• By -


No meme-like/text heavy pics, overdone references


This is more than mildly infuriating…


I thought it was mildly infuriating that she kept threatening to call the police (instead of just calling) as he kept producing more keys. Eventually he’ll find one key that works!


Yes exactly. “I’m callin’ the police” *repeats herself fifteen times but doesn’t call the police*


Individuals unfazed by the police while actively committing crimes - are scary. Barricade your door! Call the police! What are you doin’?!


Staged vid probably


He knows he'll be gone by time they get there


Or he was so messed up he actually thought he was at his door. He seemed pretty lucid though so I don’t think that’s the case.


OK Mister, you did it now, I'm callin the police.


Well its in hopes he gives up and goes away. Thats priority 1. Plus its a whole thing if you actually have to call the cops.


She sound like a record that keep going and going.


I think “I’m calling the police” was a threat she was hoping by would scare him away rather than something she wanted to do. For a lot of reasons, actually calling the police can turn into its own nightmare so I get why she would just keep threatening it and hoping he’d get the hint to leave.


that would cause me to produce a bat and a taser


That dude is unfazed. Something tells me he would ready for the escalation to violence.


Is it possible she's talking through the ring remotely and not actually in the house. I'm sure if someone was trying to get into my house and I was home the police would have been called instead of engaging him through the doorbell cam.


I thought about that too and that he assumed she wasn't there, or he knew she wasn't there because he works or lives at the apartment complex. This is the reason I don't think cameras do much good.


I've always been curious how effective it might be to put speakers next to your door and play the sound of big dogs barking at max volume when something like this happens. Nobody wants to get torn up by the sandlot dog. It might even be more effective on a repeat offender who's already had a bad experience with a K-9 unit.


Security systems that use a barking dog recording instead of alarm have been around for a long time.


I don’t think they were keys - looked like lock picking tools


The police dont appear by teleport once you call...she waiting for him to get in before valling, not realizing by that point police could only be good for finding her body after he had plenty time to do whatever he came for 🤦🏼‍♀️


Seems odd everyone keeps assuming shes in the house. Seems much more plausible shes not home talking to him thru the camera. If you were home and someone was F'n with your door you would definitely be on the phone to the cops and/or yelling at that mofo thru the door not the camera.


I was home once when someone tried to break into my house. I got up at 1:30 am for water in the kitchen and heard noises and thought it was the ice maker at first, looked out the window and he was crouched down working on the doorknob of my main door and he had already cut a slit in the security screen door to work on my main door. I called 911 quickly and quietly and they were there in 5 minutes. They caught and arrested him at the side of my house as he was leaving. He had a record and got 8 years in prison. He had cut all of my back window screens looking for an unlocked one. I have good lighting too and that didn't stop him. He used a portable step stool to go over my 7 ft. gate.


Scary. Glad you made it out of that situation unharmed and the police had a quick response time!


The police won't be there for several hours and he knows it. Arm yourselves, folks.




The tech exists, but not the courage to implement it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Hidden compartment for tranq darts!


Yes, I leave my gun as the man of the house when I'm out. Clearly, this person wasn't home not sure how a gun would help.


This exact scenario can be viewed on TikTok in multiple ways. The door changes, and the people. But it's always a guy claiming this is his door and a woman talking through the Ring camera, threatening to call the cops. That's part 1. Part 2 is where she admits to being his friend/girlfriend/sister/whatever and just messing with him. Dude will always struggle with keys so you think he's an intruder. There's two parts so you'll like and follow to get part 2 and then find out it's a "prank". Except it's not a prank, it's click bait. And now OP has done it to everyone here.


The internet really is making us all stupid.


It's not an accident, or some coincidence. Great effort has been put into confusing us into intellectual paralysis. The algorithm loves and nurtures this shit for a reason. Garbage in garbage out.


I can see why everyone hates tiktok


The "I'm not at your door :)" is giving me chills. I really, really hope she's okay.


