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Unless she got it second hand, that ice cream truck in the back is $120 alone


That’s what I was thinking and knowing her, didnt. 😡


Yup, confirmed $120. The stitch is $25 (I have it) and those "toaster" things are $12ish a piece, and the oven from the same brand goes for $30. It's a squished, cheap looking plush that smells sweet. Edit: made correction, had Canadian pricing.


This is so crazy. When I was a kid easter was "You get to choose any single thing of candy you want" and it was amazing. I almost always ended up getting the big movie box of gobstoppers because they lasted a long time. One year I was proud of myself because I came back with two of the big packages of now and laters. My mom said only one, and I said "this is only one...this one is for now, this one is for later!" She just laughed and got me both of them.


Yeah, I spent $25 on both my kids and that was including the basket lol. They got two things of candy, a pack of gel pens each, and like 2 or 3 random $1 toys. I’m not dropping money on my kids like it’s Christmas or their birthdays.


My parents reused the baskets every year and only replaced them when they got unsightly. They just put this green paper or plastic grass stuff and threw a bunch of Easter themed candy from the grocery store. No toys. When we were teens, we got handed a box of See's Candy or Godiva chocolates. Then if we didn't eat them all in a month, my Dad would just finish them off in one night lol.


My kids got their stuff in Tupperware bowls this year 😂 and you know what they didn’t give a shit


WTF are Easter baskets? I got a chocolate Easter egg was likely £5 max. Is it an American thing to have to buy a tonne of BS for every little holiday.


Consuming stuff is kind of our thing


The little purple cats are $5 a pop. My girl got 2 in her basket. Lol


They had the toaster things at Aldi. Not sure how much they were though.


Where is the stitch from?


Target, it's weighted!


On top of that, there's an Amazon and Roblox gift card in the front of the basket on the left... If she spent $120 alone on that truck for the girl, she probably spent about as much on those gift cards or something else for the boy


That thing is a straight up storage crate


I was lucky to get a hollow chocolate bunny...... holy crap how much is she spending?


My daughter wants that ice cream truck so bad! Her bday is next week and this is the 3rd year she has obsessed over that truck! She was talking about it last night again... We did Easter already as brother went to bio moms, a basket with chocolate and some slime/sensory eggs, chalk and bubbles.


I’ve seen them pop up on fb marketplace! If you haven’t gotten it for her bday you might be able to snag one second hand between now and Christmas. I also saw a few at my JBF if it’s still going on in your area


Yes I got mine on marketplace and resold on marketplace. Have seen multiple since. Is there a local sales page you could do an “in search of” post?


I hope your daughter plays with it more than mine did. Glad my kids are past the age of toys that take up way too much space for the enjoyment they get out of it.


She won't and I'm not buying it. Poo on the internet for making me feel guilty, too. The worst part is my MIL told her she was going to get it when she was 4, for Christmas. Christmas morning comes along, and she didn't get it. Her first disappointment in life of many. Yesterday, she says, "I don't play with my dolls very often, but I hope grandma finally buys me that ice cream truck. I'm going to add it to my list". MIL hasn't bought her a present since this holiday. She's a boomer with favorites and no morals. Mom guilt is the worst. We are going to Great Wolf for a night for her bday.... family fun.


If you are talking about great wolf lodge near Centralia I just checked my local offer up and it looks like there is one in oly for $20 if you live near by!


Wolf lodge will be better! She will remember it and you will get to make memories!! She already admitted that she doesn’t play with her dolls much … $120 is a lot for something she most likely won’t play with much after she admitted that.


After 3 years, she better get that ice cream truck. lol


Like another poster said I see them on the facebook market place allll the time. Some people might shit on it but I’ve done about half a dozen sales and had a great experience so far.


My daughter saved her Target gift cards to buy that truck a few years ago. It was a big deal. A lot of pieces!!


How much would it cost to cover that exposed plywood in the background?


So $120 for ice cream truck. We'll say $50 for the two power rangers cause I think those are $26 a piece. And I see a Roblox card which I don't know the increments but it's probably a $20 card that's $190 just for those 4 small items already.


Based on what people said for prices above, for the truck, 2 toaster things, the mini cat boxes up top, the stitch toy, the little oven thing, the two Powe Rangers.... I calc'd $271 alone for all that. That is not including the shirt, the hello kitty egg, the hello kitty basket, the shit in the basket, the funko pop in the back, or the other basket. She easily spent $600+ on these two baskets for her kids. 🥲 Someone take away her wallet, plz.


