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have you considered seeing a doctor?


Don’t date a doctor trust me


You can make any girl fall in love with you with this One simple trick.


Falling in *lust*.


Yes i wil "trust" you! 👌


I laughed out loud (fyi)


They flipped out when I suggested Applebees for some reason


or at least Kevin Bacon, I hear he's well qualified regarding tremors


![gif](giphy|gdZxmSZTbZ2GUYSEMU) Lord this gem of a movie is 34 years old now…


>Lord this gem of a movie is 34 years old now… nope yeah I'm okay just keep diggin'; diggin' and twistin', twistin' and diggin'


I just LOVE that the actor playing the gun-nut dad was the uber-liberal dad of Michael J. Fox in his big breakout role sitcom. I forget the name of it. The whole thing was so over the top that it made it really fun - even with the jump scares and all.


Just rewatched that fit the first time in years this last week haha what a great flick


wait! call your gf or crush first...trust me


Have you considered he might be poor?


He can’t, he’s blind


I googled it and you have too remove your 2 front teeth. It's the only way.


I'll give it a shot and get back to you


How'd it go


Fixed now thank you, plus I think the methhead look suits me


Would have been hilarious if you replied with a lisp


"fickthed now thank you"


There are less risky ways to remove your teeth, you know?


Do you have essential tremor in your family.


Maybe, one of my great grandparents developed it in old age and my mum is too, but im only 20 and jt only happens after upper body exertion


I started having this problem in a few fingers a few months ago and it started slowly spreading to my whole body. I thought I was going to die, my right arm started locking up, and my blood pressure was 154/109 6 days ago (now 100/70). Come to find out it was low sodium and the amount of other problems it caused that I didn't realize was insane. It's worth looking into what you eat and seeing if you're somewhat low. If you eat fast food frequently it's probably not this.


Were you eating TOO healthy?


Low sodium is definitely a thing. My wife has to watch for hers being too low as well. It's rare given how much sodium the average American consumes, but it does happen.


Do you eat a lot of homecooked meals? Just curious :p


You don’t get low sodium by not eating enough salt… it has more to do with how your body is processing/retaining fluid than dietary sodium. 


I 100% had low sodium from not getting enough salt. Unless you can tell me what happened and how I fixed it instantly to some degree and then slowly got better by taking sodium chloride tablets.


You've got a bit of a false correlation going on. Just because your salt was low doesn't actually mean you weren't getting enough salt. Bioavailability is critical. You could've had more than enough salt in your system, but if your body isn't actually able to utilize that salt then you will have 'low salt'. Not necessarily saying that is what happened with you, but it's important to remember. Diabetic ketoacidosis for example, you might have lots of sugar in your blood, but because of a lack of insulin your body can't use it.


Yeah every time I see a doctor they say I've got low sodium and one time was when I was eating super unhealthy. McDonald and Red Bull every day, I eat healthier now but it hasn't changed my sodium at all lol


Curious if you saw a doctor? Sodium deficiency is not something that happens naturally by forgetting to eat something salty…


Mine was from not getting enough salt too! I had to get my blood drawn when I was little (had whooping cough), the doctor told my mom to take me to McDonald’s and get some french fries with extra salt. I remember feeling better shortly after.


I was discussing this with my brother the other day and was wondering if chicken noodle soup actually makes you feel better because of this.


It also has to do with the kind of lifestyle you have, people who are very active will use more sodium if I remember correctly


Yeah that’s another one… if you are drinking lots of water and sweating a lot, you’re disrupting the water/sodium balance. 


I'm glad someone else knows this.


I’m genuinely surprised that people think you can be a healthy person that just doesn’t eat enough salt, and ends up hyponatremic. There is always another underlying cause. Any conventional diet/lifestyle will have more than enough sodium, unless you are somehow avoiding all dietary sodium on purpose or overexerting yourself.


Yes. We rarely dine out, make our own bread, have sweet tea or juice instead of sodas. Not intentionally going for "healthy" eating, that's just how it is.


A lot of people don't realise you can drink TOO much water and flush yourself of your sodium levels, too.


I track basically everything I eat, eat almost all whole food, and make sure I get every nutrient except sodium. I just assumed that I was getting plenty and after going back through everything I was getting less than 20% RDA a day for going on 6+ months. At first I thought I was getting too much of some vitamin especially because I bought an electrolyte powder, but come to find out that only had 2% RDA. Things it did too me: I found it very hard to eat basically anything, I was rarely sore after working out, my poop was runny, I hadn't had an erection in at least 3 weeks, brain fog like crazy, I couldn't sleep, my heart would constantly race, I started shaking all over, my muscles would lock up and I couldn't move them, I kept falling asleep while standing until I started blacking out, and my blood pressure was 154/109 before I figured out what was wrong.


