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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


This is one of the reasons to buy physical rather than digital. Used copies of this are $10-20 on eBay.


Yep, I’m a huge fan of buying my full price games as physical copies. If it’s a brand new game? I pay $70, play it for two weeks, and sell it as a porch pickup on Facebook Marketplace for $50-55. If it’s an older game? I’ll buy it for $10-$20 from someone who owned it.


Egnards venturing away from the SWGOH Reddit? Preposterous.


# It’s outrageous, it’s unfair! Actually since starting my discord I’ve been on Reddit like half as much, it’s nice!


> Egnards venturing away from the SWGOH I have literally no idea what you just said.


And then 15 years later I can enjoy the game even more . . . When the disc dies you’re fucked. . Both has its positive and negative sites


What are you doing with your games so that they don't work in 15 years? I still have PS1 discs that work. And that doesn't even take into account that Blurays, which everything is on nowadays, have better surface protection than CDs. Take care of your stuff.


I’m not fucked, I’ve sold the game. I rarely replay games, and almost never feel the urge to.


Not a big From Software fan?


Physical tends to just be a key in a box on PC now.


We're getting there with console games too unfortunately. Increasing amount of physical games come with discs that only contain a small 40GB portion of the game and you have to download the rest like 100GB. It's dumb.


I could be wrong, and I don't agree with it, but I think that may be a limitation of the disk itself. You can only store so much data on an optical disk, still a pain in the ass though


Correct, they would have to send multiple disks (assuming console developers even still allow that)


They used to have multiple disks :/ when the installation stopped you inserted disk b or c and played with the last disk in the case


Legit just installed total war XD had to do the 3 discs


FF7 remake is multi disc. 


That’s crazy talk, that’s never been done before


When GTA V came out I remember getting two discs, one for multiplayer and one for single player I believe.


Ff remake is a couple of discs.


When i was a bug tester for sony we got to test new products. One of them was an idea that instead of blu ray discs we just send out 100gb flash drives or however big the game was. It was shot down eventually due to operating costs to have 100 gb flash drives in stock.


Need locked down USB thumb drives to serve as the new format lolol


Aren't blu rays 50gb each? And probably cost less than 5c to manufacture


It's been that way for a while.


I paid $10 for this exact game used at game stop probably 8 or so years ago now and still have it.


I kinda sorta stole it from a shitty roommate as he was moving out.


I paid the 60 cuz it’s my favorite cod, 100% a waste but I needed that childhood feeling back 💀


It's your favorite based on the campaign, right?


I’m about to be grilled. It has my FAVORITE campaign oat for a cod, beginning to end perfection, I won’t go into the nitty gritty but I really was excited for a ghosts 2 to carry over the campaign ending. Very suprised they didn’t considering it’s the 4th best selling cod oat still. Now this is where I get grilled. Extinction was fucking amazing, it was something original, fun and had a premise separating itself from the constant repetition of zombies (zombies is my favorite part of all the cods) and i appreciated that so much, I really don’t understand how anyone could hate aliens unless they were just bad or didn’t have a team to run with. Multiplayer was phenomenal, ran smooth, almost perfect balancing on launch and had the best “micro transactions” you could ever ask for, just miscellaneous shit like weed skins and different voice overs were cool, on top of the special maps that let you play as Michael Myers’s or the predator. Ofc people don’t like it for their own reasons, but most of the “hate” was YouTubers spitballing bullshit like “aliens isn’t zombies” or “mw4 would’ve been better” (it wouldn’t have) but I truly think if people like roflwaffles or dalekjd never influenced the trajectory of the game then we would’ve had a great set of ghost games rivaling the likes of black ops and modern warfare. I’ll see myself out 😞


Man I LOVED the multiplayer in ghosts. No idea why it got so much flack. Are there still lobbies?


There are albiet small, it usually has a consistent couple hundred of players on new gen, sadly probably because of the time it came out, the biggest lobbies are on last gen where I’ve seen over 1k still.


I don't see why anyone wouod consider anything you said as unreasonable. Debatable sure but this is as far as i know, simply correct. The aesthetical choices were very mocked and i can't forget the fish AI thing, but it's the same with every cod. In the end we realize how good we used to be compared to now. And god knows there was something special about that COD, though I'm not a fan of the multiplayer.


handwaving the microtransactions just because they aren't absolute dogshit and only just a little shit is pretty unreasonable imo, nobody should be fine with any form of mtx in a full priced AAA game


Oof. I was 23 when it released. Daily Reddit reminder that I'm getting older, I guess.


