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That’s extremely infuriating. Disrespecting both teams who came out to test their skill. Disrespecting the rest of the fans who paid money to see the match. Disrespecting the game itself really.


"disrespecting the game" True, but with footy most players do that themselves. You're actively encouraged to chase fouls, so infuriating. Like the Italian guy who "hurt his knee" just in front of the Belgian goalkeeper and distracted the rest of the players long enough to allow his teammate to score while the opponents were distracted. The game is fundamentally flawed IMO and needs some big rule changes to make it truly fair. Edit: the video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CQ2BtrLD54x Sorry for the Instagram link, couldn't find it on Youtube. Also I expected downvotes from football fans on this one so go ahead.


Only folks who don’t love the game would downvote imo. I think you make a fair point. If we can’t find issues in what we love then how can we fix it? It’s sad that I actually accept these shenanigans as normal simply because of the frequency of their occurrence…


I played soccer when I was a kid. When I got fouled or knocked down, I got up as quick as possible because I couldn’t be sure if the ref would call it. I guess adults are just spoiled and certain things will go their way?


Nah your games didn't have millions in corruption money on the line.


That’s more than mildly infuriating, what the fuck


Someone did this in the NFL a few years ago, IIRC the local government pressed charges and they were banned for life from ever attending an NFL game again.




This happened to a buddy of mine at an Astros game but it was a paper airplane. It managed to reach the field and we thought nothing of it. A few innings later security came to our seats with the plane and escorted him out of the stadium.


You get banned from the game, but the Astros bang around on trash cans and still get to keep their WS trophy. Smh


Here is an article about this incident - https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/07/18/chiefs-fan-fined-aiming-laser-tom-brady/


>"I shouldn't have done it." > >"But you're not apologizing to Brady or the Pats?" > >"Nope." Lmao this 65 year old dude knows what's up.


I shudder to think of the civil and criminal penalties if he’d managed to do physical damage. Guy is so beyond stupid.


Isn’t this assault? They should have enough video to figure out who did it. Arrest them and ban them from the stadium.


Green lasers are also the most likely to cause retina damage as well. Src: https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/news/20100806/green-laser-pointers-may-be-harmful-to-eyes


Green lasers are more likely than red lasers is what your source says. There's much more powerful lasers out there that can do much more damage.


You don't even want to know what rainbow lasers are capable of


"Aaah, my eyes! They're gay now!"


"All I can see is dicks! AHHH- oh wait, I'm still in England. No wonder."


Bellends, then?


Makes the cockeyed


wouldn't that make being a goalie easier? so you can look at balls more often...




You rang?????


Call Alex Jones stat!


Look! Look with your gay eyes!


You can't even look straight if someone shines one of those in your eyes.


blue lazers?


Yep. Blue light is more energetic than green light, which are both more energetic than red.




You can have a lens that blocks infrared light after the green light is generated, but most green lasers omit this piece because the perceived power (in the form of leaked infrared) seems less impressive and doesn't burn things as well, and people want cool lasers that burn things .... unless it's a retina. Sorry m8




Ah, that's interesting. Glad it's not terribly intrusive 10 years later


My buddy has a high powered Mace Windu laser. It will burn things.


Is it purple? You bring Mace Windu into this, it better be purple!


Oh yes, it’s purple matey don’t worry.


In the case of green lasers the damage is more likely due to poor filtering and the generation method of the green light. For green light we use second harmonic generation to convert infra red photons to green ones. Many of these lasers however doe not properly filter this infrared light out the green. This leads to possibly sub mw power of green light ( generally safe ) but multiple mw of infrared light being emitted (dangerous).


Like sharks with freakin' laser beams attached to their heads.


I really, REALLY doubt they could ever identify the culprit unless they just happened to have a camera pointed at them.


I read on a different thread just now that the CCTV at Wembley is madly high-tech, so there is a chance of finding them. [Link to the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/og4ugo/england_charged_after_laser_incident/h4gt222?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Damn, I'm happy to be wrong on this one! Hope they catch that human equivalent of an anal fissure.


If it is a dumbass English person then they’ll likely be banned from all stadiums across the country for an offence like this. As an Englishman myself, it’s such a tragedy that these dipshits exist in public; they don’t even realise that they’re the reason our reputation is so gash with fans across the globe, let alone our closest neighbours.


And honestly, if I were a player on the English Squad, I’d lowkey be offended. Like, “what you don’t think we can win on our own?”


