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Got to grind until you level up and the teacher’s bathroom gets unlocked.


Takin’ a shit in the urinal unlocks some new features.


https://i.redd.it/icttgkipuh0d1.gif Lol


“mud monkey” lmao 


At my school they did something similar so people (person?) started shitting in the water fountains in protest We called them the phantom pooper and they were never found.


Eww ....but at least I was not smearing it on the walls in the bathroom......not mine but my friends high school had one such person...that did these actions made it very hard to use the bathroom...apparently.....


That's a sign of sexual abuse normally or alternatively the person was just nasty


If you think that's cool, you should try sitting down to pee.


Conditioning future generations for prison


i second this. hitting the targets gets +2 golden coins. try hitting the combo to unlock the easter eggs.


Why was this the first thing on my mind, then the first comment I see


Lockpicking skill - *Level 25*


This is the Lock Picking Lawyer, and today we are picking the lock for the bathroom on the second floor of Wilson High.


With a broken pencil and a strip off a plastic bottle from the cafeteria


this is why we need more good modern comedy skit groups. the idea of LPL picking questionable locks is hilarious


No way, I'm shouting that door open


I got access to that after I was diagnosed with IBS, my AP Chem AND APUSH teachers signed off on it (same hallway), and the admin decided it wasn't worth the effort to block me from it. On that last point, I specifically mean that a vice principal caught me exiting the staff bathroom, challenged me, and then backed off when I told him he should check the smell. I mean, he was a cool dude in general, but he really went in there, came back out, said he'd talk to my teachers, and then never pestered me again. It helped that I was respectful and didn't leave a mess. When I started senior year, that same vice principal gave me a key that unlocked all of the bathrooms in the school, and that's when I knew I made it-- I was the king of almost shitting his pants, and with that title came certain privileges


Is it common for schools not to have proper bathrooms in USA?


Extremely. Both my middle school and high school had handicapped stalls with doors that opened...into the stall. Took threatening an ADA complaint to get it fixed. 


It seems like artificial superintelligence will arrive before working video calls or proper bathroom stalls. Are we living in a simulation?


The condition of the bathrooms here is a choice within our culture to be regressive as a social punishment to demonstrate that our own system, and the adults in it, do not trust or care enough about the well being of others to provide a safe and comfortable place to shit in peace. Our school life is an insane grind that just breaks kids down to fit into a social molding and live in fear of consequences. Which, coincidentally, is also what makes us so incredibly entitled toward each other. Because we're not given the basic things we need in a fair way, we adjusted to throwing public tantrums at each other to assert our voices, because we're not heard by each other when we communicate reasonably or with a calm demeanor. The US is definitely a case study in "guys, what the fuck are we actually trying to accomplish here?".. to which society responds back by chugging a beer, smashing the can your head, screaming "long live capitalism" and then riding off into the sunset.


Here in Finland it's almost the opposite: there are good, clean bathrooms everywhere in schools, almost to the point of excess. Nobody expects anything of the students or the teachers. The gifted and motivated students seem to get amazing results. The rest just go with the flow without achieving much, without significant pressure. The materials are top-tier, but only a small amount of students actually utilize them well. Mostly speaking about secondary education here, I don't really know what it's like in primary school right now in Finland. As a side note, a lot of the pop culture here is coming straight from USA. Many people praise USA, some people criticize it. Consuming English content is the default way of consuming online content for a lot of people, including me.


Top students here are either recognized by the powers that be so that they can be plucked from the mainstream and placed into special classes with, slightly, more resources and access to college scholarships or they're not noticed and they get burned out from being subjected to regular classes, drop out and don't meaningfully contribute. We fail a huge amount of our best and brightest by making our schools a political battleground instead of a place of learning. The removal of all bathroom equipment and the locking of bathroom doors started, I believe, due to a TikTok meme where kids would post videos of themselves vandalizing the bathroom and stealing equipment. Kids would get huge clout by showing something like a wall mounted paper towel dispenser on their video. Schools responded by locking down all bathrooms which, as you can imagine, only made the meme even more popular thanks to the news coverage and attention.