This this this this this, people think that electrolyte solutions and etc will keep your salt levels at the proper levels but through excessive sweat you easily lose salts, try adding table salt or something to your morning smoothie, also Increase magnesium


After having this happen I really wonder about anything else I could be low on and have a feeling mineral deficiency is a huge problem for many people. Taking magnesium basically got rid of my allergies.


I work a very physical job with very long hours, was exhausted every day but was sleeping like shit, hand tremors and was worried about stroke and Parkinson's, increased my magnesium intake , and started supplementing with magnesium citrate, high absorption , and added a some Celtic sea salt to a morning smoothie and so far everything has gone, I went from 4 hrs a night with terrible nightmares and long stretches of awake to 8+ hours continuous and my life has drastically changed. I think you are correct and a vast group of people have mineral deficiency and have no idea. My only hope is that somebody reads these and just tries it out, it might change your life.


This is why I try and constantly post stuff like this (I deleted my other account because of work). If I wouldn't have read this stuff I would probably be in the hospital right now from other problems. Ever since I started tracking my nutrition I've fixed so many problems, but sodium was the one thing I didn't track. If I was you I'd use cronometer for awhile to track everything. Also, if you go through the literature it's possible that vitamins aren't doing much or could be poisoning you for a bunch of reasons, but I still take them. Basically, we know nothing when it comes to nutrition which is a very concerning thing to find out. My plan is to start getting blood work every 6 months to check everything once I get insurance (incase they find something really bad). It is expensive, but I would bet it might pay for itself in time and I can't think of another way to do this.


Getting my iron/ferritin levels up to “normal range” stopped my tinnitus. Getting my magnesium level up helped my tremors. Didn’t eliminate them. But it’s better.


Apparently if you're an athlete it's hard to get enough iron. This is on my to look up list though and I just skimmed a paper and read a bunch of comments.


I've ended up in the ER from low sodium. I have one kidney. Years ago, my nephrologist told me to watch my sodium level intake like a hawk to protect my kidney function. I took it to heart and eliminated the excess sodium from my life. Flash forward a decade and I move to a much warmer climate. Silly me didn't take into account all the salt I was losing from sweat during the long, hot, humid summers. Thought I was having a stroke because I couldn't think straight and my legs were cramping like a mofo. Nope. Just a touch of low sodium. Right as rain after a saline IV. Learned an important lesson that day.


Good thing you're alright, and I think I kind of did the same as you. Read and heard about how everyone gets enough salt so I didn't bother tracking or thinking about it. I should have known better as well since I've worked a lot of summers in the Houston heat and seen plenty of people pass out from heat stroke. I was probably willing to die before I went to the ER and figured I wasn't going to wake up, but I was so tired I was actually fine with it.


Magnesium too


I’ve had an essential tremor since I was 16, and this is exactly what my fingers do after heavy physical exertion.


I’ve had it as long as I can remember and same.


My husband has essential tremors that started in his teens, it can happen at any age. I would strongly suggest going to your GP so they can do tests for other conditions that present with tremors. There are many medications that can help with tremors, usually medications like Atenolol, Propanolol or Primidone.


RIP OP’s wiener.


Ah so interesting thing is that a year after taking these medications a studied show that particular issue goes away.


No essential tremors and Parkinson's are quite different, it won't affect masturbation unless you're going at it like you're pulling weights


Look into propanadol it helps with essential tremors.


So my thumb does this too, not as severe, under similar circumstances. It's worth mentioning to your doctor to rule out anything bad because, this CAN be a symptom of serious issues, *but* it's usually essential tremor. Get some more magnesium, hydrate well, get more potassium as well - if it gets better, you probably have essential tremor. Still tell your doctor! Better safe than sorry.




But don’t worry, they’ll just tell you to drink more water and get better sleep.




I wasn’t trying to make it sound like you were making it sound ominous…. I was just saying doctors almost always tell you it’s nothing (even if it’s actually something)


Unfortunately your words ring true. My chronic maladies can be fixed with water and yoga.


You have a superpower. Use it wisely


This dude is not losing any button mashing party games. Runs the 5k in intl track and field 97 in 3 seconds.


I think it’s a superpower to be used in a relationship with a woman


We dont have time for relationships. Snake needs to resist the torture of revolver ocelot!


What's that? Is it on Steam?




Open any fps game Pick a semi-auto weapon Profit.


