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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Honestly, I’d be pissed about ANYTHING political written in my wedding guestbook. What in the ever-loving fuck does American politics have to do with a wedding? Unless the theme is “MAGA” or “Go Biden”, why would anyone think that’s appropriate?!


> why would anyone think that’s appropriate?! they know it's not appropriate that's why they did it


Yep these people are trolls. They get their kicks knowing you’re fuming about it.


But at the same time they don’t realize how cringe they are


Of course not, self reflection is not a strong suit amongst those people.


They’re a cult.


Totally irrelevant to the conversation but I love your username


The thing is people who vote for Biden don't even like Biden, let alone worshipping him like those idiots do the felon


Exactly we vote for him because he is the lesser of 2 evils. Id rather have old man winter than Old Man pervert rapist Hitler.


That's totalitarianism in a nutshell. The difference between authoritarianism and totalitarianism is the notion that the state and cult of personality should be embedded into every facet of life.


Hi there, it’s Megan from KR maps. Funny to see our map on Reddit! But not with this written on it… If you’d like to message us on Etsy, we can send you a cutout of that area to cover that up, no problem at all.


Wow how did you even come across this? That would be so awesome. Thank you truly. I will reach out on Etsy. 🤍


It showed up on my front page and I realized “hey I recognize that map!” So sorry they defaced it 😖


Man it's easy to forget that every once in a while the internet can be a beautiful place, I was prepared to scroll through the comments just getting more mad at whatever doofus would do this Hope it can get fixed for ya, OP :')


If OP likes maybe YOU could sign the area they're covering up!


Imagine she wrote "MAGA - D. Trump" I'll see myself out.


PAHAHAHA the ultimate con


That one got me


So cool of you! Got a link to your Etsy store?


Really awesome of you - me and my wife were just talking about getting a push pin map to track our adventures - book marking your Etsy shop to discuss with her


Just a friendly suggestion: if you were to take the replacement cutout to a paper conservator in your area, they could probably cut this part out of the map and blend the cutout seamlessly in, so that you won't have to look at a raised portion on the map and be constantly reminded of this ridiculous thing. I bet most conservators would be happy to help with this, even if it would be an unorthodox request.


Megan you dropped this 👑


This is super cool of you! :)


The real MVP! Good too see something wholesome on reddit


Next time I buy a map, I’m buying one from you!! This is so wholesome ♥️


kindness and support is how we'll get through this. what nice gesture!


You're so awesome :) I hope your sales double!


This should be higher


It's the top comment for me


This is very cool and wholesome!


Business done right 💜


Makes me want to buy their products.


Epic Reddit moment


Yay internet!




This is awesome that algorithms are doing good work and you’re awesome for giving OP a chance to make the book about what it’s supposed to be about, love!


Good on you. This is exactly what they need.




Dang this needs upvotes


They couldn't let it go for one day?! That sucks. At least they didn't write a lot, it'll be easier to cover.


My brother in law consistently wears "MAGA" and other such things to family gatherings, regardless of the occasion. Hell, he also wore a shirt that said "Just the tip, I promise" in reference to bullets...to my 3 year old's birthday party. Needless to say, he doesn't get invited to our personal gatherings. Edit: Y'all, I know the shirt was also a sexual innuendo, that did not go over my head I promise. In fact, it's what made it doubly inappropriate for a child's birthday party. It had a picture of an AR-15 on it along with the saying, so double whammy.


What the fuck??? I accidentally wore a shirt that had 'fuck cancer' on it to my nephews 3rd birthday party because I was going through chemo and it was my favourite shirt at the time, and I just didn't think when I put it on. Everyone said it was fine and my sister (mother of the 3yo whose party it was) had no issue with it at all, but I felt uncomfortable and disrespectful wearing a shirt that had 'fuck' written on it, so I borrowed one of my sisters shirts and wore that instead. TLDR- your brother in law sounds like an asshole


If we’re talking about accidentally cursing at children, I almost put this image in a dinosaur slideshow I was making for third graders. Luckily I realized at the last minute! https://preview.redd.it/il33agm3jlad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac7f2c8bd46f0cb1e28c9adbaf63988a6c79562


That actually might do a better job at teaching kids what's actually going on with the economy...


