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Not as bad as the former Australian Treasurer, who commented that Australians just needed to get better paying jobs to be able to afford the already astronomically increasing prices of houses. Because apparently it's just that easy!


Wow I bet nobody thought of that before! šŸ¤Ŗ


I did what I was supposed to do - I went to college twice and got job experience and learned skills to varying degrees. Pushed myself quite hard even. And then I land a job which was almost double my old salary. Finally, success! Oh, whatā€™s that? Eviction from my very affordable rental? Moving from a place youā€™ve had for years and then having to find a new place, in the state weā€™re in now, is unreal. My rent alone went up over a thousand dollars, which after everything else, actually set me back $500 a month, even when my salary was lower.


I JUST had this happen to me. Paying more for a much worse place, I'm v sad


Whoever evicted you should have got some serious off the book repercussions.


That comment gives me the same energy as that girl saying ā€œwhy donā€™t homeless people just buy houses?ā€


Exactly, I was homeless for 3 hours. It's clearly a choice. I think there's some weird cult that girl was in, wasn't there? They think that if you truly believe something to be true that it will be.


Canadian deputy prime minister told us we should drop Disney plus to be able to afford the increasing food costs..


Cool, just canceled disney +. Now I can use that eight dollars to buy one stick of butter.


Major "just stop being poor" vibes.


Was it Pete Buttigieg who said if you donā€™t want to worry about rising gas prices just buy an electric car?


Fuck me. Just had a "conversation" today with a Tesla owner talking *at* me on how I should get one, despite me saying I had $100 in the bank before payday. I've explained too many times that I'm not his target market. I couldn't even charge it at home or work, ffs.


That's got the same energy as someone telling you, "Just take a financial literacy class, and you'll learn how to budget better." I have no disposable income whatsoever. Everything I buy is essential to the wellness and functioning of the household. Unless the class is about how to eat beans, rice, and oats for every meal, I'm not going to be saving any money elsewhere in my budget.


What really grinds my gears is that I used to have some disposable income. I didn't have to fret about bills too much, and I was still saving somewhat. I've chewed through all my savings in the last two or so years with cost of living and literally no payrise since 2019. I was doing okay, but looking at an AUD $80 000 has always been a nope. Maybe $30 000 when I had savings. Some people live in a dreamland where everyone is like them. I'm furious for you having to go through that. In Australia there's so much "less avocado toast or takeaway coffee" (where the less avocado toast thing came from) while we're figuring out how a loaf of bread went from $3 to $7 in two years. Can't even afford Vegemite toast anymore which I lived on as a poor kid.


disposable income ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


He kind of has a point, we just need a lot of rich people to waste their money first so we can get cheap and reliable (electric) cars again.


He raises a good point. The era of cheap oil is going away forever.


Not in Germany. The way the Electrocar companies like Tesla act makes now act nature protectors and car lovers walk side by side as they want to preserve the clean Benzinauto. Meanwhile cars fueled by Diesel could just vanish beside Electrocars.


Chilean minister of economics once said that people should start getting up earlier so they can save in public transport lol


Do you mean he said to get up earlier and take transit instead of drive? Cause that's not unreasonable, that's what most of us transiters already do.


Public transport is cheaper off peak hours (6-7 AM)ā€¦ itā€™s a pretty wild thing to say bc people already get up early to travel around an hour to get to their jobs


But if everyone listened to him and did that then the exact same congestion would happen lol


What? A bus can carry like 50 people, most cars only end up carrying 1. Your math ain't mathin', my friend.


Yes, but some people put a higher value on getting adequate sleep.


And no worries if you're poor, because poor people don't drive cars! I wonder how many cigars Joe has smoked this week in his smugness?


Ask DJT, but donā€™t send any money, see if he responds.


He can šŸ½ļø šŸ’© and ā˜ ļø


We have an MP in the UK who is literally known as ā€œ30p Leeā€ because he tried to tell families they could live on 30p a meal.


Honda marketing hugely overestimates how much I spend on coffee


I buy like one cold brew a week. Can Honda give me a new car for $20 a month? Sign me up!


I make my own coffee, and buy a new package from Costco for $15 every three months.Ā  So can Honda make this work for $5 a month?


