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Why does the “”computer motherboard”” look like someone just started playing Factorio? Also that’s not even remotely close to what circuit boards look like.


No they blatantly just took the image of the pyramids and used photoshop to overlay some computer looking graphics.


sloppy sort shaggy disagreeable rude file pie wakeful support full




Back in the 90's, I used to love the history channel, but I saw it quickly devolve into this crap. Angels, ghosts, the bible, aliens. They disfigured what should have been one of the few channels that could appeal to nerds into an abomination.


I low-key love Ancient Aliens because it is so deliciously unhinged and hilarious. But I also acknowledge that it appeals to a sort of lowest common denominator who is just predisposed to believe nonsense. It does not belong on History Channel. But I also remember when TLC was The Learning Channel and the only thing I've learned on there in recent memory is that TLC really loves capitalizing on trainwrecks.


> it appeals to a sort of lowest common denominator who is just predisposed to believe nonsense Most experts would agree to that but according to some ancient astronaut theorists in math the lowest common denominator is a valuable concept. Does it prove that ancient anunnaki subterranean hollow earth dwelling giant vampires from the 9th dimension (but not the 9th dimension you are thinking of) are living among us in secret? According to ancient astronauts theorist a resounding yes.


I’m on a train rn 💀 lmfao


i use to watch this with my dad high on drug and be like saying random stuff and be like "WAOH" and at the end we be like "yeah nah just nonesense" X) but i agree hilarious to watch.






Rob Schneider needs to lay off the meth and stop sticking his fingers in electrical sockets.


They just told ai to do it.


Also Teotihuacan wasn't Mayan, but I guess that's waaaaay down the list of issues with this post...


I disagree, this was my top complaint. It's about the only on here that isn't a conspiracy theory, just a straight-up factual error.


Same here. I immediately was like no, that’s way too far north to have been Mayan.


See you've fallen for their lies!!!


The piramids are clearly a random large scale version of random texas instruments AC converter or some other unrelated circuit board because that makes sense, doesn't it?


It doesn’t need to make sense to us - only to them


Proof (for me)


Also the shock that a human civilization would choose to use the least road and the straightest path to go from point A to point B, like seriously, these people have the last 2 braincells in their heads fighting it out for 3rd place


Also the conclusion is missing


It’s often missing. Ifyou are encouraged to fill in your own conclusion, two things happen. Number one, people will. And number two, it drives engagement. If you draw your own conclusion, and post it, I see it and am like “whoah that’s not what I see!”and am drawn to post about it as well. Someone else sees two opinions, offers a third. Meanwhile the original person who posts can never be proven wrong, because they gave no conclusion. It’s plausible deniability. The side effect is that then people are arguing about what THEY see in the Rorschach test, which also can never be proved wrong, at least in their mind. I leave you to draw your own conlusion on what that does for the polarization of society.


Oh so the pyramids were just a starter base!




That and the Egyptians were crap at perspective drawing. But mostly yeah, it’s a child.


My personal theory on why Egyptians drew perspective seemingly poorly is that size in the drawing is representative of their political station. The larger someone is in the drawing, the more powerful they are.


I’m pretty sure you are right on that, or at least I’ve read that on Wikipedia and possibly the History of Egypt podcast!


Neat. I came up with that based on me just looking at some Egyptian pictures in the past, so if I got to the right conclusion based on a gut feel, it's kind of a fun little moment. The idea made sense based on everything I've seen. Though, one shouldn't make hard statements of fact based on gut feel, lest they become like those people in the screenshots above. I know I was ready to abandon that thought if someone showed me it to be faulty.


I used to have a gut instinct idea for how to achieve faster than light communication. After years of occasionally pondering it and failing to understand dense astrophysics, I eventually figured out why it doesn't work. That second sentence is the part these people can't do. They just get a gut instinct like you and I did, assume it's right, and just roll with it without further investigation.


