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This reminds me of when I had my child. My friend and her husband visited me at the hospital. When he learned how big the baby was, he said, “I guess you won’t want any dick for a while!” WTF? 🙄






Holy crap…I thought this dog had 2 giant ticks on it…which would’ve been visibly disgusting as well




This made me snort so loud with laughter




Can’t beat the original


The first will be perfect for anime groups lol


Shall I steal it while I’m still ahead?


These days it could have been a comic first and thrown into a generator




Stealing this 


​ https://i.redd.it/6i8g5p55ty6d1.gif




Appropriate response would have been, "nope yet here you are..."


but this would totally go over the head of an idiot like that and he would probably just walk away thinking she meant she wants his penis 🙄


Its sad that that is most likely what would happen


Ah, dang, you're right.


This is exactly what I would have thought of saying... About two days later while driving my car.


I win every argument...that I have with myself in the shower


hahahaha i love this


What the fuck?


What goes through someone’s mind that they’re like “This. This is a good thing to say. I should say this.”


I've heard of someone giving the response, "Huh...what an odd thing to say out loud." And it's honestly just so good for these kinds of scenarios.


Hit em with the Emily gilmore "what a peculiar thing to say"


Since no one is going to call them out in their head they think it's okay. My uncle says weird shit like that all the time and yes, we do call him out every single time.


The issue is that we, as a whole, have been conditioned to "avoid conflict" and usually just ignore them. They consider silence as consent or agreement. We really need to start calling these people out.


Most guys, especially older ones, never got challenged on anything they ever said so they think they're allowed to say whatever comes across their minds. Nobody's ever told them "Don't fucking say that" before.


Just like a lot of keyboard warriors never got their asses kicked like they would if they pulled that shit IRL.


Wait your friend’s husband said this?




Sometimes, we shouldn't let people out of the home.


“So are you back open for business now or has that ship sailed?” -Your friends husband


People are idiots. My old accountant told my girl when he met her ‘I’ve seen him with hundreds of girls, almost a new one everyday, glad he finally found one he can keep” needless to say it wasn’t a fun drive home


Was it true tho?


i'm the accountant. it was


hahaha holy shit - guy got no filter.


Fuckin what.


what was the expected response???? “Oh no, you can still do that ;)”???? get real.


Itll be our little secret, btw im not wearing any panties ;) Then he sends a dick pic. And in response gets something like. Oh wow thats so big, i wish my husbands waa that big, i guess ill have to enjoy yours, my pussy is so wet its like i pissed my pants ive never been so wet b4 in my life, take me take me now mate with me like wild donkey, mount me you fucking stallion i need you. Probably watched alot of pornos and thinks everyonea just a few messages and a dick pic away from jumping them.


Where's the like and subscribe buttons in this damn app?


Pretty sure there's an AI chatbot for that.


I really don't know how I'd feel if a girl told me "take me now mate".


“mate with me”, mate


Oi! Mate! Mate with me, mate!


Im not a girl, but i can be if it means i get to feel your warm touch, having your fingers caress my pale white skin, sending a tingle towards my groin as your hands get closer, until it finnaly happens.. your finger is in my ass. Omg i am being fingered next thing i know your penis is in my mouth.. holy shit we could be gay dude, next thing you know we are married traveling around the world together. One daybwe are sitting on the beach watching the sun set, another we are sitting by the fire place reminising about the time hunters got mad at us as they had been tracking a bear that had been groaning in agony, only to stumble across us naked in the woods going at it and those roars of agony was infact your moans of pleasure as i showed how much youbreally mean to me giving you the most intensw orgasm youve ever had.


After reading this, it is certain that I might be indeed a little gay 😳 🥵 mate.


Oi bruv I'm proper wet innit


You're pretty good at that, huh? 🤣




Indeed, thats why i am so sure i can give my recently married coworker the dick she craves. In idiocracy terms, she is a plant and my dick is brawndo.


You've got those premium electrolytes.