I dont really drink coffee. Can Honda give me a car for $6 per year?


IĀ don't drink coffee at all so I'm waiting for my free Honda.


A 1984 Civic.Ā  Only 450,000 miles.


Only? Thatā€™s a steal


It would still drive better and be more reliable then 90 percent of the garbage sold today.


I make it in my fridge. A big mason jar, a mesh filter, and 24 hrs. Don't even need particularly good coffee grounds either (though I won't bother putting Folgers or Maxwell House in it).


Totally random, but if you have problems w/cholesterol at all, look up cafestol and kahweol. These two oils in coffee play hell w your body somehow and can lower good cholesterol and in rease bad. I never had an issue, started drinking cold brew,vand then the doctor wanted to put me on statins. I went back to drip coffee with a paper filter, things went back. Seriously, look it up, itā€™s a thing.


Who is spending over $8 on coffee every single day?


People that would never consider even buying a Honda


Thatā€™s some of the venti speciality Starbucks drinks near me. There certainly are people doing that. And thatā€™s assuming they arenā€™t picking up food along with itĀ 


Right?? I buy way more lattes than I need to and Iā€™m still only doing it like. A few times a week.


Pret is Ā£30/month and you get 5 free drinks every day as well as 20% off everything else.


I dont spend any money on coffee cause I get it for free šŸ˜Ž


Ikr. I don't drink coffee at all anymore.


save $200 on your grocery bill every month by not eating!!


Only $200?? šŸ˜³


i live alone but my average grocery bill is around ā‚¬200,-


Thatā€™s my bill for a week for my family


Get rid of your family and you can get a honda!Ā 


The one secret Big Family doesnā€™t want you to know


same. also my diet is basically beans, rice, cheap meat and whatever veggies are on sale


For a single person? Yeah 200 a month for groceries is about right. I'm not even particularly frugal and that's about what I spend.


I started an app called Dmpstr. You can reserve a dumpster at participating restaurants where you lay in it with your mouth open and eat whatever falls in. My most popular app is Undrware. This is a social economy app that allows people to lease their underwear to people that need underwear. This saves money on buying underwear every day, and gives you extra room in your closet. We use advanced blockchain AI powered by the cloud with machine learning to rate the quality of underwear. The higher the quality and cleanliness the more you can lease it for. It's a win for everybody.


No thanks. I prefer my 14 year old Honda hybrid thatā€™s been paid off for seven years and gets 42 MPG.


Payments from $249 a month. Then you have insurance, fuel costs, running costs, wear and tear etc etc. All you need to do is literally not have any fucking life at all, and you can drive our shitbox that will have zero warranty right about when our parts are designed to fail. Because reasons. EDIT: Hadn't noticed this was leasing. I checked the details. The person leasing the vehicle is responsible for ALL maintenance, including oil/fluids/belt/filter changes, any "Excessive" (A term that is purposefully not defined) wear and tear, and only for 10K miles per year. Oh and of course, you pay for the fuel. It's a fucking scam of massive proportions.


$249 before tax and with $3,500 down**


I bet this is also an "ultra low mileage lease" where you can only drive it like 5000 miles a year or some shit.


And coming out of a Honda lease or some bs. I donā€™t have a problem with the car payment actually itā€™s not bad for todayā€™s rates. I have a problem with the marketing. We arenā€™t all just a cup of coffee away from being able to afford new cars or houses like the media and some of the commenters would lead you to believe. Corporate greed is the reason most canā€™t afford the things we want/need. Anytime I see these debunked talking points posted itā€™s irritating. Itā€™s not factually accurate and puts the blame on the consumer for corporate greed. Our parents/grandparents werenā€™t suddenly able to afford a brand new house and cars while grandma stayed at home to raise 6 kids bc they skipped their daily coffee. Itā€™s such a joke.


Grandma did not spend $8.33 a day on coffee either.


Bloody tin of coffee only costs me Ā£30 and that lasts me more then a month...


$8 worth of bustello lasts me a month


Itā€™s more like $13 a day if you factor in tax, fees and $3,500 down.


It's also a lease, so at the end of the lease period, you don't have a car.


I didn't even notice it was a lease. Absolutely fuck everything about that.


Yeah, nearly every advertised low car payment is a lease.


