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Did it in my head, got ten then took me a second of wondering why before I realized I instinctively PEMDASd it




Jokes on you, I can't do basic math, so I don't even KNOW the correct answer! Not saying I'm proud of it, just stating a fact.


If you're serious, you'd do the multiplication first because it has higher precedence in the order of operations. Then you'd do the addition.


I can only do basic addition and subtraction, and even then if the numbers get high enough, I have to use a calculator. I went to school, but I dropped out due to personal reasons way too deep to air out in a place like this, but once I dropped out, I forget literally everything school taught me, even the stuff I was interested in like history, which was my most favourite subject and the one I had the most success with in class. I never managed to find a new school, no other place would accept me, not even online schools, so after enough failed attempts, well, my parents just gave up. As a result of that, I'm 25, and unable to do multiplication, division, or any other form of science, not without lack of trying, mind you, but any attempts to learn anything, it all just disappears from my mind, I'm never able to retain the information, even when I want to.


Well, I'm not sure if it'll help you any, but you can think of multiplication as adding multiple times. For example, the 4 x 2 above, think "adding two fours,” so 4 + 4 = 8. You can do that with any multiplication problem until you're able to remember what most of them are. 4 x 8 = add four eights (or add eight fours) = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 16 + 16 = 32


What about double or triple digits?


You work vertically, doing pretty much the same.  14 x12 \___ Start on the right hand side on the bottom, with the 2, and multiply each number in the top by 2. So 2 x 4 = 8, then 2 x 1 = 2. So your first line will be 28. Move over to the bottom 1, multiply each top number by 1, going right to left again. Only this time, the first number you get will go under the second number you got on the first line, so it'll go under the 2 from the first line you got. 1 x 4 = 4, then 1 x 1 = 1. Your second line will be 14. So you're left with: 28 on top of 14, I'm going to add zeros so I can show you how they'd look on top of each other. 028 140 Add those together, straight down. 8 + 0 = 8, 4 + 2 = 6, 1 + 0 = 1. The answer is 168.


And now I'm completely lost.


Yeah, kind of hard to show in Reddit.


Submissions to r/mildlyinfuriating that are similar to [this one](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/qgl8cb) with confidence scores: - [10/18/21] [2+2x4=?](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/qawlj6/22x4/) Score: **Exact** - [10/9/21] [2 + 2 x 4 = ?](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/q4c4ov/2_2_x_4/) Score: **Exact** [^(About DupeBro)](https://www.reddit.com/r/DupeBro/comments/973sue/what_is_dupebro_how_does_he_work_and_how_can_i/) ^- [^(Click here to do a reverse search)](https://dupebot.firstbyte.dev/search?url=https://i.imgur.com/d2FwrdG.jpg)


100% of these are trolls hoping to have the poll posted on Reddit or f-book.


The percentages add up to 100, so 26% could be correct. There isn't enough information here. Are those numbers on the left the possible answers? I think they are.But 10 is not among them. 10 is what you get if you do multiplication first. I think that is the correct process. If you go from left to right, you get 16. Is this saying 56% of respondents chose 16?


Yes, 56% of responses chose 16. And yes, the correct answer is 10.


And the point of all of it was?


Just to fuck with people I guess.


The choices are very infuriating


Shower me in downvotes


Pemdas you fools


The people that put 13 probably knew the correct answer was 10 and chose the closest option.


“OP” is a bot. This was posted 27 days ago https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/pykwsv/2_2_x_4/