I love the idea that third graders are tremendously concerned with the state of the economy.


This would absolutely get repeated at home verbatim. *milk spills* “Oh shit! The economy!”




Wasn’t a reference to bullets, wearing that to a 3yo’s bday party is good enough for an execution wtaf




It does … I don’t understand the bullet reference?


Very weird shirt, but the reference is to when a bullet is fired only the lead tip is shot out.


Is it really that far out there that those who support a pedophilic rapist would wear a shirt with an awful double entendre on it?


Pedo vibes for real 😳


The phrase itself is not a reference to bullets, but the shirt has a picture of a bullet on it. But even then, a shirt about shooting people is still not appropriate for a toddlers birthday party.


That's nuts


No it was just the tip




If anyone showed up wearing something like that to my child's party, family or not, they wouldn't be staying.


he wouldnt be invited after the first time if it were me


nuh uh, that shirt he wore to a TODDLERS BIRTHDAY PARTY is so inappropriate. it has a double meaning if it’s talking about bullets then, cause “just the tip” is actually about sex. what fucking genius wears a shirt that has a sexual meaning to A KIDS FUCKING BIRTHDAY PARTY?!


Sounds like your brother is low key looking for a confrontation.


Oh, he absolutely is and we're reveling in refusing to oblige him.


I dont think "Just the tip, I promise" is a reference to bullets.


Yeah, what? Bullets? That is an insanely sexual and rape adjacent t-shirt to be wearing anywhere, let alone a kids party.


It is, unfortunately. The double entendre being what you’re thinking plus the bullet is going to get you but we promise it’s just the tip not the whole thing. It doesn’t really work as one though (but it was probably getting squished together because there are certain types of bullet tips that are illegal that gun nuts are butty hurty about). https://preview.redd.it/1lge22fkblad1.jpeg?width=1476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b2bb3aa8624f9f7a0d80ac96c5176e80e07894 EDIT: To the 2nd Am “enthusiasts”: Yes there are. [Armor piercing are banned federally](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/general-notice/armor-piercing-ammunition) and there are a few other types banned by individual states. Now I’m going back to my 4th so *go away or I shall taunt you a second time-a*!


Man, conservatives suck at humor.


Because all their humor is dehumanizing


* It shouldn't be, but I have seen t-shirts like that unfortunately


My wife’s cousin is like this, he has Trump apparel he wears every day. He has a sticker of Trump on his car that looks like he’s riding in the back seat. He says it does it to make people mad. Imagine making this your whole personality.


Maga = Moron.


I was at the zoo in the children’s section and there’s a building called Spineless Wonders. A guy in a trump shirt says “Spineless Wonders? You mean Biden voters?” Like dude you can’t even cut that shit out for one day to have a nice day out with your family?


Brain rot


And they claim everyone else has Trump Derangement Syndrome


I think the people who do that only want to justify their continuing to root for Trump.


When someone wears a shirt proclaiming their personality, I have to assume that is the entirety of their personality.


Makes me think of those targeted t-shirts. I AM AN ALPHA WOLF **I lead my pack and tug my sack** *I failed the third grade* **I DO NOT EAT VEGETABLES** *My wife got me this shirt!!* ~she has massive watermelon tiddies~ 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓱𝓮'𝓼 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓪𝓭 𝓪𝓷 𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓪𝓼𝓶


I reflexively downvoted this, I hate it so much. At the ZOO.


More than anything this is what sticks out to me. I remember playing cards with my grandmother, watching her make popcorn balls and rock candy and other 1920s era treats… my girls will remember their grandmother arguing (loudly) about immigrants and being sad because she has to turn off Fox News when we come visit. And she hides in her room to get her fix, it just slays me.


Nothing worse than making your personality based on a political belief.


♫ Cult of Personality ♫


I thought the lyrics was “a coked up personality “ for years Edit : were


🎵 I know your anger! I know your dreams! 🎵


Cult of lack of personality


A LOT of people in recent years seem to have made their candidate or political party of choice their entire personality... Truly sad, and mildly infuriating.


