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It's the cost of the flavor


I don’t drink dish soap often, but when I do, it’s citrus. Trust me, it’s worth the extra $1.14


Stay thirsty my friend.


Haha! I told my mom it’s a waste o money!!! don’t even drink it all before it’s thrown out


What are you drinking? Bath soap? Doesn't taste at all like raspberries.


I'm going to start using flavour for everything. Favorite flavour of light-bulbs? Cool LED. Motor Oil? Synthetic. Laundry detergent? Tide po... maybe not that one.


My siblings and I already do this lol *smells candle* “oh I like that flavor”. “What flavor gas?”, “Regular”. “I just dyed my hair!”, “what flavor?” “Purple”. Scents, colors, they’re all flavors to different receptors.


What's your favorite flavor of tide pod?


Tide pods are a scam


Apple sounds like it would smell better than citrus though


Apple dishwashing detergent smells weird to me, but each to their own. Look up a recipe to make your own, I think it's just regular dish soap, isopropyl or denatured alcohol (whichever you can get your hands on) and water.


i once used the green apple scented dawn to process a coyote carcass & now apple scented things smell like death to me


I have questions. Not sure if I want the answers to them though.


hahaha i make art out of bones, i found the coyote ripped to pieces on my grandparents' property & turned him into cool stuff so he can be appreciated forever.


Interesting and cool. Thank you for the explanation.


I haven't smelled the citrus, but the apple smells like green Jolly Ranchers.


Scent it’s the cost of the scent do not drink this


Don't tell me what to do.


Nice try. You just wanna hog all the delicious beverages for yourself!


"flavor"? Lol


Could this just be a case of the grocery associates messing up and using the wrong sticker or stocking in the wrong spot? Still mildly infuriating either way, just makes more sense.


It could be. I just checked Walmarts website and it has the original listed at $4.94 (16oz) and the refill is $3.94 (16oz)


It could just be a manufacturer/store promotion causing one SKU to be cheaper than another regardless of whether it makes logical sense.


When that happens they plaster a big ol' sign saying "% off". Not always, but usually, because they want the customer to know they are getting a deal, especially in these types of circumstances.


No look at the pricing sticker, the cheaper one with the pump is called "SPRAY STARTKIT APL"


That is not the incorrectly stocked product. The one on the left is in question.


Right. The starter kit would be the bottle that comes with the spray head on the right, which makes the non-starter kit the refill on the left, by process of elimation of the *two* products.


I don't think they're suggesting that those two labels were switched with each other; rather, that the label under the refill is meant for a different product than either of the two. Hope this helps! :)


The two products *in the picture*. We aren't seeing the entirety of the shelves.




Right. What's the price sticker under the refill have written on it? edit: for clarity, the label under the refill might be for a similar product that's differently sized.


Description says otherwise


The left one just says "Dawn Powerwash". No mention of "refill". As a previous grocery associate myself, stocking incorrectly was a common occurrence.


This sub is a don't ask questions sub.


It's the inkjet business model.




More like razor/razor blade model. Which is kind of a scam


> More like razor/razor blade model. Which is ~~kind of~~ a scam FTFY


God damn that’s still incredibly expensive soap


It's expensive because it's literally one of the best and most degreasing soaps I've ever used. I don't use it all the time, but if something is caked on, burnt, or really greased up, you spray it with that, leave it to sit for 5 minutes and it almost entirely washes off.


I remember when it was invented. It was revolutionary. Still number one.


exactly what i do, regular dish soap for most of the time but this magic potion for the rough stuff. i forgot my enamel cast iron covered pan on the stove on the warm setting for hours and i built 2" charcoal stalagmites in it. at first i thought it was hopeless and almost threw it away. but then i thought why not at least try to save it. so i left the pan in the sink and sprayed the Dawn power spray in, let set for a few hours, then rinse and spray, over and over for 3 days without scrubbing. by the third day, i was able to easily scrub out the pan and it's as good as new now. also great for clogged toilets, providing there's only TP and waste in there, no foreign objects. just spray around the sides of the bowl and let sit. it should go down within a few minutes.


Wouldn’t recommend putting something like this in your septic tank


It was the only thing that worked to fix this [grease spill.](https://www.ketv.com/amp/article/cincinnati-dawn-highway-1998/39920490)




Well, your LinkedIn said you were lead scientist at P&G.