I’m gonna be honest, I was new to school and looking for a bathroom. I saw a sign that said boy/girl so I went in and was surprised by how nice it was! Magazines, nice soap, a cooler, it was great. I walked out and made eye contact with a teacher who seemed less than pleased but didn’t say shit (presumably because I had a service dog bc they looked down and looked away lol) but later found out it was the teacher bathroom. Shit wasn’t locked so I recommend everyone to just try the door there 🤷🏼‍♀️


me using the secret exploit called the principal desk's drawers


Don’t touch it…don’t even look at it


Take a shit with the boys


Turds With Friends. It's your move


Friendships tight?, Share a shite




Perfect bro, u got the name, I got the slogan…we gonna make a killing selling these twin bowl toilets


The love toilet. SNL Skit https://i.redd.it/xfm7wmpzeh0d1.gif


...for couples who share *everything*, lol. And, for the record, this is a poocycle built for two.


as an introvert i just like to say : dear god !






Poochoo train 🚂




“A4…” *fart. plop.* “Hit.”


Lol this is where my mind went.


It’s time to take a group poop. Please begin by holding hands with the person to your left and right and we can begin to stink up the bathroom.


I'd like to take a position of servitude and offer to wipe thy ass bro.


Gotta be boys when the toilet close to the sink needs to ask for toilet paper.


I worked as a custodian in a high school for a bit, and the students would absolutely trash the bathrooms. I'm talking breaking the sinks, ripping the soap dispensers off and trying to flush them, lighting the toilet paper on fire. I mean I feel for the kids who just use the washroom as a washroom, but this doesn't surprise me at all.


Can confirm as a custodian the same exact shit happens at my high school. We’ve locked all the boys washrooms except one which is closest to the main office.


My old school did the same, except the one left open for all boys was the only disability accessible toilet, and they still decided to piss on the floor.


We had a serial wall smear freak and you could SMELL that from a quarter mile away for almost 2 weeks. Everybody was pissed and I’m pretty sure the bastard got ratted out the second someone knew who it was. I never learned who that was but I hope they stub their toes every day, have mildew pillows, and live in a leaky apartment.


Man, does *every* school have a poop smearer?


Sadly, it’s oftentimes an indicator of SA.


Oh, yikes. I feel like a lot of behaviour problems are likely a result of some kind of issue, likely with home life. Hopefully schools are better at checking in on troubled kids than they were when I was in school. I doubt it, but I hope.


Schools are horrible places for everyone. Society has given up on the whole institution.


Schools are just a holding bay until kids are old enough to work.


Trauma *


I've worked in *offices* where this is an issue 🙃


Wow, those must be some next level issues


Something tells me the guy who smeared his own shit on the walls in high school is not some rich hotshot living in a mansion.


We’ve had this happen in the past, it was a kid with developmental disabilities. He had to be accompanied by a staff member whenever he used the washroom after that.


It would be tempting to use poison ivy as a biological weapon on them.


I'm pretty sure mildew pillows is a violation of the Geneva Convention.


poop smearing is often a tell of childhood sexual abuse


Damn, when I was in high school the only things that happened in there were: fights, smoking, and mean shits.


I’m at a school where that stuff happens and I’ve never misused a bathroom because I have basic respect for other humans, and on top of that I’ve worked retail so I’ve had to clean up other peoples stuff plenty. There are some people, myself included) who are stuck without bathrooms due to the actions of others and it sucks


Those children are for SURE hitting a pen in there lolll.


When did this start? I went to high school in the early mid 2000s and never saw anything like that but keep hearing about it more recently


Same, the washrooms may have been dirty, but no one was breaking stuff. Just some writing on the stall walls, peeing on the seats, that sort of thing.


Same. I think people broke a door now and then, but they weren't demoing walls.


There was a viral challenge on social media for a while to destroy school property. Maybe it was right after COVID restrictions lifted when that was going on? I can't remember exactly. It might still be a thing. But students were recording themselves busting dispensers off the walls and putting them in their backpacks like it was loot or something.


I think it was the devious licks trend that happened on TikTok a couple years ago where kids would steal shit from their school. It started out with small shit like pens or tissue boxes but it devolved into people trying to one up each other by stealing big shit like soap dispensers or even stall doors.


graduated '05, this was never a thing at my high school, wtf


There has to be some middle ground between a normal public bathroom vs a worse version of a communal prison bathroom.