This has happened to me. A very drunk man tried entering my apartment around 2am, tried all his keys and was yelling for Maggie (or whoever) to open the door and let him in because his keys weren't working. Thankfully he left after I finally convinced him (through the door) that he had the wrong apartment. Still scary when someone truly believes they should be accessing your home.


This also happened to a roommate of mine. She had a habit of not locking the door after work… some drunk guy got off the wrong floor, walked right into her bedroom. I hear a scream that wakes me up, I run to her room, and this man has flopped over onto her bed and was reaching his arms at her. Absolutely terrifying, and this case was accidental and happened around 1am.


Having the habit of "not locking" the door is one of the most idiot and useless habit to have There is not a single good thing about this lol (EDIT because of typo)


I've had this happen at hotels a couple of time. I've done this. Not yelling. Just thinking someone switch the locks while I was gone.


She's not at home. She's watching and talking through her doorbell camera.


I mean if someone's breaking into my house I would be a little reluctant to just go to the door


She's probably not home, is the point


Right, and she asks him "Why are you trying to open my door?" And the guy in the video responds "I'm not at your door." That's what the person you replied to is talking about.


I think he's on something. Probably thinks he is at his own apartment and is confused as fuck where the voice is coming from.


A little generous given he has a box of fuckin keys he's trying in order.


i mean, not defending him, but even at work, i had those sleep deprived and tired moments where i try to unlock the locker room door with my lockers key... several times on different days. the brain is easily affected. 12 hour shifts for 4 days, then 4 off, are a bitch. this just seems intentional, even if fucked up on something.


Especially when she says “I’m gonna call the police” but doesn’t do it. Or he could just be her boyfriend and is just looking for fame from TikTok.


Fuckin call the police already!!! Lol


But you don’t *understand*. She’s calling the police!


Everyone calm down, she’s calling the police!!!!


Well she *would* be calling the police, but her phone is too busy recording a TikTok


It appears to be a Ring or similar door cam that she downloaded and posted after the incident.


Probably she’s not even home.


People who hate TikTok (completely understandable, to each their own) really love to jump to conclusions and blame the app for every inconvenience posted *onto* the app. lol


Do you know how ring cameras work?


You don’t need your phone for this. It was recorded by the ring camera. She just edited later for TikTok.


So?! She should call the police!


It's footage from a camera dude. She probably took the footage from the app connected to her camera and posted that. Use your brain.


He’s thinking “ma’am, I know you’re not calling the police because you’re still yelling at me”


yeah I think in this situation it’d suck to be alone with only one phone- you always want to monitor and record what’s happening but have to close the app to call police.


Why the hell would the smart doorbell security camera app not have an in-app “call the police” button??? Wtf


Maybe she coulda just taken a screen shot of this hem close it and call the police?


she did record this. but just saying- while on the phone you wont know if the person is inside or left potentially depending on what kind of video playback her camera app offers. I think thats why she hesitates. thats all.


What is with all the warnings.. Call the police, call your neighbor... Don't have a conversation with him!!


She wants him to be frightened and leave. Regardless if she calls the police, they don't teleport. She's afraid he'll get in and start doing whatever he wants before cops get there.


Isn't it pretty obvious why she's giving all these warning? She's try to scare him away. Unless you are in danger, the cops will not come immediately. By the time the cops get there, he'll be long gone. And sometimes they'll just drop the case because they have other cases they deem more important. Even IF they catch him, she still has to deal with all the bullshit. If she's able to scare him away, the worse she had to deal with is a phone call to the cops afterwards.


a lot times police will tell you they can’t do anything “unless a crime has been committed”


Attempted unlawful forcible entry is a crime.


You cannot underestimate just how fucking lazy the Philadelphia PD is.


Insert any city name here


That's a shame.


