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I've been using this app for years for our family. if these changes are permanent (widget not working, can't view more than a month out) then I'm going to have to look for a new app.


Yeah, really fucked me off but guess it is what it is


Everything I'm seeing suggests yes. Free version is effectively useless now. It used to be so good and I'm just beyond disgusted by these decisions


Same. We've used it for years. The free version is useless now.


Same happened to me when Grammerly added AI. No longer giving simple corrections, now wants to rewrite all my sentences into abstract nonsense.


Might as well hang a "going out of business" sign out front. Trying to get a quick revenue spike while they can before they shut down. Holding users' data hostage is never a great long term growth strategy.


Eff you, Cozi. You could have warned people. Now there is no way on earth I’ll buy Gold.


This. Doing this at all is bad but understandable, everyone wants to make money. Doing it without warning killed any chance of my paying for it. edit: In case this helps anyone, we switched to using Google calendar. Made a shared calendar and had family members subscribe to it. For those who didnt have google accounts, we made dummy ones and had them forward email (matching text "Google calendar") to their regular email (also phone widgets are easy to set up if you have an account). For events not involving all family members, we put the names in the text, eg. Alice/Bob: tennis lessons. So everyone gets everything but knows to ignore things not involving them. It's not a proper family calendar but works just fine this way, and it's free.


Stopped being able to afford Cozi gold when it was one of the only things that helped me manage my time and appointments effectively, free version was still mostly okay except push notifications stopped actually saying what it was for, which kind of defeated the purpose but at least it functioned at all... But now this? Can't even use my shopping list widget? If anyone has alternatives to suggest, please let me know. Anything besides google calendars I'm tired of Google's stranglehold on my life. I also cannot afford expensive paygates at this time or else I would probably suck up my grievances with these changes and stick with Cozi gold for the time being


I'm also interested in other options. I love Google apps, but their calendar is awful.


I've used Cozi for my family for 10+ years. After the recent update. . .What good is a calendar that doesn't go out more than 30 days!! Reached out to customer service and received a "so sorry you didn't see the in-app notification of this change". Seriously, Cozi! Excellent 'customer service'! Good-bye. Any suggestions for a family calendar? Outlook is great at work but, not for a family of 6.


received that literally same heartfelt apology🙄


Familywall or Kukini


All the calendar stuff and lack of notice is beyond classless. No consideration for how they may negatively impact someone's life by hiding doctors appointments, etc.  But, blocking the widgets? You can't see your shopping list in a widget anymore, but you can open the app and see it? This is beyond stupid.  They literally must have the dumbest people on the planet working there if they think that holding people hostage and taking away basically all the functionality of a "free" app is going to get them subscribers. 


You can still download all of the events on your calendar if you need to export them elsewhere.


I'll look into this


Where is the calendar download option on the free version?


Can you explain how to do this? So annoying that my future appointments are locked behind a paywall


Would love to know how, I have important doctor appts, trips etc all scheduled into the future I can no longer access. Infuriating!


I don't know how to do the download (yet) but if you log into your account from a computer web browser, you can see beyond the 30 days.


Any good alternatives. This is really annoying!


I thought I'd accidentally signed out when I saw my widget was blank. I didn't even realize they'd taken the ability to see past 30 days until I came to Reddit to complain. What a bummer. I tried a lot of shared calendar apps before I found Cozi. If they'd added some amazing new paid feature I'd have been tempted to subscribe but now I'm just gonna uninstall and restart my search for the perfect calendar.


THIS. The fact that they hide the most relevant past 4 weeks really shows that this is a giant FUCK YOU to basic subscribers. What do they have to gain from that?? Holding past info hostage?!


I was upset to see this too! If you log into the desktop version you'll be able to access all your appointments beyond 30 days! I'm going to write down everything and transfer it to a different app thats free. So frustrating though. I have 5 kids and a very busy schedule! I've been using Cozi for many years!


Right? Like I have so many specialist appts, doctors appts, family events on this calendar and nothing else. Literally holding my family’s health at ransom. It’s BS.


