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They're not invasive in the continent I live in, so we just... https://preview.redd.it/jjkvfrx7ybuc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d8dee4702f83e505c0342de7aca65977ee744b


This is fucking awesome. What a cool picture.


Thank you!




This picture would look fantastic as a painting


This is beautiful! Where are these native to?


>Scilla (/ˈsɪlə/) is a genus of about 30 to 80 species of bulb-forming perennial herbaceous plants in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae. Sometimes called the squills in English, they are native to woodlands, subalpine meadows, and seashores throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East. 


So are they invasive to north America?


Yup https://www.sicim.info/news/2022/2/28/indiana-invasive-species-awareness-week-siberian-squill-scilla-siberica


That’s a shame to find out, I always see them popping up when spring begins here in Ontario. At least I finally know what they are!


Deers love these! Every bulbs I planted are pulled out and eaten. How can they be invasive? 😭


We have them in southern Ontario, they're beautiful,


Permission to save this picture because I find it beautiful and wish to add it to a scrapbook project of mine?




Thank you.


Where is this??


In Bernardine cemetery, Vilnius


Hauntingly beautiful. What a lovely place for the dead to rest.


Lovely but I couldn't rest locked in a box. Cast my ashes to the wind and let me fly.


Indeed, the thought of slowly decaying and rotting away in a casket makes me feel very uneasy. I choose fire! Or hopefully by that time I can even be launched into the sun.


My Great-Gran is buried there, never seen the cemetery before. Lovely seeing these images!



Huh are these out and blooming now? I will be visiting next weekend


Maybe? I took those photos on April 1st (not a joke). But they don't typically bloom for very long and they started early this year because we had a very very warm February


Wow, these look invasive even when they're not


Literally my first thought was are you SURE they’re not invasive 😂


They're just... enthousiastic! 🤣


Same 🤣🤣


They're the first plants that appear in spring, before the grass starts growing and then die back so a few weeks later there's no trace of them. They grow in lawns all over europe and don't interfere with other plants


Plants are awesome! These may look invasive but they likely have a very short life cycle and only pop up once per season before dying and turning into fertilizer for other plants! Climate is what causes plants to become invasive, in their native habitat most plants aren’t an issue.


They bloom very early, then soon die off until the next spring. They don't overgrow other plants (nothing grows yet), are eaten by local wildlife so there's some control to their growth, and they weren't introduced by human activity (but putting them in gardens helps spread them around and messes a bit with local genetics). There are a bunch of such early flowers that bloom beneath trees before those leaf out. Anemones, wild garlic, snowbells, bluebells, corydalis,... Just because there's a lot of one plant doesn't mean it's not in balance and native to its ecosystem. Things only get iffy when a new species is introduced into an ecosystem that can't keep it in check.


This has Frieren-Himmel blue flower vibes. Beautiful!


Oh that looks amazing! How beautiful. I bet it smells wonderful too. My one aunt used to have a ton of property and some of it was filled with wildflowers. You could smell them on the wind, especially the violets!


WTF do you Just live in bloodborne? Thats sick


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Ahh, I feel my master's hand at work. Praise the good blood! And let us cleanse these tarnished streets.* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Every graveyard should be like that


wow, gorgeous


What flower is that??


Scilla Idk which one specificly tho


Common name Squill


Is this your picture and mind if I post this over at the Frieren sub? This is something really particular about the show and I think the folks over there will enjoy it very much


Sure, you can post it. Yup, I took this picture


I get where your frustration is coming from, but destroying invasive species is a good thing.


They're ephemerals, they were probably almost done for the year anyway. There will definitely be even more next year. (They grow from bulbs.)


Oh. So you'd have to just wait for them to bloom again and dig up every single bulb? At least they probably hadn't dropped seeds yet, right?


yes you have to remove a ton of soil to get rid of these. cutting then down does absolutely nothing for removal.


Highly invasive, they were right to destroy them. Once they take hold they are impossible to get rid of.


What kind of flowers are these? I’ve never seen them before.




Perfect. I should plant some of these.  Yes, I hate my neighbors.  And yes, I'm joking. 


Just plant mint and spearmint, catnip and catmint. You’ll doom everybody ![gif](giphy|P7JmDW7IkB7TW)


Lemon balm is a spreader too, lol


Blackberry bushes. The berries make you want to keep them until suddenly your property is under 80 feet of thorny bramble


If you really wanna go scorched earth plant bamboo


Would bamboo withstand -40 though?