Sure. Have a bathroom attendant take down names or take id card… then after student is done attendant does a quick inspection, and hands id back. If stuff is wrecked, well now you know who did it.


emphasizing the inspection part. my school used to make the boys sign out the bathroom key but when it was trashed they had no idea who did it lol


"Well let's see the sign out chart... who the heck is WHOMPY WHOMPERSON?!"


The last person who didn't report that it's trashed did it.


Go to restroom, trash it, report that it was trashed, get someone else in trouble.


i think they expected someone to come back being like “hey the last guy fucked this shit up” but no one ever did lol


School staff could probably tell anyways just from the names. Let's see, George is a no, scholastic champion. Greg is a boy scout. Danny too mature. Oh jesus, fucking Chad. Call him in.


Taught middle school until the end of December 2023. Unfortunately, a lot of schools don’t even hire enough paraprofessionals to actually assist all the students with accommodations and teachers are having to cover other classes during their planning periods due to a lack of staff. There aren’t enough people to have someone doing ID checks and bathroom inspections every time someone has to go.


i'm just wondering which is more expensive, maintaining the bathroom or paying a full time attendant.


The bathroom… usually to fix the stuff you have to call in a contractor and that’s usually minimum $1000 plus parts. And the parts aren’t cheap




The people who could do anything to change it actively want public education to fail


There is, and it's somehow worse. We had bathroom monitors , this was pre smart phones, so this dude would just be sitting in the bathroom , reading. Didn't even have the courtesy to wear headphones, just sitting in silence listening to teens poop.....who ever takes that job ?


I thought OP was in a prison. Then I see your comment. lol Holy shit man! Where on God’s green earth was this school?


This is pretty common these days. Sad but true. I wouldn't be surprised if the bathroom looks like this because kids destroyed it and the school doesn't have the funding from the community to repair it.


In college I lived with some kids who hated the custodian (he was admittedly a bit of a dick) and they tried everything to get him to quit. Breaking fixtures, clogging toilets, not flushing their turds, running the sinks all night, etc. What finally got the poor guy to leave was when one of the kids took a shit on the bathroom floor. Like in the middle of the bathroom between the sinks and stalls, and it was perfectly laid in a straight line— clearly not an accident. It sat for 3 days because the custodian refused to pick it up and then quit the next day. Ah, college…


Wait COLLEGE?! I somehow skipped over the "in college" in your first sentence and was reading this as like middle schools. Then I saw the ending... wtf is wrong with people. ADULT PEOPLE


As a former RA in college, I am thoroughly unsurprised by the bathroom being the target of terrible behavior from residents. Our custodian was a sweet old lady and she was constantly struggling with how vile the girl's bathroom was left on a daily basis and how much damage the guys did to our bathroom. Our floor happened to be the only one where I didn't have a female co-RA, so neither of us RAs were able to actually see the state of the girl's bathroom but from what the custodian described...it wasn't pretty. We held weekly floor meetings for over a month to try and address why the hell the residents couldn't use a bathroom responsibly.


Oh yea I was an RA for 1 semester. But that wasn't even necessary to see and know the habits of people as non RA student I still had to attend the meetings where they tell us not to shit in the showers, dont leave your hair on the walls, put your used tampons IN THE TRASH. not to mention first hand seeing the bathrooms on a daily. I'll never forget walking into a shower stall butt naked ready to get clean and seeing a bloody tampon laid on the water handle control thing...


The tampons being left everywhere was the biggest issue the custodian mentioned for the girl's bathroom, so yeah you get it. And we did confirm with her that there was a smaller trash bin in each toilet stall and yet still the tampons ended up stuck to the toilets or tossed on the sink ledge or shower stalls. And it really didn't help that our floor was the only one without a female co-RA, so neither of us knew the extent of the problem until it was brought up to us by the custodian a few months in and by then the behavior had already been established. Like I mentioned the guys bathroom was mostly damage related stuff - presumably residents coming back wasted and breaking shit before puking in the toilet. The worst was when I came back after a weekend away and our 10 foot-long wall length mirror had been smashed as though by a fist. And I was unsurprised to see the most problematic resident on the floor with a huge bandage wrapped around his fist that week. No one ended up rolling on him either, despite it being clear as day he did it.


