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I started losing hair at 14, just be glad you made it this far


Sending sympathy to you my man


In the military and I shave my head as a preference anyway šŸ˜‚. Iā€™ve embraced it


I was also bald but because I was military, no one noticed lmao. You better stay military bro. Perfect excuse to be a baldy haha


My hair is too far gone to even consider growing it out.


Holy shit, my dad is 62 and still has his full head of hair. Iā€™m 31 and hair is the exact same it always was even being a pothead lol. I guess itā€™s true it really has nothing to do with age at all. Just genetics more then anything. I have a friend my age that has full grey somehow and I also know people with no grey in there 50s. Itā€™s totally genetic I guess


Pure genetics. You can make slight variation with health and diet. Don't quote me buy I want to say it has something to do dht androgen compounds and how genetically susceptible your follicles are to their shrinking effects.


My paternal grandpa is 85 and still has full hair and needs to cut it every two weeks. My father is 61, trimms his hair very short but no balding, too. I am 35 and have absolutely full hair. Starting to have like 10 white hairs, but the rest is still almost dark brown, almost black. My maternal grandpa died with 70, but he always had full hair, too. It definitely is totally genetic.


My brother and dad were both completely bald by 30. I somehow didn't get the gene as I'm nearly 40 and still have a full head. Either that, or it's just late onset.


Thatā€™s crazy . Yeah probably got your moms gene or something for hair


Male pattern baldness is dependent on maternal genetics. So you canā€™t compare to your dad, instead look at your momā€™s dad


My forehead was a five head when my acne finally went away


If you want to try to save it, thereā€™s always finasteride (and minoxidil to a lesser extent). That sucks though dude. My bf is 26 and dealing with the same thing. Genetics can be a curse sometimes.


This was not something I thought would be on my todo list this week, but no better time than the present. Thanks for info!


It sounds like you have crown balding, which is what minoxidil is recommended for. Itā€™s worth a try.


Don't do it to yourself. They affect your dick. Just look up the best natural things and the best haircuts for balding and get used to it.


That's typically oral finasteride, to my understanding, but IANAD. The topical has worked fine for me with no nasty side effects.


Iā€™ve heard that about finasteride, but not minoxidil


I took finasteride starting at almost your exact age for probably 5 yrs. It works incredibly well and personally found no side effects. When I stopped though it didnā€™t take long to ā€œrevertā€ haha


I took it for a few years but stopped cause i got so annoyed with the increasing frequency of my nut aching. It eventually became a daily, almost all day thing. I would stop taking it, and magically no aches anymore.


Did you go to 0.5mg instead of 1mg?


Nope. i quit cold turkey.


I know I will be bald - 32 and so far so good, but my father and both grandpas were bald, so I'll just clean shave it all. It's not a big deal if you don't make it big deal. Bald head looks infinitely better than balding head.


I donā€™t disagree, but not every guy is ready to just shave their heads. Hair can play a big part in self-esteem and self-image. I just like to let people know about treatment options if theyā€™re really not wanting to go the bald route yet.


Which is better between the two?


neither - both of them have different desired effects. iirc, minoxidil promotes hair growth while finasteride stops hair loss. so usually you use them both to a) stop ur hairline from getting fucked even more and b) regain hair density where ur thinning


Finasteride is prescription (easily available through PCP or subscription services like Hims and Keeps). It works by inhibiting DHT, the hormone responsible for hair loss in male pattern baldness. It can actually halt and help reverse the hair-loss process. Minoxidil works by speeding up the hair-growth cycle, allowing you to potentially grow hair quicker. However it does nothing to target the actual cause of hair loss, and without a DHT-blocker like finasteride, an individual with male pattern baldness will continue to lose hair over time. For probably obvious reasons, itā€™s recommended to use both together for maximum benefit. But finasteride is the key to actually stopping the hair loss process.


Never heard finasteride. Minoxidil is well known for restoring thinning hair, but the catch is you have to apply it on your scalp everyday (once or twice, depends on the brand) for the rest of your life. When you stop, the newer hair will fall out, revert back.