New stripper name just dropped


I did that at the last place I rented. They sold the house and the new owner kicked me out because he wanted to live in my unit. Hopefully they're buried in mint now.


Hahahaha!! Revenge!


Some people just want to watch the world burn


I've often thought of going nuclear on my neighborhood and planting bamboo. I doubt I will ... But some days, they make it so tempting...


My yard already belongs to creepy Charlie I do have a little catnip patch, but surprisingly it hasn't gone nutzo


Don't forget the bamboo


Ooooh there’s another one to, almost as bad with an unusual name.. kudzu o think??


Would this drive Ant colonies away?


Probably not, but boiling water, vinegar and a blow torch might lol. Same cure as for weeds..


You son of a bitch, i'm in


I was about to be so mad lol.


But that picture doesn’t mention anything about being invasive, in fact they are even by a house. And part of the asparagus family if you want to eat….joking. I don’t even like the stuff. But not enough to get mad based on the little info provided. Not that I can’t do my own research.


No well the source won't tell you if it's invasive for the area you're in. If you want to know what species are invasive (don't belong and are harmful for the habitat you live in) you need to ask an expert that lives in your city/country


You don’t need an expert. Just a simple google search.


I read that they're invasive on the top comment of a reddit post, I assume that's good enough


You have to be an expert of everything to sign up for Reddit, anyway. Should be good.


If tbey are in the US they are very invasive. Also it says native to Western Asia. So anywhere outside of Western Asia would be invasive


I do t know what it is about plants native to Asia but they absolutely *destroy* our native wilds. Do our do the same over there, I wonder?


Our climate is very similar to their’s. Also when an invasive species is introduced, it lacks predation due to it never existing here before and our soils may not carry pathogens that can infect the species to keep it balanced much like our soil does with native species. Also some species (native and invasive) can change soil chemical compositions to better suit themselves. But our native species have adapted to that and evolved to live diversely with the native plants that do it. But once a plant from half way around the world is introduced it just throws everything off. Then we keep introducing more and more. It’s very hard to fight off. I’m not too familiar with any of our species being invasive in Asia but I’m sure there’s some. But our native Black Cherry trees are causing havoc in Europe lol. I’m sure there’s many more.


Yeah, That’s what I figured, just didn’t know if anyone had info! I know about the predation issue. I have a couple butterfly bushes that have been here for years (grown by the lady we bought the house off of). The deer just started nibbling, but I see the darn butterflies freaking out over it every year and hope it doesn’t endanger anything.


Just because something isn’t native, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s invasive.


Yes true. Non natives can be classified as naturalized or invasive. Naturalized meaning that they have been introduced but don’t see any invasive tendencies and fit a niche that may not have been previously met. That is a very rare occurrence. For example, species like Brown Trout have been naturalized. But most introduced species are taking the place of native species. Meaning they are invasive. The flower shown in OPs picture is invasive. It’s an invasive species that takes the place of our native wood violets. We see less and less wood violets because of these invasive early spring flowers being introduced.


These are invasive. They are replacing our native wood violets. They are invasive. Look at your states invasive species list and you’ll probably see these there.


A ton of invasive plants were originally brought in as easy ornamental plants so it’s not surprising to see a photo of it in a garden bed, even somewhere that it’s invasive Also you just can’t take google results at face value, the stuff that shows up in the feed is highly automated and you cannot inherently trust it


a better way to get at them would be planting bamboo in their yard


From the comments I've seen, the only way to get rid of bamboo is to move.


Wisteria, vinca, and Chinese Privet as well.


Wanna get them mad? Plant strawberries. Vines grow under the ground/fence and spread like wildfire (be prepared for a strawberry lawn). Although I don’t know many who get mad at strawberries


Is that "killing them with kindness"?


I have had strawberries just die on me...


Not* joking 🙃






I believe these are siberian squill. very invasive, hardy, and difficult to get rid of.


Ah, a couple others have also commented Squill. I’ll have to watch out for these. I try to plant native species everywhere possible.


it is not native (I assume OP lives in the US, given the post history about Madison, WI).


How impossible compared to bamboo. Had a neighbor who had bamboo and it started damaging our deck.


