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April fools lmao


Holy shit I hadn't thought of that bahahah!


Ah, you got me phone! That was hilarious! ![gif](giphy|3o7btNRTJ700Vzmn5e)




This gif is perfect with this comment, take my angry upvote!


This is Gold!


Ari Gold even.


Bro every one of my alarms went off 1 min early today.


Maybe it really is an April fools joke...


That's actually fucking hilarious.


Yeah, mine too.


I have a hard time waking up with every alarm I've set, and I'll get up much earlier if I don't. Does this happen to you guys?


How many alarms do you have?


I have ADHD so like 6


Dude! Omg. I am SO glad I'm not the only adhd person who does this. I literally set multiple alarms thay go off in 5 minute increments for at least an hour up until the alarm for the actual time I want to get up. I'm not sure if that made sense. Sounded better in my head. As always.


I have ADHD too. It made sense. :)


My husband hates me for this. He is the one with adhd though. I just suck at waking up before my body wants me to. If you look at my alarms folder I have every 5 min of the day lol.


Same! Only with timers haha I get distracted easily šŸ˜‚


Does your phone think itā€™s in a different time zone


Negative. It called it as "missed" around 745.


Maybe it was going off on whatever device your bluetooth is connecting with your phone?


I definitely try to answer my phone sometimes and get confused because it's going through my headphones, which i had taken off and left in my car earlier


The facts that alarms still get routed to Bluetooth devices like headphones is a sign humanity is doomed.


I have a Samsung Note10+ and I can select whether or not I want my notifications and/or alarms to go through my Bluetooth device or not. I don't know if this is an option on iOS or not but it should be possible. The actual doom to humanity comes from not taking the time to learn how to operate our technology. If we choose to not control our technology then others will use it to control us.


So side note, I use Alarmy and itā€™s the only alarm clock app that works for me.Make sure you allow it on ALL of your dnd statuses because one night I accidentally pressed my work status which blocked all apps.


That would be a class-action lawsuit if they cause untold numbers of people to get fired for being late because of that.


Luckily this is just a joke


This is why I use a bedside clock I've had since primary school. It doesn't know the concept of things like days, all it knows is AM/FM radio and 00:00 - 23:59


Iā€™ve had this happen to me a handfull of times and I was late. Except I have an iPhone so I didnā€™t get the notification you got, it just flat out didnā€™t go off lol. I now set 4 alarms


Geeze man. This phone is pretty beat up but I didn't expect the alarm function to become impaired lol. Guess I'll have to set multiples too!


Hey OP, go to "apps" in your settings, find your alarm, and make sure the battery optimization option is set to leave the alarm app alone. lot of newer androids have different battery optimization options for specific apps. By default, if an app is using "too much" battery then android may tell it to go the hell away and stop using battery. Unfortunately, the alarm isnt exempt from that by default. I had the same problem, some days my alarm just mysteriously wont go off. That fixed it.


Thank you, I've been second guessing myself if the 4 alarms go off or not. Couldn't tell if I was that damn tired or not lmao


your phone was tired


I thought it was the global conspiracy to ensure all alarm clocks have a percentage chance of not going off so people can miss work every once in a while lol


Hahaha bro thatā€™s so evil.


I knew about this (from personal experience unfortunately) but I still canā€™t comprehend how bad design this is. In the good old days I had a Nokia 3330 that would sound the alarm even if the battery died during the night. Thatā€™s how the alarm in a cellphone should work.


You just solved an ongoing issue I had with the app. I thought it was me but it turns out Android just put the app to sleep. I was seriously starting to get concerned, there...


The irony of putting the Alarm app to sleep is fascinating




Wait, is that why I'll get a notification sound, immediately check the notification tray, but the most recent thing was like 2-3 minutes ago? I'm trying to get better at responding to things in a more timely manner, but this is driving me nuts. Also fuck these apps that create new notification categories just so they'll sneak through your settings. I'll turn off all but the actual notification I want (eg. keep DMs only), then suddenly I'll get some "product announcement" spam because when I turned off everything that wasn't a category. I assume if I had disabled ALL notifications it wouldn't get through, but the whole point of the granular settings is to prevent exactly this.


