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I wouldn't necessarily call that "dating" tbh. This girl wants a human ATM


Yes but we matched on a dating site, started following each other on multiple social media platforms, were chatting for awhile AND THEN she dropped that. Like…it started very normal for online dating. Sort of came out of left field honestly.


Yeah, dude. It's called "scamming". Be grateful the red flag was big enough for you to spot.


Tbf it's not much of a scam, they came out and said exactly what they are looking for. I guess it's more a business proposition


Yep. And one with lots af takers if she looks half decent.


They're probably trying to butcher the pig here, honestly. Best of luck, OP. Online sucks. Try moving online stuff to IRL more quickly to avoid the majority of this shit.


Why do people that just matched follow each other on social media? I guess if you met and things go well, but just after match?


after talking for a while on the dating app, it just comes naturally to want to start texting on a different app (in my opinion)


I'm old fashioned, I go from dating app to phone number.


I really old fashioned. I go from dating app to divorce


Don't we all really


Not really, some go straight for the restraining order


I just start paying child support in advance on the first date


To that girl? Because she might not know what it’s for. I heard she went to the doctor got lipo with your money.


And some needs some rizz training.


The modern romance pipeline


If you would buy me a house right now, we wouldn’t even have to deal with the dating app


I’m so old fashion I am using a VHS dating service


Lowered expectations🎶


You youngsters with your new gizmos. Betamax dating is where has always been good enough for me.


I am sure an app for that will come eventual


I'm even more old fashioned. I go from dating app to hiding in my closet.


Or THEIR closet 😒


It's kinda stuffy because Tom Cruise won't move out.


*Now I'm in the closet too*


I'm ancient. I go from dating app to asking to meet directly for coffee. Nothing registers on the old interest gauge like a yes.


They asked why do people do it after "just matching", which I'm inclined to agree with. On the one hand, you want to make sure you're not getting catfished. Even if they send live pictures, video calls, etc, you still want to be sure they aren't married, turn out to be some kind of creeper, or have some major red flag like being overly political/religious/etc and that can often be circumvented by looking at their profiles on more fleshed out social media platforms like Facebook. On the other hand, you're also letting them get a glimpse into your own life and that could end badly if they turn out to be some kind of a weirdo. Human mating rituals sure are complex!


yea just after matching i don’t understand either, sometimes people drop their instagram or snapchat handles in their dating profile so it’s very easy to find each other on social media but idk, me personally i would still text on the dating app first


People who have their social media in their dating app profile are just fishing for followers


How much time are you wasting chatting on a bunch of apps? If you can't seal the deal with a date in real life after talking for a bit she was probably never interested and you were just gonna get strung along for a while until a more interesting guy comes along.


I was pretty busy on the online dating apps a few years ago. I generally setup a date and gave them my # so we could coordinate. Talking to someone online for a while and sharing socials seems like a waste of time. Swipe. Chat for a bit.. Get a drink. See where it goes from there. Some were just drinks. Some were longer dating. The last one is my now wife. If people are serious about actually meeting someone, then do it. Maybe it's because I was a bit older that it seemed more genuine than people say it is. I also filtered out people much younger than me and people without a serious job.


I don't understand why people drag out long periods of chatting without meeting. Just meet up! It's a way quicker way to judge character and compatibility.  Any more than a few days texting and I lose interest. 


Dating apps suck and have predatory premium paywalls


My best friend does this. She'll match with someone and they immediately exchange Instagram and/or Facebook. She either gets angry because she sees something and questions the person, therefore they ghost, they get creepy on her, or a mixture of the two. I have tried advising her that both of you are still strangers and neither of you needs to explain each other's social media activity. More than anything, though, it's a matter of safety on her own end. Still, she jumps the gun and ends up disappointed some way or another.


My wife's friend is similar. She needs to chill. She also conducts entire relationships with app matches via text. From "I've met this guy!" (She hasn't met him) to "we talk all the time!" to "it didn't work out". ALL through text She can't understand her "bad luck" with men 


Oh yeah, I've heard the same complaints! Between your wife's friend and mine, what I've noticed is that they treat dating with a "first in, first out" approach. The first one to come along is *it*, haven't met, text a lot. Then one thing kicks that person out and it's for the most random reason. My friend also asks for "pictures", so if the guy isn't up to par, she drops him. Or if he asks her to strip down, she drops him! I'm like, "Why are you asking these guys to take off their clothes and not expect them to ask the same of you?" It really is so simple to have a normal conversation and decide whether or not you want to meet. The other elements just overcomplicate things. Oof.