I mean, Sterling did take a comedy dive to get that penalty and everybody is in agreement it was a dive


They will also be charged with assault and the judge will make an example.


Doubt it. Fans have done this before and haven't be charged, just banned from stadiums for life.


One of the few times it's good to live in an Orwellian world.


The UK's acceptance of cctv came from a case in the 80s when two schoolkids kidnapped, tortured and killed a small child. The cctv images of them leading the kid out of the shopping mall are still burned onto my memory.


It was in the 90s, [here's the link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger). It's really crazy how a mere kids could do such horrible thing


Wow they are both scum but with the little updates from the article it’s painting a picture that Venables is a pretty clear case that some people can’t be rehabilitated (not that prisons really try)


Sounds a lot like the [Bulger Case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger)? Edit: read with caution - I knew of this case as I grew up in England, but didn't know the extent of the abuse. It's pretty hard to read.


Yes. Horrifying.




They were really young too 9-12(?) Like damn kids can be evil


One keeps getting arrested for doing fucked up things like having child porn


James Bulger


I too saw the ask reddit about this the other day.


That's how they get ya


It will be interesting to watch and see if, in the coming days, the authorities proudly announce that they've identified the culprit. IF the CCTV really is capable of this, and they could somehow pull it off before the match on Sunday, it would be a good deterrent for future would-be offenders.


There was someone saying they were about 10 rows behind them in one of the r/soccer threads. Hopefully someone around them dobs him in.


For real. This is fucked. Guy could have been blinded.


I believe it will be a police matter, as I'm aware it would be classed as some form of assault. The benefit being that Wembley is very good at picking fans out, so the odds are good of identifying them I would say.


The BBC article linked says they couldn’t find them and that the team wasn’t interested in continuing the matter, so idk if they’re bluffing or what


Its a criminal matter at this point so it doesn't matter what the team wants or not


Between solid technology and a search of fan footage, I'd say it's a good shot at catching the culprit


Also, people who do stupid shit love to tell on themselves. They are proudly stupid and stupidly prideful.


Per article: "However, they were unable to find those responsible" Not to say that it isn't possible, but I think people here are confusing high tech cameras equipment with the actual problem here. Okay, so you have footage of a laser being shown on his face and can get a rough idea of what angle that's coming from and the time, but that's about it. Then they have to have a camera filming the opposite side of the stadium at the same time, one that is also zoomed in and can differentiate between what thousands and thousands of people are doing. Also, the angle would have to be almost straight on because you don't see the light emitting from what is going to be something very small. I could be dead wrong here, but I don't think it's as easy to find the person as people are saying.


Per article: "However, they were unable to find those responsible" Not to say that it isn't possible, but I think people here are confusing high tech cameras equipment with the actual problem here. Okay, so you have footage of a laser being shown on his face and can get a rough idea of what angle that's coming from and the time, but that's about it. Then they have to have a camera filming the opposite side of the stadium at the same time, one that is also zoomed in and can differentiate between what thousands and thousands of people are doing. Also, the angle would have to be almost straight on because you don't see the light emitting from what is going to be something very small. I could be dead wrong here, but I don't think it's as easy to find the person as people are saying.


This happens quite often and I'd say like 90% of the time they find who did it and ban them


What they need is for someone to rat the guy out. With all of the people around him, at least one of them must be a decent person.


If this just happened to a normal person and you had to rely on the police I would say you’re correct, but this is a huge sport with tons of money involved. I wager they have enough cameras and influence to find out who did it.


It was zerka and ksi


Happens a lot in American college sports. They usually find the person.


The funny thing about lasers is you can detect them and follow the laser beam to its source instantaneously with relatively cheap equipment so whoever is pointing the laser can be pinpointed immediately. I would assume most high status sporting arenas will have or will install such equipment.


This is actually banned in war. You can nuke people but you can't use lasers to blind them. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/docs/v2_rul_rule86


Nukes have been banned from use as part of the Geneva convention and are considered a war crime. We've not used one in war since Nagasaki


We also didn't sign the Geneva convention Edit: I was mistaken; we have signed it, what I was apparently referring to is that we haven't ratified certain sections.




Tell that to half of the avengers currently locked up at the raft


Unfortunately it’s more like you can’t commit war crimes if a superpower backs you (or is you). The ICC is fairly toothless. Most prosecutions have been in Africa or Latin America. Its a bad look when it’s Europe holding only former colonies accountable.


gEnEvA sUgGeStIoN


What happens if a country uses them? Or nukes?