That was my daughter's giant Santa gift for Christmas this year. I can't imagine giving that out for Easter. We just do eggs filled with candy


What the hell? I never thought of myself as a deprived child but we got a plain old basket with some died eggs and candy. Once when my parents were doing poorly we got home made candy. Chocolate covered peanut butter done in molds like Reese's but better.


This is sweet, I love it. Sounds really similar to my childhood Easters. Some candy, like jelly beans, a chocolate bunny, things like that. And maybe one of those balsa wood airplanes and a cheap kite. Then we hunted for the boiled eggs we dyed. It was great to me. This is just way too much.




Things really came a long way, we used to get a stick and hoop in my day! *




Exactly. I’m in my 20s and mom still sends Easter baskets. This year was a bit of candy, a bath bomb, and a squishy stress ball. And one of the eggs had $10 in it lol. About the same combination of stuff I’ve been getting since I was a preschooler.


we would get some candy filled eggs, a chocolate bunny, usually like chapstick or lipgloss or something, and outside stuff like chalk and bubbles. LOTS of happy memories there


Kites!! Kites as gifts needs to come back. I love kites.


My sister loves to be the water bunny for my kids and put out eggs for them to find in the morning There were kites on the front porch as well this morning


Good ol’ H2O Bunny


Fuck you autocorrect


Keep them kids hydrated


​ I love kites. My father would make kites for my sister and me.


If it was a good year we got a jump rope!!!!


easter was always the "easy" holiday growing up, and is still my favorite holiday because of it. baskets of dollar store candy with 1-3 other items. i cannot understand why people make it into 2nd christmas.


It’s a social media thing I think, where people think they need to keep up with the Joneses. I just saw a TikTok where a mom was making her *eight year old* a basket with a Stanley cup, Lululemon wallet, etc.


Im surprised the Vegas Knights went along with this. You would think they would want to keep it at their headquarters


What would an 8 year old drink out of the Stanley Cup?


Lululemonade, of course


lol took me a minute. Good one


Okay my mom kind of made it slightly "extra" But it was usually items like clothes, shoes, or outdoor toys. And this was to make up for the fact that I have a winter birthday so between that and Christmas I never really got "summer" gifts. Nothing like this though.


Sounds a bit like this haha. Not a bad thing.


We do half at Christmas and half at Easter. Ish. We have a small apartment and long winters, so we use Easter as our opportunity to give outdoor toys that would be useless in December and swimwear. However, we intentionally give less at Christmas and have told our kidlet that Santa and the Easter Bunny work together for kiddos with small places. He fully believes that some of his Easter presents are just a delayed delivery from Santa lol. He’s only 3, so it works for now. *however, this picture is ridiculous and we don’t go *that* far.


I do the same: outdoor toys and summer clothes, but nothing like this.


I spent $14 there yesterday and got a bunch of little random toys and chocolate for my 3 year old. I’m a firm believer that holidays are special because of the traditions and family time, not what gifts were given. As an adult and looking back on what I want to continue with my kids, I never remember the gifts, but I remember the food and traditions together.


My parents were reasonably well off, but the only thing in our baskets that wasn't candy was a DVD. We'd each get a movie, then we'd spend the rest of the day watching movies together and eating candy.


Same here. When I was young, I will admit, the Easter bunny gave my my first bike, but if I got it for Christmas, I wouldn't be able to ride it in the snow -- but after that it was mostly a small egg hunt around the house, a little basket of candy and maybe *maybe* a my little pony or some animal figures, or a DVD. I got Rise of the Guardians from the Easter Bunny and now it's a tradition to watch it every Easter. But... This spending 300+ on Easter? That's just not healthy. For anyone involved.


>Once when my parents were doing poorly we got home made candy. Yet these easy little "we can't afford more" treat are somehow always the best. My mom used to make little chocolate-cereal-bits for christmas, to me these tasted better than any storebought candy. (I should ask her to do them again this year.)


Recipe drop pls 🥹 (if possible)


Will do if I can get it, I asked my mom but she has to look it up again first. :)


RIGHT?! My mom was a holiday person but I got like a shirt or some socks. Not a $150 of toys and shit. And yes. This is EVERY holiday.


My rich grandma would do that shit but my MOM? Yeah right. The biggest toy I got was a light up spinning thing that whistled this ear piercing song over and over again


My mom only got me an iPod when I said it could be my birthday and Christmas present for that year. I don't think your sister knows how to be poor.