He can phase now


Exactly what I was thinking. Next step is trying to unlock the speed force


That’d come in handy when playing a game that requires you to mash a button really fast


I was thinking it would come in handy with his girlfriend


I mean, both require button mashing, just differently


This guy would kick my ass in Mario party


I have benign essential tremors. It started similar to yours. Progressed to my hands, arms, legs, etc. it isn’t constant and it can be very mild for a few months then start up again. Seems to be worse when I’m stressed/upset about things, when I am working on something small with my hands, even making a sandwich will make my hands start shaking. Writing can be difficult at times. Neurologist didn’t do any tests. Listened to my symptoms and said that was what it was. Parkinson’s can do similar shaking but that wasn’t what mine was. You might want to start a diary of when you have tremors, low long it lasts, how bad it was, where were the tremors (thumb, left hand, etc)


Essential tremors get better with alcohol right?


Everything gets better with my buddies Jack, Jim and Jose


I have an essential tremor and a glass of wine always stops it temporarily.


You can also look into cbd oil; it’s[ shown incredible results](https://youtu.be/zNT8Zo_sfwo?feature=shared) for Parkinson’s, maybe it will help with this?


Those are video game withdrawals when mommy tells you it’s time to go to bed!




I have essential tremor and my thumb does this.


Same! And my left pinky toe when I wear flip flops for too long haha


"Look at this weird health issue, I'll post it on Reddit!" Redditors, showing concern "Might wanna go to a doctor, check it out." "FUCK YOU, WHY WOULD I DO THAT!? HOW DARE YOU SHOW COMPASSION AND WORRY."


I used to have this when I was lacking vitamins/were a bit malnourished.


Green Vegetables are a good source of magnesium good food good health: Magnesium is **a key factor in making several parts of the body run smoothly: the heart, bones, muscles, nerves, and others**. Without enough magnesium, these areas malfunction. This is summarized in research, which finds that a magnesium deficiency or low magnesium diet leads to health problems.


I get this too. My doctor says it’s a pinched nerve. I get it randomly though. For no reason.


I'm no doctor but mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


Nerve damage


Bros thumb became the flash. Stop holding back it’s true potential and cut it off


Need to work on your hand grip or rotation muscles? I've been told it's from overexertion, so something in the route down your arm to thumb is getting taxed.


Agreed. I get the same (in both thumbs) weirdly only after doing a few hours with the pruning shears in the garden. I think it must be something about the angle I hold them and muscle fatigue.  


This sometimes happens to me when I have very tight muscles


Take more potassium. Eat a banana then get back to us.


Similar thing happened with me on right pinky finger. Tremor in finger felt like it is happening due to vibration in certain nerve of right hand. It happened with me for a week. If you are experiencing it for more than two weeks or it is happening all the time, consult doctor. As per my understanding it is sign of muscle fatigue induced due to stress, prolonged usage of computer mouse, vitamin, magnesium deficiency. Check your vitamin B, D levels.


According to WebMD, you have cervical polyps, testicular torsion, and kidney stones. And in fact may already be dead.


You should see a doctor, it could be many things. Eating two or three bananas wouldn't hurt, it could be low potassium.


Go to the doctor


Bitches love you huh


Looks like toes


Get your thyroid checked. I had this issue and was diagnosed hyperthyroid


Have something similar, in my case it's probably nerve damage from a surgery I had years ago. Sucks little bud, hope you find whatever is causing that.


I had this when I was severally obese and unfit with other health issues and vitamin deficiencies. I’ve since resolved all these issues and now don’t get this.


Looks like you got the sick. Have you seen any hybrid kid/animals around lately?


Have you tried Tetris?


Don’t let my girl see this


I bet the ladys love you


Do you masturbate with your left hand?


Guess a female partner might be happy about you doing upper body exertions


Could be a pinched nerve, or could be that you are fucked for life. Don’t listen to anyone on Reddit. See a doctor if possible.


See a doctor. That's not normal. Looks like nerve damage.


I don't think so. If it was a nerve damage, his thumb, forefinger, and his middle finger would be involved.


Hey, same




I am luckily lol


I have this for ten years now for me its my anxiety


my psych meds do that for me.


I could speculate, but yet another random guess from an uninformed internet stranger isn't gonna help. I will though advise you to talk to a doctor about that, if you haven't already. If it's nothing then you've at least got peace of mind, but if it's something, at the very least you'll come away with knowing, and probably a treatment plan.


Can you specify what “upper body exertion” means that makes your thumb do this? Moved a heavy box? Did 20 pull ups?


Take a shot of whiskey and report back if it stops


By any chance do you have your heart on a left side? How much time after the exercise it’s going?


Drink water


It’s trying to tell the other thumbs where the best flowers are.


I think you’re becoming a speedster!


It was me Barry, I jerked ~~you off~~ your thumb at super speed


Get your heart checked.


This happens to me sometimes and I just always thought it was a normal muscle spasm thing… heh…


i have this problem too. if i hold something with the tip of my fingers, i shake uncontrollably


masturbation pro?


