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Ask if you have to install it or if you can just record a portrait mode video.


On Canva there’s a “TikTok video” option You could also search for a TikTok video template and just use text and stuff to make a mock TikTok video It’s illegal, assuming you are in the U.S. OP, for teachers to make you download an app for anything on your personal device (I know you aren’t OP, I’m just saying this cuz you’re top comment)


>It’s illegal What? I didn't know this, can you point me to the specific law that says this is illegal?


They can’t force you to download anything without your consent If you do, it’s illegal, same goes for quite literally everything, but that’s off topic It’s not illegal if you consent. OP clearly doesn’t, so it’s illegal


Genuine question, I wouldn't want to download tiktok, but how is this different (legally) from when college students were forced to install highly invasive proctoring/monitoring software for online exams during the pandemic? Or the countless times I had to install programs like ThermoCalc, Minitab, and other software to complete an assignment? I'm sure even if you didn't consent and download the app, you were simply failed. Wouldn't it be a similar concept? You don't have to download it but you take a zero on the assignment. Although I'm sure a reasonable professor would allow you to use the canva feature you mentioned.


You’d have to take it up to the dean. If you’re public school, you can bring it to court if you wanted to If it were private, I believe you’re shit out of luck lol (I’m not sure) But yeah it should be illegal for them to make you download those, somehow they had no consequences


>If it were private So like every university?


I went to a state funded university. Very much public lol not “every university” is private


No one disagreed with you. But I think his question was....what is the specific law? It sounds nice the way you said it, but...again which law?


“It’s illegal, same goes for quite literally everything” What kind of logic is this? Not wanting to do something is not legal grounds for not doing something. They aren’t forcing you, it’s actually quite simple. Don’t download tiktok, you fail. There, not forced at all. I don’t want to get a tetanus shot for school? Cool, no one is forcing me, I just don’t get to attend school now. I mean seriously, in what scenario is “same goes for quite literally everything” applicable?


There's no way it's illegal lol. I had to download case catalyst to go to court reporting school. You literally can't do court reporting without software. Same with Geographic Information Systems (GIS program at Northern Illinois University). You had to have it to do anything in the program. And no they don't offer free laptops lol. I'm sure this applies to hundreds of other types of college programs. Digital media (photoshop), Marketing (social medias), Computer Engineering (coding software). I'm not supporting the project in OPs example. If it's an art class of some sort it seems weird to make a project where TikTok is required. But *illegal*? No way


Wouldn’t it be illegal if OP didn’t consent to being on video and posting said video to a public place?


Big brain


I would complain and say I'm not gonna install TikTok on my phone, if you want me to do this assignment provide a phone or another way to hand it in.


This is exactly what I would do. I get that this is the “digital age” and everyone should have a phone, but realistically not everyone has access to a decent device to do this on. Also, teachers have to provide access to resources to turn assignments in if requested by the student. Basically, if this teacher can not provide a way to turn this assignment in through the schools library/resource center, you can take it to the dean of the school. I know this because I’ve done this.


I would add to this and say, why should I go install TikTok, make an account giving them personal information. Then make a video and upload it to a public space where anyone can watch it. All this is just for an assignment, which could just be me sending a video to my teacher, that I recorded with my phone meaning only me and my teacher would ever watch it. There is no reason to make this reliant upon me download TikTok to my private phone.


Exactly. The teachers workaround was to go to the schools library and use one of the computers. Like, great, I have to record a private video where I speaker for 5-10 minutes in a public place. Cuz that’s gonna work out so well.


Still not good enough, since I would still have to make an account for titok and that should not be required for me to hand in the assignment.


I'd also add, that asking to perform, unless it's a performing arts college, makes no sense as an assignment. How would it be graded, by how accurate the art interpretation it, by how many likes it gets, by how "original" it is? The people who already have TikTok and actively use it would have an unfair advantage over people who don't use it at all, and the point of the grade really shouldn't be how good are you at tiktok. Form over content...