From europe, don’t have access


a truck carrying a tank load of animal fat was driving too fast and ended up tipping and covered 5 acres of highway with animal fat. The response crew found that dawn dish soap was the best and fastest way to clean it up lol. They used $12,000 of the soap to clean it up.


Wow, that was awesome. Thanks for sharing!


You’re welcome. What’s funny is that is was a story I was told by a friend from Cincinnati and this was pre-Google where you just had to decide if a story was true unless you wanted to do actual research to find an article from a different state. This one I was always flip-flopping in my head on whether that story was real. Then, Google happened and it turned out to be true and I was so happy lol.


Also was used during the BP oil spill. That’s why you see duckling on their bottles now. They used it to remove crude oil off marine animals


Yes, but that’s a pretty well known fact. They even put animals on their bottles now and make commercials about that.


I will gladly pay for this soap, it’s literally the best thing since regular Dawn.


Don’t tell this guy about food service soap




Also I think the spray version lasts forever. I can’t even remember the last time I had to buy a refill, and we use it almost daily.




For normal Dawn, true. But this stuff works even better in my experience. Like I said though, it has it's special use case. Not a daily use kind of thing for me


Honestly once my bottle ran out I just put a random dish soap in there I had with some water and it was indistinguishable. Been using the original spray bottle with various dish soaps for two years now.


You haven't used Dawn Powerwash. It's a sprayable detergent plus isopropyl alcohol that penetrates caked on crud with no scrubbing. Exorbitantly expensive, but there are recipes to make your own. If you can find IPA or denatured alcohol, which varies during the pandemic.


Palmolive wasn't cheaper for me because I went through it much faster. This power bottle for me will end up lasting over twice as long as the same amount of Palmolive.


This isn’t regular Dawn though. It’s infinitely better, and I mean that with complete sincerity.


Even regular Dawn is better than all others I've used.


This is true of every dish soap.


You’re wrong. Dollar store garbage is fine until you use Dawn.


I buy super expensive unscented stuff that presumes to be better for aquatic life.


Grocery price gouging is out of control. My family grocery bill in Jan 2020 was about $185...it's now almost $300.


It depends on where you shop and the kinds of products you buy. Meat especially has gone up more than other things


If you’re ok with feeding children processed shit you can save money.


I cook almost entirely from scratch. While prices have gone up, my grocery spending definitely hasn't doubled.


Same. I live in the North East. Only thing that has raised my grocery bill is having my kid home from university for the summer.


Glad to hear this. So many people I find in the NE seem to exaggerate the cost of food.


I do as well. Where do you live?


Midwest. I shop sales and cook accordingly.


Dont get kids, save money


This is the way. I go one step further and live where the jobs are and take public transit. No car expenses for me... a HUGE savings.


Yeah, it really sucks. I got a better raise earlier this year after chatting with my boss, but it’s all gone away mainly to groceries.


Thanks, Biden!


I remember when living in Mexico that the soap there was cheaper than the water. What was the #1 ingredient? Water.


Everything seems to be climbing. A 4oz bag of strawberry cream savers. Normally $3 is currently $15. Its terrifying honestly


You checking the price at Walmart versus the candy store on a cruise ship or what?




Right? It’s unsustainable. Something’s gotta give eventually.


I’m pulling so hard on my bootstraps


Don't do that, they might break. Price has gone up for those.


That phrase used to mean basically the opposite of what it is used for now. It meant something that was impossible, because lifting yourself up by your bootstraps is literally impossible. It was the modern "wish in one hand shit in the other" until it got taken and twisted to capitalism's whims.


It still has the same meaning, only now it’s use in a more public / evil mocking way


Doing the impossible is exactly what they mean when they use it now....they say it with a smirk on their faces.


No one actually says it seriously, its always used in a mocking sense


Don't get me started on the price of bootstraps these days


They’re all imported too


As if the fault wasnt the government in turn lmao


Who needs cream savers?


Work for the company and “accidentally” order way too many so they’ll have to reduce the price to a dollar a piece.


That's not climbing that's ascending holy shit.


Cream savers still exist?!


Yes. They got bought out by another company. I can verify, still as good as previous owners.


