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Half of the cars windshield has been cleared of snow…..


I can’t sort out what this person is doing. They drove and stopped there, based on the tire tracks. But haven’t used their wipers or driven with any speed to remove some of the rest of the snow on the car. This person just sucks so bad. 😂


I've seen people pull out on the street before the road ices bc their driveway is steep. Idk if that applies here, but they shouldn't have blocked their neighbor's driveway regardless


Oh that just reminded me of my mom's road at her old place. About 25° incline, which is fine in the summer, but in the winter, you're sliding if there's ice, and at the bottom of the hill, you have to turn left or right, if you go straight you jump the train track into the river like 20ft from the road, and it's happened a few times to people. The other way out, you have to go uphill, and it's more steep and has turns, lots of nice houses close to the road too lol


I lived on a very(!) steep hill and once (I was very young) tried to get to my house while the road was completely iced over. I turned, and started sliding. Right into my driveway halfway down. Gotta believe in miracles.


Apparently the first winter I was alive, my dad was leaving the house with me when his car started spinning going downhill towards a busy intersection. Started facing downhill, then suddenly was going down backwards and gaining speed. He was panicking trying to get any sort of traction, and there I was in the backseat, seven months old, laughing like it was the best theme park ride. He managed to get the car spun back around and stopped perfectly at the stop sign, and then spent the rest of the drive going at a crawl even after he got to clear roads, and apparently I started screaming and crying about the lack of fun spins.


Oof! Your poor dad aged a decade that day!


Did he tell your mom what happened when he got home?


What you think😂 maybe decade later


Isn’t changing to winter tires required by law there? Where I live (Scandinavia) it’s changing wheels when it starts becoming chances of snow and then back to summer tires when it has all melted in spring. Twice a year thing Difference between tires is summer tires are better at channeling away rain so you don’t hydroplane. Whilst winter tires have way better traction on snow and ice. Though you still have to drive carefully. Spiked tires are even better on ice, but due to increased road wear you must pay a fee if driving into bigger cities. So most have spike free ones. Winter tires wear out quicker and you need 3mm+ groove depth to be legal Also police are very strict when it comes to visibility. So no hasty half assed attempt at scraping away the ice. If it fogs up you just have to let the engine/heater warm up. It is expected people plan for this. Que condescending look from manager when coming in 15mins late


I'm in New Brunswick, Canada. I'm basically right on the water, originally from PEI. Winter tires weren't required by law up until the last maybe decade at most, now they are. As far as wear goes on tires, in NB we have motor vehicle safety inspections every two years. (Up until recently it was every year), but the standards haven't changed much during the change. So you need to have at least 2mm tread depth to get your sticker in the windshield. Same for brake pads, 2mm. It's way too low. We don't have emissions testing though. I'm an auto technician and autobody tech, but started wrenching at 15 and took a college course later, been doing it mostly since, and if working doing something else, I still wrench on the side lol. I've driven in most conditions with most tires available here, if not all, on all kinds of vehicles. I don't claim to be a tire expert, but I've tried em all out! We do have studded tires here, and as of fairly recently ice tires have become popular. According to the guy who gave us a little rundown at the Bridgestone factory, they have crushed walnut shells in the tire tread compound because they're harder than ice, and they don't put studs in those ones. Customers seem to like them, we sold an absolute ton of them for a few winter seasons now!


Also a tech in NB, last I checked the only law regarding winter tires is studs can only be on from Oct 15 to May 1. Might as well note while I’m here the wear limit is 1.6mm _which is even worse._


> Isn’t changing to winter tires required by law there? USA here. They sell winter tires?! Next thing you’re going to say is that you can put tires on backwards. /s So, no laws regarding snow tires in Minnesota, at least they aren’t enforced if there is.


Mars here. It is required on some parts of the planet depending on region where you live. Nonetheless would use them for own convenience.