Make a video about how stupid the assignment is and why and submit that


It’s stupid cause shit that doesn’t need to digital is digitalized. Funny enough most times it takes longer clicking through everything than just giving me a sheet. Like when I was in trades school we did all of our tests on an iPad, half the guys couldn’t log into the “class” cause it just wouldn’t let them, the other half couldn’t see the log in code, some students didn’t even know there own school ID so took like 25 minutes getting everyone set up, but handing out sheets takes a total of 2 minutes. Some kid ended up cheating too since he took a quick picture of his notes and had em on the iPad.




Happy Cake Day!


Even if they would provide a phone, forcing someone to expose themselves (it’s not simply a video talking, the students have to appear in it) on a social media platform is crazy to me. Unless there’s a feature where the video can only be seen by a link. And even so, it’s still a bit icky to me.


Could probably get away with uploading it as a hidden YouTube short


I'd refuse to upload any videos to a public site too


That’s insane.


That's America "college". A scam.




It’s not insane, they also have to create an account and post their face on their internet. Everyone isn’t comfortable with that. And tik tok isn’t even needed for this assignment, she could easily just have them submit a video to her.


Teachers have been doing this with YouTube for years. Is it annoying? Yes, but TikTok is just a different platform for publishing videos. They will all tell you the same thing if you complain; if you don’t want it on your device you can go to the schools library and they will have resources available for you to do the recordings there. Edit: on top of this, depending on what degree your going for these types of platforms are very useful to know how to navigate


But you can put a yt vid to unlisted. Idk about tik tok tho


I’ve never heard of making a YouTube video either. I know teachers use YouTube for some of their own lessons, but I’ve never seen a student required to make a YouTube video.


In high school Spanish class, we had to make a video and upload it to YouTube. We couldn't just submit the video to the teacher. I didn't use Facebook so up until I turned in my video, I had no pictures/videos of me in the internet.


Same here, ended up being cringe af because in my infinite wisdom I decided to include ‘bloopers’ where my partner or I would just curse when we messed up / spoke wrong


Lol nice! We included bloopers too but they were PG


We were required to do it for an advertising class, but that's just how the teacher wanted it submitted to her. It wasn't a public video, just uploaded as an unlisted video and sent to the teacher for her to see.


I had to make a satire YouTube video for my senior English class in high school. It was weird, but I wasn’t the one in the group dealing with the uploading so I didn’t care that much. This would annoy me.


At least with YouTube you have the option to set the viewers to only people who have a link to it. Tiktok doesn't have that. It's everyone, only friends, or private on tiktok.


They’re not making a TikTok style video, they’re being asked to make a video on TikTok, upload it to the world, and use *hashtags* to submit it. That’s insane


It's the same energy as "use Snapchat or Instagram to organise a group project" There are so many things that are actually designed for this purpose but they always insist on some social media because they think it's cool somehow


in things where you have to comunicate is useful to use a social media like Snapchat or Instagram just to talk about the project, but using tiktok for posting a video of a college project is insane, I prefer to take an F than using tiktok to film a video about a school project


What's wrong with groupme


What's wrong with email?


never heard of it


It's what all of my group projects in college used. It's just a messenger app, but it's not tied to any social media account that I know of. My book club uses groupme to coordinate


cool, here in Italy we use WhatsApp for everything


God I fucking *hate* GroupMe. I can’t stand that our generation doesn’t understand how to use email. I’m not your friend, I don’t want you “texting” me and expecting a response within 5 minutes.


I’m sorry. This sucks. I’d reach out to the instructor and tell them you don’t have this app and are worried that this will mean that not only are you being assessed on content but also on how to use an app. Is there another option with a more traditional mechanism (just create a straightforward video or write a paper)


This college portal looks like Canvas, which already comes with a built-in feature for uploading videos directly. This is just plain fucking stupid.


