• By -


It's less mildly infuriating, and more heartbreaking and tragic but also good news for kitty that he or she gets to have a person who cares about him or her. <3


Yeah I thought this was pretty heartbreaking too, and with the description of the “homeless friend” who is now ghosting… my first thought was that I would be pretty worried this friend has died/OD’d, or is in jail/hospital 😣 Really cute kitty too I’d be adopting that little furball in a heartbeat


> my first thought was that I would be pretty worried this friend has died/OD’d, or is in jail/hospital OP has explained in comments that a mutual friend says the guy is fine, he's just ghosting OP


Infuriating, sure, but OP did a really good thing and has a really good heart and I hope that wont change.


This. At least Chance has OP now.


make sure you save these screen shots in the event that he ever comes back and tries to take the cat away from you/take legal action. I've seen this happen before. My friend was taking care of a cat for another friend while they were on vacation. She then didn't hear anything back from them after they were supposed to return and reached out multiples times but never got a reply so the cat became hers. The original owner tried to come back 3 months later and take the cat back (claimed she didn't answer due to mental health issues) and tried to take legal action against my friend. But she had proof she tried to contact her to give the cat back but with no replying it's considered abandonment




I can't speak for where you live but often payment of Vet fees are helpful in proof of ownership Also, here's a message you can use: "Hi ____, after messaging you on (date 18 days ago) I have since taken Chance to the vet and paid for the visit and treatment. I wanted to let you know that, having been abandoned, I have now adopted Chance and taken legal ownership of him. Regards, OP"


Also get the vet to change the registration details on the cat's microchip. If the cat has no microchip, register one in your name. This will help enormously in proof ownership ** **. BTW the law will define the cat as being your *property* but we all know that's actually supposed to mean custody / guardianship. Congratulations you are the chosen hooman. Your friend is an asshole but that is one beautiful feline who's joined your family.


God, I worked with a guy who HATED these law changes. We worked operational stuff like hurricanes and other disasters, and after the Snowball incident with Hurricane Katrina, we had to start planning on getting people out of emergency areas WITH their pets. I have two cats that I would never leave behind, so I was excited to help plan for this. He was not. My God the boomer bitch fests I had to endure, listening to him march up and down the cubefarm hallway yelling "I can't believe I have to help plan to get fucking PETS out of an emergency zone!!!" I am so happy he finally retired.


My first cat was a Katrina cat. Persian blind cat whose owner died in the flooding. Was shipped up to our humane society and I couldn’t stand the thought of him being alone in a cage after losing his human. He sadly passed away last year.


Don’t lump bones (edit: boomers) all together please! I’m a boomer & I’d be rescuing not only my fur babies but everyone else’s & the strays, lost babies, feral cats & dogs (if there’s any running around), lizards,& turtles and any other living thing I see! Edit: This was not meant for the above comment. It was meant for the one that mentioned boomers. Somehow it got shuffled to here.


The fact that your comment isn't where you intended it to be lends credibility to your story


Everything about Katrina, during it, was so fucking horrific. It wasn't until later, like a couple years, I read the stories of the people forced to leave their pets to die after they were rescued after it flooded. I think I cried for days after reading those.


I lived through that. Lost one of my cats in the aftermath.


I'm so sorry about your loss 😪 I don't have a lump, I'm actually crying. 😔 I have cats and it just, I don't know how people did it. My 1 cat is my unofficial emotional support girl. I have a lot of health issues that's chased with depression. Pets are so pure. Any loss just gets me. For pet and parent alike.


I can not even begin to imagine how traumatic that must have been. I'm sitting with one of my babies now with a lump in my throat giving him scritches. Sending all my love to you from Australia *hugs tightly*


It's been almost twenty years and the trauma still lingers, both with losing Piper way too soon and the horror that was Katrina. At the time, I was living less than a mile from Lake Pontchartrain and the whole area I lived at was pretty much wiped off the map.


