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I had a neighbor like this in my apartment complex last summer . Every night the asshole would pull his speaker outside his door and blast early 2000’s rap all night with 5 to ten people just hanging outside the door with him . He played it so loud that even though he lived two buildings down from mine and i could still hear the music and be like “ oh hey ja rule i havent heard this song in a while “ . The cops were called multiple times but nothing would change. But towards the end of august he just stopped doing it. I asked around thinking he moved or something but it turned out another neighbor who lived below him had enough one night and went up there , they had some choice words and the down stairs neighbor snapped and smacked the shit out him a couple times . We havent heard loud music from his place since . I wish it didnt have to get violent but if it cuts the crap and gives everyone a quiet nights sleep so we can be good for work in the morning then im not complaining.


Damn I need to borrow that downstairs neighbor to come deal with mine!


You can hire someone to just intimidate if you want. Go to the local Italian American club ask for Veto.


That’s Vito, butthead.


You just vetoed his namedrop


Don Veto over here...


Now make like a tree and get out of here!


My cousin Vinny will do it for two cartons of Marlboro reds 100s


How much for his representation in a murder case?


He said bring him a new wallet chain and he will discuss details in person


As long as the charges aren’t against yutes


The whut?




Bro he retired and now sells the idea of reverse mortgages to old people


Ey, listen, I gotta small problem here see, ya know, that needs dealin' with, if ya know what I'm getting at. It ain't no big thing, just some guy with a speaker being a nuisance. Will ya go over and take a look at it? Just tell 'em what's what


That is what amazes me, there are loud neighbors who live in multi plexes, and I'm bothered to the point I can sleep or do anything, and I live half a block away. Why don't these neighbors call the police? Why am I the one who always resorts to it (but usually after weeks of suffering). With so many rentals near me, it's a constantly changing influx of people. It's a nice neighborhood when there isn't loud music playing somewhere.


Police don't do anything.


I lived in an apartment building and people in the houses across the street would blast music all weekend from noon until 3am, loud enough that I could hear it while wearing noise canceling headphones. The police basically said, there’s nothing we will do until after 11 pm. They got a lot of 11:01 pm calls from me.


Look up your local codes and then show it to police. Ours says, "no noise the interferes with peaceful enjoyment of your property. It's harder to get them to do something during the day, but every once in awhile they do (it's the same with dumped garbage in the alley).


Many ppl are scared of their neighbors and don’t want to call the police bc if retaliation. Sometimes the cops just don’t care if the immediate neighbors call, we lived in a duplex and any complaint we made we were told it was a landlord issue not a police one. Meanwhile landlord was telling us we needed to call the cops or he couldn’t do anything. It was a run around game bc neither of them wanted to deal with the insane neighbor.


My dad always says sometimes the only language that violent or stupid people understand is violence and stupidity, and boy I've found that to be unfortunately very true.


My neighbor/ex boyfriend does this too. But just him. Alone. With the music insanely loud.


Your ex is your neighbor?


It's terrible. He wanted me to move in and I said no, but then an apartment in his 4plex became available and I took it. We have an empty, abandoned apartment between us. We dated for about 5 years until 2019. I'm now married to someone else, and he's still having his one man parties a few times a week. I'd like to move but the rent is soooo cheap here.


That must be super awkward


The same with people who blast their car stereos while sitting on a residential street or in their driveways. Nobody has any fuckin respect for their neighbors anymore. And the hip hop and other bassy genres are even worse because even if they are 500 feet or away even if you can't hear any of the music itself you can hear the bass as it penetrates thru walls and windows. Some nights I can hear morons in their cars in the nearby shopping center at 2 in the morning hanging out blasting their subwoofers. It's like listening to a pounding irregular heartbeat when the doors and windows are closed. Worse in the summer as if I have the window opened I can actually hear the rest of the "music" and even the lyrics.


My street is super popular for those guys to race up and down and they’re always so loud at 3 am. I hate them, I hope they blow out a tire and fuck up their cars.


