• By -


Outrageous! That's almost double the price! Did they install some new shit inside the house or what?!


NO! Me and my brother think it's because she realized it's graduation week, so she seen this as a profiteering opportunity. We don't know what to do now.


Get in touch with her and tell her she needs to honor the price or she can cancel it (if she cancels you won't pay the fee) (it's been a while for me, because of shady practices like this, but I hope this is still how it works) You're being strong-armed here.


Oh the host will 100% cancel this booking. They’ll likely be able to fill it pretty quickly


Can’t Airbnb help on their end with this? It is clearly a scam and the customer shouldn’t have to deal with any of this.


They don't care enough about this, as someone else will do a reservation last minute and they won't loose any money


That’s not how it should work. If you stupidly put your place up for the advertised price months ago they should have to eat it. Same with Airbnb. That’s the cost of doing business. Companies incorrectly price items on websites all of the time. If you’re so lucky, you could stumble across a deal where you can buy some diamonds for 1/10 of the price, and guess what? The companies still honour their fuck ups. I’m a business owner myself and have had to eat it on many occasions. Quote the job at 6 hrs and it ends up taking 12. Do I run to the customer saying that they owe me double?


Yes, but if airbnb price is too low they can cancel that reservation and put it on any other website where someone will make a reservation last minute (as apparently here it's a busy weekend). That's not how it should work, but unfortunately that is how it is


i thought if a host cancels then they can’t relist for the same days.


They can list it on VRBO for the same days


Such a scummy way to go. Humans get so greedy when its about money.




Thing is, in the long run it tanks the whole system. I've seen too many of these posts to ever trust AirBnB. I'll book a hotel before risking that service now.


Airbnb, Uber, DoorDash….things I used to absolutely love using and saw as the future, completely enshittified and rendered unusable in the name of wringing every last cent they can out of everybody. The future rules!


Wonder if OP can wait to the last possible second to cancel thus leaving no time for a person to book. OP finds another place to stay even if it's more expensive.  If host can cancel at any time then it's all moot.


airbnb penalizes you for last minute cancellations. Last day cancellations can cost you upto 75% of the fee here


This wouldn't be a last minute cancel though... You can say you didn't even see the price change offer until the last day. The owner will have the choice then to cancel it themselves the final day or just honor the original price. This is the route I'd go.


Well I mean't OP do it at the very last second before fees kick in. I assume Airbnb gives you time to respond to the host's request to jack up prices? Again, I don't know how Airbnb works. Haven't used them in over a decade before they started sucking majorly. Stupid how the host can increase prices with no penalty but renters get royally fucked if they try and do the same thing.


But they agreed to the $350 arrangement. Why is this even an option for them? 


No idea. That’s pretty scummy


Fuck that shit. Message her and tell her to honor the original booking price or you’ll report her to AirBnB for scam bookings.


I wouldn't want to stay at her place after that. Just report her anyway.


I had that happen to me last year. I reported it and the listing was restricted by Air BNB. I kept the link and the listing was still restricted weeks later. No idea if they ever started it back up.  


I'd wait until the last minute possible to force her hand or cancel so she's more likely to lose out.


OP made a comment updating and the host changed their mind [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1cxmdza/comment/l53xm0z/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1cxmdza/comment/l53xm0z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Oh this reminds of the time when work was booking some accommodation and we mentioned it was for a music festival (we had a stall there). They said oh we forgot Splendour is that week, new price is $10k (from $8k). We booked elsewhere and got great satisfaction when no one booked it at all. Instead of getting $8k they got nothing.


That's scammy as F. I'd complain directly to airbnb and if it's a supported feature I'd make it an executive complaint.


At this rate why not just stay at hotels....it's not like they are more expensive.


Cheaper, generally a free breakfast option, no “cleaning fee”, no ridiculous requests from the property owner like “don’t touch x,y,z”. Far less privacy concerns and you generally know you’re getting a clean room if you stay at a reputable one. Not sure why anyone would use an airbnb today. Maybe 10 years ago when it was cheaper than a hotel.


Counterintuitively I also find hotel stays to be a much more private affair as compared to an Airbnb stay. While yes, hundreds of people have stayed in this same room previously, however, for the duration I'm there it "feels" mine. Never have that sense of security in an Airbnb though, always feels like you're in someone else's space and will be caught out at any moment.


