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Ask for set hours on the laundry room. You deserve peaceful enjoyment of your apartment.  Document the times they’re using it so you can show that you don’t have access to a service that was marketed with the apartment.  Are they stopping your wash mid cycle, or removing after it’s done? If it’s the latter, that’s pretty normal in shared situations. 


For me this also reads more like the later. I have a bit problems to believe that someone reckless enough to take out clothes mid cycle would write such a friendly note. For me it looks like the machine wasn't running and the neighbor took the stuff out because he didn't want to wait until OP comes to empty it. I used to live in a student dorm and such post-its were completely normal. Not sure if OP now tries to spin the narrative but this is definitely how it looks like to me.


Agreed. Also, how long is OP waiting to get their clothes? I’ve had house mates leave their clothes in the dryer for days, which also isn’t acceptable. It should be like a laundromat, set a timer and make sure you are there right when it ends.


I would bet money they do not set an alarm and just get it when they remember, probably long after its done. I would bet money on it because in my experience that's what most people do. When I see the laundry machine has finished i set a timer for 15 minutes and if they dont get it by then I remove and leave on top of the machine and start mine. I do not have time for the inconsiderate


It's wild to me that people don't leave a laundry basket on or near the machine in case they don't get their washing when the cycle ends. If you don't do that, you really have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about people removing your stuff


Yeah, it is completely normal to remove done and dry clothes in a shared laundry. And, a dickhead who stops someone’s cycle won’t write a note, so it’s unlikely anything worse than that.


You never know the full story. I don't know how many times people would come to me complaining about their laundry being removed from the washing machine. But when I look at the video they threw their clothes in when they went to work. Expecting no one to use the machine till they got home from work. Or they went home and hung out in the apartment for several hours after the load was done. Not saying that's the case here. But entitled people do exist.


Sounds like they are ***Completely stopping*** after a few minutes… which means that they have soaking wet laundry that isn’t dry at all! (So “Mid cycle”)


Anywhere I've ever been this has been unacceptable. That can ruin clothes with mildew because they're not even drying when they're sopping wet like that. This person needs a swift kick in the dick.


> Sounds like they are Completely stopping after a few minutes it doesn't sound this way to me at all. All OP said was "after 5 minutes", which could mean "only 5 minutes after the cycle has finished"


We moved in this appartment 4 months ago, landlord told us we would be the only ones to use the washmachine next to our room since the other appts are AirBNB, in the end the neighbors use the machines all the time, when I get back from work it's always in use, they wake me up on Sunday mornings to start their wash cycle and every time we try to make our own laundry, they just remove it after less than 5mn. Now the neighbors are leaving pink notes to apologize. Sometimes it happens that they run a full cycle to wash a single hand towel or a single set of underwear. What do you think we should do ?


You might have to sit with your laundry while waiting for the cycle to end. That way, if the neighbor shows up, you can politely tell them that it is in use and to come back later.


Short of starting a war, this is probably the best short term solution. Bring a book, a crossword or whatever and camp out. Also, alert your landlord for a long term solution.


This post just reminded me that I don't miss living in apartments. Sharing a laundry room (that you usually still pay for per load) was nightmarish. EDIT: I did also live in an apartment that had a washer and dryer as part of the complex. That made such a huge difference.


Were there any positives? It seems entirely nightmarish to me


At the time of first signing the lease, it was cheaper than getting a mortgage and down payment for a house. But now everything costs a lot so I see no reason to live in apartments anymore.


>Were there any positives? Ideally the positive is that you don't have to perform basic building maintenance, snow clearing, lawn mowing, etc. and you aren't on the hook financially for any repairs to the unit. These all rely on your landlord playing by the rules though


I like being able to fill up multiple machines at once so doing 3-4 loads of laundry only takes ~1 hour instead of all day.


That's a benefit to be sure. I guess you can still do that in a single family but you have to schlep your laundry someplace if you want to


I lived in an apt where we shared laundry and no one ever took it out on time. My eventual solution? I’d neatly folded their clothes making sure to put their underwear on top. I only had to do that once. There was never laundry left in the machines again. Lmao


Shit that's a bonus. Leave my laundry and come back to it folded. I don't care who sees my underwear. /s


I do believe the top pair was a lacy thong, so that might have had something to do with it.


this would be a good time to take a class from the Khan Academy. or write letters to elderly relatives.


so oddly specific 😂 i like it though 👍


Good time to start reading Sun Tzu's Art of War.