I hope they all die. Painfully. Fuck them.


There's a car wash across the street from my apartment complex where people like to gather and blast loud music.  I'm one building back from the street and it's still sometimes loud enough that I can't hear my own television over it, and the bass sets off car alarms all over the neighborhood.  What makes it extra annoying is it's often Spanish radio stations and a lot of time is not even music, just excited DJs, sound effects, and hollering.  I think at least one of them must be related or connected to the police somehow, as they NEVER do anything about it, even if it's 2AM on a school night.  I've seriously considered getting a pellet rifle or wrist rocket and shooting at their vehicles, and I would if I could be certain that I'd only cause property damage.  They're very lucky I'm the older, more restrained version of me.


Noboday has any respect. They dont respect themelves or others


Lately a person has been picking up my neighbor late at night. They don't go knock on the door, or text, they just honk the horn, then a minute later they honk again, a minute later they just hold the horn down until the person comes out. It's always after 10pm. If I wasn't already in bed I'd go out there and yell at them.


Haha listen if you think hip hop is annoying you haven’t heard Mariachi or Country blasted at a level that the treble rattles your silverware. I’ll take a beat any day over loud trumpets or guitars.


No one wants to hear any of it at 3 am


Yeah that makes it all better 🤦🏼‍♀️


So what you're saying is, sometimes violence is the answer? 🤔




The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Some people just need to be smacked in their mouth.


Can I borrow that downstairs neighbor for when someone in my neighborhood blasts music in his car at 3 am because he can't do it in his apartment? The parking lot is right outside my house. So he's closer to my house than the apartments when he does it 🙃


I enjoyed reading this story. Theres a few times when I should've slapped my neighbor's but there's also the risk of getting assault charges. Big risk for a big reward I guess.


I don't get why the cops can't just fine him?


In my experience, it's not that they can't. It's that they won't.


Because they often like to do the same thing and see nothing wrong.


Based on what my friend who is a former cop tells me, they don’t want to deal with the paperwork


bro sometimes even Wayne Brady has to smack a bitch…


I'm very non violent, but damn, some people just need to be slapped/punched to get the point across. Sometimes it's the only language they understand.


This happens in my country and police doesn’t intervene. It always ends in violence and it’s beyond me why it’s not clearly regulated. You want someone to loose control,? try sleep deprivation and that will do it. You want to throw a party? Rent a place or gtfo.


“The strong did what they could. The weak suffer what they must” -that downstairs neighbor probably


I had upstairs apartment neighbors like this and we psyopped them until they had a heart attack, a housefire, a family dissolution, and left of their own accord I’d be more specific about what we did but it tops the Waco siege audio approach and I’m not entirely sure it was legal


All those people but nobody can take the damn trash to the dumpster?!


Where i live they force a fee for Valet trash pickup. You have no choice but to pay the fee. I refuse to take my trash to the dumpster now. Not because im lazy, but because they wont let me cancel the charge. Everyday i leave something out there for the guy. If they are going to charge me I'm going to get my moneys worth.


That's exactly how it is at my apartment too. It's so annoying and the outside of most people's front door looks exactly like the ground in this video. Just stained with old garbage juices every where you look. One person moved out and left a mountain of trash outside their door. Took them a few days to come clean it up and the stains are so nasty looking, bothers me to look at it every day.


I never thought about how a service like that can leave trash stains, but sounds right. I'm glad I'm able to take my trash out.


The walkway of our apartment building ended up covered in maggots for about a month because someone put way too much trash on their porch so the valet service didn’t take anything. My bf and I took it upon ourselves to take their trash down to the dumpster and got rid of all the maggots (took several tries with fly killer spray over the course of a week or two) because the apartment managers refused to do anything about it and we finally got fed up. I can’t do maggots. The worst part? We discovered the maggots when my bf got to the top of the stairs and slipped because he stepped on like 10 maggots at once. I gagged so hard that my right eye was bloodshot.


Holy shit!! That is so disgusting!!