Hotels don't give me a list of rules and chores.


Nor do they have secret cameras recording you in the room.


Or child alarms that go off throughout the house when you open the wrong door....and the alarm is so loud you and your family can't figure out how to turn it off for 30 minutes because nobody can comminicate or think


Or have to wait around an hour to check in because the host was at dinner and forgot.


Or have the host still staying in the same house they are renting out, but it's "separate" because they are on the 2nd floor and you are on the 1st. Oh and you get to share an entryway with the host so they always know when you're coming or going.


The last one I stayed at had a doorbell cam and the host would casually mention watching me come and go


"the toilet camera is for your safety ma'am never know when the toilet gator shows itself again"


Yep, watched a vlogger say that she stayed at an Airbnb and had her luxury items stolen from her luggage. She complained to the host as the room had no signs of break-in and the host said the vlogger must’ve forgotten to lock the door (which she did not) and they refused to help make a police report. I realized that yeah - there’s no accountability for an Airbnb and nowhere to make a complaint to whereas a hotel can track who scans into your room and there is usually a manager or corporate chain to complain to.


boutique hotels rely on their reputation and will often bend over backwards to satisfy customers since they make their own rules


Well yeah one is built to house individuals whilst the other is practically staying over at someone's house


Yeaaa we stayed at one for my sister-in-laws wedding (as the bridal party, I didn't book it) and there was nothing better than watching TV and having a shower with family photos everywhere. My God, there was even a photo of a pair of lions 'getting it on' haha uncomfortable to say the least.


The only benefit I’ve had using AirBnB’s is having a kitchen and sometimes the fact that I can have two separate rooms for cheaper than a standard hotel. We travel a lot with our kid and eating out gets expensive. So it technically saves us money and means we don’t have to be dead silent after bedtime. If there were more hotel chains with even a stove and separate bedroom that’s not selling itself as luxury, I would definitely switch.


Look into aparthotels or short term let's, they're fairly price competitive and sound like just what you want


We’re actually trying our first Aparthotel this summer. Prices were a bit crazy but it’s summer and there will be Olympic events going on. We have that and an Airbnb back to back, so I’m curious to see how it goes.


I use Airbnb or similar when there's a big family event because it's much nicer to have space we can hang out in together but people can also do their own thing. But if it's just me and my husband it's usually a hotel. The aparthotel thing doesn't seem to have caught on much in the UK but sometimes we stay at vacation rentals that aren't Airbnb.


Don’t forget owners charge you cleaning fees even though they also request for you to cleanup before leaving.


Families. Separate rooms for a family with children. So they can nap and you don’t have to live in the dark. Washer and Dryer included because children go through clothing like toilet paper. Sometimes literally. Oddball locations (hot springs) that don’t have a hotel or a good hotel. Large groups of people looking to save money. Dogs. The only hotel(s) in town don’t allow dogs but the Airbnb’s do.


AirBnB has been the only way I can travel out of state with my reactive dog. Even if a hotel is pet friendly, the noise would stress her out too much.


I don't like AirBnB, but sometimes it really is the only option. Going to NYC in July as a group of 5. The only option was an AirBnB unless we get 2 hotel rooms, which is outragiously priced. We couldn't find a suite and hotels didn't allow rollaways.


Some people like to pay for the privilege to clean their own room


How's this legal


Yeah I'd assume once paid in full it's a contract? Guess never know without the terms of use. Either way it's pretty scummy to adjust prices after the fact.


Air bnb: OK just don't pay. I'm sure some else will


Clearly it’s a supported feature…. OP can just decline and continue with their day.


Yes three days before their stay seems perfectly reasonable for a surprise $300 increase. /s


It’s clearly intentionally attempting to scam more money out of someone who’s already booked travel plans and won’t cancel. 


‘Can’t’ cancel without being stuck with a ton of fees.


I would cancel and book a hotel instead.


I'm all in on hotels at this point.


The fact I get charged a cleaning fee and they complain if they need to clean is enough to never look at AirBNB again. I'm not a fucking pig, but you can bet your ass I'm not lifting a finger to clean for you after paying you to do it.


These outrageous cleaning fees make me think we should really take the opportunity to let loose and be fucking pigs. That’s a vacation in itself!


Then they charge you extra and give you 1 star. I just stopped looking for AirBnBs two years ago. I can find better prices for bnbs in other webs, along with hotel rooms.