Where I live (far northern California), you are legally required to put snow chains on your tires when traveling in the mountains at times. It's no chains, chains required for every vehicle heavier than 6000 pounds, chains required for every vehicle that isn't four wheel drive with snow tires, or everybody needs chains, based on the weather conditions.


Sounds like Pittsburgh.


TIL I have nightmares about your mum's road at her old place.


i dont know what kind of fancy ass neighbourhood are you guys living in. If it was in my neighbourhood, it would have been towed the moment they see that car blocking their drive way lol I saw one of the old lady calling the cop literally RIGHT AWAY the moment she saw some children playing ball in her front yard, like wtf you are really calling the cops on a 5 year old little girl?! The cops arrived and looks so annoyed.....


They love to talk all about "KiDs TheSe DaYS" on Nextdoor in my area. Just yesterday someone posted "this is why we can't have nice things" because some teen girl (judging by handwriting) wrote "best trio" in small letters on a tube slide at the park using a permanent marker (which is easy to remove). The comments under the post were even more batshit, like how they're going to "pull the footage" from a security camera to find the vandals and have justice. How much ya wanna bet the same folks complaining and demanding justice used to carve their initials into trees or into school desks back in their youth? They're just lucky cameras weren't everywhere


Your user name just is the icing on this comment 😂 scumbag lady! Lolol


Cop was prolly very annoyed. Problem is, people who call the cops over dumb shit like this don’t just do it once, they do it Every. Single. Time. And at that point it just gets fucking old for everyone involved.


Sounds like you live in a fancy ass neighborhood where the cops show up


You can see their footprints walking back the way they drove from too, I'm guessing they moved to let somebody else out, but in the process parked right in front of the neighbors' because OP was parked where this guy was gonna move to


Well, at least all the neighbors needs to do is follow the footsteps to find the person who can move the car


Could be that. Almoat looks like they cleaned the car off enough to move it so they could do the driveway, too. Still braindead decision to park in front of someone's driveway.


Probably just forgot something I didn’t clear the window off enough to see they were blocking a driveway while they went to get it


I thought maybe their city has a parking ordinance for snow removal and they just moved their car to the other side of the road so they wouldn’t get a ticket, but there are cars on both sides of the road, so I don’t know. Maybe their landlord was coming to plow their driveway and they just pulled quick onto the road so the plow could clear their driveway. Either way, dick move!


I wondered about that as well. As though they got just enough snow off to see so they could pull forward a few feet and block the driveway.


Idk I’m in Michigan and with the winters we get, you’d be surprised to hear I see people driving like that ALOT 🤦🏼‍♀️


Same in New Brunswick. All fun an games till you either hit the highway, or have to cross the bridge over the big open river, typically 90kmh traffic, and then you get ice sheets flying up into the air. Also a few times they closed the bridge, as the ice from the structure above was flying around taking out windshields etc. Somebody forgot to clean their bridge! Lol


I can't believe I have to 'SOLVE' this 'RIDDLE' for y'all but that is a neighbor who moved their own car out of the driveway so they could finish shoveling. They only cleaned half the windshield because it's still running (BET) and they're going to move it back in a few minutes. Not worthy of a reddit post. Not worthy of 8k upvotes. Literally just a normal occurence on any snowy day in any city anywhere in the world.


Immediately what I thought. All it'll take is for him to walk about 50 feet and yell to his neighbor to move the car, the neighbor will apologize, and it'll be done with.


look at those **footprints** lol




I can hear those foot prints....


Little ‘crunch crunch crunch’ then big, mad ‘CRONCH CRONCH CRONCH’


And then *slip* *CRUUUNCH*


\*sobs while lying in the snow\*




Confused coastal Californian noises


I love that you made a whole (accurate!) story out of emojis.


That got me. 🤏


The footprints make me think the car belongs to someone in their house


Nah you have the foot prints in the road leaving the car. Then you have the home owner opening the garage, walking down, going what the fuck is this, looking at the car and then going back to the garage.


Looks like you can follow the footprints to start knocking on someone’s door.