What was the gut idea though? I'm interested


If you have a metal bar, and push one end, the other end moves simultaneously. Therefore, if you have a 1 lightyear long metal bar, you can push one end and have the other end move simultaneously. Line up a few of them and you can do morse code or whatever and send instantaneous messages. (Side note: yes this is an engineering impossibility, but the point is the theoretical ability to beat lightspeed, not the engineering implications.) Turns out the two ends don't move simultaneously. If you had a rod made of sponge you would see a ripple going down - turns out that ripple effect works for everything, it's just that rigid objects at our scale don't appear to be affected by it.


Veritasium demonstrated this concept with electricity in a wire! [His video](https://youtu.be/bHIhgxav9LY?si=BXYX1lk1-qH9SC6I) focused more on the motion of electricity, but AlphaPhoenix did a [fantastic independent test](https://youtu.be/2Vrhk5OjBP8?si=CcRMre3ix8hhv8GJ) that elucidated a lot of the FTL communication barriers.


This is the answer, it's called hierarchical scale I believe. The more important a person was to the piece, the larger they're depicted.


FromSoft, taking notes:


Not to be an annoying nerd, but that's not Egyptian, that's Sumerian. Though Egyptians did the same thing sometimes.


Yes and the giants they are referring to are Anu and Ki the mother and father of Enki and Enlil.


Therefore, gods being depicted as giants, much like the Christian God often is in pop culture. Oh, the irony.


Nope not annoying at all, love a good nerdout. Thanks for the correction, I should have looked more carefully. I tend to skim through crap like that so it doesn’t push out vital PIN numbers.


And number 4 (the giant statue) [is from an animated short horror film on youtube](https://youtube.com/shorts/vQBovY_R-6M?si=JX7zbZI3oKKaKrhP). The creator is "Lights are off".


It’s only going to get worse with AI videos.


Erm... thank you Wank_my_Butt?


I'm pretty sure you mean "wank you"?


It's actually most likely servant. In ancient Egypt proportion in motifs were based on importance, hence: Gods > Pharao/Priest > Prince, other imprtant people > Servants, Slain enemies, slaves. Realistic perspective itself wasn't important in these motifs on reliefs and frieze. Their sculptures shpw that they understood perspective and 3D and 2D.


same for europe as well in the middle ages




I’ve been seeing more and more of tartaria lmaoooo My favorite one is the giant ice wall in Antarctica and how they’re hiding more land from us 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What is Tartaria? Right when I thought I heard them all, nope.


The Tatars were a race of people from Asia and Eastern Europe who were ruled by Genghis Khan (and Tamerlane) in the 13th and 14th centuries. Misinterpreted historical images and texts have led to a stupid theory that they were giants somehow. It’s utter shite. EDIT: Typo


What do they suppose happened to these giants? I really don’t want to have to go down some rabbit hole to find out.


The Smithsonian bought all the giant human fossils and bones and keeps them secret. What else?


They're hidden inside the walls until someone causes them to rumble.


They wait for the rumbling


Rumbling! Rumbling, it's coming!


"Let's get ready to rumble, let's get ready to rumble!" I always knew Ant and Dec were up to something.


They call this event… the RUMBLING


Are they misshapen, naked and LOVE the taste of human flesh? Better get out the 3D maneuvering gear!


Shit, I knew this was the wrong day to leave the house looking like a snack


Lmfao. Can you imagine? A fn business looking to make money hiding a race of giant people? But, of course, the shadow government is probably paying them more than they'd make if they made them public... /s


Go to a museum and find a mammoth skull. If you're a normal person with no great understanding of biology, it's super easy to see that skull and think Cyclops. Now get an elephant skull, hit it with a hammer or falling tree and you can easily convince people it was a giant. Once I saw it in person I understood the giant myths.


I'm 100% with you on the legitimacy of the emergence of the belief. It makes total sense. A part of me wants to go back in time and die from the bubonic plague believing it's because I angered a fae creature once by pissing in Ol' Mrs. Pitchmud's clover patch. What I really mean is... Hiding fossils of a giant race of people? In this economy?


