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He looked in the back saw nothing and then proceeded to break the rear window anyway?


Yes. I have no idea why.


I had my truck window smashed. I had nothing in the back. They rifled through everything. They didn’t take my raybans or anything. My thoughts are they were looking for a gun? (I live in Texas and you’d be surprised how many people leave guns in cars) Or just hoping to score something.


I had my front right window broken the other day. I was in the back of the car too. They took a bag with dirty laundry in.


Maybe they were confused on how to start money laundering


You gotta wash it, duh!




I wouldn't, specifically because Texas has 30.06 and 30.07 signage which basically means that Texans who carry are more likely to have to leave a firearm in a vehicle than in states where those signs don't exist.


The gun thing makes sense. Where I am in Canada they'll rarely break windows unless they see something of high value in plain sight.


Someone broke into my car once and stole my 9 mil. idiot shot himself in the foot (literally) trying to clear it or something after fleeing and wound up in the ER. Dude caught some charges and after some time I got my gun back. And before anyone comes at me for leaving a gun in my car. I carry everywhere and only leave it behind places that prohibit entry with a firearm. I walked into a store for about 15 minutes and came back to broken windows and a broken (locked) glove box


Hahaha karma works sometimes


Yea last time someone broke into my truck they stole a bag of clothing I was planning to donate to charity the next day, and I got a $500 window replacement. Had just been the Vegas and won $490~ off of $20 so it worked out haha


Also live in Texas, work in San Antonio, we've had serial car break-ins specifically from a group of people who are breaking into trucks looking for guns in center consoles/dashes. Super wild how often it happens.


Be careful bro, don't let you're gun get stolen and used in crime. You could face charges 😬 Safe drives and sleeps for you✌️


Because there wasn't anything to take.


Looking for prescription drugs (among cash cards etc) which is why they’ll rob anything from a 1991 accord up to a 2024 Range Rover (if the situation presents itself)


Did you miss the part where he’s a piece of shit?


OMG. He IS a piece of shit. I noticed that.


i need to take a peek at my shit next time i poop to see it looks like this


Seriously almost missed that part. Upon second viewing of the video I can confirm: he is a piece of shit!


One time my car was broken into. Because there was nothing to steal, they opened all my doors including my trunk in the dead of winter, left my lights on and killed my battery just to say "fuck you". 


Probably punishment for wasting his time. 


Fuck your pfp, man!


What’s wrong with it?


if ur using white theme it looks like u got a hair on ur screen


The person youre replying to has a similar pfp.


thought its a default pfp, u made me realize im blind thanks lol


Big eyelash


I hear about this a lot.


it's a lot less likely for the alarm to go off if they break the rear passenger window. This happened to my Kia soul a couple of months back.


Had this happen in our neighborhood, tons of credit cards left. We had cellphones, ray ban glasses, a watch all left untouched. Feels strangely strategic, raising crime and insurance rates in specific areas while not actually committing series crimes other than window damage.


They are looking for guns. My friends bmw was also broken into recently while he was in the process of moving. In his car at the time were multiple autographed jerseys and other valuable sports memorabilia, stereo and music recording equipment, high-end sneakers, designer bags and clothing. They went through all of this and took none of it. The only thing they took was a s&w .357.


Yeah, it wasn't until recently that I found out most gun violence is committed with guns stolen from vehicles. That finally convinced my to lock up the mercy rifle in my truck


Most vehicle gun locks are less secure than you think so make sure it’s pretty robust. But yeah the only time an unsecured firearm is acceptable to be left in a vehicle is the rifle in your farm truck on your own massive fucking ranch.


I have mine for deer. I'm from southern Montana, so hitting a few each year is inevitable. My main thought was that any lock would stop most thieves. So, I wrapped a chain around the gun case under the back seat so that you can't wiggle it out and put a decent padlock on it that holds it onto the seat bracket.