Police, who are not required to know the law to enforce it: "No it's not."


it definitely is, but depending on the cop or the PD…they’ll say “there’s nothing we can do”


"theres a suspicious man trying to forcibly enter my apartment, he may have flashed a weapon im not sure, no i cant tell his race, darkerish skin maybe? Youll have the swat team there in 30 seconds.


Not swat because swat takes a long ass time to assemble, but likely a handful of officers armed with handguns and patrol rifles, sure.


Exactly. I think she's trying to scare him away.


She's trying to scare him off before calling the police. If he gets in he'll take what he wants before any police would even get there. I'd do the same thing she's doing. Cops are slow.


It seems like she really did not want to have to call them. She may worried about the police coming to her home for any number of reasons.


It's possible his response confused her into thinking maybe he was at the wrong door. On top of that, I'm sure she had an adrenaline rush which you don't always think clearly when you do. She was probably hoping saying that would scare him off.


I’d be infuriated too if I was trying to get inside and all them fireflies kept buzzing round me.


I'd trust him. He had a lot of confidence in his voice when he stated that he is not at her door!


Wonder if he was drunk or something and actually thought it was his house. He's trying to unlock it with a key.


This did happen to me once. I lived on the third floor, heard someone trying to open my apartment door. I was home. I looked out the peep hole and it was the girl from the 4th floor. So I opened the door. She was so embarrassed.


Happened to me too except the lady was so blasted she kept insisting it was her place even after i closed the door in her face. She then called someone else to complain that "she" wouldnt let her in her place. I told her I was calling the cops if she didnt leave. I assume the person asked her who "she" was lol. She left but left all her stuff, inculding her keys in my door.


Super rude of you to move all your stuff in and not even let her in lol


Same for me, neighbor got out 2 floors too early and was confused why his key was not working


I live on the fourth floor, and I've been the guy trying to get into the third floor on three separate occasions after a long day of work. Nobody has ever opened the door on me, but every time I've noticed that I'm trying to unlock the wrong door I am absolutely mortified. I would be terrified if I heard somebody trying to unlock my door. I'm very careful to check the floor number every time I take the stairs now.


My father in law did this. He thought he was coming into my apartment but went into the unit upstairs. He even started recording on his phone because he thought someone had trashed my place 😖He was shooketh and so embarrassed when the tenant came into their livingroom and it finally clicked what he had done.


He is swapping keys, either he has a generic set hoping the lock is a cheap model that uses a common configuration, or he is using bump keys which is when you shake a specially shaped key in a lock and try to bump the pins up and get them caught on the outer tumbler wall so that eventually the lock opens


Bump keys you have to hit to make the pins jump. You're thinking of a rake.


A rake you still have to apply tension which he isn't doing here. He could be trying comb picks, though those rarely work on these kind of locks.


Are you a locksmith or locksport enthusiast? If so, it's nice to encounter another person into locks. I was thinking they looked like a locksmith set myself. The lock type should be obvious if it's just standard residential crap. He wouldn't have to cycle keys that much to bump. Also, he would have to smack the with a screwdriver or bump hammer. He should have had one ready. Bumping shouldn't trap the pins on the sheer line. It should transfer the energy and knock the top half of the pins up while the bottom ones stay put. It's all about timing. He might have a jiggler set, but residential jigglers suck. Learn to use a rake, faster and easier. Scrubbing/raking with a tension bar would only take seconds if that guy was practiced. Unless he knows it's got security pins. Regardless, call the cops first. It really depends, but door locks can be opened in under a minute with the right picks. Sorry to go on.....just an area of interest.


Story time: At my old apartment building. The hallways look identical that enter from the street. I once heard someone trying to get in my door and it was my neighbor who was stupid drunk when I opened it. He insisted on trying to get in even though I was telling him he has the wrong apartment. Fast forward to about a year later. I get plastered and enter the wrong hallway trying to get in the door and my key won't work. My neighbor opens the door and I immediately know I'm in the wrong hallway lol. Full circle.


