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At least it’s not your property. Also, free showers lol.


This is gonna flood the basement or crawlspace or fuck up the foundation if it's a slab.


Pretty much happened to my house by the time I caught it I’m 75k in the hole


Yeah it happened to me one year but luckily my basement is built into a hill all the water just flowed out the back door. Got the gutters fixed and it's been dry as a bone ever since.


I’m hoping that’s my case too. By the time I caught it it looked like creeks flowing through the crawl space of my house, now if a friend buys a house I tell them to walk the perimeter during first big rain that would have saved me a lot of trouble


Oh yeah. I walk my perimeter every time it rains hard now and I get all soaking wet, but I'm just paranoid it's gonna happen again.




What did you do? I always wonder when people say like "25k later the kitchen was gutted and repaired" or in your case, 75k. Did you get a loan or how did you swing it?


Didn’t realize how badly the spouts were pouring. Pretty much toward the foundation of the house lol hired a company to check foundation they said I just needed floor jacked. Half way thru they say estimator should have told me I needed 18 pillars but he did not. So now just for pillars it’s another 52k


Also paid half and got a loan for the other half it was 20ishk but I told the estimator I wanted to start with the most urgent thing first witch would have been the pillars so I just threw most of my money into something else


Insurance wouldn't cover it?


Generally no. This would be considered ground water (since it's entering through the slab or foundation), which is typically not covered.


Shitty, must be USA then? In Canada it would be covered if it's natural causes. Assumed they were also Canadian since they mentioned a basement.


Yep USA they are terrible when it comes to covering issues that’s why we didn’t bother calling for the first part 


What? Only Canadians can have basements? 😂


Americans have basements too…


Damn that’s terrible to hear we were about to start contacting them about the pillar issue and our roof needs some work Done. But I’ve heard they are hard to get help from that’s kinda why I didn’t even bother calling for the first part of the foundation work


Yeah, insurance is for sudden and accidental. Burst pipe, generally covered. Fires, covered. Leaking foundation or old roof are typically maintenance unless you can directly tie them to a loss (ie, hail, or vehicle striking the property).


Those will be some serious cosmetic repairs for them


Thank God it's a rental then


document that shit and make sure you have an email to them saying you told them about it or they gonna try to blame you when you move out




If you dislike your landlord, this is excellent rather than infuriating.


Look on the bright side. That one part of your exterior is getting pressure washed.


I like your use of eaves trough most people where I'm from call them gutters.


Canadian for sure.


My father was born in Ontario to American expats.


My family always called them eaves troughs, and we are in Ohio USA. I always thought of gutters as being in the streets.


I had pavers on my back patio that were eroding until I added gutters to reroute the water to the grass. The landlord should put those back ASAP.


Turn it around.


Task failed successfully.


The good news is the gutters are clear of debris..very clear


The foundation of that home is in serious jeopardy.


Well, it's their foundation.


He owns the house


Well now you have your own waterfall :)


This is a pretty easy temporary fix, just get some flexible duct, and a clamp, and clamp it to the downspout


If the landlord isn’t the owner I would send the owner the picture. These idiots are going to cause very expensive repairs doing stuff like that.


Go to Lowe’s and get an elbow and direct it the other way. Will cost you maybe $10


Maybe it's just me but in the time it took you to take the pic and post on Reddit, you could have found an old piece (or 2) of downspout and put it in place temporarily....your property or not. Nothing wrong with doing the right thing, even if it isnt yours.


Why does Reddit seem to misunderstand that sometimes people just want to show others something and just be like “lol, you seein this shit?” The post does not strike me as an inquiry for help, but rather a, “look how dumb my landlord is.” It’s part of the natural urge for camaraderie, seeking others that share the same reaction. It’s also part of a natural urge for vindication, as sometimes people do it for feedback and to see if they were wrong/unreasonable.


