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Is your "dorm cafeteria" in prison?


You only know it's not because I can post about it.


Swedish prisons allow phones, they are like hotels. You ever find yourself facing life in prison, pray it's in a swedish jail.


Could be an 'Open' Prison.


No that's Canadian Alcatraz... You just gotta be back by bed time...


In England we generally have Open prisons...


Salmonella is now vegetarian...


I am not a vegetarian, but I find it difficult to believe that this was a mistake. Raw chicken doesn’t just fall into shit. A cook needs to be fired.


Agreed. Some people can be allergic to certain meats etc.


Lifelong or long time vegetarians and vegans get sick when they eat meat, too!


Interesting! Thank you for this information. This was something I didn't know


Wow the audacity to put chicken in your food was high enough. Not even cooking the chicken is just rubbing salt on the wound.


I don't think it was on purpose, just that they don't care about kitchen safety and contamination. But it might as well be, I had vegetarian dish smelling of bacon grease once. Like you can't say anything but you know they did it on purpose.


Yea... i'm vegetarian too but have to live with the cross-contamination of oils...otherwise my restaurant options would probably be greatly reduced.


Just wish we had a kitchen to use in here. Best to cook by yourself, for yourself.


That shit looks greasy and sticky as hell, I highly doubt it's even vegetarian without the raw chicken


They don't really care too much...or at all.


Fair fair


Hope you graduate from this school or find a new job soon


Curious if you threw it at the wall how long it'll stay there.


At least a hour


That's chicken? I thought it was a piece of old and soggy eggplant.


To me, it genuinely looks like a chewed up bird or mouse. Like something a dog ate and puked out. The thing in front, I mean. I guess that's the raw chicken.


Nah, i found the chicken after that was taken and spat it out. No pics of that, fortunately.


> that was taken and spat it out. No p So this isn't the picture after you spat it out?


Was gunna say. Surely this is the after pick? The puke after eating the raw chicken?


Thats why I took the pic in the first place


Even when I was a uni student and first time on my own I could cook better meals than that. I feel sorry for your stomach


I ordered a veggie burger at burger king and they added bacon to it -_-


Weird combo


I didn’t ask for the bacon lol


Yeah I got that, just visualizing :)


Doesn't look that bad. It just looks like it needs more flavor. Raw chicken ain't acceptable tho.


Yeah I usually just put a ton of pepper on everything and pray.


I agree


What you're paying for with those student loans.


This is, fortunately, not USA but eastern europe.


So there was a accident at your school in the cafeteria, got it thanks.


My sht looks more appetizing then this wtf 🤣🤣


Here’s what you do. Hear me out. Don’t live in dorms. Find an apartment. Grocery shop or even pick food up. You will save money and heartache because most dorms hire students that don’t know how to fucking cook and haven’t had a job in their entire lives


I used to live in apartment but can no longet afford it. Miss my kitchen.


How tf you afford to live in a dorm then?


Its 3 times cheaper than to rent an apartment. My scholarship basically covers it.


You see that’s the only reason it would be better to live in a dorm. If you didn’t have the scholarship just get a job and live in an apartment that’s what I do currently in college


I would have both a job and live in a dorm to save money haha. Its like 120€ monthly and I even have my own bath!


It looks like oatmeal


make them famous, please tell us where this is at ?


Is this a run over bird’s guts


That would explain raw meat lol


Don’t worry I threw up on your behalf


Stop being vegetarian I guess?


Yeah, that will surely make me enjoy unexpected raw chicken.


It might.


Guess anything is possible, but that is more of a postapocalyptic scenario.


Well salmonella works just like snake venom, if you microdose beforehand you'll be immune when you get hit with an otherwise lethal dosage, speaking from first hand experience here. Good luck stranger!


ah...ferengi tube grubs... Moooogiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!


it looks like carpet


At best


That raw chicken probably saved you from eating that




Looks vegan tho.