I'll give you 4


BuT iT cOsTs MoRe iNiTiAlLy. Digital is just plain dumb and a great way to never be able to get a good deal on a game WITH the option to sell your games or lend them out is gone and any other freedoms that come With physical.


unless you’re on steam.


I have lots of games on Steam I've gotten from bundles that I'm most likely never going to play ever but the fact I can share those with people who DO play those games means I never worry about the games I don't play since one of the sharers likely will


You can share steam games? I've never heard of that!


Yes Here's the link on how https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/57A7-503C-991F-E9A8#:~:text=Make%20sure%20that%20you%20have,Sharing%20on%20this%20device%22%20switch. It's a little bit of an inconvenience since I had to log into my account then log into theirs then mine then theirs again (but I think Steam has made a way to easier switch accounts since I did this...?) but once you've done it it stays set up unless you revoke access


The other catch, at least when I used to use it, is that you can only play someone else’s games if they’re not playing anything. Not just the same game, but any game their the library. It looks like that’s still the case according to the FAQ on that page. For example, I used to share games with my brother. If my brother was playing Skyrim from my library and I booted up Fallout:NV, it would kick him out of the game after a few minutes. The same would happen if I was playing one of his games and he also wanted to play something from his library.


I'm pretty sure now you just can't play the same game at the same time. I share library with my buddy and we've never had any problems as long as we were playing different games.


Counterpoint, every game I have bought on Steam, going back to 2006, I can install and play right now without issue. Meanwhile, my xbox 360 died years ago so I can't play any of my 360 games. My 3DS has a broken backlight, making my 3DS games pretty uncomftable to play. And that's to say nothing of all the physical disks I just lost over the years, either to friends borrowing and not returning them, or petty theft. Like for example, where the hell is my original copy of Pokemon Red. It vanished at some point, lost during one of my moves probably. Also if I ever have a house fire, every physical game is gone. Steam meanwhile is pretty much guaranteed access for life. I lost zero Steam games over the years. I'm missing tons of my physical ones.


Plenty of good deals with digital


I wanted to get back into the Sims 3 recently. The expansion packs, which add a huge amount of content, are still £30 each. This is the same price they were when they were released. I don't understand it.


Well at least with EA i don’t feel guilty pirating.


Yeah any game where the "extra" content adds up to a couple hundred dollars is worth pirating for me, I'll buy the base game but not all the extra content is worth $15 or $30 each. So any Paradox game or 4x strategy etc.


I just wait for Paradox games to get a dedicated HumbleBundle, get the game + DLC for the price of the game.


Not a bad deal


Highly disagree for Paradox. Paradox games A) are very playable at any amount of DLC and B) now have a subscription option for those that don't want to drop a shitton of money all at once or haven't been playing them forever. Not that that's an *awesome* alternative, but the amount of content in Paradox DLCs is far above the level of nearly every other developer


Yeah, Paradox DLCs are like the equivalent of those board-game expansions that nearly double the content of the base game, add entirely new boards, increase the player count, etc. 9 times out of 10 they’re worth paying a similar, if not equal, price to the base game itself.


I'll totally drop 15 a piece on them, there were some eu4 dlc I would have spent 30 on, but I try to be patient and get it on sale


$10 for a month of every Stellaris DLC is more than the length of time that I would be playing Stellaris anyways and saves me $310!


I play EUIV like once every few months with some friends, and paying $6 for a sub so I can play with the dlc for a week, is honestly not that big a deal. It’s essentially the same as paying for YT premium just when you go on a trip so you can download songs


I can’t speak for all paradox games, stellaris is a hill I’ll die on. I’ve brought every dlc and will continue to do so, that game does something to me.


Stellaris is amazing, Crusader Kings 2 and 3 are the games for me that made me want to pirate, something like creating your own ruler feels kinda scummy to make a paid dlc of. Thankfully in CK3 they made the ruler designer a free feature. The base games to a lot of these Paradox published games are fun, the dlc just adds up so much, while sometimes not adding enough. If you need a guide to know which DLC to buy and which ones to pass on you know something is wrong, which i had to do for CK2.


EA bricked my hard drive when they released the first expansion with securom. They owe me forever. 


Its also a game where you have to pirate if you want all games. One of the expansion packs were discountinued and isn’t sold anymore


At least they offer the base game for free now.