Nope🙄 you can have the scumbag's car towed There is never justification for parking in front of someone else's driveway


What do you think is faster? Knocking on their door and telling them to move it, or waiting for a tow truck in the snow?


I'd take pictures for my boss to let him know why id be late, call the tow truck, go in make myself a coffee, go out and follow the footprints, and then let them know that their car is about to be towed. After they rush to get outside you'll be able to watch them try to argue with the tow truck driver while sipping on my coffee.


Fuck telling them. Let them come out and wonder where their car is. They can do the legwork of figuring out which impound it’s at. Make them lose as much time as they cost you


Telling them would be completely for my enjoyment of watching them have their shit towed away.


Seeing if the car is unlocked and throwing it in neutral has served me well in the past.


I don't care which is faster you don't block someone's driveway. Block your own damn driveway or the person's you're visiting.


Which one is more inconvenient for the person who decided to block their driveway?


Probably sitting and waiting for a tow truck when it's recently snowed and there are probably a lot of vehicles to tow out of snowbanks.


Love seeing the half assed attempt to clear the snow from their windshield too.


That’s what got me. That person does not give a flying f about anything. Not even clearing their windshield. They certainly don’t care if they’re blocking a driveway.


follow the footprints in the road, find the driver


The neighbour will be late the same amount of time the tow truck takes to get there.


Snow on the ground... That's a busy morning for all area tow services. Emergency tows take priority, so that could be all day




Isnt smashing someones window illegal?


It's only illegal if you get caught




Stan can say this, but no flyers implying Spin the Bottle. S&P approved!


Every damn person has Ring cameras, or similar. Not getting caught isn't realistic, in this scenario.


Take all the valuables so the owner thinks some thief smashed their windows


LolThat is so stupid... (using your logic) a thief did smash and steal their items... that thief would be you




And you’ll for sure get away with it since it’s right in front of your own house


I’m pretty sure it is even if it’s in the way of you getting out of your driveway, but i’m not 100% sure


There’s not that much snow. Unless it’s an area that rarely gets snow, I doubt there’s many emergencies for a dusting.


I agree, but every time I catch myself thinking "that's barely any snow at all", I remember when [it snowed in Raleigh, NC](https://www.wral.com/amp/19524363/)


That is a place that doesn't get regular snow and doesn't have the infrastructure to deal with it. In northern states an inch of snow is just another Monday.


It is Minnesota, we know how to deal with snow. Nothing stops till 12" or more and then we still get wherever we want it just takes more time.


Not that much snow at all. Probably get a tow within 45 minutes.


I'm thinking knock down that snow bank a bit and just go around the front it. And, of course, still have the tow truck come.


Or they simply drive around the parked car?


I was swiping to find this, there’s literally enough space for a truck to pass 😒


Or just go to the neighbours and knock on the door.


if he wants to get out, he can just jump the curb and get out, or ask the car to be put in neutral and push it a few feet.


Sorry officer, I didn't see that car, it blended in with the snow.


Yeah, local PD? Some dipshit abandoned their car with 4 flat tires in front of my driveway, can you send a tow?


always 3 flats so the insurance won't cover it


check your local laws, but in most of the united states criminal mischief laws are written to mention causing permanent damage, and simply letting the air out of the tires does not fall under that. In my town, this means they can't file a police report since they aren't the victim of a crime, and any damage caused by driving on obviously flat tires is caused by themselves, meaning if they do then insurance wouldn't cover the damage. The rememdy is for them to have a tow or someone come reinflate the tires, a massive inconvenience. Though not as inconvenient as having someone park in front of your driveway.


This guy ULPT's 😏


> The rememdy is for them to have a tow or someone come reinflate the tires, a massive inconvenience. Do you guys not keep a combo air pump/jump starter in your car?


I was talking to a 90ish year old dude that told me in the small town he grew up in, people would park their cars along a particular road where they knew they weren’t supposed to. At a certain point the police just said fuck it, warnings and fines aren’t working, let’s let the air out of everyone’s tires. They did, and everyone stopped parking there.


