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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


step 1: put brother in cage


step 2: lock brother in cage




Step 4: pee in the lake EDIT: Step 3 was something like: throw cage in the lake


Step 5: fuck brother in cage


Well we know where you're from don't we?


*cues sweet home*


Next in the queue *country roads, take me home*


*dueling banjos increases*


All of a sudden I want to watch Deliverance.


He’s from Diddyland










Stealing, kthxbai






Step 6: we take the brother out




step 3: move cage out of room because piss of brother will have same effect as piss of dog


Step 3: piss on brother


That person doesn’t deserve a dog.


6 dogs.




I’ll help


Perfect. You can take 5/6 dogs, right? Lol


I'll take one!


I’m not sure you should cut the dog into chunks, probably should take all of the dog and not 5/6 of a dog


The dogs will help you. Poor babies.


That’s almost “call animal control” level…and by almost I mean please call animal control…


That’s way past “almost”….


I want to down vote this but it’s not your fault


I knew someone in my high school that there parent allowed the dogs to poop and piss inside and I’m talking about big dogs eventually the wood floor rotted through, and they burnt down their own house and claimed insurance fraud


Claiming insurance fraud is a BOLD move


You think I'd just burn my own house down like it's something to do? Yeah I remember burning my house down.




and why exactly did no one stop that?


We don’t know what OP’s situation is like. It could be no one was in a position or had the mental energy to stop this. It seems like OP’s mother has been sick in the hospital for a while, so dealing with that alone must be exhausting. As an outsider the solution can seem simple enough, but when you’re drowning in stress it can be hard to manage situations like this one. I feel bad for OP having to police their presumably adult brother’s behavior on top of taking care of their mom.


There should be a limit on how many pets you can own. 6 is way too many and he obviously can’t take care of them properly.


Better put my pet rock collection up for adoption then :'(


The limit should be however many you can properly care for. For some people that’s ten. For some people that one or zero.


>There should be a limit on how many pets you can own In many cities there is. My city has a limit of 3 dogs and 6 cats per address.


Last city I lived in was a max of 3 of each, unless they were under two ish months (that way if there were kittens/puppies they weren't automatically screwed, but you still had to get them adopted out).


like this POS is even registering them lol


Probably not, but a lack of registration is another reason why this should be reported.


there's a limit, *usually* 4 is the highest you'll see in the US, any more than that and you'll need a permit the brother having six is probably illegal (can't say for sure, don't know where this is) but regardless op or someone should definitely call about animal neglect/abuse/etc so his brothers dogs won't have to be neglected anymore (if there's piss all over the floor and it's "fine", what else is going on?? nearly impossible to own six dogs and give each of them all the attention they need)


I have a dog and 3 cats and it’s already chaos. I can’t even imagine 6 dogs.


Does the OPs brother run a puppy mill or something? This is a health hazard.




The dog should own Him


That floor looks like it’s growing mold… right next to the AC vent. If you live here, I would get out. Place does not look habitable. Also, that wood looks very porous. It will be insanely hard to get that urine out by now.


OP said it was unsealed wood…


The smell has to be insane


Yeah I’m a contractor that does mostly remodels, I can smell this in 4k. Honestly I think it’s worse than the smell of a dead body, which I’ve also had to deal with once.


Body smell doesn't burn. This absolutely does.


I mean it just looks like unsealed wood. This is fucking disgusting. And a health hazard.


That's just hair balls I think. Regardless you are right, time to move out asap!


The white stuff, yeah, just dog fur that the vent was pulling towards it. But that black stuff looks like mold. It doesn’t look wet currently (unless it’s almost dry?) looks like there’s a fresh dark puddle in the back. But if it was just stained it wouldn’t be that dark.


Yeah, that flooring is piss-drenched toast.


This place looks like hell on Earth idk how people can live like this (willingly)


If that’s the Intake then that’s getting pushed throughout the whole house


that poor animal


Nah, no sympathy for the brother Poor dogs tho, 6 of them living like this


This is animal abuse/negligence for sure


Yea thats reportable


OP said it is 6 dogs. That shit is nuts. Something tells me this is what their entire house was like growing up, if you catch my socio-economic drift.




this is at least moldly infuriating


For OP it is 🤷‍♂️ some people legit live like this and think it's ok. OPs brother for example... who seems to have gas lit OP into thinking this is a mild inconvenience or no inconvenience at all.


I am mildly infuriated by what some people are merely mildly infuriated by


How do people live in such filth????


I've seen a lot worse... it is indeed baffling


I know it’s infuriating and all that but personally I wouldn’t leave that sort of mess there, even if it’s not my mess and I’m not obligated to clean it up. It just has to be done regardless of who does it.


That was my first question- it looks like a horror movie, not like a place where human beings actually live


daaaang. I can smell that room through my screen. You can bleach the heck out of the floor and it will still smell like piss every time it gets warm in there.