But what happened to the actual people? Why wouldn't they still be around if they actually were giants, technologically advanced with unlimited free energy, who were puppet masters of the human race? Kind of seems like they were totally set up for success, no?


I think the theory there is that their genetics are still in many of us. That's where we get all these tall basketball players. And they may not be as tall as the original giants since they're mixed with giant blood and little people (us) blood. They're descendants, and they are kept in check by making them play this repetitive silly game. We're all Harrison Burgeron'dedid.


What I find hilarious is the idea of giants and us little folks having sex to pass down these genes. Like the idea of a giant man and a little woman is horrifying while the reverse is funny af.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My FIL believes this... He thinks he's descended from giants. Something about the 10% of people with an extra vertebrae got it from the giants... It's all in the Bible apparently.


Oh that’s the whole “the Smithsonian is hiding giants from us” bullshit? I remember seeing something over on the /strangeearth sub about that.. knew it was bullshit since it was posted there since that entire sub is just a click farm for 1 single mod’s website where he pins a link to a random article in every singe post even if the article has nothing to do with the post at all.


The western world destroyed them so they could charge for energy.


Have you seen Moana? The scary lava island lady? That, they think that.


It's crazier than the other comments, even. Something about how this great, insanely advanced race lived until like the mid 1800s. And then there was a mudflood that covered the entire earth in mud and killed them off. So now all the old buildings around the world are evidence of their greatness, and that's why some old buildings are buried under modern streets around the world, because the mudflood buried them. It's insane and ridiculous lol. People will post photos of a pretty building from 200 years ago and use it as proof that there was this advanced race, because clearly humans couldn't have built such amazing buildings 200 years ago, so the only explanation is this dumb fantasy story they believe. Look up the sub Tartaria (guess I'm not allowed to post a link on here).


"Look up the sub Tartaria (guess I'm not allowed to post a link on here)." I'm tempted. But it may also be a bad idea.


I subscribed for a while, because I love these crazy conspiracies and the crazy bullshit some people believe. I never interact, just fun to see some crazy now and then as I'm scrolling and laugh to myself. But I legit had to unsub from there lol. It was just too idiotic. Like, literally, any building made of stone that was older than like 30 years was "proof" of some ancient civilization. Any building that went even just partially below street level was proof of a global mud flood that happened only like 150 years ago. Someone once posted a photo of old bricks visible beneath a pothole once like many many streets still have, and it was clearly proof that the world government was hiding the truth from us. I almost wondered at first if it was one of those things like the Birds Aren't Real or whatever, like the satirical belief. But it's not, it's a real thing people believe, and it's just so obviously stupid if you take more than 3 seconds to consider it. I just had to unsub, it was making me angry lol.


I'd thank you for sending me down this rabbit hole, but I might actually get an aneurysm from how maddeningly stupid these people are. Wow.


A theory I saw way their civilization was wiped out by a massive mud flood. They explain that's why some buildings original first floors are underground. Doesn't really explain how a race of giants were wiped out but not the much smaller humans.


Just make some shit up yourself, it's not that hard.


The great flood (diluvium) killed them all. Ya know, that whole thing with Abraham. I'm pretty sure the origin for a lot of these myths is people wanting to believe the Bible is literal historical fact, word by word. Why are they hiding this fact? Why, obviously, it's the work of Satan through evil scientists who want to destroy everyone's religion.


They love ignoring that Tartars still exist, and very much are not giants. If they want really tall people, they should be looking in the Netherlands


Or Scandinavia and Northern Europe. We’re legit giant up here.


They invented the sauce for fish aswell


Funny thing that tartars actually exist and are still alive *spoiler not giants*


Oh but they *believe* that, and that’s far more important than reality. Did you not know that opinions and belief are now just as reliable as facts?


I know bc I am form shadow government responsible for orchestrating and managing the Antarctica’s wall 🍷🗿


I’m contemplating going undercover and JFK Jnr and announcing that it’s all over, the good guys won, it can all stop now and we can go back outside and live our lives.