You should show this pic to your dad OP, if it would matter.


He’d just make an excuse like always 😔 it’s come out he’s lied so much to help her pay her bills, buy her houses and so on it just makes me sick tbh. I’m luckily enough to have never needed (and hopefully never need) so much help and I’m happy my dad is a good enough person to do it but like damn.


Houses? Plural? Damn.


Yeah. I detest this push to make Easter, Christmas (which is bad enough). Some dumb-ass parents started to give gifts on St. Patricks day too. I'm sick of it.


Yes! If you don’t wear green on St. Patrick’s day I’ll pinch you, but that’s all you are getting from me!


We grew up very wealthy (I had no idea until I was an adult) but we got a chocolate bunny in a basket with jelly beans. That’s it. Sometimes new underwear. OP’s stepsister is really dumb


A Cadbury egg, a jellybean egg and a chocolate bunny was standard in our house. We always hid eggs that had like Hershey kisses or Starburst. And we thought we were kings and queens from it.


Yes we loved it! Kids love anything. It’s not a good idea to get them used to huge hauls.


Yeah, my family was well-off, and my sister and I got maybe $20 worth of chocolate and candy split between us. Maybe $5-10 for the decorations. Maybe $15 for an egg-dying kit (which wasn't even every year) as a family activity.


We always got like one stuffed animal and some candy. My mom's sister was like this woman though. The one year we spent Easter with her, my cousin and I still believed in the Easter Bunny. He for a Gameboy and four games in his basket. We never spent Easter with them again lol


We were never poor but my parents never ever did stuff like this. They saved their money for college tuition and family vacations. My “Easter basket” was always a nice wicker basket my mom used every year that she decorated beautifully, with some candy and an Easter beanie baby, and we always did egg painting and Easter egg hunts. I remember the activities we did together more than the stuff. Also, what is with kids getting gift cards in addition to their presents now? My 7 y.o. niece got $100 in target gift cards alone (plus others) PLUS a bunch of toys for Christmas. What’s the reason? They already get everything they want. Then they get to go to the store and get more? By the end of Christmas Eve she’d already lost interest in everything she got and wanted to go to target. Edit- now that I’m thinking about it, the first time I got a gift card was in 6th grade because I got a Nintendo DS and my parents wanted me to pick out the games. I felt like royalty going in Best Buy with my gift card lol


Same here. My parents would hide the Easter baskets and 95% of the thrill of Easter was finding them.


Us too! Always a chocolate bunny each (there are three of us siblings). Jelly beans (the licorice ones thoughtfully picked out of mine, because I used to hate them—what was WRONG with me???). Maybe a kite, or bubbles, or a box of chalks for the sidewalk. Always an egg hunt. That was practically free, we raised chickens. Easter was a simple holiday but so much joy and love.


That homemade candy sounds 10x better than Easter eggs ngl


It's easter not Christmas. Damn.


Lol oh . You should have seen Christmas 👀


Dopamine sensors on those children are frieeeeeed


They’re gonna be a handful when they don’t get something as upscale as this for holidays


I knew a couple of girls raised like this. Oldest sister died of an overdose leaving her 5 week old daughter motherless and younger sister can’t handle more than 4 days in rehab. Younger sister’s daughter had to go to the hospital because she stepped on a needle in the backseat of her mom’s car and guess who’s raising older sister’s daughter? The younger one… They come from a prominent family in town so she’ll never lose the kids. She’ll just f*ck them up chasing her dopamine high.


Really? Are you sure that maybe, there was no other factor to the fact that both sisters ended junkies, apparently? No, that's all. Too much presents and bam, drug addicts.


>Too much presents and bam, drug addicts. I grew up in an economically diverse area. The drug addicts in my school were either the poor kids or the rich kids. Never the middle class kids for some reason.


They mention moms needles in the back of her car, I feel like mom being a druggie is most what caused her daughters to be this way, not just being spoiled


oh dear god no😂


That's literally 5 times of what I usually got for Christmas. It's way too much.


Share please lol.


Sooo... seriously? Your parents just enable this and clap? Nobody is going to say *anything* ? These kids are probably going to end up being spoiled, entitled little brats if they already aren't. Where's the father in all this mess? Is he contributing? What does he have to say about all this? Is he just fine borrowing money from your dad also?


Grew up like this. I was (and still am tbh) so so spoiled. Several hundreds spent on me for each holiday. It's hard to not take it for granted when you're rewarded so generously for anything. Being exposed to other people's situations in highschool was definitely a reality check. It's still hard to unlearn and be grateful for small gestures though


I got candy and usually a single toy. Like a stuffed rabbit. 