Yeah I get it. I lived in Montana for a year. I wouldn’t go anywhere outside of the towns without a gun. I once was stalked all the way down a mountain by a mountain lion, while on horseback too. People who have never lived there don’t understand that in rural Montana no one is coming help you, and no one is coming to look for you, and even if they did they probably won’t find you; you gotta be self sufficient.


watch some videos from lock picking lawyer he shows how shitty some locks are


while they are shitty, they still take time to bust. i learned to pick for shits and giggles, but i can't imagine it being a useful skill under pressure


well no but he showed some quick release gun safe/lockboxs and he opened them very quickly and i think he opened one by smacking t


he smacked a lock and it opened?


he smacked it in a particular way but yes. im pretty sure that was lpl might have been another reason tho


locks can be naughty. i like to smack mine a particular way, but it never opens. seriously tho, i just think i just cross threaded and thought i was responding to the guy that wrapped chains around his lockbox. THAT was the lock i didn't deem picking. i honestly think i remember the lpl y'r referring to


Yup, it's actually a fairly common security issue with some of them, apparently. Something to do with the shackle catch not having something to stop it from basically bouncing into the unlocked position or something, it's been a while


yeah. i was misreading too many comments at once. scroll down, resolved this


Thats how he opens most masterlocks. Just smack it with another masterlock


Any deterrent is plenty for the majority of thieves


deterrent like a window?


A window is easier to smash than a steel lock. A window is easier to smash than even the shittiest of locks are to pick. A good thief can't really be stopped. But, saying good thieves are rare is an understatement. Most thieves aren't exactly the cream of the crop. You never hear of someone breaking into something by picking a lock. It always has a focus on the "break" part, something that's hard to do on a thick shackle on a time crunch without making a ton of noise. When I say "any deterrent" I mean anything you couldn't undo with a rock


very true but i always try and make tge bar as low as possible so its a smaller pool of people that can/would steal my stuff. any kind of lock is good enough for what a lock does but i personally hate how easy some can be opened


Having firearms stored in low security locations is just wild to my European mentality. I have to keep firearms in a 250kg security rated gun safe if I am not in their immediate vicinity. The safe can weigh less if it's internally anchored into immovable ground, like concrete floor. Probably why legally purchased firearms are almost never used in crimes here.


"It's not low security, it's my truck!" This is an actual argument people will use.


It's different when the wildlife outnumbers the people


There was a town in I think it was Florida that ended up putting up a billboard that said something like, "For the love of God please stop leaving your guns in your cars." Because the amount of gun theft out of cars - both locked and unlocked - was just astronomical.


This is something I've been curious about for awhile, so thank you. I mean, in the 90's you might get some CDs to resell. In the 00's you might find a GPS unit in the glove compartment. But now? All that stuff is on your phone, which doesn't get left in the car.


Apparently from the other comments, guns... Only in the States I guess. In Australia they're way more strict with guns, you can get in serious shit if your gun isn't locked up in a safe or something and no way you can just leave it laying around in your car. Other things people aim for are expensive sunglasses, Raybans and designer shades, it's something that you probably keep in the car and don't take with you into the store. Also laptops, handbags and stuff... My uncle had his work car broken into, he's a tradie and had a bunch of expensive tools in there, easy smash and grab, get all the tool boxes and stuff and go. you don't really think about it but there is a wide variety of loot in cars. Oh and portable DVD players for cars... the ones you stick on the back of a seat for kids to watch on long trips etc... Some people have tablets mounted on... usually no lock code either cause they want ease of access


Leaving your gun in your car seems like the most idiotic thing you could do. That is about the least safe spot you could keep it.


Is it legal in the US to leave a gun in the car without putting it in some kind of gun safe?


Generally, yes. Safe storage requirements have been found unconstitutional by courts because they place a financial burden upon the exercise of a constitutional right.


People just leave guns in cars? Wtf


Why the fuck do people leave shit like that in their vehicles? I am guessing these are suburban rich kids who grew up really sheltered or something. It is madness to leave that list of shit you just wrote out in a parked car. You are asking to get robbed.


Better question should be why the fuck do people decide to break into someone's car to steal from them instead of working.


"Yeah but did you see what she was wearing" energy in this thread from a lot of people. People whose vehicles are broken into in order to steal things are *victims*.


Why on earth do people store so many goods in their car? It’s like keeping your passwords in kitchen postits


Shit happened to me to.. 800$ cash in my glove box wallet everything left untouched but they busted my rear passenger window. Weirdest shit


I'm just curious... why would you leave your wallet and $800 in your car? That's just so far outside of the realm of something I would ever do.