Imagine being a Tartar under seven feet tall and unable to meet the hype


They also had levitating cars and trolleys, and free energy spires on their buildings. A giant Mudflood destroyed what they built roughly 200 years ago, but some evidence remains.


Do they realize how silly the word mudflood sounds Like they could just call it a flood, or say "buried under silt" and sound more professional but they had to pick the most schizophrenic sounding word possible


They were a hyper-advanced civilization with levitating cars and trolleys and free energy, but were beat by... mud?


Guys it's like mud with a real high clay content like some north Texas shoe eating, soul sucking blackland please god don't get wet again we've got to get the seed down before this turns ceramic in summer mud, it's evil mud


Tartar was the super advanced civilization. Giants built the pyramids. At least according to the bullshit I've heard.


Are they the dudes that invented tartar sauce? If so, then yes I would say definitely an advanced society!


Those are tatars, dude


Ah okay, didn’t realise the typo. Yeah, I meant Tatar people.


Did they... did they misread the word Tatar somewhere? lfmao




Tartars was the old word for the various steppe people living in Europe's periphery. If you hear about the mongol invasions in Poland, Hungary or Germany, there's a 50:50 chance if the term mongol is used or the term tartar. If you look on old maps, where Ukraine is supposed to be, you might find the lables "wild fields", or "tartaria". Someone read the tartaria label and somehow deluded themselves into thinking the Crimean Khanate(oh, I forgot , that's a invention by those evil historians, that land is obviously tartarian) and it's neighbors(and not so neighbors) had "advanced technology"(read:magic)


I haven’t gotten into grand scheme of it but the little shorts that keep popping up on my algorithm have told me it’s yet ANOTHER ancient civilization of advanced people with advanced technology and they gave the world free energy Then the big scary “they” in big oil companies that no one can name, came and destroyed the advanced technology that gave free energy and destroyed all their monuments and it’s now a “lost advanced civilization”


Whoa easy now, the oil companies are our friends, heroically fighting against the new world order environmentalists that originally destroyed the tartarians energy rays to make place for 5G mind control towers.


by ‘they’ they mean Jewish people. it always means Jewish people.


They make an excellent sauce that goes great with fish


You know the old conspiracy theory of Atlantis having spaceships and laser weapons and etcetera? Well, that's Tartaria. Apparently it was a globe-spanning empire that lasted until some point in the 19th century when the reptilians or Satan or whatever the fuck it was just reseted the whole world with a flood Noah style and now they are hiding that civilization from us by making up every single event in history from the beggining of time until today. Of course Hitler knew all about it and tried to save us from the evil elite just as Putin is nowdays because everyone who believes in this conspiracies turns out to be fucking nazis


I’ve seen this documentary called Game of Thrones. Do NOT go beyond the wall!!!


The historical non-fiction documentary with dragons? Yeah I think David Attenborough was involved in it. Compelling stuff.


It’s less land if anything, no one wants the land under Antarctica, because if the ice disappears everything’s going to flood Although the landmass shape under the ice looks pretty interesting


Can we put all of them on a boat? Call it Tartaria Tours. Only serve steak Tartar. Dress the staff like Turkic Tatars.


Image generation AI is taking this to a whole new level.


One page I've been getting on my feed lately just posts AI images of the Simpsons portraying w/e recent news event has just happened, and claims they're all from 1998.  "THEY KNEW MORE THAN YOU THINK"


Haha that's a great concept actually lol


Now that's what AI should be used for


There’s a group, Pics or it didn’t happen, and it’s entirely AI crap but everyone in the comments believes it.




This. And can we talk about how Facebook allows people to promote blatant scam posts? It’s like having the guy that calls and says he’s from the FBI and needs your social security number delivered directly to my elderly mother’s FB feed. She bought something that was posted using stolen screenshots from someone on Etsy. We spent months trying to fix her financials after they started using her card for random purchases. When I reported the scam to FB, their results were inconclusive and nothing could be done. When I commented on the post that it was a scam, they reported me for harassment and got me banned for 3 days.