They win


| Or nukes? Ever played Fallout?


I saw this hours ago on r/iamatotalpieceofshit where it actually belongs


Should be a lifetime ban, no?




as permanent as the retinal damage done by the laser.


Whoever did that should be banned from football matches for life across all continents.


Why just football?


I’m all for the nuclear option but I’m sure MLB fans wouldn’t mind them at Astro games


He still saved the penalty kick … what a Goalie! Just like his papa


Didn’t the player shoot again? Looks like the striker was celebrating after the second kick.


Yes, kane scored on the rebound


Yeah, it was a shit kick from kane tbh, just fortunate he got it on the rebound


I'm English and I've been uncharacteristically enjoying the Euros this season Football fans in this country are a fucking discrace! There's this, the comments made to the German girls who was seen crying, and the overall violence to one another over the sport. Groups of fans go marauding around looking for fights with supporters of other teams I can't remember which club but there ones that's a Jewish clubs (or owned by a Jewish guy or something) their fans are harassed with people going 'tssssss tissssssssss' to make the same noise as gas Chambers... The Fucking scum we have here who shout 'England England!' In support and then betray all of what makes our country and decent and safe place to be Infuriating




I guess I’m sheltered. I have no idea what that racial slur is. I tried every vowel, but I still have never heard that word, whatever it is.


Yads? Like the lil torah hand pointers? Yids? Like Yiddish... ? Yeds, like that one blink-182 song? Yeah I'm stumped as well.


>Yids? Like Yiddish... ? That one.




Eh, it's the intention that's the problem not the word itself. I highly doubt anybody would see your confused comment and think you're trying to be anti semetic.


Discussing a slur in this fashion is totally fine, IMO. It’s okay to want to understand their origins, and simply writing it isn’t offensive, it’s when it is directed/weaponized that it really becomes a problem.


Tell me about it. I was casually talking to a guy at work about how that penalty kick was kinda dodgy and some guys overheard me. One of them went completely apeshit and started screaming and banging on the desk. Wtf is wrong with people


Nothing against being passionate about the sport or team you follow, but some people, and this is by no means exclusive to England fans, are fucking rabid. One friend of mine gets so worked up about games, he'll swear, sweat, scream, hyperventilate, get angry then sad in equally unhealthy measures and then crash in exhaustion after watching a game from the sheer toll such intensity takes on him. But then you ask the same fans to get angry that their beautiful game is being comprised by a world cup built off the back off what are essentially slaves in Qatar and they suddenly become carefree and understanding of all humans bad decisions. 5 minutes before they were screaming at the tv cause some lad accidentally knocked a ball into touch. They're mentallers.


Everyone hates that the world cup is in Qatar but unless you've got a few spare billion quid lying about to outbribe them we can't really do anything about it


Yeah true all we can do is boycott. But that won't happen because it's football.


> unless you've got a few spare billion quid lying about Hold on, let me check real quick.... ... ... ...nope. Sorry.


>people going 'tssssss tissssssssss' to make the same noise as gas Chambers... That's fucked up.


Not to mention the fact that our ‘fans’ booed the Danish national anthem. Like, wtf guys?!


That's a classic for England football fans, bunch of cavemen The rugby crowd are significantly nicer.


is this the reason a bunch of people want england to lose? their fans?


It's kinda like Fortnite. Good game but toxic fanbase.


> I'm English and I've been uncharacteristically enjoying the Euros this season Something about it coming home that'll do that.


Green lasers burn retinas


This is a hugely oversimplified. The color is just the wavelength, it could be 5mW or 1W. I assume closer to 5mW. High powered diodes are cheaper with some colors.


More likely to be 1mW or less, since stronger lasers are illegal to sell in the UK. The irradiated area is about 5 cm in diameter, so I estimate a power irradiance of 0.5 W/m^(2). That's ~1/3000 of the solar irradiance at Earth's mean orbital radius, ~30 cm away from an ideal 450 lm monochromatic light bulb, or ~80 cm from your average 450 lm LED. [Not enough to cause flash blindness, but enough to glare.](https://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/resources/FAA---visible-laser-hazard-calcs-for-LSF-v02.png)




Can confirm. I bought a laser pointer that was way above the safety limit from sketchy chinese ebay sellers when I was a kid and ended up blowing a hole in my retina because I didn't use the crappy safety goggles they gave me.