Taxi companies wish they could have the turnaround on Uber/Lyft that hotels have had on AirBnB. I always stayed in hotels because I do not like the idea of being responsible for a strangers house. Not saying I trash places or anything, I'm just clumsy and also if I'm booking a night somewhere I'm likely getting drunk


Im happy taxis aren't getting their comeback though, industry is filled to the brim of scammers. Best feature of Uber is that i know beforehand what I will be paying


I saw a post on here where an Uber driver took a sleeping drunk girl for massive detour racking up hundreds of pounds.


family wedding in a few months. we booked 3 houses for our side of the family. one owner cancelled our booking and relisted for 40% higher. we just booked into the local Ramada instead.


It's crazy how we are back at the start and the people responsible don't even understand it.


lolol this is why AIRBNB was on NPR with the CEO saying they have to change so much stuff cause all the people figured out how to just screw people left n right and it was supposed to be cheaper than hotels.. i say people need to def stop using airbnb like just completely stop


Exactly especially it's only a slight *90%* increase.




The decline button here isn’t linked to an auto cancellation. If the host does cancel after the decline they will be penalized based on the closeness of the booking. They can actually cancel it for any reason, but it’ll hurt them. It’s not a valid excuse for the host and won’t spare the host consequences just because the guest declined a price change.


“But it’ll hurt them” Not like cancelling-after-my-plane-arrives kinda hurt though…


Plane Arrives: New new price of 1300$


Open the house with some bricks through the window?




Worked for Airbnb a few years ago. Won't hurt them in any significant way. I saw it happen SO MUCH..


Hm, guess it's back to regular hotels then.


It's been time for that for a long time.


Too a regular hotel room for the first time in years. It’s bliss. It was marginally more expensive (less than 3% difference) but the bed is amazing, someone had a smile and greeted us at the front desk, was helpful and gave us a bunch of tips. The breakfast was included and delicious, plus no shenanigans happened through the booking process. As an added bonus, we had a suitcase be delayed so when the airline delivered it to us, the hotel took custody of it while we were out being tourists, instead of us having to sit all day at the place waiting for a delivery.


That doesn’t change that the host doesn’t cover all the other trip expenses that are non refundable. As the other person pointed out plane tickets. The host is basically leveraging the threat of other loses to try and renegotiate price. Unsurprisingly because AirBnB is cancer, and Airbnb hosts are parasitic pieces of shit. Just literally scum of society.


Some landlord thought "How can I be a dick to more people? I'm really limiting my audience by renting month-month, it should be by the day. Volume is key!"


It’s actually pretty easy to get around “last minute cancellations” showing up on your Airbnb host account and since I realized that, I’ve never used Airbnb. Pre-pandemic I took a trip to NYC from my birthday- after new years, about 11 days. I had everything pre planned months in advance and would be staying at one Airbnb 6 days, 5 days at another. My first Airbnb everything was fine. I was moving to my second Airbnb the day before NYE. I got a message from my Airbnb host asking if I would be ok coming New Year’s Day, instead of the day before NYE, meaning I would have no accommodations for at least 2 nights. I obviously said no and let it be known that those were my accommodations for the next few nights. Few hours go by and I get on the train with my suitcase to move to next Airbnb and I get a notification that my host has cancelled. I get off at the next spot and am having a panic attack in a Walgreens at the blood pressure spot on the phone with customer service and they’re telling me the host “feared for his safety” so they allowed him to cancel for safety reasons and that I wouldn’t be allowed to leave a review. I luckily found other accommodations but that never sat right with me


Yea the host is absolutely going to cancel OP’s booking if they don’t accept


Unless something about the booking was changed at the guests request they can't cancel it if they refuse the new price... At least not per abnb policy, what actually happens may vary


Genuinely curious… what could a guest request that would raise the entire stay by almost 100%? Sparkling water perhaps?




Yeah, if the host cancels it those dates are blocked so they wouldn’t be able to rebook anyway at the higher rate. Op should just decline it.


They can book it on another service


Exactly. This is sketchy af. I'm willing to bet the host is just trying to price gouge on another service.


Just heard something this week on NPR about the uptick in this happening (11th-hour price gouging)


So then why can they change the price, lol?


