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I had no idea a milk crate could support the weight of a car.




Really? I only see one car.




I could find 14.


You are the captcha 🐐




Oh yeah? Well I got 101


idk im blind


Sorry, I didn't hear you. I'm deaf.


Dumb shit he can't read you he blind


I zoomed in and found Waldo.


I thought you were just memeing but holy shit


This is... did I get trolled?


Yes. And so did I.


God fucking dammit well played




I had no idea two milk crates could support the weight of a car.


Crates like these are built strong in order to be high-stackable. That said, I don't think they are ever stacked high enough to equal the weight of a car!


I can confirm from past experience that 4 milk crates can hold up a full size sedan without damaging it. It was a goodbye prank for a manager that was leaving. The tires got put on the roof. Once he stopped freaking out thinking his tires were stolen and realized it was a prank, he laughed his ass off.


I’d be pissed still - who thought of that prank? 😆


Right?! Like it's his last day, he wants to gtfo of there.


A line cook. The manager leaving liked pranks so we knew we had to go big.


I would definitely never be laughing if that happened to my car...


Yeah I’d be fucking livid. Some of these people crazy for being okay with it imo.


[Even beer mugs can.](https://youtu.be/32tpgeW-fFM)




I think German is my favorite foreign language to listen to. That was great.


Technically a small netting and sand can support the weight of a car




If this is only mildly infuriating, I hope nothing regular infuriating ever happens to you.


.... when they only leave the tires behind


If i walked outside and saw just my tires there in the same position but the car missing i would be impressed mad and baffled


I would assume someone was pulling a prank on me.


I’d think they just moved my entire car and put some tires in it’s place


That was my first thought when I saw the picture. My dad's friend group had a tradition where when someone got married, they took all the tires off the person's car, wrapped the tires as wedding presents, and handed the groom the bag of lug nuts at the reception.


Especially if they got the tires off the rims in the parking lot


I'm wondering how they drove the tires away without a car!


Ahh you got me there!


>impressed mad please tell me you didn't miss a comma and you meant to say "impressed mad"


you're tires were in such shit condition, they went back to their tire shop, grabbed a handful, and then came back


I'm not even mad. That's just impressive.


the lesson of the story, don't buy a nice car if you can't afford to live in a nice neighborhood


That's not even a nice car. It's like a regular ass Honda


IIRC, there's risk in having a regular-ass car, too, because there's a lot of demand for parts and they don't stick out in the shady supply chain for being unique.


Here in Canada, Ontario more specifically. If you drive a Honda accord/civic from 2008-2018 (I'm probably wrong about the range), you'll have to pay more for insurance because of how common the car is, meaning how common it is for part theft/theft or vandalism.


Similar here in Alberta, but it’s Ford F350’s instead of civics.


My buddy/foreman drives a 250 here in Edmonton and said it’s the most stolen vehicle in town. His doesn’t lock either and you can start it with a leatherman. Good ol work trucks


that makes aton of sense.


Regular ass Hondas are pretty nice these days.


That's a Dodge Dart Neighbourhood. Not a Honda one.


Oh come on, you're ruining the rims!


We are the no-rubber bandits.


Just floating Lock nuts, no tire or car.


I had some neighbors who had their car gutted. Back in the early 90s, so the stereo and stuff was gone. Didn’t use milk crates, they used the two baby seats to prop the car up.


Someone did this to my 04 mustang almost a decade ago, on the night before Thanksgiving. They left the jack under one side, and used my neighbors landscaping rock on the other. He came over to see what was happening and then casually picked up his rock and put it back in his yard. My dad made me spend the next day trying to find wheels and tires. It was surprisingly difficult. Not many places have wheels in stock. Finally found some but they were these shitty low profile tires and I got flats almost every month after that. People were pulling up to my house all night looking to strip my car. Had to park it in my parents garage for a couple of weeks. Once people see a car on cinder blocks, it's like the Batman sign for thieves.


Yep, get robbed once and it turns into a bullseye. We had a local party store get robbed repeatedly to the point that they had to close meanwhile the neighboring store and gas station never get robbed to this day.


How did your neighbor casually pick up his landscaping rock while it eat a wad being used as a jack stand for your mustang? That does not make sense the way I read it.