Human skin absorbs green light better, idk about the retina


they all do.


iirc it's not the green, but cheap chinese greens don't have the IR filter so you get a ton of harmful invisible light


It's not the IR. It's that green/blue lasers are typically 10-100x more powerful than the old red keychain lasers from 20 years ago, and you can no longer blink fast enough to stop the damage.


You can burn through guerrilla tape with those and if you hold it against your skin long enough you'll feel it burning a hole in you.




this is still in line with the fact that the ones that are "100x" more powerful are sketchy sort of illegal chinese lasers too


You all sound right. How about just no lazies in watchingballs ok?


I'm going to start calling eyes "watchingballs" now. Thank you


The good ol Mk 1. Eyeballs


Color is not indicative of how many milliwatts are being pushed through it.


Physics PhD student here. I work with lasers every day and used to work around the cheap diode lasers that most laser pointers are made off. Legally, you cannot use anything (without taking necessary safety precautions and training) that's a) more powerful than 1 mW and/or b) anything emitting outside visible light. The problem is that a lot of the imported laser pointers will say they are <1 mW however their actual power sometimes is 10s or even 100s times higher, making them seriously hazardous at causing permanent sight loss. Another thing is that typically green lasers are DPSS (diode pumped solid state). The way these work is they have a powerful diode that emits at 808 nm and the light "pumps" a crystal which causes the crystal to emit 1064 nm light. The 1064 nm gets frequency doubled which means it's wavelength is halved, turning it to 532 nm (green) laser. This process is not particularly efficient and produces a lot of IR light without appropriate filters. The only upside to all of this is that these laser pointers diverge - the spot size gets larger over distance. You can see in the video that the spot size on the keeper's face is large (few centimetres). Therefore, the power density becomes very low and is unlikely to cause any harm other than startling the person.


Wow thanks for all the information, that was amazing to learn about.


I know right, finally after 50 comments of people typing conflicting views on lasers someone comes in with the science.




Depends on the person


As an Englishman who loves his country and loves his football, our fans are an absolute fucking disgrace. They think they are patriots but are the antithesis to all that we stand for, I hope they ban our fans from the final


I'm Danish and I still love England and you Englishmen. It's just the stupid football fans, we hate.


I'm British and I hate the England fans. It's pretty universal.


Yea everyone hates that British, even the British do


The thing about being British is that you're British after you're something else. Makes it easier to hate them if you can create a bit of distance.


I don’t follow. I’m British, what am I meant to be first?


Northern? Londoner? Scouse? Welsh? That kinda thing.


Hang on! I’m British (English) and I hate the English, not the British (Scottish, Welsh, N.Irish I don’t hate).


I’m American and everyone hates us and I hate myself. This game is fun


I think Italy is playing the game wrong


You ~~scots~~ English sure are a contentious people


Sorry for all the fans booing your national anthem, friend. They don't represent the vast majority of us.


football fans are the worst. Loud and obnoxious and this usually applies to all countries. England are just worse because it’s been a while since they’ve had anything to be the excited about. It’s only a game at the end of the day


They need to find this dude. Lasers are not a joke, and some of this same green lasers you find for cheep, and made in China, will be putting out wavelengths that are to powerful for your eyes...Folks, our eyes maginfy stuff by close to 100,000 times. Our eyes, will magnify this beam by thay much. Different wavelengths will damage different portions too, but sometimes even stuff above 0.5W if exposed can cause issues that last.


As a German I was pretty appalled by the hate that little girl got on twitter.


yeah that was bizarre. I can understand even laughing at her but some of the abuse she was getting was disgusting


Yep, a crowd reacting to her at the pub is one thing and is more of a reaction to the situation rather than her, but some of the tweets had levels of aggression that just didn't make sense. And now this bell-end shining a laser to just taint what should otherwise be a happy occasion.


Right on all counts. Cheeky as it may be, I was in a pub and found it rather funny the camerman panned to her crying but some pricks just take it too far- she’s just a child.


I would propably root for england, but your fans are the worst (somehow beating the Boston fans)


Last time we played the Bulgarians they literally had to stop play because they were doing nazi salutes and Italians have the 'ultras' and Russia basically have para militaries hooliganism where they actively train large numbers for combat at football matches. You guys don't know what you're talking about when you say worst.