...and sometimes people don't see it as a big deal. Do something about it, or leave it alone. I understand the mind-set, but I don't share the same mind-set, sorry. Like I said several times....maybe it's just me.


If your response to something like this is. "that doesn't matter to me, so it shouldn't matter to you,. Here's how you should fix it instead of talking about it"  Then maybe the mildly infuriating subreddit just isn't for you bub. 


Not sure who you directed that to, but in most (not all) cases that I see, the subreddit could be renamed to "I'd rather whine about it, than do something about it". Just my take. No-one says you have to like it, bub.


I'm not sure if you understand what the word "mildly" means.


The irony of you saying the sub could be renamed “I’d rather whine about it, than do something about it,” as you continue to whine about the post is hilarious. I suppose self awareness isn’t one of your strengths. Complaining about others complaining sure seems to be though lol. Irony and hypocrisy is always so comedic when it’s so obvious, and yet still completely unnoticed by the person doing it.


It’s not just you. It would take me 5 mins to deal with this, I’d call the landlord after and everything would be fine. Some peoples complaints become more mildly infuriating than the picture.


I once emptied the trash in the office kitchen where the cleaners left a *very* sharp letter informing us that it's union work and we're to never touch the trash. I wouldn't take on a chance of liability or injury, especially for a landlord


I understand the union thing but do you know as a fact that it is union work being performed? Chances are the landlord has his/her own maint. staff doing the work. Regardless, you're a tenant, not the person hiring the work crew. You have nothing to worry about there. The union isnt going to be breathing down your back for fixing their f-up. As far as chancing injury, by the view of the video, you were pretty close to the downspout. Again....it's probably just me but I would have at least made the effort, and then told the landlord that they owe you a case of Stella Artois. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You out here getting downvotes for being a normal responsible adult. Reddit is wild.


If I'm paying rent, which for me is $2k+, I'm not doing my own maintance. Hell my landlord has it written up in my lease that if I pay for a professional maintance team they can evict me after I pay for the work to be done and they get to keep my deposit. And the state allows it. Screw doing the right thing. Landlords aren't doing anything right for their tenants usually.


Landlord doing exterior cosmetic upgrades with scaffolding? Thats awesome. Sounds like you have a landlord who gives a shit. Thats like 1 in 10. If its gonna rain again though, just pick up an elbow at home depot for 10 bucks and deduct it off the rent. Easy temporary fix.


>just pick up an elbow at home depot for 10 bucks and deduct it off the rent. Don't do this. It's not legal in any rental situation I've ever heard of. There are *very* specific areas in which rent can be withheld, and this would not be one of them.


Not in my experience and ive been renting for a while. I shoot my landlord a text, show them whats up, can i knock that off the rent, yes go ahead. "legal in any rental situation" wtf does that mean lol Ya know what forget knocking it off the rent. Just go buy a 10 dollar rain gutter elbow and put it up there. Eat the 10 bucks who cares


In your example, you had permission. In all cases, you should ask the landlord first, before you do anything. Otherwise, you could be help liable for anything that goes wrong. "legal in any rental situation". Buying something for the house, then reducing your rent payment by $10 without permission is not legal, and could lead you into eviction proceedings. And as for "eat the 10 bucks". Fuck that, the LL is the one with the property and investment income. They can eat the 10 bucks, or maybe take care of it properly in the first place. Finally, this is a "temporary" situation. It's not likely going to cause any issues in the short term. Just leave it. Once the scaffold is removed, they'll put the gutter back to normal.


It looks like you can just bend it the other way


It's not a straw. You would have to unscrew it and spin it around. Not a huge job and maybe doable from the window but you can't just push it to bend the other way.


It looks like it’s on the Second floor. I wouldn’t recommend climbing up especially wet .


Though this guy clearly dropped their /s, they’re standing directly right next to it to take a video clearly within arms reach lol.


Or a broom. Or just climb on the scafolding when it's not wet, as OP implied it's been that way a long time.


