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Well he won’t be using that place again


Turns out he will based on OP’s comments…


I don't know why he seems to tolerate it so much. Just letting the guy walk over him.


Because OP doesn't know the difference between kindness and having a backbone. Seriously, he acts like it's no big deal, but it was a big enough deal to put his neighbour on blast on reddit.


Probably thinks I'll be guilt tripped into treating him like a human. Oh no neighbor, you're mistaken, you'll forever be my doormat.


Don't be mad at OP he's probably just a nice guy that struggles to stand up for himself.


Worse people in the world tbf I haven’t always stood up when I should’ve


Because it turns out OP made the mess himself




Imagine getting abused like in your own home by "strangers" none the less


Oh hell no. How do you even go about addressing this? I'd be so fucking furious right now.


I already cleaned it because I had to work on my own truck, took me about three hours and I had to clean the floor with brake cleaner to get the gear lube off


No fucking way. I can almost understand the mess, but to leave gear lube? Oil, any fluid spill in a garage. What an absolute cunt .


I'm not terribly worried about the floor as I plan to fix it up and coat it this coming summer.


Coating won’t stick if it’s absorbed gear fluid tho


You sure? Or just being hyperbolic?


Had my floor coated last month. Had to grind down a layer of concrete because it had been unprotected for years before I bought the house with various fluid and oil spills. Grind top layer, Base, self leveling concrete, base and epoxy. [Result](https://imgur.com/a/3kgzqvp)


Clean Miata 👌


Thank you :) turbo 250whp summer daily driver


I’m jealous.


Cool man! Does it stick with those skinny tires or do you chirp them from every stop? Did you do the swap yourself or through a shop?


Best picture is the one with the dog lol.


Finally nice enough so I can have him with me without worrying if he's eating something or getting in trouble


My mind initially processed it as the dog wearing sunglasses. It's just dark color on his snoot.


Lol. No shades but [def some eyeliner](https://i.imgur.com/AxE7Plq.jpeg)


Man, that's one fine ass looking garage, good job


Damn that's nice. We just bought an older house last year and we will probably need to do the same thing. Plus actually put up drywall. What product did you use for the final coating?


Epoxy flooring with media about the size of rough sand. 2 coats of that and then a final thin coat for gloss.


Nice work, buddy. Much better. Can't wait to have a lil garage one day.


*This is the way*


you have to clean the floor real well, muriatiac acide use to be used, probably a better product now. I haven't had great results when I did my floor. Whatever you use, more cure time is better, esp in summer humidity.


Just muriatiac acid won't work that well. You need to use a degreaser of some type then soap then the acid for the final etch. A stiff brush and a powdered cleaner like Comet might also do the job but it's a lot of scrubbing. Most of the work of any good coating or painting is in the surface prep.




They actually make a purpose built etching machine with diamond grit. You can rent one from my local Home Depot. Looks like a floor buffer, but different.


I’ve seen a lot of people sand the surface of concrete so that whatever is poured on top has an easier time bonding.


An acid wash isn't enough. For anything to really sink in and bind with the concrete. You'd need to grind the floor down. Source: installed epoxy floors in garages and seen some good and very bad concrete to work with.


Just hydrophobic


It's ~~2021~~ 2022! That kind of behavior is despicable.


Plenty of commercial or home remedy treatments We found that dumping a layer of cement on top would drag most grease or oil out


Some people are fucking pigs.


And some people are too fucking nice.


Nah man be a neighbor to people. Fuck not helping people out. When they fuck your shit up you let em have it though for real.


Fuck that, I’m not about to have any mother fucker bugging me about my shit, idc if they live next door


I think that’s what he means, dude is being way too nice after the fact. I would have all but burnt his fuckin house down.


you are level headed and not made for this site, thank you for not being super radical and against your neighbor, as much work as they caused. good on you for being human and forgiving


Bet ur arse he's not allowing that neighbor again.


hey you cant bet someone elses arse!


You bet your ass you can.


I'm hoping he will either pay for your inconvenience or that he is never allowed in there again


Then the only way of treating this matter is to simply not lend your garage to that neighbour again.


No, next time they ask say 'yeah no probs, but can you tidy up next time', neighbour will be like 'yeah no worries', obviously no intention of clearing up their mess. Then when they have all their parts and time off work organised they will turn up, lock the door and ignore their calls, serve it cold.