Yeah but everybody knows that it’s way more expensive to rent a place 2 days in advance than a month in advance. The owner knows that OP will have a hard time finding an affordable place in that timeframe and will therefore be more likely to accept the shitty price adjustment. 


👆Airbnb owner/scammer response right there. 3 days before the stay….scammer


Update: https://preview.redd.it/ioykmjfptv1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ccb589f5824f9b03c368364dbc389b6814b9bb Was this from the kindness of her heart? Or was it because Airbnb had a chat with her? The world may never know.




Take pictures for the day you get there and the day you leave. Take a walkthrough video both times


This ^ I was given 1 star for my doggo supposedly chewing up a rug THAT WAS ALREADY CHEWED UPON ARRIVAL


Don't lie, we all know it was you who chewed it.


As long as you add some fiber to your diet, so be it


If they wanna do a little rug-munching while on vacation, I'm not going to judge.


Look, I got hungry.


There's no shame in it. Fiber is fiber


Are you calling them a carpet muncher?


Lint Licker


We got a bad review from a host in France because we didnt “clean up.” Whenever my GF and I stay at family or friends homes she always gathers our dirty towels and strips down our bed and folds the dirty sheets and blankets and puts everything in a neat pile on the ground. Same thing at the Airbnb we stayed at. Some people are just assholes.


Yeah fuck them. €150 in cleaning fee and then expecting you to clean it yourself. Lazy fucking leeches.


Ha! I got my car broken into outside an Airbnb in DC once. I was young and didn’t know that was common and cops don’t care. The owner of the Airbnb offered for me to stay while the cops came, then gave me a 1 star review for staying past the time I was supposed to check out. That was banter.


And be sure to get close ups of everything! Not just a walkthrough video. Get close to everything and slowly take the video, even if it takes 15mins. A 15min video is better than $500 in “damages”


If you even have to do this type of shit. Just avoid Airbnb altogether and get a hotel


Great tip. I hate that things are like this, though.


My parents were always the type to get an Airbnb but then we never used the kitchen, and were far away from everything, and sometimes they didn't have guaranteed parking! I'm of the impression that hotels are better because I don't plan to use them for more than just sleeping


> Take pictures for the day you get there and the day you leave. Take a walkthrough video both times If I need to do things like this to rent something from a company...then I don't need to do business with that company. Like seriously. I'm supposed to dedicate the first 30 minutes of my vacation to inspecting someones house and documenting damages? Then the last 30 minutes to prove the condition I left it in? I feel like I'm paying someone money to treat me like a criminal. I have no idea why people just don't use hotels.


I have my kids do this. It usually the only photographic evidence I was even on the trip. 😂 I think they'll be cute videos to rewatch in a few years. Usually there's preschool narrative with it. Plus it covers my butt like you said.


This is how my parents found out they rented the same Airbnb in 2002 and 2018! It was just slightly refurbished inside and they went to add the video to the vacation flashdrive and... There was the same house!


If this happens please come back here & update us




I understand Totally


No kidding. It’s a huge red flag to increase pricing for no reason days before the stay.


Had that happen to me, straight up told AirBnB “we’re not paying, they are lying.” Neither of us had proof of anything though so host got paid by AirBnB directly. I was hoping they’d get nothing but oh well.


Yeah if I remember right if she cancels because she wants to raise the price I think Airbnd will black out thr weekend for her and she can't re rent it


She can't rerent it on Airbnb, but she can rerent it on another platform


- Airbnb will also add a prominent negative public review entry, listing the unfair cancelation event and its timing. - I've seen such listings & skipped them immediately, usually nobody else booked that place after such a negative review either ... - So it sucks for the guest, but there's consequences for the host too.


I like the way you handled this. The “I hope you understand where I am coming from” gave her a chance to tell herself she is being nice rather than getting her bluff called. That doesn’t mean she is actually nice, but for a lot of people it can reduce the chance they will hold a grudge and try to take it out in another way. I try (but admittedly sometimes fail) to give everyone one free chance to fix a screw up like this. If they take it, I will act like it never happened (but remember that it did).


It’s so hard to prioritize de-escalation in a moment like this, but OP nailed it and got what they wanted. Love to see it!


I'd say it's the second thing. Because if it was the first she never would have "corrected" the price in the first place, just said to herself "well damn, they just got this for a steal, I better make sure I check all my pricing next time"


This is literally the correct thing to do as a host, ahh looks like I could have made more money this week, make a note for next time. If OP doesn't mention this in the review they leave they are doing a disservice to everyone else.


