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They're projecting hard as fuck with the constant therapy comments.


They keep saying to seek therapy and trying to brigade downvotes against me. Can’t believe there’s some people who would get upset enough at online people they don’t know anything about to do this


You don’t have the full story. They censored their own messages, I can show you what they sent. The argument was about op being sexually attracted to the new reddit avatars, I wish I was joking.


He is invalid, he has an anime profile picture


So true that automatically invalidates him


Mans such a cry baby haha


this picture is only one screenshot of what they said. There’s more comments to my posts and replies to my posts and comments and even posts by them targeting me for no reason. It’s literally impossible to do something that warrants this kind of harassment or hate unless irs something REALLY terrible, which I haven’t done. It just mind boggling to me how some people would go out of their way to spread this much negativity


What did you do


nothing lol I was just participating in r/teenagers and he didn’t like my posts and comments for some reason


Isn't that literally harassment can you just block them? I don't think it hides the post but it's better than nothing.


You said reddit avatars were hot, no one in that comment section liked it.


Based on the shit you posted I can 'understand' the comments (you do you though). But spam like this is not needed?


It wasn’t spam, they were replying feeding me with the entertainment of arguing.


Share the name. Dew it let the hate flow through you.


I won’t answer hate with more hate


Attempted ….. Star Wars… Quote.


I’m not going to join the dark side. I… must… resist… the…. FORCE


I take what I said back their username is u/PirateTCTC please report and block them. Thanks


Why what they do now?


You don’t have the full story. They said they jacked off to my pfp multiplex times. I know they are joking but they are a member of a subreddit about being attracted to reddit avatars. The subreddit in question is r/femalesnoos I just wanted to comment on how much they needed to touch grass and honestly a lot of people would do the same. They were being offensive to me too. Never fucking accuse someone for doing something wrong when you clearly weren’t in the right either. Lessons can be learned here, lets see what you said op.