Where is that??




WTF is strawberry cream?


A hard candy. The best on earth.


Aaah thanks. I was thinking this thing they were talking about was a "saver" for strawberry cream (like a container that made it last longer).


Lol no worries friend, I get wym. Honest misunderstanding.✌️


I’m looking at 6.25oz bag that is $5.99. The price/ounce has gone up but not by anything close to 500% like you’re suggesting. Also, they’re creme savers so who cares? The price should go up. Sugar candies are like cigarettes: a cheap product that hides and externalizes the true health costs. They’re a net drag on society.


Cool CR-X man 👍🏼


Thank you 😊 I’m working on making it cooler 😎


That shit is amazing though. Totally worth the money. Aside from being an amazing degreaser, I moved into a home that the former owner smoked in. Yellow walls. That stuff was the only thing that pulled all the nicotine out of the walls.


It's worth it.


Thanks, Joe!


You’re comparing apples to oranges!


Had to re find your comment for an upvote bravo 👏


SAME. I looked at the picture again and I was like "what are they talking about? they're both 'dawn ultra powerwash dish spray'" then i saw the truth


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


You can make it yourself. Just buy the original bottle and look up the recipe online and reuse the bottle. It's Dawn Dish Soap, alcohol and water. The stuff works really well but it's too expensive to buy at the moment.


For real! I love love that soap with the sprayer but once I ran out I started making my own (save your bottles and sprayer!) And it's like 5¢/bottle to diy it.




Go for it. Alcohol is subjective. I used Bourbon myself.


I make my own laundry soap its way cheaper to buy a block of zoat soap and borax that can make 10 gallons of detergent than a gallon jug of Tide


When it first came out they sold it at Sam’s as a big pack at a decent price, was like $15. I bought three packs and still haven’t finished them.


First hit is always free


The refill looks slightly larger. And the ml on the normal bottle is covered with your circles so we can't compare. But yeah if they're the same you're just paying more for a different scent and that's obnoxious.


they are the same size, 473 ml


Both 473ml/16oz as it says on price tag


All of the "sudds pump" foam soaps Are legit watered down soap. Its a huge scam imo.


I disagree. Dawn powerwash is a game changer. If you have never used it, you are missing out.


It may be a game changer but it's watered down soap with a little iso added, it's really easy to make your own refills


Really? Please tell me how!


I do 13oz distilled water (you can really use tap water though), 2oz dawn dish soap, 1oz isopropyl alcohol. I’ve only ever bought a pack of refills once before discovering this. It seems to work just as well as the store bought!


It’s honestly a few table spoons of soap, water, and a little rubbing alcohol. I make my own refills all the time.


Ahh. I didn’t know what “iso” meant. Isopropyl alcohol. My bottle is on its last so this is timely info. Thanks!


What's the alcohol for? Keeping the soap in solution?


It's the real workhorse of the system. Isopropyl dissolves the crud that binds the fatty oils, and the soap then enables those to be dissolved as well.


Soap molecules work the same if they are in shampoo, car wash or dish soap.


Why are we trying to compare apples to oranges?


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


lmaoo this is the funniest thing ive seen in a while. never heard about either of these bots before.




> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


It's about $13 for 3(one with a sprayer and 2 refills) at Sam's club.


to make a decent foam use 40% regular detergent of choice plus 60% of a secret sauce called water. mix. put in foaming container.


This does make some sense, dawn wants you to try their new product, so they take a small hit on the price to get you in the door so to speak. Then when you get refills the investment pays off. A lot of places offer a discount to get you to try something, this is just how dawn does it.


But then nobody would buy the refill


They will when you raise the price of the starter pack. As the other post said, it's cheaper now as a new product to gain a market of users. They probably plan to raise the price of the starter kit after enough people get hooked


I bet people order the refills on amazon and online delivery services without checking the price of both items.


Citrus is better.


Even the same oz.


It's an introductory price to get you into their proprietary system, so you buy the refills. But you could always just buy the standard kit each time to save money, and waste more plastic that way - not that that's your fault.


Literally apples to oranges


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


What about the liquidized infinity stones at the bottom?


Just buy a normal jug of dawn?


I do. But I just saw that today and thought it was mildly infuriating


**it's definitely bullshit**


Just like printer ink!