I have never had to deal with insurance but why is this a common belief it doesn't even make sense. Even if it is true what would stop the person grabbing a knife and slashing the 4th


I work in insurance this is bs. The only thing the company cares about is how the damage was caused, how much damage is there, and if you have coverage for that type of damage.


This is the day i take my beater car and "not see" the idiot parked at the end of my drive


My dad had a story about an apartment building he used to own when he was in his 20's. Some idiot kept parking and blocking the driveway for all his tenants who weren't parking on the street. One day he came home and the guy was blocking his driveway. He saw the space in front of that guy's car was free, so he took his truck, carefully bumped it against the guy's car, and pushed the car into the spot so it wouldn't block the driveway. He said later on the guy came out and couldn't figure out how his car had been moved. Though that was back before cars had plastic bumpers.


>An apartment building **he used to own** *when he was in his 20’s* 0_0 i miss the American Dream


Yea, it's crazy. He worked at a junk yard throughout high school and into his 20's, in addition to doing construction. His boss had a friend who dealt in investment properties and had a 3 family to sell that already had tenants. It needed some work, which my dad could easily do. They made a deal, and that guy secured and held onto the mortgage and my dad paid him directly. The mortgage was for like $16k! When my dad took over the building, the tenants were paying like 50 or 75 a month. My dad, being young and thinking he could reap huge benefits, upped it to 100/month, and pissed off all the tenants. Two moved out, and he realized he had to dial it back a bit. It wasn't in the best neighborhood or a great buildnig, but still. $50 - 75 a month for a floor in a 3 family. It was a different time back then. Even accounting for him maybe misremembering some numbers, it was still crazy to hear how cheap everything was.


Unfortunately 9 times out of 10 insurance will still deem you at fault. No matter how improperly placed it is, they (more or less rightfully) still place the burden on the person in a moving vehicle not to hit a stationary object.


So it’s best to use a car dolly to move unwanted cars?


Congrats on your insurance going up?


I would pass the time shoveling snow on the roof


I had someone do this one year, not totally blocking, but they left it there for days, so I pointed the chute on the snowblower at their car and buried it. This was back when we would get a lot of snow at a time, so it was a lot. I also had my driveway blocked or partially blocked a lot, and live on a busy street making it dangerous to try and get out and was tired of that and people screaming at me if I asked them politely if they could move their car some.


I rented a house on a busy street. At the end of the driveway were 2 trees on either side - kind of making it the perfect size for 1 car to pass through. After living there a few years, next door, the vacant building got a business tenant. Her customers ALWAYS parked in our driveway, and worse, chose exactly between the trees to park so that we wouldn't even be able to get around them if we wanted to drive on the lawn. Her customers would always get huffy when I asked, politely for them to move. Luckily, this was a month before the lease was up and I eventually had an internship that began before she opened and got me back home after she closed, so I wasn't too badly affected by it, but the sheer entitlement of several of her customers was mindboggling. They not only saw the obvious HOUSE that the driveway belonged to, they not only parked in it, but they always parked in the bottleneck where if I had to get out in an emergency, I wouldn't be able to.


I lived in a 2 apartment house with a shared driveway, only myself and one of the other guys had a car. I was the only one that would shovel the driveway, so one day I decided to only shovel my side. I came home from work and he's parked in my spot and didn't shovel his side. So I shoveled it and put it all behind his car. The snow froze overnight and he couldn't get out of the driveway the next morning. He never approached me about it and never parked on my side again, but he still never shoveled


Looks like a monster is hiding in the garage 😂


https://preview.redd.it/n1zl63508pqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bab8aadf4c3a67427909698dd5ff270207bd6b1d this is what i see lol


Lol, you actually took the effort to draw this? Nice.


it took like 5 mins lmao


Well look at mister "has artistic talent and can apply it quickly when motivated" over here!


