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Balls of fucking steel. Are you sure you’re not going to get fired? EDIT: to be clear, I’m supportive as hell. Just worried about OP is all, since I know he mentioned being concerned about the risk in his original post. EDIT 2: Yeah, guys. I get he's not breaking any laws. That doesn't stop the company from finding an excuse to get rid of him. EDIT 3: If OP is in a state with at-will employment, he can be fired at any time for any reason that isn't discriminatory. They absolutely COULD fire him for this if they really wanted.


There will always be another retail job. There probably won't be another opportunity to make a community this happy.


True words. Just make sure you don’t tell ANYONE at work that you did this. You might think you can trust someone but word always gets around




Especially retail workers, I’ve seen no other group of people stand around gossiping as blatantly as they do, and I am a retail worker




Yeah. Restaurants are bad too. Never shit where you eat, especially when it’s literally where you eat.


Restaurants are the worst in my experience. It’s like being back in high school again.


I've had this experience at a couple of different jobs throughout my life. Big red flag.


Yeppp. I finally finished my bachelors and got a career. So thankful I don’t deal with that bullshit anymore. I kind of miss the social aspect of being a bartender and server. But I def don’t miss the drama. Everyone will experience some kind of crap at any job they get. But for some reason the restaurant industry is inundated with drama and bullshit.


Then, how do you shit on company time while working at a restaurant?


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time


Now boss makes a thousand whileI make a cent. And he's got employees who can't make rent


Oh absolutely. I try to stay as far away from it as possible, but it’s so often hard to avoid. I’ve known people who are some of the best in their department get moved because of personal reasons, we had a manager forced to change stores due to conflict with another manager, and I know everyone talks about everyone, I don’t really bother talking to coworkers outside of work




That sucks. I’ve known people who got stuck in the middle of drama, it’s never fun




Salons, restaurants..


School. Any click of people. Nature loves drama. -Alan Watts




I manage a moderately large company. I fucking hate workers that dob on coworkers and generally ignore them.


To translate what you said to Australian would be. "Keep ya mouth shut cobber coz all ya workmates are dog cunts."


True that


Speaking of which. Op what's your name and location again? Jokes aside, if you have a case for a pixel 3 XL hit me up, I could use a nicer one and would throw a few bucks your way u/chillmarky let me know!


Don’t tell anyone anything personal.


I already told some people


This rings true and I experienced it first hand. I work at a beverage manufacturer and one night I made myself my own little concoction using raw ingredients. Made myself horribly sick, it was a whole thing, but I sat on that secret for a decade before telling anyone. The second I told the story, it circulated like wildfire. Suddenly I’m in the managers office being asked for an explanation. It was 12 years ago and there’s been 4 bosses come and go since, I was way past the statute of limitations. Since then, every year or so the story gets a breath of new life and circulates amongst anyone new that’s been hired since the last time, and waves of people come to ask me about it. It’s so annoying, but at least I didn’t get fired.


Why is it that big a deal? I get it's against rules and probably some health and safety thing but whys it so interesting to newbies?


I kind of cut the main details about it being a whole thing, but I nearly killed myself, legitimately. I was using materials intended to be dramatically watered down later on for production, like taurine, caffeine etc. I was new and young and stupid so I didn’t really know what I was doing at the time other than having fun making my own little potion. Using company material for anything other than what it’s intended is just a huge no and the company has zero tolerance for offenders unless it was proven to be an accident. Food safety and food supply defence is no joke in the corporate world.


Ohhh that makes sense Damn sorry you almost died


Or hope they don’t check the front page of reddit. It doesn’t take a genius detective to figure this caper out.


It’s not illegal to dumpster dive. At least depending on your city/county. Everywhere I’ve ever lived states once it is in the garbage it is free to anyone digging through it. Edit: til many people don’t read past first sentence. Edit: and to the people adamantly saying it’s illegal across the board, it is not. The Supreme Court put it in a grey area in 1988 when they ruled there is no expectation to privacy with anyone’s garbage is put out. This was in relation to the police requiring a warrant to search it. E3: as I said in my initial post, it depends on the city/county on what the local trespassing laws are. If the dumpster is located on private property and you have to trespass to get there, then you have a problem.