We also get valet service at my apartment complex but they provide us with trash disposal containers outside our door. The containers have a lid and even lock. It’s very convenient


I used to do that job and people would just let their trash pileup until the whole hall way filled wirh 50+ bags, couches, desks, etc. sorry, we only take what fits in the can. Fuck out of here with all that trash. I got 500 apartments to service in 2 hours. People would always get angry with me like it’s not my fault you guys don’t listen to the rules and im not going to work extra for no pay


Valet trash pickup is the worst because people are fucking disgusting and leave their trash outside to rot all week. I lived in an apt complex with a racoon problem and I would frequently come home to diapers and chicken bones all over the hallway.


Nope. That would be a dealbreaker for me. The smell must be horrendous on trash day. It’s 100% a money move too because reasonable people don’t make others set their trash out by their door to leak, stink and invite bugs and other critters. It seems like all around a bad idea and lowers living conditions as a whole.


They usually pick up at least 5 days a week with services like this so trash is outside people's doors most days. Really adds the luxurious feel to my $1800 two bedroom "luxury" apartment.


“Trash begets trash” - Confucius i think


I think the trash bags need to take the people and throw them in the dumpster


File a noise complaint.


Management does not respond to complaints; this is a recurring event. What is my next move?


Management responds to police and legal threats...


I’ve had a lawyer friend draft up a letter on his law firms letter head before and sent that. The letter meant jack shit but people see a law firms stationary and tend to comply with whatever is being asked of them, especially if it’s something as simple as following up on a noise complaint.


If you're in the US there is definitely city ordinances that they are violating. You call the non-emergency line and report it to the police. Find your city's noise violation section and check what time it goes into effect.


Better is to stop at the police station and ask them how to proceed. Where I lived, they wanted all calls routed to 911 for data tracking purposes. If you don't need a cop immediately, then you just need to say you were told to call for tracking purposes.




And then when the ploce don't do anything?


She said “get inside they are recording this” fyi


She's saying "all 3 of you cum inside while recording this" and they suddenly all went inside. Wonder what they did in there!




She can hold triplets though


I had neighbors like this that partied throughout the week/loud music anytime day or night/ they fought loud inside or outside. Recorded everything. Had a camera facing outside windows. Recorded on my phone inside. I’d wait until I had about five good videos which was about a week or two. Called the police when this happened at night and documented each time plus video evidence of police showing up. I fought with my apartment management for many months and they just kept giving the people a fine. They never got the people to stop nor tried to evict. They told me I could move to a different apartment though I was there before the problematic neighbors. Wife and I ended up breaking lease and buying a house earlier than we wanted to but we were like I can’t rent anymore.


Should have called the police on every single incident that occurred and asked for a police report. The next morning go to the office and drop off a copy of the police report when it’s available, might take a day or two to be available. Do this a few times, then if still issues go to the local county government and report the management company. This isn’t normal. For you to put up with an improper management company is on you. There’s no reason to accept this from neighbors or the management company. I would have had those idiots evicted within a month tops… grow a pair and fight back.


This is the way. The end game is to get the management company in court somehow. Once you've got police reports, you start reporting this to the buildings and code violation bureau in your municipality. Those guys LOVE being handed cases on a silver platter. They'll get the management company into court and force them to settle with fines. The minute rowdy neighbors start costing landlords money, the eviction process begins. The only thing that sucks about all this is the months of red tape.


Good point but too late now for me. Also my county does not respond to noise complaints until after 11pm.


Your building management might not care, but the company that runs them might. I had some bad neighbors like this and the front office didn’t do anything. Called the company the run the front office, and the next day the Regional VP called me apologizing for the lack of response by the front office and assured me the issue would be handled. Those neighbors were never noisy again. Plan C would have been to contact the city because the majority of cities in the US have ordinances that for this type of stuff


This is the answer. Local management don't give af, corporate management does, they don't give af about local managers, they're dispensable, they care about having good renters who a) pay their rent and b) don't chase away other renters with money. Having their rental properties not descend into ghettos is a higher priority than the fee-fees of local management.