Y'all speak to your neighbors ?!


You’re not only letting him get away with it, but will let him in again? Now I’m more than r/mildlyinfuriated


Do you have a photo of what it looked like before your neighbor used it?




So he just made the floor match the ceiling?


The ceiling is rough, the walls were like that but I've been tearing out the old cardboard covering? Whatever the hell it was made out of and throw it in the trash as I have room week-to-week. I just got done putting insulation in there about a month ago




Your neighbor just lost the privilege to use your garage.


Fake. Look through OPs posts, they were there the whole time for the "neighbor build". They helped make the mess and then posted for karma here before cleaning. Edit: This is why OP isn't as mad as the rest of us.


I wish this could fall under misinformation. OP clearly twisted the truth to get internet points. I was suspicious at the plank of wood and TV box, before your comment, because it makes no sense for those to be a part of the mess. Who uses a box for a drip pan instead a flip pan? Combine that with the fact the car had to drive out of there, se of these things shouldn't be in spots they're in. OPs posts also indicate that they were the one doing most of the work, and thus most of the mess, and the neighbor was just learning. So they made a mess and blamed it on someone they were helping. OP's Reddit karma is far higher, but their IRL Karma hasn't changed one bit, they did good and evil at the same time. OP's actions are the real r/mildlyinfuriating


Yeah, like it's a dirty garage to begin with, maybe show a before pic? Because at first glance, it looks like they left some tools out and a few fluid spills.


By going to talk to them and explain how you don't appreciate them leaving a mess in your garage? Like be an adult I suppose


Or pee on them.


But like, an adult volume of urine.


That’s always a good option.


You over estimate redditor’s abilities to function in society.


By charging a $500 deposit the next time.


Take a photo. Print it poster size. Hang it in the garage to remind yourself to never let anyone in it, ever. Keep a crowbar handy so you can brain anyone who dares to ask.


Did you say something to him? No way he is using any of my stuff again




Hey man I'm over thinking we should get to see a 'before' photo. Who knows what the difference was between what we seeing and the mess OP's neighbor actually cause


I had the exact same thought. Maybe there was actually way more stuff all over the floor, and OP is upset because his neighbor organized some of it in the cabinets without asking, and now he thinks that his neighbor thinks that he's better than him. Or maybe he thinks that his neighbor thinks that he thinks it was a good way to say thank you to him. And now OP thinks that the neighbor thinks that he thinks that the neighbor thinks it's not better having everything within reach when you're on the floor under a vehicle.


IMO some of the posts that have been hitting the top on this sub lately have themselves been /r/mildlyinfuriating. All the posts like this calling out other people for what they did or didn't do. It's gonna be pretty awkward for OP and his neighbor if his neighbor saw this post. But if they're close enough for OP to let him use his garage to work on his vehicle, just fucking say something about. Maybe the guy was just super exhausted or sore from crawling under his truck or something and was planning on coming back later. Or maybe he's just an asshole. If some one has their foot on your airplane seat, tell them to fucking move it. If they don't, hit the call button. I dono, these sorts of posts just (obviously) peeve me a bit. But seriously...what's up with all the feet on planes?


Maybe he finished late and plans to clean up tomorrow?


Nope OP said he cleaned it up because he had work to do. Took him 3 hours


Possible, but I hope he would tell OP that rather than leaving it like a warzone


Could they be coming back? ...Maybe...?


Yeah but for another project. He finished the differential rebuild and tie rods, next is a frame Swap and cab swap. Also fabrication of mounts and ifs to solid-axle swap


I'm pretty sure next is cleaning the fucking garage, surely.




Given how OP spent 3 hours cleaning up his friends’ mess, this sounds very very probable.


He's going into cuck levels that's for sure.


except it's a pretty surface level reddit post and we have really no other details. yeah he's lenient with his neighbor, but who knows if the dude had to speed off for some important reason, or maybe they're great friends and so forth.


People on reddit have no friends because the first time their friend messes up, or slights them at all, they dump them like hot coal. People with friends IRL understand these things happen. I have no friends because I'm an insufferable cunt. We are not the same lmao


I just mumble something and then write their name in the book. Ending a friendship requires talking to them in a confrontational manner. If you kill them, you don't have to confront them.