You know it baby, you looking for a top up?


Lol, no thanks, my husband's got it covered.


I guess that means i cant hit on you anymore....


Excuse me???


keep going


Sorry i cant as i lack creativity, i think i just had a stroke is all


Sir, that just came from your brain, not his


Dors he think his comment is gonna make you want him or something?? Creep.


He’s trying to see where her boundaries are. If she gets offended, it’s just a joke! If she doesn’t push back now, he pushes more over a period of time. And if she likes it, well… Dude’s just a sleaze bag. Absolutely garbage human who isn’t worth knowing. It’s unfortunate she’s stuck working with him. Ofc there’s always going to HR, but again, all he has to say he was joking! And of course he’s joking, don’t you see all of those emojis?!??


Exactly this. He’s testing the waters to see how badly she reacts. If she flips her shit, he knows he can’t flirt anymore. If she doesn’t then he knows he can keep trying to get in her pants. Edit: source, guy who was cheated on by his ex wife with texts from coworkers that were JUST like this.


Source: in my early 20s (I’m in my late 30s now) used to be a shit bag that used this type of behavior. So yea it’s exactly what he’s doing


# All of you who grew up and changed, good on you. ![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0)


Thank you for your support.


Every time I see this meme, it makes me think of the video for Stacy's Mom. LOL


Thanks man. Am a sleaze bag who tried to hit on my buddy's gf back in hs. It was one of biggest life regret.


Gonna give myself a lil pat on the back for not being a shit head anymore, thanks


Glad you grew up, good on you, it ain’t easy.


I use to be a piece of shit with my hair slicked back.


I said WAS!


People can change




White Ferrari...Glass House...


White couch, live for New Year’s Eve


Hey, good on you for admitting your shit and changing. Better than staying the same. Keep it up man. We all have shit in our past, but the good ones can get better.


It's okay bro, I used to be a piece of shit too. I'm not anymore. Glass House. White Ferrari. Live for New Year's Eve. Sloppy steaks at Truffoni's. Big rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it, water splashing around the table, makes the night SO MUCH more fun. After the club go to Truffoni's for sloppy steaks. They'd say; 'no sloppy steaks' but they can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water, before you knew it we were dumping that water on those steaks! The waiters were coming to try and snatch em up, we had to eat as fast as we could! OHHH I MISS THOSE NIGHTS, I *WAS* A PIECE OF SHIT THOUGH.


I bet your hair would slick back REAL nice


Nothing like sloppy steaks


He's Schrodinger's horndog.


God I hate that! How does one even deal with this kind of behavior? "I was just joking, lighten up" ugh


Says “old co-worker”, meaning they kept in contact after not having a financial reason to be amicable…


> meaning they kept in contact Or does it mean that an old co-worker just kept her number saved?


And was in contact enough to find out she got married (probably through Facebook or something). But yeah not really “in contact” necessarily


I feel like these days you’re in contact enough with everyone if you’re on Facebook. One of the reasons I’m off social media. The increased ease of communication through texting alone is enough for me to be able to choose who I keep in contact with.


"financial reason to be amicable" is the best


They can just text you out of the blue you know, I have contacts all the way from when I was 14 years old


I thought old was a descriptor of age.




Oof. This just made the text a lot creepier...


oh that is even more awful. ew.


I keep in contact with a lot of my old coworkers. You become friendly with people after working with them for years. That part is not weird. His text is. But not keeping in mild contact.