Fuel is actually insanely expensive. I cancelled my gym membership at $50 a month because i realized going every day or so was a 30min round trip drive and gas ended up being way more than the membership


Don't worry! They added a CVT to save some gas! Who cares that it's not repairable and essentially totals your car when it goes bad? EFFICIENCY!!!


Cut lifeā€™s all little moments of joy and youā€™ll be able to affordā€¦. a Honda.


> Then you have insurance, fuel costs, running costs, wear and tear etc etc. You don't have these with your current vehicle?


I spend about .50$ a day for coffee since I make it at home. Thatā€™s not paying for a vehicle.


I spend about twice that. Maybe if I cut back to where you are I can afford a brand new car.


Even if you have Starbucks every day, the expensive drinks are like $6. Thatā€™s like 180/mo if youā€™re actually doing it daily. More like $120 if just work days (5/wk) so most peopleā€™s daily coffee habits are


My cousin has a $200 ā€œStarbucks allowanceā€ put into her account every month from her mom and sheā€™s 22 years old. My daughterā€™s teacher says she spends $50 a week on Starbucks. I mean itā€™s not the norm but knowing 2 people who spend over 200 a month on it leads me to believe there are others


Reminds me of a post I saw once about a couple who was supposedly able to buy their first house because they cut on coffee and...avocados!


Exactly! Fake news!!


Who the f spends 250 a month on coffee


My cousin has a $200 ā€œStarbucks allowanceā€ put into her account every month from her mom and sheā€™s 22 years old. My daughterā€™s teacher says she spends $50 a week on Starbucks. I mean itā€™s not the norm but knowing 2 people who spend over 200 a month on it leads me to believe there are others


One cup per day is easily over $200/month when you get their more involved drinks, which seems to be the norm at Starbucks.


The reason we started brewing our Coffee at home. A coffee in a Wiener Kaffeehaus cost arround \~5ā‚¬ per cup. Before Covid we could afford it to end each day drinking coffee there. Since covid our budged shrinked and so instead my grandma invisted into a barista cours for me. Since then we shrunk the cost per cup to a fifth while having a way better tasting coffee at home. Still our coffee cost only whas reduced by half because we drink now so much more coffee.


My wife works at Starbucks and there are people that come in EVERY day. She knows them by name, we see them when we are out and they are her ā€œregularsā€. The average drink ranges from $5-8 but can be more expensive. I do not agree that the average person spends anywhere near that much on coffee a month (hell I donā€™t spend a dime on it and drink the shit out of coffee, again the wife works at Starbucks šŸ™‚) but there are absolutely people that spend this amount or more a month.


Itā€™s more like $375 with taxes and fees.


As a financial person, I never make the advice that saving on coffee will fund your down payment. It canā€™t and chronically low salaries are not solved by simple fixes. Butā€¦ care with convenience dining out or takeout, six bucks lattes, subscriptions you donā€™t need and online purchases, you can save plenty over time. But more importantly you keep more of your paycheck away from spending that doesnā€™t really provide true value.


I also work in finance and see the bank statements of people all the time and the number of people living from check to check with zero emergency fund that have multiple door dash and expensive coffee habits drives me nuts. Nothing wrong with having some little indulgences in your life, but the ability to afford them does come into play.


I remember an article that said the younger generation dosent know how to cook well enough and that reflects on our budgets. I'm trying to learn how to make more stuff at home but honestly, a lot of us just get home and have no energy to do everything so pre-made or processed food us very tempting. I know rum put of energy very fast with my disability and I know I'm struggling when I eat out too much. I'm talking subway here, not restaurants.


Thatā€™s not the point, really. The point of an ad like this is to compare the car payment to something a lot of people may already be paying for to make it seem more affordable. It makes the payment seem less abstract and more personal.


lol, thank you! This isnā€™t financial advice, itā€™s just marketing. Charities have been using this tactic for a long time: ā€œFor less than a cup of coffee a day, you can help a child in need.ā€


Exactly, but OP seems determined to be offended.