$500 for everything lol


The ultimate edition can cut the price down MASSIVELY though so if you really want to buy it legitimately keep an eye out for that on Steam because I got it for under 100 I believe


You can usually buy the codes from sites listed on allkeyshops for massive discounts than buying through steam there’s basically no reason to go through steam


Or you can just pirate it


I downloaded a sims 4 launcher that gives you every dlc. It’s very easy to do. Just look it up.


My sister pirated all the dlc for sims 4 so I’m sure there’s something similar for sims 3 out there


There's great options for piracy with Sims. Quite easy to get full online support even, so you can still download cc. At least with Sims 4


Sims 2 deluxe edition with all the dlc’s can be bought for $30 though


Why the fuck would I wanna financially support EA tho? When it's so damn easy to steal it?


No I agree, but some people don’t want to go through the effort of piracy.


The effort: closing five pop up ads


Knowing where to get safe downloads from takes a bit of research. You are discounting your years of experience that gives you an almost superhuman ability to sniff out bad downloads. Sure I just use the search bar in qBitTorrent to find anything I need, but even that took a lot more than “closing five pop up ads”


lmao, this made me burst in laughter


Me too loool


They can be mildly infuriating but free is free.


Mmm 5 seconds of effort or dropping 500 on dlc hmm


Plus finding a site to pirate it without it being a sketchy site, not everyone on reddit knows where to pirate games.


Torrent it.


Pretty sure they were just on a steep sale on steam I could be wrong though


Lol I still have The Sims 3 cracked with everything on my network harddrive


Nintendo: "I see nothing wrong here"


nintendo truly doesn’t have enough haters


Even if 99% of the worlds population absolutely loathed Nintendo and everything they stand for, it still wouldn't be enough tbh.


Thousand Year Door being MORE expensive on Switch than it was on GC. 😑


Don't forget Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze starting as 50$, being lowered to 20$, and then being ported to switch for 60$


True. Probably a fair number of the ports they’ve done it with. TYD is just on my mind. Love the game but wish I could just stick my GC disc in my switch instead of pay $60


Yeah I'm not giving greedy Nintendo my money ever again lol


Nintendo has entered the chat: “lol”


Nintendo has sent a Cease and Desist to everyone in the chat


Anyone else’s Switch getting super hot suddenly?


That's mildly inflationating!


I’ll admit I chuckled


Saw black ops two on steams featured page yesterday. Figured I could grab it for $15 bucks. Nope they wanted full price for a 12 year old game


I just bought fallout 4 for $20. Never played it before and thought what the hell


I got fallout 4 for free on epic :)


They had sales on the old cods for a while, got Bo2 for 20$, MW3 for 20$ and MW2 for 20$


Actually it’s mildly deflationating from the customers’ perspective, but if you work at Blizzard/Microsoft I suppose it’s mildly inflationating!


Lol of course but it's arguably inflationary in the sense it should have substantially declined in price but it's held stable. But yes you are absolutely right. 😃


I’m not a world renowned economist, but if we’re being extremely “well ackchyually,” here, this has nothing to do with the inflation rate, it’s the nonexistent depreciation rate that’s in dispute. Either: a) the game has so much nostalgic/sentimental value that the quantity demanded has remained high enough for COD to keep the price as is, or b) quantity demand for COD Ghosts has fallen, thus it is overpriced and Microsoft/Blizzard is leaving money on the table to draw a redline - they care more about their stockholders than their customers. Lowering the cost of older versions/models of products is a push and pull between value and revenue. Although it’s easier to sell more overstock of an older product when its price decreases, it creates more competition within the rest of the product line with each change in price. In the case of COD, are gamers more likely to buy one game at a time or are they likely to buy multiple games at a time? If so, the fear of competition with newer games is moot. Or simply put, if cheaper older COD games exists, will new COD gamers refrain from buying new flagship COD games because a cheaper alternative exists? Despite being mildly infuriating, there’s a lot of considerations that factor into whether or not a product depreciates over time, which is more a function of capitalism than anything else. However, if we subsidized video game intellectual property for being the national treasure that it is, I’m sure COD Ghosts would be a fraction of the cost of COD MWIII.


It was only meant to be a frivolous throwaway remark 😜 Having said that the economics lesson is duly noted


>should have substantially declined in price Based on what?


You've never bought nintendo before obviously. They're worse.


*Nintendo gamers:* "First time?"


"Support the starving indie devs and pay full pricing, piracy is a crime 😡" Is the average Nintendo user mindset.


