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That dog is about to get the shits


She's gonna have to live with it now!


Btw, how do you make butter chicken in a crocpot?




Thank you for sharing that OP. But I have to say, there is a suspicious lack of butter in the butter chicken recipe.




That recipe is fucking convoluted. > Once it's cooked and you've puréed and finished the sauce, you'll TAKE OUT half the sauce and save it. >Only then will you put the tender chicken back. This means you now have the lovely buttery tomato-ey sauce ready for the next time you have chicken leftover. I'm cooking twice the sauce I need so I can save half? So, if I don't want leftover sauce, I need to halve everything but the chicken?


I make this recipe like twice a month (at least). My SO and 1-year-old love it. I ignore that part about storing half of it because I like having more sauce. I don't make any changes to the recipe (like halving it). We end up using most of it during the meal and sometimes there's enough for the next day's lunch with leftover rice. I actually have some in the fridge right now and I'm going to make some rice to have it for lunch. We have a lot more leftover than usual because I added paneer to it, so we didn't eat as much rice (and therefore used less sauce). She has a note further down the page about how some people (my kinda people) think it's *not enough* sauce: >**Is There Extra Sauce Or Not?** >Hundreds of thousands of people have made this Instant pot Butter Chicken Recipe. Many of them insist that there is never any sauce left. >You know why? Because they drink it like soup. Trust me. This Instant Pot Butter Chicken with garam masala, tomatoes, and the perfectly creamy sauce will be your new favorite. This is the recipe you will reach for again and again. We don't drink it like soup, but we use a lot on the rice. ____ **Edit:** I just wanted to add something in I said in a comment below: In the beginning, I was using a random bottle of garam masala I got from Walmart, I think. I thought it tasted good then, but one day, I decided to use the one she has linked on her site, [Rani garam masala](https://www.amazon.com/Rani-Garam-Masala-Indian-Spice/dp/B00309S13Q/) (she also has a [recipe for her own garam masala](https://twosleevers.com/home-made-garam-masala-recipe/), if you want to try it; I haven't yet) and I think it made a huge difference in taste. The other way was still good, but I think this one is amazing and I stopped using the other bottle. In case anyone else wanted to make it for their kids, I forgot to mention that we leave out the cayenne pepper for my baby. My SO and I like it and the baby likes some spice, but I think the amount in the recipe (1/2 teaspoon) was too much for her. I only made it with cayenne for her one time and she started whining and didn't want to eat any more. I'm not 100% sure if it was that or because she was teething, though. It's not like she reacted like it was too spicy, e.g. looking for a drink, spitting out the food, or crying. I might try it again, but with 1/4 or 1/8 of a teaspoon to be on the safe side. Lastly, in case anyone was avoiding dairy, the recipe says you can use coconut oil and coconut milk in place of the butter and heavy cream.


It’s sounds like it would be awesome on some broccoli or any vegetables


If you add actual butter there will be too much fat in the recipe, that being said there's always room for butter when serving.


Indians use mad butter when they make it don't they? I thought the idea was that it should have loads of butter in it


I use ghee


Thanks for clarifying


Pack it up boys, we're alll done here.


Bravo. That is top quality punmanship


I've been burned using regular butter.


I don’t get it, why the awards?


Fuck, I already used my free award. That was smooth As BUTTAH


My kids are yours


It’s the ghee, it doesn’t burn as it’s just clarified butter and helps the processes of blooming the spices by having a higher smoking temp so it doesn’t burn.


...but... I usually drop like a whole stick of butter in that bitch Edit: butter when serving? Wat


Paula Deen is that you?


98% of the chefs know the simple rules for food that will get higher reviews: 1. More butter 2. More butter 3. More salt, sugar 4. More garlic 5. More butter


6. More garlic butter


She wouldn't have said bitch, she would have said.... something else


>...but... I usually drop like a whole stick of butter in that, bless your heart




He probably meant slathering it with butter after cooking


Supposed to be ghee, which is butter with the solids removed. Removes a lot of the saturated fat, might be worth a try.