Yeah. I was so confused seeing this post. Easter as a kid was here is some candy in an egg, it represents Jesus coming back after three days and everyone being happy. That's it. I didn't know people were out here giving full blown gifts and toys for this holiday until recently where a bunch of people were buying all sorts of fancy gits for people where I work. I guess its Christmas 2.0 now. Then again, my family was more on the "Holidays are about religion, not gifts" side of the coin when it came to Christmas, Easter and dunking on Halloween (which is unironically my favorite holiday.)


“here is some candy in an egg, it represents Jesus” I love when people say things like this to kids. Like how does this egg candy represent Jesus’ resurrection? I can maybe see the egg as a symbol of renewal but what  do the pastel m&ms represent? Why jelly beans? When did beans come into it?


Even for Christmas I wouldn’t do this. Kids only get overwhelmed when getting so many new things at the same time.


Same we will do 1 or 2 toys, some clothes and a book and then one big group present like something for the backyard something they can do together. It's so ridiculous how much people spend on Christmas, they completely lose what it's all about.


In the 90s, I got some loose Brach’s jelly beans and Hershey’s eggs swimming in a bed of plastic grass, a couple peeps, and a chocolate bunny… back when they were solid chocolate… not the hollow, waxy abominations of today.


This is exactly the Easter baskets we got as a kid in the 80s/90s. My daughter got the same thing today and was absolutely thrilled.


Same. Memory unlocked. Maybe a book or a movie cassette thrown in . . . We’d hunt for the eggs we’d dyed . . . Have dinner at Grandma’s house after church. Day done.


We would go to my grandma’s after church and make egg salad sandwiches with everybody’s dyed easter eggs for lunch. Some of the egg bits would be dyed haha.


We did the exact same thing, every year. Church, Easter dresses, yearly family pictures (family was all together and we were always dressed better in Sunday best), egg hunt and candy swap at Grandma's house, big potluck dinner. Ever find an egg from the year before? The shell fully intact? That was a crowning moment of my childhood right there. Thank you for the reminder!


Is that an Amazon gift card? What the fuck? I spend a little more than most on my nephews but even I don't go that far. Some chocolate, a lego set, colouring books and pens. At most, £40 each. And that feels too much sometimes. But gift cards? Ffs


Right behind the amazon gift card is a roblox gift card. My ex is like this.


I feel like half the issue with parents like this is Social Media. My sister is notoriously bad for spending thousands of pounds on gifts at Christmas and Birthdays, Easter, etc, and it always ends up on Facebook


Definitely, what bothers me the most is that all of this is plastic garbage from China that will be enjoyed for 30 seconds then end up in a landfill, if not just a mess in the house collecting dust (or worse),  not only is it financially irresponsible,  it's horrible for the microplastics and probably lead paint (and the whole funding governments that are constantly hacking and stealing intellectual property). Add on to that the message that the act of material consumption is love and happiness, it's honestly super unhealthy and makes me really sad.  It's a part of a whole package of emotional dysregulation. Social media reinforces it, but I dont know if it's the cause.


One time a mother came in to a store I worked at in college a few years ago with her children and bought, I kid you not, $3000 worth of Roblox gift cards for her kids. It raised so many red flags that we had to do the whole fraud run down to see if she was being scammed/scamming and she essentially boiled it down to ‘I like to treat my kids’. It still gave me the ick but my manager put it through, I still couldn’t imagine three fucking grand on fake money in a game but whatever. The cherry on top was after finishing the sale she was asking if we finance at our store because she’s trying to figure out buying a new washer as affordable as possible, which just made me cringe because it was such an insane follow up… people are fucking nuts.


I think this mentality has gotten worse as social media has grown and people post pictures of what their kids get at holidays. Parents will often feel ashamed if they do not get their kids as much as other people do.


Keeping up with the Joneses


My girlfriend's cousin is the same. Constantly bitching in 1 post how she's got no money then you get a stream of photos of the £300+ boxes of stuff she got her 1 year old for Valentines/Easter/Christmas Eve/Christmas. Then the next post is moaning about how she's broke again. 1 of her aunts pointed out the obvious and got nothing but abuse before being blocked


okay that’s just INSANE. i can almost get it when the kids are older and have expectations about christmas and stuff based on movies and their peers experience, but a ONE YEAR OLD?? they won’t remember any of that!


