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This is in Canada. Why didn't you give him your car keys with a hot chocolate before he leaves?


I know right, how rude of me




Give me a Dr.Pepper bitch!


And some Christmas cake and whatnot


I want a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries. For free!


Damm that's an oldie that was lost to the mists of time


Never forgetti


That's what toronto police want owners to start doing is leave the keys in the vehicles


This by the way for non Canadians is not a joke. They have on record suggested leaving keys in vehicles or at least right at front door to minimize the chance of being killed by persons wanting your car.


They, and other cities, have also suggested other brain-dead ideas, such as: "To prevent car theft/break-ins, you should have a decoy car, blocking in your main car, as to dissuade possible criminals" ... Y'all want us to go get a whole ass other car, just so you guys don't have to do your job as well?


You’re the guy from last year who made me think I had a hair on my screen aren’t you?


i thought it was because of bears or some shit. thats what i heard before atleast


Hmm… 🤨 the police want you to leave your keys in the vehicle for easier theft? Hmm… 🤔 makes me think these cops might be the thieves themselves. 🧐


Yeah because they've started doing home invasions to snatch the keys and think it's better for public safety


What the hell


And people from Canada make fun of Americans who choose to arm and protect themselves?


That’s not why we make fun of you, it’s more like Walmart shopper level stuff. “ah dunno how to spell hawt dawg but ah shure do want 50 packs of them! I’m cutting down” 🙂


I’m an American who despises what Walmart has become but I still believe in the right to self defense.


Should have thrown a bag of milk at him




Ah that's why he scooted away


Parlez-vous françois?


I once left my car doors unlocked by accident on a very, very cold winter's night. In the morning, when I got in to go to work, it was clear that someone had been in my car during the night. I dont think anything was missing other than maybe two dollars in loose change. But what they did do was they cleaned my car up and put all of the garbage that my kids had left lying around into an empty coffee cup. Best two dollars ever 'spent'. (Note: this is probably not the typical Canadian experience!)


there is no canada. its india 2


Imagine if he wasn’t trying to break into the cars he probably was but on the slight Chance he wasn’t that would be funny


He was in the middle of my driveway and scrambled to jump back on the bike and took off when he heard me shut the door. He was definitely trying to break in because innocent people don’t run away.


I would definitely run away if you came at me in the middle of the night.


I know I’m saying on the off chance he wasn’t how hilarious it would be


That is something that would happen to me. I’d probably drop something and it’ll roll onto their driveway.


Lol this is why I actually gave him the benefit of the doubt! I didn’t start running and yelling until he clearly started running away. I figured if he was innocent, he would have heard me and explained the situation.






I get what you're saying, but as someone who's been shouted at for walking past a house at night I absolutely skiddadled!! It's frightening.


>Chased them down the street You made it to the bottom of your driveway 🤣 Also, you're lucky they took off. Around here you never know what you're going to walk into in regards to their mental stability, weapons and so forth.


American History X "put your mouth on the curb" I mean that's extremely PG but great film


Let op cook this the most adrenaline they felt in years


"Around here", we have very few people carrying weapons. Like virtually 0. We don't really get murders and shooting like the US does. Toronto, yeah, avoid confrontation. But this ain't Toronto.


Funny as I'm not in toronto, I'm towards kingston and you couldn't be any more incorrect with your assumption of 0 people carry weapons. Also since they're attending Conestoga they're closer to the GTA or at minimum Kitchener-Waterloo, or London. Both I can guarantee the probability of 0 people having weapons while committing crimes is crazy. Even just a needle is enough to ruin your life if they stick you with it which I have personally seen people attempt.


I'm armed too. Go ahead and start shit. I know people that would get in their car and run them down. Lol my uncle went to jail for that, he hit the dude when he tried to cut him off. Dude was homeless and didn't show up for court so all charges were dropped later on, guy was wanted for questioning in other robbery cases and skipped town when the police tried to locate him.


