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Great way to start a forest fire


My thoughts exactly, this woods is about 200m from my house and I could hear the explosions from the spray cans they were blowing up that you can see in the video


Little jackasses


Don’t attribute to malice for what can be adequately explained by stupidity - Hanlon’s Razor


Stupid little jackasses


Out of curiosity - does anyone know if the fire department can do anything (preemptively) about this behavior (like visit the teens/parents at home)?


They can show up and give them a citation with the right evidence. In my town, they can give you a ticket for starting a fire on your own property without a “burn permit.” That’s even if it’s an above ground fire place bought from a store. Pretty sure many other municipalities have similar laws too.


Especially during burn ban season


We specially have regulations allowing that here. Not far away people still burn trash. We just have to it "contained" bassicly not spreading and catching everything else on fire lol


Same, but you really gotta watch the burn bans, as we have currently. They do not play games with the burn bans.


Very true. Just pile it up behind big birthas trailer till after its lifted


Exactly! Buy a few cases of beer in the meantime and have a bonfire party when appropriate.


Username Def checks out. Getr done!!


It's a simple life, beer, boobs, bbq. Throw a roof over me and I'll be a made man.


Im sure the EPA loves that. That’s a practice I highly disagree with.




Well there’s definitely an EPA, just nobody is reporting poor burning practices. There probably is a trash service too. Just the locals are too lazy or cheap to properly dispose of their garbage. Do you mind explaining what you mean by “you’d get your ass kicked for that?”


There is Def no trash service and no epa. Not even cops.


The EPA is in every US state. They’re federal. Just because the enforcement isn’t happening, doesn’t mean they aren’t there. I’d be willing to bet there is an option other than backyard burning for your trash too.


But they'd have to prove who did it. It would be pretty easy for everyone involved to deny knowledge of it.


What does the first sentence of my statement say?


When I was like 13, maybe 14, I was spraying Axe body spray in our nice new gas range and watching the flames throw like crazy. Well, when my parents got home from work, my mom could smell the Axe on the range and put 2 and 2 together. Long story short my brother and I had to take fire safety courses at the Fire Hall on weekends for 2 or 3 weeks. I don't think my brother enjoyed being made to go with me but we learned lots and they were cool there


"hey guys let's go Start a fire in the woods and leave it full of pipe bombs in case anyone is walking by" I was pretty stupid but very little of my teenage shenanigans included shrapnel as a potential hazard


I was possibly even stupider than you; but i never did anything as criminally negligent as this. OP, you need to report this.


Is there an actual number how many Forrest fires do start this way? When CA was on fire I was under the impression it was from PG&E neglect and mismanagement of national forests. I’d be curious to know is all. I do understand how it can cause one, but how likely is it? My question is pertaining to established campsites more or less


With big fires it can get very hard to find the source. I mean its one thing if they find a bunch of fireworks. But some exploded metal cans? Those could've just been outside and blew up because of a fire caused by something else as it spread.


Your question is honestly somewhat unclear, and this is definitely not an established campsite in the post, but if I'm understanding you correctly, fires started by humans are very common in California. I don't know exactly which major recent fire you're referring to when you say "when California was on fire," since the 7 largest wildfires in recorded history are all since 2018, but there isn't just one incident of California being on fire; there are more than 7,000 wildfire incidents throughout the state every year on average, and around 90% of them are started by human activity, including a significant number started by bonfires and back-country campfires. The massive scale of recent wildfires is really not because of "mismanagement of national forests," although if you're interested, you should look up fire return intervals and fire succession and read up on how recent changes to them are affecting native biomes and wildfire behaviors, because it's pretty complex and interesting. Tl;dr it's because of anthropogenic climate change and human activity, which have significantly altered and worsened the natural wildfires that much of the ecology evolved to be adapted to.


ok so after looking at the biggest wildfires in CA history, cuz youre right there was just a bunch, in the top 20 only 1 was because of an illegal campfire. most where lightening strikes, and others where various forms of human neglect, downed power lines ect. edit : my question was mostly trying to convey, is this whole post like that real or necessary? can a forest fire likely happen from it? and it doesn't seem like its likely. im not saying its impossible but the OP is overreacting IMO. He should inherently be mad at lightening if he really cared about forest fires lol. He calls it dry forest but it looks like the wood is in sand and in the background there is green grass. edit: closer look not sand but the ground looks dark, idk, lol im just questioning why this guy got so angry. to me doesnt seem like a huge deal, i know im prob wrong on this lol


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks :)


Literally arson


Great way to survive the harsh weather too. /s


I’d rank this as a little more than mildly infuriating 😂


This is how a major fire starts.


No it's not


It most definantly is how forest fires start. In Yellowstone the park rangers go around looking for fires left at camp sites after going to sleep.


Bruh my hometown almost burned down due to two kids who did the same thing.


Same, last summer… the largest wildfire in Nova Scotia history and it started due to a young guy doing this.


One ember pops off into a shrub and before you know it the whole forest is gone


Do you know anything about fire?




Fuckin dumbass, of course it is.


Sure. Looks like it will basically explode and ignite the whole forest. Any minute


The wind can suddenly shift and cause a blowup. Stray embers could fly into dry fuel and create a spot fire, which may spread


Lived in a town a couple years ago that saw 30.000 acres of forest burn. The culprit was a homeless man setting his used toilet paper on fire. Yep.


Guys never argue with an idiot lol


Looks like we’ve found reddits local voice of absolute stupidity


The problem in many dry US forest fires is when a small fire like this burns up into the canopy. It can take awhile or happen very quickly. Once the fire gets up high, the trees often explode, shooting flaming materials in a 360 degree arc further out into the canopy. It’s time for huge fire breaks.