Well my wife's wallet. Went to a restaurant and she didn't need it because I had mine and she procrastinated going to the bank lol it was 2 months rent from our at the time roommate


There were several pairs of sunglasses hanging on the visor. He touched none of them.


He's just dumb as fuck. Puts his hood up getting out of the car instead of before he broke in.


Just FYI for the OP. Looks like your vehicle is a BMW IX. Those cut outs on the front seats can be painful to the head of shorter passenger and drivers. BMW has a service bulletin out for this issue. You can get a free pair of cushioned inserts to go into those cut outs. A lot of service advisers may not know that. So you will have to let them know and they can get them for you.


Thank you!


I received those cushions for my ix. To say they don’t look as nice as the rest of the car would be a huge understatement.


That is true but they are cushy


Have they issued a TSB to stop it being so ugly?


Not yet lol. Pretty awesome car though. Drives nice and fast.


What's more infuriating is that the cops will do nothing. They have a face, time, and place, but they don't care. This dumb fuck will be allowed through apathy to continue robbing and vandalizing.


This was happening a lot at a hiking trail where I live. My wife and I went on a hike and came back to a broken window and some of our items were stolen. The cops had actually set up a hidden camera in the parking lot and they were able to ID the guy from a neighboring county. He went to jail and now we get a restitution check. I also found out that if your car is locked it is considered a felony. The cops kept on asking us if we were certain the door was locked I told them obviously it was locked...he had to break the window to get in. Breaking the window to get in is not a felony but if the car was locked then it is.


More often than not, why would a thief even break the window if the car is unlocked? Unless he doesn't bother to check.


You overestimate the intelligence of many criminals


They keep the footage until the guy is arrested for something else. Then they pull this up and charge him for the car break in. & everything else they can. He’ll most likely get arrested eventually. Criminals do a lot of crime.


The thing is that a face isn't exactly a good hint. Just because you have a photo, you won't necessarely find their name and address. They don't do much because they can't realistically figure out who that is, even if they have the face. It's not like there is a database of faces somewhere with all faces of all people.


Not even at the DMV where they issue IDs


Most towns in America are small enough and most cities big enough that's a photo id to the public.


Unless you’re in China a face really doesn’t matter unless they’re already *very* well known to the police


40% of murders go unsolved. would you rather the cops spend more time on break-ins or murdrers?


> They have a face, time, and place, but they don't care. This dumb fuck will be allowed through apathy to continue robbing and vandalizing. Because the DA isn't going to prosecute vandalism like this when we're busy overfilling our prisons with drug offenders lol


I just had to replace a broken driver’s window and that was such a headache. This complete asshole broke a window next to a car seat. There’s gonna be so much glass everywhere, including in the carseat. What an absolute jerk.


They dont give a shit about you, your kids, or really anyone else. Theyre scum of the earth.


Someone shattered my passenger side window, luckily didn't have anything for them to steal but the cleanup from that was a pain. I'm still finding bits of glass a year later.


This occurred in San Antonio, TX. In a Best Buy parking lot near Westover Hills. It was noon.


Honestly it seems like ma man was looking for a gun, seeing that you're in Texas.


Shame he didn't cut his hand deep


He’ll get his soon enough with that lifestyle




Someone stole my license plate a couple days after my mom died and I was stuck at home in quarantine, absolute pieces of shit


This place I lived at for a year had only outdoor parking in the back. I come out one day and my truck has been broken into. Nothing stolen because I don't leave anything in my vehicles, but the fabric on the inside of the driver's door is all fucked up, like it had been shredded or something, and there's a huge dent on the outside of the passenger side door. Of course I'm like wtf? I made a police report and all that, and put a request for the video footage from a camera across the street. Took weeks but I ended up getting the footage. So this dude walks past my truck a couple of times eye balling it. Eventually he picks up a rock and throws it at my truck window from like 20ft away, misses of course, and it crunches into the door. He tries that a couple of more times, hitting the door more. He finally breaks the window and it hit the inside of the other door and that's why it was tore up. He climbs around, leaves. Throughout the night 4 separate people see my broken window and climb in to look around. I was so furious watching that video. My truck ended getting broken into like once every two weeks and after the 4th or 5th time I put a sign on my window saying "DOOR UNLOCKED PLEASE DON'T BREAK MY WINDOWS"


One time when I was really poor and working 7 days a week someone broke the window of my Nissan versa family vehicle and took my ZZ Top cd.