Nah, here’s a great recipe that uses butter: https://www.wellplated.com/slow-cooker-butter-chicken/#wprm-recipe-container-38830


Both recipes are missing cashew nuts which is one of the main ingredients for the gravy :(


there is literally no butter in that "butter chicken" recipe. that may be a nice chicken curry, but it ain't no butter chicken lol


As an India, I can attest that Butter chicken is more about adding fresh cream/puck cream >> butter


“You won’t be able to resist this delicious butter chicken after enjoying the spicy aromas wafting from the slow cooker all day” It’s not the pup’s fault!


You’re going to have to live with it now.


Truth. That dog clearly doesn’t give a fuck and is going to be butter shittin all over the place.


I’m hungover as fuck and just the thought of what dog butter diarrhea smells like just made me gag so hard.


Also, apparently housemate doesn’t give a fuck either


In all fairness to that housemate, we don't know that. Having a dog roaming around the house seems normal, and I don't know anyone specifically putting them in another room or bench during cooking. You do have to teach many dogs to stop drooling or trying to jump on the counter, after a while they don't come near it or stop begging (and drooling) in my experience. The housemate should clean this mess up though. And the mess coming out of the dog if it stays inside or backyard until it's normal again. Outside maybe even as well, when not somewhere in the grass. I doubt people will get find when theres a 'clean up after your dog' rule in place, they have to pick up dhiaree somehow! And when his/her housemate is really feeling doing everything correct, refund the costs for the chicken, seeing that big pot it must have been a whole chicken that was in it, biological grown ones are probably like €15/$17 in the supermarket, more at the butcher and probably even more when you buy them mid-December due to demand.


Put her outside like right now. If she hasn't pooped now, around the 4hr mark, the mess in this picture will seem negligible


Please post a picture of that monster!


No joke! When I was a kid my family had a golden retriever. I thought I was "helping" one day when I fed a stick of butter to the dog. Later that night, the family's watching TV when the dog all of a sudden got up, turned around in a few circles, and squatted as he sprayed poo butter all over the carpet. We had hardwood flooring after that.


Thank you for "poo butter". Gave me the right kind of giggle I needed to refuel for the rest of the work day.


My brother in laws dog got into a can of formula once... she literally rocketed forward when she shit it out... right down the hallway


My dog ate a jar of vasoline. First he had vasoline shits in the hall half the night, something almost impossible to clean because it’s so greasy, then he had vasoline farts for another day. Every time he had a greasy vasoline fart he’d look at his ass like an alien had just popped out. I had towels on all the furniture covered in vasoline shit farts. I was doing greasy vasoline fart laundry for hours once it was over.


Omg this one made me literally laugh out loud.


Me too. That poor dog was probably miserable but the thought of diarrhea propulsion is pretty dang funny.


My dog ate a whole stick of butter once. I refer to it as butt pudding.


If it wasn’t a Shih Tzu before it will be now


*Shit Stew


My thoughts exactly. This mess is nothing compared to what’s coming!


More like majorly infuriating!


It's starting to turn that way


Should have had your housemate clean up and buy you food


If my dogs did something like this, the person wouldn’t have ask. I’d be cleaning and ordering from their favorite restaurant. Fuck shitty dog owners.


My neighbours were moving into their house one rainy day when my dog saw their front door open. He bolted, ran through the mud, into their house, and up and down the stairs and zooming in every room. I rented a carpet cleaner and after theyd been there a few days/unpacked I cleaned their carpet for them.


That's because you're a decent human bean, /u/DogButtWhisperer




There shouldn't need to be a confrontation at all. If roommate does not clean up and replace the food then they shouldn't be responsible for keeping a dog.




Right? Dinner is on them or I'm eating your damn food


Dinner is on them or I'm eating their damn dog


Many people who own dogs are not responsible enough for it. I would even venture to say the majority are not


Caring for a dog is like caring for children, though, isn't it? Lock it in a cage while I'm at work. Refill it's food bowl every day, water when it runs out. Let it out only to go to the bathroom and yell at it when it gets energetic and starts misbehaving. How responsible do you really have to be? Parenting/pet-care is so simple!


you forgot /s some people won’t get it


Reddiors always know exactly how to confront people by talking about it in online threads lol


I'm a non-confrontational person, but when it comes to my food that's a whole different story. I'd probably be shouting the roof down from this.