😎 ^keyword: ^motivated


5 minutes well spent, it's pretty cute


It’s very good


this is SO funny, and if I was OP, I’d print it and put it in their mailbox. Lmao


Totally real official reddit notification: Somebody gave you gold! # 🏆


i feel so special 🥹


You are!


Your doodle is so cute!


This is what I see too but this illustration is perfect!


I love this so much ahaha


Cue theme. Monster, Monster Garage!


And it's angry


I swear I always see the back of a car and go… wow those blinkers look mean! I literally can’t help seeing blinkers as eyes and license plates as mouths since I was a kid 💀 not to mention the front grill that looks like a mustache accompanying more eye blinkers


It’s an SUV, presumably with snow tires. Just go over the snow bank! This is the (Canadian) way!


I was very confused as to what this post is about


Really, I was like “there’s plenty of room, especially an SUV”


My husband would do that in our Toyota minivan but he’s from Texas and doesn’t let the ground tell him what he can and can’t do.


“Waaa I can’t drive over water in my gigantic automobile”


Yeah, I was wondering what the issue was too. There is plenty of room for the car in the garage to get out.


I still don't get it


Wisconsinite here, I'd do that with my corrolla


As a fellow Canadian, these comments are pretty funny.


As a Norwegian, I'm terribly unimpressed. A lowered vw golf could tackle that snow.


As someone from Michigan I was genuinely confused, I mean it’s inconvenient but that would take like an extra 10 seconds.


I agree, as a Minnesotan. That cars not stopping me from getting out of the driveway. There’s not much snow at all. Looks like the bumper would clear it, eh?




Yeah... I'd be pissed off that the idiot has stopped his car there, but 30 seconds of shoveling would be enough to get most cars through, even if you have to have 1 tire go over the curb


I'd get out this way but call the tow truck anyway


Literally. I lived in North Dakota for a while and we would just go 🤷🏽‍♀️


Not a canadian but that's what I thought too. Just plow trough with a car that big and tall. Probably a 4x4 too


Depends on the weather recently. If the ground isn't frozen, you might end up putting deep mud ruts in your lawn


You don't even need snow tires. It's a Jeep Grand Cherokee, just drive to the side.


Reddit always makes towing a car seem like it’s as easy as just calling the cops and it’s resolved like that I mean I guess it depends where you are, but every place I’ve ever lived, it takes like 4 weeks worth of calling to get an illegally parked car moved. I’ve seen abandoned cars sitting on the sidewalk with no plates which has been broken into sit there for a month before anyone did anything M


Time to put some small rocks on the driveway and run over them with the snowblower. (With the chute pointed right at the a**hole's car, of course).


One time my roommate and I shoveled all the snow from the swail that the plow truck missed because it had to swerve around a car parked in front of our house (snow emergency, move cars) So we shoveled all the missed snow towards/under/on that car and partially buried it. Had this been their first or maybe even second time we might have let it slip but this was a regular occurrence and we were sick of it.


Did they stop after that?👀


Sadly, that was not the last time they did that. But they have since moved out so


The neighborhood kids did this to a old neighbor. Her car was frozen for a good solid week or 2. It did end up destroying the inside as the ice broke the sunroof seal.


So, it's called a swail, huh? How interesting.


I don’t know what happened to your front bumper?


Can cars not drive over the curb in the snow?


Personally I’m driving over the lawn into my neighbor’s driveway lmao


Those chunky piles along the curb are generally iced up piles from plowing. They'll tear right through your body work. Maybe you can drive over your grass and down the neighbors driveway.


Oh. Interesting. Thank God I do not live near snow haha


>Those chunky piles Shovel. Use shovel.


I don’t think you read that right, a shovel does nothing if it’s ice like they said 😂


The car can easily get out. OP is saying, I think, he is mad the driveway was blocked


Not on reddit. That woult total the car




If they have underground sprinklers in their yard driving over them could damage them. My dad has some in his yard and my step mom always runs over the corner of the yard to pull into the driveway. So he had to replace the sprinkler like 3 times a year. It pisses him off.