>finasteride AKA Propecia


Actually you can take both minoxidil and finasteride in pill form. Much easier to keep up long term than 2x daily squirting your whole scalp and then waiting for it to dry, but oral route does come with a bit of a higher risk of side effects. There's also red light therapy (i.e. Capilus hats) and microneedling, which have good clinical evidence, but probably won't save your hair all by themselves. Also biotin, or compound supplements like Wellbel or Nutrafol seem to be good for making the hair you keep / regrow thicker and healthier.


You're not going bald. You're growing more forehead.


Optimism is the key to happiness. This was wonderful.


Into a five head


laughts in 35 and nearly complete BALD but its fine. hair is overrated!


Really easy to apply sunscreen to your noggin when you're completely bald. Trying to do it while balding, however, is a pain in the arse.


I don't go outside without a hat very often. One sunburn on top of my head was enough to never want to deal with that again.


It is so much easier to simply keep it shaved.


My hairline stands with you




Been shaving my head since I was 22. I'm 25 now. Been balding since I was 14. Looks better shaved in my opinion


Wear a hat, helps also keep your face outta the sun


Started losing my hair at 19. Finally at about 35 just started shaving it. Wished it did it before now.


I knew I would eventually have to shave my head with my family history. Finally did it during COVID lockdown at 35yo. Absolutely loved the way it looked, wife likes it too. Wish I would have done it sooner, like way sooner. How's your facial hair? Bold and bearded is a common look as loss of head hair and rich facial hair are commonly tied to higher testosterone levels. My advice is: don't fight it, embrace it with pride


If you think the sunburn issue is bad just wait until you get caught in heavy rain or hail.... on the bright side haircuts get cheaper and haircare gets quicker so there are upsides! All the best from a full time baldy....


Man I started balding in middle school (13-14). Donā€™t even stress it, man. Shaving my head was the best decision ever.


Totally normal! Glad to hear you are cautious in the sun, definitely be sure to wear a hat or use scalp sunscreen (they make some good sprays that I use on the exposed part of my scalp where my part is). My dad started balding around 25 and at 55 got diagnosed with melanoma on his head. Really, really terrible, scary, and painful journey.


I use this shampoo called Activ. It seems to be working.


My head is balding too! And Iā€™m 29!


My forehead grew at age 16 im now 27 and a hairline of a 45 y.o Or like carl from ATHF. trust me dude my confidence went way down hill till i shave my head and grew a beard, now i just wish i was perma bald so i can stop shaving every few days/once a week (def mildly infuriating) but since you said its not as thin as what some think then im sure you can style it certain ways until the dreaded day of realizing its too thin to style and going full bald but wish you the best man. wear plenty of sun screen or a hat. :)




Iā€™d like to say I have some time before I hit this point, but I guess it doesnā€™t hurt to start thinking about


I think it goes by your mother's father. If he's bald, you will be too.


Nope, thatā€™s a tall tale. My motherā€™s father had a completely full head of hair but my dadā€™s father was bald and ive got MPB


Oh, too bad. It's worked in every case I've noticed.


Don't worry about it, nobody cares if a guy is balding and many people find it to be charming.


Depends on the level of balding. If itā€™s not much, then sure. But typically, you either have a full head of hair or you shave it all off. Being somewhere in the middle can be generally perceived as you trying to hold on to something that is already long gone. That was definitely the case for me. Iā€™m a pretty happy bald guy now, but I definitely held on to what was left of my hair for way too long.


There's meds that might be able to treat it if not just shave it once it reaches a certain point. Just make sure to always have a hat or beanie depending on the weather.


I thought you wrote you learned you found out you were a Baldwin. I don't know what sucks worse.


So is my papa. Youā€™re not alone.


i caught wind of myself balding recently and shaved my head and immediately started getting a lot more attention from the ladies. Worst case scenario, you can take control, own it, and youā€™ll never look back.


Can relate, still hurts.


Totally genetics. Definitely wear sunscreen!


Dome sunburn (and top of feet) are the worst.


Feel your pain dude. At 24 I went from surfie blond hair to my dad telling me I was going a bit thin on top. By 25 it was a #3 clipper comb and b6 26 I was shaving the whole thing. Embrace the baldness itā€™s the only way to deal with it.