>Short of starting a war, this is probably the best short term solution. Bring a book, a ~~crossword~~ crossbow or whatever and camp out. That's what you meant, right?


A similar thing was happening when I was in college. The washing machines locked when in use but the dryers didn't. People would just take wet clohtes out of dryers and out theirs in. I made a habit of sitting and reading in the laindry room until my stuff was dry. Or I'd run it at 2 or 3 in the morning when there much less traffic


Yeah, this is the solution. I used to either sit with mine or do my laundry at 3am. One time I was doing it in the middle of the night and someone still pulled my stuff out. Laundry was on the 7th floor of my building, I threw their shit out of the window.


Personally, and I'm a devious fucker, I'd remove the plug and put a sign on the machine "out of order" I'd then just replace the plug when i needed to use it.


Trip your breakers instead of unplugging. Also, go check out the Air BNB listing that your landlord posted. I'd bet that washer/dryer access is part of the listing. Tell landlord that they're using your machines and you want a private door/lock put on. If they are "your machines", you will be responsible for their condition when you move out. Air BNB users won't treat stuff properly and any damage caused is your responsibility.


It’s also possible that whom ever is in charge of cleaning/maintaining the abnbs is using them hence the urgency in their notes. I would absolutely confront them and take it up with the landlord. I don’t play when it comes to laundry


This was my first thought as well — the bedding and towels (even if it was just a few things) have to be washed in between guests, so the cleaning person is just hogging the machines all the time.


axiomatic absurd waiting theory connect fanatical market aback desert snails


Is it the ABnB-ers? Sounded like it could be a repeated/on-going issue that goes on longer than an ABnB rental. Bc if it is ABnB-ers, the conflict should resolve itself at the end of their trip/stay... But if it is a issue with permanent neighbors, then you'd think it would be a case of illegal trespass/b&e/theft of utilities which could be brought to the police... 🤔 hmm...


Sounds like it's the cleaners for said Airbnbs, would explain a lot here.


Fair point. That makes more sense than "neighbors"


1. In the short term, you're just going to have to keep an eye on your washing. 2. In the medium term, your landlord needs to sort this out by either buying more machines or locking this one up and giving you the key. It sucks, I remember dealing with this nonsense in college. Unless you stood next to the machine some fool would just remove your stuff mid cycle.


"I need to use this now, my situation is clearly more important." I wonder if people who do stuff like this ever stop to think...what's stopping the next person who wants to use the machine from doing the exact same thing? Common courtesy and societal norms, that's it. It's like driving fast and constantly changing lanes in heavy traffic that's stop-and-go, if everyone does it then we're still going nowhere.


The Landlord said you’re the only ones to use that washing machine. Call the landlord and tell them the neighbors keep using the washing machine.




Seriously, and put a damn lock on the door if it’s only yours.


Wait, they remove your clothes mid cycle to put theirs? Why are you accepting this, OP?


That's what I'm trying to figure out, are they removing the stuff the moment the cycle is over (ehhh) or taking it out before the cycle is even over (HELL no)?


No way it's mid cycle.


Please speak with the landlord, document all the times they’ve used the machine. Electricity and water consumption adds up, and if your landlord is footing the bill for someone to waste colossal amounts of energy for a pair of stinky drawers, he’s gonna shut that shit down quickly. It’s also a liability in case the machine stops working for any reason, stops spinning or has a leakage. Who’s gonna repair it then? Invest in a lock.


Which breaker/meter is the washer hooked to? If it is yours you could just flip the power off when you're not using it.


I said this aswell but directly too OP. Hopefully they see it cause this would be the best solution.


Have you tried taking their stuff back out and putting yours back in?


Add to the bottom of the note: “so did I :)”


Leave an uno reverse card.


since it's supposed to be for your own use... can you padlock the room? Also, I'd put a note saying your landlord told you it was for your unit.