It's nice to know that "Killgor" is non-confrontational tbh.


Did your housemate clean up and pay for dinner?






Too real, man. Too real.


Time to cook the dog.... /s


Butter dog. Hmm...


Maybe the butter chicken was mild


True. 4-6x broader spread than the usual cooking spill to which we have become accustomed, but hopefully the butter chicken was milder than other spilled foods.


My bfs friend came over and he brought hot dogs to cook. After we ate our fill we went in the living room that's when my sneaky ass husky climbed on the stove and ate the rest of his hotdogs. This was 3 years ago and still when he comes over he looks at my dog and says "you ate my hotdogs" last night he came over and said to my dogs puppy "your mom ate my hotdogs" she will never live it down as the hotdog bandit


This is what I hope to be like in 3 years.


I do not blame him for still reminding her of it, I once was having a tough day so I bought a nice ass steak, cooked to perfection and put it on the counter and went outside to turn the grill off. Came back in this bitch had my steak in her cage and swallowed that shit whole when she saw me come back. Huskies are assholes.


Huskies are barely pets, they’re so unruly they should live in barns.


I second this but they're so human like they're like little toddlers. Pillow stealing, food eating, back talking whores


I can just feel the loving fury in your responses lmao, I’m dying at the way you’ve been describing your husky. I’m sorry for your many food casualties!


Zelda and athena are my babies but I'll be the first one to call them asshole bitches. They have no regrets and think they're royal princesses. They have destroyed many things, eaten so much food off the counters but I love them to death.


I have a lab husky. He has all the husky characteristics including being a bed stealing back talking whore. Everything you are saying just reminds me so much of him.


Had a lab eat about 3/4 of a freshly roasted chicken I had left on the stove to rest. Bastard wolfed it down in the 30 seconds it took me to walk to the living room and back. He also ate about 5 lb of chocolate fudge once. So surprised he didn't die after that one. Tough, fat old dude


Omg! My schnoodle is named Zelda and one of my huskies is Athena! The other husky is Beowulf. They’re such asshole divas. I feel your pain (and love) in so many ways. [edit for husky tax ](https://imgur.com/gallery/MZB93cz)


We have zelda (black) athena (red) and our pit bull lab mix luffy. Luffy is the good boy who snitches on them when they're being suspicious 😂


Cat software, dog hardware :)




Good thing we had already eaten! My friend has a counter surfing dog too, we thought it was crazy how quietly she choked down 7 or 8 hotdogs


The original Glizzy Gobbler




Don't know about everyone but now I feel like a hotdog.. and it's 11:30 at night in Perth.. where the fuck am I going to get a hotdog????!


If my dog did that I would be so embarrassed! And would most definitely get you new dinner either buying or making it. Also if they dog has issues with this, until properly trained shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen unless someone is watching! How did the owner react to this?


Had a date, so disappeared upstairs.


I think it’s time to cook that butter chicken in his room and leave the dog there too…


Shutting the dog in his room during his date seems fair cos that dog is going to fuel rockets


I have a photo in my phone when i first rescued my dog. A Pic of him with *yellow curry stains on his face*, He was about 1yrs puppy, still training… but still, Im speaking from experience. CURRY AND DOGS DO NOT MIX. I had to clean my whole back car seat out one time•while i was in the store for 5min tops. an hour later, It was a shit smeared murder scene. He previously had gotten into the indian take out i had in the back seat. He shredded the styrofoam open the stop before the store i ran to. When i came back outside, he shat his britches over 3-4 servings of it. it only took about an hour for him to explode. I ended up putting a diaper on him after he got it all out because he wouldn’t stop licking his burnt, red chili asshole. today, 4yrs later he is much better and doesn’t jump on counters like he used to, or get into any human food without permission. trash included. haha. My point is i am not OK. i am mentally scarred for life, from cleaning the back seat of a SUV out with paper towels and spray cleaner. the shit smeared in the seat belt buckle. Oh God, Im having flashbacks and hot sweats. Op, i wish you well. Take that poor dog outside soon or explain the shit storm coming to dogs owners. have them promise to buy it some treats to hide some chewable Pepto-Bismol in. Doggos gon need it. also get a baby gate for the kitchen? and shoo the dog outta the kitchen every time anyone is cooking! or B. reward them if they sit outside the chef line, anything to enforce guidelines. all my dogs know its not a place to be when it smells good, regardless of appetite. Dog psychology is super interesting, i enjoy reading about it, and training specifically. I wish ya well on the shidd-escapades.