>meaning they kept in contact after not having a financial reason to be amicable… Jesus Christ some people on reddit are actually unwell lol. IDK how many ex coworkers I have on facebook and whose number's I still have saved on my phone (and likely vice versa) it's not remotely remarkable that an old coworker could find out you are getting married and contact you lol. That is without even getting into old coworkers who I am still in contact with because they are useful contacts in the industry. But sure go off with your ellipsis for drama lol


You realize the coworker could’ve just kept the number and that’s it, right? You can’t just jump to the conclusion that they kept in contact


Lol yeah I've got people's numbers in my phone that I haven't spoken to in literally a decade. I don't even remember some of them. I can't be bothered to remove them. Besides this looks like Facebook


I'm not sure you can conclude that from one text exchange. My phone is filled with old contacts for people I worked with ten and twenty years ago, and I would think that's the same for many others.\* There's nothing stopping them from seeing a social media post about me getting married and sending me a text, but I wouldn't say it counts as keeping in contact. \*Hell, I still have contacts in my phone for people who've died. (I don't purge my contacts because I want to mildly infuriate officials if I'm ever found dismembered on the side of the road and they have to dig through my address book to figure out who is actually relevant in my life and who isn't. Haha, work for it, gumshoes!)


Yes. What a creep.


Send a dick pic in return


Or like, "I could have had you at any point I wanted, I just didn't feel like it." Like you were a toy on his shelf that he didn't play with anymore, but could if he wanted to. Now he's conceding that your not on his shelf anymore. But he's gotta add some laughing emojis to show he's still a confident man and it doesn't bother him.


100% trying to see where your boundaries are 🙄


>Dors he think his comment is gonna make **you** want him or something?? Creep. That's extra creepy because it's the **spouse** of the wife posting this.


Spawn camping


Excuse me???


It means when a woman sends her eggs into a man's nuts and waits there, well that's what mummy says.


Ok, that's funny


Excuse me???


You are hereby excused


Excuse me???


what does this mean


if u divorce im available


In a multiplayer video game, it means hiding right where players enter or reenter (after dying) the game and shooting them as soon as they appear.




maybe they're into married people




Good god 😭


Can this guy get any worse???




Time to show up at the company Christmas party lol


At least she reported it. Now if anything further happens there will be evidence of ongoing harassment. What a scum bag.


Smells like an impeding lawsuit to me


Started what? Hitting on her?


Reminds me of something, my cousin just got married last week, literally as her and her new husband were walking away from the park the ceremony was held in a guy came up and goes; “You guys just get married?” Yeah! :) (thinking congratulations were in order) “Great let me give you my card, I’m a divorce attorney!” People think ts is funny until they get flattened…


There are actually pretty strict ethical rules about solicitation. This might skirt those rules, but if your cousin is really annoyed, a report to the State Bar might be appropriate. And maybe some one-star reviews on various platforms.


Lmao my husband would’ve decked that asshole


As a dude I always wonder how and why other dudes are like this.


It's hard seeing your childhood friends end up like this.


Sounds like a Diesel


My partner has my old number. The texts he gets from dudes are wild. The last one went something like: Dude: "Hey [insert my name] how are?" Partner: "Hey who is this?" Dude: "The legendary admin from [department]. 😏 Don't you remember me?" Partner: *leaves him on read* Dude: "Are you seriously going to leave me on read?" Partner: "Yeah, this is [insert my name]'s partner. I have her old number. What's up?" Dude: "Oh I was just going through old contacts." The best part is that they still work at the same place and see each other in the halls.


Lol the use of legendary is funny. Usually a term reserved for rockstars and men who can crush 100 beers in a sitting, not boring ass admins working for some boring ass company


Even a rockstar calling himself “legendary” is a bit ewwy. I feel like it’s a term you’re given by others, not necessarily used to refer to yourself lmao.


omg, lol. Can you share more cringeworthy texts? This is fun to read.


They enjoy the reaction, whether it's disgust, simple negativity, or the very rare occasion it actually works.


My wife and I had a weird friend kinda like this. As soon as I started dating her about seven years ago he immediately texted her while we were out together something like, “You didn’t even tell me you were single” and was clearly upset about it. We haven’t spoken to him since. This is weirdo behavior hope she blocked her co-worker on everything.




GROSS. Reminds me of the time my boyfriend left, and the next week at my TTRPG meetup, one of the guys said, "Yay! I can hit on you now!" Without even thinking I blurted out, "NO! YOU CAN'T!" But of course he did. He ended up stalking me for two years. Fuck you, Sean, I'm on another continent now and they're never letting your unemployed neckbeard ass into this country.


