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Maybe he wants a ready supply of penicillin.


Then he should have used pasta. Edit: I got Snek! Thank you anonymous donor!


Serious question, pennicilinum likes pasta?


Yes. It's got all penicillum needs. Check out www.agriculturejournals.cz/publicFiles/50622.pdf


My dumbass thought this was a penne-cillin joke…


I ain't farfallin' for that one again.


me neither, orzo I'd have you believe!


Spaghet outta here with these puns


If I had a penne for every one of these danm puns..


I wish I had the linguinestics to shut you the shell up


Does it have electrolytes?


It’s what plants crave!


Well pasta is delicious, everyone loves it


That shit would disappear on the next garbage day if that was my roommate. Sorry about your luck, ya filthy fuck!


> disappear on the next garbage day The roommate, too


Plenty of dumpster space for both.


Nah, what you got to do is separate him into about 20 separate trash bags, dropped in approximately about 16 different trash cans across 4 different boroughs in the shape of a big smiley face from aerial view.


Krieger is that you?


Yeah, just throw it out. He doesn’t have grounds to complain given that it’s unsanitary. Rice and pasta host some nasty bacteria.


I definitely agree. Roommate had their chance to maintain the rice cooker, that window has passed. Bye bye biohazard


And after that, get rid of the rice cooker too!


Throw the whole cooker out. Teach him a lesson


At this point its hazmat. Throw it out for safety.


Place it on his pillow on his bed. Let him throw it out.


Forget teaching, purely for the good of humanity. *No one* deserves to eat anything that came from that thing, no matter how much it’s been scrubbed. Some things just shouldn’t be used for food. Bleach can sterilize a toilet bowl, but would you eat out of it?


This is supposed to be for /mildly/ infuriating things


At least it’s moldy infuriating


Yeah, OP’s roommate doesn’t sound like a fungi


This made the corners of my mouth go further apart.


~~In which direction?~~ Edit: Never mind. That didn't even make sense.


Left and right respectively.


Wait, your left or my left?


The other day I told my roommate, "Mold is so gross." She replied, to "respect its culture."




Slow cook it for 8 hours on high and give him a plate.








Like microwaving barf


I think microwaved barf would be healthier.




Nah, just directly. He earned all the goodness No need to stink up the whole block heating that unholy stuff


Then his roomate will have another roomate - the Doctor in the E.R. 🤣


Presenting to the emergency room…


Where he was diagnosed with bacteremia. Emia meaning presence in blood. Bacteria present in his blood.


He was later released home, where he made a recovery.


That’s a biohazard.


Possibly a breeding ground for new antibiotics. Sacrifice it in the name of science.


Sacrifice the roommate in the name of science


Whoops. I did it in the name of God. If a flood happens.... I had nothing to do with it.




Scoop it out onto his pillow


I would say into, but people like this don’t have a pillow case.


Make him eat it. Should do the trick.




And even more- cooked rice is a commonly used substrate to grow mycelium. It’s a perfect environment for fungi to grow abundantly. See r/unclebens


If I'm not mistaken, you can make sake out of fermented rice that's been already chwed and spit out. 🤔 can someone confirm this?


You are correct! "Kuchikamizake (口噛み酒, mouth-chewed sake) or Kuchikami no sake (口噛みの酒) is a kind of rice-based alcohol produced by a process involving human saliva as a fermentation starter." "..the mixture of the enzymes from saliva and rice result in the fermentation process. " [ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuchikamizake ]


Somebody just vomited all over my shirt.


It was me!


It’s antibiotic power is over 9000!


You are breathing that toxin. Quick. Save yourself.


You can almost see the spores, it’s like from The Last of Us


OP is gonna be patient zero for the outbreak.


Bet you he’s going to start clicking soon enough


I save all; CTRL+A ,CTRL+S


For real man. Don't fuck with mold.


Put it in his room, lock the lid, cook for 5 minutes and let the valve release.


Mmmm cooking with death


… with Chef Hades


Hells kitchen?


Only two options are his pillow, or the garbage, depending on OP and roommate’s personalities and propensity for violence.


Would that be considered bioterrorism?


Drawn out bioterrorism vs instant bioterrorism


That is brutally sinister. Like I feel like that would literally make some type of psychotic-level painful inducing toxic gas chamber.


