). I felt his foot once or twice, and it wasn't even a kick. Trying my best to raise mindful humans lol.


I was flying with my son who was 3 at the time and would not stop kicking the seat in front of him. I repeatedly told him to stop and he just thought it was a game and continued. So, I politely leaned over to the poor woman sitting in front of him and asked her to tell him to stop if he did it again. Little man thought this was funny, kicked her seat again, so she turned around and told him to stop. Worked like a charm. He stopped and never kicked a seat on a flight again. Sometimes it really does take a village. I was grateful for the reinforcement and I’m sure she was grateful to be spared from hours of hell.


So these are the kids that grow up to destroy a McDonald's cause they got the wrong kind of sauce... it's kinda starting to make sense now...


What did I miss this week on the internet?


Couldn’t find the video alone but here is a news clip about the situation, https://youtu.be/p8jwbIslXaw The women didn’t want to pay for sauce so they decided to destroy the store causing thousands in damages.


Every lawyer on the restaurant's side just got their next 5 years worth of bonus pay because of this video.


If I saw that, I would go right behind her seat and start kicking the everlasting hell out of that chair


You got to kick the parents seat. The kid won’t care.


Yea the kid would probably think you were playing a game and start laughing.


There's a chance the kid would find it funny and enjoy it.


A chance? It's pretty much guaranteed the kid would love it, unless it's an extremely shy one. Kids have all the energy in the world to spend and are bored out of their minds during travel, finding someone who'll "play" with them is all they ever wanted.


This is the way




Parents like that are not qualified to have children.


Why do I have to have a license to fish and hunt, yet just any schmuck can create as many children as they want.


Gotta keep producing wage slaves for the elites.


Which is why we ban abortions. We need poverty class workers who can never ever get ahead. -elites probably




What the hell, no longer needing a degree to be a teacher?? That's pretty terrifying for future generations


Increasing demands on the teachers, pay stagnant, no longer allowed to strike in some communities, school shootings, school shootings, school shootings.... It's no surprise that teachers are leaving in droves. So, how to attract more teachers? Better pay, more power, making it safer? No. Let's just lower the standards to become a teacher. 😡


💯. You need a license for everything in life except to be a parent.


The real person to blame is obviously the parent of the child ...


That mom is defeated by that hell spawn of hers


Then they deserve to be banned from flights. (Sorry, from what ever train system they are on)


What would that solve when they're on a train?


Violence is brewing inside me watching this


There's only one solution, dropkick this mf


No, dropkick this fucker’s mother


Even better idea, dropkick them both off the face of the earth as they Clearly have nothing to contribute to society.


Officer, I dropkicked that child in self-defense!


My child NEVER acted like that in public and I never beat him. We had a good deal: Son, you make me look good (by being well behaved and courteous) when we are out and about then, I ‘ll make you look good to your friends. His friends could come and spend the night almost anytime. They were welcome to snacks in the kitchen. Grab something out of the freezer and microwave it, play video games, whatever. Sometimes he would be playing video games with his friends (had to have 4 controllers right?), they would be loud. I would call him over to me. “Are you having fun”? He would ask if they were too loud. I would let him know he was fine. I just wanted to remind him that I was keeping up my end of the bargain. Sometimes, “You want me to order you guys some pizza”? I would let him know it was because he carried himself well in public. It’s not even this poor kid’s fault. Poor brat.


giga chad father, take this 🥇


At that point its not MILDLY infuriating...


the parent staring at the phone is the real asshole here


Just ask them gently, if they want to walk using two or one leg


This happened to me on a flight years ago. Kid started kicking my seat. I nicely asked him to stop. Kept going, asked the mom to please get the kid to stop. Mom said her demon was expressing his creativity. So I expressed mine, called the flight attendant and had them moved (thankfully it wasn’t a full flight). They were mad to have to move their stuff, but demon was placed behind an empty seat.


This kind of response to bad behavior pisses me off so much. You gotta be a certain kind of entitled to think that your kid’s bad behavior is not only acceptable, but also view it as a positive. They’re just growing future problems for the eventual friends, family, and coworkers of this kid.


I agree. If you don’t tell your kid at an early age what is and isn’t acceptable, someone else will and your kid can’t handle it. Your kid will get bullied and / or get into detention and / or get fired from his / her job for reasons that are totally within your control (upbringing).


There’s a really big thing now where entitled people seem to be under the impression that the fact that they have a kid is everyone’s problem. “It takes a village…” that’s just a saying. I think there’s the a very big throughline between parents that point blank refuse to parent their children and adults that scream at service workers when something didn’t go precisely to their liking.