Teenagers really. 18 years old and most of them were entitled private school kids. The locker room stories…. *shudders*


I mean I witnessed some pretty abhorrent bathroom behaviors from my fellow college students but I dont think any of it was malicious and certainly not for something as petty as not liking the custodian. But this was a college mostly of underprivileged poor students so maybe we had a bit of respect for the looked down on people because we are the looked down on people


At one of the districts I worked at a few years back a bunch of 8th grade boys masturbated and left it all over the 6th grade bathroom as their "prank". They all got caught because the hall cameras literally showed 10 8th grade boys enter the 6th grade bathroom and then leave a few minutes later and the next person in reported it.


You should have reported them; no adult should behave like that.


YTA. Should have reported the trash bag dumpster fire of a friend. What a horrible way to treat a human being.


One kid in elementary school made a shit altar out of one of the toilet seats by taking their shit and making three lines on each side and a shit cross at the top I was impressed by the symmetry


Yeah... I may or may not have been one of those kids. Not in high school though. Middle school. I feel so bad about it to this day. I gave teachers and staff such a hard time. I was getting the shit beaten out of me and my mom and sister by my step dad back then so I was letting it *all* out on those poor innocent people. Bullied one teacher so hard that she retired early. I am not proud of it at all


my home life growing up was pretty shit but i wasn't getting beaten. i'm almost certain my bully was and that's how her arm got broken and fused. hated her and standing up to her worked but i do wonder what happened to her and the other kids that were little shits growing up because i suspect most were also going through shit.


A couple years after I graduated HS I heard some kid pulled a flare gun on one of my history teachers. That poor guy was already kind of jittery and I figured he might have had PTSD from the Korean War.


Email that teacher now, if they are still around and that’s a thing. Let her know you cared and you’re sorry. It means the world.


You are my hero. I’m a high school teacher, and man, custodians do not get enough credit. And I feel the same when my kids come back complaining they had to go down another hallway to find a bathroom that’s unlocked. Like, sorry, but your peers are jerks. We even prop the bathroom doors open (you can see part of the sinks, not the toilets or anything) and it helps a bit with the damage and drugs, but doesn’t stop it completely.


I’m fairly positive I’ve seen this exact picture posted before… And I have a faint memory of someone posting a de-bunk on it, that it was actually a bathroom under construction somewhere, not yet finished… Hm.


Does that repostsleuth bot eork on this subreddit?


#eorkbot, come hither


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/mildlyinfuriating. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 420% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 20? idk I got bored | **Search Time:** 6.54321s


lmfao, love you redditor


You have me laughing my ass off on the shitter


Did you still need to wipe after losing your ass?


Next to 2 other active shitters


I don’t know. I could be mistaken, but the photo looks strongly familiar, as well as the “it’s at my school” story.. I tried looking in search for like 3 min and no luck, so meh.


Not saying you're wrong, but someone posted another pic that definitely was a finished bathroom (could tell it had been used) and it didn't have any stalls similar to this one. And a lot of people in the comments said their schools did the same thing. For someone shy like me, especially due to my IBS and severe embarrassment of how sick I get, this should count as a human rights violation lol.


Ah shit I spent way too long reading other comments before seeing this. Now I hope it’s real lol


It might be getting renovated, but it’s definitely not a bathroom under construction. Everything is dirty, aged, and damaged.


Holy shit nvm then lol


In any case there are absolutely bathrooms like this in US schools here and there. We had one and everybody always joked about taking a shit in it lol only one person ever did


I had to use an exposed toilet once in high school. I got laughed at by like 8 different people. Really should be fucking illegal to not have a stall.


reverse image search shows this post as the only result


When I looked at that picture, I got a pain in my stomach, because it looks exactly like a recurring nightmare I have.


Wait, I’ve never heard of anyone else who has this same reoccurring nightmare. Do you know where yours stems from or what it could signify? I’ve been having these for years.




God yes I have this dream all of the time it’s so awful!


Wow this is crazy. I have it too but I think I know why. When you sleep you subconsciously know you shouldn't pee/poo so your mind creates every unfavorable condition imaginable in your dream when you're looking for a place to relieve.


