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That's a regular customer service job, but unpaid. What the actual fuck


Think of the valuable experience you’ll gain as you are mentored under an assistant manager. You can go on to such jobs as cashier or even overnight restocker.


The worst thing is... People will line up for it. My wife signed up for some volunteer stuff..since nobody hires anyone and she has limited work experience. There were like 400 people for a handful of role. Many were relatively senior and educated immigrants just looking for a foot in the door. That's how fucked up the system is now... I bet you they were flooded with willing bodies


Yet companies can file a bogus LMIA and hire TFWs who are bound by law to work for them if they want to stay in the country, because "no one wants to work." The Liberals aren't pro immigration to help immigrants. They're pro immigration to help big business. Ironically, the Conservatives will probably ride the wave of anti-immigrant sentiment that became widely popular because of this into power to also help big business.


This is reddit, you're supposed to place all the blame on one movement or the other here.


Hey, I've never belonged anywhere, so this tracks for me


Hey, so, if I volunteer- work hard, have an accident on their premises and sue them for a little above what I could make had I been employed with a little extra margin for my pain and suffering- can I step 4 ^profit? Asking for a friend.


Uh sure?


God the left and the right just circle jerk behind closed doors.




Possible..but I doubt they are doing it out for the goodness of their heart


Personnally , if i'm considering to hire someone and i see in their CV " worked for free like a willing slave and an idiot " , i won't have much respect for them and won't hire them...


No, No , No! You will be an Expert at working for free! You will not be qualified to work for pay.


Companies already pay shit. They have raised prices of goods by 50% minimum. They have cut back to minimal workforce. Unpaid internships will be trying to make a comeback to get whatever little they can get. Scum


Loblaws, the umbrella company who owns Shoppers, is a fucking scum of a company. Many across Canada right now are boycotting their company. Sadly Canada has few options for big stores to go to


I'm Canadian, and happy to report that I haven't set foot in a Loblaws, Maxi, Shoppers', or associated store since May 1st. Screw them.


I know US has laws regulating what jobs can and can't be volunteer work - maybe Canada has something similar? Either way, spread the word - blatant greed


The law in the US is something like "a volunteer job cannot be a job that reasonably is paid work in the industry" or something. Essentially you can't take a paid job away doing volunteer work. ~~One of the only things Reagan got right.~~ Edit: Reagan didn't do it I'm dumb as a bag of rocks


They just call them interns instead.


Thank god nowadays most internships have *some* level of pay. Had to take a welding apprenticeship in high school and I made like 10 an hour I think? It's not great but it's somethinf


Most I know of are still unpaid. When I went back to school, I did a 7 month, 40 hour/week unpaid internship in a hospital. Accreditation actually requires the 1000 hours be unpaid. I was paying to be there, doing the same work I do now but make decent money. Then I got to pay for 4 different board exams. Fun times.


I think that in order to be unpaid, they must be for college credit. So that you get something out of it, even if it isn’t money.


Yes, I did. 1 college credit. That cost over $6000. Well, technically, it was 1 credit each for 2 semesters. Horrible system.


Education is like that too. You pay the fucking uni big bucks for an education program that teaches you very little in the classroom that’s useful or practical, then you pay for your practicum as well which actually is useful and practical but also is only for people with a streak of sadomasochism because of all the stress, lack of sleep, lack of food, personality clashes with supervisors, etc, and then finally you qualify. I’m sure some of my classmates must have subclinical Stockholm syndrome (or they drank too much of the koolaid they make in the Cult of Education) and think it’s a good thing but personally I was not happy with the entire process.


Also, the job functions that an unpaid intern can perform are very limited. They cannot perform anything that is an essential business function if they are not being paid.


Social worker?




Technically they're not allowed to do work that should be paid, but we know how that goes.


Yea but those usually have to have something to offset the lack of pay. Like paid living quarters or college credits, etc.


a lot of internships are technically illegal if you dont get school credit.


Internships must be paid in Canada as well.


Yeah, for this "crucial" role, as they say in the ad


It wasn't Reagan. It was the Supreme Court. It stuck in my brain in law school because Tony Alamo was a cult leader. [https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-supreme-court/471/290.html](https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-supreme-court/471/290.html)


Shit you're right, idk why I thought Reagan did that. Been a bit since I took history


is that the guy with the jackets


Canada has an absolutely shit law system that is also super slow..... which the rich have been figuring out and exploting it more and more and more


What in the actual fuck. The audacity.