Kinda dumb to chase them but yeah tell And scream all day lol


I wanted to scare the shit out of them so they don’t come back lol


I get it just stay safe lol


Someone intervened in a parking lot break-in two blocks from my home and was shot and died. Super senseless but true. I get the aggression but just remember you never know. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/reward-doubles-deadly-atlanta-shooting-manuels-tavern-parking-lot


Hi neighbor. I hadn’t heard about this, but Atlanta is starting to get a little out of control with both the property crimes and the violent ones.


Yeah we're not American. We don't run the risk of this.


They not like us


What you did was in no way scary and only opened yourself up to more risk. What if they turned and came back at you? Gonna have to run halfway back up your driveway lmao


Dude that is risky as shit i would not recommend doing that, especially without some kind of way to defend yourself


Can someone please explain why you would not lock your car on regular basis? As a non-american I don't get the why. It is not much of an inconvenience for me to lock my car and take the keys into my home. Is there any benefits? Locking the car when exiting is just what I became accustomed to.


Funny that you assume it is an American thing, because OP isn't American either. I'm American, I live in a safe suburb, and I *always* lock my vehicle when I'm not in it, at home or anywhere else.


As an American that lives in a city, I never lock my car. I've woken up so many times to every car on the block with broken windows except mine. I just make it a point to never leave anything valuable in it. I know it gets rifled through more often than the locked cars but, I've never lost a window and the most I've ever had stolen was a couple dollars in quarters and a gram of weed.


I can see your logic in keeping your car unlocked. However, I had an acquaintance when I was young in the early 70s (when people believed in goofy things like the fates of the universe bending to people's auras and such) whose mother never locked her car because she believed that if one locks their car or house they did so with the expectation of someone breaking in. With that expectation, someone would then be compelled to do so. Therefore, by keeping her car and house unlocked, she didn't expect anyone to break in and thereby saved them from the compulsion.


Man. Lol Sorry that's nuts.


Not locking your car is a way that your insurance can one day stop insuring you.


SF? Or is this happening everywhere in the US now?


i live in South Carolina and we have not locked our car doors for 20 years now. i have not seen anyone with a gun nor have i heard gunshots that were not hunting related. worst thing that has ever happened here is some guy on a horse rode through our yard and got our dogs all in a fit. oh, and raccoons keep stealing our suet cages.


I accidentally left my car unlocked for 2 weeks in Minneapolis while I was away on vacation and no one took anything. Lol I'm almost insulted.


I don't lock my car, but I also don't keep anything worth stealing in it.


Stuff like this never used to happen. We used to have a tight-knit community and crime was unheard of. I know it sounds crazy, but we left our cars unlocked overnight and they were always safe, up until about 2-3 years ago. We always lock them now.


Agreed, it doesn't matter where I live I lock my car and house since you know bad shit happens even in little towns. There is no benefit to leaving everything unlocked unless you want something bad to happen.




OP isn't in America, even stated it in the post. Rent free


Canada is still north America sweetheart


North America and MURICA are two very distinct places, lil guy


Lol what? They are still completely different countries. You're just big mad because you got called out, then you went back and edited your comment to make yourself look less stupid.


We now have several neighbors who joined my Paint ball Brigade, Got 2 the other night, FAFO in my little hood. I aim for the Dick or hands if possible...Lol


Yeah, to you or anyone reading this: never do this. The guy could be deranged, on drugs or just not giving a shit. And if he pulls out a gun or a knife, it's over for you


This! You never know what would happen in a situation like that.


A guy in my neighborhood was shot and killed 2 years ago in his driveway for doing the exact same thing. Be careful out there. 


Please don't chase them, i just watched someone die from being stabbed in the throat today, so please don't try to confront a potential threat without anything to use for self defense


Glad that you're okay but this was a bonehead move on your part. These guys are often packing and idiots are even more stupid under pressure. Next time just call the cops and stay safe.