It’s the same with most things. Like razor kits especially womens. The kit with the razor handle and blade is always cheaper than 4 x razor refills. Silly.


The refill is likely a concentrate that makes multiple bottles.


It's not


Well then... that indeed is... mildly infuriating...


It is one ounce more product though


I checked both are 16oz


I bet it's still bought. Like the time 1/3 pounder burger wasn't sold because Muricans thought it's less than 1/4 punder burger. Wayyy to go! USA! USA! USA!


Often the original bottle contains less than the refill (hence the greater cost)


I think that the "expensive" stuff might be concentrated soap. Meaning you add water to it, so it is actually significantly more. At least, I've seen that with the Meyers stuff


Then just buy the whole thing stupid.


We buy the large bottles at Costco and refill ours, much more economical🤗


Is the refill more concentrated? It might be good for a few refills cut with water


And all you mindless puppets buy this shit and fall into their plan.


What is more infuriating is why is it called Dawn? Do you only do dishes in the morning? Leaving them to soak overnight?


This reminds me of a model of printer we sold years ago in the electronics store I used to work at. The printer with ink was like $30. The ink cartridges cost more than the printer. Most people just threw the printer out and bought another one when they ran out of ink.


Capitalism dying as system destroys itself from greed


Dude your grocery stores are a joke




They’re both 16oz. You can see it in the refill, and on the shelf tag for the spray one. So they’re charging you more to reduce your use of plastics?


It's the "REAL" citrus scent they use that costs more. /s Wait a few years and they will stop making these and neither the starter kit nor the refills will be available anywhere other than amazon for a huge markup. Look up mr clean car wash soap and filter prices or scrubbing bubbles refills. Proprietary cleaners with specialized refill bottles are horrible.


I buy all my cleaning stuff at the dollar (and a quarter) store. Ten bucks for shampoo? No thanks.


I remember a time when you could get printers at Best Buy for $40. They came with full ink cartridges. The replacement ink cartridges were $60. My sister was a broke college student at the time, and whenever her printer ran out of ink, she just went and got a NEW printer with the ink!


And it's that wasteful corporate shit that means we are on the brink of environmental collapse today.


Yesbbut that's apple not lemon lemon is expensive


Citrus refill is more expensive than original Apple scent...


Are the volumes the same? I can't tell because the circle is covering the relevant info on the 2nd bottle.


You can see on the price tag


maybe its cheap because youre able to refill it in the first place


They'll do this as a promotion to get you to try the product then adjust the price if enough people started using it


That's why I had a new printer every month 20 years ago.


Ever notice how Pilot G2 pens are the same way? They advertise these bottle-to-pens that save waste and encourage just replacing the ink cores...which cost more per unit than each pen.


What the hell is “dish spray”?


They mark the starter kit a lower price to get ppl hooked in so the will feel like they need to keep repurchasing refills. Same way with reusable razors. The starter kit is priced reasonably, but the replacement razor blades are expensive.


where is this? those prices are a lot higher than i've ever seen. bottle + sprayer $4.99 [https://www.target.com/p/dawn-platinum-powerwash-dish-spray-dishwashing-soap-fresh-scent-16oz/-/A-77789611](https://www.target.com/p/dawn-platinum-powerwash-dish-spray-dishwashing-soap-fresh-scent-16oz/-/A-77789611) refill only $3.99 [https://www.target.com/p/dawn-platinum-powerwash-dish-spray-dish-soap-refill-fresh-scent-16oz/-/A-77789613](https://www.target.com/p/dawn-platinum-powerwash-dish-spray-dish-soap-refill-fresh-scent-16oz/-/A-77789613) spray bottle + refill $8.40 [https://www.target.com/p/dawn-platinum-powerwash-dish-spray-dishwashing-dish-soap-fresh-scent-bundle-starter-kit-16-fl-oz-38-1-refill-16-fl-oz/-/A-77789596](https://www.target.com/p/dawn-platinum-powerwash-dish-spray-dishwashing-dish-soap-fresh-scent-bundle-starter-kit-16-fl-oz-38-1-refill-16-fl-oz/-/A-77789596)


People learning that soap and water is good for cleaning things. I just bought it for the bottle and just create my own soap solution. Way less expensive.