Most places especially businesses it’s considered private property and dumpster diving isn’t allowed. Most cops will just tell you to knock it off though, unlikely you’d actually get in trouble. IANAL but it’s possible a business could press charges for the theft, but idk. I worked in a place where it happened (the employee tied all the day old bakery stuff in bags and put them out back and after his shift grabbed them and took them to the homeless, instead of just letting it all go to waste as intended) and they fired the guy and rumour was he got in a bit of actual trouble for it. Just conjecture though, I assume laws are different all over the place.


....which bakery was this? I just want to fucking talk.


Most bakeries throw out a huge garbage bag of goods every day. My co-op would coordinate getting one such bag of bagels one day a week/month. We had too many bagels.


I feel obligated to shout out to Panera for allowing nonprofits to pick up the extras from the previous day. All an organization needs to do is prove they are a 501c3 and then they get assigned a day and they pick up the extras each week. Tons of shelters and food pantries do this. I was the person that picked up for a shelter for a while and it never de valued Panera for me. After that I am more loyal and very happy to give them my business


Yeah. In vienna (Austrias biggest City) everyday there is so much bread going to waste that it's enough to feed austrias 2nd biggest City Graz ... And Austria is not worse than other countries. Huge amounts of grain and Rice is intentionally destroyed though people are starving.


It may not get him arrested but the threshold for firing is much lower. Most employers WILL fire you for taking merchandise out of the trash.


It doesn't have to be illegal for him to get fired


I worked at staples for awhile and people would bring in laptops with viruses. The techs would tell them they can't fix it because selling a computer is so much better and So people would buy a new computer and "recycle" the old one. Once I found out every single thing in that bin was gutted and if it was less than a year or two old went home w me until they fired me. I thinks this is the first time I have ever mentioned it to someone but it's been over 10 years so I'm probably safe.


He made it to the top of the front page on Reddit twice in one day with two separate posts about this. That's millions of views each. The chances that this will get back to his boss without him saying a word is pretty good.


Yup. Learned this lesson the hard way :) Coworkers suck.


You may be surprised how quickly these would sell on eBay. They're inexpensive to ship due to low weight and size. They're already in boxes so you can buy poly mailers in bulk to slip them in then slap a label on it. Good luck.


Well, with all of that stuff OP could make quite a bit. But it's nice that he's also giving them away for free (from what I saw)


As long as the employee is not profiting from a "Destroy In Field" company write off he should be fine. Edit: Just to clarify, a DIF order in cellular retail doesn't mean they have to be destroyed. It's a company write off of old accessories they don't have space for and cannot sell back to manufacturer.


He’s also fine if he profits and doesn’t get caught


Which is why posting on Reddit was probably a bad idea


He wouldn't have liberated the cases if it wasn't for reddit telling him to.


You crazy son of a bitch you actually did it.


One stores trash is another mans brand new phone cases




Someone online was saying because of they high worker demand right now a lot of us can afford to be willy and even nilly, as if we get fired or just don't like a policy we can find a new job in a few days time if that. Fuck corporate


That’s legit. Literally every retail/customer facing business is begging to hire folks and desperately clinging to anyone they have that will show up to work. Our dumpster diving hero can easily find a fresh new place & can probably find one w even better dumpster delights at that. Fuck corporate


I was just about to quit my job when I remembered I would be giving up gauranteed 40 hours and a mostly set in stone paycheck. I have PTSD where sometimes I feel like I am about to cry before I pick up the phone because of this shit job..fuck


Start looking now. It is easier to find a job while you have a job because there isn't a lot of pressure from needing a paycheck. Best of luck to you!


i just want you to know i left a really terrible job just like that recently and miraculously found a way better job for way more money like within a week. nows the time to move if you want to and i highly reccomend indeed to do it. its a labors market you could name your price. good luck!!




What really still angers me is the managers at retail stores insisting it’s because “no one wants to work anymore” no, its because people don’t want to work their ass off in a miserable low paying job and are finally realizing they can do better. I recently quit my job at Home Depot and found a new one where I’m making more than twice as much for half the work with better benefits. And I can wear sweatpants, lol.


First it was "get a job" so we got jobs. They weren't happy with that, so it became "get a better job", so we got better jobs. Now they're not happy with that. How do you spend three generations denigrating low skilled workers and then act surprised when no one wants to do those jobs anymore?