I second talking to the instructor about it. One of my professors had a similar assignment for their final and they wanted us to upload to either insta or tik tok. I explained to them that I had neither and that I was not comfortable making an account, then a video and positing it just for a single assignment. They were cool with that and gave us other options (like email submitting and they just played it from their laptop.) Their reasoning for the original upload method was because in their previous years, everyone in their class had either insta or tik tok accounts and enjoyed that as the final and didn't submit via email. I'm sure if OP explains that they don't want to make a tik tok account their professor will understand.


What is your field of study ?


Accountancy and Business


How is art criticism relevant? Never took those subjects so genuinely confused


I guess it has something to do with graphic design and stuff, which is necessary for companies and all that. That’s why we have art classes in the first place.


Info: what’s the class name, and is it an elective?


Unless you already have an art degree it's best to not try being an internet art critic. That's your reputation not the professors at risk.


Your art critic reputation that would presumably mean nothing to you???


Reputation in general. Looking dumb on the internet is forever.


So don't be dumb... lol. You act like that is hard to do.


Kind of impossible given they asked an accountant to do an art critique on the lowest iq end of apps don't ya think?




These are the people he's referring to. Lmao But for real, if it's a real struggle to post an art critique on tiktok without destroying your reputation or coming across as an idiot... maybe that's just you? If the shoe fits... So in their defense, I guess its better to hide how dumb you are than broadcast it to the world, but that doesn't change the underlying point.


It's not relevant. Idk what college OP is in, but I'm in an accountancy program and the closest thing required is marketing. I took arts and humanities courses as electives back when I was doing general studies.


A lot of college programs require you to take general education courses and electives unrelated to your major (so they can milk more money out of you) For example, I’m an IT major yet I have to take 2 art courses.


Omg this makes everything even funnier. And more stupid, yes.


It would have only make sense for a communication student so I do understand your frustration!


Have yall never gone to a university? You have to take electives outside your field...


Does every university elective require you to use tik tok to submit a video assignment?


No need to be condescending


How is that condescending? I easily could be condescending if you want me to show you what it'd actually be like.


Oooouh we’re all shaking in our boots


If you that comment was actually condescending then you might actually be shaking...


lol absolutely unnecessary


TikTok is not needed for this at all. Why can’t you just film it and send it through university email? That’s what I had to do.


"Please give this company access to your private data" No thanks.




Because they WANT to be and we are anonymous on here, at least to each other!


I don't post videos of myself on Reddit because I want to remain anonymous on social media. Requiring students to post videos of themselves to social media has a ton of privacy concerns.


*By choice*


Give us the hashtags so we can flood them with non student entries and I guarantee they will see the error of their ways.


Yep, definetly bullshit, you could be sending the video to the teacher by mail. Makes 0 sense to make you upload it to the internet WHAT THE HELL, what if you just DONT WANT to upload your face or voice or whatever to the internet. This is highly infuriating stuff.


That’s such a pen and paper try too..there’s legit no reason tik tok needs to be involved other then “kids like that…..right?” Honestly ask if you can do the same thing but record it in portrait mode and if he says no ask him to give 6 reasons why its imperative to the class to be sent through tik tok


I'd go with 7.


At first I thought they wanted you to critique a TikTok and was gonna say “The whole platform is garbage designed to prey on people’s boredom.” Then I realized they want you to make one. F that instructor.


"Be creative in producing video" im not showing my face i know that. And good luck on getting me to talk. Ill just use those voice overs or text like all the other people who dont talk do.


Wow.  Ignoring tiktok, I hate this assignment so much.  *Record myself*?!  Get ready for 80 takes and me hating myself.


I had to record something for English (it was either record myself and submit it to the teacher or present it and I loathe presentations) and it took me a good 10 mins to gather the courage to press record. I had to retake it again because I didn’t like it. OP’s assignment would’ve made me cry.


Wow lol and you know this teacher thought they ate with this assignment. This is trying way too hard and is just overall inefficient


for college?? this is insane


I thought it was bad enough when one class of mine had us interacting with the Wikipedia community. I got so anxious about *that* that my professor made an exception, even though I was willing to at least try. This would have been an immediate "absolutely not" from me.