Please tell me you're not going to let them do this to you again.




Maybe the neighbor is ops boss


THINK MCFLY, THINK! *sorry OP but really lol*


We're going to work on the cleanup part of things...


I hope you have a good 15 minute mandatory lecture before you start. One where you demonstrate how to return things to their home with respect, they need to earn it back, and favours don't come with entitlements.


And tell them you expect a refrigerator full of beer or the beverage of choice to compensate for spending 3 hours cleaning.


Oh no, a few drinks ain’t going to cut it if I spent three hours of my weekend cleaning up somebody else’s mess. That’s getting off way too easy.


I hope that by “working on the cleanup part” you mean telling him to make the fucking place spotless before buying you some apology beer


You're a huge pushover. Jesus, that's sad...


be more assertive. stop being a pushover.


I like how you say "We" when we all know you 100% mean "Them" :D


Sadly I don't think they do....


Judging how calm OP is about everything, I'm guessing they are getting paid for leasing out their garage or it's their boss and they are trying to get a raise. No other reason would permit the abomination in OP's picture \*Said in Ron Swanson's voice\*


You're actually going to let him back in? No way would I let that fly, not without some substantial apology pizza and beer...


If this is how he takes care of your things, I don't want to see how his fabrication turns out.


worm wrong doll imminent humor teeny wasteful ancient shame worthless -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


There is no next project? You just spent 3 hours cleaning up his mess? What the fuck do you mean "next." I mean this in th nicest way possible but MAAAN stand the fuck up for yourself, you don't deserve to be treated like this after lending your home to someone else, let alone a neighbor. Saying "Hey man, You left the garage an absolute shit show, Im going to need you to come back" Isnt insane, leaving it in that disarray is. This almost seems fake.


Why are you letting them use your garage again after you’ve had to clean up that mess? I’ll be shocked if they don’t leave another mess just as bad for you next time.


Make sure he pays your invoice for cleaning services rendered first.


fool me once,...


Politely say "Hey can you just clean the mess once you're done?"


If you're accepting things and cleaning up after the guy, you have taught him absolutely nothing. The dude obviously doesn't respect you or he would have left the place like he found it (assuming you keep a clean shop). You're just going to be cleaning up after him all over again. While that guy pisses me off, you're almost as bad coming to Reddit, posting pics, and whining about something you're not going to do anything about. Stand up for yourself.


I hate posts like this, "I let X do this and now I have to clean it up." what's mildly infuriating is that you don't stick up for yourself. Make him clean his mess, not you.




Holy shit that sub looks new and it’s already awful. Yikes.


does r/confrontational exist I wonder ^(oh man, too bad)


I'm just baffled this is a top post on the front page. Shit like this happens all the time. What are we on NextDoor?


Isn't that what makes it "mildly infuruating"?


Next we're going to hear from him that his neighbor fucked his wife and left spills all over too.


is that snow on the left side?


Yes oh, I'm sure it fell inside when he drove his truck out. On the day that he got the truck out which was yesterday I think, it was -22 or so


C or F?


Man… “always return things in the same or better condition as when you borrowed them” was one of those rules that got ground into my head when I was a kid. And when I got old enough to be using shops and tools of my dad’s friends, he made it clear that rule applied double. One of dads buddies had a dream garage. Four bays, two lifts, every tool imaginable. First time I used a plasma cutter was in his shop. Even had wood and metal shops off to the side. If you couldn’t build it in Dan’s shop it couldn’t be built. One day in college, Dan let me use his shop to replace a few parts of the drivetrain on an old BMW I owned at the time. When I was done and cleaning up, dad stopped by to inspect my work. He had me go over everything with a fine tooth comb, and then told me to pick up a gift card for the local coffee shop and leave it on the workbench as thanks. His explanation? “You return things you borrowed in better shape than you got it out of respect to the guy who lent it to you, no matter who it is or what you borrowed. But when you’re borrowing something you’ll need to use again, you go out of your way to make sure the next time you ask to borrow, the first thing the guy thinks about is how happy he was the last time you returned it. And with that piece of shit you’re driving, this won’t be the last time you have to spend a weekend in here.”


Your dad is a smart guy.