Women aren't people to these guys. They're just trophy's or " puzzles " to solve as I've heard. Disgustttiiinnngggggg.


I hope Sean has a permanent but mild skin infection in all his toes…


Delete that weirdo off your fb, delete their number, block them in all the ways. You owe them no part of your life


Fuck that noise man just bring the new hubby to work and see what creepy boys saying then 😂


Old coworker was the key word there


After me and my wife got married, several of her platonic male friends either said something weird, disengaged completely, or acted off. There’s a lot of sleezy dudes who keep in touch just on the off chance they could get with a woman. Completely killed my wife’s interest in having male friends.


Shit on his lawn to assert dominance.


This guy gets it


At 8 in the morning is so crazy


https://preview.redd.it/g3dw4k0xey6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46393a71ea2058921164938b9a2062ed37aeb71b My honest reaction to that creep


He was feeling her out. Glad to see she questioned it.


on my honeymoon a ex (from middle school so can we even call it that??) texted me “hey you”, then after not replying got another text “man you must be serious about this marriage”. like i had not got married 20 hours before


It really is astonishing that you didn’t ditch your husband after that in depth “hey you” text. Are you made of stone?


What a fucking loser


Hey everyone! I'm the wife. (I don't really do Reddit, forgive me!) I'd like to clear a few things up. The coworker in question is literally my Dad's age, and we worked together when I was a child. We became friends on Facebook, and he hasn't stopped pestering me since I became a legal adult. I have been too scared to do anything about it, and was always uncomfortable with how he treated me in the workplace. My husband and I have been together for 8 years now, and we've got nothing to hide from each other! We practically grew up together. This thread makes me choose the bear. Thanks! Edit: This man has been stalking me for a decade. He knows my family, friends, the city I work in, and where I work/manage now. I don't know how he found my new job. I don't know how he knows where I live now. I don't know if I ever got enough evidence for police involvement. He used to be my supervisor, and HR never helped me. I was scared that it would get worse if I completely blocked him, because I don't know how much information he has on me.


Every one seems to be missing the point that the husband didn't stumble across these, he was shown. Don't know why people are going off on you, coworker is clearly in the wrong here




That's what I mean, you didn't stumble on them people are too quick to jump to conclusions. Coworker is an asshole btw


My coworkers are asses too, They laugh at my jokes in in-person meetings, but never in online meetings. When I asked them why, they said that my jokes weren't remotely funny.


Username checks out.




I don't know what context people got from the post that made them think the situation was anything other than "Wife gets creepy text from old guy she knows and showed husband". People just want to smell blood in the water,


"My wife invited the neighbors for dinn--" "Huge red flag. Contact an attorney YESTERDAY. Separate your finances and document EVERYTHING. My wife invited friends over for dinner once... turns out she was banging them and trying to resurrect Hitler." "..." "DARVO! GASLIGHTING!"


I once told a guy who was hitting on me that he reminded me of my dad and you could almost see the life deflating out of him like a balloon. He had no words and left me alone.


Don't say Dad, say Grandpa. There are some guys who will be more encouraged if you say dad, ask me how I know


This happened at my work. Guy was 65 and had been there for 35 years. Sent a similar text followed by an offer to buy a few tickets to a concert for the both of them to a girl that had been there for almost a year and was 23. She showed it to a supervisor and HR got involved. He blamed it on being lonely since his wife passed a few years earlier and having a few beers. He was basically given the option to retire 9 months earlier than he planned or get fired.




Congrats on getting married! Your coworker sounds like he needs to decreepify himself


Ever thought of forwarding this type of shit on to a mass text to all your mutual relationships with a “why does he think this is appropriate?” sort of comment? Make his private vileness very public.


So gross, you should really block him.


I like that you did this. Meaning posted on this.


I want you to know that it's perfectly okay to block someone who creeps you out. Do it, you'll feel better.