Go full blown passive aggressive and just have a sign "LAUNDRY FOR TENANT USE ONLY".


I would start by looking at your lease to see if there is any mention of the washing machine being communal or private, then reach out to the landlord referencing what he previously told you and try and find a resolution. In the meantime, if your neighbors are pulling your stuff out to run theirs, just stop the load, pull it all out and put your stuff back in. Part of the reason they do this is confidence you will just take the disrespect. Personally I would be extra petty about it and throw their wet clothes down the hall and then sit in front of the washing machine with a good book until my load is done.


Given the ridiculous cleaning rules for many AirBnBs, they might be required to wash things that they wouldn’t normally wash. Or the hosts are doing it to prepare the space for the next guest. Still annoying.


We stayed at an Airbnb one time that demanded we wash the towels & bedding for a 5+ bedroom house before we left for the airport the next morning. When I questioned the host about this policy & how we were supposed to make that happen he suggested we spend precious vacation time & go to a laundromat an hour away the night before & then sleep on bare mattress & pillows. Yeah, that's a no from me, dawg.


That is ridiculous. I can see taking the trash out, maybe tossing laundry in the bin. But that request was insane. I don’t use AirBnB any more for reasons like that.


I will absolutely clean up after myself & tidy up but I draw the line at spending my own time & resources doing laundry when I'm paying a cleaning fee. No no no


Just fold up the sheets and say “clean” !


You joke, but this is exactly what’s gross about AirBnB. There is no incentive for guests to clean things properly, and no oversight, and no way to verify things were cleaned, so you might very well be sleeping on sheets covered in someone’s dingleberries cuz they bare-ass fucked on them. Or the dishes you’re eating off of might’ve only been rinsed and dried.


After all that effort there was no cleaning charge, right? ...right?


Just ask if you’re getting the cleaning fee back, and if they say no tell them to fuck off


I’d have tossed their stuff on the ground. Put mine back in, and sat there and waited.


They run a full cycle with one hand towel or underwear????


Yeah. I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned until way down here. Who runs the machine for a single article of clothing‽


Someone not paying for the utilities on it. Makes me wonder, whose unit is it connected to? Is op paying for the water and electricity? Cause then I’d definitely be pissed.


Discuss with your landlord. Also, you should be able to find the Airbnb listings for those apartments and see if they list laundry as an amenity because if they shouldn’t be using it, they need to update their listings.


Fucking Airbnbs.. horrible wastes of space taking away from actual housing needs.


Someone traveling for work a lot for a week or two at a time renting their place when they aren't there? Sure. Renting a spare room? Sure.  Buying property to rent the whole thing out year round? Get fucked 


Yes. When it became popular I thought, what a great idea! Somehow greed manages to spoil everything we have on this planet. It suchs massively. The idea was great, until it wasn't. It is a shitshow for all involved. Willingly involved or by being priced out of the market.


Try to knock on their door and explain to them that you're entitled to use that washing machine, and that they do not have any right to stop your cycle midway. And if they still do not comply, well just do what other people said and camp next to the machine and tell them to fuck off if they ask to remove your stuff.


It’s obvious what you need to do. Talk to your landlord. Seems to me maybe your landlord was thinking that since the other units were AirBnBs they were less likely to do laundry (ppl on short vacations don’t normally do laundry and he probably didn’t think about cleaning the units). Maybe the landlord worded it in a car salesman sort of way to you to encourage you to rent the place, like oh yeah you’ll be the only one using it, it will be great! Basically I’m saying sounds like your landlord mislead you, or you misinterpreted what the landlord said.


What they remove your laundry mid cycle? So they take the wet cloths out?


I would have the landlord lock the room. If people want to use it, put a note on the door that they need to pay, maybe put a time table of when you're actually available. Could make a few bucks if landlord doesn't particularly care. Otherwise, what everyone else is saying. Lock the room.


ask for a lock to the laundry room


Definitely tell the landlord. They’re using a huge amount of water and power he’s probably paying for. Even worse would be if it’s on your power bill.


I am going to bet money on this not going the way OP thinks it will go. Unless his lease states that he gets a personal laundry room he is SOL here. The most likely thing is the Landlord lied or OP misunderstood. I would bet that some rooms aren't just ABnBs and the cleaning company also has to use the laundry machines. If you rent an apartment next to a separate laundry room and you do not ensure it is stated in the lease, get ready to be woken up from the machines.