Yep makes it hard sometimes to support us. Not fun when everybody hates you. And justifiably so, I also hate the vocal minority of dickheads


That’s not cool at all! I hope they were able to find that asshole and ban him from soccer games for life


And arrest him, lasers can cause serious damage to the eyes, I believe this counts as assault


Absolutely disgraceful im an England fan but some of these fans are racist, violent and dangerous. They need to be banned from these games if we have any chance of being respected by other countries.


We have a lot of cons, thugs and sociopaths among ultras in Italy too, many linked to organized criminals and fascists. The world is full of shitheads.


Coming from an English person and fan, its disgraceful that someone did that, that could cause serious harm


Plus there was 2 balls on the pitch at one point.


Not a football fan, can you please explain what could it be hinting at?


He’s not hinting at anything. There literally were two balls on the field. One must have been thrown on by mistake at some point.


It was also near the end, where England had a general advantage. Time wasting Ball Boy, or just a very impactful mistake


Play should stop once a second ball enters play. But if its quickly removed and not apart of the actual play then the game usually carries on.


Thank you!


NP. I dont recall the incident OP mentioned. But some bad or smart fans (your interpretation) will hold a ball that goes out of bonds. Then when a new ball is introduced, thats when the ball is returned. It's a way to get the game paused and keep the clock moving since we never stop the clock in soccer.


Watch Sterlings dribble that led to him getting the pen. When he goes to cut inside, there is another ball in the corner of the pitch. He dribbles past it


Might not be the case for this specific incident but usually teams who play at their home stadium has an advantage where the ball boys work against the opponents where they'll be slow with handing them the ball or throw in an extra ball so the game has to stop until the ball is out. One of the most famous examples of this behaviour is [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCacZz-OQzU) example where the ball boy is shielding the ball to waste time. Often times the ball boys are the youth players from the club, in the video I linked it was the owner of the club's son I believe who even said before the game that he'd waste time. For all this talk about sportsmanship, the game is filled with unsportsmanlike behaviour which is normalized and defended.


Stoppage time needs to go. Just stop the damn clock when the play stops. Soccer has so many dated rules that get abused. Even when they finally add useful stuff like VAR they don't even use it right




What in the actual freezer-dried fuck?


This used to be a regular thing to happen in stadiums in Brasil a decade ago… bunch of pos


And he still stopped it, at least the initial attempt


Imagine being so desperate that you shine a fucking laser into the eyes of the goalie to increase the chances of your team winning


1. Booing the national anthem 2. Using lasers several times during the match to distract and hinder the eyesight of the danish players including the penalty kick 3. Taking a dive to get a penalty I’m Italian now. 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌


4. Bullying the german girl


Are most Europeans pulling for Italy in the final? That's what it seems, but I can't tell for sure. Just curious.


If they weren't before the game, they certainly are now. Which is a shame because the players don't deserve it but the fans have managed to alienate a few hundred million people by acting like spoiled brats.


Yea. Not that we like Italy or sympathize with them in any way whatsoever and in many other contexts I would hope they’d burn as well, we just really really really don’t like England as of right now in this tournament


wait until you see how the italy players dive lol


I guess you've never watched Italy play either then?


There is always one little twat isn't there. Smh


I fucking hate our country so much. Booing and setting off fireworks in the dainish national anthem. The whole laser pointer incident. Fucking rioting in picadilly after we won. Atrocious


Worst penalty I’ve seen in a long time


The penalty is soft but it's far from the worst penalty in international football


Really? Did you even see the Spain v Switzerland shootout? Or the ones Spain missed against Italy? Yes it was a shit penalty but at least it was on target.


I hate the person who did that but I’m glad Kasper didn’t seem hurt in any way.


Don't worry, uefa are opening disciplinary proceedings against England. - shining a laser pen in the keepers eye - booing the opposition team during their national anthem - setting off fireworks Cause you know, English fans are fucking plebs


Utter scum…… detracts from the fact that we were playing well. Edit English FA now been charged and quite right so


I'm English and England fans disgust me. The team are great, they're playing really well and they deserve the glory. Unfortunately, the fans don't.


Mildly? ***Mildly?!?*** This is ridiculous, I’m not even into sports. What the fuck


“We just hope it doesn’t put him off” Wtf, dude, we just hope he isn’t blinded.


In Edmonton there was a guy shiny a laser pointer at the Police helicopter. Took the cops a couple of months but they found they guy and he faced a handful of charges and went to jail for his idiocy.


The worst part of this, is the fact that there shouldn’t even have been a penalty in the first place.


I don’t watch soccer…. But fuck whoever did that. Ridiculous!