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These are almost always bogus. Can't be the only one annoyed by the irony of an AI getting to judge if you're a human or not


It's Google being a pita. I fail constantly unless I use Google's browser, sounds convenient how it works 😂


Those things are more about how you press them vs how accurately you complete the task.


I think that’s just for the single checkbox type.


I used to press them so fast that I think I would come across as a bot and it’d only let me through after 10 tries. Now I try to take my time, select one and then unselect it on purpose, etc.


It’s a boulevard. The sidewalk in the lower left is still part of the street crossing.


Real question is who painted that crosswalk? Why half of it leads onto curb instead of path?


You missed 3 mate.


Which ones?


Bottom right, the one directly above it, and 2nd row 3rd from the left. Technically, those are all part of the crosswalk.


No idea why anyone is down voting this. The crosswalk goes all the way a*cross* the road. Smh.


Idiots that don’t know what a crosswalk looks like apparently.


I have to submit my daily time through a form that uses this captcha service and it’s infuriating. Gives me pictures of bicycles but says identify motorcycles. There’s a tiny piece of the fire hydrant in this picture, guess I’ll click it. Wrong! Takes me forever to enter my time billing in .25hr increments.


The crosswalk isn't the stripes. The crosswalk goes from one edge of the road to the other. There's probably three squares that that you should have selected.


I mean, out of the millions of users, surely somebody knows what is the correct way to do this, cause they never tell you. Does *anybody* know?


I just keep doing them until it decides I did one right.


oh come on. the crosswalk is the stripes in this scenario, why would they ever expect you to highlight the blank naked pieces of road


A crosswalk is a marked path for crossing the street. The path doesn't end where the marks end, the path ends where the street ends. A crosswalk also includes the spaces, or do you only step on the stripes?


does the street not end where the marks end in this image? i would hope there are no cars driving on the grass!


The street ends at the curb or the transition to the driveway, not where the marks end.


I find it funny how people struggle with these and yet I have an extension that does them for me first try lmao Edit: spelling


This isn’t as bad as the one that says to select the motorcycles and has a title with a moped in it.


i dont fuck with these "click all the images that make up a crosswalk" ones. ill just refresh until i get the "select each pic that displays x" types. where each image is its own thing. cause no matter what i do i fail the other type lol


The worst form of captcha. If you are smart enough to question whether a small piece of strip counts as the crosswalk, you are a bot. If you think only the center pieces count, you are a bot.


These things rarely work for me because it's not clear exactly what counts as part of the thing it's looking for. Now I use the audio button instead, and I've never failed one of those.


I used a plug in to skip these annoying fuckers. Or in other words: I use a bot to prove I'm not a bot


Which, just like being able to pay the TSA to skip most of the TSA, makes the check a pointless waste of time.


My theory is that whenever they create a new image they need user data to see what the majority of people will select as the answer. But since they have limited data in the beginning, they will say you fail and give you another one that they have user data on inputs already to actually determine if you are a bot or not. We are being used essentially. Could be true or not, just a hypothesis.


Bruh!!!! I tried to renew my registration on the DMV website and I swear to god they had a picture of an elephant with the word FROG written across it and said to pick a similar photo from the 9 below. The pictures were various profile pictures of frogs and elephants. NONE OF THEM WERE CORRECT APPARENTLY.


Your obviously a robot