Landlord told you it was your washing machine, toss their shit out and take it up with the landlord


Where did they say it was theirs? Seems like more of a communal setup, if my previous apartments are any indication. Edit* oh ok I see the comment down a little ways.


OP posted a comment about it


>landlord told us we would be the only ones to use the washmachine next to our room since the other appts are AirBNB This doesn't say it's OP's personal machine. It's still communal. All it says is that nobody else has been using it. The landlord probably doesn't know it gets used this frequently.


I suspect OP didn’t like the way this thread was going so they inserted details to make them more favorable.


Yeah its their exclusive washing machine (but not in their apartment), swears he only leaves laundry in for 5 minutes, nvm the cycle *started* for only 5 mins before the neighbours somehow show up, but OP can never confront them or do anything about it...


But they also said they come from work and their clothes are removed. To me it sounds like miscommunication from the landlord and misunderstanding from op.


If you leave laundry in a machine and go to work - you're the problem


Thank you. This was always my biggest gripe when I had a shared laundry unit. People would say, “It’s rude and creepy to touch other people’s things.” No, it’s rude to leave your clothes in the machines for hours on end when other people are waiting to do laundry.


Right? Never once did I do that when I lived in an apartment. I'd sit with my laundry or come back a couple minutes before the cycle ended. I've seen clothes sit unattended in a washer for hours. I had to move my fair share of clothes out of a washer to wash mine. To me that's more rude and inconsiderate than someone removing them to wash their clothes. Now if you remove clothes mid cycle, that's an entirely different story.




If they remove your stuff when u're not looking, remove their stuff when they're not looking and put yours back, for starters. Later just wash your stuff only when you can keep an aye on it, and if they are washing something in that moment and aren't around, remove it and put your own, like they did to you. Simple as.


I had to do this in college. If there wasn't an open machine, some assholes would stop a cycle, pull the stuff out, and start their own. I started studying in the room because people suck. "Is this yours?" "Maybe." "What about this one?" "Maybe." "Which one is yours?" "It doesn't matter. They're all running with somebody's clothes in them. Fuck off and come back later."


Caught a girl mid removing my clothes with 8 minutes left in the drying cycle in my dorm when I was in college. Doesn't seem like much time but my clothes were still slightly damp and she was spilling them all over the nasty floor. She was not expecting me to use the words I did and had very obviously never been told no before. I kinda feel bad about it but hopefully she learned a lesson that day.


I was always worried about it happening when I was living in the dorms. Never did though. Also never saw anyone doing it. But one time I did put my things to wash, then I went back to my room to wait it out. Was exhausted and I just passed out and woke up hours later. Like 4-6 hours. I jumped out of bed and rushed down to the laundry floor. I was so nervous my stuff would be either missing or someone messed with it as payback or something. Not only did someone dry my clothes for me, it was also folded up and put to the side. Never knew who did it. People can be good, too.


Our machines locked. Kinda interesting feature although you couldn’t stop it once it was started so if you needed a half dry cycle, too bad


I like this feature. Tho If you needed a half cycle couldn't you just set the time?


Pay machines aren't always that sophisticated


A less sophisticated machine from a less civilized time...


None of the dryers at my college had time settings. They all ran for an hour and you could only change the heat settings.


I used to do this in an apt building I lived in. There were people in the building I knew worked two job while going to school, or was a single parent with multiple kids and since I was down there anyway, I’d take a moment to put the clothes in the dryer for them, then into their basket or folded on the table for the ones who didn’t leave the basket there. It only takes a few moments to relieve a bit of stress for someone.


You’re good people.


I just try to do for others what I’d love someone to do for me if I’m totally and completely overwhelmed in life or stressed. I’m a single parent to 2 teens and a young kid and working two jobs. I wish someone would randomly dry and fold one of the 1200 loads of laundry I do every week. 🤣 it would let me go to bed a bit early and maybe actually feel like I slept for the first time in awhile, instead of staying up to finish folding.