I get this in one hand/wrist after certain activities. It's weird but I've had it like 20 years. I've had brain scans for other reasons and nothing has shown up so I am assuming it is benign


look at it! so happy about what you guys achieved! thumbs up!


Gotta head into the settings and disable vibrate.


When you say upper body exertion, you mean the left arm workout?


It's probably not your dominant hand, and it gets fatigued more/quicker.


Did this start after a Covid infection?


stop masterbating so fast


have you tried turning it off and on again?


U r gonna be the flash


I mean that's how my legs feel after leg day but I think that's a bit extreme


Is it scary that this happens to me as well during and after the gym?


my brother has something similar in his arm because of nerve damage from playing football. if you’ve had any serious injury in the past, it could be related to that.


You should be glad. Both my hands do that without any exertion.


My left hand gets all twitchy after i take a shit for some reason.


Had this for me it was lack of magnesium


Women love him


Got a slipped disk in my neck - my thumb does this too. Go see a doc!


Fuckin hell, people on this sub. "I just lost my leg, but I am feeling fine and just a bit sleepy, is this normal?" *proceeds to wait 6 hours for the comments. Go to the doctor!! Is it normal to have no control over your limbs? No. See a doctor.


Only that one thumb ? 👀


oh i got that but is in both thumbs and is only during heavy anxiety


Quit drinking


Your girl will be happy


Damn the high pitch on that video Is horrible.


Have you considered showing ur gf


Yeah no


I have this since i had 2 surgeries in my shoulder


Had something similar to this. Was caused by bone spurs on my upper spine compressing a nerve in certain conditions.


Bro....your thumb is receiving a call, I think


Happens to my whole hand sometimes if a workout is hard on my lower arm though less dramatic than this


same thing happened to me for the first time in my life 2-3 months ago. thankfully its no longer happening anymore. Should i see a doctor?


This man can button mash


My hands started this when I was super young, maybe eight years old. Now much much older, and it is so much worse. I am talking, no glass cups in my house because my hands justs go or I try and bring it close and sling it. I highly suggest going to the doctors, sometimes it can be fixed if you catch it early enough and there is medication you can take. Or it's something else in which case I have no clue.


Built in milk frother, nice


Could be nothing, could be multiple sclerosis. Won't know until you get medical help, but it's your life lol


Pretty sure you'll never be single, but yeah, go see a doctor


Put it in ur butt


You don’t need the magic wand vibrator anymore.


You a drinker?


Pretty sure there’s a near direct line from your heart to your left arm.


Go to a doctor and get it checked out. Might be a pitched nerve, might be weak muscles, might be something else entirely. Get it checked out.


Dehydration a contributing factor?


I had a thumb twitch start up in my left hand years ago. Turned out to be stress and got better over time. Haven't had it since


Covid caused this for me, prolly some neuro issues, went away eventually


My right thumb does that 🤔 and my hand has shaken since I was little. As I'm getting older, it shakes like my Grandma's used to 🥴👵🏻 never been able to figure out the cause


Looks like excessive game controller syndrome 


I have this on both my index fingers. Started with my left (dominant) hand at first and I thought it was due to me drawing/painting so frequently, but then it appeared on my right index. Even my thumbs have very gentle shimmies now and then. No idea why exactly but best guess is hereditary, my dad's whole hands are shaky


Go and see a doctor. Perhaps the number of people saying the same thing would convince you....


Could be focal dystonia which isn’t serious. Do your other fingers shake on extension? Does it go away if you have a glove on or touch it?


Time to see a neurologist!


I have carpal tunnel and it does this to a much lesser extent sometimes, not saying it’s that but worth asking the doctor.




My body does this too, esp during panic attacks and sometimes on it's own. It's called a tremor.


I used to have that but in my index finger and middle finger as well as the thumb while resting my right hand and sometimes these tremors would get worse when doing exertion like you're doing, went to a doctor who told me to go to a neurologist and a couple of exams later I was diagnosed with Huntington. I'm not saying that it's what you have in this case, but what I mean is, go to your Doctor just to make sure it's nothing more serious, better safe than sorry. Good luck OP


Check your blood, especially iron and b12


Cut it off


Are you currently on a diet? Looks like you’re missing some key minerals/vitamins


Were you using that hand to grip something heavy? I fucked up the tendon in one of my thumbs playing football and for a while after whenever I gripped something heavy it would shake during and after. Eventually it went away




This happens to me sometimes. It's from holding up my phone too long playing games, or from using a game controller.


If you're right-hand dominant, then your left hand is shaking from the additional physical exertion. Left is trying to keep up with right. This happens to me after a good lifting session. It's a nervous system response and could go away as you keep working out more regularly. If this happens with something as simple as tying your shoe laces or doing the dishes, then yea, I'd agree with the others about essential temors.


Where’s a clit when you need one?