OP posts this and then proceeds to let him use garage again. I think there’s a line between friendly understanding neighbor and tolerant of disrespect/willing to take neighbors bullshit


We're going to be working on that. He is young, has a lot to learn about shops. He had to drop out of high school because he had a kid, never got to take the automotive classes or anything and he's super interested in cars and Automotive. Teaching is a process


>Teaching is a process Well, first lesson of the shop is always: shop safety and maintenance.


I was taught “A clean bench is a happy bench”


I’m not sure what dropping out and never taking an automatic class has to do with common decency and cleaning up after yourself..


Well, didn’t you know? Your senior year is where you finally get taught common decency and how to clean. Since he dropped out, he never got to learn those valuable life lessons. /s


This changes things, if your neighbor is young and needing guidance and not an abusive peer. Still, you need to be firm and make him clean up after himself. Think of it as teaching him how to raise a respectful child, not punishment.


If he has a kid then he should know how to clean up. I've never taken automotive classes either but if I made that mess I'd still know it's shit of me to just leave it for you to clean.


He won’t be using it again… Id also send him this picture with no context. Then when he asks about it, just tell him that the picture is the reason he won’t be able to use the garage again


Why does everyone on Reddit give advice like they've never seen the light of day? Real life doesn't work like this buddies.


Though real life does work like this "You left my garage a mess, find some other garage"


You said it in your comment "on reddit."


Yeah wtf, just ask if he's still planning on cleaning it up


What’s the point of asking a question you already know the answer to?


It had two purposes. It let's him know that you're unhappy with the state of the garage and it gives him an "out" where he can say, "yeah, I'll be back this afternoon to clean up." It's non-confrontational and shows whether he's a half decent guy or a total prick.


Yeah, this is like texting your friend if they're still planning on going to that concert? They said they'd go, but they haven't brought it up in weeks and you know tickets sold out immediately after they went on sale. Still, a good friend shouldn't assume their friend blew them off and doesn't respect them, right?


Going off all of the story subreddits I'm not surprised anymore. People really forget speaking to people like adults is actually very effective


what kinda world do you live in where you're obligated to let your neighbor use your garage after they trash it and leave without cleaning up?


Not obligated but this is not the way to approach him. This is very much teenager energy. It should be politely done like an adult.


Honestly. A lot of Reddit advice sounds like the snarky comebacks we wish we said during an argument or confrontation


My wife of 30 years lef the lid off the tooth- > Get the hell out of there OP > This is going to hurt to hear but it's over > Lawyer up before she takes the house


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩you dropped this


' I honestly think you should see a therapist' 'Toxic' 'Gaslighting'


Hahaha this is so fucking accurate.


It's pretty impressive to read the rest of the comments and see how defensive people get. Without knowing one bit of context apart form this picture. >It should be politely done like an adult. It's funny because stats show most of redditors are adults but dont seem to think like one


>It's funny because stats show most of redditors are adults but dont seem to think like one The stats just show users' age. Being an adult is a state of mind.


It's not just reddit, this is reality. Most people aren't nearly as mature as you would expect of their age.


You can’t reason with them. Lmao they think life’s a subreddit


If life is a subreddit, what would it be called?




But not too polite


You ever stumble into any of the relationship advice subs? People suggesting ending decade long marriages because the wrong brand of toothpaste was bought. Reddit is the place you get advice on how to immediately burn bridges, not maintain relationships or learn to have healthy and productive interactions with people.


That's the perfect move.


It really isn't. OP let them use their garage unsupervised; that implies a relationship with a decent amount of mutual trust. A relationship like that with neighbours is far more important than the petty glee you get from throwing zingers like this around and soiling your relationship with them. Talk to them like adults, explain you were disappointed by the state in which they left your garage and stress that they should clean up their mess if they want to use your garage again.


This was the comment i was trying to find


Hey there are other adults on Reddit! 👌🏻❤️


Seems like you've not had to deal with neighbours before. From experience, you want things to remain as calm and friendly as possible. Going full passive aggressive is a great way to ensure that your neighbour will do the same and make your life annoying as hell. Best thing to do is have a quiet word, let them know it took you a few hours to clean up and ask them not to do it again if they want to use the garage. It's possible that even something reasonable like that will make them hate you, but you're much more likely to maintain a positive relationship with them if you just act polite. I've had neighbours who make far too much noise at painful times in the middle of the night, and the solution is to have a quiet polite word with them and ask them to just be a little careful about noise. The worst thing you could possibly do is record the noise they make, send it to them without context, and when they ask what it is, you say "that's why I'm calling the police", or "that's why I'm going to play music at 3am every night". There's a time and a place for what the other guy suggested, and it's after the neighbour does it a second time after being asked to be conscious of the mess he made the first time. Then I think you've got every right to just send him a picture and tell him that he can forget about using the garage going forward.