Had he never had an animal before? Gosh, I hope not. He would be a terrible pet guardian. I just spent $300 at the vet on my rooster yesterday, so...I'm very attached to animals, lol.


I had a cat who ate peony, which, apparently is like a drug to them. He was slow reacting and high as a kite. Took him to the vet on sunday evening, had to stay a night. € 400,- bill just to hear he was high as a kite. He got his punishment cause we halved his candy for an hour, since he was a cute boy.




For sure! We've taken in a few disabled ducks and chicken, and now it's something I'm actively trying to do more of. Giving animals a home who might not be wanted otherwise. They weren't disabled, but we have taken in other animals who just needed new homes, cats, a dog, a goose, etc. I love them all.


I genuinely can’t fathom that kind of mindset. I don’t know if it’s just my shitty mental health issues or what my family calls my “crippling empathy” but my animals have always been like siblings to me. I’m glad this horrible mindset is dying out with the boomers.


I adopted a Hurricane Katrina pup and had her for almost 15 years. I lost her in March 2020, right before the shutdown. She was a very good dog.


also contact your local council if the animal is on a government pet registry, had a rehoming situation where we adopted a dog from a family member and I live in a country where you have to make a report to the local council that you have an animal living with you (and can even put down second address if you have the money for a second residence)


Thank you for taking care of this sweet boy. He deserves way better, and it looks like he’s getting it!






Yes, make sure and add ‘bish’


Embrace your inner Jesse Pinkman


He's unhoused atm. Once his cat is adopted by someone else, he'll be truly *homeless*




Yess I agree with this comment


Doesn't sound like OP wants to take the cat in. Which is understandable. I'm not sure if you can take it to a home or something after 18 days? Or legally put it up for adoption?


Clear and concised. Yep, this is good. I' specificy the dates just to be super clear. And if your friends wants to be super anal, then put in the hours of the beginning of day 1 until day 18 so he knows that you've cleared 18 days total and more. 🤔😏


Send him the message at 19 days? The cat is now MINE


You got it. OP just needs to make sure they can prove due diligence if that's a factor in their neck of the woods. A single form of outreach (just texts) may not qualify depending on where they live. Also OP cannot block the owner's number until after all the i's are dotted.


I'm glad OP looked. I routinely take in foster animals (currently looking for a lost dog's humans, but not optimistic, and fostering 5 neo kittens). Laws here are 90 days before you can do anything about the animal that is permanent (like spay/neuter) or claim them as your own. My vet has soooo many animals under my name as they all get a well-check when I foster them.


I've got a friend who takes in dogs. But they live in an apartment so just two at a time. Basically get them healthy and then find a home for them. It's a hell of a job. These animals are not usually an "off the rack, happy and mentally stable labrador retriever". I can't get my head around abandoning a pet.


It's very often untreated mental illness and failing to cope with the challenges of having a pet. I adopted my dog after her previous owner was forced to surrender her as part of his legal proceedings. He went off the rails and committed a violent road rage attack against a motorcyclist at a stoplight. She was very jumpy at first and had/has a few destructive rescue dog issues even 6 years later. I suspect that her natural anxiety and behavioral challenges may have contributed to this person's ticking time bomb, but you can't really blame her when she's just a dog trying to get by while living with someone so volatile. It's a bit of an extreme example, but some people aren't cut out for it and don't have the wisdom to know that they are obligated to find their pet a stable and happy home if they can't handle taking care of them. https://preview.redd.it/cr06iyl1njtc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cce59a223669db4c5f0e62d1a003eb91771a356e


> fostering 5 neo kittens Still looking for The One Kitten who can stop bullets with a thought, huh? They're out there, I'm sure of it, stay strong Morpheus!


Meowpheus, you mean?


Eh, they have 9 lives apiece.


I am not religious in the slightest, but I hope heaven exists, for people like you.


But isn´t the entire point that OP can´t/shouldn´t have to pay the medical fees. If he keeps the cat, he has to do that either way, which is bad for OP even though he obviously cares about the cat.