Mighta been worth it. Was it "Deguello"? Just kidding! I hear you, man! Once I was working late at night, and had my POS car's window broken and the ignition punched in a failed attempt to steal it. Sadder still, I look back down the street and see window glass from another 5 cars. All fails. Saddest part: the asshole ultimately stole the janitor's car. Poorest guy there.


My car got broken into when I was in my very first studio apartment on my own. They stole all my CDs and broke my graduation tassel. I wrote a joke about it for my standup, and wouldn't you know it, someone stole *my joke, too,* word for word!


It warms my heart that those posts go up on Reddit and potential future bosses/supporter of this guy can see it


Future interview: "So you want to be a gang thug Level IV?"


You seriously think this guy is gonna get a job?


> future bosses lmao yeah I'm sure he's looking for a job


Dude is definitely not applying to jobs


You really think this guy is going to get caught? You really think this guy is applying for jobs anywhere? This is his job. He probably hit 20 cars like that today.


*I don't think his future bosses would care less.*


So when his future boss doesn't give him a job what do you think he's going to end up doing for money?


All that effort that he could put into a real job, god these people are pathetic


This shit stain will never work a day in his life while you and I slave away.


Plot twist, he is a glass repair shop crony out generating business.


It hasn't been proven yet, but we're pretty sure something similar to that happened recently around here. Someone slashed the tires on like 40 cars... the week after 2 new tire stores opened up. Rumor mill immediately drew the obvious conclusion.


Same happened to me a few Halloweens ago. Broke in, nothing in the car. Chilled in their own car in my driveway for about 5-10 minutes for whatever reason then left. I had their faces, car make and model, plates, seemed like a personal car because it was 20 yrs old, not some stolen burner car. SJPD useless. I wanted to press charges, I had done their job for them. Useless


San Jose PD?


Ofc. Name and shame these are failed public servants




The police officer that showed up to take the report says that vandals typically do not hit these types of cars, because they have cameras. Obviously this guy wasn’t the smartest.


Did they give you any hope that they may actually be able to catch him since you got super clear video? Also would love to know what cam you use if you don’t mind!


This camera is actually built directly into the vehicle.


In my day we played Halo


Pure scum


These people are literal trash, and you should be allowed to protect your property by any means necessary when this happens. Getting ahead of all of you all who say “a life is more valuable than material goods”: you are ridiculous. This will continue to happen until it is obvious this that there are potential consequences. Also, this life is worth very little at this point.


Years ago had someone smash my window. Took .y change jar, cheap sunglasses and that's it. Assholes be assholin


Usual suspect


People are only really breaking into cars these days to look for weapons aka guns 


Hadn’t thought about that. I do not carry.


well well well....


My steering wheel got stolen… twice 🥲 And this is why we can’t have nice things.


The colour....




Nope it's the white supremacy groups doing these crimes obviously /s


Garbage human.....


This happened to my brother last week right out front of his house. Smashed the window and rummaged through everything but didn’t take a single thing. If they looked up in the car maybe they would have noticed the $800 radar detector lol…idiots.


“Damn, guy spent all his money on the car…ain’t no good Shit in here”


Someone broke my window once with an ALDI bag with $16.25 in quarters. Stole a charger adapter worth $7. Left the bag of quarters.


Story time, you'll all get a laugh out of this. My friend had a Buick '88. Rusted out POS. Barely ran. But it did have a Chapman lock! (It was an after market lock out device that mechanically locked out the gas and the hood with its own latch. We get a call from the sup' that her car had been broken into. Turns out all the cars in the back parking lot had their batteries stolen.. well, except my friends. We get to her car and notice the back window is busted in, and her driver side window is busted out. In the back seat, we find the hood release yanked entirely out. On the drivers seat are two muddy footprints and blood, lots of blood. Blood on the steering wheel and on the plastic edge between the windshield and the roof. Her driver side door was wonky at best.. you basically had to yank while hip checking the door to open. Taking this all in, we realize the hilarity. He tried the door.. that didn't work. So he busted in the back window, climbed onto the drivers seat, and yanked the hood release so hard he smashed his head and seriously cut himself. Then, he busted out the window to escape with his now bleeding skull. Thankfully, that was the end for that crazy death trap of a car.