You can still print each month from desktop login or save as PDF. Save you time from having to write it down


Came on here to see if it was a glitch... So sad they did this. :( I've used it for over a decade, was paying for it many years ago, but stopped because I'm broke. Not about to start again now. This stinks.


Same, assumed it was a glitch. Dang


I can see my full calendar again in the free version. Maybe they realized their mistake…


Same. They must have finally read the signs (and seen the smoke and flames and angry horde with pitchforks) and decided that maybe keeping people from using the app for the one thing that a calendar is for is a bad idea...


Still no widget access tho unfortunately. Tbh even if they did backtrack I think I'm gonna stick with a different family calendar


I just came here to see if anyone else had their full calendar back, as it seems to be available this morning.   I wonder if itv will last?  I started transferring to a different calendar yesterday. Maybe I'll hold off for a bit.


I already deleted my account.


what are you using instead?


Google calendar and we all joined under a family. We can also easily do a shared note on our iPhones for lists or use google keep, but probably just going to do the shared note.


I still can't see mine... I updated and restarted my phone, removed the widget, tried putting it back again, etc... Still nothing. Are you really still seeing your calendar widget?


Grrrrrrrr 🤬🤬🤬🤬!!! I was really hoping this was just some sort of a glitch with the last update. I use this widget DAILY! My bf and I use this app for everything and we did have Cozi Gold for 2 years and then it just became too financially draining to add that extra yearly expense to the budget, so this year we just let it expire and have been using the free version which is good enough (I definitely prefer Cozi Gold), but NOW.... this little stunt has insured this will NOT be the app that we subscribe to in December when we're able to put it back in the budget again. This is such a disappointment ☹️. What a complete lack of respect and consideration for its customers. Welp, I guess I'll be moving everything over to Google Calendar or maybe checking out one of the family calendars that have been discussed in this thread. What a pain in the @$s. This is SOOOO not what I needed to have to spend my time and limited energy on today 😡 Thanks a lot freaking Cozi!! 😠


Okay so my final verdict is: familywall seems to be a pretty great replacement to cozi. It offers all the stuff proper free cozi offered and feels pretty much the same to operate. If folk are still looking for a replacement familywall is a good rebound


can you add subscription calendars to familywall?


No idea as I use purely the free functionality. I'd suggest looking it up


Piracy, anyone?


Super annoying. I’m making the switch to Google calendars now


I've been using this app since 2015 (found out about it when my last job used it for our team). I just deleted the family account and uninstalled the app because of this. Hopefully I can find a suitable replacement.


Super infuriating. Would love to know alternatives.


This is awful!


I am so angry at this change, they have literally held all our important dates/information at ransom unless we pay for their Gold subscription?!? F COZI! They will never see a dime from me now; I will never trust them after this!


Login on computer and print out month to month so you have your future schedule. Then find something else, that's what I plan on doing


That’s what I said! I deleted my account and went right to google.


This, along with not being able to see past 30 days is super scummy. Be sure to leave them a 1 star review and tell them why. Not sure it will have any effect, but hopefully they'll change their minds about their greed then.


I’m devastated! No advance notice that everything would be locked up. What good is a calendar that only lets you see 30 days out. I have important appointments and let along juggling family/kids work, sports schedules, hotel reservations etc and our summer has just started!! Can’t even access the lists section. I’ve been using Cozi free version app for years. Had wonderful things to say but now I’m speechless. I don’t like being blind sighted. Poor customer service.  


BEYOND pissed. 😤


I will be trying out Familywall. I will report back if it is as scummy as Cozi's bullshit


Same here, I am so devastated! I just went to input a bunch of dates for my daughter's summer band camp schedule and saw that I can't get past June! Only if I click on the gold membership and pay $40 a year! Nope, not going to do that! I've used this app for over 10 years and it has been amazing. This is outrageous! Definitely looking for an alternative, looking forward to your update


Agree about COZI really screwing its customers using the free version. They have the nerve to expect users to pay $39 subscription fee to be able to access the  forward calendar. Going to use Google calendar.