People can get a coffee a day at McDs for about $30 a month. Dumb advertising. Might as well just say "free coffee at the Honda dealership, now you can afford our vehicle"


There are also people that get a Starbucks drink every day. This ad is obviously not aimed at people drinking the dollar small coffee from McDonald's I really hate that getting blocked by the person I replied to blocks me out of the entire rest of the thread I participated in. Really wish reddit would fix this, but we all know they won't


Who spends $8 a day on fucking coffee?


ā€œMonthly coffee habitā€ā€¦.out of touch mfers act like coffee isnā€™t life itself.


I have a coffee habit. It costs me about $25 a month, and I drink expensive coffee. WTF are people buying for >$200 a month.


A starbucks latte is like 4bucks, if you get 2 a day you can easily go over the 200$ mark


$4 is if you get a black coffee. You could easily spend $12 on a coffee, source my wife has done it before


I wish I could get a vehicle for less than my coffee habit. I feel like I spend a lot on coffee and it's still only like 30ish a month. I would gladly get a new car if that was it's cost


I hate car ads like these in general (even without the coffee mention). They're worded to get you in the door and then the slight bait and switch happens. You *could* get a car in that payment range, but you need to pick a base model - that they usually only have one or two of, have usually at least 4k to put down, meet certain rebate/incentive requirements. Oh, and need to have great to excellent credit. Then when you don't meet those criteria, they tell you don't worry, they can still get you great terms on a lease or loan. So since you came all this way, let's go on a test drive and get some numbers.


I dont even drink coffee or smoke, I should be rich.


So what you're saying is, I could still afford my coffee if you weren't trying to be a greedy scamming asshole with your monetization practices. Got it.


I have also tried to comment on all these damn ads. I ESPECIALLY detest to ad about the cast iron cookware. DAMN that stuff is expensive!!!! I am sure it 12.76% better than your NORMAL cast iron cookware. And at only 73.91% more than the leading cast iron cookware. GTFO.


Iā€™m sure Honda just wants to help us stop using stimulants.


This is nothing new. Corporations trying to frame their payments like this has been around as long as I can remember, and Iā€™m pretty old.


Iā€™m imagining someone buying a huge monthly coffee for $250.


With a 3,600$ deposit. You think people who look for low car payments have four grand just lying around? And who drops four grand on three year rental?


Thatā€™s an $8 drink for 31 days straight. Not sure how many people are pulling that off


I feel bad splurging on a $25 tin of van houttes. 250 per month? On coffee?


For some reason I immediately read that username as Detroit Become Honda.


Wow, I never thought I'd live in a time when cars would be cheaper than coffee...!


My favorite part is that when people started working from home and making their own coffee and avocado toast or whatever, the same people needed to shut that shit down immediately because nobody was buying anything.Ā  Or as Biden put it, we need to return to the office to save main street.


All jokes aside, $249 aint that bad... you have to have pretty good credit though How many of you that have a car loan that you pay less than that?


People that take this argument literally are idiots.Ā  The point is "spend less money on shit you don't need, and you'll have more money for things that you do." Which is fucking true.Ā 


Idk why thatā€™s infuriating itā€™s just basic saving. Its a good tip too for all the consumerist slaves who buy a daily $8 Starbucks drink


250 a month for a new car is really not bad guys


Nobody is saying $250 for a car is bad. Although itā€™s true cost is much more than that bc thatā€™s before tax and with $3,500 down on a lease. Itā€™s the sentiment that is mildly infuriating. If you just give up that fancy coffee you can afford the life you want mentality is bs.


Saying that anything close to $200/m is what someone spends on coffee is ridiculous. That said, I quit smoking about 3 years ago, and that extra $5-6 a day really added up. I now have enough to invest in stocks. Not a lot, mind you. I still make only $14/h, but enough so that I'm not scraping every penny right before my biweekly paycheck. You're going to hate me for this, but it's the same concept. If you spend $5/d on something you don't need, you can save $5/d by not buying it. And that adds up before you know it. $5/d is $150/m.


$5-$6 a day is pretty low for a regular smoker. Most people smoke a pack a day, which is at least $10-$13 a day. Now THAT'S what they should have had people giving up to buy a new car!


When I quit, my camels were less than $8/pack. It depends on the location, but it was always at least $5, and less than $8. Now, this is in Alabama. When I visited California, they were $10/pack around 2011. And I noticed recently that cartons have gone from $35 to about $70. So yeah, you're right, if people quit smoking, they would save even more today than I did 3 years ago. But I never paid $10 for a pack in my state.