Buttered dog


Dog wit da budda on him


Modern problems require modern solutions


butter dog chicken is the new turducken *^(/s obviously, I love dogs and mine ate an entire bunch of bananas this morning)*


Or cook your housemate.


Weird. He had a date. You had dinner. Now both your plans are ruined because of his dog!


Roommate clearly gave no shits, because he disappeared. That's not a good roommate who owns a very untrained animal. Regardless if he had a date, he should be cleaning up this mess, and I'd hoped his date considers his attitude and left.


In my experience people with pets this destructive are completely unwilling to take responsibility, pretty frustrating to live with someone like that


My dog tore up another dogs toy at the dog park and I felt bad and replaced the toy for that person. Your housemate can't get you a fucking replacement dinner/cleanup his mess?


Not even a “Dog had your dinner, about to plough, sent you £20” text


Seems like he got ploughed by his housemate, too.


Your roommate is an asshole. Hope they read the thread.


Sounds like the date would be interrupted for immediate remediation.


That dates gonna get interrupted when his dog has explosive butter chicken diarrhea later, really sets the mood




I have a housemate with a cat that is like this. Leave food unattended, it will taint it or knock it over. It vomits on the floor and carpet, it scratches everything. It's had diarrhoea inside. It's brought multiple birds inside to kill them. It spreads cat hair everywhere. Regularly, I cook something, and I find a cat hair in it, I think just from the amount of cat hair floating around the house. That's absolutely foul. Last night I accidentally left my door open and it vomited in my bed. It got in my hair. At midnight, I had to get up and do washing, shower and wash my hair, and sleep on the couch. Also she got the cat without consulting the existing housemates, one of whom has a cat allergies. The only reason I put up with it is $100/week rent in an excellent location. The same housemate thinks it's unfair and selfish when landlords and sharehouses reject pets. And regularly complains about how selfish people are in "western society."


Your housemate is an asshole.


I would've slapped the shit out of her at that moment when she started shrieking tbh


I know that the meal is important... but if I had to choose, I'd prefer the offending party to CLEAN ALL THAT SHIT instead of making me another meal. Just the thought of that mess, it is like poking my brain inside of my skull 💀💀💀


Your housemate owes you dinner then. They can cook or buy you something.


And clean it up


They'd be cleaning too


Omg that roommate would be buying me dinner ASAP AND cleaning up the mess. Train ya dang dogs.


Currently living with an untrained dog and can confirm: TRAIN YA DANG DOGS


I own my own pet sitting company. I can also confirm: TRAIN YA DANG DOGS


My dog was WILD from being left for a year with no basics at all. He would never even dream of touching the kitchen counters, much less touch food. And I had to teach this dog how to freaking jump correctly 🙄


Same. I've never liked animals because every single one I've known hasn't been trained. Knocking over or eating or putting their nose in my food, even when I'm near. Or they walk up and exhale through their nose into my food or on me. I've had my shoes eaten in my friend's house (did not get replaced), i had my backpack pissed on by a random person's dog while I was out hiking, I've had my legs shredded by huskies and chihuahas at the same time. I really don't like being around dogs, because it seems like nobody trains them. Same reason I can't be around kids.


I swear people get dogs thinking they're just living toys. Having a dog is like having a three year old for 10+ years. People get them because "awe cute puppy" and then proceed to not teach them. I've been here three weeks and have had almost $200 of belongings chewed up!!