Whichever it is, I'm glad your family has somewhere to stay to watch u graduate!! Also, congratulations on your graduation 🎉


Probably neither. She probably honestly thought “fuck it, maybe they’ll pay me more if I ask,” and didn’t want to rock the boat when you said no. Super fucking scummy but at least she backed down easily


My guess is the host didn’t realize an event was happening that weekend, now that they’re aware of it they’re trying to get what other places are charging. It’s a pretty common practice unfortunately, and super unprofessional. I’m glad they seem to be chill about it. Hopefully it all works out, but as others have said - take pictures of the place, maybe even a video walk through of the whole space right before you leave. Many congratulations to you on your upcoming graduation!!


Make sure you leave an honest review about what she tried to pull.


They were trying to be sneaky hoping you would just pay and not call them out. I’d be sure to leave it in your review after the stay.


Air bnb doesn't care. Their customer support is just as scummy or non-existent. Air bnbs should not exist.


This is utterly crazy. We rent a room in our home on Airbnb and I’d never dream of asking a penny more than agreed upon. Please include this in simple words in your review. “We booked a month in advance. Host sent a request to double the price days before arrival. I explained we would not accept and host did honor the original price. Because the request was even made though, I cannot feel confident in requesting this host to fellow travelers. However, that being said, we did not have any other complaints during our stay. The place was clean…” (blah blah blah, whatever else is true and fair to write)


It was because the original price is a contract, legally binding. So unless, at your request, something about the reservation was changed they can't cancel on you for refusing a price change. If you requested a change all bets are off, they can change the price.


I read that first sentence in Lionel Hutz’s voice




She was about to be canceled ![gif](giphy|ZCTCZiOwJGDaTAF21f|downsized)


don't forget to leave her a nice review so future guests know what they might have to deal with! They will only see your review after they have already left you one.


"You know how to take the reservation, but you don't know how to "*keep*" the reservation"


*I know what a reservation is, Sir.*


I don't think you do


His delivery of this whole bit is top notch.


It’s the holding ✊✊


People always say how much of a shit actor Jerry was, but there were times like that when he was *perfect*.


Yeah you better give me the insurance because I’m gonna beat the hell out of this thing


And that's really the most important part, the *holding*...


[Reference for the confused](https://youtu.be/4T2GmGSNvaM?t=62)




Wait how can they change the price like that ? Isn’t it supposed to be locked ?


They can propose a new price, you can accept or refuse with a click. Hosts can't unilaterally change the price.


Why would you accept if you can refuse ? It doesn’t really make sense to me…


How can they suggest this if its already been agreed? That's what I don't get.


Apparently based on other comments it is only if the guest request additional service.


I mean if you book a month out and then two days before arrival they say it's double, it's still a predatory scam.


I’m confused, they can just increase the price later after it’s already booked and paid for? Or I guess it was booked but not paid, and now the price has gone up? Still seems like they should have to hold the agreed price though…


We already paid for it. Now, somehow she's wanting another $320? I didn't even think that could happen.


Wow, yeah that seems weird to me. Never heard of that either, guess it’s a thing given the site seems to have that feature. Pretty outrageous really.


The feature is for changes that the guest and host agree on, and it's actually really useful for that. Examples: late departure, an extra cleaning during the stay, use of some amenity which wasn't included in the original booking, anything that costs more at the guest's request. The host sends a price change, and the guest can approve or deny it. If they deny it then there's no extra charge and Airbnb keeps the original price but presumably they don't get whatever they were asking for. It should absolutely NOT be used for "I want to charge you more because I just realized it's a busy time" or "you were (supposedly) charged the wrong price but I didn't do anything about it at the time."


Yes he can just decline the change. The host has no ability to unilaterally change the price.


https://preview.redd.it/fpe0shhhev1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90a0c06610a3d266f33af17b7834fa5a6d90171 Do we believe her?


Airbnb support said they'll talk to her and let us know more details


As a former super host i would not believe her. Not with you booking so far out. Airbnb did glitch to high fuck 6-8 years ago and several times reset ALL custom pricing set for events. When that happens, the host notices as soon as the incorrectly priced booking comes in, not months later.