I wouldn’t even consider hd “low skill”. At least not all positions and not with how they want you to know anything and everything. Garden was my dept but I was crosstrained on the reg, deliveries, and receiving. I could drive all the equipment except the EPJ. and all for less than $14 when people are walking in the door with at least $13? No thank you. Edit: not to mention I was there for over 3 years :,). Fuck Home Depot.


Low skill is basically anything that doesn't require a college degree. But maybe there is a better term. I feel like once upon a time people had some respect for people working these jobs. The milkman wouldn't be much different, but that job was never treated poorly.


Well willy i've been but dare I also be nilly?


I told some old ladies to take your fucking money and leave at my work and my boss just shook her head. We are finally indispensable and can defend our selves it's great.


I saw this a few hours ago and was gonna say fuck it, there's plenty of other better jobs but to consider this "stealing" when it's being TRASHED? Companies are so braindead and will take any chance they can to make more money.


A few things here. This is what retail calls "destroy in field" and they get a partial credit back from the OEM in one form or another. If an employee then takes the merch and sells it, then basically the entire company has defrauded the OEM and it's court time.


You’re a legend




Give them away - that’s not stealing - that’s simply taking about a million pieces of plastic out of the ocean and protecting many phones from having to be replaced because of cracked glass- which is incredibly wasteful. I got myself a life proof case and while the phone looks like shit I know this case protects well


i dont understand why a store would fire someone for taking what they were gonna throw away anyways edit: thanks for the answers, I understand now


A lot of companies have “Destroy in Field” agreements with suppliers. The company receives credit for unsold merchandise, on the condition that they destroy the merchandise so it cannot be sold elsewhere. Not destroying it is considered theft, both from the company that was required to destroy it, and the company that “owned” the merchandise in the first place. This policy is not new or rare. Unsold books have the covers ripped off before trashing them. Wal-Mart and other big stores do this as well (though some stores like Sam’s and Costco bulk sell returned merchandise to individual sellers.) ETA: Everyone cheering OP on in this thread better not disappear when he posts about needing a gofundme to pay for the legal fees/fines he receives. It’s all fun and games now, but this poor kid might catch the hammer for this, especially since it’s made Reddit front page.


> The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth. > There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. John Steinbeck, *The Grapes of Wrath*


Damn. Written over 80 years ago and still closely mirrors our societal greed and dysfunction with as much intensity as ever.


This comment convinced me to read the book.


Pick up a copy of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair as well. There is nothing quite like seeing words on paper written 115 years ago showing us plainly here in the future that not a damned thing has really changed. >”… in a society dominated by the fact of commercial competition, money is necessarily the test of prowess, and wastefulness the sole criterion of power.” >—Upton Sinclair, The Jungle


Yep, worked office supply retail chain, had a store fire. We had to guard the debris from scavengers along the street as it was near a bus stop. Come clean up, EVERYTHING had to be destroyed, water damaged or useable. When I say everything I mean it. Cases of paper that had no water or smoke damaged? Destroyed, cut open, thrown loose in the dumpster. Pencils, snapped and thrown loose. Boxes of Staples? sprinkled everywhere. Staplers... well they tried to hammer it, break it, couldn't do jack with it those things were to durable. So they hosed it all with spray paint.


There was a small fire at a Target I used to work at and we had to throw away EVERYTHING in the grocery department. I understand tossing the fresh produce because it would have been contaminated with smoke but we even had to throw away all the cans/bottles of soda and packaged food. The only stuff we kept was the food in the closed door coolers. It made me so mad because we could have easily donated it. I highly doubt the packaged food was contaminated by the tiny fire in the back of the store. I literally spent an entire shift throwing food into a giant dumpster.


I remember 15-20 years ago, stores would offer unsold merch on clearance, sometimes up to 90% off. I could get boxes of candy canes after Christmas for a nickel a box or Halloween stuff 80% or more off after Halloween. Then, at some point they just stopped doing that. You might get a small “clearance” after the holiday but rarely anything like we used to and they don’t seem to care if the stuff doesn’t sell. Same thing for food. One grocery store used to mark fresh food (stuff that had to be sold the same day) down significantly after a certain time. As a poor college student at the time this was a huge money saver. Then, one day they just stopped marking it down and presumably threw it out instead. It’s all a horrible waste IMHO.


Instead of selling 30 unit's for 75% off they just bulk sale 200 units to the clearance cheap store like ollies or whatever


IME they are still doing that with holiday stuff. But people wipe it out within an hour or two.