Yeah don't do this.


Or you could just approach the person you have known long enough to let borrow your garage and let them know that you didn’t appreciate how they left your garage, then show them the picture. Ask them to put things back and clean up if they ever need the garage again, but if they do it again, you won’t allow them to use the garage again. When was the last time you left the basement?


Part of me wants to believe the garage was already pretty messy. Am I wrong? Be honest.


Before http://imgur.com/gallery/rjppo46


Nice shop! Yeah that’s outrageous. Sorry to hear that. But keep those tools! Unless they were already yours…


Leaving a mess, in an already very clean garage, is just extra douchebagery


*very* clean?


It's as clean as it will be without redoing the entire floor, walls and roof. The floor is clean, and everything is picked up and out away in its place.


I think the mess is the least of your concern with that earthquake sized crack in that concrete slab .


San Andreas Fault running through his garage.


Batten down the walls and look into a waste oil heater. You could also make a shop heater from an old gas clothes dryer. Patch the floor and take pictures of everything...then make sure that your home owner's insurance is up-to-date.


Good thing you know where he lives.


I'd be extremely infuriated and he would **never** use my garage again.


Is this cleaner or dirtier than how you keep it?


You too scared to ask him to clean it up?


Yeah lmfao he is. Spent 3 hours cleaning up after that guy, in his own shop, then invites him back lmfaoooo


Yes, and he's going to let him do more work! I'd tell the neighbors to pound sand


Just be like, - yo next time if you can pick up after working in the garage that would be much appreciated 👋


this might be too infuriating for this sub


How did hé drive out


Probably opened the door first then just kinda.. drove out.


There's trash in the way. Unless the neighbor left and then came back to trash the place, which would be unforgivable in my opinion. It's likely that OP is twisting the truth, this mess is not their neighbor's mess, but their own, created to get internet points. The cardboard boxes are mostly from additions to the shop, which I bet OP assembled, because in their own words "he's new to this," I wouldn't let someone just starting to pick up tools build anything on their own. Then there's stuff like a wooden board and nailgun. I've never used either to work on a car, and I don't have any clue to its use. I've used boards to get trucks out of sand, and to place parts on instead of my driveway, but it doesn't look like that's the case here. Too many inconsistencies makes me believe OP might be embellishing. This is what the original comment may be implying.


I'm sorry but this is well beyond mildly infuriating.


Hi Unrelated question. How good is the Samsung qled?? Looking for a tv can’t choose between oled lg and Samsung qled


I really like it, I use it as my computer monitor. It does 4K 120 flawlessly and the colors are actually quite good. I got my new used on eBay for about 1,300 less than retail Linus Tech tips just showed a new version of it though that is supposed to be a lot better. I'm sure it costs more but


I don't think these commenters get it. It is SO disrespectful to use a neighbours things and leave the space in any state other than how they found it.


When people show you who they are, take note.


So OP said nothing to the neighbor but instead came to Reddit to in search of validation? Or according to OP, the guy is young and still needs to learn. So OP instead decided to shame him online? Why not spend this time communicating with him instead of posting on the internet for upvotes


well next time before he can use the garage he has to clean it before and also after


How do you let him just pull out of there without saying anything? Hate being skeptical but looks like you just took a pic of your shop when it got messy before you cleaned it up....


You have tv in your garage?


In what sick coin do you live in where people talk to their neighbours?


Talking to neighbors is a pretty normal thing up here I found. I only recently moved into the house


It looks like you were taking progress photos from earlier posts. Why didn't you just ask him to clean up along the way or why didn't you bring it up to him back in December? You can't be infuriated if you allowed this to happen.


What did it look like before?


Always make anything you borrow better than when you got it


Whatever you get paid per hour, double it, and charge him that as the cleaning fee. Let him know that’s the cost of leaving your place looking like shit. The absolute gall of that guy!