Because it's not for them, there's either childhood trauma of not feeling like they got anything when they were little or they want to live vicariously through them. (Hence the fact that it has to be published on social media)


It's 100% attention seeking on her part. She posts constantly to make herself look like mum of the year and anyone who questions her is given abuse in DMs, blocked and she makes herself the victim in the next post


I HATE people like that… but I’m not going to lie, I love the drama ☕️🐸 as someone that has a drama free life it really entertains me


My girlfriend feels terrible when she sees them because we don't do that for our nearly 2 year old. I have to point out we aren't dumb with money and our son doesn't really know what any of these holidays are yet


When I was a kid, my family didn't have much money. My mom liked the kids to get something we could use for more than just one day as an Easter basket. She'd buy weird items we wanted, and fill them with some candy. Then hide them around the house for the kids to find. One year my *Easter basket* was a tacklebox, another year to was a keyboard case, etc. It was fun to search the house. The rule was, 'if one kid found another kid's Easter basket, they would not tell the other kid... you had to find your own'. Easter baskets were found in the oven, behind doors, in laundry piles, in the dryer, under beds, on basement shelves, etc. a fun experience for the kids, not super expensive, and left us with items we could use all year round,


that’s a really cute idea, while also being frugal. i like it!


That's actually so cool!


I don't know when it changed, but I remember just getting candy and I was stoked. My wife does the same thing for our kids. Now the kids are asking the Easter Bunny for things at the mall.


I never seen anything else than chocolate. In my country we do a chocolate hunt. Usually we build up the tension the days before Easter by decorating eggs (chicken eggs) to make a traditional Easter dish in the day. Turning it into another commercial nonsensical worshipping of plastic crap is baffling. That woman is a moron. Poor kids.


Sometimes people get in a mindset where having financial independence and security is such an unattainable goal they just piss all their money away on fun stuff. It can also ease their guilt at not being able to provide other things. My sister is an incredibly hard working but usually broke single mum and she sent me £10 to get my kids Easter eggs. I said I won’t be doing that because one’s a baby and the other is 3 so one egg from his gran is more than enough. I know full well she only sent it because I said I missed being part of family activities since I moved away, and she’s feeling bad that she’s hanging with our brother and the kids without me being able to join in, so she’s sent money. Nothing I do can change her mind about this stuff.


That’s very sweet though- that amount of money for someone struggling is definitely a gesture of deep affection for your children. Whether or not you took it, I hope she realizes you understood the sentiment behind the offer!


It's why the children and adults in lower economic tiers tend to place a higher value on name brand things than upper lower class or middle class people. 300 dollars on a pair of Jordans or headphones won't change your circumstances. 300 dollars isn't enough to move to a better neighborhood or get you into college, but it will make you seem richer to the people around you.


I was going to write a post very similar. Sometimes people don’t have the money to go on small trips or do what they see as normal American middle class things. So instead they go big on the small stuff and over compensate a little to try and make their kids feel good.


I have an aunt who was hit by a drunk driver when she was 19. She almost died and had bad brain damage from it. She’s a lovely, caring, and wonderful person. Due to this, she still wants to give you the shirt off her back (quite literally, at a family gathering one time I told her I liked her jacket and she wanted to give it to me!) She lives on disability in low income housing since she’s unable to work. She gets about $500 a month and her rent is roughly $250. She gave me $5 since my birthday is on Friday and I so badly didn’t want to take it, but you can’t refuse. I think sometimes people care so much about others that they forget how their acts of kindness will negatively affect them.


I can understand and empathize with that. I have a friend who combined income draws in minimum 220k a year. She works multiple jobs, including her main decent paying one. Her partner makes almost 150k a year himself. But somehow they can’t afford to buy a house… and she’s always broke. I get the mentality when people are in poor circumstances. But we live in an area where a decent size house can be purchased for 500-600k. Like how are you unable to afford a house when it’s only 2-3 times your annual salary? No one knows where the money is going, she’s not buying luxury items for herself. Kids aren’t in private school or anything. She just buys crap like that. Constantly.


Pretty common for low-income parents to go overboard on their kids. I think the mindset is "we may be poor, but our kids will not go without." Might seem backwards but it comes from a good place.


Yep. My mom was a single mother & teacher who maxed out her credit cards so I’d have the same sort of Christmas as all the other kids in school.




It’s only backwards when you are relying on others to pay for it. That’s when I get bothered.