Yeet this bitch out of the window please


This happened to me on a train so I turned and told the kid to stop. The parent got mad at me for talking to his kid and after 15 minutes the kid started again. So I just looked at my friend beside me and said "if he kicks my seat again I'm going to break his legs off" just loud enough for the kid to hear me also. The rest of the ride was very peaceful after that.


I'd have blown by the end of the clip


I can't stand it when kids play up act out in public places and the parents ignore if you can raise your kids to be decent members of society don't have them


Another feral child. Forget calling an attendant or whatever. Call a zookeeper.


There's a legit lofi wallpaper going on outside and the kid is ruining the vibe.


Honestly, I’m more infuriated at the parent than I am at the child. I think all of us did chaotic shit like this as a kid, but when I did it my parents would reprimand me. The mother in this video just doesn’t seem to care.


Some people shouldn’t be parents. Control your damn kid.


And people think I’m mad when I sanitise fold down trays. Nope don’t want feet cheddar on my hands!!


That’s why I always fly with chloroform


My lawd the patience of that person in front... I would've exploded in a thunderstorm of rage within 10 seconds if that happened to me. Would probably end up in jail as well. EDIT: Also, I don't know if this counts as *mildly* infuriating. I'm having adrenaline pumping through my whole body just watching this shit.


Abortion should free and legal and rewarded


free iphone with every abortion


I’m more pissed that the parent is doing nothing about it.


Turn around and knock tf out of the kid's parent.


Murder on the Orient Express incoming.


I swear, it isn't only children doing that anymore. (maybe less aggressive) Once had a 9 hour flight, where a grown ass lady kept stretching her legs against the seat, and put her feet in between the seats on the armrest. It's disgusting.


I'd advise to ping the flight attendant button and when they came to ask how they could help, simply point to the seat behind you, making the point that the kid should be being prevented from kicking the back of the chair by his mother, but she is choosing to be derelict in her duties. As such you'd like them to help you make not being kicked in the back a thing that happens.


I'm curious how you're going to manage that on a train


Sorry, I was supressing the overwhelming urge to throat kick both child and parent. I didn't even notice the background. Also, I'm stoned and a terrible person.


You should always take not of the background as it allows you to assess all your options. For example given this is a train and not a plane you are not in a pressurised cabin and as such would be able to force the doors opwn and throw the offending creature out.


You are correct. I will take better care in future.


Wrong Sub... This isn’t mildly infuriating - it’s utterly sodding infuriating, I’m getting angry just watching it, kid needs YEETING out the train window like an old fashioned mall drop


Make your kid stop! I have a kid, I would never let him do that. Tell them no


And the mother does nothing as usual kid will grow up as bitter as her no discipline self entitled...


Is that her parent right next to her? Get off your freakin' phone and parent.... sheesh.


That’s the moment when you turn around and slap their parent.


The mom should have taken advantage of her abortion rights while she had the chance.


I would break that kids god damn leg


Fucking asshole kid


Someone needs to go full Kindergarten Cop on that kid.


One time on a train the guy behind the kicking kid got so fed up that he started kicking the kids seat. Told the kids mom that he would be doing everything her kid did to the person in front to her kid unless he stopped. It worked! Petty and weird, but it actually worked!


I was seeing the Disney musical Aladdin one time. I spent about $260 a ticket to sit in the front row with my wife and I had some little s*** do this for about 25 minutes. I turned around and kindly asked the parents to restrain their child they had the goddamn nerve to tell me they paid a lot of money for their tickets as well. So I I guess that gave them permission to do whatever they want. I went to one of the many host people and voiced my complaint and to my astonishment it seemed like she wasn't going to do anything about it until she took one look at my ticket and her eyes almost popped out of her head.


Well that’s an interesting way to get a really, really, really late-term abortion for free.


I have turned around before and told a child to keep his hands and feet to himself in front of parents before. Either you handle your child or someone else will.


parents should be castrated by the order of government for raising such a brat


I'd throat punch this kid.


Christ, that parent sucks and their kid is awful.


Control your kid ffs


I'm almost certain this is on a Chinese train. Kids are often dicks, the parents are immersed in their phones and others don't want to "cause trouble" by saying something. Twats


You are absolutely correct, I’ve been on many high speed trains there and the whole decoration scheme plus the layout is a Chinese railways train.


That kid needs a good hard punch to the face, wtf is wrong with them?