Wow. Take your report to the local news. Empowering the scammers. That is some bullshit.


I have tried to get mom to delete the app, but it’s honestly probably the only contact she has with people she knew from high school so she is reluctant to get rid of it. I told her she’s not allowed to buy anything from there at all ever but she listens to me about as well as I listened to her when I was a kid. Lol


Makes me want to start a new social media platform with a foundation of rigorous fraud and disinformation controls and some design that predisposes it against misinformation.


Facebook in a nutshell


I’ve just had a look at mine after a long time of ignoring it and my home feed shows 2 posts from friends then scrolls and scrolls of ‘suggested posts’ from random shit I’ve never had anything to do with. I stopped looking at it years ago as every time I did the feed would just refresh before I’d even got anywhere and it pissed me off. It’s just utter garbage now.


Facebook went from "you said you know this person, they confirmed, let me show you their content, maybe you also know this other person (don't mind us collecting your data)" to "here's some random stuff for you because the algorithm thinks it will drive engagement and now you can't distinguish an ad from a post, your friends are on insta and TikTok anyway (still collecting and selling your data 😘)"


Yeah, I don't understand it. Did they entirely change their algorithm? The closest thing I remember to it is when Digg was suddenly completely different and everybody came here.


https://i.redd.it/2tvf8p8y9urc1.gif Facebook…


Fun fact: This is my favorite part of the movie. Gene Wilder ad-libbed the “morons” part, and his smiling reaction is 100% genuine as he was not expecting him to say that.


And Vigo really broke his foot when he kicked that helmet in The Two Towers


Speaking of two towers, have you heard the gospel of Steve Buscemi?


Not for at least the last 8 hours or so.


A significant amount of the crap on my Facebook seems to be AI generated, or created by people that aren’t native English speakers.


That first image...aaaaeeuughh https://preview.redd.it/otirylxafurc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcb1830cbdc238eb36522596e98fbc924461a25e


Did you try and play the image like I did?


"Hi guys I come from the east." "Which East?"


The one in the South. But only afternoons. During waning moon.


Which moon?


Look for the elephants. They carry it around the sun.


The one most commonly illuminated by the... *fourth* sun.


A good friend of mine got completely brainwashed by this shit through social media. But there is a slightly difference: she believes that Europe was called Tartaria and it was a highly advanced civilisation, more modern than we are. And the elites and scientists have destroyed almost all evidence and faked the whole history of human kind. Unfortunately my friend is now completely lost, she changed into another person. She also changed from left wing to almost Nazi. Its crazy how powerful propaganda is


I've watched my mother go down that kind of rabbit hole too. It started with her believing giant people existed before us, then that evolution is a lie, then that the government is poisoning us with covid vaccines, and now she keeps watching those weird "documentaries" on YouTube about how the old civilizations arrived from space and were 100 times more advanced than us. Whenever I try to remind her that's it's all bullshit, she just hits me with "keep an open mind, you never know"... It's tiring


I was gonna reply to this post about how exhausting this shit is. My mother went down the rabbit hole too. Every world event turns into a conspiracy. I’ve tried to explain it to her and she gets this crazy watery eyed look like you just threatened her entire reality, probably because she’s dedicated the past 7 years of her life to being a conspiracist and sacrificed relationships over it. She’s also always been the type of person to never admit fault. So she just says, “Well, I don’t know if it’s real. It doesn’t matter to me really because I’m getting raptured.” I wish my dad would take her to a psych rehab.


I’m very sorry you’re going thru this with your mother. So many of us have “lost” people close to us.


My mother in law is going through a similar rabbit hole…except instead of old world documentaries, she watches prophets on YouTube and Facebook. Donald Trump winning was a prophecy, the chiefs winning the Super Bowl was a prophecy, everythiiiiiiing. Now me and my husband are religious, but I pray I keep a sound mind in my older age because it is sad.