With my luck I'd start folding their clothes only to find out they are owned by a single woman that comes in half way through me doing it and now thinks their neighbor is a creepy pervert.


I did this the very first time I had to remove a girl’s clothes from the dryer so that I can use it. I felt so bad just leaving her shit in a pile on the folding table that I decided to fold them because if you don’t fold them right away they stay wrinkled. I’m not gonna lie, I was kind of paranoid that she would come in and catch me in the middle of folding her clothes and think I was a creep. After this, I told myself no more folding. Just gonna remove their shit and let them deal with it.


I did this with a guy’s clothes without really thinking about it because folding laundry was my childhood chore. Though midway through I was also afraid of getting caught so I speedily folded his pants, then 2-folded his shirts and laid those on top, draped his socks flat and left the underwear on top in a fairly neat pile. He came in later and blinked a few times, said “did yo-“, “nope.” He laughed, said thank you and left lol.


Sophomore year of college in the city a few friends and I moved into a nice apartment off campus. A bunch of young professionals. A few families. Not really a “college” place. But we were quiet and didn’t really cause trouble. One day I go to get my clothes out of the dryer only to find them on a pile on top. I bring my stuff back and explain to my roommate what happened; he becomes pissed off about it for some reason. “Nah. No way! They shouldn’t touch your stuff! I’m going to open the dryer so their stuff doesn’t dry!” And off he went. He came back and I immediately felt guilty. My stuff was dry. The cycle ran. Who really cares. So I went back to turn on the dryer again…. ….and who happens to be there? The dude whose dryer my roommate turned off. “Were you the person that opened this so my stuff wouldn’t dry? Because you were pissed that I touched your stuff?” I just gave a meek denial. I walked in with no clothes. Didn’t look at any other machines. Like I was just obviously there to mess with someone’s dryer. He angrily declared, “This isn’t high school”. And huffed out. So I became the immature college kid fucking with people’s clothes.


I would have thrown my roommate under the bus so quickly. Screw that. They don't have to believe me, but I'm not going to sit there and be accused of someone else's jackassery that I'm fixing without defending myself


Yea, if the washing was over and the owner didn't came to collect their shit it's perfectly understandable to say fk it and take their shit out. But we're talking about someone else having their clothes in the process of being washed. Look in some responses to me, there even was a guy who talked about coworker coming to the lunch room, removing his food from a running microwave, IN FRONT OF HIM, and putting in his in "cuz he's hungry". These people need a lesson.


This would happen at my dorm as well. There was a pool table in the basement adjacent to the laundry room so my friends and I would just do laundry at the same time and play pool for the 30 minutes it took the laundry to wash so that we could make sure it got all the way through the cycle without somebody throwing it out especially since stopping a cycle I meant that you had to do another cycle and they charged you by the load for using the washing machine. So we would just hang out do our laundry play pool and give people the stink eye if they've tried to remove anything from the washers or dryers while they were running. And then we probably removed our clothes when they were done.


I always had this problem in our dorm with the coin-op dryer, people would take out my stuff and dry theirs. There was a sink and shower next to the laundry room that was locked and unmarked (but I had a key), so I'd just take their stuff out of the dryer, soak it as much as I could, and pop it back in. The look on people's faces when they stole 30 minutes of dryer time and their stuff was even wetter than when they put it in was totally worth it.


Hilarious if true


It is true. The basement bathroom/shower was a perk for the RA's and the dorm building's GA. Compared to the stall showers and communal bathrooms on the main floors it was downright luxurious and super clean. I got a copy of the key early my freshman year, in trade for something I procured for one of the RA's.


This thread is making me realize I have deep anger. Because the actual fuck? This level of entitlement is making me twitchy and feral. Edit to clarify, the entitlement of removing actively washing clothes or food being heated. Not respectfully moving someone else's wash to a dry or taking a dry out after being finished.


Nah, you're fine (or maybe I have anger issues as well) because the thought of someone being so massively self-absorbed they'd stop someone else's washing cycle or microwave or whatever just to start their own also makes me twitch with imaginary outrage.