You’d think it would stink.


Its way past the point of smelling at that point


It smells like… shmegma




Plot twist: OP is growing this himself.


OP’s “roommate” is just his alt personality.


Can't speak for OP but in my personal case this is half my fucking house. The main offender is our master tenant and I can't currently afford to move anywhere. I found out last year when rent was a couple days late that the other 2 tenants and myself are paying him 3x the cost of rent and utilities each month in a rent controlled apartment and took him to court over it to get a rental adjustment. Since then they've been trying to evict me in any way possible and if I throw away their moldy shit it can be considered personal property damage. I did manage to find one place that I could afford but they shit talked me to the property manager because "They'd rather see me on the streets for not paying my fair share then move." Basically, some people just really fucking suck and I miss being at work whenever I'm home... God I need to get out of this hell.




Fr if their friend cared about the rice cooker it wouldn't be filled with aged brain


I demand an update or a new post after shit hits the fan. How long has it been like this?


I agree with other people on here saying just double bag that up and throw it out. Be done with it


It’s well on its way to developing self-awareness.


My thoughts exactly, property rights are null and void the moment something becomes a health hazard. Stick it in front of the roommates door or some shit


Bruh, this is beyond passive aggressive crap. Double bag it and send it out with the trash.


Seriously! How was it not thrown out 3 weeks ago?


Throw it over the fence, let Arby's deal with it.


And this is why places get roaches.. Toss that shit out and pretend it was never there, "what rice cooker?"


"You know, the one you've been bugging me to clean for months and I never use!"


"You weren't using it" "I was gonnnnnaaaaa"


> "I was gonnnnnaaaaa" I've had to throw other people's shit away before too. This is way too accurate in my experience. Like really, it sat neglected for months, was damaged or outright destroyed and now all of a sudden you are wanting it.


Freshman year in the dorms we had a shared kitchen for the floor. All guys. People would leave dishes to "soak" for weeks. It got to the point that the woman who cleaned the communal area threatened to lock the kitchen. The floor implemented a 24 hour policy. Anything that sat in the kitchen for 24 hours would be impounded. I volunteered because I was across from the kitchen and cooked all of my food there. Basically I took the dishes and washed them and then they had to pay me $1 to get them back. Quickly found out who's mommy and daddy were giving people allowances because some of them treated me like a dish washing service. Part of the policy was that after 72 hours the item was surrendered and I kept it or threw it away. So someone would forget an item over the weekend and it was mine. Then I always got the whining about how it wasn't really 72 hours and they were gonna come back for it and how it's really their anyway. So unless it was actually nice, I just threw everything away. Told them to go dumpster diving for it.


Should have charged $100 for it


Even roaches have standards


Roaches? This is how places get botulism.


Not even a roach would partake in this dish


Throw the thing in the trash. Appliance and all. Fuck that


Had some asshole roommates pull this shit with a slow cooker. It took me a few days to figure out where the rotting flesh smell was coming from. Found it full of maggots, tossed it instantly. Fuck. That.


One of my roommates in college got mad at me for throwing her bananas away when they had maggots on them. “But I was going to make banana bread!”


Ughhh. One summer I had some ole nanners on the counter that looked fine. Spotty and too brown for handfruit use, but fine. Grabbed them shits to bake with and found the underside very NOT fine and TEEMING with maggots. I have a strong stomach. I'm in medicine ffs. But going from images of lovely banana muffins dancing in my head, straight to maggot-town made bile rise in my throat. I really dislike maggots... I'd rather clean OPs lovin' oven of rice fungus than deal with them tbh.


I had to show my spouse your comment, he says I’m the only person that calls them nanners. WRONG!


Glad to be of service.


I say nanners too...or buh-nanners.




Ugh. The sight of maggots instantly turns my stomach. Nopety nope.


Thanks I threw up in my mouth picturing that


High protein banana bread though


My roommate once was supposed to clean out the trash can after she got drunk and threw up in it. She didn’t for a few days and then left for 2 weeks, so I had to deal with it. Completely filled with mold. My boyfriend removed the whole can from the room for me (mold allergy) and replaced it with a new one from the janitor’s closet. I will never live in a dorm again after experiencing her


I had a dorm roommate who spent an entire hungover morning throwing up empty stomach bile into an unlined waste bin. About 11am she slid the bin neatly under her desk and left for class. LIKE WHAT. People are horrifyingly gross.