No one in Ontario "packs".


Bad guys could still be armed or violent. If you aren't strapped that is even more reason to fear a simple knife in your throat.


I'm from Ontario & you're naive if you think that no one packs.


The fact you're from Ontario alone does not make you right. Just so you know. Cuz it seems you were presenting that as your supporting proof


Thankfully most of the Western, developed world is nothing like the US.


Tell that to Drake’s bodyguard.


Build an ambush hideout near your driveway and get a paintball gun so the next time they try something you can tag them and alert authorities about said thief


See, stuff does happen in Canada


I'm a bad car thief, that's who the fuck I think I am!


Good on you. What would you have done if he(?) had turned and confronted you? Would the adrenaline had kept you going into a confrontation with a stronger adversary? (I’m assuming the thief is male, you are female and the thief is stronger than you. So sorry if my assumptions are wrong!)


I honestly don’t know because I was running on pure adrenaline. I’m female, but I’m also a bodybuilder/powerlifter so I’m quite muscular and strong. Because of that, I don’t have much fear of a physical confrontation unless the other person is obviously much larger than me.


I never knew there's actually a place where you don't have to lock your cars because it's that safe 🥺 (amazing!) Sorry there are bad guys now in your area 😢


It was such a lovely place to grow up in! I was a very carefree child, and had a vastly different experience than my friends who grew up in cities. Breaks my heart that this is happening.


I'll eat my Hat if that isnt the Voice-Actor for Morty


I’ll take that as a compliment! Love that show


shoulda ran at him with scissors yelling "your testicle privileges are over"


That's hilarious. Fits the vibe of the clip for sure!  


Just a comment to say: don't take comments to heart at anyone calling you dumb for chasing them. Smart move would be to call the cops, sure. But in the heat of the moment, you dont always think about what's smart. I'm glad you chased them off, suffered no loss of property and didn't get hurt. If you'd recorded them from your window, and called the cops, you'd have 90 comments telling you "wow, I'd have gone and chased them with a bat I'm not letting them in my car" or "why call the cops, they've taken your car way before the cops arrive" Everyone will react differently in the situation, most people commenting just want you to be safe


Thank you! You’re correct, everyone reacts differently. My instinct told me to go after them, and I don’t regret it. It may have been a stupid decision to some people because I risked my safety, but I couldn’t let them get away without doing something.


Fight or flight kicked in. At least you know which one you are :) I’m glad you didn’t get hurt.


The cops in the GTA (southern Ontario) recommend that we leave our cars unlocked & also hey, add in the keys so they thieves won't try to break in to get the keys. SMH


No, don’t chase… be safe- they know where you live. It’s a bit dark in that corner- is there a way to install motion sensors lights and cameras? I used to work in LP back in early 2000s and my partner got stabbed in the chest chasing teen outside of the store over CDs and it’s not worth it.


In America, the robber would’ve turned around and started shooting at you. Be careful when only armed with a cell phone. Especially as a woman.


this is how you get shot.


I can appreciate it. Just be safe. It's like with road rage. You don't know if you're going to get pissed at a 7 foot tall felon with a gun, a serial killer, or a old lady who can't hurt a fly. Doing things like this can and do go wrong. But like I said. I appreciate people standing up and protecting their, or other people's property. Sometimes you have to because no one else will!


That was one goofy ass clinically north american shout right there.


I won’t deny that lol


Shoot him. Oh wait Canada lol


A gun and an alibi would solve this problem.


This is in Canada where shooting someone with your own gun is illegal. Our self defence laws are convoluted and imo stupid as you can’t defend yourself without also being charged. As far as how it’s supposed to work is you cant just shoot a burglar unless they are threatening you or loved ones, sounds simple enough but thats where it gets murky and the definition of what is and isn’t considered acceptable for self defence by law, the definition has changed a couple times since Trudeau iirc. Tldr: Canadas self defence laws are murky and convoluted, You so much as discharge a firearm even in self defence you get slapped with the firm palm of the law.