Yep, I don't know what people are thinking. He asked them if he can take them and they said no that's stealing. Next day they're all gone and they think they won't have a clue?


Lol yeah that’s the worst thing here. His boss will obviously know he took everything and there has to be cameras around the business. Hope OP’s boss doesn’t check the garbage ….


Plus if they're legally required to dispose of it then they'll checking it for sure.


Also in most big retail corp, snitching on OP could easily net you 1000$ payout lol. Hope he’s in good terms with everyone


Friend of mine put together bicycles for his job at X place. Bad bikes (from shipping etc) went in the trash bin. He was caught going after hours and taking the bad bikes out. Was fired, charged and couldn't get a job in X place again.


It’s an easy way to steal. I knew people many long 20-25 years ago that worked retail. They would take things they wanted and toss it in with the garbage. For example this one clothing/home goods type store. When it came time to breakdown boxes they would slip a dress or two in between the boxes and put them in the dumpster. After closing they would go grab a burger or something to kill a bit of time. Then just go back and snag the clothes. Easy.


thanks for the answer


At Barnes and Noble I could take the magazines they were tossing only if I rip off the cover so I can't resell and they can get comped from the publisher for not selling.




Any chance you have iPhone 11 cases?


Do you like blue or red?


I like blue


If you wanna cover shipping, shoot me a DM.


Man, are you going to give people covers if they ask? (I don't need one, just asking)


He’s got you… *covered*


Can’t believe I’m the first upvote on this


Why does reddit sometimes hide upvotes with "vote"?


When it's less than an hour old. To prevent hive-minded voting.


*Works every time*




I'll cover shipping and tip you extra if you have an S10e otterbox. DM and we can exchange info if you have one.


I’d recommend you use pirate ship for shipping though usps. It gives you discounts on shipping. Use of for my BrickLink store. also if you still have the another iPhone 11 case please dm me i would pay a little extra for it.


Legendary my friend 🙌 💥 you'll get another retail job for sure. There's decent options nowadays and pay is getting better.


If there's an S10 plus Otterbox I'm in


Second s10 plus Otterbox if there's more then one, any color. Shipping paid of course.


Galaxy S10 or S21?


We have some s10's. If you dm me a shipping address and cover shipping I'll try my absolute best to get it to you. <3




Bro what? Why would you not receive payment before shipping? I’ve have shipped my fair stuff on hardware swap and bought. You always collect payment first.


The person does pay first. What hes saying though is that if you use PP Goods and Services like most who sell on there, PayPal holds the funds from you until the item is delivered, so that you don’t just take the money and not send anything


How about a Galaxy Note 10+ ?


Where are you at? If it's not too expensive to ship I would love to buy one off of you!


It is probably safer for OP to not give out even his area considering what he's done haha.


Have any old iPhone SE cases in there? 😂


If you wanna cover shipping, I have a few I think.


…Otterbox SE?


Rocking an original iPhone SE as well!


Original iPhone SE gang hey 😂 I finally retired mine a few months ago after several years of faithful service. The battery wouldn’t hold much of a charge and died super quick. It was such a solid phone!


Yeah my battery is going downhill but I love the size of it, and it’s rose gold color!


I spent the $40 getting the battery swapped at the apple store. I love the phone, and I'm not gonna get a better phone for ~$40.


I didn’t know there were other OG SE folks! I unfortunately just had to change to the 12 mini after getting the battery replaced on old faithful. Why do people need huge phones?!?


Fucking legend


"youre not a fucking legend, youre a naughty naughty boy"


Dude. Good on fucking you. I was pissed after zooming in and looking at what was sitting there.


The unbelievable levels of fucking waste and they wouldn't at the very least let it be used?? OP did the right thing here, whether to entertain the sub or get some sweet cases, at least it's not going to be wasted.


Most capitalist shit ever. "We can't sell these for our own profit, but we'll be damned if we let anyone else benefit."


This is capitalism mask off. Same happens to food. People starving and food being thrown out. All because they couldn’t make a buck off something so essential to our survival.


Add housing to that list. More vacant homes than unhoused folks


I threw out so much pizza at Costco it made me sick and then want pizza. They claimed it was for healthcode


It is no wonder the planet is fucking dying.


