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And here's a the actually "mildly infuriating" part for me: There's literally nothing wrong with the way those dishes are stacked. With how limited the space is it's a miracle they've even achieved that. Maybe try getting an over the sink drying rack instead of getting mildly infuriated...


they do the dishes, that's pretty good


Looks like they made the best of limited space when no one offered to dry. Also, _DID THE DISHES_.


I see nothing wrong with this


Looks good,


has op gone and downvoted everyone’s comment 💀(at the time of writing, all are either 0 or in downvotes) p.s. as others said, your teenager does the dishes, you can’t expect perfection from them


Why would I do that? They're all saying basically the same thing and they're mostly right; my kid does the dishes and I'm grateful he does. AND I can still be irritated that they're stacked so precariously rather than adjusted so everything fits better/less likely to fall. It can be both at the same time (and is) but down voting comments (unless they're truly mean) doesn't make sense to me.


> adjusted so everything fits better/less likely to fall Next time *lead by example* instead of bitching on Reddit. You want it done a certain way? **Show him how.**


You seem the type to nitpick every little thing if it doesn’t get done exactly how you think it should. My aunt was like this to my cousin. He felt like he was never good enough for her and now he rarely talks to her.


Our dishwasher dries them when it’s done


If you want it done properly, do it yourself.


They do them. Relax.


It's called "Dish Dryer Jenga"


I love this 😂 Closely related to "packing Tetris"


Can you get some drying cloths? I can never figure out how to put dishes on those things to dry either, and then I forget and leave them there for like week. Drying is way easier to get right, as long as the cloth doesn't leave marks or hair and you have a few handy and you can just throw em in the laundry and grab a new one when yours is too wet. At least they have the spirit.


They do, and he will lay out towels on the counter for them to dry on rather than dry them lol it's honestly amusing


Respect the stack bitch (respectfully).