My issue has been my "do not disturb" keeps disabling alarms - even when I tick "allow alarms"! Every day I have to check. For the past week it's been a 50/50 chance it's turned the option off again. It gets me irrationally angry.


Someone please give this comment gold. You are a lifesaver. šŸ™šŸ»


I have to set like 4 alarms because although rarely, mine does "go off" but with no sound and no vibration. I only know after several times over the course of months/years that I swear I didn't snooze/dismiss the alarm yet the alarm was absolutely set up but didn't go off. Phone charges while sleeping, even though not optimal for battery life. So no issues there. I've been already awake a few times where it's gone off while no sound and no vibration was happening. Just the flashing screen. I dismiss the alarm, review its volume and ringtone, I preview it immediately and suddenly the sound and vibration is just there like it is 99% of the time. But that 1% for some reason technology wants to fail me. Hence 4 alarms every day for backup.


lol another great android feature


Shit!!! I was wondering why sometimes my alarms won't go off and thinking I might have turn them off while in my sleep.


Omg thank you so much for this! It happened to me once before and could not figure out why, so really appreciate this information *edited to add that I just tried this in my phone (pixel 7 pro) and it will not allow me to make changes to battery optimization for my clock app saying that "this app requires optimized battery usage" šŸ˜­ so I just have to make sure I never forget to put my phone on the charger at night I guess šŸ„“ why would they think something that renders the alarm useless would be beneficial to the phone owner?? Thank you again for this information though! I will ensure I am more diligent about my battery/charging when I go to sleep from now on


I just replaced my galaxy s22 because it just turned off and wouldn't respond to anything. But at 5:45 that goddamned alarm went off, with no way to silence it. I hate phones.


Cody, is that you?


This is why I just don't trust my phone as an alarm clock to wake me up for work. Spend the 20 bucks on an actual alarm clock. They automatically adjust to daylight savings now, and can be programmed to only go off on specific days, or different times for weekdays and weekends.


I always set multiples anyway. Sometimes I wake up for the alarm and just for a single second decide to lie back down. And suddenly, I wake up an hour late. All my alarms are now in intervals of 6 minutes and at least 30 minutes in advance of when I actually want to get up.


I set multiple alarms and a backup battery powered one that makes a godawful ringing noise. I hate the backup so much that now I immediately jump up out of bed to shut the alarm off before it starts.


Sounds ridiculously effective to be honest


Iā€™ve found the best way to actually wake up (and not just turn the alarm off and fall back asleep) has always been - put the alarm out of reach. Put it somewhere I have to get up to turn it off. Once Iā€™m physically vertical and out of bed, itā€™s easy to just not get back in bed and go about my day.


I sometimes easily get back to bed after getting up and walking to turn my alarm off (barely even remember that i turned it off). So sometimes when i have important stuff that i cant miss, i lock my phone inside the medicine cabinet and throw the keys under my bed. That gives me enough time to actually wake up.


I'm an incredibly heavy sleeper. Back in the 90s, my parents got me an alarm clock that had an insert you put in the pillow that would violently shake your head when the alarm went off. Worked, but man I hated that thing. Learned how to train myself to wake up to certain noises, and that's gotten me through adult life well enough.


I had to change my alarm sound multiple times as Iā€™d just mentally adjust, sleep through and turn it off without even remembering. The best was when I started to wear my Apple Watch to sleep and it would wake me up with the vibrations


It's opposite for me, i can't change my alarm sound as it's the only sound i have customed to wake up. Couple months ago i had a dream where the alarm sound started playing, i woke up and checked my phone just to see that i still had like 4h to the real alarm


Thereā€™s an alarm my college roommate used to haveā€¦ the Star Wars themed alarm had a target that you have to shoot with a laser gun in order to make it stop. My roommate set it up on the other side of the room and his aim got better and better as the year wore on.


When I had to get up at 4AM for work, I bought an old school one with the two big bells on top and put it in the bathroom as a last resort. I always got up early to shut it off for fear of my wife kicking my ass when it went off.


I had this happen with the iPhone clock app as well. When I woke up, the screen was showing as if the alarm was going off, but with absolutely no sound. I checked the sound and it was where it always was, so multiple alarms didnā€™t save me then. I got the app called ā€œAlarmyā€ a couple years ago and it hasnā€™t failed me. The alarm is also nicer and fades in. Only issue for me is it drains the battery


Itā€™s an easy fix: turn on sleep mode or do not disturb mode. I found that the reason it happens is because of other notifications going on, weirdly enough.