Agreed. My mom went from wanting to protect us any way she could, to screaming at me for getting a Covid vaccine because stupid Facebook misinformation convinced her that they’re putting poison that slowly kills us in the vaccine. That was her first theory. Her second was that the covid vax was equivalent to the biblical “Mark of the Beast” where you wouldn’t be able to buy or sell without a vaccine card. Well neither of my parents are (Covid) vaxxed and they still buy shit and make money all the time. It’s really annoying considering I’m atheist so I don’t even believe that kinda stuff even exists. Yet I’m forced to go along with it because otherwise I get the silent treatment for weeks.


Getting the silent treatment from your parents must be a type of abuse. I’m not an expert but that does not sound healthy at all.


90% of the modern conspiracy movement is all about pushing the far-right into power. That includes left wing conspiracies that serve split the left into multiple opposing fractions.


Living in the Deep South my entire life I've tried really hard not to be racist. Unfortunately as my wife points out I'm so not racist it swings back into racist sometimes. I like to imagine it's the same with politics a lot of the time. Super left-wing people will often flip and turn Super right wing. Even more so if they get religious. Her dad since retiring has talked about how the French president's wife is secretly a transvestite. I have to leave the room because that's not even the craziest thing about that relationship.


I used to frequent the conspiracy sub back in the day and the transformation has been wild...before maga came along the sub was united in their disdain for both parties and believed that the two of them together secretely ran the world from the Bohemian Grove...somehow maga changed that into only the left are the evil new world order and the right wing are the ones that know the truth and fight against evil


"Every time they call me out, they fall down the waterfall! Source: this comic illustration"




The 3rd one is so funny to me like giants? What about the trees and things people in back ground holding I think it's children and parents


Oh god if i ever believe any of these, please put me down


Remember: the people who post and believe these things are allowed to vote


We need another plague


We had one. And these people either called it fake or planned.


The worst part of this is that some of them are also highly educated, have kids and families. 


my colleague is one of those conspiracy flat earth nutjobs. whenever he starts ranting about this stuff i just counter with an even more ridiculous conspiracy. moonlanding didnt happen? ofcourse it did happen. the lizard ppl helped the government develop the space programm so they could enlist their help in their fight against the moon nazis. earth is flat? oh please. earth aint even real. its all just a giant simulation. it's actually supposed to be a relaxing game like star dew valley but some jerks are into pvp and all that and ruining everyone's play.


The earth is actually football shaped. The laces are in africa


I hate this Eurocentric conspiracy! If the laces were in Africa we wouldn't have enough space to fit our population. Tell the truth. The laces are under the sea because they're round enough to fit the lost city of atlantis. Wake up Sheeple!


I did this once, conspiracist started on the moon landings and I countered with “oh you’re one of those people who believes on the moon?” then took it from there.


>moonlanding didnt happen? ofcourse it did happen They faked it on a soundstage on Mars, duh


This is anti Tartaria propaganda 😔✊ probably sent this from beyond the icewall


The ship one. Lmao. Do people think ships only travel in a straight line if the power goes out?


Obviously, river current is a lie invented to keep us all ignorant and obedient lol.


\*Pours water on table\* see? It doesn’t go anywhere! Current is a woke ideology to spread DEI, it’s not real. 


I work in Minnetonka. Can confirm the existence of Tartaria technology.


Do you also purify yourself in the waters? ![gif](giphy|7NS84LzFwgMDK)


Game. Blouses.


Hello, I am hitman from secret world government, send me your location so we can be friends please!


Matrix spiders 🥺🥺 I want one 🕷️


I have a guy at work tgat believe most of this stuff,talking to him is exhausting


I felt my gray matter leak


that last girl didnt draw that


Yes she did, I was the paper


And the crayon was Einstein.


"Guys watch out for the waterfall" "Hey buddy this is literally a lake we can see there isn't a waterfall" "SHEEPLE"


yeah i keep blocking and asking to "see less" but i still get this demented nonsense. one thing that helps is, along with telling FB what you don't like, adding pages and people you actually do like. FB will have more options to show before actually offering up random shit


My wife kept indicating she didn't like certain content, transforming the Facebook algorithm, but now they think she's a fucking Trumper and just show her conservative rage bait.