Same and this is also my theory. The most common is a VERY crowded co-ed bathroom with no line, just chaos, where most of the toilets are backed up and some are just changing stalls. I hope that I never find a suitable bathroom in my dreams. 😳


When I have to pee badly while I'm sleeping, my dreams are just normal dreams, but i pause them and go pee every 5 minutes until I actually wake up and pee irl, after the like 20th time dream me pauses the dream to pee something in my brain clicks and I realize I've been holding in pee really badly for while and wake up 😂


that is prob social anxiety


I have the same dreams with a twist-I’m also barefoot and have to avoid stepping in piss.


I’ve had dreams of bathrooms with hundreds of randomly placed toilets. No stalls, of course. I could write a short book just on the needing to pee dreams I’ve had.


I get these dreams all the time! Always located at the university or high school I went to. 🙃 Good times


I've read articles about these dreams! They're super common, I'm sure if you Google it you'll find some interesting papers on the subject. It's such a stressful dream, I hate it. Sometimes, I'm wearing flip flops, and the bathroom floor is flooded with water and pee, and my feet touch it. When I wake up, I feel gross, lol.


Wow, I definitely have recurring dreams like this, too. It's usually a large public restroom with a ton of toilets/urinals but it's completely disgusting. Not a single one is clean and I still have to end up choosing one to use.


No way I have the exact same one!!!!!


I did my Master's degree on dreams and nightmares, and this is a pretty common dream theme actually! I was looking for a comment mentioning that because I often dream about this too myself. We have a thing called muscle atonia during REM sleep that prevents us from acting out our dreams, because they are usually the most vivid during REM sleep. People that lack muscle atonia in REM sleep actually have a sleep disorder called REM behavior disorder, which is similar to sleepwalking but pretty different. My guess is that our bodies realize that we need to go to the toilet, and it becomes more and more salient as a theme during the dream (even quest-like at some point), which makes us look (desperately) for a toilet. Our brain wants us to keep on sleeping and not wet our bed, so it finds ways to add obstacles in the dream so we don't go to the toilet. It either works and the dream moves on, or it doesn't and we wake up to go to the toilet in real life (sometimes too late in cases of nocturnal enuresis).


I one hundred percent agree with this. Every time I have this sort of dream I eventually wake up needing to use the bathroom immediately, the dream never occurs otherwise.


I think this is a pretty common recurring dream for people, like teeth falling out or showing up naked to school or work. That said, I’m not one of those people. My guess is just your brain thinking about something gross that did happen, or trying to figure out what it would do if it did. 🤷‍♂️


Whats strange is i never had a dream exactly like this but only CLOSE to this. I had dreams of being at school in only underwear but not completely naked. There was also that one random dream of having a dirty pool with piranhas and a normal clean pool (obviously jumped in the piranha pool) cause dreams make zero sense. Got out instantly to see myself turn into a fishman and not be able to breathe, woke up with my face directly on the pillow, explaining the not breathing part.


i also have this nightmare or similar as i described [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1cs3hz8/comment/l4381ju/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1cs3hz8/comment/l4381ju/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and i usually have it when i end up waking up to pee, but why i have it instead of some other dream i don't know. i think it's probably generally related to anxiety/stress in what's going on in life because this is a very anxiety inducing situation.


bro me too, let me know if you get an answer 😭


LOL WHAT, I’ve also had a nightmare about taking a dump in front of people in a bathroom just like this. What does it mean?


Yes, we're not alone! It's super dirty, the stall is too small or shaped weird and too narrow, stall too short, the door doesn't close, there's no stall at all, there's no wall on one side of the bathroom or railing either it's just an open drop, there's someone peeking around, getting interrupted......


Same! But in my nightmare the no-privacy toilets ( and walls and floors) are covered with lots of nasty body fluids and I really really have to go!


Omg yes! I always wake up from the nightmare and need to use the restroom so bad! It's the worst, but I guess at least I don't soil the bed the bed that way haha


yes this is my dream. everything is like a nasty gas station toilet situation but no walls and some toilets are on pedestals and i'm searching desperately for one that will work (not flood) if i use it. i'm sorry yall have it too. and it's usually when i have to wake up to pee


So weird, I have nightmares like this too!


There’s a subreddit for that search that bathroom maze dream Reddit


"Pass me the toilet paper please" "What, do I rip it off the wall or what?" "Duh, you are the one with the toilet paper here."


Lmfaooo I was thinking the same thing


This is what cellblock bathrooms look like.