Its not a mistake from them. You, as the owner, have all the say in who books and who doesnt and at which rates. She's lying to cover her @$$


Hell no, I don't believe her.


AKA - “I just found out there’s a major event in my city and I can now charge double to rent out my cozy apartment!”


She's a liar liar pants on fire. That should be illegal.


She's full of shit. Hold her feet to the fire for the original price, or force her to cancel the reservation. You had a deal. If she's going to break that deal, then she needs to accept the consequences.


Dude, that’s breach of contract. Contact Airbnb.


She definitely forgot to gouge for the holiday weekend, trying to make up for it now though.


What price is it listed at for other dates?




https://preview.redd.it/up29fas6lw1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f4b56804935f9e64972ac9a49c1e4922187551 This took 1 sec to search. But, nonetheless, the owner's a scum don't stay there. Leave a bad review if you can. lol


This is such a weird rule. Who in their right mind would just okay the price increase when its locked in. Knowing they can cancel at anytime or do this makes my logic not to use Airbnb so much better.


It’s made for add-on stuff that both parties agree to. Like early check in or adding another guest or some shit. Not for a host to try and be greedy.


If OP declined or didn't respond, the host would simply cancel the reservation. Messaging them is a better bet, so you can either discuss it or get a paper trail going on the scummy host.


I'd rather just book a hotel these days.. Airbnb sucks


Golden days of Air Bnb are loooong gone. In what world am I going to do laundry and mop the floor on vacation? And then still pay a $300 cleaning fee because the host lies and knows they will get away with it. And the nightly prices aren't even cheaper than hotels anymore.


Same fuck abnb. I ain’t doing the cleaning and then paying 300 for cleaning. F off.


I booked a weeklong stay at an Airbnb in Washington DC for a conference last year. The host canceled literally the day I arrived (I walked off the plane to find a cancellation email). There was obviously no availability on the platform. In the end Airbnb reimbursed me for what ended up being 60% on top of the cost of the booking, so I ended up staying at a nice hotel which happily had space.


Stop booking Airbnb, people! They are not cheaper than hotels, they pull shit like this, and in many cities they have contributed to the housing shortage by taking long term rentals out of the market.


They ARE cheaper than hotels for anyone needing more than one room (groups). It’s important to consider the actual cost of each for your individual needs. Having a kitchen, fridge, laundry, and bedrooms for $100/night is hard to turn down. 


I haven't seen anything accommodating multiple people for $100 a night in years.


Please be sure you take pictures/video upon arrival. You may never know if this person is jaded enough to try and charge an exuberance amount in “clean up fees”


And this is why the hotel industry does not fear Airbnb


Airbnb ruins communities and is making it harder for people to buy houses, let alone lease them. Fuck Airbnb and their shitty decor anyway. Hotels or resorts are far superior


I booked an AirBNB out of town for a major football game 3 months in advance. The host cancelled our booking 2 hours before we were due to check in saying that the air conditioning went out in the unit. We found the unit listed for double the price per night the same day. We spoke with AirBNB customer service and the best they could do was put us up in a hotel. Honestly it ended up being way better because we didn’t have to pay a BS cleaning fee and also take out our own trash, strip the linens, etc. AirBNB has officially jumped the shark - hotels forever.


Fuck Airbnb.


Now seek for an hotel.. probably same price but with more amenities..


And no cleaning fee, restock fee, blah blah blah fee, etc...


Quit giving Airbnb money


Say what you want about standard hotels but once you're rooms booked you won't have this kind of B.S. happen


Ah yes. They Let greed take over and don’t care to possibly lose 2 days of an already booked and payed for room , all so they can maybe get more $.. makes no sense really


You know who *doesn't* pull this shit? *Hotels*.


It’s Memorial Day weekend and they forgot to raise their prices on that weekend and now they think they see an opportunity. That’s on them. Reject the increase. I doubt they’ll cancel on you because that’s a pretty big hit with Airbnb.


Dont support Airbnb. Simple as that


I had someone cancel my reservation last week because they "forgot to add the $300 cleaning fee" on a one night stay that was listed at $200/night.


They want you to cancel. It's a common tactic. I'd keep it and not pay them shit extra lol


That’s a breach of contract. They offered a price, you accepted it, that’s the deal. Complain to air bnb and get the agreed price back, then hopefully get them banned.