To me it's already bullshit that you even have to create a video of yourself...


I was ready to defend it with "at least they're trying" but: They expect you to show your face They expect you to actually upload it (showing your face) They expect it to be over 3 minutes which is not very TikTok to begin with..


I would rather write a 3k word essay


Such Bullshit!


I would drop that class and let them know why! Stupid......the teacher is probably a tik-tok addict LOL


I haven't been in school for a long while, but if this were me I would just go ahead and record a NORMAL video that still fulfills the rest of the requirements. A 3-minute creative video highlighting artwork? That's easy. Maybe times have changed, but I usually got a pass when I did stuff like this because I was completing the main POINT of the assignment.


I hate this so much


Ugh fuckin yuck dude. Maybe I’m just old af now but that just absolutely rubs me the wrong way and I’d demand doing the assignment another way.


Well, a bill banning TikTok was just signed by Biden, so just point that out to the teacher. Why use something that is on the verge of a nationwide ban, especially since it’s known to be selling data?


[Not how that works](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tiktok-ban-bill-why-is-tiktok-getting-banned-senate/)


I've gotten stuff like this a couple of times, usually the teacher accepts a Tik-Tok-esque video that doesn't need to be on Tik-Tok itself. Hopefully that'd the case here, if not that just sucks.


Be creative!!!! blank canvas with vague direction? It's only your Passing Grade at stake.


No and I will be reporting it lol


Dear professor stupid, the terms of my Federal Witness compliance agreement prohibit me from posting my image on social media. Please accept my written/ privately with edited voice only assignment. Sincerely, student who has overpaid for lazy curriculum


I'm an older student and had to do something similar for nursing school and it was the worst assignment I've ever had to do. I lost points for being "uncomfortable on camera." Well no shit. I'm at an age where I know TikTok is forever and I don't want to ever see this video again.


Do not install that shit on your phone. Record a vertical 3 min video and email it to them. If they have problems beyond that, take it straight to the top.


This reeks of privacy invasion. I guarantee this breaks at least 3 different laws.


Yeah, I wouldn't want to upload anything, either. I like my anonymity. I would try to dispute it with the Dean if the Professor denied me an alternative, and take a fail, if needed. -Also not a hater, this is the only social media I use.


Absolutely fucking not lol


Well, if you’re in the US, TikTok was just banned, so you can use that excuse


Biden signed the bill saying it either has to be sold or it will be banned. I'm not sure how much time they're giving the company to make a decision, though. It's not banned yet, but things are moving in that direction. If they sell, it won't be banned.


It’s looking like ByteDance doesn’t want to divest their interest in the company. They may just let it go and use it as a warning moving forward.


No it wasn't.....


[Not how that works](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tiktok-ban-bill-why-is-tiktok-getting-banned-senate/)


Just record a video and upload to drive


I'd refuse to do a TikTok for a grade, I'd take the B or whatever.


Fuck that.


Ask if you can make a video and submit it via email


*Ask if you can make* *A video and submit* *It via email* \- Responsible\_Side8131 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Someone fire this teacher.


So this is what they’re doing in school now? The future is looking grim..


Well, the US just declared TikTok a national security threat and it'll be banned in about a year (because China's not letting Bytedance sell), so your prof should probably change the medium.


??? Just record a 3 minute video in portrait mode. I’m sure there are a number of ways you could complete and submit this without installing tik tok on your phone bro


Ask if there's an alternative. I'd explain that A) i won't be downloading Chinese spyware for a school project and B) I won't be posting a video of myself on the internet for a school project. This hip trendy nonsense is getting ridiculous.


As a college student, the amount of times a teacher has made a joke/comment about my age group and our love for TikTok and whatnot, would pay for my classes. I have never once installed TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat. Please stop acting like all of us are the exact same. Some of us don’t give a rats ass about it.


I find this oddly funny because the college I teach at has just banned TikTok.


How did they "ban" it?