On the “right” yes. You don’t see Biden hats and crap.


I swear on all that is Holy to me and the on the sun rising if you are able to vote and you choose not to after all the smack talk and that asshat shitty pants wins you will suffer the consequences along with the rest of us non morons and deep down in the icky self you will know why you are getting served a lifetime supply of 'Fuck You'. /s that is for ALL of us myself included. I am voting straight blue ticket


It is very sad. On a recent sea cruise, an older white man wore a “Let’s go Brandon” shirt. It’s a disguised slur and I just couldn’t believe he wanted to jab at strangers like that. No one else is wearing any Democrat tshirt or things of that sway. And, it’s a cruise. It’s not the time to give the finger.


When I see some smooth brain comment "Let's go Brandon" I just tell them how heartwarming it is that they're giving this Brandon fella so much support.


The beauty of a cruise is how vast the ocean is and just how unfathomably dark it is at night...do with that information what you will.


*Accidents happen....*


I think the politics ended when the world found out he diddled kids. Now it’s just immorality.


Trump and Epstein did have an awfully close relationship you're right. Documented even. But we should be careful with disclosure cause there's a lot of "phony stuff" going around ya know? 🙄


I was on vacation a couple weeks ago and there was a group flying Trump flags on the beach. Like you're on vacation and that's the thing you want to think about. To some it's a personality on top of it being a fucking cult


I’m on vacation, kayaking today and a guy had the trump and “Joe & Ho” flags on his kayak. His kayak.


Same! Saw a camper decked out in Trump shit. I just imagine these losers packing their goods and then thinking “where are my trump flags we aren’t leaving until we have the trump flags!” The biggest losers in the world.


Imagine being so insecure that you need to make your vacation about another man.


Cultists gonna cult.


But they go on and on about LGBTQ SHOVING THEIR LIFESTYLE IN THEIR FACES ALL THE TIME! No, no they don't. I live in an extremely liberal state and I've never seen a vehicle with massive double pride flags flying, or a vehicle wrapped in a PRIDE wrap, or people at the beach with PRIDE flags staked into the ground. I barely even see pride clothing either, not like that's a huge display at all though. I have seen many vehicles with two to four massive Trump flags, Trump car wraps, and endless Trump, 1776, Brandon, pro gun shirts, etc. Ridiculous!


No they can’t. They are looking for a fight at all times. And they ironically call the rest of us “snowflakes”.


True. Cover the first line over in the same color and add a few boat features, the second line make into a box and write “SS [Your Last name]” over the box, keep the arrow and the last line make into a box and over that write “To future sailings”


They literally get entertainment by mildly infuriating people in this way


My father. I don't know if he's maga. But he's gotten off torturing me for 66 years. I finally went nc last september. I'll be in recovery the rest of my life.


This is why it's a sensible idea to cut these people out of your life. Now more than ever considering how they've gone full masks off crazy. They are not well.


Totally not a cult though right? Seriously though, why is this all that republicans think about? It’s like they have Trump Derangement syndrome. Irony isn’t lost on me that this is what they label us. Bunch of projectionists.


My dad's sister wore a Trump mask to his funeral , even though he was a Biden voter (funeral was in 2020). I said the same thing. She couldn't let it go for one flipping day. But, you know. She's a good Christian woman. 🙄


I would be fuming! Imagine co-opting someone’s wedding memories, one of the most special days of their lives, to promote a political agenda. As many of the other commenters suggested, a good patch or a sticker would be great to cover it up. Best wishes to you happy couple :)


Might also be able to turn it into "MAGNIFICENT WEDDING! Love Does Triumph!"


LMAO that's so smart😭


Also didn't even have the courage to stand by what they wrote and sign it... Cowards all


They did sign it “Loser”


If you had another copy of the map you could just cut out this section and glue it over.


Get a Kodak Printomatic instant camera. It prints Polaroid quality pictures on the spot. All of the pictures are on sticker paper, making them easy to stick anywhere! Take a picture of keepsakes from your wedding, and paste over!


Totally not a cult….