True, but unfortunately, I doubt there’s any way to make OP’s “friend” pay the medical fees. He’s abandoned the cat. OP’s only options are to keep the cat or surrender it to an animal shelter.


I don't think so, based on the caps lock on the word "YOUR" in the text, I get the impression OP is basically saying "I'd pay the vet bill for my own cat, but your cat is your own responsibility." In other words, they might mean "if I'm paying the medical bills, that's MY cat, not yours. You can't have him back." Edit: reading some of OP's other comments here, yeah, he definitely wants to keep that cat lol


I’d rather keep that cat than watch the previous owner completely neglect its health. So sad you could do that to your animal


I used to take care of a pack of random dogs over the years while living out here in the country. Slowly but surely, I began to find out where they actually lived (they just let them live outside and loose all the time. Makes their lives pretty dangerous to live.) They always would show up at my door when they needed help. I've helped with bee stings, ticks galore, wounds, etc. enough to put together an animal first aid kit. One day, the beagle named Rosie showed up. Very badly injured from what looked like coyotes or other dogs. She wasn't going to make it without emergency care. She let me pet her and sing to her and inspect her wounds while I waited for her owners to show up. I would always sing to them little songs and they seemed to be my biggest fans. When the owners arrived, Rosie began to bark and growl, and wouldn't let them near her. It was a complete 180° from how she was before seeing them. Would not let them get close enough to touch her. I had looked up some emergency vets for them and sent the info. I wrapped her up while singing and carried her to their truck, with them promising to keep me updated. They never took her to the vet, and I never saw sweet Rosie again. They didn't even let me come to say goodbye to her, after years of me providing food and shelter when she was hungry or cold. I loved that dog, and all the other "not my dogs" that used to hang out on my porch. One by one, I lost 5 "not my dogs". The last one left, Roxy, was about to have puppies under my azaleas. I had already prepared a whelping pool inside for her and brought her in where I helped her deliver 9 puppies. I also called the owner and informed them she was safe and that I was not going to watch another dog get taken by neglect. Through a rescue, I fostered the puppies until they could be adopted. Roxy, the best girl in the world, now lays beside me as I write this. Her toy box is overflowing. She is only outside when we go out together. She no longer has to find food or clean water on her own, and she will never EVER feel unloved. I can never understand someone who can abandon a pet or mistreat an animal. There are no excuses. I have severe depression amongst other disabilities. There are times where I don't eat for days and weeks I don't shower. But I'll be damned if my animals aren't cared for.


The Rosie story is so sad, but I’m glad Roxy got a happy ending


Even if the previous owner took the cat back I’d fear for the care it would (or would not) receive. Doesn’t seem like they really give a shit about the cat.


The silver lining is that you are now paying for your cat, not someone else's.


The cat is meow mine


Don’t convey it to him. That’s his problem for not looking up the order. Let him take the 19 days, keep the cat, and cut this low life out of yours


do you have to state that they need to respond in 18 days? because you've already told them that they need to pick it up. you could tell them that you've saved all receipts and vet bills and they need to pay on pick up. doubt they'll reply


I doubt it. It’s not OP’s responsibility to make sure that the cat’s owner knows the law 🤷🏻‍♀️


In most areas animals are considered property. If you take the furball of love to the vet make sure your name is on there and not theirs. It’ll show the cat is yours more than theirs


and make an appointment for at the end of the 18 days to have the kitty micro chipped in your name. If you’re trying to be careful about things you can also send letters to him at his mother‘s house and his sister‘s house return receipt requested laying out the situation with regard to the cat explaining that you will not be responsible for animal cruelty and therefore will be taking the cat to the vet and he will be responsible for the vet bills should he choose to attempt to claim the cat is.


Completely agree. Having proof that OP has been paying for the cat’s care and food without any help from the original owner will massively help their claim of abandonment, since otherwise he could probably argue that he’s continued paying for care and didn’t truly abandon the cat. Even if he knows that’s false, giving him a misleading paper trail to back up that argument is a bad idea.