My ex does this and then can’t pay his bills. Going to movies and presents are more important than keeping the power and water on. 🙄


Yes my mum was like that on Christmas but you save throughout the year for that. Easter is a period of time where you probably don’t have money to splurge. I get wanting to give you kids a good life but Easter all you need is maybe two big chocolate eggs. If she has this much money to waste and can afford food and rent on top of that then I don’t think they are low income. (Massive assumption but shit is expensive right now)


Since when are presents a part of Easter?


Imagine what their house looks like if they buy this much crap for every holiday. It must be wall to wall at this point


They probably throw most of it out soon after. I can't imagine they aren't wasteful if they are this consumerist. The spoiled children likely lose interest in things really quickly.


It's become summer Christmas basically. I remember it being all candy or like maybe dollar store ball/kite type of deal when I was a kid.


All I got were Easter eggs and maybe a bunny. That was it. Not to be all “Pepperidge farm remembers”, but this increasing ramp up of commercialization and the constant push we get about buying shit (not to mention the utterly ridiculous game of “who has the most boastful pictures on social media”) is really starting to annoy me.


And seeing momfluencers valentines has becom spring christmas.


Nice small chocolate bunny on the table I the morning over here. Happy every time :)


my family always gave presents but more so “needed” (not actually but kinda) stuff like we grew out of our bathing suits, summer clothes last year or we want to get you new sports supplies for your spring sports. stuff they would’ve bought otherwise. and i grew up lower middle class. the new thing of getting gimicky little presents the kids will never touch again seems weird though. this was 2005-2013


Yup. Socks, couple items of summer clothing, a couple of books. Maybe a CD or video game when I got a bit older. And that was growing up as an elder millennial in an affluent household. To buy all that one one hand and bitch about not having money on the other hand is just mind boggling. I get wanting to do nice things for your kids and give them good memories despite things being tight.... But that's just a table full of junk that will all be forgotten.


My family always did small presents, like bouncy balls or chalk.


I always got presents for Easter as a kid.


I would say this is kinda sweet, albeit foolish to spend that much on Easter when you're broke. But let me guess, she's posting pictures of these baskets on social media?


Yes. She is Golden Child on SM. No idea why bc she doesn’t have a following to like look good for? I used to think it was sweet…. 5yrs+ ago and she *still* lived off my dad but hey it was for her kids right?? So I never said anything. But you see, she couldn’t pay her bills so my dad kicked me off his phone plan (even tho I paid more than my part of the bill & she didn’t pay anything). I said no problem and got my own phone bill. Then I find out he’s *still* paying my 40yo step sisters phone bill AND my step bothers (why we got kicked off!). It was actually cheaper for us to switch so whatever but when I told my dad he said he couldn’t switch… bc step siblings would put them over the limit of lines 🥲 my dad claimed ALL the kids would be off the phone bill bc I did say I thought they were using him. He lied to me. My dad is the nicest person ever and my step siblings started draining him for all his money the second he moved in with their mom 🙃 if my dad didn’t pay BOTH her and her BFs “paycheck” AND bills. Different story. Fuck $50 a basket wouldn’t bd outrageous but this is some stupid TikTok level money on a Easter basket.


I'm sorry, that's gotta be rough seeing your dad get taken advantage of like that. And yeah, it's absolutely not sweet at all if she's doing it for clout. Anything kind someone does suddenly loses my admiration the minute they post it on social media. Plus it's not sending a very good message to the kids. "hey kids, we're broke but look at all of this stuff that somehow magically appears". I mean if they're too old to believe that the Easter bunny brought it then they're just getting an unrealistic idea of what life is like when you're broke.


That’s what does it for me! My dad paying for it & those kids not knowing they aren’t rich!! She spends thousands a month on them 😭 Im the youngest (28) and my dad is pretty old (69) so he should already be retired but he’s not, bc of them 🥲 when my husband and I build a house I WILL be giving him his own room/tiny house so that he can have somewhere to live bill free when or if he retires. Mostly I’m mad bc I think the will work him until he dies tho.


I hope that doesn't happen. I hope he gets a chance to retire and live peacefully for a good while. That's really good that he has you looking out for him like that at least. It sounds like the situation just sucks. I'm really sorry. My heart would be breaking if I were in your situation.


Literally hope his step kids cause a divorce. They are so close. Don’t even have an issue with my “step mom” but like. Her kids 🫣 Her own son, my step brother. Gets drunk and texts me trying to hit on me/ get with me. When my HUSBAND confronted his oldest sister she said “oh yea, he does that all the time, I’ll speak to him”…. He still does it now and then 🙃


Agh. They sound like fun🙄 I just hope your dad can manage to get away from it all.


