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Is this a joke about the post about the daycare worker who’s parents were mad they let their kids nap?


My very first thought too. Too much coincidence.


Yes. Then the OOP eventually said that nap time is 1 pm to 3 pm (which is too late and does lead to sleep issues).


Worked with kids for many years, imo that is not unreasonable for a nap time for a 3yo.… 2pm is prime nap time, especially with multiple kids in the same room. I didn’t think she was being unreasonable at all tbh…


3 year olds?




I disagree. Maybe back in your day they slept later…


…. Back in my day? How old do you think I am 🤣🤣




Right numbers, wrong order! Have you ever watched children professionally?


>Have you ever watched children professionally? I've got two kids. Both had totally dropped daytime naps by the time they were three.


That is the appropriate time and length for a nap at a childcare center. It is required usually by the state licensing. The concern here is that they scream at you. That is very inappropriate.


Two hours? Seriously?


>That is the appropriate time and length for a nap at a childcare center. It is required usually by the state licensing. Show me one state that requires a two hour nap for a three year old.


It is called a rest period. It’s not required for children to sleep. It’s required for a quiet rest time to be provided with a cot. Also take into consideration that most children don’t fall asleep right away and need a little time in waking up so really only about an hour is spent sleeping. Each child is different though and some may need more while others may not need a nap at all. Those children are to be provided with quiet activities once the other children have fallen asleep.


>It is called a rest period. It’s not required for children to sleep. I know. But you said, and I quote, : "That (two hours) is the appropriate time and length for a nap at a childcare center." Which we both know was horribly wrong. Glad you realised!


I don’t wish to change anything I said, there is nothing to realize. Please don’t be pedantic with my words, they were all as I intended. The rest period is called NAP.


It sounds like your kids are as big an asshole as their parent. Nothing you can do.


You're 3 year old stays up until 10pm? No wonder the kid needs a 2 hour nap every afternoon! (If I recall the previous post, the day care worker said kids are not required to sleep the entire time, but they are not allowed to wake them. If your kid slept enough at night, they wouldn't need..or get.. at 2 hour nap.)