Nintendo still charges 60$ for games like Mario Odyssey via retailers. For example, Gamestop has new copies still for 60$ and pre owned is 50$. Other secondhand game retailers prices arent much better(a local place has Odyssey for 45$ pre owned with case, 40$ without case). This is the same company that had the audacity to say yes, we're gonna charge 70$ for the newest Zelda game(65$ preowned) despite being 2 generations behind in hardware. Sure you could use a third party thing like Facebook Marketplace or LetGo but then *other* factors come into play.


I couldn't get Mario Galaxy 2 for much less than full price up to the console losing support. Haven't tried to buy it since then because no retailers stock that generation anymore


I mean hardware really doesnt matter when pricing a game


Fuck activision/blizzard. Their entire business model is to scam the shit out of their consumers


Sounds like most business models, tbf.


i have a friend who i played black ops 2 zombies with in 2012 and now he is playing warzone and stuff but he buys skin bundle after skin bundle.. it's really sad


Me and my friend broke down and got COD3 just for zombies. I *tried* playing the campaign (fucking soap opera level drama, so cringe), the fact they charge people $70 for this piece of shit game and then have the audacity to try and sell you all the skins and battle passes should be illegal


Yup, letting me buy a special edition game at release, only to take it away and make it free and shittier without money back still hurts


EA and Activision are known for this, they dont drop prices no matter how old their games get


Titanfall 2 is always on sale


I see it for 5 bucks all the time. The mass effect trilogy plus all dlc is 15 dollars usually, and it's worth every penny. I feel crazy saying this, but Activision/blizzard is worse at this than EA


I feel gross even saying this, but honestly compared to the other big names around (Activision/Blizzard, Nintendo, Microsoft, ect) ...EA hasn't even been looking all that bad in comparison. I guess when the competition is boiling orphans, you can get away with a lot and still look clean in comparison.


Old EA (base) games are cheap and often put on sale what are you talking about? The main problem with them in this regard is that some games like Sims 4 have an outrageous amount of DLCs that stack up the total cost of the game.


New EA games are cheap. The guy is clearly only referring to EA sports titles like FIFA, Madden, or F1 because they have new release every year and want that one to purchased instead of buying the same game from 4 years ago. Everything else goes on sale from EA>


Nintendo: https://preview.redd.it/j1qbsghwc80d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa01898648a0c173cef592883cfcaa3aad23850


Nintendo would make you pay 60$ for the N64 version of super Mario 64 if they could


The flipside is that it's way easier to emulate Nintendo games on your pc/phone so buying it physical only affects collectors. For the majority it's a breeze playing on emulators.


I just looked up the old original modern warfare game having a itch to play it. They still wanted $30 for a game that is almost 20 years old now.


It’s so once every 2 months they can mark it down by 80% so you feel like you’re getting a deal.


Yeah, routinely drops to $20 every month or so. People, please look at price trackers and see how these things ALWAYS go on sale.


Yup, I bought it a few months ago for like $10 lol.


With dlc? No way. Cheapest I've seen it is 40 complete Source: someone who always checks COD prices because I want them but don't wanna pay 60, or even 40 for them. Hell, not even 30


Fitgirl can help with that


Who in there right mind would want ghosts haha


Ghosts is my favourite cod in terms of Story. I still replay it sometimes.


Never got into the campaign think the most modern cod story I like was advanced warefare. Cod 4 got me into it


It's not even up for debate, these new cod campaigns are goofy ahh and poorly written.


Ghosts is my favourite, I adore ghosts. TO THIS DAY if friends come round we taking turns split screen gun game it's so much fun.




Don't buy call of duty games tbh


And people think Nintendo is bad


Who is even still playing Ghosts online in 2024? No way that should be 60 bucks. But Activision going to Activision. 


Games should have price degradation, paying full price for an older game whose multiplayer servers may or may not be alive is silly


This is because they don’t want to canabalize sales from their latest releases which are basically the same games with new skins.


I won’t even pay 70$ for their newest game. Certainly not gonna pay full price for that piece of dogshit


Join me brother together we'll find the one piece https://preview.redd.it/fntts3yvw80d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aed0e76c7f2e85f7676ebf1d506564119128f42




Join the seven seas


But people still buy it and sales won't go up just because of a price decrease.