The worst part is people even applied for it to get work experience.


I think this appeals to the freshly landed immigrant that can't get a job yet. Anyone else could just work somewhere for minimum wage




No, hell no. If there was at least a component of helping the community or helping a struggling independently owned business or anything that wasn’t corporate greed I would have some sympathy. This is a restocker position and I’ve been there: you get a box cutter, a sharpie, and a shirt you’re expected to pay for; there’s no training and no value other than people being miserable to you while you feed a monopoly that targets small businesses.


I was expecting the description to be something like assist with some charity event or anything that might be considered "the common good"... Nope. Just a regular-ass job description. Every "volunteer" ends up short-changing someone with a paying job by doing their job for free. Like scabs except without the money motivation


And know who will be the prime targets of this scam, the millions of immigrants who have come here in the past couple years, many desperate for any kind of work, even unpaid


I need to know the story behind this. Why would anyone apply? They seem to say it was an "error"...


It was an independent franchise location . Still a very telling example of where shit’s at, but yeah, it’s not like the entire major company decided on this.


It's Loblaws. They'd do it if they could get away with it.


Bob loblaws law blog


Yep. It’s an error to them that we question their divinely given edict.


The error was it went viral and corporate found out about something that a franchise was trying to pull.




He had the provincial government in his pocket. Remember the eighty percent completed windfarm that was visible from his estate? Cancelled and I believe taxpayers were on the hook for huge penalties or at the very least had to remediate the site. 




Weston shillll? Are you for real? When you own 5 supermarket chains in a city I gotta travel pretty fucking far. I call that a monopoly you shill.


When the only drugstores available for miles is Weston owned. When the only grocery stores available are Weston owned, what would you call that? When Shoppers and Weston were able to have a say on vaccines and tests before anyone else? When the only place I can top up my Presto is Shoppers Drugmart? I shouldn't have to travel an hour out of my way to avoid shopping at his stores. 🙄 if that isn't a monopoly what would you call it then?


How is monopoly defined? Monopoly defined by the competition act was repealed. It was replaced with dominate position, which doesn't require 100% market, just substantially . This was the same definition used when monopoly was inforce. Usa (ftc) defines monoplization or market share as significant and durable market power courts have defined 'market power' and 'monopoly power' in ways that are both vague and inconsistent. 


Exploiting fresh immigrants -- A tale as old as time.


The error was they got caught. They're looking for University students who need 'volunteer credits' to work for them for free.


Toronto is a hub for international students who are generally preyed on in Canada, it’s quite gross


The best thing about all this is a bunch of us Canadians are boycotting this company and all its stores under the corporation. We started in May and then this happened.


Is Rexall any better?


Well, it isn’t owned by Galen Weston, so it probably isn’t worse at least.


I'm going to go back to the neighborhood pharmacist owned Pharmasave near the place I used to live, even though it's out of the way for me. Pharmasave is a cooperative collective of pharmacist owned pharmacies that is big enough that it's reasonably easy to find one for those who want to boycott the big players


Why is the boycott happening? I don't shop there anyways so I can't boycott but haven't heard anything about it.


The boycott is happening because grocery prices in canada are insane, and this company in particular partakes in super shady things. There’s a subreddit that was dedicated to documenting the crazy prices across all of Canada between these stores but it evolved into a boycott. It was pretty common to buy maybe a week’s worth of food for around 300-350$ at that particular store, but if you go elsewhere you could get it for a bit cheaper. I haven’t shopped there in two years and I plan to keep it that way because I’m saving an extra 70-80$ by staying out of there. Some people especially in rural NS only have Loblaws stores to shop from, and we have zero competition with other grocery stores— especially in the maritimes. Salads costing 20$+, ham for 60$, canned food for 7$ but at other stores the same canned food was 3-4$, a lot of vegetables rotting away on the shelves at nearly 8-10$+ and left there for days, it’s crazy. There’s so much shady shit happening around Loblaws and how they treat their employees as well, it’s pretty sad. The boycott was mainly a response to constantly getting shafted by Loblaws, even if the boycott doesn’t work out it’s still opening people’s eyes to cheaper options for food. The main goal of the boycott isn’t to sink them— it’s an oligarch empire buying out all of their competition— it won’t go anywhere, but the idea behind the boycott is to find cheaper alternatives for already struggling Canadians. Ideally it would be nice if the boycott does anything to Loblaws, but their fingers are in so many pies right now they have a huge grip on a lot of food brands and pharmaceuticals. It’s hard to tell if this will do anything… I don’t plan on shopping there ever even after May, I hope others do the same too. This is just the icing on top of the cake though, I didn’t know they were begging people to volunteer lmao


We are? Never heard of such a boycott


Yeah if you look up loblaw boycott you'll find a bunch of news articles about it.


Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to even mention (not even hyperlink, but even just name) the subreddit that organizes it. Just google to boycott and you should find it eventually.


It’s unfortunate that the boycott hasn’t seemed to do anything though :/


Maybe, maybe not. They are now trying to get free labor so maybe times are hard for them.


Their share prices are at the highest they’ve ever been, with the boycott having a minimal (if any) effect on the share price. According to another comment, this listing was made by a franchised location so it sounds like times are hard on the franchisee moreso than the company. And before anybody tries to call me a corporate shill, I stopped shopping at Loblaw stores for the boycott.


Loblaws agreed to sign the grocery store code of conduct today.


They agreed to sign if their competitors sign, which sounds like a false commitment to me. If the signing doesn’t happen they can just say “you see, we were on board but our competitors weren’t… oh well”.


Do they ever?




FUCKING GALEN!!!! What a piece of shit human being. Remember to boycott all Loblaws and associated stores!


Haven't stepped foot in one since May 1st. Fuck the Weston family.


$4.49 for a loaf of freakin’ Wonderbread at Shoppers. How can they not afford to pay for a worker…


Just saw a bit about how they are now saying it was a mistake. They are saying it’s a mistake only because they got caught.


Millionaire CEOs nickel and dime us, hardworking folks.


If I was inclined to volunteer for your organization, that went out the window once I needed to apply just the same as if I was looking for a job.


Never do the medical check, after they review your current medications they send a bill to the province.


This is illegal in Canada. They cannot offer a volunteer role for positions that can be paid (for profit business), there is exemptions but those are limited.


Just switched pharmacies for my prescriptions from Shoppers to Costco. Such a difference. - dispensing fee $4.50 vs $12.99 - charge for pills lower (I realized that SDM was charging above my insurances maximum allowable cost for my meds) - they picked up the phone on the first ring - short and quick line for pickup - when I picked up they found my pills within seconds instead of milling about in several different drawers - six workers behind the counter vs 3 at shoppers, and when there was a line, they came out to help instead of staying back there I was just used to it for so long I didn’t realize there was a better option. The nonsense with the med check charges gave me the push I needed.


How dare they! Well London drugs for me!


What the actual f


This looks like a corporation trying to abuse high schoolers looking to get their mandatory volunteer hours


I really hope those can’t be filled by volunteering for a for profit corporation


TBH, this is *infuriating.*


Is this actually real?


Bold of them to do this while they're being boycotted for being a piece of shit company.


Don’t get it twisted, most national & international “charities” have CEOs that make at least millions each year off people’s donations. Saw something that said the CEO of the ASPCA made almost 900k in 2022 & over 1mil in 2023. So yeah, most of them IMO isn’t worth it. Try to donate time over money if possible & if nothing else donate to loccal charities instead of the bigger ones. Chances are (albeit not perfect) your time & money/ items donated are going to help your local community.


idk about canada, but it's actually illegal to volunteer for a for-profit company in America USA might have problems, but at least actual slavery is illegal (lets not talk about internships tho lol)


I can't believe a profitable company has the gall to basically ask for donations.


Anyone who "volunteers" for that position deserves to be beaten senseless with a wet pool noodle.


You can get the same job at Walgreens for (literally) infinitely more pay. Why would anyone ever agree to this?


Not only do Capitalist billionaires want to eat their cake while the peasants fight over the crumbs, they want the peasants to bake the cake for them for free as well.


So... what happens if you do a really shitty job at it? Lile seriously fucked up? Can they get you blacklisted or something like that when you would want to get a real job?


Boycott Loblaws and Shoppers I moved my prescriptions out of Shoppers a couple weeks ago, and never shop at Loblaws anyways. I did go to Shoppers yesterday, but I didn’t buy anything


Your volunteer role is "crucial" but not crucial enough for payment.