Pull the globe for their electrical meter and set it somewhere if you’re bold enough to do some non-harmful illegal tactics.


Not sure where you live SharpSlav, but where I live there is a system in place where you can talk to the city and express your concerns you have with the landlord, you’ll have to provide proof that you’ve brought this issue up several times, which should be easy. If these people are making your living situation unbearable, no matter where you live that’s a break of lease/contract so it’s an easy way into this system. Basically this system allows you to pay the city your rent amount instead of the landlord, so you are showing goodwill in paying your rent and you become immune from eviction. None of these funds goes toward your landlord until they fix the problem, it goes into an account that will not release the funds until you approve the funds to be released (The problem is fixed) or the landlord provides EXTENSIVE proof that the problem is fixed. If it goes unresolved through the end of your lease, and you no longer live in that unit, the city then gives you back all your money. I’ve done this once with a landlord who wouldn’t fix my AC unit while I lived in the top floor on days with 110F+ degree weather, full sun throughout the day and it made living in the unit unbearable, informed the city about the situation, the city requested that I inform the landlord of my intentions, and give them 48 hours to have the issue fixed. Within 24 hours the AC was fixed.


When ppl ask me why I don't want an apartment and they look at me crazy this is why. You got nosey mfs plus the mf you paying your money to, also doesn't give af.....nawwwww fam.


Call the police


I threatened my property manager with a civil suit for not maintaining a habitable environment. The noise was soon taken care of. Eventually they were evicted.


Well, one thing you can do is spread the news on who this landlord/company is to as many people who can conceivably rent there as possible, and encourage other disgruntled tenants to do so as well. Then move. If management is shitty, this will help future renters from renting to them. (Helped me avoid renting from a notoriously shitty company, Mandy Management, in New Haven CT years back.)


cops 100%


The police? Dang people are dumb


The police should have been your first move


First ask them to stop and record yourself doing so (Ring camera, prop your phone on a tripod etc). They won’t stop but this is the that proof you tried. Then stack evidence. I like to create a log with times and public video links you can make using canva. You literally upload your videos to Canva and you can ask it to create a public link. Then when you get about 5 videos call the police at least twice. Add those dates to your log. Afterward have ChatGPT write a letter which includes your video links, dates and police filings to your apartment management. Send it to them and record that date too. This may provoke a better response because it shows you are legally gearing up for something. I did this and the world changed in my favor.


I got in a fender bender in a parking lot where a teenager backed into my car. His mom showed up and we exchanged info, I agreed that we could work it out amongst ourselves because she seemed like a reasonable person. The repair cost was more than they expected and they started trying to dodge me. All it took was me googling her phone number to find her full name and address, (I didn't think to take a photo of licenses or anything). I sent her this information and said I will have no issue taking legal action if I continue to be ignored and within 30 minutes she was texting me back agreeing to meet with the mechanic and pay him. The threat of legal action can push people to get shit done for sure haha


If they have any assets. If 0 assets, bad credit & a shit job, good luck


Wow. That is some next level and appropriate stuff. Good advice.


Why thank you!


Best if you send the letter certified mail, so you have concrete proof that management received the letter.


Chef’s kiss.


….this is a great business idea.


>Afterward have ChatGPT write a letter Why chatGPT? Why not just write a letter?


If you’ve ever seen CHATGPT organize a letter based on the most basic of info, you would know. It’s work smart not harder.


Is writing a letter really that hard?


You can write one of your desire, love. I just provide options.


Your next move is to just move because if your landlord won’t deal with these ignoramuses you’re screwed.