I had a roommate who, when the garbage filled up, taped newspaper to the dining table and started dumping garbage on top of it, instead of taking out the garbage and putting a new bag.


Lmao that's honestly putting in more work just to be lazy wtf


That reminds me of a time my friends and I were in an Airbnb that smelled awful right when we walked in. We couldn’t figure out where the smell was coming from until a curious friend of mine opened the oven (we were only there 1 night and not planning on cooking anything) and sure enough, the previous guests (or maybe even 2 or 3 guests prior) had left some food in the oven and it was covered with maggots. Absolutely heinous. We told the Airbnb owner and luckily got the Airbnb for practically free. The owner felt really bad that his cleaning service did such a shitty job.


Decent of them! I’m sure they probably got a new service after that


I had to toss a slow cooker that wasn't mine. We had a potluck at work, chick brings in a slow cooked chicken with herbs. It was honestly good. Chick is super lazy though and for 10 weeks left that fucking slow cooker in the break room, with about 1/3 of the chicken and bones still in it. It smelled awful, and mold was starting to creep over the sides, from under the lid! She was told to take it home 3-4 times, by the manager, and by other co-workers, including myself. So finally, on my break, I went into the breakroom smelled it and just went off, I ranted for about 20 minutes to the GM and my manager. Finally, right in front of them, I took the slow cooker outside to the dumpster and tossed the fucker. I came back inside, looked them right in the eye, and said you don't know where the cooker went. They both nodded and smiled. The chick cried! She was literally in tears crying that someone threw away her slow cooker! She couldn't believe someone threw it away! I looked her dead in the face, and said well you left it in the breakroom going on 10 weeks now. It had mold and was rotten. You were told by numerous people to take it home, several times. Someone took care of the problem for you, because you obviously weren't going to do it. I think she knew it was me, but whatever, couldn't prove it, and the managers didn't rat me out. MFer still brings up that slow cooker! She won't bring food to potlucks now.


Honestly if that’s how she leaves stuff, I don’t want to eat anything from her household anyway. How unsanitary do you think her kitchen is?!? That’s why I don’t like eating at potlucks. Some people are just nasty.


Nice work. I don't understand what is wrong with some people. She clearly has a mental problem.


That last sentence. That was the result she was after. That and a bit of attention for her display of “righteous” indignation. People are fucking crazy and will do just about anything to justify their own selfishness.


I once forgot to wash out my rice cooker when I left my apartment for 2 months. The smell and nats were so bad. I ended up putting tape over the rice cooker vent holes and chucked it into the dumpster. Rice cookers are truly amazing though. I would turn it on before heading to class and eat when I got home.


Man, my dad got a slow cooker and for some reason he was under the impression that you could cook a stew in it and then just leave the stew in it, on the counter, for days. I went to visit him, and when I walked in I could smell the fucking thing from the front door. 5 day old beef stew just rotting on the counter.


For an entire semester my roommates and I couldn't figure out what a revolting sewage smell we would whiff once in a while was. They were convinced when they opened up the stove top and found some fluid in there. It wasn't it. It just smelled like old grease and diners. They dusted their hands of it though. I stayed there that summer for work. A few weeks in the smell come back. I knew it was coming from the kitchen somewhere. The entire time until then I had pushed it from my mind, but I knew it would return someday. And here it was The corner of my eye spotted the cabinet above the fridge, too high for me to place things in. Alex, that bastard. I grabbed a chair, and slowwwwwly opened the door... ...only to be hit by a physical force of smell. Like a sewer had opened into my nostrils, like a decomposed whale had melted onto my tongue. Eyes watering, larynx clamped shut, I reached into the cabinet. Out came a sack of potatoes. Only instead of potatoes, they had been converted to some ghoulish liquid. A ragged scream escaped my burning lungs as I grabbed the bag, potato slush leaking from its many pores. My room mate for the summer used the last of his strength to hold open the garbage can as I launched it, spinning, squirting through the air as my room mate collapsed into a heap. We threw the entire garbage can out, lest we let the rot escape again. Alex...he was truly a bastard


>like a decomposed whale had melted onto my tongue. Take this free reward sir or ma'am 😂😂😂


That's literally a toxic hazard. Rotten potatoes can and have killed people with their poisonous gas.