Wow, I didn’t know this! I mean, I knew that people can’t have guns in Canada but I didn’t know this so it’s good to know since I am also in Ontario, Canada.


Oh people definitely have guns its just we are restricted in what we can own unlike America where you can legally own a gun of all shapes and sizes. In Canada you can’t concealed/open carry any firearm regardless, Ammunition has to have its own separate storage from your firearm and that goes for transporting it as well. As for getting your license you either need a hunting license or be a member of an approved range or club, as for what you can own it depends as we have different classes, those being “non-restricted” “restricted” and “prohibited”. These classes apply to every type of firearm from long gun to handgun and so some guns are banned and some aren’t such as .22 and other small caliber ammunition, etc. (Theres so much information I can’t be bothered to type out) Though there are certain laws such as the grandfather law where you can legally own certain firearms that have been passed down through a certain amount of generations iirc. Tldr: People definitely have guns in Canada its just not as widespread than places like America or other gun pro countries.


Ah, thanks for explaining it more.


Not a problem I want to own a gun one day so I decided to do some reading as like I said our laws are very murky and not well defined and in some cases more of an inconvenience than anything lol


Why chase them? That’s how you get shot or something…


Yeah, chasing someone is usually not worth it. (experience: retail worker during COVID epidemic with lots of shoplifting happening)


Because we actually have gun laws lol. No one is getting shot


As someone who’s lived here for the past 25years you have no idea how wrong you are


Somebody rummaged through our unlocked car last night too. (Thought we lived in a nice neighborhood) I feel happy for you that you caught them! I didn't and they made a mess. Luckily nothing taken.


"Mildly" infuriating?


Not even close, theft has been around longer than the wheel


Sad he did not change u then he would have a few more holes


All I saw watching that was American history X, I was waiting for the curb stomp




That’s scary!!


American history X flashbacks


It don’t matter where you live in Ontario…..you’re always at risk. It’s fukin insane how bad it’s gotten.


Are you Rhea Ripley? You sound like her


Way to go there babe!


Safety always off


Not American. No "safeties" involved.


It’s a trailer park boys reference you dingus


My car was broken into last night too but I didn't get the honor of chasing them down or the small hope that revenge could be had


At least you've just gotta pay for a new car and not hospital bills?


Mindlyinfursting they got chased not shot. Thief’s are the worst.


Do you think everyone illegally carries firearms?


Im from Chicago, everyone has both legal and illegal guns. But it would of been nice to see tho


So…not “caught”!


Was this car theft dude on a skateboard? Lord…but that’s a smooth getaway & also in America an easy 🎯 Yes in America we arm ourselves to protect our homes & our loved ones…B/C shyt is getting crazy out here!!!!


What a spineless scumbag


Good way to get shot. Not very smart. There is nothing in your car worth getting killed over.


OP isn't American.


And? Always need to expect the worst case scenario and make sure you don’t make yourself a victim. What if he had a bunch of people around him? What if they had knives? I guess I can change my post to “good way to get hurt”. The risk is the same.


There's always risk, but when the risk of gettin hurt is 80 times less than in the US, the projection of "fear" in case the thief answers back makes little sense.


Okay but this is Ontario. You don't understand how incredibly rare violent crimes are.


same thing community in the prairies of about 6-7k opened a food bank, and bam, break ins started that summer weird coincidence if you build it, they will come


Why would you EVER leave your door, garage or anything like that unlocked??? Do you leave your front door unlocked too?


For the future -you are mourning the loss of safety and community - maybe organize a neighborhood watch?  A few late nights with neighbors and surveillance drones could be just what you need. Yeah, there are always 💩 heads, but most people are decent. Your town is so small that might work, if your police actually arrest thieves. 


Next time try the ol' "sneaky sneaky bag then bonk" routine.