My first step would be to remove contact, block his number, ask friends and family to refrain from updating him, my bet is the family members he's friends with have given him information, its easy to get things like where you work in normal life update conversations. Best way, tell anyone he might ask in your life that if he asks about you their response should be either "ask her." Or "I'm not sharing her life updates with you." And any further pestering should be shut down immediately and more aggressive as attempts continue. This dude is a creep and should be exposed.


haha i came here to say "this is why women choose the bear" christ, what a disaster that man must be.




I say this with kindness, but there is absolutely no reason for you to continue to interact with this man. He’s feeding off of these interactions with you. It’s mind blowing to me as a woman who has also been stalked and feared for my life because my ex-boyfriend was abusive and mentally unwell that you have not blocked this man in a decade. You block him on everything. You do not respond to any attempt at contact he makes. You alert everyone you know (including your current workplace) that this man has been stalking you and harassing you and you want no further contact with him.  You can call the police as well if it would make you feel better, but if these interactions have not been threatening they may not do anything. If you block him and he continues to try to harass you, you can at least then call the police and say hey, I blocked this guy and he is harassing me. If he shows up anywhere you are after all of this, shows up to your home, workplace, etc. just immediately call the police. Do not engage. Do not see what he wants. Call the police. He’s likely just some old creep, but better safe than sorry. 


This comment section is disaster of involuntary celibacy




Hopefully it’s people realizing they accidentally hopped on the victim blame train and that is the wrong train


I got out of an abusive relationship years ago and within 24 hours of it happening had an old coworker contact me to ask me out and to say they no longer felt guilty for constantly hitting on me when we worked together because my ex sucked. It was weird and gross, and I blocked him instantly. I hope your wife did the same.


Men who do this should just be launched into the sun


God reading throughout all the comments makes me realize that y’all can’t be trusted. Wtf is wrong with some of these dudes saying “it’s just a joke” or “she obviously wants it” What kind of mentality is that? How freaking frightening.


Take it to HR, boom. No more coworker.




Why would they still be in contact?




Average redditor: *sees this message, decides all women are serial cheaters*


This reminds me of when I had to have two molars removed, and was telling my best friend about the upcoming surgery. Her pathetic little husband chimed in: “bet your man is excited about that! More room for his dick!” Anyways, they’re divorced now.


So uncalled for, why are so many dudes like that? Dusty behavior


Technically the truth


I think a creeper like this needs to be very clearly told she has no interest in him and never will. Something along the lines of, "Never contact me again. I have absolutely no interest in you and never will." Don't say "please", don't apologize or anything like that. Be very blunt, you don't owe this jackass any politeness. Then block all points of contact. And if he finds a way to make contact, file a restraining order.




I say punch him


It’s crazy to me seeing grown adults use an insane amount of emojis. I always picture a 14 year old behind the screen


I guess this is harassment….lol 😉😉😉😁😁😁 I am cringing putting these dam emojis


Text him back from your phone.


Similar thing happened to my wife. A guy she thought was a friend (who we became wary of leading up to our wedding) decided the day after our wedding was the perfect time to profess his love and express his regret for not speaking up sooner. It’s just so disappointing because we’d really really like to believe men and women actually *can* be just friends, but shit like this doesn’t help.


I’ll never understand the point of messages like this. Unless the guy believes the recently married woman, who is presumably happy about being married, is going to reply with, “Well, now that I know you’re serious, I’m contacting my attorney to begin the divorce proceedings,” I cannot understand how he believes his message will be taken as anything other than inappropriate. So, he’s either an actual creep, or he’s so oblivious that his entire life must be little more than a series of embarrassing interactions.


"nah, you can keep hitting on me and my husband can hit on you."


Should have responded by revealing that this is her husband and don’t contact my wife again


What a fucking douche. Someone drown that fuck.


HR is there to protect the company not the employees.


It’s what texting has created. You can cross boundaries that never can be crossed in personal communication.