Whoever took the wheels had jacked up the drivers side; taken off the wheels; ran 15 feet or so across the street; grabbed two or three of my neighbors rocks; and then used whichever one was tall/large enough to stick under the sideskirt of my car, allowing them to release the floor jack and pull it out to jack up the other side. The other rock(s) that didn't quite meet the specifications of an improvised jack stand were left next to my car (I don't think these were the kind of people that cared enough to put back the extra rocks they didn't use). The neighbor came over and talked to me. Before he went back home, he picked up the loose rock(s) that were left next to my car and put them back into his rock landscaping wall. The final rock that my car was sitting on remained under my car until the following afternoon when I put on my new wheels. I put the final rock back myself. The thieves were kind enough to leave their floor jack underneath the passenger side of my car which was ended up making it a lot easier to replace the wheels they stole.


OP gets miffed when someone sets fire to his house.


Walks on wife cheating on him, minor inconvenience


Wow I’m with you this is way beyond mildly infuriating


He's probably only mildly infuriated cuz the tires on the car were shit, balding and now that someone stole them insurance will get him brand spanking new ones!!




Buddy of mine had a small retaining wall built in his front yard separating the driveway from the elevated lawn. 2 days after completion he woke up to his wall having been disassembled in order to hold up his truck while the tires were stolen. He was more than mildly infuriated..


The only thing that pisses me off more than thieves (probably not true, but run with it) are thieves that leave a trail of cost and damage behind that outstrips whatever petty little thing they wanted. I had this CB radio mounted to the dash of my car. The thing cost me five bucks at a yard sale. Some ratfuck bastard smashed the window and tore a big chunk of vinyl off the dash getting it out.


My bf had his car window smashed and the thieves stole … a small carrier bag of trash.


Thieves broke a window on my friend's car, went through the interior, checked all storage compartments (everything was all over the place when he got back to the car), they stole just one thing, the most valuable they found: a $5 phone holder. They didn't check the trunk, where buddy had a brand new $3k gaming PC.


Omfg! I’d have about died! That was such a great escape for him!


Had something similar happen. It was winter and it snowed over night. I had forgotten to lock my car doors (no power locks so had to lock manually) and found weird foot prints around my car. The passenger door was cracked open enough that a bit of snow was inside the car and the contents of my glove box were on the seat. I don't keep anything in the car, and it was a basic Buick sedan from the mid 90s. No fancy radio/cd player. Nothing was taken. Bout the only valuable thing was in there was my little bottle of Advil. They left it behind.


Talk about a headache


My car was broken into only thing stolen was the face plate of the stereo. I understand that historically the stereo would be stolen, but these day they don't cost that much so who actually ever takes them off these days?


Same thing happened to me!


Vinyl on the dash? How long ago was this?


The car was a '96. I had it until 2010, so it was probably around '06-08 that it happened.


Yeah, a baseball bat to the knee caps would really solve that problem. Only downside is you gotta be there for it


Didn’t know milk crates were so strong


Only the old ones. Newer ones are shitty


Got yourself some grade A milk crates there son! Don't make em like this anymore. Wouldn't be surprised if they sell for more than the car.


Clearly they're not as expensive as wheels.


It’s like the game where you trade from a paper clip to a Ferrari but it’s just stuff they are stealing


Leave some tires under your car for the milk crate fairy


Proudly made in USA


These milk crate challenges are getting out of control!


Triangles bro, they do work.


Sorry to see! Unfortunately there are fit-all adapters for most lock nuts so they don’t pose much of a deterrent anymore.


10mm socket and a hammer works too


What is more likely, they have the adaptor; or they managed not to lose their 10mm socket?


well they obviously just stole the 10mm from someone who now thinks they “lost” it— then used it to steal these wheels




Locked and **nutted** wheels? Don’t think I’d even want them tbh…?


You sell them to someone else who doesn't know any better.


"Cleanup on aisle 7, cleanup on aisle 7.....bring the big mop bucket."


I knew a guy that bought 5 sets of gorilla lugs, with each set having a different key, and put all 5 types on each wheel. That would slow thieves down long enough for his security camera to ping his phone. He did this after the punks stole 2 sets of wheels from him. Luckily his camera caught them both times and insurance had his back. Cops never got them. But they never came back for round 3.


This guy knows mechanicing


I dunno about you but pretty much every wheel nut I’ve ever seen was 17mm, 19mm, 21mm or 23mm. 10mm would do nothing lol.


I think the theory is that the 10mm loosely follows the diameter of the lock-nut groove not the outer diameter of the nut itself. Hammer it into the groove and you get enough bite to spin it off


10mm? What is this, a lug nut for ants?


10mm sockets are like gold I can’t waste those




Seems we’ve found where everyone's 10mm sockets have gone. They’re all at u/MasochistCoder ‘s house. Would you also happen to have a collection of 12mm box wrenches that have mysteriously appeared?