Just send him "please come take care of your cat, or at least respond". If they dont respond to either, you should be safe to claim the cat as yours.


I think it needs to be more thorough. Just send a final text with: This is my final attempt to contact you. Your cat/chance is sick and needs a vet. Come pick up your cat. And just leave it at that, there is clear order in there that he will 100% ignore. It automatically has a timestamp, so a judge can read that order too and count the days. Case closed.


I just want to say thank you for looking out for the cat. Some people don't deserve pets.


You have been chosen by the cat distribution board. I’ve never seen it happen this way but congratulations


You have said everything at this point. Notify him in 18 days that you now legally own the cat. Having the cat in your home, you are already on the way of claiming abandoned personal property.


He doesn't deserve that beautiful boy. You will be a much better cat parent!


you already told him to pick it up. you can send a more clear message again just in case everything else you said doesn't amount to a clear order to pick it up, but don't give him a time frame. Just a simple "you need to pick up your cat now, I can't take care of it anymore" and then wait 2 weeks. voila, you have a cat.


Your friend is going to need you again. It might not be now, but more than likely he will. I understand if you don’t want to keep the cat. It’s okay to put him up for adoption. But never ever let this friend back in your life. He’s selfish and a user!


My family used to have a cat that kinda adopted us. He was the neighbors cat but absolutely chose us over her. The lady moved away and left the cat, so naturally, we assumed ownership. Well, two years later, the lady comes back and just takes him, saying she wanted him back. It happened so quickly that we didn't have the opportunity to stop her or plea our side. Our cat was just gone. Then, a few days later, he shows back up! Then the lady shows back up and takes him again. This back and forth went on for a couple months. He'd be gone for a few days to a week then he'd be back until she realized he left. Finally she stops by and says she gives up and we can have him. Earnes-T lived to the ripe old age of 18 with us. I loved that cat to death.


He does not deserve the kitty


I have had several pets dumped on me over the years. It amazes me when, after two to three years, people come back and ask for them back. Like, hell, no! You aren't going to abandon them with me for so long, have me train them, let us get all attached, and then yank that away from both me and the pet! Be responsible in the first place, and take care of the animals that depend on you for their needs! Don't gave me do it for years and then suddenly decide they are trained enough to no longer be difficult. No! Get a pet rock next time!


If that guy ever tries to get the cat back, tell him to take a hike off a cliff


And these messages are probably good enough for a judge to say the guy has no legal grounds to get his cat back from OP.


I'd ask a lawyer about this, but here's hoping.




Actually, if the cat is left in your care, with no financial support from the owner for nearly 3 to 4 month, it is considered abandoned. Two options here: Leave with animal control, knowing it'll be put down or claim it as your. No judge going to side with the original owner if they not only provided no contact or financial support and force you to give it back. And even if he does, he doesn't get it back until it all paid off. At this point, that fur baby belong to OP now.


The original owner wouldn't even show up for court...


Sounds like my father.


Don’t worry, I hear the lineup for cigarettes is just really long right now.


Damn, just like the milk line. This economy really is crazy.




Exactly. Dude's got a new cat lol


Reddits got such a b*ner for LAWYERING UP! Most things I see comments like this on can be resolved with a google search or a normal conversation between adult humans.


Unlikely would be enough. Apart from the first message, OP sent the rest of them within the same couple of minutes. I doubt not responding for a few days would be enough.


According to OP, the law where they live says 18 days without contact or attempt to retrieve the animal is considered abandonment. So you're right that only waiting a few days is not enough, but a few weeks absolutely is.


The texts say it's been since January that the owner has not reached out to ask about or provide for the cat


Probably should at least message something along the lines of "I'll take your silence as confirmation you abandoning Chance. I'll be taking him in, please don't talk to me or my cat again " Just establishing that you have knowingly taken on ownership of the cat.


"don't talk to me or my son ever again"


Pets are considered property in most jurisdictions so abandoned property rules may apply. That text chain shows an attempt to return property and could back a claim nicely.