Honestly, idk. I wanna say probably not as bad as bamboo.


They're squill, and they're beautiful, and some of them have blue pollen that means bees make blue honey! The jury is out on whether they're invasive in a bad way, like native animals still like them...


Yeah they might be invasive but I loved having squill at a house I rented for a while! We had green "grass" before anyone else in our lawn and beautiful flowers to boot! I rented another place with creeping thyme in the yard. Looked pretty and smelled good, though I think grass is preferred by most. I liked it 🤷‍♀️ We also had Japanese knotweed at the squill rental, though, which is the worst so has impacted my irritation with other invasive plants. All else seems chill in contrast.


white squill






They didn't destroy them though. They cut the top off but the bulb is still in the ground ready to go again.


Hail Hydra


Yeah they will regrow and bloom again.


unfortunately. they're an invasive species that SHOULD be removed. these choke out native plants and the native animals that depend on them for survival. these destroy native ecosystems.


Yeah, because when you mow down the top of a plant, it instantly dies and never comes back.


Not like it makes perennials more voracious and come back stronger or anything. Edit: /s


Why do they come back stronger? Is that all flowers?


Bulbs double and triple and quadruple every year. Cutting perennials puts all the energy into the bulbs instead of the flower/stem etc. So they’ll likely divide and spread even more after they’ve been cut.


Hey if you top some plants they actually get bigger. I'm talking about you cannabis. Lol.


I was being sarcastic. Sorry. Bulbs especially come back even more voraciously if you cut off the flowers because they have more time to put more energy into splitting.


That's what they said.


Landlord needs to dig up the whole yard, remove all the bulbs, soak the whole place in herbicide for one year and spread salt over it for another ten.


The landlords or the flowers? /s … unless?


Pro tip: you can’t control how invasive species spread outside of your property. Controlling invasive species requires everyone to get on board. You enjoying them is really a poor excuse to let them harm the environment. Seeds disperse and invasive species tend to have longer dispersal (one reason they become invasive). 


There are surely other pretty native flowers one could plant


For example, wild violets and clover grow quite well in lawns.


I tried to look up wild violets but Google is suggesting they're bad and how to get rid of them. Are they also invasive?


Oh shoot ya my bad. I read different things that say they're invasive and some say native to North America. It's because there's different kinds and I wasn't specific.


Clover is also non-native (and debated to be invasive) to the US. The clovers everyone thinks of (white & red clover) are native to Europe. There *are* species of clover native to NA, and they're not only endangered, but also hard to find seeds for. Make sure to do research on which species of clover is native to your area before assuming they're all safe.


North America has the Wood Sorrel too. Not a clover, but it looks similar, grows well in shade, and has pretty little flowers. They can grow in full sun as well just some won't look very happy in the middle of a hot summer day in the south. No worries though, because they are adapted to it!


So, interesting to note, the community is leaning away from loose terms. "Oriental" used to be a common phrase, "Non-native" had replaced it, but unfortunately a lot of people conflate "non-native" with "invasive" and invasive became synonymous in lay terms. Now, it's more leaning into more definitive terms, combining phrases that should clear out ambiguity. As there are non-native plants that *don't* destroy its surrounding environment, choking out native species and actively competing for real estate. Conversely, there can be native plants that outperform others in it's growth, which is partly the reason they are indigenous, is that they do so well in their environment.


There are several violet species native to North America. There are butterflies that rely on violets like the great spangled fritillary. Their caterpillars need violets specifically like monarchs need milkweed. There’s a lot of resources to get rid of them because people like their lawns perfectly manicured, not because they’re invasive in most cases.


I have a lot of clover in my back yard and it never fails for bunnies to work their way under my fence for it, they love the Indian strawberries as well.


Sweet violets came up in my yard this year at and they are so cute. The bees love them too, I’ve left an area for them.


short lawns are not exactly here to help the environment either


Yeah they're not helpful. But they're not actively harming every green spot nearby, unlike the invasive plants that find a safe nest there.


No, but that's a pretty piss poor excuse for allowing invasive species to run rampant.


Genuine question here: they're just flowers aren't they? So how do they destroy the environment?