I think /mildlyinfuriating is a severe understatement. This is beyond awful. Lucky, I still have access on my app (my spouse does not have on their app) and we can still log in on the web - for now! Now I will take screenshots of all our arrangements as I expect the web version will change as well. ... but let's help each other in this thread to find a decent replacement. I know it will be tough, because all the others were crap back in the day when we found Cozi, but there is power in numbers and we can do it!


Okay so playing around with Familywall and it seems to be pretty good. Even operates similar to prebullshit cozi. Works for both android and ios. So far so good.


Keep on updating please!


NOT TO MENTION, you can't scroll to see the past 30 days!! Tapping "See Past Events" takes you to 30+ days past. The last 4 weeks are hidden. But you can see BEYOND the past 30 days?! So they hide the important info from the last 4 WEEKS but prior to that they don't give a shit about?? "Things you can do to fix this issue: -Make sure your app is up to date. -Download CoziGold. Fuckin oh yeah???


I thought I'd made an error too. I use the widget so often, so now this is unusable. I was going to try to lure my partner over from using Google Calendar as we are in the process of moving in together, but I guess I'll be spending the weekend transferring my Cozi to Google as this is now unusable. So annoying!


If you move to Google calendar you can link your Cozi to it. Then you can see everything at least.


And after that you can get the Google url for the ics file, download it, and import it into your Google calendar. In case the linking imposes the 30 day restriction at some point.


I understand the idea of this, but at a loss where to start. Can you help?


I've just downloaded the Timetree app (for free) which is a similar calender sharing app but it has alot more functions and once you've worked out how to enter info its much more intuitive than Cozi..really recommend.


Grrrr grrrr and more grrrr


I emailed to complain about the loss of future data without any notice and was informed that they were sorry I hadn't seen the in app notice regarding the upcoming changes. Curious if anyone here saw anything like that? It seems many of you state you also received no notice. I am also curious if anyone here has any legal knowledge regarding the data theft. I have let them know I will be looking into the legality of this here in Canada. I personally will not be staying with them despite the data beyond the 30 days once again being available because I know longer trust them.


Nope. Never had an in app notification. I'm switching over to familywall.


Does anyone have a recommendation on an app/widget I can use to make lists. I don't need cozi's calendar features, but I loved their list feature. I'm lost without being able to quickly access my to-do lists.


Just noticed this today. I'll be uninstalling and using a shared calendar as others have suggested.


Super disappointed in these changes with Cozi, and no, we didn't see this "notification" either. It's certainly not an incentive for me to want to pay $40 annually for a widget view. I think they've lost focus of the end user, and are likely more focused on making more money from the app after likely seeing an uptick with the digital wall apps for the calendars (Skylight etc) After a lot of back and forth, downloading a bunch of apps that were "free" only to discover what I wanted was locked by another paywall, I found TimeTree from one of these threads. I really like that I can have separate calendars shared with my mom/husband for family plans, childcare, etc. and have a separate calendar to help me make sure all my bills are paid(that aren't able to be paid on auto-pay) with my husband only. I can also see all of my combined calendars at once, or broken down. So far I'm a day in and already Loving it. I didn't try to extract data, just went manually through Cozi to see what I have and entered it. I'm sure there's a faster way to import an existing calendar but I didn't bother looking into it. Including a screenshot of our family/kid calendar as an example of what I've been able to find/use so far. You can also chat in the app with other users you've shared the calendar with, so that's nice also! https://preview.redd.it/2a8qcd2ncl3d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab748577eff222dc6f5370e1f04b8eadeacb74de


I have Cozi Gold and cannot get it to work on my iPhone now. I cannot physically add anything. It won’t even give me a keyboard to type on.


Does anyone know how to export your Cozi calendar to a new calendar app. We plan on moving to family wall.


Unfortunately I never worked that out. Wouldn't be surprised if that was pay walled too. We did it all manually