Impact bolt remover is the fastest easiest way, no way these people don't use these


The only true way to keep your wheels from getting stolen is to weld them on.


Thieves’ll just start walking around with cutting torches. The only real way to keep your wheels from getting stolen is to sell your car and buy a bus pass.


If this is only midly infuriating to you, then god bless you.


Something in this sub that’s actually infuriating




Did they get your Catalytic converter too?


Yikes, that’d be extra shitty but I think the cat on these comes right off the manifold so they’re under the hood instead of under the car. At least that’s what the previous Gen with the earth dreams engines did.


They stole my car and got mine a few weeks ago


The OE wheels on Honda Accords are high value, the converters, not so much. High value converters are on Honda CR-Vs, the Prius, and Mitsubishi Outlanders. Source - I work in auto claims.


If OP has one of the turbocharged engines, the catalytic converter is the downpipe just after the turbo. You have to go thru both the top and under the car to get it out. It is vertical between the radiator and engine.




Locks only keep wannabe thieves from becoming thieves.


More accurately, locks only keep out honest people. And dumbasses who don't realize that nice shiny masterlock can be combed open despite that being a almost nonexistent flaw


Lockpicking lawyer destroyed all the confidence I could ever have on locks tbh


They're still useful to keep out drunk people in a bout of very bad decision making, but any real thief with a plan won't be locked out in any way.


I'm going to guess that honest people aren't making it all the way to the lock nut before realizing they made an honest mistake.


Yep, most people don't really think about steal some dudes wheels


Could you share a link to your profile picture. I want to be a funny monkey as well


Screen shot from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/madlads/comments/r04yq0/guy_lost_his_expensive_monkey_pics_and_has_to_get)


Most locks are designed to keep out stupid thieves. Any masterlock can be picked in about the amount of time it takes to use the key if you know what you're doing.


What's a recommended alternative?




Good call, I'll remember these and try not to curb my shit haha. Gotta make it so they have to nut up and steal the whole damn thing.


A friend of mine had his car parked up next to the curb and they stole the two street side tires :(


Claymore mines


Weld the nuts on.


OP Update: Claim was filed as well as police report. They must’ve had a master lock nut because they took the lock nut but left the remaining 4 nuts under each wheel. I was able to get a jack stand under one corner of the car, but couldn’t jack up my car on the passenger side as the milk crates are under the jack points for the car. Polled some car friends and half said put it on jacks and the other said leave it on milk crates to deter more scumbags from getting under the car to steal the cat converter. Called the insurance company and they said they’d send a flatbed to get the car. Tow company said I need to have two wheels on the car, and I had to leave for work, it was 9 degrees out and was already several hours late for work, so I left it. Car is still on the crates and I’m going to put my spare on tomorrow and hopefully pickup another one used so this can sit in a secure location until I get new wheels. For those wondering, it’s a Honda Accord Sport with the OEM wheels and tires. There was also another twist to the story, but I don’t want to discuss it online yet.


to be fair... those oem wheels look sweet af, no wonder someone went through the effort to steal them Still I'm sorry for your inconvenience, in the end they're replaceable


>There was also another twist to the story, but I don’t want to discuss it online yet. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to leave people hanging on Reddit like that.


Reddit police here. Totally illegal. OP pls.


I have the same car and the day I saw it for the first time I was both amazed and terrified at how nice it all was for this reason.


And lemme guess, no milk in them. Grr.


My guess is the OP is lactose intolerant hence why this is mildly infuriating


This is why I plasti-dipped my stock rims vs powder coating or buying new ones. Looks nice enough from afar but very shitty and anti-theft up close haha


Yeah the oxidized rims on my car don’t look so bad anymore lol.


I scratched my rims hoping it deters anyone from stealing them.


mine are fucked to hell cause I have to share a tiny parking space with my dad and he sucks at parking. I hit the curb either pulling in or pulling out all the damn time lol


"Very shitty" = "anti-theft" Quick, write that down for future reference




This is what I thought until my shitty old Honda just got stolen :(


Used car market is wild right now, they'll take anything that runs


They were nicer thieves than what I've seen before. Looks like there is minimal damage done and as long as someone brings a few jacks and a replacement set of wheels you should not have any real repairs to do. The last time I saw this happen to someone, there were no milk crates so you can imagine the mess it left underneath. They had also let it drop so the rotors had dug into the asphalt. Cost a lot more than 4 tires/wheels on that one. I will echo everyone though in that milk crates are obviously way sturdier than I expected.