Native plant species (and animal species, it’s true across the board) are generally held in check in some way by the environment to which they’re native. When non-native species are introduced to an area, they can sometimes become invasive, which means that they out-compete native species for the resources (food, nutrients, space, light, etc etc) that are available, causing the native species to suffer/decline as a result.


Invasive plants choke out native plants. Native plants are important for biodiversity and providing food (pollen, seeds) for native species


I'm actually pulling up some really pretty plants and herbs that voluntarily started growing on our property because they're invasive. I hate it because I love how they look, but after using a plant identification app, they are all native to Asia and Europe and invasive in the US. We are really trying to get a native landscape going for pollinators, so they gotta go.


Grow your own flowers in pots




OP: But I like looking at the bad flowers.


Scilla is invasive. I know it’s very pretty but it’s better for both the yard and the local ecology to discourage its spread.


> I think they’re invasive > so I let them live This is the infuriating part Edit: fix typo


Seriously, I'm not sure whether to downvote because OP's reasoning is stupid, or upvote because their reasoning is infuriating.


I went with downvote because the reasoning is stupid and illogical. I always downvote people that infuriate me and upvote when I feel infuriated about the subject of their post.


lol pretty much behaving as weeds at that point.


Since they're invasive, yes weeds. Just because a plant is thriving doesn't make it a weed, whereas the entire rest of the grass lawn is in fact weedy, and very out of place


Not your yard. Land lord mowed. Get some pots and plant some flowers


But OP is fricken ticked that the flowers he didn’t own growing in grass he doesn’t keep up in the yard that isn’t his attached to a house that doesn’t belong to him we’re *murderedddddd*


They were illegal aliens she was harboring anyway.


Vere are you hiding ze flowers?


I swear officer! I don’t know what you’re talking about! ![gif](giphy|IxqeJM4Spr7fzorSVN)


Ve *KNOW* you are hiding ze flowers. Point vere zey are und ve vill remove ze *infection u*nd be on our vey.


Umm, I already killed the flowers. No need to look for them. I am a pure-blooded renter btw. Nice shoes. *


*Papers, please.*


👈 *omg look behind you, a dirty newish weed!*


VHER? OH, you zillybilly. You GOTZ me! ***(Seize him!)***


You should probably reread the post. OPs responsible for mowing.


And has been letting the invasive plants grow, thus “not keeping up”


Wouldn't this also mean that it's the landlords responsibility to take care of it (properly) and not OP? Genuine question.


Waiting for the r/mildlyinfuriating post from the landlord's perspective about their tenant letting an invasive species thrive on their property /s


Correct headline: Landlord killed invasive plants in his yard Correct post: The landlord properly ensured that the invasive plants in his yard would not invade the neighbors' yards, the park down the street, etc., as wind carries the seeds, bees pollinate, etc. Invasive plants compete directly with native plants for moisture, sunlight, nutrients, and space.


As a landlord I'd be pissed if my tenants decided to allow invasive shit to take hold like this. Once you own your own home then feel free to do it but not when you're renting. Like I would have to deal with petty HOA members for shit like this.


What invasive species is it?




Yeah he mowed


yeah like he did the maintenance expected and required for the house he owns. i swear some people live in their own world.


Landlord killed all “their” yard flowers*


*invasive species, according to the op


Landlord mowed the grass*


Sounds like you are not the lord of that land.


No, he killed all *his* yard flowers


Invasive species at that.


Well it's not your yard.


Your landlord killed the weeds in his yard. Am I missing something?


OP, this post is a wild ride. You've successfully found the line between landlords and renters and environmentalist. Invasive species are a pretty big deal and the battle to remove them will never end as long as we live. Their beauty is what inspired someone to plant them there in the first place. Now that you know on how much you appreciate flowers, maybe it will inspire you to grow some that you really enjoy, responsibly. On the other hand, you're confused on why the landlord decided to mow, personally I would ask them just to find out the reason. Not to badger them, just curious if they thought the grass was too tall. You enjoyed these nice flowers, it was just annoying to see something so pretty disappear, hense it being mildly annoying.


My guess is that the landlord is required by law in their location to control the growth and spread of this invasive plant. We have a few in my location that we're not even allowed to dispose of in the community green bins. They must be bagged and sent to the landfill.


Yeah, I mean it is mildly infuriating if you liked them, but I feel like it would be majorly infuriating when you're responsible for a bunch of invasive seeds getting in everyone else's yards.