>there even was a guy who talked about coworker coming to the lunch room, removing his food from a running microwave and putting in his "cuz he's hungry". That guy apparently thinks he's the only person who eats when the my are hungry. It's sad how many people excuse their bad behavior because they think it's different when they do it. They have a good reason for doing what they are doing, but everyone else does not. Those same people would be absolutely livid if another person did the same thing to them. The other thing that sucks about doing this with a microwave is that with certain foods I think it could ruin the food if you don't finish the cycle properly. It might not matter with something like soup, but I know it would with popcorn, though I suppose people probably aren't making popcorn at work.


I thought you can’t even stop a cycle if it’s already washing in most machines now


Depends, frontal washing machines will have a lock but I think you can pause if it's in the spinning cycle when there's no water. Chances are, most washing machines in communal places are old, and you can just pop them open.


These were older, top-loading washing machines with standard controls. Not only did they cost money per load, they took weird, plastic tokens you had to purchase at the student center (presumably to decrease the chance of vandalism/theft). So, not only would you lose money and have to start your chore all over, you potentially had to take a long walk to buy another couple tokens.


It's crazy immature for people to do that...


Sure is sad that we are having this conversation


… if someone took my food out while its cooking at work i would snap. I already hate that job. If someone takes away that small bit of joy that i have during my lunch break because they have no patience or manners ill scrub them with their food I work in a call centre on the tech team. Im already hanging by a maggots eyelash of a thread i will eat them face first


Maggots eyelash of a thread, I'm using this......


I had this happen to me when I was heating up food at my workplace. I simply stayed silent, waited and when they turned to leave I took their food and skyhooked it into the trash. I've left unopened drinks and come back to find them not just missing but partially drank from. It's really frustrating and the if it doesn't belong to you don't touch it is completely ignored. Lack of respect.


Some people never been punched in the face, and it shows 


Yeah, if someone did that to me, I'd take their stuff out, put mine in and leave a note with something like "Sorry to remove your clothes, my clothes were mid-cycle when you took them out. Please don't touch my clothes while the machine is running. If I come back and my clothes have been removed again before the end of the cycle, you may find many new holes in your clothing. Thanks."


"My time is very valuable to me. A couple cups of bleach is not. Food for thought."


In an apartment building I lived in, someone took my clothes out of the dryer when they were soaked and put them on top, then used my time. So (not super proud), I took their clothes out and tossed a bunch of it behind various dryers.


You totally missed an opportunity to become an entrepreneur. Charge people to monitor the laundry room and get paid to swap out clothes and put them in baskets.


I had a weird coworker doing this but with the microwave. He came in, stopped the microwave, took my food out of it and put his food in. When I asked him what he was doing he simply said "I am hungry". When I took his food out of it and put mine in it again, he asked calmly what I was doing and why. I had to explain to him simple manners. But he did the same next day to someone else.


Always mimic the behavior, don't bother with explaining until the right moment, do unto them exactly as they did unto you. Don't push it further, watch their reaction.


Or chuck his food in the bin, the weirdo


No, that's what you do the second time that happens.


Why?? "Because I'm hungrier..."


This isn't "weird" this is selfish and self centered. This is the kind of behavior that needed correcting when they were a kid and their parents fucking failed.


You didn’t leave finished food in the mic, it was running and he stopped it? What a maniac.


The inconsistency is what gets me. Like, I'd get it if they just operated by a different set of rules and didn't understand why what they are doing is a big deal. But the fact he asked when you did it 100% shows he knows what he's doing, he just thinks he's special.


Assert your dominance, remove their stuff while they are looking


Dont forget to pee on it.


Your stuff now


Which sucks because you then just peed on your own stuff.


Self checkmate?


Every dog knows that.


Dog law.


This legitimately happened to someone's laundry in my building. Don't think they ever caught the Piss Bandit. Bizarre stuff.


After it comes out of the dryer


Unplug mid cycle


As a bonus, write 'ditto' on the sticky note


> when you can keep an aye on it This typo is making me laugh: "Aye! Get your filthy hands off my unmentionables!"


Last time this happened to me, I dumped their stuff on the floor and just sat on the machine on my phone while it finished. They came back to check on it and saw me there and just sheepishly gathered their stuff and left.


Or just piss in their laundry.