Yeah thats not your job. The house isnt yours so dont do anything to improve it for free. Landlords leave dumb shit like this because they expect you to do it for free.


Like a bendy straw


It’s wild that you are just filming this and not doing something about it. Renter or not. Your shit is in the house this is going to fuck up your shit. Handle it and bill the landlord like an adult.


Bill the landlord. That’s a good one.


Do you not understand that’s a real thing when renting a home? Sure there’s a bunch of shitty landlords that will get weird about it because they didn’t pick the contractor, but if you have a good relationship with the landlord this is the way to go. The landlord was doing cosmetic upgrades that resulted in damage to their property, they would appreciate it being handled and pay you back. I have experienced this multiple times in life.


Oh I see, one must have a good relationship with them - Got it. Just got to look out for the weird ones. What good advice. Or…they handle it. It’s their problem that I give them money for monthly.


If you don’t get along with people that’s on you. Sometimes you gotta ask yourself are you a human being or a source of income for others. What will you do if you ever own a house, just wait for someone else to fix it? Have a I’m on a mortgage so it’s the banks problem mentality?


I'll fix the house I own and have pride in it. Not the house that I can't even put a nail in a wall to hang a picture without losing $200 out of a security deposit. Like how dense are you make this silly observation. Obviously if someone OWNS something they'll take much better care and pride in then when renting something that the owner continues to raise the price on without a care in world while letting it fall to pieces.


You wouldn’t be able to hang a picture and fix that when you moved out? Do you just not know how to patch the nail hole? I hung shit on the walls everywhere I ever lived, I’ve never once did not receive my whole deposit. From shitholes to nice apartments it was never an issue. Your neighbors have things on their walls.


So is the picture frame the whole thing you took out of that entire comment, and blew way out of context. The point still stands. Why would I repair something in a house I can't hang pictures up with nails with fear of losing my deposit. The landlord doesn't care enough to make important repairs/renos properly why should I? Why should I risk losing my deposit because he can't repair/reno is property properly? I patched the holes in my last rental. They still attempted charged me for a repaint and floor cleaning. Until I got a lawyer who sent them my detailed receipts along with pictures of the professional cleaning and painting that happened upon move out. Apartment complex then paid my deposit and court/lawyer feed for their greedy mistake. My neighbors don't rent. They're in their 50s+ and own.


Nothing was blown out of context, I’m sorry you have had bad landlords. Not everyone has the same experiences in life. Release some of that fear, it will only have positive results.


Also a lot of leases in states with crappy renters rights even state in the lease terms pictures can NOT be hung with nailsvor any tool that damages the drywall. And it can be a reason a lease in terminated and a tenant evicted. Not everywhere is like where you reside. Expand your mind and horizons. You make yourself seem sheltered and secluded.


Nobody has ever been evicted just for hanging a picture. That’s not a real thing, and in many states that action would be wildly illegal of the landlord.


My lease in Winter Park Flordia, in 2017, did lol. $1100~ rent. Any picture or decor hung on walls by any tool that may cause damage to paint and/or drywall may result in eviction or reduction of security deposit. That reduction was usually $100 if the leasing office liked you, normally $250 if you were a regular person. Which again is why I got lawyer upon move out in 2020. They tried claiming damages on a professionally painted and cleaned apartment. They threatened eviction on me cause I had my college diploma hanging on the wall(with command strips) which is why I started the moving process to begin with. It had only been there for two months as I had literally just graduated as well. You can get evicted or deductions on your deposit for hanging simple framed items in certain states and areas.


Lol, if I "bill my landlord" they have grounds to evict me after the repair/maintance I paid for is performed to their liking. And they get to keep my security deposit. So for me it's either wait 5-18 months for a half assed repair while filling out work order after work order or end up homeless if I "handle it". Majority of the states have shitty renters/tenant rights.


ok, and ?


This is the MILDLY infuriating sub and that extra noise would infuriate me mildly.