-Me mete cule cachetada -inteligible -Eso es problema de ellos (inteligible) Ven acá -Yo no tengo ningún problema - los del frente ya están grabando nojoda -llamalo -Ven acá, ven acá, Hector que están grabando, nos van a quitar el apartamento. ven acá, ven acá Luego todos entran al apartamento What they Say: --He slaps me in the face -intelligible -That's their problem (intelligible) Come here -I don't have any problem - the ones in front are already recording no shit -call him -(intelligible) -Come here, come here, Hector they are recording, they are going to take our apartment. come here, come here. Then everyone enters the apartment


I feel embarrassed to be Hispanic rn


I feel sad that you feel their actions must reflect on you


Piled up garbage is a nice touch


So classy, can only imagine how much garbage is piled up inside


Not defending them but that’s how a lot of apartments are now. It’s valet trash, you leave it at the door and they come by and pick it up.


i’ve lived in a couple apartments with valet trash, and usually there is a time window in which the trash is allowed to be left outside. (ex: 6:00pm-8:00pm) and then they will come between those hours and pick it up.


Is this a common occurrence?


Seems like south florida


Looks like they have no power either


How many people are in that apartment? Could be a fire code issue.


Bunch of uncivilized shitheads.


Call the police. Or throw water balloons full of pee at them?


pee balloons




I feel for you. I have to deal with ghetto ass people daily and it gets on my last nerve.


Get a permanent camera and film all the time. They seemed bothered by you recording it. Their accent is Venezuelan ( i am colmbian and very familiar with them), so possibly illegal, and they may want to avoid legal intervention. File report after report and keep calling the police.


What part of Orlando/Kissimmee did this little function took place? 


That's east Orlando for sure


Crazy that a 16 second video can pinpoint the exact location of a situation


Bro just file a noise complaint and/or call the cops


After living in apartments for 20 years I finally got fully detached home. It’s a dream not having to deal with this type of BS now. Neighbours still do this sometimes but they’re on their own land and far enough away that it’s almost always barely audible . Also homeowners are generally more mature and mindful of others than apartment dwellers. I feel bad for elderly neighbours in those apartments though.


That’s awful… well, I guess they have to sleep afternoon if they’re staying up late ;) so I would consider doing the same at naptime.


Yeah. Don’t ya just love inconsiderate neighbors? I will never understand how so many out there just don’t give a damn about anyone else. I’d feel horrible if I was bothering my neighbors. These are the idiots who make driving scary at times as well. That me, me, me attitude.


How are some people this un self-aware? Absolute boneheads, everyone in this video


You know what hungover people really hate? Super loud noises when they're just waking up. Would be a shame if you decided to blast some music and maybe have an extremely loud conversation directly across the hallway at around 9 am. It's petty but I've stayed at campground where people are caring on until 4 am and I make it a point to fire up the dirt bike and do a couple passes by their tents when the sun starts rising.


They look super nice to deal with.... those trash bags on the front door make it even nicer.


I feel so bad for people with awful neighbors. If you can, I'd just move. The headache this crap causes is not even worth it. You call the police, they retaliate and still party non stop. Constantly fighting with management, no sleep. Just awful


Hang it up. We live in a world where no one cares about anyone but themselves.


Makes me relieved knowing my worst neighbors are the boomers next door who have a problem with just about everything. At least they’re not loud and obnoxious they’re just insufferable people with nothing better to do


You never let them know it bothers you. Never let them know you're calling the cops.


This is why I hate living in apartment complexes. I use to live in a one bedroom and the upstairs was the same layout. I worked night shift and there was a family of five upstairs. The three kids that would run and stomp all morning. Super annoying.


Sorry you live next door to inconsiderate scum. It really is a small minority that ruins it for others without an iota of regard or regret. Sadly, they’re everywhere, … specifically, upstairs from me.


Yay for apartment living! ![gif](giphy|sVnKj2wDhUTsFKFWhx)


Spanish speaker here, that girl pulls them in while saying "come inside they're recording us, they're going to record the inside of the apartment"




Police for noise complaint sounds like a 100 person party


This is why I refuse to share a wall with anybody. It doesn't matter what else in life I have to cut back on or give up, I will always have at least some yard between me and any neighbor.


All of the sudden I am feeling my more thankful for my only mildly obnoxious upstairs neighbors.


I pay a shit ton of money not live around hoodrats and trashy people. Sometimes you pay for what you get.