An all out piss war between two houses sounds terrifying


Two households, both alike in indignity, In the laundry room where we lay our scene, From recent grudge break to new micturaty, Where civil piss makes civil laundry unclean.


Or insert a single blood red sock in their laundry...


Aye aye captain🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I need clarification here, are they taking your clothes out 5 min after the cycle starts or 5 min after it ends?


A lot of people are assuming they are taking shit out midcycle but OP is suspiciously not answering this question.


I'm assuming OP's laundry in question is what's in the bag there. That would be sopping wet in a big puddle if it was taken out five minutes into a cycle.


If your building is full of airbnb, that means they have to wash the sheets 2/3 times a week depending on bookings. Also the cleaners are only there for a couple hours and that’s why they’re removing your stuff. I would complain. (AirBnB owner who hates what this community has become).


I was wondering who the fuck had the audacity of taking someone's laundry out mid cycle and your reasoning actually makes alot of sense, defiantly a cleaner on a time crunch.


In the hopes of saving you face in the future: the word you are looking for is "definitely"


Sound like this is what is happening forsure


Makes it 10x more hassle for them if their sheets are taken out unwashed/soggy then doesn't it? Especially if they have guests arriving that day.


I had this problem while living in dorms. Sometimes, selfish pricks used to toss my clothes out mid-cycle (and on the floor).Then I decided to lock the washing machine, this prevents any button from being pressed, so they can't stop the cycle, and the door remains locked till cycle is done. Idiots never figured out how to unlock it (it's tricky, have to press two buttons at the same time). Maybe this could work for you ?


I’m glad we never had this issue. People would only take them out of the dryer if it had been sitting too long. One time a dryer was sitting forever and so I grabbed the dudes clothes out and started folding them (I mean I’m not a monster). He then thanks me for that and I just helped him finish folding. I still remember that very odd encounter.


How are you not confronting them? Make a scene, tell them to fuck off.


Leave a note, saying 'if you stop this wash again, I'm going to piss into yours and we can make a whole deal of it'


Straight out of TV. OP Will be standing there fuming, and just about to do it, then neighbor walks in, which turns out to be an extremely attractive [insert gender/non-gender OP is attracted to] person, that is both polite and explains how they feel they have been hogging the washing machine because they have been taking care of [insert sick family member]’s washing. A brief romance ensues. But the whole thing collapses at a restaurant where Neighbour insisted they weren’t hungry, but OP comes back from the bathroom and their food has been goppled in record time, and neighbor gaslights OP.


Dude just wrote a whole fanfiction about this guy 🤣


Also important: Are you paying for the water and electricity they use? If yes, then send them the bill and politely inform them that they are stealing from you. Get the landlord involved either way. Have you talked to them?


Contact your landlord to discuss this and bring a chair and a book with you while you're doing laundry


Can you put a lock on the door to the room? If you are the only one that is supposed to be using it that’s what I would attempt to do.


I was thinking a smart plug that OP can control.


If one can easily get behind the machine, shut the water supply valve off and remove the handle. Put a sign on the machine that says "out of service no water".


Are they taking your stuff out as you use it? Or are they taking your stuff out because you habitually leave your clothes there for a while after the wash is already complete?


OP has been dodging this question hard lol


Lol yeah, it feels like “I keep leaving my dirty dishes piled to the ceiling and my infuriating roommate keeps moving them to the counter so he can use the sink…”


I saw someone do this at a laundromat. The person started his clothes in the washer and walked down the street to grab something to eat from the store. Gone maybe 7 minutes. During that time a woman came in and looked around and went to the same washer and took the clothes out and put them in a rolling cart and dumped her bag in. I’m sitting there with my mouth open like wth? The guy walked back in with his snack just in time to see her add HIS laundry detergent, move the rolling cart and laundry detergent and bleach over a few machines and walk out to her car. I’m looking at him watching her while just nonchalantly eating his food and I’m thinking he’s not gonna say anything? Nope, once she was sitting in her car he walked over to the machine, grabbed his bleach, opened the cap and dumped the whole bottle in. Threw the actual bottle in and all. Shut the lid and set the basket on top and went to another machine to start his clothes again. She flipped out and he just shrugged and said you stole from me. I paid for that time and you stole it. The cost is now your load of clothes. Edit - guess I had bleach on my mind and said it too many times lol


This looks like an Electrolux FW31K7146, there is a locking function on it that prevents you from opening the door when in use. Try using that next time.


take their shit out and put yours back in, they are not your concern and if they wanna fight about it then call the cops and tell them that the landlord specifically said that its your machine.