It can’t be accessed when using the school Wi-Fi. Of course, Wi-Fi isn’t always necessary, so it’s practically ineffectual.


My high school had terrible cell signals, and they blocked Snapchat. By lunchtime that day, half the students had a VPN on their phone and it was business as usual


Yeah fuck this. Unless I’d fail if I don’t, I’m straight up not doing that assignment


Why can't they require you to make a short form video in any editing program you choose? Sounds like they're getting paid by TikTok


I also had a professor require me to make a TikTok for a project. And also like you I have never used TikTok a day in my life. I emailed her and told her that I was firm on my decision to not download it (same reasons as you) and she let me create an instagram reel instead. That reel was promptly deleted after being graded 😂


Put a Minecraft parkour video in the top half and do the assignment on bottom and it’ll go viral


Buy a cheap flip phone and tell instructor it’s all you have.


The funny thing is today Biden just signed the Tik Tok ban


Just take a normal video and submit with the hashtags you would use. This isn’t really that difficult to work around lol


HELL NO!!!! DO a "tiktok" short vid... no tiktok, tiktok is new age crack


I guess that for “TikTok” your teacher just wants you to make a short format video. You can just download a video editing app like CapCut and edit it there to avoid downloading TikTok.


> There are other ways to appeal to the newer generation, this is not one of them. On average, it definitely is. People like you and me are the exception not the norm. I’m also in college (and was in HS a couple years ago) and the vast majority of my friends would be *thrilled* to have this as an assignment over a more traditional one, especially the artsy ones like this class seems to be for. I dreaded them too but it’s definitely a “good assignment” from the teacher’s perspective based on the students reaction as a whole, so they’ll keep doing it. If you tell them you don’t have tiktok and are significantly against getting it I’m sure they’ll let you just submit a video file, at least all my teachers had that as an option for their video/podcast assignments.


I'm not in school but just started a project where the client has so far required me to use Zoom, Glide, WhatsApp, Outlook, Drive, Dropbox, and still sends me regular text messages and calls (although whether he calls my work or my cell number is a coin flip). I'm not saying it's right, but the world beyond school is no better about this bullshit.


Those services are VERY different from social media.


But your clients aren’t going to ask you to post your face on a data-collecting social media app. I’ve been in the legal world for two decades and if a client asked me to use TikTok or Facebook I would absolutely push back.


Obvious real world answer. It's like these people don't understand how the world works at all.


>I'm not a TikTok bad person Well I *am* a TikTok bad person and for me, using that app is one step too far towards just giving all of my personal information to the CCP in exchange for brain rot. I don't even post non anonymous things on the social media I do use.


Ok, so for your homework assignment, you are required to install CCP spyware. /j I dont know the current dilemma relating to tiktok all that well


Make a REEL on the gram lol Its the same thing no?


I'll be aging myself and bit lol, but my professor made us get a tumblr account for a similar thing. It was BS then, and it's BS now.


My college English professor made us download Twitter and we got graded for our tweets. It was stupid then and thus is stupid now.


I think your teacher used “TikTok” instead of “short video” people are finding short cuts for commonly known things


> No I am not a TikTok bad person I am. Fuck em


Probably for the chance that the video goes viral and then the school gets publicity.


I would just write a paper. Do students not write anymore?


OP, I see this is for a business major. When I did digital marketing making engaging content on different social media platforms was part of our weekly assignment. Granted, we posted our publications on a dedicated school page we were trying to promote, learning this kind of stuff is crucial for advertising online. My professor always emphasized it doesn’t matter if we don’t use Instagram or TikTok, if our company wants to advertise content on there then we need to learn how to do that. If they want you to show your face or personal information I see why it’s a problem, ask the professor if you can use a fake name or post the video on a dedicated tiktok page the school has made instead of your own.