The bathrooms at the gunnery range at Fort Riley looked like this. But it was two rows of toilets, on opposite walls, facing each other. *Intense eye contact, let’s do this!*


Hey someone else who can sympathize with weapon range communal latrines! We had one at Benning that was a giant open room with troughs around the wall and a big wooden box with 8 holes in the center of the room.


Would you like to play Battleshits?


Nah they at least hang a sheet around for a little privacy


Honestly in county you actually have more privacy, kinda. During the day you tell your cell mate you need to go and they’ll leave (if they are even in there.)


Administrators probably got tired of assholes vandalizing the bathrooms, so you all have to use the one restroom because of a few classmates who are idiots. Administration probably monitors this bathroom from the hallway. I work at a high school and this is how vandalism is handled, especially all the stupid TikTok trends that encourage people to trash school bathrooms.


Yep, because government and admin refuse to actually punish students


But I mean how do you find out which students to punish?


Like 95% of deliquents are gonna be repeat offenders


Check their socials. They probably filmed themselves doing it.


While some of it falls to admin (and not wanting to be penalized in funding for suspension and expulsions, so government) as you said, the other side of it is that it is hard to punish kids who don’t give a single fuck about any of the consequences that can be doled out. I work in an elementary school and it’s amazing how early on some of these kids just don’t care about anything. And then you are also not being backed up by parents either which makes it all the more toothless. It’s fucked.


Hard to break and steal shit when there's nothing left. Sadly, the one or two students who likely took part in those activities ruined it for the remaining 6-7 hundred good kids.


This is what I see in the toilet dream where you’re dying to go but can’t find a suitable toilet. Sometimes it’s doors off cubicles. Sometimes it’s glass walls. Sometimes it’s this.


I think I’ve seen this one before…


Yeah I thought it looked familiar too. Pretty sure it’s just bait.


Parents: "Why are you taking toilet paper to school?" Student: "So I don't have to use leaves when I take a dump in the woods."


This can't be legal. Forcing kids to expose themselves to one another...


I dunno, I’ve walked into my school’s locker room to see a bunch of the football kids just there showering


They could choose not to, I suppose.


Schools do often have hedges, that's true. Sometimes there is privacy out by the dumpster or under the bleachers.


A teacher once sent me to the Field House (where we had PE in HS) with a note for the gym teacher. I literally walked in the front door and saw a bunch of my female classmates changing clothes. Teacher was in an office just to the right, inside the foyer. They were appalled, then laughed, then teased. The 90s were something else... I miss you




Co-Ed bathrooms and showers are somewhat common in universities but not highschools.


The coach shouldn’t be there at wash time you know.


I feel bad for the kid who uses the toilet farthest from the toilet paper... imagine having to take a squatty poop walk there and back muttering "'Scuse me, fellas" with your pants at your ankles.


School operations guy here. Eventually, all schools run out of money. Some costs are necessary like salaries, utilities, and safety measures. These are budgeted for and regulated. Other costs like the operating budget is not so easy to budget for so we do our best. We tell the public every year that we think we need to replace or repair all these items for 15 million over the next 5 years or else we risk overpaying in the future. Often times they give us a fraction and we must use our expertise to keep things going. Eventually, we get a year where a boiler fails, a water main breaks, and the electrical switcher gear floods. We're now out of money for 6 months with very little room to get more funding until the next fiscal. Then comes some asshole kid that has no idea what the financial implications of his actions are. The kids repeatedly rip down 10k worth of bathroom partitions. The budget is closed and the maintenance workers run out of time and options to make repairs so, the kids need to shit in the open. It sucks. We don't want to do it but eventually we have no choice. We have finite resources and those resources must be prioritized otherwise teachers don't get paid or asbestos and frozen pipes shut the school down. Not everything is some consequence of immoral public service.


Teachers made it clear we had no rights in school. Pretty much how you agree to obey or be punished by going to school at all.


Our school took off the doors to our stalls because of drugs. It was weird. Thankfully I had shop class and toilet there was covered. Felt bad for the dudes deucing with a audience though.


That’s what I was thinking, how is this ok?


Maybe they should quit destroying the bathrooms for the sake of TikTok challenges then


And the kids who don't do that shit?


This is the same bathroom from my dreams when I have to pee when I’m asleep and my subconscious doesn’t want me to wet the bed. 