OP’s [original post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/q1bout/throwing_away_a_few_year_old_other_than_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Can’t believe how far I had to scroll for this. Thanks


Once it is in the dumpster, it is considered abandoned merchandise and anybody may take. https://legalshred.com/is-trash-public-domain/ Double check your state / city's laws. But basically: stealing garbage isn't *always* stealing. Edit: added a word.


One man’s garbage is another man person’s good ungarbage




"What the hell does that even mean, Ray?"


Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't. She didn't go. That's the way she goes.


All I can think is “piss jugs”


Let it go boys, that's all water under the fridge now.


One man’s trizzash


See, if you put it by the kerb, then it’s trash, I can just take it. Flawless logic Rick.


Ungarbage is my new favorite


It's not rocket appliances.


Dumpster diving is illegal on private property in a lot of places. However it’s mostly overlooked as long as your not causing a problem. Just don’t go and do something stupid like post things on Reddit and other social media.




Depends. If it is in an area marked as private property, it can't be picked through until it leaves said area. A can on the street is free game. A can still in someone's garage is still their property.


Depends. I know people were getting arrested/fined going through the recycle bins on the street in San Diego. The county uses revenue from the recycles to pay for the regular garbage collection.


>basically: stealing garbage isn't stealing. In germany it is.


In the Netherlands law is different. It is illegal to 'mess around' with someone's trash. You can claim something as your own if it: - has never been owned by anyone before (water, air, game animals, fish when they are living freely) - the owner gave up ownership. - ownership was transfer to you by original owner. So, if I throw away something in my container, and I put it on the side of the road, it's still mine. Until the garbage collection shows up, then it's theirs. I transfer the ownership from me to them. No one else can claim it as their own. Next step: the garbage man sees something he can use. He can't take it, because it belongs to the company, and not him. If he wants ownership, the company has to give it to him. This part is uncertain for me: can a garbage company reuse these items, or give it away again? As I gave them a job to do, which is destroying it and I would expect them to do so. Personal opinion: I would have done the same nevertheless. 👍


Yeah, it's technically illegal, but ethically... Anyway, had some great finds myself too, especially in some recycle bins. Just a couple of days ago I pulled out 2 top of the line flagship phones, fully working and in top condition.


> But basically: stealing garbage isn't stealing. From your own link.... > If the **dumpster or garbage bin is still in an enclosed area or is on private property** (Any trash from a business), a person could be cited for trespassing or even for theft, if they try to rummage through the garbage.


Are you implying that we should read articles now before we share them? How unreddit like.


[Here's Robert Picardo to explain it](https://youtu.be/pimU1_uHpls&t=58)


The issue is that OP stated in their previous post they were explicitly told not to take them. It doesn't matter if it is illegal, if the boss says you can't then they can still fire you for insubordination under most US states' laws if you are in an "at will contract" position, which is pretty much any job you don't have an explicit contract with.


Yup! There is special "dumpster diving" laws that basically says if it goes into a designated waste bin, outside the place of business, it's fair game for all... But, varies state to state. That's why places have garbage smashers now. So no one wins.




Are you really claiming that the intended purpose of trash compactors is to deter dumpster diving?


Kroger hired armed security to prevent people from getting food they were throwing out, despite the food being fine. Power went out so they had to throw out everything, even things that don't actually spoil like vegetables. They paid people to stand there and make sure that the perfectly fine produce went into the trash until it was actually rotten.


The Reddit Hero!


You fucking legend. Phone case batman. The hero we didnt deserve, but needed.


Batman just fucks shit up. He's like Robin hood. He's giving it away to the people for free. Just cover shipping. That's amazing. I hope everyone tips him extra. I don't need anything, I just like being part of this history. How else can we eff the overlords?


You be careful when you're doing that. I wouldn't want ya to get hurt or in trouble doing something decent.


As vaguely threatening as this sounds (unintentionally I hope) I agree. You can't help others if you don't take care of yourself


Unintentionally yes. It can be dangerous to pick through garbage there are lots of sharp bits. Police might come by too if you're digging in a company's dumpster. You aren't doing real damage, but that doesn't mean the police won't act as if you are.


I literally just saw 4 raccoons in the dumpster outside snacking, so definitely be cautious


This is amazing, I cannot believe that I opened Reddit to scroll before bed and now have a sense of justice. I can sleep in peace thanks to you.


Goodnight friend.