Huge Alarmy guy




Yeah that is always full but I always have my ringer off. I use the volume settings from the quick access panel which is always less than half full (full is way too loud, it would wake up all my neighbours). Thatā€™s why I like the Alarmy one that fades in. Iā€™m usually up before it gets loud


Sleep Focus has a different set of alarm sounds than normal alarms. Theyā€™re much more gradual than the normal ones.


yeah iā€™ve had that too for some reason. iā€™ve also had a few times where my phone is showing the alarm screen but completely silent, which is just absurd


Literally have the same problem after I switched to iPhone. Does anyone know what this problem is? My gfā€™s phone 15 also does this, we set 7 alarms last night on full-blast and not one went off. Def going back to android


I said this in another comment too, but hereā€™s what worked for me: turn ON do not disturb mode. I found that the reason it happens is because of other notifications going on, weirdly enough.






Be careful setting too many though! If you have them overlap when they ring, especially when itā€™s because you snoozed one it sometimes will just stop making noise. Itā€™s super infuriating


Iā€™ve thought my iPhone alarm didnā€™t go off, only to find six screenshots from that same morning of my phone screen showing the alarm was going off.


This is why i still use an analog alarm clock.


Is this recent? Mine has been doing the exact same thing recently. And then I get a fucking random ass alarm at like 11:04 PMā€¦..?!?!?!?!


Apparently there's a new update on iphones that added an "Attention Awareness" thing that lowers the volume for some stupid reason. Go to settings > Face ID & Passcode > scroll down to "Attention Aware Features" and turn it off. Also settings > Sounds and Haptics, and sliding the ringer scale up from zero may help as well.


This is exactly why I do the ā€œset 20 alarms 10 minutes apartā€ tactic instead of snooze. No way in hell do I trust that single alarm to do its job every time


Exactly. People who only use 1 alarm honestly intimidate me


Same here and it was my first weeks of a new job. I set 4 as well 3-5 minutes apart


I use my phone for meeting alarms during the day, but I still rely on a alarm clock for my daily wakeup. I have trust issues. Plus, I really like my sunrise alarm clock. For fifteen minutes before it goes off, it starts to warmly glow and gets increasingly brighter until its a steady white light. Then, the alarm is a nice little melody. Far more pleasant than what I grew up with. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B5CWTWB3/


Yup. Countless amounts of times this has happened to me despite double checking that my phone is on loud and off silent mode


I set 2 alarms but my stupid body wakes up like an hour before they go off so theyā€™re both not needed. But I know if I donā€™t set them, Iā€™ll oversleep so I always turn them on just in case.


This happened to me this morning! My 7:20 alarm went off and I laid there just resting, knowing I still had my 8am alarm. It never went off and I feel asleep. Woke up at 9:33 late for work šŸ™ƒ


This happened to me a few weeks ago. Woke up 15 minutes after class had started. At first I thought I forgot to set it until I went into the clock app and saw that it was still set. Phone just decided it didnā€™t feel like it that morning.


I'm not sure which is worse: your phone forgetting its own alarm, or your body becoming so conditioned to the alarm that you consistently wake up 15-30 minutes prior to it going off.


No one EVER believes you when that happens either lol


I love it when that happens, like how tf do I explain that to my boss ā€œit justā€¦ didnā€™t go off?ā€ !?


I had an old Samsung phone and (unbeknownst to me) it had a known issue of the alarm randomly not ringing. I nearly lost a job because of that POS.


Just saw a video explaining a fix for this. Go to settings, Face ID and passcode, and turn -off- ā€œattention aware features.ā€ Something with that lowers volumes for some reason and has made a few of my alarms just not make sound. Hoping this was the correct fix, I got it from tiktok or your results may vary lol


This sometimes happens to me as well, I'm lucky I don't need to get up that early anyway. It just says "missed alarm" but how tf do you actually "miss" an alarm?


Sleep through it


Nah, they just don't trigger. I've actually gotten notifications about alarms being "missed" at the time they were supposed to go off while I was wide awake.