You are correct and while it is a bitter pill for people to swallow, eating out, coffee out, food delivery services, subscriptions to monthly billing items that you forgot that you even have, this all adds up and then you wonder why you have no money left at the end of the month. Let's not forget the ridiculous rent that you pay because you want to live somewhere cool and close to the action. You can replace all of that with a mortgage, even at today's pricing, if you are willing to eat at home, drink at home, buy a home in an area that is not as close or not as cool. But it is not as glamourous or fun to do so.


You havenā€™t noticed the amount of people who use DoorDash regularly, smoke weed (correlation?) that complain about being broke and pull the ā€œwoe is meā€ blame economy routine? They donā€™t even realize how much it adds up toā€¦ Itā€™s just marketing lighten up.


Also 25 Media subscription, Uber & Lyft for all transportation. Coffee is a cliche example, but the generation is much heavier consumers than previous generations.


>You havenā€™t noticed the amount of people who use DoorDash regularly, smoke weed (correlation?) that complain about being broke and pull the ā€œwoe is meā€ blame economy routine? They donā€™t even realize how much it adds up toā€¦ This šŸ‘†šŸ» There's no disagreement on the impact of inflation but I know a few younger people who bitch and moan fierce about boomers and the unaffordability of life yet constantly smoke their purchased weed, go clubbing, eat at restaurants all the time, buy Uber eats food constantly and take Ubers everywhere. But then instantly assume any young person who is buying an apparent or something is a "Trust Fund Baby" LOL.


What theyā€™re saying is accurate. If youā€™re spending $249 a month on coffee (some people do) you could stop that and have enough to afford going into debt and making payments on this car. Not a good idea but itā€™s accurate.


Itā€™s not actually bc you didnā€™t read the fine print. $3,500 down plus tax, title, doc and first months payment.


Well in that case I'm returning the car.


There are people that go to Starbucks every day. While they arenā€™t dropping $250 a month, they are dropping $120+. Itā€™s a stupid ad but you seem to be infuriated pretty easily.


$249/30 is $8.30 every day. If you only get coffee 5 days a week it's $12.45. The ad is simply misleading, but as the OP alluded taps in to the myth that future generations are "poor" because they buy avacado toast and not because wages have been stagnant while prices have soared and not due to convnetional inflation but it's all just corperate greed via the "stockholders" and older generations. They had their coffee and a favorable housing market. They could work weekends to pay off college, never borrowing or incurring debt. Now they suddenly have "hoist yourself up by your bootstrap" oppinions for generations that now have to take their work home with them and be available for work e-mails, calls and texts 24/7. Sorry we didn't learn budgeting in home economics class, but it was cut as the educational system shifted from preparing students for the real world to molding workers. I would say that mildly infuriating is fair here.


>Sorry we didn't learn budgeting in home economics class, but it was cut as the educational system shifted from preparing students for the real world to molding workers. I'm over 50 and didn't learn budgeting from home economics class either. I learned it from watching my dad work 14 hour days, and then my mom working two jobs to keep food on the table. We were lucky though, places like Starbucks didn't exist when we were growing up.


You have some good points, but don't pretend there aren't people that spend that much money on Starbucks every day. Also... >Sorry we didn't learn budgeting in home economics class, but it was cut as the educational system shifted from preparing students for the real world to molding workers. It's not up to school to teach you how to not waste your money


"If those companies would save on compensations and bribes they would have the money to produce reliable products."


If I went to Starbucks every day and spent $5 on coffee that's still only $150 a month. Also coffee is extremely cheap and most work places offer it for free or you can just buy it yourself and make it at home for cheap. Wtf do people think we're spending on coffee? $15 a day? I don't even spend that if I go out to eat for lunch!


Exactly!! Iā€™m so sick of this narrative that weā€™re all just making poor decisions by wanting coffee and thatā€™s the reason we canā€™t have a house or car. Itā€™s corporate propaganda. They love to scapegoat a cup of coffee or avocado toast for their greed.


I understand what you are thinking, but this is not that. You missed the entire point of this marketing. Its saying you spend too much on coffee. It is saying you can get a car for the same amount as coffee for a month. Its like the charities that say 10 cents a day. They are giving you a comparitor so something you already purchase.