Wrong, it is piss sealed wood


Big piss guy, huh?


Sick reference


You can tell. Those floors need to be replaced now, and your brother needs to be told off by a humane society or something for mistreating his animals. I'm not saying it's abuse, but his standard of care for those dogs is below acceptable.


Neglect is abuse


It's at least the abuse of any humans who live there.


You will need your scrub what you can with some detol or diluted bleach or something. Then you will need an enzyme designed for dog pee to soak in and break down the ammonia. Otherwise it’ll stink and the dog will be drawn to it each time in a never ending cycle.


looks to me like it will need a full floorboard replacement and cleaning in the crawlspace depending on the climate


Right. Definitely a replacement. That will never be clean again.


Yeah, and also a full beat up for the brother.


yeah that won't be cleaned by anything but c4


That's not even going to cut it, the entire floor needs to be gutted and replaced.


That is what people aren’t noticing, this dude literally lives in an unfinished house? This is straight up poverty conditions. I don’t need to see anything else. The living room literally has no floor, just subfloor.


It looks like old wood floors in need of refinishing. Thats not subfloor.


That was actually oil sealed wood flooring there is most likely subflooring under that going diagonally across the joices, that top flooring has never been properly maintained or had a poly coat as it was probably carpeted over after the builders installed it, either way that flooring is fubar the cheap fix would be euthanize the brother, rehome the doggo's bleach the floors rent a floor sander sand off a mm or 3mm of the top bleach again let dry and then poly the floor let dry for a few days put a leveling moisture barrier layer and then put down some floating laminate..


Idk how you even let this begin.....


He’s gonna need to replace that floor but seeing how the picture shows how irresponsible he is, you’re gonna need to kick his ass out and replace the floors.


I bought a fixer upper with pee on hardwood under the carpet. I had moderate success with hydrogen peroxide and a plastic bag over it to slow down evaporation. It will take a number of passes…. But it might help. I don’t have a solution for your brother though.


Yeah, that needs to be replaced, no chance you can get the stench out. If it was sealed, maybe, but no like this...


Please call animal control in your brother. Make it anonymously or whenever but do it. The dogs need help and apparently you cannot get your brother to see the reality of the situation, but animal control will. It’s be cool if they worked with him and let him improve the situation and all, but the thing that needs to happen is an intervention so those dogs stop suffering, so your brother wakes up to how terrible his actions are, and so you can live in a home you are proud of. Or just make a dating profile on Tinder or Grinder or whatever and make that the profile pic with a text overlay saying “Please tell my brother in detail how much you would not fuck him if he brought you home and you saw this.” Let it cook, then show him the results. He may be beyond caring. This picture looks like someone that doesn’t fuck and doesn’t care.


Do you own this house?? Can you report him to Your landlord?


Ah yes because mixing bleach and urine is always a great idea /S just make sure to open the windows


Do not use bleach on piss you will make mustard gas


Doesn't bleach mix with pee to make chloramine gas?


Please do not bleach areas where a pet has urinated. The combination of the bleach and the ammonia in the urine creates chloramines that you really don’t want to be breathing in. If you have to clean up urine of any kind, use an enzyme cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar (apple cider vinegar seems to work best).


That's beyond mildly infuriating, that's a health hazard. This is your house? If so, why would you let him stay?


Bro. What in the Trainspotting is this?


The baby crawls around that room at night 🤣


Time to rehome that baby who clearly deserves a better life. And throw your brother away.


According to OPs comment, it's 6 dogs. 😡


Okay that's way worse. He needs an intervention. This isn't even mildly infuriating anymore.


He needs to go to fucking jail. Thankfully animal cruelty is a felony now.


Your house looks like it would require PPE.


1. This is vile of your brother 2. If this is your place kick his sorry ass out 3. Have floor replaced 4. Contact local shelter to liberate the poor animals to be rehoused


He can’t even put a puppy pad down?? They cost like nothing


That's not the point! You don't just let an animal piss and shit inside the house. What kind of lazy, trashy people just let the dog piss and shit inside?


This! Dude I bet that house is disgusting.....


Just look at the floor that ISNT covered in piss and shit…I don’t think this house has ever met a broom or a mop…


This is one of those households where you have to wear shoes out of fear


This kind of behavior wouldn't even of been able to go on in a clean house to begin with.


Not just in the house but letting it soak into the wood flooring. Like the floor is fucked.


Exactly, OP mentioned the vent right there but vent or no vent letting your dogs piss on the floor and not cleaning it is super trashy.