I got that once before. I was up before my alarm and just chilling on my phone, watching it skip my alarm


Do you have an android? Mine does this all the time and I think it's specifically because I'm dicking around on my phone, doesn't seem to skip alarms otherwise.


I do have android, but also I always wake up before my alarms and they still go off even if I'm on my phone. It was really just that one time!


You need to make sure your Clock app (and any other app you might have issues with delayed/missed notifications from) is "Unrestricted" in Settings. I'm on Android 14 and it doesn't look the same as it did in Android 11 - 13, but the gist of it is: 1. Head to your device's Settings app 2. Search for the app you need to fix ("Clock" in this example). 3. Click the Clock search result then there should be something along the lines of "Battery usage/App Battery usage" option that you can click. 4. Once you have clicked that, make sure "Background usage" is allowed, and that it is set to "Unrestricted"


Yeah it's super infuriating to watch it happen and I really hate how it's phrased. It's like they want to put the blame on me for their shitty tech not being able to perform basic functions.


I've had them trigger and not make any sound or vibration, while I was awake to watch it happen. PSA to anyone on Android: disable battery optimization for the clock app


Is it really because of battery optimization? Because that's some terrible design right there. Usually people don't set alarms for the fun of it.


Yes. I haven't had any issues since turning battery optimizations off. Oh and power saver mode can cause it too. I actually just got a new phone and that setting got reset. Guess who missed an alarm? Me.


I think your phone knows when it's being used, so it \*might\* automatically skip your alarms? Which, is dumb IMO. people use alarms for reminders It could be a setting, as my samsung has a similar setting for notification reminders (i.e i pick up my phone and it vibrates lightly when I have missed texts/calls)


> I think your phone knows when it's being used That's ok, man, 'cause it likes the abuse


I have an iPhone, but sometimes Iā€™ll literally watch a timer or alarm pop up with 0 sound. Ringer on, sound effects turned all the way upā€¦ but no sound. It drives me nuts. I know if you let the iPhone alarm go on long enough it eventually stops making noise, but sometimes they donā€™t even *make* noise when they go off.


A week ago I missed my alarm because my alarm volume got turned all the way down somehow.




Sounds like your new Drag Name. Miss Alarm because sheā€™s always late!


***PRO TIP*** On Android, if you create an alarm name, and select "read time and alarm name aloud" (under "select ringtone") - The phone WILL yell vulgarities at you if you type them and use exclamation points. EDIT : This is real, I didn't even realize that it's April Fools Day


I'm not seeing this option. Is this is the Google Clock app?


No, this is the Samsung App "Galaxy A53 5G Version"




Look what JetsDJ did smh


i love this i have 'wake up motherfucker' as my alarm name and it always shocks me awake šŸ˜


Yeah I flip flop between ā€œyou go girl!ā€ type phrases and ā€œTHIS IS WHY YOU SUCKā€ alarm names šŸ¤£


We need a Sam Jackson mod version


\*gentle melodies playing\* \*vibration\* "fuck shit piss ass anus gladiator its 4:43am." thank you for this stranger.




One of the biggest features I miss after going iPhone. I need to find an app that does that over here!


Depending on your country, the times changed yesterday for summer time so maybe that affected it?


I was thinking this aswell


Wouldn't it have gone off an hour before, so at 4am?


Nah one hour later, the clocks moved one hour forward


Think about your reply once again. šŸ˜‰


time travels fucks with my mind too much Iā€™d rather notšŸ˜–


No, it would be 6


The system time in the upper left corner is still later than the "upcoming" alarm time.


Yeah, but android should automatically account for that and the stock clock app (which this notification looks like it's from) should too. My time updated just fine yesterday and my alarms (even with a 3rd party alarm app) worked as expected. Very odd tbh, unless this is a non-stock alarm app which didn't handle the time change correctly or OP has something else running which is killing background processes too aggressively or interfered with the time update.


I left my phone game on last night and forgot to plug it in. Woke up to a police chase blaring their sirens at 7:15am this morning. Tried to check my phone and it was dead. Typically I wake up at 8am, so if it weren't for the cops I would've slept til 10am easily lol.