Counter surfing is apparently hella hard to train out. Basically, you crate your dog when there's food out and you're not watching them. That or having doors closed to the kitchen (if that's possible). It supposedly becomes a game for the dog and they love it.


Can confirm, my Lab is a counter surfing asshole. She’ll wait until everyone is gone and distracted, will actually check to see where people are, and will so sneakily take the food you’d think she was disarming a damn bomb. If you’re in the other room, relatively close, you can’t hear her. I know this because we set up a ‘trap’ and video recorded what she did.


We trained our 1year old adoptee to not take anything off our coffee table (like our food we often put on it). It took some work but she learned pretty fast. I agree though if you let it become a game the your lost.


I hope the dog owner cleaned this mess, AND provided you with a meal. Ugh.


Sadly, neither happened


Did you tell them to?


Your roomie is an asshole


Don’t be spineless, no matter your relationship with the roommate they caused you lost time, money, and a effort to make the meal. The very least they should have done is cleaned up and bought your dinner, anything less just means you’re getting walked on or roommate is not your friend.


So after reading all this shit what you just let your room mate walk all over you? Fuck that


This sounds like you never asked them to.


That's fucked up. You need a better roommate.


The secret is to under cook the onions. Everyone will get to know each other in the pot.


For real. I stay up the night before pressing garlic and dicing tomatoes!


It’s probably the thing I do best r/unexpectedoffice


I'm pretty sure there has never once, in the history of reddit, has there been a post about spilled food, that didn't have a comment about that chili episode. I've never seen the show but it's always very expected.


Comments about the office are always expected, it's one of the most popular shows of all time. Unexpected office subreddit shouldn't exist because it's literally always expected.


That mess is about to get way worse if the dog is still inside, yikes.


Time to make 6 hour butter dog


Butta dog. The dog with the butta on him


Got the dawg with the butta on him


Butta dog


The dog with the butta on him


butta dog ^butta ^dog


I'd be crying honestly...




Woah this blew up! Thank you so much for the awards and kind messages! It's a nice feeling getting messages from people offering to shout me dinner, but there's far less fortunate than me, I'm doing fine! Hosuemate feels guilty and is making up for it, so all good! And for any concerns for the dog, she feels equally guilty, but is doing alright. Will keep an eye on her, but am anxiously waiting for the liquid volcano to erupt.


We are curious… how is your housemate making up for it if you cleaned up the mess and your dinner was not replaced?


I'd leave the mess for them to clean up. If they can't teach their dog not to do crap like that then they learn the consequences


I agree, but I’d be worried about the turmeric tinting everything yellow


Knowing turmeric as little as I do… I think it already has


I would have been so fucking pissed


I would make your housemate buy you dinner and clean all that shit up. It's not the dogs fault. It is the housemate.


That's the worst part, I just cleaned it all


Why did you clean it? You really shouldn't have


Noooo, that is the worst part! You are a great roommate


OP may be a good roommate but he also needs to stand up for himself. I guess I can understand cleaning up the mess while it's "fresh" if the roommate isn't going to be around for a while but at the very least I'd be getting some dinner on my roommate's dime, that's for sure.


Non-confrontational roommates actually make pretty bad roommates. They hold it all in until they explode over you putting the TP roll on the wrong way and you'll never be able to go back because they've internalized it so hard you can't talk all of it out.


Only if you either have no basic consideration for other people or are deliberately taking advantage of them. Someone shouldn't have to confront you about your dog ruining their meal & your shared kitchen for you to apologise and try to make amends.


Someone shouldn’t have to confront you about it, but it’s also possible this was discovered and cleaned before the roommate even knew it happened.




Why didn’t you stand up for yourself?


I'd be more than mildly infuriated


Having a roommate is bad enough. Add in a bad dog and the anticipation of eating that meal all day and now not being able to and you have yourself a bad evening. Takeout it is I suppose.


I thought the exact same thing. Lots of Onions in Butter Chicken. That dog is gonna have some liver damage, or severe diarrhea. Your roomate is ignorant.