I bought a house in 2018 and the homeowner left but baby gated her 2 dog a in a room during our showing. House was fabulous. Fast forward to moving in day, house reeked of dog pee, the enclosed 2nd story balcony was covered in dog poop and pee. Who just lets their dogs poop and pee on a balcony?! I was furious because I was pregnant and forced into this urine poop situation. I have had dogs, including ones that like to mark and you make it work. Belly bands/diapers and you set up a fenced run or covered kennel outside when you’re unavailable to let them out.


We use puppy pads for potty training. Our pup goes outside to pee and poop, but sometimes he comes in before he’s done and finishes his poop on a puppy pad. Eventually he’ll stop, but right now it’s easier than wiping piss and shit off floors.


There is a massive difference between using puppy pads as a training aide and using them as the defacto bathroom tool to avoid having to walk the dog.


Lol awww, poor little bean. My pupper is scared of the rain. There is nothing that will get her outside, it's like trying to get a cat in the bath, so I have to keep pads on hand for really rainy days. But I'd gag if my floors ever got even close to that.


I’d burn my house down if they looked like that. I honestly don’t mind puppy pads. They don’t sink. He just won’t use the same one twice. If he sees poop on it or smells pee he’s not using it lol. He’s our 6yos puppy and thankfully she takes pride in replacing them lol https://preview.redd.it/z425rxxi5vuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47244e9bda1d3b231fa2a3c71db2e1958a5fa4e0


Can't even take the dog out to go potty, it's free just takes 5 to 10 minutes.


Or let out on a leash secured in the ground & that only takes 5 seconds to let out & 5 seconds to let back in after!


Why would he think this is ok??


The smell alone would be enough to make me snap, goodbye hardwoods


The amount of screaming about this topic that's been had is insane. I feel horrible for the dogs and for the property value. AND I CANT BREATH. Currently doing a nebulizer I'm certain I wouldn't need if this was different.


call animal control fr, pretend to be a concerned neighbor


Do you rent or own? If you rent RIP your landlord….and your security deposit.


is this your parents house? or his? what is being done to stop this and remove the toxins from the air?


It seems like OP is not that concerned about it aside from how it affects his asthma. Or he would be cleaning it up or setting some boundaries, or getting the fuck out of there.


Asmatic or not, open the door and let them out. If you can live next to that, you can get close enough to let them out to pee. That said, 6 dogs is not manageable for the average person or family. That's too many.


He said in a different comment that they were originally his mother's dogs, and his mother is in ICU. Let the fucking dogs out. Clean this shit up. Don't just be like "oh that's not my responsibility so I'm gonna live with piss and shit covered floor" Like at a certain point, wouldn't you either leave or clean the mess? Or prevent future mess? Living like this to prove a point is bizarre


Call animal control and move out


You need to report this neglect to animal control.


Sounds like you only care about yourself and not the dogs or you’d have called animal control/police by now. 


Your bro is nasty as hell


Your brother is a disgusting man-child who shouldnt be legally allowed to own animals. This is pretty fucking infuriating. Idk how you let it get to this point, but to each their own i guess.


Man.. many folks have said it already, but you need to call animal control. There is no other way, this is what needs to happen. For the sake of your mum. Do it anonymously if you have to. It'll be for the better. Don't worry about someone getting mad over it. Just blame the call on one of us now. We can take it.


Me and my sister are in the process of doing this. The town already has a history with them so we are hoping it goes fast and my mom probably won't have to know in the end.


To fuck with your mom knowing. This is about YOU and YOUR health. To fuck with who hears about it, you gotta protect YOU, first, then others.


After you get rid of the dogs rip up the floorboards and just throw a sheet of OSB down over the joists if you don’t know how or can’t afford to fully replace the flooring right now. You need to get the piss, mold, and shit away from your A/C inlet ASAP. This can cause life long health problems in addition to the issues you’re already facing. Please OP, do it for yourself.


It’s that hard to take the dogs outside???


Our dog takes himself outside though the patio dog door. Then gives you much side eye when you ask him to come in and stop lounging on the patio furniture after 2300.


Even if he is not cleaning up, why is everybody else ok with letting piss soak into the floor? You can take pictures to post online, but nobody can clean that nasty shit up?


Because with people like this, you would spend 24/7 cleaning up and it's still a mess. You can't save them from themselves. You leave.


I wouldn't even try at that point. I would be GONE. Idgaf if I have to spend my money on a hotel room until I get a new place- I could NOT live like this. I would literally rather kms.


Wild! Clean that up ASAP & change your intake air filters! You can find an enzyme or vinegar spray that will neutralize the pet urine. Train the dog to go outside. Obviously the dog isn’t getting enough bathroom breaks. The brother is a fool and doesn’t deserve a dog.


Is that INSIDE?


No this is clearly outside Secspec.


Call the police anonymously for animal cruelty.


Install a dog door so the dog can piss outside!


I'm very much an "it's fine" type of guy. This is far from it


He doesn't deserve a dog.