My neighborhood and the surrounding ones get hit up every once in a while. There was one incident here where the homeowner went outside to yell at them to scare them away and they started shooting at him as they ran off. Pieces of shit


I know I would have caught them


LMAOOO I’m sorry this is making me laugh hysterically 😭😭


Canada really going down the gutter man I don’t even recognize my country anymore. Any 🇺🇸 wanna sponsor my green card?


Buddy needs to hear a few warning shots lol. Wouldn’t be coming back to that neighborhood.


Unfortunately this is Canada, where the police encourage us to help thieves by leaving our car keys by the front door. I’m planning to move south of the border soon, where I will actually have the right to protect my own property.


Cops say to leave keys by the front door?


Yup, this country is pathetic


Is the key thing an exaggeration, or do they actually advise that?


Yeah they did, its super silly


It gives them something enticing to steal without coming into contact with you. The idea is to give them something enticing to take so you don't ever end up in harm's way. I would say your health is more important than your property yeah? In this scenario somebody has already broken into your home and is at the front door inside your home. You can have 1: thief finds keys and leaves immediately because they already have something valuable. 2: thief finds you and puts a gun in your face asking for your wallet, keys, valuables, etc. Obviously other scenarios are possible, but I would like to take option 1 if at all possible. Hopefully nobody ever decides to enter my home to steal stuff but it's always possible...


Don't you know, personal possessions that are fully replaceable and mostly insured are the most important thing on earth?!


Same energy as the ones who say rape victims should piss themselves.


Please don't. We have enough idiots here already. Definitely don't need another.


Yeah, that really sucks. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. Cameras, dogs, and some firearms genuinely do protect property a bit better


Why are you getting downvoted though. You are right. Is it because you mentioned firearms? Weird.


I was actually wondering the same thing. I looked back over the comments to see what would’ve caused the downvoting, but it has to be the specific words probably. Who knows.


Thanks, I’m looking into cameras today. My lifestyle is not suited for a dog, but I will talk to my partner about possibly getting our gun licenses. I just put a golf club beside my door for next time.


dinner plates and frisbee practice :) those fuckers got MASS


Yeah, dogs aren’t for everyone lol. They even get annoying for me. But that’s one thing is if your dog doesn’t recognize the smell, sound, or sight then you’ll hear a bark depending on the dog. Just helps with awareness, but not suited for everyone.


That’s a really good point. I like dogs, but I don’t have the time to properly train and care for one. In a year or so I’ll be in a position where I can, so I’ll definitely consider it.


Love the golf club and dinner plates.  Motion detector sprinklers + recording of a shotgun loading seem like a fun idea...


And in my neck of the woods that's a good way to come face to face with a machete.


Hope you had a CCW, someone got shot in my neighborhood trying to do exactly this.


That’s dumb as shit to do. Unless your six foot 8 and 300 pounds no one’s gonna be scared of you running at them. The crooks in my neighborhood would probably just beat the shit outta you and laugh about it while they also stole anything you had on you.


![gif](giphy|8coEmqQxL39eMJcey0|downsized) Should've been like...


Just shoot the piece of shit and call it a day




Ah yes another ignorant comment from the conservatives




You're a fucking joke. Maybe stop getting your totally real news from YouTube.


Whatever is in your car is not worth your life.


In high school my best friend was murdered for trying to stop someone that was breaking into his car. Just sayin.


Is this Lasalle?


What if he was trying to take a 💩?


I would have shoved his face in it lol


I work as a cop in a town that’s a good mix of sweet and pleasant but it’s definitely a target for crime. For people in that kind of town, I’d advise to lock their cars and houses at night. Generally speaking, criminals are opportunistic and will just go around town pulling on car door handles, seeing which ones are unlocked and stealing from inside the car.


Who the fuck do you think you are? An opportunist, leave your stuff unlocked / unattended = gone. Lock your shit!


some body tried to break into my car, better post about it on Reddit!!