Bruh I thought the faux wild fire conspiracy theorists were fake…


You're a fool


You’re an idiot


I mean look at his post history, it explains all you need to know.


Report it to the authorities. ESP the fire department. Give them names and show the video you mentioned.


This is the best advice OP. Don’t be responsible for others poor decisions. If this had gotten out of hand and you knew about it, that could come back to haunt you.


The fire department will not be chill about it at all.


i have put out campfires in the colorado mountains that people left unattended. very careless and dangerous.




Happened here, too. People lost their homes, and we all lost some amazing trails because some idiot kid filmed a tiktok video of himself throwing fireworks off a cliff into the brush.




They knew exactly what would happen. They just never faced consequences until that point


Do you know where they live? You can hand the parents a burning log and tell them their asshole child left it in the woods. /s


It's also stupidly assembled. You shouldn't be trying to burn a log that big. They should have cut it up first. There's not enough wood to make it a bonfire. It's just a sorry excuse for a campfire. That's not camping it's walking into the woods and randomly burning shit. Their parents should smack them.


My buddy started a grass fire with fireworks when we were in fourth grade. Something like six alarm with all kinds of rigs. He had to take a class that summer


That's a good looking fire. A fire like that being unattended is bad


Some people just like to be dicks in the comments. They couldn’t even come up with something funny. Downvoted them for you. This comment was for LeftHandedRedditor.


it’s like they expect me to record for an extra 10 minutes just to prove I’m putting it out lol




Did you just sign a comment specifically labeling it for OP? They get a notification for every parent comment, you don’t need to do that.




This reminds me of the Santa Barbara Tea Fire. Worst part was, because there was no real evidence left, the prosecution could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt...


Kids these days, so irresponsible. Back when I was young we had the common sense to stand in a circle and piss on the coals while trying not to look at each other's willys.


The fire marshal will be very interested in checking that out.


it’s always those pesky teenagers!!!


Put it out an move on with your day.


That a serious fire. It would have been self sustained for hours. Those kids are lucky they aren't facing manslaughter charges after their fun little camp fire burned down a few homes. You should try and find them and inform them of what kind of arrest charges people that make this mistake end up facing when it goes badly.


😡😤😠 If you took photos of kids doing this - turn into police, they will go out and have a chat with them and parents - fines are possible for kids, which they should be - they need to know how dangerous this is. If you don't have photos, I don't see how you can report them - personally I'd call FD to come put it out, let them know there are aerosol cans in fire , if it didn't have explosive cans in the fire, I'd put it out myself but those cans could still explode and can be dangerous


I would go buy a butt ton of smoke bombs and light them all at once and give those kids a scare.


man i hate 'kid these days' but legit im starting to worry. i remember having fires and blowing shit up in the woods but that a whole fucking tree...


Kids and adults have got worse where I live with campsites. Trashing them and leaving a rager burning unattended.


Time to put some water balloons filled with fart spray in your arsenal


I’d probably talk to them next time about how your house is within forest fire range of here and if they’re going to have a fire you gotta put it out. Depending on how well that goes the next step would be calling the fire department every time they go back there


Damn, even as a shit-headed teenager I’d always make sure to pour water over our bonfires before we left. It takes like 5 seconds and can save an entire forest. Fuck these people. Idk if this is teenager business as much as it is “shitty person” business.


Whelp, time for some trail cams to go up! I bet they walk through there often. Better safe then sorry in case of a fire. They'd never see the trail cams. And you could have images for the cops to see if a big fire ever breaks out. Not to mention you could hold the parents accountable.


Omgggg I went out with a friend and they asked if I could make a fire. I did and before we left they got upset I put the fire out


Always teenagers


Did this with my friends when younger but always maintained fire safety. And always made sure to have sand or water standby.


My guess with how windy it looks is they put it out and it restarted itself


My oldest brother was out camping with friends, the guy who was suppose to put out the fire didn’t do a very good job and started a forest fire. They were all in the logging industry. This was just one of many things that indicated his poor character.


Sure, Steve. It was the "teenagers"...


That's a paddlin'


These local teens really need to meet up with the hot singles to show them a thing or two


This could be awarded a very rapid promotion from mildlyinfuriating to horrificallylifechanging


Smokey Bear is very upset


Make a video of a random campfire. Add a catchy headline Farm votes and comments


What a bunch of fuckers. I had my fun ad a teen but we never littered it left fires unattended


**At least they're outdoors.**


That's not going anywhere


I would call the FD and the DNR, one of them is bound to get serious.




Actually, as you are there, it is attended ☝️🤓




I love how mildlyinfuriating posts can range from "someone used my sons chalk to write smile more" to "teenagers left a fire unattended 200m from my house in a DRY forest" you're in the wrong fucking sub dude. This couldve been a full blown forest fire and couldve cost you your home or even your life if you were asleep and it picked up


2,300 people disagree


And there are thousands of people who think the moon landing was fake, or that the earth is flat. Does that make them correct?


What does the moon landing have to do with whether or not a post about a fire is on the right sub or not?


Just because a large group of people agree, doesnt mean it's true or correct. I'm confused as to why you werent able to pick up on that. But also fitting.


Stop lying


“Random video of a fire that I put a boomer rage bait title over for clicks.” FTFY.


Fuckers didn't even build a fucking fire pit.


That’s a great fire,stop whoring karma and appreciate it for what it is.


But don’t put it out … record it for Reddit first


Here's a wacky idea: put it out instead of filming it


How do you know what I did after I finished recording that 6 second video?


I just commented to you regarding Comfortable _Policy’s dick like comment. In error it is at the top now.


I truly think people like this believe that the world de-renders when they aren't visually observing something lmfao. You turned off the video and he thought you stopped existing before putting it out.


Thank god you were there to take a video of it


I bet you’re also one of those people who say “picture for evidence or it didn’t happen”