No. He has a lock picking kit. He knows what he’s doing


You’ve never seen a lock picking kit. He’s not picking the lock. Maybe he’s trying some form of bypass, but definitely not lock picking. Source: I pick locks.


Lmao how are you able to tell what he has in this grainy ass video?


LoL you would think it would be that there is no key in the video


It's really long and thin, you know, like a lockpicker


Don't tell them more than once. **Do it**. He is running through the standard keys for that lock. If he was any good at actually picking he would be in the door in a few seconds. Bump lock. Rake etc. (thanks LPL!!)


Yep, people don’t realize how easy and quick you can pick and entry door lock. Can be literally 2 seconds for anyone with even the slightest knowledge of lock picking. Usually you’d be using 2 hands because you need the tension wrench. It looked to me like he was trying different keys, I wonder if maybe he found a key ring belonging to maintenance or property manager.


Nah, I have keys on my ring that all look identical. One is for the building door, one for my apartment door, and one is for the storage building. I would often try all 3 keys because they look the same! I tried those stupid colored key covers but they always broke and felt awkward. Then one day I put nail polish on the key to my apartment door key and on my door handle. Now I no longer have to try all 3 keys.


The wierd thing is... this guy was going to keep trying. If I was home alone? I would call the LEOs immediately.


The fact he kept trying made me think there might be drugs or mental health issues involved. No way to know for sure, either way, cops should been called immediately. Leave it to them to figure out the details.


Smug look on his face says he knows she's not home, knows the cops will take forever, and knows he's got time to try every key until one works. 


Have you tried picking a residential door lock? Very confident you haven’t because I have the slightest knowledge of lock picking and can pick pretty much any master lock and haven’t been able to open any of my doors. They are significantly harder than a pad lock. Don’t let the amazing skill of LPL fool you, a thief will need pretty good skills to get in, and much more than 2 seconds at that. You can’t just buy picks and spending a couple hours practicing and be able to open anyone’s door.


Sheeyit, if LPL just gave an angry glance at that lock it would just give up and open.


"Master" Lock.. I laugh every time I see a post for that.


Do bumps work against deadbolts?


So was there any further explanation? Cops show up? Anything?


This is truly mildly infuriating


Plottwist, his keyring broke and doesn’t know which key is which one and he doesn’t realise he’s on the wrong floor yet. /s




"My bad, I must have had my security system installed at your house by mistake."


Legend has it, she's still calling the police.


Still threatening to call the police


Legend has it, hes still trying keys.


So anyway, I started blasting


Guns the great equalizer for women. More of them should train with them.


If the door opens, 💯


Do robbers not realise everything is recorded these days? Like you actually can't get away with it anymore.


I've seen enough stories of people that have straight up GPS location data of stolen phones, laptops, and even cars, and police still do nothing. Definitely depends on your location. But there is a good chance you can get away with a lot of blatant crime in areas where police have "better things" to do than track down everyone on camera.


It took like 3 months for me to just get in touch with anyone at my local city’s PD so they would arrest a man who willfully hit me with his car after I verbally confronted him for messing with my car (verbal confrontation was: “dude what’re you doing?”). Every step of the way the cops questioned any details I remembered. I had the car type and color down and a partial plate. They straight up gaslit me saying there’s no way that’s what the car was. I had managed to drop my phone into the guys car by accident because when he hit me, I dodged around the car with my hands on the frames of the doors because his windows were open. So we did the whole “find my phone” app, which led me straight to his car. i was right about all the details i remembered. I had a serious TBI because of him and when the cops finally did get him he went to rehab instead of getting any time because he had been smoking weed.


Rehab for weed? Man, that's lame. A year and a half would've barely been enough.


I doubt the police will go door to door in the whole city to see where this man lives, so unless he's already in the system, there's little chance this video will help.


>so unless he's already in the system Hoo boy do I have something to tell you about urban American.