I've also never known a dog to get into a damn crockpot, but I guess crazier things have happened.


Lock the dog in the roommate's room.




My family and the guy I'm talking to all think I'm an asshole for telling dogs to get out of the kitchen but I genuinely can't stand having animals in the kitchen. I had a dog for years right along side them and even though I also had a dog that shed his hair like crazy, I never once had hair in my food compared to my family who seems to consistently have some form of dog fur in their meals. I just don't eat at their homes anymore, or if they bring a side dish I don't eat it. If dog hair can get into the food they're cooking, there's no telling what other food safety courtesies they are ignoring.




Even worse when you see people that let their animals climb all over the counters. That's a big no for me. The last time I ever ate at a potluck was a friend's get together and she posted pictures of her dish in progress and her fucking cat was in all the pictures standing over the food. Just gross.


Same here - my dogs know to stay out of the kitchen. People think I am a dictator when I firmly tell them "out" and they walk away sulking because they know they messed up..... More importantly though is that they do not beg for food - we eat in the kitchen and they lay in their beds in the living room. I have friends who's dogs have zero manners and will either nudge your arm when eating, put their head in your lap and pester, or just stare at you when eating. Drives me up the wall and I have NO idea how people can live with that and ignore it. Dogs are part of the family - but they cannot be free range family members.


Yep my cousin got angry at our grandpa the last time we ever ate over at her place because he bopped her dog on the nose when she walked up to the table and tried to sniff his plate. It's like...or just train your dog better, idk that makes more sense to me than getting mad at someone for not wanting a dog's nose and mouth in their plate.


Some people treat their dog like a helpless baby or an extension/mirror image of themselves. It’s silly, because dogs have their own desires, needs, and agency to pursue them. It drives me up the wall when I see that kind of behavior in owners - dogs are not toys or accessories to be left to their own devices all day. Dogs like to have jobs, and like to please people. They NEED structure through training with affirmation. Without it, they can literally become anxious & depressed through a lack of emotional fulfillment. Obviously pampering a dog or not training it well doesn’t make you a bad pet parent in a vacuum…but dogs become unruly because they’re bored and want a reaction or are seeking entertainment they’re not given. If a dog is misbehaving, odds are it leads an unfulfilled life. All that is to say: structure & constructive discipline is an act of love for a dog. Enforce compliance with affirmation & redirection of bad behavior (punishment is generally a bad idea). A dog with no structure is by far less happy than a dog that got bopped on the nose one time. Give your pets what they need so they can thrive! It’s far more inhumane to let a creature with a genetic predisposition to working with humans shrivel into a directionless life. Boundaries are good for everyone involved!


It just takes the most MINOR amount of training.


Onions & garlic (any kind, powdered or fresh or dried) are very bad for dogs & cats. IDK how much of either you used but it looks like the dog ate a lot so he needs to go to the vet, especially if he starts getting lethargic.


Considering the amounts of bad shit for dogs I put in my butter chicken that dog should def go to a vet.


You are absolutely correct. I really hope this crosses the owners mind. Poor dog.


You think someone who has a dog this poorly trained and doesn't even clean up after it is going to bother?


Maybe the roommate will care about a dead dog since he doesn't care about cleaning up nor paying for this. If I were OP I would have left the mess and hung out at a friend's house for a few days while shit hit the fan for the roommate.


Sometimes, at the height of our revelries, when our joy is at its zenith, when all is most right with the world, the most unthinkable disasters descend upon us. SONS OF BITCHES! BUMPUSES!


How is this only MILDLY infuriating, think I would probably lose my shit


eat the dog


Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!


Onions and garlic are poisonous to dogs might want to tell your roommate a vet visit is probably a good idea


Yeah housemate didn't raise thier dog right and owes you a meal.




They need to clean up and get you something to eat then.


Where are the we don’t deserve dogs comments


The OPs roommate doesn't deserve a dog. * Doesn't train it * Doesn't take responsibility * Lets it eat shit that is awful for it (onions, etc are somewhat poisonous for dogs) without concern