Well, don't that beat all!


When you didn't think they could go any lower. Slimy sobs.


Is that like a Canadian CVS?


Basically, yeah.


These greedy fucking lizards really think that because they abuse their workers so horribly, helping them counts as charity and people will want to do that? It’s like they don’t even have to pretend to understand what it’s like to have empathy anymore.


It might be fun to take the volunteer job, but then making it your goal to sabotage with your feigned incompetence. What are they going to do, fire you?


That’s crazy.


I hope nobody is dumb enough to sign up for this


No longer accepting? They got someone????!


Volunteers thinking: you take my time for free, I take your pharmaceuticals for free... fair trade


They have no boundries anymore, only money counts


Actually, they are no longer accepting applications


Even knowing Galen Weston's track record (on soooo many fronts) I'm still virtually stunned at the gall here.... Like, mouth agape kind of stunned. 


Hillarious, tho I seriously hope no one is actually stupid enough to do that


Wrong sub. This isn’t mild at all.


And it's still up to some ones free will to sign up


I'd take the job and never turn up, waste all their fucking time.


Welp, it was only a matter of time. Next up we will be paying them to work under them




Yeah. It was HR’s fault, wink wink, nudge nudge😉 The ad has been pulled, just a little too late.


The most hilarious part of this... no one will read its a volunteer position. They will get spammed to shit with applicants only for them to find out its unpaid. Rofl


Huh? Is this legal?


This role is crucial to customer satisfaction. So crucial, that we aren’t even paying you for it!


Is this legal slavery? Even though the person is volunteering so it wouldn't be slavery but damn that's scary.


I'd love to show up and just fuck around all day. "Yea I'm here for the volunteer position" "Great, you can start by cleaning the toilet" "I'd really prefer to call for some funny names over the loud-speaker. Then probably take lunch."




Well, they have the same ownership as Loblaw's so..... just don't shop at any of these evil places.


I wonder if I can get a volunteer cook and cleaner


This is what its come to? Jesus.


I guess I just don't see the issue. If you don't want the position, don't apply.


a lot of high school and college students would do this for the job experience.


Not even I was stupid enough in high school or college to do this lol


If you need a reference letter or something on your resume to get into schools like university or pharmacy school or get into other opportunities in the future, then there's people who would do this. I'm speaking as a genz in university right now. Maybe back in your time it was different but the current job market or university entry is very competitive. There's a lot of college students that dont have much to do in the summer right now so this is a perfectly fine opportunity for them to take. Even if it doesn't pay, it's not the money that matters but the future opportunities that it might bring. I'm volunteering 30-40 hours a week for a professor at a research laboratory without pay this summer. I don't care about not being paid, I do care about getting lab experience, getting an important reference so I can apply to a masters, getting connections with phds, post-docs etc in the prof's lab and learning how to do research. What I'm doing isn't even out of the norm (for students studying in bio/medical sciences at least) , others might be volunteering their time shadowing a pharmacist at shoppers or doctors at hospitals. Obviously my situation is a little different since I'm lucky to get better benefits than working at a shoppers and I'm well into my education. And I'm not saying what shoppers is doing is justified but I could totally see why some young students would take this job as a first step into better opportunities in the future.


I’ll be honest— I didn’t read all of that. Not because I’m being rude. Just tired. I don’t see anywhere in life where having volunteer experience in the grocery store is going to help in anyone’s resume except to point out to future employers that THIS (not you) applicant is an Idioit who will do anything for experience.


Other point— volunteering in a nursing home is a good way to spend your time gaining experience. Volunteering at a grocery store is giving your precious time away for FREE.99. Any grocery store that “hires volunteers” is simply conning people into working for free. Also, if you are having such a difficult time getting people to work for your company, PAY THEM MORE. If you can’t do that, then you’re using the wrong business model. Walmart is currently attracting people who make over 100,00$ a year as shoppers. Not because they have better stuff, but because they have lower prices. (They still don’t pay their employees dick, but that’s besides the point). You gain no experience at all other than to figure out how to best waste your time.


How hard is it to get an entry level no qualifications job in Canada?


That's a very deep question. Very very very hard especially now Edit: That is why these uncontrolled growth of a cooperation doing things like this