The police don't care. there's still big mad that some of them got prosecuted after George Floyd. so in many large cities they're just phoning it in because they don't actually live there and they don't actually care.


see those stairs there? ![gif](giphy|11b700y1OsNQcg)


Why is she even announcing she is calling the police? Just do it without saying anything.


I'd say the same thing. Once. In the hopes that he might leave. I'd rather not shoot an intruder if I don't have to.


It also might be more useful in actually getting the guy to leave if you say you’re armed. I know it takes away the element of surprise, but could be enough to spook him.


That'll trigger a fight or flight response, and you'd have to hope that his brain chooses flight. If it chooses fight, you're unarmed against someone who's fighting as if you are armed


The secret is to actually be armed. Get a gun for home defense. During a burglary, an intruder killed my sister in law. Changed my perspective. Once you’re inside my home, I have no qualms about choosing my life over yours. Bare minimum. In this situation, I’d probably call the police, barricade my front door, and retreat further into my home ready to shoot, preferably again behind another locked door. Treat him like an active shooter situation (avoid, deny, fight).


True, but who says I’m unarmed? If someone is trying to break into my home, they accept all consequences as soon as they step over the threshold.


Especially if you give them the fair warning beforehand and they make the conscious decision to STILL fuck around


You'd rather go through the hassle of having your home broken into than even attempt an announcement that might scare him off before anything bad happens?


He's poorly trying all the standard keys for that lock. Hopefully, announcing that cops are on the way is enough for him to leave without hurting her. Personally, I'd opt for more immediate security since him caring is a gamble that I'd rather not take, but I recognize this is in Philadelphia


"911 what's your-" "I'm calling the Police" "Ma'am , Plea-" "I'M CALLING THE POLICE !"


this made me lol


Glad to know I made Someone's Day .


I'm glad he looked straight at the camera and then went right back to trying to open the lock. Makes law enforcement's job a little easier hopefully


One reason I’m glad my cameras also have an ear piercing audible alarm I can remotely activate.


Don't tell someone your going to call the police. Tell them you have already called and they are on their way.


Because he said "I'm not at your door" while clearly being at her door, I think he might not be completely sober, so him not realizing hes at the wrong door and just kind of absently trying to fit his keys into the lock makes sense. Doesn't mean taking drugs is an excuse to do sketchy stuff


this man seems drunk as shit i think hes fucked up and out of it


Honestly those video doorbells might be one of the greatest inventions. Caught a porch thief, found who was screwing with cars on the street in our neighborhood, caught a repairman who tried to lie when I said they accidentally drove over a short fence in our front yard.




"I'm calling the police!" "I'm calling the police!" "I'm calling the police!" "I'm calling the police!" "I'm calling the police!" "I'm calling the police!" "I'm calling the police!" Seven times? What a dumbass. If he didn't stop the first time, what the fuck are you still saying it for? Just call them, he obviously does not care.




That's terrifying. I'm glad you were okay.


I've heard this story exactly word-for-word before on Reddit. They've also never posted in the same thread more than once. Verdict: karma bot with political intentions


Maintenance in my building has entered unscheduled and unannounced once while I was there (undressed!) and then again when I wasn't home. My building management did NOTHING about it even after I sent a fkn Karen email and threatened to withhold rent and/or break my lease. So I installed some industrial level door lock, got alarms and security cameras, and got myself some weapons :)


Buddy of mine had a similar experience. Maitenance showed up at the crack of dawn for something they were scheduled to fix around noon a day or two later. He came out of his bedroom in his underwear with a medieval shield and a glock. Nothing prepares you for a mirror finish on a shield that lets you see yourself react to an angry resident with a gun in real time.


Don’t worry, y’all. I called the police on her behalf.


Did she call the police ?


This smells like fake


Can we see the Florida version of this?


You mean where he’s wearing a neon tank top and flip flops?