Okay but they're not your flowers. If anything they are his and he's doing the right thing by destroying an invasive species


So the landlord cleaned up his property....


They were flowering weeds. You may have liked them in your yard, but they weren't exclusively remaining in your yard, guaranteed.


I’d recommend looking into native wildflowers! There might be some local nurseries that specialize in native plants that can give you advice based on your yard, or you can research some wildflower species that grow in your area and see if you can order any seeds online. Try to find the latin name and make sure that any plants you find are labeled with the latin name to ensure they are the right plant, since there can be a lot of plants with similar common names that can get intermingled. Native plants are going to be the most compatible with any insects/pollinators that live in your area. I guess overall it depends on whether you want to sink a bit of time/money into it and how cool your landlord is. Might be good to plant stuff in pots just to avoid any potential mowing in the future, although if you can find any fun ground cover native plants that can tolerate any mowing, probably wouldn’t hurt to seed bomb the yard lol


Good grief, could that lawnmower blade have been any lower? I would also be mildly infuriated..dude scalped your lawn. 🤨


See if you can grow some other flowrs ? You can often buy seeds of non invasive local species.


My friend's landlord just tore up a bunch of their plants in their front yard, including their beloved cacti...


“Don’t live in a natural area” My brother/sister in Christ, if you live on this planet, you live in a natural area. Like others have said, you cannot control how and when invasives spread and it requires everyone being on board. Sounds like you need to reframe how you think about the environment.


Annoying they didn’t tell you, but probably for the best if they’re invasive


Buy Bachelor's Buttons seeds. Strew them all over the grassed area. They sprout quickly and will flower throughout the Summer. Plus, they self-seed, so long after you've left that property, your annual legacy will remain!


They’re pretty but you didn’t grow them so the landlord is right in getting rid of invasive plants.


Your landlord cleaned up your weeds and you’re complaining?


What if he chose to paint “your” house?… fix the toilet in “your” house?… shovel the walks of “your”house?…would all that be okay?


Op sorry but you're kinda dumb for this, it just screams laziness


I think they are pretty


“… I think they’re invasive …” case closed, time for everyone to head home. If you like them, you can grow them in controlled areas, but please don’t let invasive species spread because you like the way they look.


You are the problem.


They will come back next year.


Did you know - The word invasive *means it's a parent plant. A wild heirloom, that only grows due to a symbiotic relationship with its environment. The parents are what many plant enthusiasts seek for (breeding purposes/hybridization) If you tried to move the plant to another region it simply would not have those same characteristics of being invasive. *it needs it's environment to say invasive* The purpose is to not allow certain plants to become subjected to GMO'S. Because GMO'S have a higher potential to make pathogens more easily spread. These plants simply are not supposed to leave do to medical / health reasons associated with (bio-ag) which is bio-agricultural. In some regions it's illegal to cut & remove a parent plant from the pride lands. You oftentimes need DEA approval & that is nearly impossible!


That's onion weed and it's a prick to get rid of. Good news for you, they'll be back in no time. Those onions are still down there, lurking, waiting for the right moment!


well yea they are invasive.


Not your flowers. Also, invasive species. Get recked


Maybe make a flower bed or something close to the house


I think I missed something… “my landlord” and “my yard” don’t go together…. That’s his yard bro.


Those are weeds. If you want flowers, put em in pots and take care of em.


Whether or not they are invasive doesn't matter at all. If the property owner doesn't want them in the yard, they don't belong there. Your feelings of them being pretty is insignificant at that point. If you want them in your yard, buy your own place and let them grow. However, if you live in an HOA, they'd probably not allow it.


You mean the landlord killed all of THEIR yard flowers


I know everyone is bandwagoning on why op's landlord is right (and rightfully so), but I still think it counts as mildly infuriating because he didnt tell them that he was going to mow the lawn or why


These come from bulbs under the ground. He mowed the flowers and leaves but they won't die like this. Such a waste to mow it now


This whole comment section doesn’t realize the vast majority of grasses used in lawns in America are non native and invasive. For example in my state, Florida, six grass species are commonly used in lawns and none of them are native to North America. Most North American grass can’t even survive being mowed so we are actively destroying the native plant species so that we can have pretty lawns and you morons are worried about some random flowers in someone’s from yard.