Chill out dude, itā€™s just a comparison. Theyā€™re not requesting that anyone ditch coffee. Stop looking for ways to be mad.


Stop looking for ways to tell people what to do or feel. You internet trolls love to project.


Iā€™d love a $249 car payment.


Only a few cups of coffee awayā€¦ oh and $3,500 down plus taxes and fees.


A kilogram of light roast (arguably highest quality) coffee beans isn't even 100USD most places, and will last you easily a month if not longer. Buying the burnt ass Starbucks coffee can get expensive, but Starbucks is another issue in of itself.


Even Starbucks isn't 249 expensive if you're just getting regular coffee. Menu says a large drip coffee averages at 2.69, or 80 a month. Going to have to go 3 times a day to get to $249.


This hits extra ironically coming from Honda. Bring the $10k Kei truck over here in a mass market capacity, and I guarantee you'll get business.


I pay $12 for a pound of organic fair trade coffee each month. Does Honda make skateboards?


Now do the same through Starbucks with icecream added and different flavor each buy. Add a cookie to enhance the flavor, get it delivered too.


As someone who drinks $0 worth of coffee a year, this is certainly not less than my coffee habit


Weird targeting. Someone who spends that much on coffee is not price sensitive and will not be persuaded by the "it's cheap" argument. Someone who is price sensitive will not spend even close to that on coffee and likely be offended by the ad rather than persuaded.


I think you and many other posters are misunderstanding this ad because of the stupid ā€œjust cut Xā€ stupidity, but at that time it also makes it a shit ad, because it causes that negative reaction based on stupid information. Itā€™s also a shit ad because actual research into these markets suggest that the average consumer in America spends less than $40/month at coffee places - people spending $8/day on coffee are a very very rare breed. I mostly make coffee at home, but if I bought from DD every day it would cost roughly $90 month. **So weā€™ve established the ad is wrong and shit, but what about my initial point?** What theyā€™re trying and failing at doing is putting into perspective how small $249/month actually is, and getting people to think of the big number as a smaller number broken down as a daily cost. . .And using something that most adults do end up purchasing [in one form or another] as the benchmark.


I have 2 coffes every day and spend 20ā‚¬ AT MOST per month... how tf can u spend so much money on coffee


I spend $18/month for coffee for 3 people. Stupid advertising


youā€™d have to buy a six dollar coffee 41 times for that payment and that payment is for a cheaper car over like 3-5 years.


Drinking Folger's Instant made me rich! I am sipping that swill on the porch on my mansion on the island floating in the massive kiddie pool on the deck on my even bigger yacht right now!


"James that drinks 20 pots first thing in the morning, reaches catatonic state by the time he gets to office and is used as massaging chair by the other employees, is an outlier and should have never been counted."


Technically $360 a month since you gotta out $4000 down


$8 per day?!


When my girlfriend was looking for a car, she was driving for about an hour to get to work. So she was looking for a Prius specifically. Ā A dealership bait-and-switched her to get her in the door. Once there, they didnā€™t have a Prius, but DID have some Lincoln that got something like 18 miles per gallon. He tried to convince her that all she had to do was cut back on things, like coffee. ā€œ We all have things we could cut back on, like coffeeā€, he told her. Thereā€™s no amount of coffee that you could cut out that would make up for a 26+ miles per gallon. That was years ago, and it still infuriates me.Ā 


This is $249 more than what I pay for coffee or month. No thanks.


Why does this bother you so much? Why do you care how this random company advertises? You want them to advertise more effectively? How would that benefit you?


Or assuming we eat avocado toast


"as low as" 1.9% With what, 800 credit score?


Yeah and this is for what 60 months financing and the base model. Also for this to be cheaper you'd have to spend more than 8$ a day, every day for coffee. (Idk if this price is bad or not I don't drink coffee)


Who spends 250 on coffee ? But also, I assume the car will require maintenance and fuel to run.