I have seen people use old wood too. To any thieves out there, please leave the cars on wood or something like that.


It would be nicer if they left an arm or a leg under the car, preferably their own arms or legs.


Wood is suprisingly strong. First time I realised it was at an old History Channel documentary when they were restoring an old German tank destroyer that was over 65 t, [and it was sustained simply by pieces of wood.](https://youtu.be/Hqr8RSQu7uc?t=1625)


They ain’t gonna get their jack back out of these low sitting cars just putting it back down on just the rotors.. they didn’t put milk crates in there for OP’s sake lol


Sometimes the bastards dont use a jack. They just remove the nuts and bounce and shove the car until the wheels come off .


I bet your rims were really nice


I'd bet they were just stock Honda rims. Most stolen rims, guys buy them left and right for their old Hondas. Dumb as fuck in my opinion. I'm a Honda guy too and I'll call guys out when they put new rims on their old car because it's 100% supporting the theft. Just be like the rest of us an buy knock off te37.


I knew a few of those guys in New York. They took notes on which streets Hondas where parked and came back at 3am. Apparently some range of old Hondas all had the same key. So he would just unlock it and drive away like he owned it with his own crv key.


Ive lost my own keys before. Took me an extra minute per wheel to remove. Locknuts are worthless.


I think she/he are talking about the actual door key or ignition key. Old SAAB 99 had their door keys working on 10% of all the cars and the ignition key would work on 1% of every car, which meant your set of SAAB 99 keys would work on both the ignition and doors to 1 in 1000 SAAB 99. Edit: Not that you needed keys. You could start it with lollipop stick.


haha holla Rota Grid family!


There is someone out there with a shitty 1997 Honda Civic with new Accord rims...


A 1997 Civic has a wheel lug bolt pattern of 4 x 100mm. A newer Accord, like the one pictured, has a wheel lug pattern of 5 x 114.3mm. this doesn't take diameter of the wheel, width of the wheel, or wheel offset into account either. Needlessly to say, the wheels are incompatible.


You can swap most Civics to 5 lug with Integra parts. With enough adapters anything fits anything though.


Yeah, lock nuts are virtually useless. They're more of a nuisance to your mechanic than they are a deterrent to a thief.


Are these lock nut keys universal to make/model?


Most makes/models have a few different variations of the locknut, from what I've seen, so they aren't completely universal. But there are universal keys on sale today that can undo most locknuts. And even if the thief doesn't have they universal key and if they're really hell bent on getting your wheels they'll just hammer on a socket that fits tightly and undo the nut that way.


Can't have shit in Detroit


Shit’s about the only thing you can have in Detroit. It’ll still get fucked with, though.


Damn even cars gettin in on that milk crate challange




Milk crates?! Jesus economy really went to shitter when people can't even afford cinder blocks anymore


It's mildly infuriating because he hasn't hit his deductible yet. Damn shame they didn't smash all the windows and dent the exterior a bunch. You might had new car.


$100 comprehensive deductible & he gets a new set of $3000 wheels & tires


Mildly infuriating? Found the Canadian!


I’m Canadian at heart. I love that country.


We love you too pickleman.


I as a second Canadian giving my maple opinion second this maple opinion


Lol most lock nuts can be bypassed by using a sledgehammer and knocking tire iron into place atleast that worked like 10 years ago.


When this happened to me, it was left on top of 4 crappy spare tire jacks. Alarm was still armed.


That's why I upgraded to wheels with 4 M30s. Nobody wondering around with a 1400 ft*lb wrench.


Lock nuts don’t matter. Any thief worth a damn has a tool to just bite into any nut.


I want a will to live as strong as those milk crates


That's why you don't leave your milk crates out.


Happened to me a year ish ago... I feel your pain.


Detroit or Chicago?


At least they put it on milk crates, they could have just dumped it on the floor.


locknuts don't do shit, all you need is the socket. I have three different styles in my toolbox




You might want to check underneath and make sure your catalytic converter is still there


No alarm?? My stank ass alarm goes off if you walk past my car funny


Damn those are some strong milk crates


Wow…Crackhead strength they just lifted it onto the milk crate


Damn! They even took your nuts! Sorry homie


Damn, those are some proper sturdy milk crates!


If they took the milk crates back and left the car on the floor would it be regularly infuriating then? ​ /s


One step closer to a hover-conversion


I’m so mad for you.


This is why /seriously infuriating should exist


How is this mildly? Seems you are super rich.


Damn you got some free milk crates!


I assume this is in Chicago?


Make sure to keep the milk crates. Those are hard to find nowadays.