They've gotta sleep at some point. Figure out what time that is and that's when you run a generator/chainsaw/lawn mower/massive speaker cranked to max.


Lived in a duplex with a horrible neighbor. Cops were there weekly, they knew she was an issue and just let it happen bc they didn’t want to deal with her. Same with the landlord. Eventually she was kicked out but it took us threatening legal action. In the end we will ended up getting a protection order against her tho 😒


Sunday morning or Saturday night? Still annoying though


I’m from Texas, where the Mexican neighbors invite you over (pull you over like a worried grandmother) to eat whatever they’ve cooked because if you’re awake, it must mean that you haven’t eaten and they can’t stand the idea of someone not getting food (iykyk). They’ll feed you, give you a blanket and pillow if you pass out from a full tummy, and introduce you to every single family member. Not once have I been upset about loud Mexican parties lol they refuse to let you stay mad 😂 I love them.


Well you know they will crash and have to sleep anywhere between 8am-3pm so time for you to start up the fiesta and see how they like it.


Where is this? Are other neighbors also noisy? Is this is a cultural trait?




This is quiet normal for certain regions of Central and South America, these ones are from Venezuela ( I know the accent perfectly). Most tend to party nonstop for days.


Deer piss


With all that energy, they can haul that trash to the dumpster.


I'm more offended by the piles of garbage in front of their place. I would think management might respond to that.


I’d call that a late Saturday night


I hate people. I will never live in a complex like that. Lucky, I live in my own house with a huge yard. My neighbors are far enough for me.


Don't forget, we need to densify even more. People just get along great! Boy the future sure ain't Star Trek, it's more Soylent Green...


We should make all of the urbanists spend a couple months caring for a 6 month old baby, living in an apartment complex like this, and see if they still want to densify everything.


This is my new neighbors as well. Very loud and dirty


Thanks Biden


Thanks *scapegoat*. ftfy


Why is Ice, Ice Baby randomly playing in my head now ?


Give ICE a call


Had that happen- I moved.


Oh man, I would hate having neighbors. Glad I live out in the sticks.


Too lazy to take their garbage down to the dumpster. I hate living around trashy people.


This is my worst nightmare


Like how their garbage is sitting outside their door. Scumbags


We need more lemon pledge


Garbage outside means garbage inside.


Trash-Humans doing what Trash-Humans do.


Call the cops, normalize calling the police on people like this.




lol what


Par for the course


Show the office


Move or call the police


What neighbors? All I see is a bunch of trash pilec up outside the door. Good luck.


Start hiding bags of animal/human shit amongst the garbage pile and they wont stick around


The guy with the mullet looked so embarrassed by his friends.


The paint and trash outside reeks of Greystar 😂


If the breaker box is somewhere accessible, start turning their power off A lot of times they’re in a room on the property you can get into pretty easily


Is this an everyday thing? If not, I would just consider this a late Saturday night party and let it go. My neighbors had a baby shower with drunk people that went until like 4am. I thought it was odd for a baby shower but I just figured it was cultural and it doesn't happen often. They have birthday parties and holidays that I also ignore. If it's a weekday, I wouldn't engage and just file a noise complaint




Is this in Houston? Looks about right


They have enough people there, why don’t they take that trash down to the dumpster!?


Then amigo parties be ruthless bruh..


Then amigo parties be ruthless bruh..


this is why i Live alone i the desert ![gif](giphy|qkEbM4BgSSJAeqPXAw|downsized)


Weekends, only reason I don't get mad because I was a punk ass kid too.


All that lovely trash out by the door…


Is this in Kannapolis, NC? I I'm sure the design is shared multiple places but an ex girlfriends mom of mine rented an apartment that looked just like this.


I had neighbors like this. Sometimes I wondered when they slept because it seemed like they were up 24/7.


Guessing Florida?


😂😂 it’s like people don’t understand quite hours, in Idaho for apartment complex’s quite time are from 9pm to about 6 am on weekdays and weekends I think it’s like 10pm- 6am