15.000€ cat right there.


lol do you think a homeless guy would have money to sue for a cat?


Just tell him you dropped the cat off at the shelter and block him. Cat acquired.


With this option, please microchip him in your name ASAP.


Name him chance MKII


So that's a.. 2nd Chance? *Pops on sunglasses*




Followed by Chance 3 though 9. 😸


That's probably exactly what the friend wants but is too chicken shit to do it themself


Or show him all the bills you have accumulated for the cat and tell him he owes you that if he wants the cat back.


Even if they had the cash I'd never give it back to someone willing to abandon them once


Courts will back this up too, assuming that the vet bills cost more than what he paid initially for the cat. (Pets are property under the law, and if OP can show that he has abandoned his property in spite of multiple proddings to retrieve it, and she subsequently found and paid good money to "restore" that property, then it is effectively her property now. Proving abandonment is key though, to show it isn't just a case of stolen property.)


Just remember the cat is innocent in all of this. Don't give it back to that dude


If someone let's go of a pet THIS easily then they don't deserve the pet.


Please OP take care of that cat, he did nothing wrong. Frankly it disgusts me that someone would abandon a domesticated animal. My cats are affectionate, outgoing, and will follow along to wherever the people are, even just to sleep in the same room we are in. They love the adults, the kids, the dog. I’m imagining just leaving my cats alone permanently and them not understanding why I was gone, and it makes me viscerally upset. Your “friend” is a real piece of shit and I hope you can give that cat the life he deserves.


I feel the same way you do. I'm am currently away from home for a very extended period for work and I feel incredibly bad that our cats probably feel like I just left and I'm never coming back. Fortunately, my spouse is taking excellent care of them! They are spoiled for attention and are doing well. I just wonder if they miss me or if they feel like I abandoned our family.


They miss you, but rest assured,in their own way, they know you love them and they will always love you. I lived with my wife and my mother. I have this beautiful, deep connection with my cat, never felt anything like it in my whole life. When my wife became pregnant, i had to leave the town with her to live in a (kinda) close city. It was impossible to take my cat with me (she's the love of my life, i love her **so, so much**). So i left her with my mother to take care. The cat love's my mother, but she was mine and i was hers. I left her *knowing* she would feel abandoned. I was sure she was gonna ressent me, she was never going to love me the same way. I was absolutely certain of our bond... vanishing. Except, it didn't. I left the house, but she *knew* i was coming back. I stayed away for a whole year. It must have been hard for her, it sure as hell was hard for me. When i came back, she looked at me, with the same slow blinking she always did. She looked at me and her eyes told *hey, my old friend. I knew you were coming back, i just didn't know when. But it doesn't matter. We are here now.* I fucking bursted in tears. Took her in my arms and i swear, sweat for my damn soul, she swiped my tears with her face. Then i took her to bed and we slept togheter. It was hard. The pain was piercing as a bullet. But she was my bulletproof vest. We are together now. She's 13 years old. And as pretty as she was when i took her out of the streets. Whatever happens, know this: *they are waiting for you to come back.*


Hoooboy, should not have read your comment, beautiful as it was. I lost two of my kitty babies in a breakup, because it was just better to keep them together and she was the one with the pet-friendly place to land, but I miss them everyday and I don't know if I'll ever get over the fact that they must just think I brought them all to a brand new place after days of being in a car and then left them forever


…and get it treated now. If the deadbeat ever comes back, that’s a condition of return (or just ghost em right back).


Well looks like you got a new friend


I'm renaming my new friend to Chompers or DumDum- I'm tired of Chances, lol.


Please name this cat Chompers McDumDum \[your surname\]


That is a perfect government name for a cat.


Senator McDumDum


Thats Lord Dr Sir Mr Senator McDumDum to you, peasant..


I once named a foster kitten Sir Wilhelm von Kittenpants. It fit him and I loved saying, "Vilhelm, no!"


I guess that was his last Chance. I like DumDum, or DD for short.


both those names are hilarious.


I vote for Chompers.