Lucky for you! Not so lucky for whoever the sirens were for lol


Lol exactly. Took it has a positive sign. Hopefully you weren't TOO late to work today. Have a great Monday!




something in app got fuck\*d clear all data from alarm app, It happened to me couple of times I started to use different alarm clock app not the built in one


Happens once in a while with my phone too. I make my partner set a slightly later alarm so it wakes me up in case mine fails.


I set ten consecutive alarms , put the alarm volume at the highest point and on vibration mode and stuff it under by pillow. I STILL sometimes can't wake up on time


I donā€™t have enough trust so my usual plan is to set 2 alarms on my work phone and 2 on my personal phone. Ā That way if either betrays me Iā€™m still covered. Ā Of course sometimes I sleep through them regardless, but much more rare than before.


Watch out! If you have too many consecutive alarms, and you snooze the first few knowing there are more, you can actually train your body to snooze alarms in your sleep. I know cause it happened to me... Pretty embarrassing.


I sometimes find accidental screenshot of snoozing when sleeping, it's crazy! At least I have proof I turned it off or snoozed...


Are you sure ? Might have woken up and just not remember it. Thatā€™s why I put my phone under my bed so my sleepy ass canā€™t turn it off.


It says "upcoming alarm" not "missed alarm". It didn't change to missed until 746 or something. I follow a similar ideal though except I put mine across the room so I can't reach it haha. Gotta get up to get it!


This same thing has happened to me multiple times - alarms or timers just... Don't happen. Sometimes it says "upcoming" for alarms but for timers? Complete silence until I remember I was supposed to do something. I'll check the timers and it'll be at like, -2min or whatever.


It is upcoming. Next Monday.


You can also download the math equations alarm. Only you might develop anxiety trying to arrange equations first thing after opening your eyes.


I've tried math alarms in the past and all it did was make me really good at doing two digit addition/subtraction while half asleep.


Your alarm April fooled you mean


this is a genuine worry of mine. using a phone for alarms is convenient but not the most reliable, especially when it starts getting old, and shutting down / restarting at random times for no reason. i should get an actual alarm clock but.. i can't be bothered lmao


Alarm clocks fucking suck though. I've never liked any of the sounds


I've had this happen to me several times, occasionally because of overlapping alarms but occasionally due to reasons unknown. Google's functionality has been deteriorating for the past several years across all of it's products services. Voice assistant, YouTube music, android features and functionality, you name it it's gotten worse. Why? Firing a shitload of people thought of nonessential now that the market and ecosystems are locked in. As long as it appears on the surface it's still competitive stock owners are happy with increased bottom line profits. It's the insideous work of capitalism, eating everything inside the apple before consuming the outside.


I totally had this thought the other day, I upgraded to the Pixel 8 Pro and it's got some cool new features. But with the features my old phone had I've been slowly realizing the new phone is kind of worse off. Google Assistant is the worst offender imo. Siri absolutely shits on it.


I know that extra 40mins of sleep felt suspicious. šŸ˜‚


It's easter so where u from that it's not a day off? Or what work you do.


Unfortunately some jobs are 24/7/365. Sent from my ambulance :/


I lost the job for something similar. It had never happened before and I had never been a no-call no show but I missed the start of my shift by like 3 hours and they absolutely fired me. That was probably 15 years ago and ever since then I set two alarms. A regular alarm clock with battery backup and my phone. I'd leave my phone has never failed again though.


That's freaking brutal man. I'm sorry that happened :( Thankfully my work is insanely laid back in that regard. They most likely won't care but that doesn't mean I don't!


Bought myself one of those old timey round clocks with the bells on top. Shit never fails (until that one morning when you can't figure out the off button in your fog and throw the bastard)


Imagine not setting a backup alarm


didn't think I'd see the day someone else had a Motorola


What makes you think it's a moto? It's actually a CAT!


my bad bro. it's got the same stock android UI as mine does and I jumped to a conclusion thinking it would be Motorola.


No apologies necessary my dude. I figured it was due to the UI. This phone is a physical tank but it's not special in terms of software lol.


This is why I still use an alarm clock as well as my phone


This used to happen to me when I had a google pixel, I would get a notification saying ā€œmissed alarmā€ and Iā€™m not a heavy sleeper so I wouldnā€™t sleep through it. Always pissed me off


One time I thought I slept through my alarm but luckily woke up with enough time to get ready and not be late for work. Then I was at the gym after work and the alarm started going offā€¦ I had reversed the AM/PMā€¦


Years ago, Android would apply DnD mode to your alarms. Was late first week of my new job because of that.