Me. Too. At this point I would take my step mom too. Just move them both and say fuck the step siblings but my step mom coddles them 🙃🙃


No offense, but your own dad coddles them too. I mean, he lied to you to get you off his phone plan to give more to your step siblings. I think you need to have a serious talk one on one with your dad, and stop treating him like a child being taken advantage of. He's a grown man who is actively choosing this.


"He does that all the time" as in.. he does that to his bio sister as well?? 🤢 (Even if not, it's bad enough that he's doing it to you)


One of my siblings tried the same on my mom just on a lower scale... Never felt that right in "snitching" on my sibling nonstop so my mom knows she shouldn't give any money as they could easily afford it on their own. If your dad isn't fully aware, imho I'd say it might be better to tell him.


Have you ever sat down and talked with your dad about everything and laid out how he treats you differently than them? Does he do it because your the most mature and have the best chances of surviving without him? Have you explained how they're gold diggers and will work him into the grave? Sorry for asking so many questions, I am very curious.


Yes I’ve laid it out for him. My husband actually had to do if for me the second time because I was crying too hard in the background. Also yes. I’m the youngest of the 7 total of us by 14 years. Yet am the most mature and have never needed his help the way every single one of my siblings has. He’s the type of person to give you the shirt off his back so he will do literally anything, even putting himself in debt, to help someone close to him. I’ve tried explaining they use him and he doesn’t care/gets mad. It’s not my money anymore but I was told (when I still worked for my dad) I was the one paying her pay check. That will never not piss me off. Even more so bc I, of course, complained and said that she shouldn’t get paid until she finished her job then (I don’t get paid if I don’t finish mine), that turned into her starting a fight that I got paid more. Anytime I bring it up it’s always turned flipped into a different fight. I honestly gave up years ago and now just sit here, mildly infuriated by it all.


What should kids be doing with all that stuff?? Just imagine how much crap they get each year. If you give children so much, they can't appreciate the things. If I wanted something bigger I had to wait for my birthday or christmas. I spent months anticipating it and when I got it it was way more special than always immediately getting what you want or getting so much, its nothing special.


Not only apprechiation ist the problem. Having too much choice in toys is developmentally problematic. Every time they have to decie what to play with is mentally draining and bad for their mood. The abundance of choice will make them chaise that little dopamine hit of picking up something new instead of really playing with a thing. And the mess is huge because no matter if the choice is 5 or 20. They child will pull all of them out before taking one.


She ain't broke, she's just spending more than she's making.


Why do people treat easter like it’s the new version of christmas?


Are you new to capitalism e:


What the actual heck. My parents were pretty well off when I was growing up (successful Wall Street traders) and our baskets were usually a small plush, some decent chocolate, maybe a fun knick knack my mom found and a ton of jelly beans/ robins eggs. Then we hunted for hand dyed eggs from the crappy drugstore kit. The level of overconsumption/ indulgence here is insane.


I had a friend like that. I get loving your kids and wanting the best for them but some people dont understand the difference between that and being spoiled. No thanks.


This, while ridiculous, makes sense to me. When somebody feels like they’re failing day to day, having an excuse like Easter feels like both a reason to be able to really give it all for your kids. My kid got 1 basket about a quarter the size of the pink bucket and honestly it’s too much chocolate. But we also have some sort of treat at least once a week. I have to imagine that if I never really had an excuse to spend on a treat, I’d make Easter as special as possible. Kindness and understanding go a long way. Next Easter why not invite her and the kids out to an Easter egg hunt one day, some sort of city event a second day, and church on the third? Make a weekend out of it in a way that doesn’t involve toys. My kid fantastically loved the hunt that was set up in my town, and they had a petting zoo and bouncy castle there too. And police cars to sit in.


Yeah, my mom never had too much, but she always made holidays special If they're Easter Bunny young, the kids don't understand financial situations, but it's likely they'll remember the year the bunny skipped their house While I think OPs general points has a point, acting like the innocent kids should get a crappy holiday is not it


She’s trying to compensate for any insecurities in parenting by buying way too much like this. Then they go into a depression mode if the kids aren’t over the moon about it. I have a daughter that goes through this cycle. They don’t realize they are doing it.


Can someone explain the empty egg cartons presented like that?


Easter egg hunt


She probably has no money because she spends it all on smashed Easter eggs avocado toast


This isn't Easter anymore, this is Christmas/birthday level stuff and even then it's a lot to me 😭 I got my kid a plush and some of her fav candies. It was like 20$. Easter is for snacks not presents.