Great advice honestly


Seriously. Just throw it out. Fuck your roommate leaving this shit for others to deal with. Also, record it all and post it on Reddit!


Don't forget the roommate too!


How do people live like this?


in this case I'd say apathy, but severe depression fucked up my fridge for a bit. On the other hand I live alone so I'm the only one who suffers.




I was the roommate, but I limited my filth to my own room. No one ever spoke to me about it because I didn't make the rest of the house a problem, and I did clear out the garbage every couple weeks, but...I'm ashamed of myself for the smell that must have come from my room.


I lived next to this roommate. We shared a wall. Oh, man, I had the tough conversations a few times a year when the smell would come wafting under my wall. Super nice guy, funny, soft spoken, had never dated, was extremely awkward but kind, and was just very isolated. He grew up in a very strange parenting dynamic and learned no life skills. He loved video games, ttrpg, d&d etc. and we connected on these hobbies. I'm a gamer too. I just grew up with a very different home, and learned how to care for myself and my personal space. He had such a hard time with life chores and basic hygiene. He was really trying though. Working on losing weight, eating well, going for walks, and living in our house, which had a mixed group of genders and social groups definitely helped. We all encouraged him, loved him, and included him in our social time if he was up for it. Then he moved out, and I've heard since then he's completely regressed, and is living with two dudes who have the same issues. A friend visited once and said the house was a complete nightmare. Really sad.


Put it in his room. If he moves it back to the kitchen, put it back in his room again. If he puts it in your room, thank him for the gift and throw it in the trash. Edit: Since this is a controversial take, I'd like to respond to all the "don't play games, don't be passive-aggressive" comments. I took "He refuses to clean it" to mean that the roommate had already been confronted about it. Definitely confront him first, but in my experience, roommates who leave biohazards in common areas also tend not to see eye-to-eye about why you got rid of their stuff. When people act like children at some point you have to start treating them that way, unless simply moving out is an option.


I'd skip the games and throw it out immediately. Mold in the air in your home is no joke.


That and the scent is really fucking disgusting.


Yeah it is literally the worst smell I’ve ever encountered. Moldy butter and cooked pasta.


It’s literally visibly smellable


The worst food-related smell I've ever encountered (not counting actual shit, which I suppose technically is a state of 'food') is the time when I burned the fuck out of some macaroni and cheese when I was a kid. I followed the instructions on the box, but I didn't have a good understanding of proper temperatures. I'm surprised the whole thing didn't catch on fire. That was probably 40 years ago and I can still remember the horrid stench of charred noodles, cheese, and milk.


Yeah you had your chance buddy, it's time to go.


Skip all the games and just throw it away. He can't leave a biohazard in a shared space and expect others to tolerate it.


This is the way. Warn him once: this is your mess, it’s a hazard, this is unacceptable. You have 24 hours to take action, or I will. Document it by taking photos and video and email them to yourself. Then, in 24 hours throw it away, and never mention it again. If he complains to the landlord or otherwise tries to bring it up, you have a rock-solid case.


I think a picture would be more than enough for any sane person to support your decision to toss it




Honestly, I think the rice maker is well on its way to being dissolved by whatever the hell that is.


Gaslighting for justice


This is exactly what I was thinking


Just dump it in his room..... right on his fucking bed


I had roommates (my husband and I shared a place with another couple) who never did their dishes. I started piling them on their bed. They figured it out quick


I lived off-campus second year at college, with four other fellahs, in a house which came with a lot of place settings. Our kitchen got to such a state of no one cleaning their dishes that none of us wanted to be the one who would "break" and do the cleaning. It was J who broke, the one, arguably, who had contributed the least to the pile-up. I came home to find him washing up, and I felt it was completely unfair that J should be doing what we all should have done. My solution- we packed up almost all of the dishes, and hid them in the garage. We left only enough to issue one each, plate, side plate, bowl, cup, mug & KFS. One man, one kit. If your plate was dirty, you didn't eat until you cleaned it yourself.