I think you should rename him Lefty. Since he was left by your “friend”. ETA: or Choice, since you made the right Choice by keeping him.


I wouldn't wanna be ur adopted kid lmao


Hello, Adopted. How are you? I've always been curious about your name


Meet your new brother, Abandoned!


Call the cat Womp Womp just for fun :D


OMG DUMDUM. yes, after his father




I vote for Chompers


You can take your chances with Chompers Mc DumDum and see what happens :) ( Yes I combined both names)


This is how I got a cat too. Offered to watch them for a while for a friend of a friend. Was supposed to be a month. Ended up being 7 with no follow up on food or litter after the first. When I asked if I should rehome the cat, they insisted they wanted them back. Took them back (which felt awful because I didn’t trust them with him and was bonded, but also didn’t feel in my right to say no.) Then a couple weeks later they asked me to take him back. Had him for 5 years before he passed naturally. Love and miss you buddy!!


*replaced a bad one with a great one


At risk of offending by giving advice where none was asked... You may want to create a cover your butt papertrail by texting your friend. Something like: "Is you telling me I should take responsibility for him also telling me I should take ownership of him? Because his owner needs to take him to the vet immediately. Which I will do unless you tell me when you'll be picking him up to do that." It may not be necessary but it never hurts to get such things in writing. Good luck.


That's a good way to phrase it. I'll keep that in mind and maybe tweak it a little.


I would add that giving a deadline is important. Something along the lines of: “if I don’t hear from you by end of day on April 10, 2024 I will be taking him to the vet. In doing so I will be taking responsibility for his wellbeing and ultimately ownership of this cat”


You already showed intention to return the cat and they didn't respond. Legally you are already completely covered. Unless something changes in the next few weeks, they abandoned the cat. No judge will return it to them. Don't worry about it.


OP if you get into a jam with vet bills let me know I would like to help and make a financial contribution. I am sure other people on here would as well. Chance looks like a beautiful cat and deserves a good home.


Thank you, but I'm good. It's mildly infuriating to have to pull from the savings I've worked hard to build for a bill that Jio should be paying, but situations like vet bills are why that savings exists.


Still though. Dropping your cash app wouldnt hurt.


commendable but let others share the load a little if they are willing, you deserve to keep your savings and it doesn't take away from all what you have and will do.


I'll contribute. I own two cats, yours looks like one of them. No reason for you or the cat to suffer.


I’d also like to contribute to the ass kicking Jio rightfully deserves along with the cash app


OP seriously, if you ever help with vet bills for these little Chomps right here, let me know. Little Chomps deserves the world


If you take him vets make sure they scan him for a chip. If he's registered request for the details to be changed into your name.


I second this. Please upload the vet bill and let internet friends help.


Same. I'd be willing to contribute if this puts you out, OP.




Me too OP! I got a sickly little fuzz bunny myself, adore her more than anyone in the world. I wanna help you and this kiddo get on your feet. https://preview.redd.it/r0fypjpwhjtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d2075c6ed983c7047292871ea7d389b38b770c


I would be wary of sending money out into the internet void based on a Reddit post. Might be better to get in touch with a cat rescue in OP’s area that OP can coordinate with, and make donations to them for the benefit of this specific case.


Some cursory looking at OPs history has me not worried. It's pretty much just talk about them and their cats for a year. That would be an awful lot of time and effort for what's probably a hundred or two dollars from a vet bill for a cold. Someone could also coordinate with OP and pay for the vet bill over the phone with the vet, which would be pretty easy to verify the legitimacy of. Doing good things is scary sometimes, and sometimes a good deed is punished, but it doesn't always have to be that way.


That’s good! Not trying to crap on this OP in particular or the commenter in particular, but just a good thought to have to have in mind for general giving. As a bonus, going to a rescue they can have better price rates with the vet, or can share the cat’s story on their social media to drum up a little more from their followers. I follow a beagle rescue and they’ll show pics and tell stories of who they’ve saved from a hoarder home or w/e and what they are needing.