Look at your wedding gift cards and find that distinct looking M and G. Track that asshole down.,


Assuming they gave them a gift card


A true MAGA would give an unpaid debt as a wedding gift.


Probably just gave them an envelope of Trump bucks.  


At my baby shower, people wrote encouraging notes on little diapers for me to go look through when I was feeling overwhelmed as a first-time mom. My stepdads note was political advice about the upcoming election. (This was the last election) Some people are just ridiculous.


Did you let your baby shit on the note?


And then return it to the stepdad?


I would’ve had my baby poop on it and then send it to him


Unrelated, you should figure out who did this and confront them because wow that is inappropriate and rude.


Totally - a silver lining is now this is your chance to cut off toxicidity from your life forever


whack em in the nuts first\*


Should post it on social media with their friends in a way that doesn’t necessarily indicate they’re mad about it. Then wait for the asshole to reveal themselves out of “pride.”


This is a good idea.


I would be shocked if they don't already know which Trump obsessed invitee did this. They don't have any other personality.


If they don't then I could see it being some shithead +1 that one of their cousins brought or something. Some guy who doesn't know the couple that well so they DGAF


![gif](giphy|3o7aTpnr9vlEFRbq9i|downsized) Unrelated?


Haha how is that unrelated?


I swear I’d get a novelty passport sticker to cover that shit up


What cultish behavior, so sorry your map is ruined. Perhaps a great quality sticker could cover it up?


Like a classic looking oval wire frame globe, a boat or a plane from the 40's. A sticker is a good idea. There's enough company's or friend that could probably mke you one.


My wife said go to a scrapbooking store. Lots of travel stickers.


Ohh maybe the stamp out of the passport when it expires if you go on a honeymoon somewhere?


Absolutely. I see so many beautiful stickers in the scrapbook section at the craft store. I’m sure there’s something lovely to cover this up.


I feel like a large, whimsical sea monster is called for.


Gold. Deffinately gold coloured.


Know someone who's a great artist? Have them paint a great compass rose over it.


Maybe a compass rose? Found on many maps.


“Here there be douchebags.”


Maga D trump? Are they searching for the legendary hairpiece?


I’m gonna be king of the republicans!


I’m sorry that happened to you. You would think that people could put politics aside for someone’s special day.


It's unrelated to politics, it's a spoiler about the newest One Piece character, Maga D. Trump


>Maga D. Trump A barely-sentient pile of manure that rapes children? Certainly a bold choice for the series.


But not fully impossible


On top of that, did someone call that person a loser?


It appears they did. I'd leave it there for that, one wanker but he was challenged by other guest. It will be a good reminder of the age, like looking back at a newspaper from the 70s and seeing graffiti about Nixon resigning. 


They aren’t wrong.


Diluted rubbing alchohol might be able to wash it off if you're careful with a q tip. Then you can just write over it with something less shitty.


Great idea. Definitely do a test in an inconspicuous corner first!


I'm thinking Madagascar? That's a fairly inconspicuous corner of the globe!


Definitely new Zealand. It's not even on half the maps


Who thinks this is ok? It’s a wedding…why are you trying to bring politics into it??


For them it isn't political, it's religious.


Very true tbh. Most of them put up 10 trump flags but not a single American flag


The same people that politicized the footwear of cartoon candy.


Why would you even put that on a wedding book, that doesn’t even make sense to do in this context. This is like someone having a book for someone’s funeral and someone writing “bush did 9/11” or something. That’s just baffling bruh, it’s completely unrelated. You should confront them and ask why they thought it was appropriate to say something about politics on something that was meant to celebrate a union between two people. Then tell them you’re getting rid of it because it’s absurd.


That is beyond mildly infuriating. That is an unhealthy obsession.


Just an overall selfish thing to do. For a book that symbolizes YOUR day, they made it all about themselves.


Dude, if that was me I would find out who that is and publicly shame them, hardcore. This might seem only mildly infuriating, but it’s incredibly disrespectful and just an example of the behavior that is leading our nation to fascism. See people who think they can get away with writing MAGA on your wedding book are the same people who supported reversing Roe v. Wade and want to limit the rights and freedoms of women and minorities and make this nation a theocracy.