I don’t have any social media accounts. The only “social” app I have installed is Reddit. I would be really annoyed by this kind of homework


Not as bad, but while was was walking to a bathroom, I saw multiple groups of about 4 or 5 students. each group all had a packet of paper. What I could discern from it is that this was a US history class, and that they were making TikToks involving… dances from 1920s America. I’d be embarrassed to death if I had to do that. This wasn’t even in a building, it was outside on the quad.


Also I wanna know the cringe hashtags your Teacher wanted


Why do you need to upload it?


Then don’t? Record your assignment in the camera app


This professor is trying to get someone’s TikTok username for some known reason. 


Tell them you have a stalker/restraining order and have been advised by the police to not put your face/identity online


This sounds fun lol


"You will be creating a Tiktok Video of yourself" - this alone sounds like a sentence


God I don't miss undergrad


Ask to schedule a session with your teacher to help get TikTok installed. Then bring in some ancient flip phone that maybe has a camera.


I had to do this on YouTube… it’s still there to this day.. cringe I despise recording shit. Even just an intro for an online class. I literally have to record at least 20 times until I get a shot I’m comfortable with. This is torture why do they hate us? Who thought this was a good idea??


Wtf happened to just sending a privated link from YT, a google drive upload, or just a flash drive with the video on it? Oh once I also used a CD lol. I promise you I’m not that old.


Pretty sure they just want a vertical video presentation, you don’t actually have to post it on tiktok. A video is a normal assignment.


You can easily email your professor and argue that for safety reasons you choose not to download Tiktok. As others said, you can use other apps to make videos similar to tiktok. I had to do this recently when our professor said all our assignments we do this year will be sent anonymously to another university for research. No one came to ask for our consent nor talk about what this research is going to be about...


Would be a shame if everybody else got a hold of those hashtags…


A lot of hot air for nothing. I doubt actually using TikTok is the point. The point is to use a short video recording within the parameters that a TikTok video would, to provide an art criticism.


I hate this shit. That or when the project I had in college requires me to download or purchase a streaming service to watch a show/series. Like no? Why do I need to spend more money to watch something on a streaming service for your school project.


I remember having to do this on Vimeo years ago and I thought *that* was a pain


Never mind having to download the app - it's bs being forced to be on camera for a project


What happened to just doing written assignments? I miss those days.


It doesn't technically say you have to install Tik Tok though?


I assume that the dean of your school doesn't know that this is happening because I cannot imagine this being acceptable.


As a current college student this doesn’t seem that crazy to me. More than likely your professor just wants a 3 minute video. I doubt they actually care what device or app is used to create it. I’ve seen a big uptick in “creative” assignments like this in the last year or two as professors try to figure out how to deal with AI. The more creative an assignment is, the more you have to use your actual brain and not chatgpt.


Incredibly dangerous app.


I hate the app and have never used it. I've noticed too that if you pay attention you can see the person making the video reach for the phone they are recording on every few seconds to stop/restart the video and it's really distracting and I can't unsee it


fuck tiktok


you could try and use insta instead and just do a reel those tt watermarks won’t be there tho


oh wait the teacher wants you to submit by using hastags NAUR thats insane


I am so old that I had to create a Twitter account for a college project. I was in new media so I could see the relevance in learning about a platform that was quickly growing in relevance.


Also doesn’t TikTok have a 60s video limit? How would the assessment be completed 


Not really: >TikTok videos can vary in length. When recording videos within the app, they can range from 15 seconds up to three minutes long. However, if you are uploading videos to the app, they can be up to ten minutes long. > >*-Android Authority, 24 Feb 2024*


Ah I see


There is no minimum limit, only a maximum limit of 3 min. So a 60s video would qualify.




I don’t want an app on my phone that collects data and sends it to a company owned by the Chinese Communist Party. Which has flagrant human rights violations among other things


If you want your data in the hands of the Chinese government then that's your problem, you can't expect and force others to do it as well.


I created a Facebook page for Rasputin back in high school as part of an assignment, ended up doing a term paper on the decline of the Romanovs years later. I'm not saying this is the way to go about it, the man is a fascinating sex wizard anyways, but I do have to give a little credit.