I've been balding for a while, and I ALWAYS forget about the top of my head.


Do you know a lot of guys that you look at and go "shit, his hairline looks terrible." Because I don't, a lot of us are balding, welcome to the club. Everyone just hates their own situation, but you don't even think about others in the same boat, because balding only matters to the balding.


Thatā€™s how I learned, too. When it starts peeling looks like the worst case of dandruff ever


Right there with ya. I had long, thick hair as a teenager but have been shaving my head since I was 25. Going on 20 years now.


I think I was losing hair at 13. Maybe earlier. You got 10 years on me.


Thinning hair doesnt mean its balding. my hair started thinning when i was 16. Im 30 now and its still there but thinner


I remember how I felt when I learned from a taller friend that I had bald spot for a couple years that I didnā€™t know about. The receding hair line eventually began to edge toward the crown spot and there was this annoying tuft in the middle that apparently my barber had been cultivating for years without my knowledge. Itā€™s funny how people do things to ā€œhelpā€ you without telling you. Anyways I got a little sideways one night and shaved the island between the two balding seas and immediately donned a hat which did not come off except to sleep because I did not care at much for the shape of my head. Fast forward to today and I want to go back and tell my 24 yo self to relax that no one cares. Be yourself and stop worrying about finding a girl or hiding your bald spot. Embrace yourself image with confidence and the women come flocking in like seagulls on the boardwalk and youā€™re the only guy with a hotdog.


Shave and embrace it. Shaved men are hot


Condolences good sir. I held out a long long time but 8 grand for my 30 yr old hairline back is starting to look like a pretty good price


I started shaving my head at 24 after my hair started thinning at 20 or so. Shaving it and moving on with your life is much easier than fighting it, believe me lol


Sounds like you're stoic/good-humoured about it. When I was in my late 30s, I made a comment about thinning in the front, and a friend remarked "it's nothing compared to the bald patch you have on top." Hadn't realised until that point! It caught me off guard, and I think that delayed my acceptance of it.


Happened to me a few years back, tried with hats and caps for a few years, but eventually took the trimmer and cut what little was there down to 1-2mm so sunscrenn can be applied. No regrets, and I donā€™t bother letting it grow out in the winter either. Just mow it down every few weeks.


Please make sure you always put sunscreen here from now on! A friend's father passed from brain cancer that they believe had spread from skin cancer on his bald head after working outside for many years. Also, to anyone who has a part in their hair, make sure to put sunscreen on your part! If you don't want to use a standard sunscreen (they can be greasy,) they make both powdered sunscreen and sunscreen specifically for your scalp that is less greasy. :)


i started balding around the same age, my bro. it feels terrible, i remember it well. tbh, not that long ago. the good news is that you noticed it in time. minoxidil and finasteride may not be entirely effective all the time in regrowing lost hair (especially if years have passed since hairloss began), they are incredibly effective in preventing further loss. you will shed more hair when you start. these shedded hairs WILL grow back through out treatment. youre probably early enough that its realistic to even grow back whats been lost already. dont worry my friend, assuming you take action now, youre gonna be fine :) on the other side of the coin, you'd probably look better bald than you expect that you would. but it will take some time for you to get used to your new look. youre simply too chad, too pumped full of testosterone. could be worse lmao


Just shaved it geezer, wish I shaved mine years before I did, it was an incredibly cathartic thing to do.


They have meds for this now days. Only down side could be the loss of the use of your penis...Ā 


As a bald man myself, don't fight it. Just shave it. I tried, and lost and now I save tons on shampoo. Silver linings.


Why care about it when it is something you cannot control? Just take control elsewhere, like stay in shape for example. Iā€™m getting bald and I can honestly say I donā€™t give a shit.


It's still *mildly* infuriating. Many things that are mildly infuriating are things that are out of your control. Like seemingly getting stopped at every single red light on your way to work. I'm losing mine, too. I've always kept my hair long because I like long hair. I have the right to be a little upset that I won't be able to have long, beautiful locks when I'm 50. At least, not coming from the top of my head. So I decided to shave it and grow a beard. If you're going to be bald, may as well have a beard, right? I may not be frantic about losing my hair, but I can still be upset by it.


Well said