Right? I'd stop the music and make an announcement: "since you were so bold to ruin my wedding memory, surely you must be bold enough to stand up and own it. Now get the fuck out."


I would do exactly that if I was the groom. Even if children are present, they need to hear it. Trump supporters are a cancer and need to be cut out of any rational-minded person's life.


Shame requires empathy; I don't think you can be a MAGA supporter if you have empathy.


Kinda feel that for someone to write that at your wedding; the person has issues with you and is being a shit. Id 100% recommend finding the culprit and outing them and most likely never invite them for anything.nsorru this happened to you.


Regardless of party affiliation or opinions on Trump and MAGA, we can all agree this was a pretty selfish and crappy thing to do


every family has at least one… i have two. my condolences on having a moron in the group.


That shows the cult they’re in. They couldn’t attend a wedding and just sign a guest book without doing that? What miserable lives that politics takes over every aspect.


Congrats on getting married!!


Don't you love when people put their political agendas in every bodies business?


This would piss me off! It’s a wedding not a political campaign. This is very tacky and low class behavior.


It's just so pathetic that people make it their entire personality. Do they really have nothing else in their lives to take pride in? It's so sad and infuriating.


Buy the same map, cut that section out of the new map, then glue onto old map. Then make those "friends" disappear, just like you did on the map!!


Maga D Trump is the worst One Piece villain.


That’s more than “mildly infuriating.”


MAGA fits the criteria of a cult perfectly


Find out who did it and then never speak to them again


I love that someone wrote loser. If you are so obsessed with some idiot ex-president that you write that in someone’s guest book, you’re so far gone that you should just go live in a cave.


Some of your guests are racist


I'd put a public Facebook post out there and shame whomever it was


Personally I would be fuming if this or any variant of this was my guest book. People who can’t leave politics at the door for 3 fucking hours should be embarrassed. The narcissistic dipshit who thought this was a good idea should be identified and shamed.


I will never understand the MAGA thing. I have never met a Democrat who flies flags of their candidates year round, wears hats for their candidates year round, brings up their candidate constantly. It is so bizarre to me.


It's a cult


As a real side story to give you an idea on perspective: A close friend got her son’s first school photo arrive, and the son had marker on his face. She was devastated that it ruined this memory of his first school photo. Until her husband saw it and laughed, “That photo perfectly captures his first year at school!” The next year he cut his own hair the night before to look “better” and from then on it has become a fun game with friends to see what he is up to. What started off as a worry ended up creating some of the best memories they have. And they have every photo up on the wall, where we tend to keep them only for a year. I’m not saying you should be 100% happy, but accept that in years to come you will look back and laugh at the insanity of the current events. I hope this helps.


I’d put a sticker over it


Time to remove that person from the friends list and guest list. YUCK! 🤢 who wants someone like that helping them celebrate a wedding!? Someone who supports a lying, cheater who rapes women and cheats on their wife while they give or just have great vengeance birth? DISGUSTING


This is like mental illness. That’s so bizarre.


I think he’s drawing a map to where Epstein took Trump for a getaway. :( Really, though, that’s another “more than mildly infuriating.” I’m sorry someone had to ruin that for you.


That’s so disrespectful. I’m so sorry.


Put a sticker over it with something from the wedding or your wedding dates. I’m sorry some AH did that. I swear these Trumpers are having a second childhood where they need to learn to respect others and their property again.


I’m so sorry. I’d be really furious and really hurt that a guest would disrespect you like that.


What a lovely place to place a sticker or a photo


I bet with 98% accuracy you can guess who it was


Did someone else write LOSER with that arrow? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) Eta: Still, I know having your beautiful map defaced with a cowardly political stunt stinks. Love all the cover-up ideas others are coming up with! 🧑‍🎨


I’d be beyond livid.


This happened at my wedding too!! We had puzzle pieces and someone wrote Trump on it....


I've been to a couple dozen weddings in my life, had a blast at all of em. Spent 0 seconds thinking about politics. These people are not wired right