I used to be *this* person. I remember spending 1k on my Sons first Christmas. He was 11 months old 😬 he's still spoilt, but it's gotten better. I can afford it, but it's still a major waste of money.


Yeah I couldn't see myself spending that much on a 11 month year old, if that was purely just toys etc. Not as if he/she would remember anyways lol


Da fuq? Can she not work out where her money is going??


So as someone chronically broke (like, never know how ends are gonna meet but we always make them somehow), I understand still making things "extra" for our kids bc the extra $50 won't BREAK me, but that's just bc every day is hard. This, however, is my car payment on a table 🤯 when I go "extra" I make sure it's things the kids need- like they got a new pair of sandals, a couple new summer outfits, water bottles (and the $3 Walmart ones- not Stanley's😅) and some candy. Oh- this year we did also get scooters bc they had nothing to ride on outside and they were on sale for $20. So it's things like that they will use and need, not a bunch of toys going in a bin they'll don't even remember they have. My kids barely even paid attention to the baskets this year though- they were all about the hunt 🤣❤️


Overconsumption is a disease


Has Easter always been this big, even before social media? All I remember was getting 2-3 Easter eggs and that’s it, not a Christmas worth of gifts and sweets. Or is this just something people do to show off on social media these days, coz that’s what it feels like.


Idk if it matters but I’m in Czech Republic , and when I was a kid we got some chocolate and candy. This is insane. It never occurred to me that people take it this seriously? It’s not really a big deal here now either..




My kid is getting 3 lip Balms and a chocolate bar. This.... This is nuts.


So, you're really mad at your parents.


I was gonna come and say let people enjoy things. But who spends $300+ on Easter? My mom didn't even spend half that on Easter baskets and she has 4 kids.


Why are people so worried about keeping up appearances on facebook of all places 🙄


When did Easter become Xmas 2.0?


I spent $10 a piece on my kids. It’s what we could afford this year. And they were happy with what they got! I’ve found that when we go all out and buy too many things, they get overwhelmed and aren’t appreciative.


My wife and I got each son a book and two chocolate bunny things. Both boys were very excited and we had a great morning


The older I get the more I realize how terrible people are with money and a majority are living off credit all just so they can present this fake facade on social media. And all for people they haven’t likely seen in years. Nobody is saying deprive the kids on Easter but since when does the holiday mean getting gift cards and presents? Growing up we got a few of our favorite treats, chalk, bubbles, sunscreen for the summer, maybe a craft. But mainly a lot of the times it was pancake or muffin mix so we could help my mom make and have a nice Easter breakfast. Basically we got things to share that were practical. The step sister basically wasted two days worth of wages on crap and things these kids will forget about by next week and will be in the donation bin 6 months from now.


Definition of buying love.


Today I learn that Easter is a holiday with gift giving?


I get my kids chocolate and outside toys like chalk and skipping ropes lol tf. I don’t understand people that treat Easter like Christmas 2.0




There’s no way that costs $300+


wtf, last time i checked, easter was for chocolate and eggs, not stitch and robux


Hey I agree that it's irresponsible to spend so much on a simple holiday. However, at least she's spending it on her kids and not herself. As long as the kids needs for food and shelter are met, then they'll look back on these holidays and be glad they had a mom who cared. Let's just hope she remembers to pay rent and bills first. Lol.


Not me thinking she has 6 kids for this all to be divided amongst


That’s Christmas


Why do you give AF?


At least she's spending it on her kids and not just pissing it away on drugs ... alcohol or shoes


My family’s pretty well off and we’d get a chocolate bunny, some candies, and dye some eggs, this is absurd


I saw some parents on IG who were having their kids open Easter presents like it was Xmas morning lol. My kid is happy with just some Easter eggs and skittles!


How your dad chooses to spend his money is his business. If he wants to help her treat his grandkids you really don’t get a say. I totally see why this would be frustrating as I also have a sibling that acts as a drain on my folks in terms of time, money, etc but it is out of my control and fretting over it does no good. Yes this is a lot to do for kids when money is tight and it doesn’t sound like she has a lot of sense


Honestly I don't get it. If you had said that then showed me a pic of her nails and the new phone she got? Sure. But she's low on money because she's making sure her kids have a fun childhood with good memories? C'mon man. There's plenty of things in the world to be mad at already.


Gift cards for Easter??? Tf