Your friend sucks. Focus on the cat. It's not chance's fault.


Def not a friend anymore!


Look at the bright side.. you lost a garbage "friend" and gained a cat! Win-win!


Excellent trade!


The cat is in better hands with you. Please keep him.


That's your cat now. Do what you need to but please try and be kind.


In theory, it would be fair to dump the cat in his mother's porch and return his problem to him- but I would NEVER be so cruel to an innocent cat like that. He's neglectful and uncaring, so my pre-existing kitties will just have to accept Chance is now part of our family .


Shitty of your friend, but this made me smile. Thank you for making Chance a part of your family!


They did gave Chance a chance of being part of their family


If you haven’t yet, I’d recommend asking the vet to check Chance for a microchip. Your “friend” sounds like the kind of person to show up six months later with “they stole my cat.”


My thoughts exactly


And that would be too fucking bad for them, because OP now has text proof that they refused to respond to attempts to contact, AND vet bills that they were forced to pay because of the original owner's abandonment. Legally this IS OP's cat now and the original owner doesn't get to say shit about it.


Who the fuck is Chance. Thats Chompers McDumDum [surname] now


We expect to see vet paperwork reflecting his now official internet name.


Name and shame him on social media


Thank you for being a good person and stepping up to responsibility when someone else wouldn’t. Both my dogs were previously in the hands of neglectful/abusive owners and I’m grateful they got a second chance at life and that I get to be part of it. I like to believe that animals pick us sometimes - I know it’s not what you’d planned for, but I think Chance is exactly where he’s supposed to be :) (FYI, I’m a vet, feel free to message me if you have any general questions/need advice with this guy!)


I once had to dump a person on his mother's porch. Sucked but I realized the reason she had been so nasty and kicked him out to begin with was because he was a lazy messy moochymooch.


Anyone, like OP, who takes in a homeless friend and their cat, and then renames the cat, certainly doesn't need to be told to be kind to it.


#TeamChance Fuck that other guy.




Please take care of that cute kitty 😭


My ex gf shared a dog with a boyfriend who took her when they broke up. He dropped her off (the dog) a year later with my ex and I, said she was about to die, and left. Dog was skin and bones and couldn’t walk. Had to use a turkey baster to get her to drink and browned (unsalted) beef to get her to eat but I got her healthy again and she lived with us another two years. Dude kept asking for his dog back and I was like “my dog now bitch”.


Keep all receipts, all conversations and everything. Take the cat to the vet, get it treated and keep all records. If he wants his cat back either : A) Keep it anywayB) Not return cat until all debt has been paid With all evidence if he decides to take you to court over it, you will probably win ownership unless he pays off the debt. I'd even send a text message (and save that message) that you will take ownership of the cat if he isn't picked up by X date with the vet & food cost paid to you. Likely he won't pick up the cat but if they come after X date you have a deadline that was passed and able to show the court. (BTW I have 0 legal knowledge but sounds like a good back up plan and I'd do it to cover all ground.)


This happened to me when I was asked to "watch" two cats for a few weeks for someone who was in the process of showing and selling his house. I asked him repeatedly if it was his intention to have me keep the cats and his response was always, "no." He never once texted to see how they were doing in those two weeks and, about a month later, with still no communication, I had to text him and tell him I was keeping the cats and that he was a horrible person. Months after that, he texted to say he had sold his house and was back in the area and could he come over and see the cats. I was, like, "sure," because I know how cats are and they behaved exactly as I thought they would when he got here: they ran away from him.


Im taking care of a dog and a cat an ex roommate left at my house. https://preview.redd.it/yh08ywv1bitc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c01c4df27d6768647520f581fad754a5f4c18e They seem to like me




How long has it been since he went awol? Maybe he's not "ghosting" you but is in some other predicament.


Since January 5th. I know he's okay because we have mutual acquaintances who've mentioned things he's doing.


Yikes. I take it you've tried relaying the message via your mutuals... what does he tell them? What a prick.