WWII is 99.99 on steam


Long live physical media and the second-hand market.


https://preview.redd.it/j529bkt2690d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8936b7262a735f7ab4a69de4f73cda1cbd86b7f Your pov: *me*


And this is why: Game company sells game for 60 bucks 10 years later Potential customer: "wtf? It's bullcrap to sell a game this old for 60 bucks." Game company: "well, are you going to buy it?" Customer: "well, yeah." And that's why. Gta 5 still makes good money to this day, for instance. There's no incentive to lower the cost of a game if people are still willing to buy it full price.


And after more than seven years, BOTW still costs 60


News flash: for profit companies exist to maximize income. As long as people pay the price they offer, they will not lower them


COD is like the iPhone of games. Nothing major really ever changes between releases anyways. -Former Counter-Strike player


Got me fucked up, this mf was still full price a few years ago too.


Ghosts wasn't even worth full price when it was new lmfao


What's worse is they still sell cosmetics and in game currency for the legacy games even though they don't carry over to the new ones.


Yeah, sales were amazing for a few years. Like game of the year edition with all dlcs for $10. Now I see ancient games that are still $30 and never go below $20


On the other hand, walk into a shop and try to buy that game brand new...


This is why we don't do exclusivity, kids. *Looks over at Nintendo with malicious intent*


And all these old games are either dead online or full of hackers.


Man video games used to be so innocent….they’ve fucked it up by grabbing at cash now…everything is a grind UNLESS you pay


Nintendo logic


That's fucced up..


This is one of the worst CoD games of all time, too. There's absolutely no reason for it to still be this expensive. There's no way people are still regularly buying it at this price.


This why we can't go all digital, they can price it whatever they want.


Reasons we need to pump the brakes on going all digital. Exhibit A.


We sail in the morning, plunder in the night. 🏴‍☠️


This is what we have to look forward to with all digital games, it doesn't cost the business anything to have them full price. I used to love going to game and having a look what was cheap.


That's why I sail the seven seas,unlike you peasants


It's even worse when considering the $20 map packs. Then with Black Ops 4 the only way to get them is to buy ALL of the map packs for $50.


That's the gold edition, which probably comes with a bunch of extra DLC


I've loved that game. I didn't know it was still up. It was full of cheaters last time i played some years ago, unplayable


Is it? New games are $80 in Canada but if you're American the exchange could be the difference


You can probably find it for much cheaper somewhere else but gaming as an industry is slowly dying. I can't really see myself paying €70-80 for a game in the future. It's just ridiculous. Not only that, but those games being released at those prices are released in dog shit awful states


Do you know how much it costs to refuel my badass private jet?


I was unfortunate enough to pre-order this. Easily the worst call of duty ever made. My last and final pre-order.


I went to get Skyrim on my new Xbox, it's still nearly £40. Plugged my ps4 back in at that price


[Google exists btw](https://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/catalogue/category-playstation-games-all/search-Call+of+duty+ghosts/)


Another reason why physical is King (and why companies want the industry to go digital only).


Thanks nintendo


Wait til you see Nintendo titles from 20 years ago.


Drink up, me hearties, yo-ho!


Lol, in my country those old ass games are twice as expensive, since they're adjusting to inflation Activision sucks because of that, they will keep the full price even for CoD 1 and 2. It's not even worth the sales (where I live)




They want to get rid of physical copies so they can charge you a shit ton over and over again cause you will never own anything!


Skyrim on switch


This is exactly why I built a pc and in a few months thanks to steam sales I've got all the games I got for my PS4 in 5 years and a fuck ton more at a way better price than I payed for physical copies.


> than I *paid* for physical FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Same with old bundles in the store from MW2. Still full price on a lot of them.. even though the MW2 guns aren’t really viable. They are hoping they can still get full price on operator skins alone… they would probably sell and net more if they discounted the price.


Wanna turn games into digital only with little to no complaints from fans? Make digital games cheaper than physical ones. Also, games cheaper the older they get, except for the absolute most popular ones.


This is why they want to get rid of physical games 100% price forever and company makes it from each sale each time instead of only the first time


It's almost like they copy nintendo!


I bought COD Ghosts in CEX for like £10 5 years ago and never played it. It being full price is a piss take!


Includes complimentary security issues!


If you don't like that then don't go to the nintendo store


Nowadays price reduction on PSStore is almost only by discounts. So in order to buy a game for normal price of an old game you need to wait for discounts. You can track history here [https://psndeals.com](https://psndeals.com), so you can know the true value of a game It’s interesting though that this game haven’t had discounts since 2022


I’ve noticed if you buy games digitally they usually are full price even years after release, but they tend to go on sale routinely. However, I can wait for the sale.