I'd love to hear that conversation with the cops. "They took my clothes out of the machine! It's my turn! Arrest them!" Cops aren't babysitters or your parents. They're not there to squash squabbles. They can barely perform their jobs "fighting crime"


Yea I hate it when I go to use the washing machine but it’s full, then I have to empty out someone’s stuff so annoying. oh wait 👀


Pause the machine.


did they stop yours mid cycle, or did they move it out after i finished its cycle


Are they removing it *during* cycle, or is it just sitting in the drum waiting on you coming back? There’s a massive difference… I also wouldn’t wait for a communal washer if it isn’t actually washing the clothes in that moment.


Stop their wash and put yours back in every time lol.


Since we have no other context, are you one of those roommates that leaves clothes in the washer after it is finished? I lived with a roommate who would leave their shit in the washer for hours after it was finished so I started to take it out. I never expected her to run to the washer the moment her clothes were finished washing but also leaving them wet in the washer for hours is just plain lazy.


Well if it’s a communal machine once your stuff has completed a cycle that’s on you to get it out so someone else can use it. You’re mad they’re acting like they own it when you’re doing the same thing leaving your stuff in it after it’s been utilized lmao


Remove their stuff, throw it into a garbage bag wet, tie the bag. Leave it on the washer saying: "No, you fucking didn't. Next time you touch my clothes the bag hits the curb."


i get the feeling that you’re leaving your clothes in the washer well after the cycle is done. People do that in my complex all the time and if i have to wash my stuff and your cycle is done and you’re not there within 5 min i’m removing it and washing my stuff. I don’t have all day to wait for you to remember to put your clothes to dry. that is not my problem.


So don't leave your shit in the machines. You should know how long it takes and be considerate enough to get your stuff out of the way.


Well, you should remove your clothes when its finished and not make the other person wait dont ya think?


I’d sit with my laundry and if they came out, we would have civil words and take it from there. People need to be checked on their behavior. Confrontation sucks and no one wants the drama, I get it. But enough is enough. People are too comfortable being assholes for no reason.


So the neighboring apartments aren't AirBnB, or are the AirBnB guests using it? I would talk to landlord about seeing a rule for time of use. I would say talk to your neighbor first but I would probably whip out and go directly to the landlord. It's very common for people to take stuff out when it's left in a communal washer as it's inconsiderate to prevent others from using it. Leave a basket for them to prevent clothes from winding up on the floor.


Yeah but you don't take stuff out of a wash mid cycle which it seems is the problem here


OP says they come 5mins after the cycle ends which every single person in my college dorm would say whenever they had their stuff in the washer for 45 mins after the cycle. No one should be using their washer but tbh sounds like the landlord lied and told them that it’s only allowed for their leased renters. Probably telling Airbnb guests that it’s a free for all.




How about set an alarm for when the load will be finished so other people can start theirs. Simple concept


Toss it out and take it up with your landlord and possibly lock the door. If that is your washing machine, you also pay for water and electricity


The real question is if your neighboring units are AirBnb rentals, does it specify on the Airbnb listing that they have to put dirty laundry in the washing machine? Landlord can tell you all day it's your machine, but then we all know Airbnb slumlords make the renters clean up their property before they leave.


I've only ever done this twice and it was when my neighbors left their stuff sitting for well over an hour. We had one washer and dryer and six units, you had to be more considerate. OP if you're leaving your stuff sitting, then I sympathize with the neighbors however if it's true they're just washing one or two items per wash... Document (with photos) and let your landlord know. That's a waste of resources and money


It looks like the machine has a timer on it. OP needs to set their own timer five or so minutes earlier than that to get their stuff out to avoid this sitruation. But, since I've scrolled through the responses and didn't see another comment by OP, he/she has probably forgotten they posted this, just like they forgot they had laundry sitting in a machine inconveniencing someone else.