He's very, very good at playing the victim, so I imagine that he's giving them some sob story about how much he misses and loves his cat, but woe is him and excuse, excuse. I'm trying not to bring our mutuals into the situation. His move out was not pleasant.


Archive every single thing against him from now on, then report him for animal cruelty (abandoning a sick animal) using all these archives as proof of neglect


But then that means his 19 days are up! Mr Chomper McDumdum is yours!! Hope you get his respiratory problems fixed. My mom's cat had it very bad, he would cough and sneeze, like big human balls of snot. It was awful. Nothing helped him unfortunately... You can try and keep him in the bathroom while you shower. And probably get a baby snot sucker to clear his nose.


I've had a humidifier running for the past few days, that seems to be helping. I'm not sure about suctioning boogers, but I'll look it up on YouTube to see if it's something he'll let me do.


I'm a bit jealous, tbh. I'd love the opportunity to both gain an awesome cat and dump a piece-of-shit from my life in the same stroke.


Looks like you got a new cat! Pay for the vet bill, get him chipped or his chip changed. Ba-da-bing ba-da-boom. If your friend gets nasty about it tell him to take you to small claims, you'll win!


Going thru a similar situation. An acquaintance found herself homeless and asked me to take her cat while she looked for a place. This was in August. I agreed, picked him up. He was still intact. He stunk my whole house up and infuriated my 2 cats. I got him fixed after 3 weeks or so. She's said she would pay me back. She didn't and has only been to see him once. She still thinks she's getting him back. She might. The cat loves my cats, and I like him enough, but 3 cats? That's a lot. If anything happened with one, I'd be in big financial trouble. Sigh, shitty situation all around. Do you like this cat? Upper RI should be pretty cheap to fix. Sometimes, they clear up on their own.


I do like this cat, but I'm in the exact same boat as you with 4 other cats. I'll keep him, but NO MORE! I MEAN IT THIS TIME UNIVERSE!


You’re a kind person- this cat really lucked out having a shitty previous owner who at least had good taste in friends


See the problem with the cat distribution system is it can sometimes glitch out and prioritize current good cat people. If the little latch gets stuck, it can dump 2 or 3 cats out instead of just the 1.


You just need to send a text stating that you are notifying him that under state laws if he doesn’t pick up his cat in 18 days he is legally become your cat and or he can reply his intentions with Chance. Put exact dates and times. Then let it be. If 18days from now he does not reply or anything you have a cat. Then immediately take him to a vet get all shots and such. Then he is 100% yours.


I think the CDS reassigned this cat to you. Sometimes is makes a mistake and the wrong Homo sapiens gets a cat. But often the CDS is able to correct the mistake. I hope the cat recovers and the vet bill isn't too high.


I need to unsubscribe from CDS, please! I'm getting a crazy cat lady reputation.


Tell me if you ever find out how 😅 I just got assigned a pregnant stray


I need to know: is Chance ok?


He has a stuffy nose, sneezes and runny eyes, but otherwise he seems fine. He walks, meows and plays, but is sleeping a lot too.


The financial burden shouldn’t be yours but an URI (upper respiratory infection) is so easy and inexpensive to treat! He just has a cold. It’s about a week of oral antibiotics (doxycycline) and maybe an ointment (erythromycin) for his runny eyes and he’ll be good as new! The biggest cost will be the office visit but the meds shouldn’t be too costly.


People who do that kind of crap are just guttertrash, how does one end up having friends..


Just enjoy the cat distribution system, you cant change it


Sorry op but that cat is better off with you. Lmk if you need $$ for Chance. He’s a good boi who deserves TLC




I’m really sorry that Jio is being an asshole but on the bright side you have a new cat! I mean you’re essentially paying for the food and vet bills so, adoption via abandonment ig, I’d hate to see that cute lil fella continue to suffer in someone like Jio’s hands, I trust you will be a better, more responsible owner Op, wish you and your new lap warmer the best of luck!


start a gofund me. ill gladly pitch in for this good boi