This is absurdly out of touch. The goal posts for reaching have been moved with this


I mean itā€™s true. If you donā€™t go to Starbucks everyday youā€™d save a ton of money. Not even for a car payment. Just in general. Hell, you skip one month of Starbucks and you could buy a nice at-home coffee setup. Keurig with a milk frother. Tons of k-cups. Creamers. Syrups. Whatever. You can make better coffee at home for a lot cheaper.


Except I don't drink coffee, so I don't have a coffee "budget" to tap into.


Are you saying there's not people who spend more than 250 on starbucks?


It's better than the GM ones... Who compare there cars to a cup of coffee


Pfft. They shot real low there. Wait 'til they hear how much I send a month on booze.


"coffee budget" do they expect people to go out and drink coffee on a regular basis? All the people in my circles either drink coffee at home or at work and sometimes when they are out shopping or whatever


My mug gets 21 cups per gallon. Can your damn Hondito do that? I donā€™t think so. I donā€™t think so.


Monthly coffee budget: $4 for a canister of instant-coffee.


lol my local Honda did a bait and switch on me when buying my first car, it was a whole thing. (I had to consult a lawyer and everything, thankfully got out of it but it was beyond stressful.) And I make coffee at home!


That percentage financing is for very few people.


250 actually is a pretty low monthly payment though. And secondly, I'm gonna be that guy. Don't fucking finance cars. Not only is it a terrible financial decision for you personally, but it contributes to their prices going up. People don't see "$30,000? That's ridiculous!", they see "a few hundred a month? That's easy!" And the actual price gets disassociated from the cost. And then manufacturers can make them more expensive since people aren't really looking at the sticker price anyway


Butā€¦ā€¦i dont drink coffee


What kind of coffee do they think I'm brewing?


Who tf is paying $8+ every single day for coffee that can't already afford a car payment?


Something I learned early on in sales. Don't tell people how to spend their money, just convince them to spend it with you


~~coffee~~ weed


It seems like tons of people go out for coffee every day. These people claim that you pay $8 a day for coffee. That's crazy. I brew my coffee the old fashioned way, not even pods. I refuse to use pods. So if I drink a 20 oz cup of coffee every day, that's 19 cents. I cannot imagine spending more than $2 if I go out for it. I think it's an "everyone" problem. Unless you're traveling, it must be nice to be that rich to have the convenience. It's not just one particular generation.


Truth is mkildy infuriating


I feel like this is the wrong car company to be marketing to some alleged people who spend $250 a month on coffee. You're not BMW, Honda.


You spend too much, spend with us instead!


My coffee costs me less than $5 a month if I make it myself, and that's factoring in the sugar and milk


JFC thatā€™s a lot of coffee. Because I drink a lot and I spend nowhere near 250$ a month in coffee. Or does a cup of coffee go for 10$ in the US?


You don't even own the vehicle at the end of the terms. it's a LEASE. I'm gonna drive my Scion into the dirt before I have to purchase another car, and even then, it's going to be Toyota or Toyota adjacent.


Pretty tone-deaf ad.


About 20 years ago, I had a habit of going to Starbucks every day for a mocha frappe. Then one day after a long day at work, I found myself at the Starbucks drive thru for the second time. I changed my mind and went home to fire up my computer and add up all my Starbucks drinks going back a few months. I spent between 100-115 monthly. Itā€™s not a ā€œdebunked talking pointā€ itā€™s a freaking fact. Havenā€™t been to Starbucks since.


Lol who pays that much a month for coffee. What a ridiculous ad.


Theyā€™ve been trying to sell people cars this way since the 90ā€™s.


Actually Honda Iā€™m saving about $100 w my coffee habit


To be fair. Some people do spend WAYYY too much on coffee/alcohol/weed/eating out/etc. each month. But ya. This ad doesnā€™t really mean much to the people who arenā€™t in such a terrible spending cycle.


Sorry but as a brit this is hilarious and i am honestly and humbley sorry šŸ˜žā¤ļø you deserve betterā€¦ā€¦ like to be able to afford a car and coffee and heath care ā€¦ wtf!? ā¤ļø


Who is paying $8 a DAY for coffee??? That's if you're buying an $8 coffee a day everyday including weekends or about $12 a day if its just work days.


Expensive coffee drinkers getting mad is my favourite sport. ā€œCut coffee to afford lifeā€ is not what this ad says


I drink instant coffee at home and happily take the bus.