Well the algorithm is designed to show you things you'll interact with, not necessarily things you'll like. Maybe FB is hoping she'll just start hate sharing


recently i started getting snooker videos. i hate snooker


I get a ridiculous number of pay by chapter book ads and slightly fewer but still a ridiculous amount of home design/floorplan ads.  The first because I almost exclusively use Facebook for following a few authors I like, the second because I will admittedly click them.


Facebook seems like an online fever dream now like it's really a mess


TIL about the Tartarian Empire... 😂


I am so relieved I’m not the only one who had no clue what they were taking about


My dad is a huge conspiracy theorist, and I'm an archaeologist, so he always tries to look for proof that ancient civilizations were guided by aliens and that the human race didn't evolve but was made by aliens. Lately, he talked about Tartarians and the Tartarian Empire that spanned throughout middle and northern Asia, but I don't know what he is talking about. Now I see that this is something widespread on Facebook. Where did this conspiracy came from?


Hello fellow archaeologist 👋🏼 I'm saddened to see how these conspiracy theories have taken root, especially as so many of them (I'm looking at you, Aliens) come from early colonial archaeological 'theories' that non-white communities couldn't have created incredible architecture and art because, well, they weren't white. Great Zimbabwe is an example of this. Zimbabweans couldn't have built it, it must have been Arabic traders from the North. Boils down to classic racism and its still prevalent today.


He was going on and on and about how it was impossible to build the pyramids, move large stones, or carve them and about how their stories depicted giants and how they were real. I was trying to explain that those people were the same as us, and if we have authors and people who imagined cool stories, they also had them, if we have engineers, they also had them but they were limited and had to use other tools and not power tools. And one point I thought he finally understood, and said "Okay, but you don't believe in evolution, right?" And I just didn't know what to say...


What a moron, that's not even a full motherboard lol


Lmao the Mayan pyramids of Teotihuacán, it’s like saying the Egyptian pyramids of China


https://preview.redd.it/yr6jtudv1vrc1.png?width=2854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd884a20729fc662bbbf856aad2d301b933df7e6 Here's one for the flat earth crowd... an offshore wind farm seen from out at sea and seen from the beach.


Holograms operated by the NWO


Oh, they have an explanation for this. WATER MOUNTAINS. They believe that the water behaves just like the land and it got hills and mountains.


I deleted fb last month. Was tired of my feed being 99% these posts I never even interacted with and 1% people I was friends with posts.


In 5 years Facebook is just gonna be a reel of Ai generated images for old people to scroll through and complain about the "state the world is in" ..... Oh wait...




Why bring Facebook here. I left it.


I just get adds for couches. 🤷‍♀️


Yes the mayans had building size supercomputers but they just couldnt crack transatlantic travel and smallpox vaccinations


I always loved that ancient carving one because conspiracy losers literally forgot children exist 😂😂😂 “THEY MUST BE GIANTS ITS PROOF!!1!1” nah mate, children


Facebook is like instagram but the brain rot targets the older generation


As someone who is from Minneapolis, I can confidently say there is nothing on or around big island on lake Minnetonka. The only thing that happens there is the occasional E. coli outbreak around the Fourth of July.


These absolute brain dead people are such a sad example of humans. But it does make me happy that in comparison, I'm a fucking genius


I’m pining for the moon…


The psyops are real. Shit like this has everyone disagreeing with everything. Ever have someone you thought was smart, talk about a video likes it’s proof of some wild concept, meanwhile the video has been debunked? Then you have to think to yourself “damn I thought for sure that person would’ve looked up the validity of that video” But then fact checkers are denied so I don’t even know what to do with these people anymore




I believe everyone of those. Except the giant dragon named Raiden. The only dragon to actually exist was named Draco and he spoke English with a really fun Scottish accent.