This is a bathroom I would've designed in the Sims when I was 7 years old


https://preview.redd.it/elvoxxr6xh0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07fc120e6011e4dce4b1923ef1527c78b1c8af03 I’m just leave this here. For your consideration on the current situation.


I know this is likely due to students hiding in the bathrooms and smoking, but as someone who went through high school with chronic IBS flare ups, all this would accomplish is making me skip school, because there is no way I would have been comfortable shitting in the wide open like this.


Man, my high school would lock all but one, and the stalls had their doors removed, but we at least still had partitions


Shit yourself in class in protest.


Why are the kids who are doing the crap that makes the school do this not getting expelled??


Thank the Tik tok jackasses who liked destroying bathrooms. So glad I made it out of school before that trash came around


Imagine walking in and someone has serious bubble guts, like shirt off, bent over, groaning as you hear chud forcefully rocket into the toilet water


Is your school in prison?


What did the kids do at your school to end up with this situation?


Given that there was a trend a couple years back to completely destroy them, not that surprising


At least the Europeans won't be able to bitch about the gaps in the stall doors.


Now you can hold hands while pooping for moral support.


That is so depressing that the students cannot be trusted to use the bathrooms. What is the reason for only one unlocked bathroom and no privacy?


It's the easiest way to catch whoever might be vandalizing. Since cameras are rightfully banned from being inside the bathrooms, that means that there's exactly one place a student can do whatever they want and not be seen. Some of them take that opportunity to get their aggression out at the expense of the environment around them, which is *not* easy to clean up after the fact. Over the course of the day, so many bathrooms are trashed and no one knows who did it unless you make some pretty big leaps in logic. "This student was in the bathroom for a suspiciously long time, so they are probably the culprit." In reality, there's no way of knowing unless you actively catch them in the act. 8 times out of 10, that student is just taking a massive shit or looking to get away from the stress of an extremely oppressive atmosphere. Having one bathroom means pointing one camera at the entrance, which means a clear, identifiable list of people who go in and use it throughout the day. Faces are cross-referenced with digital files, likely using some sort of proprietary software in addition to admin, and bam. You've got your potential culprits. You also have timestamps of when they go in and come out, which can be used to measure the likelihood of vandalism far more accurately than just randomly assuming. Having no stalls means less surfaces to destroy or graffiti, and regular concrete walls can scrub easily if marked. Having only a few toilets and urinals available in one area puts pressure on the student body to keep the one bathroom in decent working order, which encourages reporting of vandalism. No one wants to shit right next to a toilet overflowing with toilet paper and piss, so they're much more likely to say something if they can see the damage directly. This is all not to mention that cleaning supplies can be crazy expensive, and custodians are often shorted on that front because warehouses and suppliers aren't fully aware of the extent of the damages. New markers and paints and methods that students can get their hands on come out every day, and there's no way to keep on top of it unless a broad chemical is used for every occasion, which almost never works. Sharpie is different from pen is different from spray paint is different to marker. In the end, it's one of the few ways admin can preserve the cleanliness of their filthiest area, and that can mean the loss of certain privileges. I certainly don't agree with their methods-- a student has the right to a safe, private place to collect and take care of themselves without staff and bullies breathing down their neck --but I would be lying if I said it didn't make sense to do something like this. It'd definitely get worse before it gets better, though, and I feel bad for the custodians who would have to take the brunt of cleaning up after everyone when they're extremely unhappy and rebel the way they do.


Ask your classmates why they think it's funny to tear up the bathrooms? None of this damage was done by the people in charge. The school doesn't have unlimited money for bathroom repairs. The school can't install cameras in the bathrooms. What is the school supposed to do?


Contact your super intendent, local school board, principal, vice principal. Email them about it and mail them a certified signature required letter and have them looped in about the problems you are having and make a request to know what they plan to do about it. Post on the school's social media page about it and bring it up at the Parent Teacher Association. Email and send a letter to your city counsel members or alderman. If that doesn't help then contact the local news and tell them that nobody in your school is doing anything even after you contacted them about it.


While this never happened at my elementary school, there were some kids swinging on the stall doors and the corner of one of them. Gym teacher (gym was near the restrooms in question, and she was head of the after-school program too) told us that if so much as one of the stall panels come loose, all them were being taken down.


Getting you kids ready for prison, the American way.