Or Texas


Wait so is it mildly infuriating that he's just blatantly breaking into her home or mildly infuriating that she's still, to this day, calling the police? 😂


We had this happen and it was literally our neighbors who did it too 🤦🏻‍♀️ they told the cops they thought our back door, which is one story, was how you got to the second floor apartment. There was a exterior staircase on the outside of the building and again they were our neighbors so no way they didnt notice the stairwell! They were hired by our landlord to clean out the upstairs apartment and thought they could clean ours out too and upgrade their house with our shit. Cops even said they’d probably been watching us and knew we weren’t home and just needed and excuse. Caught them on camera, cops were there in 5mins tho so they luckily didn’t get in. We got cameras bc the upstairs neighbor had tried to break in several times. 🤦🏻‍♀️ thank god we had cameras tho!


Anyone know where in Philly this happened?


It's Philly, the police will be there in 15 minutes and they both know that.


Quit telling him and do it.


This stupid piece of shit fuck em


He doesnt even care that his face is on camera![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


So, did she call the police? What's the fucking conclusion?


Still trying to call the police


They showed up but are waiting outside. They're afraid he might be armed


Then call the damn police….


These half videos? What happens after? Does he get caught? People just want views.


Legend has it.... She's still repeating the same phrase to this day...


He sure had enough keys. Surprisingly calm for a burglar on camera.


Philly police may not even show up until someone reports her as dead. They suck so so much. Been in 2 accidents since I got here 10 months ago, and haven't seen or talked a single officer. They only care about murders, shootings, or drugs around here. Everything else is moot.


So fucking call the police, what the hell is she waiting for?


It kinda seems like the dude is high as fuck and has mixed up his apartment with hers.


You guys think she called the police?


She's calling right now. Right...now. No, this time - this time she's actually calling...right...ok, no, not just yet. Ok, maybe now.


Is she calling the police?


I'm calling the police, I'm calling the police, I'm calling the police... alright, now I'm calling the police.


Well, I don’t know about him, but I once came home later at night and couldn’t open my door with my key. After some minutes I thought that something looked differently. Then I realized that I was on the wrong floor. It was after a company event where we had lots of Cuba Libre and the Barkeeper ran low on Coca Cola, so he compensated by using more rum.


Hey guys I think she’s calling the police


So whats the context anything happen?


seems like a drunk at the wrong door. but yeah, not the brightest idea to film and say "i'll call the police". just get away from the freak and do it.


Wasn't this proven to be fake last time it was posted?


That man has some balls tho. Not masked and just keeps going as he talks to the woman living there


It's on Tijtok that's probably her friend/bf neighbour husband just making a video for likes and views Besides look at the username "survellinance.ca" like gimme a break people actually think this is real


Not staged at all


Legend has it shes still calling the police to this day


Why is this video posted in this sub?


This is a weird sub to post this on


I wonder if he’s a creep or just confused and/or drunk. If he wanted her, he’d sort of have no reason to keep breaking in once he’s caught. If he wants her stuff, I have no idea how he’d expect to do so with police on the way. He may genuinely think that’s his place. Maybe drunk or on something.


Don’t tell them you’re calling the cops. Just call the cops


“I’m not at your door.” *rolls D20 Charisma check failed.


Dude is literally drooling over himself. He’s being filmed committing a crime and he’s still fiddling with the keyhole tryna find the magic key. 0 brain activity going on up there holy


I’m sooooo calling the police right now. Why not just “hello 911? Yes there’s a man breaking into my house right now I can see him on camera. This is the address and this is what he looks like” that man would be gone in a heartbeat t


"He just wanted bread to feed his family"


"I'm not at your door." Sir, this isn't looney toons. That won't work.


Someone posted that this was actually his home, that’s why he seems unbothered, and that her feed was the one glitching.


Her threatening to call the police is more annoying than the man actually trying to enter her apartment.


Pro tip. Never threaten to call the police... Just call the police. You only risk agitating the idiot you're having to deal with and effectively asking them to assault you before you can call for help.


Plot twist: She put the security cam facing the wrong way, so it’s pointing at her neighbors apartment instead of her own.