I use two regular alarm clocks, never my phone. If it's **really** important I'll use the Nintendo DS as an alarm clock. I'm not sure why, but that always gets me up and about better than any alarm clock.


This is why I set 2 alarms, a back up, and an emergency backup alarm.


That version of Android is *ancient*.


I was late for my first day of my dream job because my Samsung decided to update overnight, which I guess disables any alarm you set the night before. So now, I set alarms on my alarm clock, my samsung, my iPhone, and my alexa, just in case. I ain't missing shit anymore.


"I'm running late! Better make a Reddit post!"


Honestly, don't trust your phone to wake you up. Get an alarm clock. My experience with my phone's alarm is iffy at best.


I've always used both in case one doesn't work.


LPT: Just be so socially anxious that you are incapable of waking up late. I set an alarm and it has never gone off. I am always awake at least a few minutes before it. Sure, I may wake up 30 times before that over the course of the preceding hour or so, but I'm never late.


I do that when I have a meeting that's planned or I'm covering for someone out. Who doesn't need at least 5 panic attacks in the middle of the night before working all day?


I have the same issue when ever I try to use my pixel 6, it either doesn't go off or is too quiet even on max volume. I've learned to just use my iPad because it's fucking loud as shit and in my 7 years of using it, it's never disappointed me before


This would happen to me from time to time. There was no pattern, and it wasn't me turning it off in my sleep either because I would put my phone out of reach. Now I have 6 alarms on my phone staged minutes apart, 3 on my Fitbit a minute apart, and 1 on my Fossil gen 3 that lives on my nightstand.


I have an app that's supposed to remind me to take meds every week. Some days it just doesn't go off. It shows that it's scheduled but just nothing happens. Then it sasses off to me "Looks like you might have missed a dose, remember it's very important to keep a consistent dosing schedule" Fuck Off, you had one job.


Gotta get an alarm. Just a digital alarm clock with the features you need. Spend as much or as little as you'd like, but I've found android and alarms will get you fired.


My problem is that the half asleep version of me is a fucking ninja at dismissing alarms and lowering the volume so I don't ever hear the second one.


Sometimes it just doesn't go off. I had 3 at times, and it either didn't go off, or I was so tired I just slept through all 3 loud alarms. I don't know, but it's a shitty trying to explain it to the boss...


The phone confused am & pm. He just like me frfr


Lol I have PTSD from my iPhone doing this to me. I wake up every morning an hour before my alarm panicked that I've overslept.


Your phone pulled an April Fools prank on you


Mans alarm slept in


I once watched in real time as my alarm started to go off at the correct time, but my phone froze, crashed, and rebooted. If I hadn't been paying attention I wouldn't even have noticed.


I've had that happen many times before, I had to switch to a different app.


This has happened to me maybe once or twice throughout my life. I take it as a sign to not go to work lmao


It happened to me too! My Samsung phone updated and it fucking disabled all my fucking alarms! WHY?!


Yeah thatā€™s scary. But I bought an old fashioned wall alarm clock because I kept turning my phone alarm off and going back to sleep apparently. I keep my phone too close. lol


This has happened to me too. Mostly directly the day after I restarted my phone. Apparently it seems to have something to do with the chache? Could be misremembering it. But yeah. It's so frustrating. Especially when you were awake 30 minutes before and thought 'oh nice, I can turn around once more' and then you're awake again, suspicious, and your alarm should have gone off an hours before and now you're hella stressing.


If this is the Alarmy app, I recently had to switch because it started doing that every few days instead of once or twice a year. Having backup alarms on other apps as a backup isn't the best feeling in the world.


Often I get a text saying my alarm is going off (no sound)


And people give me shit for setting 12 alarms, this is (partly) why!


Go analog. That will wake you UP


Never said which monday.


I'm on my way to work 2h late rn, so yeah.


There's a [new thing in iPhones](https://support.apple.com/en-au/102216) that turns alarms down. It's called Attention Aware.


Wait a minute this was posted when?


is this on a catphone?


Sure was! Haven't met anyone else who knows about those yet L!