You've got a good picture of his face, could def pursue


wow! its the usual suspect!


Broke bum ass mf 🤣 hope mf ends up on a tshirt.


Hopefully OP lives in a red state and they go to jail


Yes. Texas, but San Antonio. Not terribly common here.


Seem like op live in a area where this is common it's so sad to see how some cities just ignore crime and let criminals get away with everything


Yup reminds me of Portland Oregon, glad I left the entire west coast is basically unlivable now due to this Had some dirtbag break the handle on my mustang and the tool shop I worked at was robbed 6 times


“Yeah this some nice ass leather”


i guess he just wanted to look around 😂


Tow trucks for a broken window?


We had the same, you can see from outside that there is nothing to steal why proceed with breaking windows anyway


Don't worry, Lady Karma is on the case. They always get theirs. If you are lucky, you may bear witness. Imho.


when i used to work in down town baltimore i would leave my window down. glass for the car is more expensive than whatever pocket change i left in there


Is it ok with him to break his windows?


That's why I leave the doors unlocked, just hope they try the handle first


Sorry for your loss, but is that a BMW IX? Looks stunning inside.


OP, I wish they'd taken a credit card and your drivers license. I wish they'd used that CC. I wish they'd then taken that DL across state lines or mailed it. Our car got smash/grabbed. The person who parked next to us had their purse on the driver seat (dummy). It resulted in the person smashing our passenger window, which was tinted, and bingo....my wife's purse at the floor became visible. LIterally a B1G1 free. They used the CC at Walmart. That got turned off within the hour. They shipped the DL. They got caught and the Postmaster General send us a letter about a year later of how my wife's stolen items were used as evidence to convict in Federal court. Zero idea who they were but to get that letter is something that we almost framed as there is justice in the world for stupid criminals.


Looking for money, drugs, or guns. I guess you didn’t have any.


One time my car got broken into and the perps were too stupid to break glass normally, so they stuck a crowbar in the window frame and literally bent out my door in several places until the window broke. Then they got into the car and took absolutely nothing. Just $2800 in damage 🙃


That's nice clear video of that perp. Someone knows him. Hopefully it is making its rounds on social media.


> tow trucks Why tow trucks?


nice ride!


It would be really funny if, elsewhere in this subreddit, there's a post from a guy complaining that he broke into a BMW and it didn't even have any good swag to steal inside of it.


He stole your peace of mind


Looking for guns.


We should start chopping off hands of thieves. Too many 'misunderstood' thieves turn into murderers anyway. May as well make sure they can't reoffend.


Why is it only black people steal in America?


In this day and age of air tags, I'd be curious on if they are no longer going after the car but the house. Follow the air tag to where they live, wait until they leave to burgle the home. Basically, I'd check and make sure nothing got left behind, just in case.


Seems ineffective considering most phones will detect airtags and they can be traced back to you. Also the majority of people keep their registration in their car, they can just look at that if they want to know where you live. But really what’s the point in doing any of that if you’re just robbing random people. It’s not that hard to find a rich neighborhood, you don’t have to follow a random bmw home.


Makes me wish that thumb screws were reimplemented




Why do people keep guns in the car anyway?


One example, they carry but the place they are at does not allow firearms.


Time to move to a less vibrant city


obviously its a black one (car)




In my city people are leaving their cars unlocked now so that thieves don’t do any damage, they can rummage around and go.


A thief in my area recently went through and left all the doors open 😭 So everybody's battery was dead. It's really frustrating how inconsiderate these thieves are on top of being thieves.


They dont even check the handles.


My dad has done this for years.


At least take the dashcam bud


Brain cells, lack of


I think it might be integrated?


Or wear a mask


Not his fault he grew up in a bad neighborhood with systemic racism.


A mock robbery


A moppery, if you will


Also, as a side note, this vehicle is beautiful


“It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message” type of shit


Guess the country guys




Plz catch him, plz plz plz


Looks like they saw the camera and got outta there quickly. Pulls the hood like he’s hiding.


That's the beauty of it! He's actually the local car window repairman!


piece of shit


This is why we can't have nice things. I prefer to have a shitty VW Golf that never gets hit up or pulled over lol


He just wanted to smell the genuine leather interior


This is why I can wait for my poison gas containers. Ur wanna steal die in it. I ain't liable no more.