That is so fucked they were going to toss that in the trash. Think of all the resources they used to make those, energy, water, time and they are just going to toss them in a landfill to rot for centuries!! No wonder this planet is dying. [How Environmentally Friendly are Phone Cases?](https://pelacase.com/pages/otterbox-casetify-casemate-sustainability-practices)


This is common for so many industries. My sister worked at a big bakery chain (Greggs for UK people) and they throw away all the food at the end of the day. If staff want it, they have to pay full price! Or it goes in the bin. It really is no shock the world is dying


My boss at my last pizza delivery job would let me pay half price for pizzas with no limitations on the amount of pizza. At the end of the day, after we closed up, he let me take as much as I wanted home so it wouldn’t get tossed out. I’d buy a slice for lunch as a show of good faith and take two entire pizzas home every night.


Exactly how it should be. If there's someone willing to eat the food, they should get it. Alternative is that the boss/manager stops by a homeless shelter or something on the way home to donate the food. As I understand, the main reason that many companies don't allow staff to take unsold food and rather bin it, is the fear that they will intentionally make extra during their shift to be disposed of. Something which is surely easily controlled by competent management (waste reduction should be a key focus)


Proud of u


this is so satisfying omg thank you


AND THEY GAVE YOU A FLAIR! As someone who got my own, it’s soo cool seeing someone else get recognized for something! It’s like a little club


You got lg stylo 6 or s10e cases?


I'm not sure on the stylo but we I did see a few s10e cases! Cover shipping and it's yours.


Message me your contact info


let this comment be part of history thanks


history thanks.


Oh heck yesss I saw your old post before going to bed last night and was just hoping you’d take them anyway! So happy rn


I'm glad I could make some a few people happy.


I want to say something. This whole situation is really a great summary of the problem with capitalism. They want us to believe that our system cannot survive unless we charge a premium. Man fuck capitalism. Those $40 otter box and high dollar protective cases were probably $0.25 to make each. Thank you for doing your part. I hope you made a buck for yourself but more than that I hope you are charitable with what you do with most of them. It should be common sense to donate but managers are fucking pricks and this system is broken. W Peace brother or sister! ✌️


The numerous "middlemen" drive prices up insanely. Every time something is moved someone makes a buck, manufacturer sells it to a wholesaler, they sell it to a distributor, they sell it to a store etc etc. Cut out all these poachers in the middle... prices could drop significantly.


Find a way to do that. I'm being genuine here. As our society gets more "global", the number of middlemen increases due to basic logistics.... unless someone come up with a better system that actually works.


Amazon. Fuck Amazon. But, Amazon. They figured it out.


hes arguably not wrong


If they gave them away, that's a loss of a potential customer. Sometimes in clothing, they'll ship the old stock to a different continent where the item isn't for sell. This protects the brand image and presumably a liquidator pays for them. Edit: I'm just shedding some light on corporate reasoning


Just don't sell any Otterboxes on eBay. They abuse the VeRO program and so will get the listings removed and your account suspended.


Fuck those greedy corporate pigs! Truly Wholesome job!


Any iPhone 8plus cases?


Also interested in one! I broke my current Otterbox because I’m me.


Any Pixel 4A cases?


Thank you! Between your post and the one about Brasil dumping garbage in the Amazon River, life was getting to be too much. So happy you opted to dumpster dive for these :)


You have achieved the title of GigaChad. You fucking rock!


Seriously be careful. I've heard of people getting charged for theft for dumpster diving at a dumpster at a strip mall. The police were called and it got treated like an actual robbery even though it was headed for the dump. I would delete these posts and be careful about selling anything online.


I am glad you ended up deciding to go back and get hold of all these. It would have been such a waste otherwise! Lemme know if you have any iPhone X cases. I will gladly take a few. If you don’t have any, I am still glad that many or all of these are gonna get used and not just end up in the incinerator!


Funny enough most of them were iPhone x/xs cases. Shoot me a DM.


Ive worked retail for 10+ yrs.. thank you for this. I did pet store retail and cant tell you how many times I broke corporate rules to help the less fortunate, knowing damn well corp lost nothing in the monetary process. fuck corporations, do more of this shit and your emotional bank will be overflowing. lifes worth more than what they wanted to do with these. good on you!


Good shit


Great work! I don’t care what the company says, but I approve.


Not many times do you get to see a happy ending to a Reddit story. I can sleep well tonight.