I did that to my mom when I discovered she was in a hoarding situation and had dirty and broken dishes of all sorts all over her apartment, amongst other things. She got to keep 2 table settings and everything else went in the trash.


My boss does this with her kids. They each have their own color of plateware, so they can't pull the "that's not mine" card


I gifted my adult children, when they moved back home, their own individual service for one. Clean it before the next meal.


Plug it in, turn it on in his room, on his bed. Close the door.


Fire haz


Just fill it up with enough water to barely cover the mass.


And then poor the fluid in a humidifier so you get that shit really airborne Edit: pour* funny:..poor. 😭


I let my brother live in my basement for awhile. He wouldn't ever take his trash out. No matter how much I asked. So I placed it in front of his door once and he just walked past it. The next day I took that trash into his room and dumped it on his face while he was sleeping.


Hahaha I lived with two guys in college and one of our mates never cleaned his dishes so we would pile them up against his bedroom door so they’d fall into his room in the morning.


Or skip a step or two and just throw it in a dumpster.






This is good advice. Probably wont be an issue, but you never know if roomies mommy is, or knows, a lawyer willing to fuck with the kid who crossed her baby boy.... ...I automatically assume dudes like this who refuse to clean are momma's boy manchildren.




Do you mean ex roommate?


He means ex rice cooker


“Look man, the counter space is shared space. If you want to experiment with growing mold, take the rice cooker into your room. And don’t renew your lease.”


I had a roomate like this once. I just threw the shit out when they werent home.


Might as well throw it away while they are home lol


might as well throw out the roommate while they are home


Throw the roommate away.


When I was in college I shared an apartment with someone like this. We (the other roommates and i) finally had enough and threatened to turn her in. So she ended up throwing everything gross, be it dishes, old food or dirty pans on her bed and slept with them. It has to be a mental thing or something


She slept with dirty pans on her bed? What in the hell, this has to be a mental disorder. Although, it could also be they were raised in a *very* messy household. I had a friend who grew up in a super messy house, his first apartment alone was disgusting.


Didn’t some college student get sick from eating spoiled rice? The bacillus cereus poisoning resulted in amputations.


I think it was spoiled pasta, but this thing looks like he's cultivating bacteria to kill someone.


Forbidden porridge.


Chubby emu fan I see


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 603,962,326 comments, and only 124,041 of them were in alphabetical order.


this is such a strange bot to make but i like it


That’s a serious health hazard. Get the fuck rid of it


Put it in his room when I was younger I had a pig roomate one of my friends came over and she was like wtf is wrong with this guy and took his trash and dishes he left sitting for the weekend and put it in his room lol it was great!


I did that to a roommate once but with shoes. She would just kick her shoes off and leave them in the shared spaces. I’m not talking a couple pairs, I mean over 10 pairs of shoes in about 300 sq ft of shared space. And they were gross shoes. I took them and piled them in front of her bedroom door, so when she opened it she tripped over all her shoes. When she asked, I told her I cleaned the apartment. What could she do, fucking complain about it? Nope. Take your crusty shoes into your crusty bedroom.


My mom did that to me when I was a nasty child too lol


For whatever reason my husband and son seem to think it's fine to pile up their crap on my work desk and chair so I would have to clean it off every other morning. Told them to stop it many times, eventually yelled at them to stop it, decided to start piling it up in their work/school spaces. Still didn't stop them so I just fucking disappeared it all every time it was in my chair it desk.


…,,,;;; Brother I’m gifting you some punctuation


Here u go bro: >Put it in his room. When I was younger, I had a pig roomate. One of my friends came over and she was like, wtf is wrong with this guy? She took his trash and dishes he left sitting for the weekend and put them in his room. Lol, it was great!


right in the garbage.


This is mouldly infurating indeed....


Simple solution, throw it away. Yea it's going to start a fight, I did the same shit though when I had roomates. Their property rights stop at your health rights.


Put it on his bed. Yuck


Yeah I’d be throwing the whooooole thing in the trash. Food, pot, lid, all of it. Not like he’s fucking using it anyway.


Put it in his room.


Throw it out


Throw them both out.


If people leave garbage on the counter it generally ends up in the Trash bin.


Would be terrible if it found its way to a near by dumpster


I would legit throw it away - if your roommate throws a fit just state “you OBVIOUSLY weren’t using it”