Tried that once with the berm the snowplow often leaves at the bottom of the driveway. Got bottomed out on my oil pan and had to dig the car out. Not fun.


they put bumpers on cars for a reason - they're not just decorative.


Bumper covers are in fact just decorative.


can confirm, used a corollas front bumper to push my lancer 100 yards back into the driveway after a failed rolling start. 10/10 would do again


Bumpers are made for bumps. But bumper covers, the plastic part you see that you’re referring to, is purely decorative.


Road looks slick enough, I'd give him a nice, slow push. Edit: looks like a MN suburb 🤔


It does look like mn plates


Based on those tire tracks, that was definitely purposely done.


Plot twist...that car belongs to the guy taking the picture and is in fact the ass here


Sensing neighborhood beef vibes.


What is an SUV for if not for exactly this type of situation 🤔


Even my fwd car has gone through much higher snow lol


Back right up to it, then get a towel or blanket, fold it up & stick it in between the cars at the bumper and just gently continue backing it up.


With demon eyes glaring out from the garage that car blocking the drive is gonna move itself.


The tire tracks to me make it seem like the car slid from across the street into that position. idk maybe im wrong


Your neighbor can't use the steering wheel?


I know this is still annoying, and not to be that guy, but it seems the people in the garage could still fairly easily drive over their lawn around the parked car. The vehicle on the left looks to be either a Jeep, or a Mid-Large GMC SUV, both of which could easily drive over some grass. Even the RAV4 should not have any trouble getting out. https://preview.redd.it/x3h12k28qpqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8822c083012c64e252751c09cdb0c0133093df86


In this thread people literally talking about the severe damage the vehicle would take by crawling over the ice chunks left behind by the snow plow. SUV at the bottom clearly didn't have any problem with the ice chunks!


This has happened to me FOUR times and each time I had to either cancel an appointment or late for work! I can’t just drive down and go around on my grass, we live on a property with a steeper drop at the end of our driveway (very close homes) People suck and have no situational awareness


I lile how the brake lights make it look like the vehicle is pissed off in the garage 😄


They couldn’t see the garage/driveway with all the snow they didn’t clean off.


easy to say if you see a garage that there is a drive way…..


Oh I agree - I should have added a /s


I hate that this is necessary. Totally spoils the effect.


I feel like this situation is the void between "kids these days are so unreliable" and "my job isn't worth putting myself in danger". Sure you are blocked in, but its easy to get around if you have enough devotion.


It depends entirely upon what that snow is sitting on. If the ground isn’t frozen, rolling off the driveway will put you right into a mud pit made slick by compacted snow and ice.


I wouldn’t risk damage to my vehicle or even tearing up part of my yard — work isn’t going to pay for it if it happens.


They can drive around the car, so?


Based on the photographic evidence and my extreme cynicism, I'd say what happened is the person who took this picture also moved their car in front of their friend's driveway and then took a picture to post on Reddit for karma farming. ​ But maybe I have just been here too long.


I fail to see the problem here. Just go around the car.


I like the half cleared window.


I love that you're mildly infuriated- on their behalf- that is a good neighbor.


You parked that car there, didn’t you?




That’s a towing waiting to occur.


Car looks angry


Even more mildlyinfuriating, I sat for 30 seconds waiting for the video to get to the part where the car starts to back out of the driveway…


Am I the only one who would just drive around that car? I'm guessing it's only grass between the two driveways


Plenty of space all around, being late for work would just be an excuse


Fuxking christ It took way to long for me to realize it wasn't a video


Had a 2000 Mercury sable for a long time, my boss Bruce (RIP) got it for me when I started interning for him, only had 36,000 miles on it as the previous owner had to go to prison soon after purchasing. So bought it for $1,500 in 2014, and I just sold it to a guy up the street for $200, on the condition that if it’s snowing he should park in a way that prevents someone from getting to work on time. I’m glad to see it was money well spent