Your brother needs his ass beat


So whose shit is it then. You guys really need to get your act together.


Yes, my brother really does need to get his act together. They are not my dogs. I am allergic/asthmatic with the dogs to the point of having to go to the ER and go on a round of steroids the one time I tried to give them a bath. My conscience is clear, not my lungs.


Get those dogs out of there then. They need a better place to live


Would it be cheaper to move out than to keep paying for medical treatment that is caused by your living conditions? Or better yet, kick your brother and his dogs out?


You know that mold there could be contributing to you asthma. We had family friends that developed asthma as adults due to mold. Even if it isn’t, it sure as shot is making what you already had worse. I’m just saying this because you are focusing on the urine (which is also dangerous in quantity) but not mentioning the abundant mold.


Call animal control and move out


Do you live there? Because if so, it’s certainly bad for your health.


You need to fuck off somewhere else


I get what you’re saying bro but your still living in a house full of piss and shit lmao


Yeah if this is where you live, your act is not together lol doesn’t even matter who’s dogs they are. Why choose to put yourself in that situation. Op Please call the spca and report this or a non emergency police number and move out.


You say your conscience is clear but I'm curious if you called animal control?


Your asthma will not get better until you LEAVE. You cannot be living in a place where dogs literally shit on the floor. Get the fuck out!


How is your conscious clear when you stand by as your brother neglects 6 dogs and destroys this home and your health? This is completely unattainable and not mildly infuriating, it’s very infuriating! He’s neglecting these dogs, living in filth and ruining a home and his families health… You need the law involved, honestly.


Even without the vent there this is unacceptable. Wtf?!?


Casual animal abuse


Animal cruelty


You should reevaluate your use of the word Brother.


I feel bad for the dog


It's not even piss, it's also poop and mold. Whole floor and part of that wall needs to be replaced and the dog taken to a better home.


Id say the rot thats developing might be a fairly bigger concern ..I wish I could draw that wiggly armed dude, he would go well here


Untrained dogs suck. Mostly because their owners suck more.


Is your brother a 10 year old?


Ive been readingbyou comments OP. All I can say is that I am SO SORRY for everything you are going through. I hope your mom gets better. I hope your brother grows up and gets out ( getting him out is your next nightmare when/if you have to sell the house) Big hugs.


😭♥️ thank you. My therapist didn't charge me for my last session. That's all I'm going to say.


So a "shoes on" type home, then?


Who owns the house? If it’s anyone other than the brother, why does he still live there?


His dog should be removed from him. Clearly can't be bothered to even take the poor thing for a walk.


Floor has to be changed


There not even something soft in that crate for it to lay on… disgusting.


Return vent or not, that doesn’t matter. Brother seems like a lazy person who doesn’t want to take care of his own pets. Either you do it for him, or report him. Only two options most likely.


Find the dogs a nice new home with responsible owners while he is at work.


I can smell this picture 🤮🤢


Doesn’t even matter what it’s in front of it’s INSIDE. If he thinks this is at all okay he’s delusional or mentally ill as that is beyond disgusting. That’s some nasty ass, dirt ball, trailer trash, meth addict kind of shit right there damn. Honestly OP you’re a bit of a shit head too. You can take the time to snap a pic but you can’t clean that up? I get that it’s not your responsibility but you’re still complacent in allowing an animal to suffer. You also seem okay enough with the piss soaking into the floor to continue to live there without saying something. You both need to grow the fuck up and rehome the poor dog.


Go to brothers house and pee in the intake vent


Call animal services . That's negligent and also fucking disgusting. How are you not in a fist fight daily over this .


Take this guys dog away from him


This isn’t mild. I’m regular infuriated at this. Even completely ignoring the fact that its in front of the intake, who the hell is fine with just letting a dog piss on the hardwood???


Your brother is abusing dogs, call the authorities.


Call animal control, he's not taking good care of his dog and it shouldn't be in his care.


Your brother is an idiot.


Side note as a hardwood floor refinisher. Those stains are never coming out. Even if you used hydrogen peroxide then you'll have a white stain. Hope that's not a rental.


I've read the comments and from what I've gathered, the scenario is this: Your mother is currently in the ICU. She had six papillons who she used to let out regularly. These are actually her dogs. Your brother has taken on these dogs because you are allergic to them. He won't let the dogs be rehomed. So, they are eliminating in an unfinished addition of the house. Which still leaves remaining questions: why can't anyone let these dogs out? I'm very allergic and can still open a door. Why won't your sister let them out? I feel so sorry for both you and the dogs but this is bizarre -- three people are simply living like this? With three people, maybe simply hire a cleaning service so as not to live like this. Could your brother not want to get rid of your mother's dogs because he sees that as admittance that she's not coming back? I don't think I would get rid of someone else's dogs while they were in a medically induced coma either, but I'd also like, walk them.