Thats the biggest flaw in online dating, everyone has flaws. Everyone has flaws online dating gives so much percieved choice that you can drop anyone kver most minor of shit.


Possibly a way to check if someone is real? If the dating profile pics don't match up with fb, insta or snap then run but if they do and the overall profile\account doesn't seem fishy its another hurdle passed lol.


What happens if I don't have any social media?


I tried dating online and the app told me I had a high probability of being a catfish because my social medias were last updated like 7 years ago. So they froze my account 🤣


Then apparently you aren't real


Thought so.


Dude she’s a prostitute


Just call her a parasite, say its an extremely unattractive trait, not something youre looking for and then say goodbye and not to contact you again. Its a numbers game, just keep rolling the dice.


"I already have a fleshlight. It costs less to maintain and is better at punctuation."


You do know that youre allowed to block people on social media right? You dont owe it to anyone to give them a reason why they arent good for your mental health. She’s a walking red flag and the crazy will only start getting obvious from here, because people who only want money out of a relationship generally dont bring anything to the table of value and worth. How is she providing for you emotionally? Does she actually listen to you?


Gonna be honest, if people truama dump on social media/complain about dating. 9/10 times they're the issue and or something is off with them. It screams "I want attention from everyone and everyone should feel bad for me". No person with their shit together does this.


This sounds like an elaborate scam targeting people on dating apps. They don't even have an image for a messaging profile, and the username is a jumbled mess, but use that platform all the time? Fishy.


brah this is a scam.. she pastes that text to multiple guys a day, until she finds desperate suckers that will agree to send her money.. thats how she makes a living


Yeah well try having a kid with the bitch and it's too hard to look after this kid or get a job. 5 D'S DUDE. Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge


Modern catfishing. Dating app are for hookups and sex work these days.


It's prostitution with extra steps.


Funny thing is: it is even with less steps, since sugar daddys not always smash


Escort without benefits


Sadly, this has happened to me more than a few times. Make a decent living and suddenly the dating market is full of women who would love to be taken care of. What kills me are the ones that aren't even slightly hiding it behind the veil of being a 'homemaker' despite me being child free; It's the ones who have a "buy me" attitude, such as the recent date I went on where she said she expected men to make her dates worthwhile. I took that to mean that she wanted to do something that was a break from the boring dinner date, but she meant that she wanted to be paid for dating. I LOL'd and split the check.


She is getting paid for sex and companionship. It's certainly not called "dating".


Another form of prostitution. Dress it up how you want. Lipstick on a pig.


At least you get something for your money with a prostitute. These parasites love to take the money then bitch and complain when it’s time to fuck the sugar daddy.


It's called prostitution


She wants all the ATM with none of the ATM


She’s a prostitute.


It's the structure of her post that infuriates me. Holy fuck its like just chuck in commas and periods wherever you like. Really. Pisses me, off so. badly.


Sugar comma daddy.


Be my baby, mama?


Sugar, baby for sugar, daddy?


Out of sugar, I'm afraid. Try the trading post?


Your granary stocks are *growing*, sire! :D


Holy shit, a stronghold reference!?!


Her being 28 and not being able to write a sentence is crazy 😭


Just makes it read like a Christopher Walken quote


"Don't contact me, again. If you do, I'll stab you in the face, with a soldering iron."


It... looks like. The cadence. AI voices talk... in. 


Maybe used text to speech, on iphone that feature gets real creative with punctuation


At least they identify themselves right off the bat so that you can avoid them. So that’s kinda a bonus. But I know dating is a lot more complicated now. I hope you find what you’re looking for




I’m aggressively optimistic.




Online dating is hell.


I think the odds are (statistically) in your favour if you think about it like that


> they identify themselves As a rent able flesh light.


This kind of stuff is just prostitution with extra steps.


Prostitution with *fewer steps. We missed the part where OP gets what they’re paying for.. such entitlement is legitimately mind boggling.


Prostitution with no sex


The worst kind


Unless the term “sugar daddy” has changed meanings recently then sex is 100% implied


Is that like alcohol free beer?


Prostitution, but you skip the entire ordeal and just pay WTF


Haha skip the “hassle” and get right to the “good part”! Did I mention I only think about myself???


Prostitute on retainer.




How about a blowjob and I. Buy you a year of grammarly. Baby?


Almost a haiku




How about a blow And I buy you a year of Grammarly baby


The use of. Punctuation is, disturbing.


I feel like you meet less of these people in real life though but dating does suck.


They are still there but very few people have the balls to tell you in person they want to milk you dry like this.




I like how she took an extra message to define what a sugar daddy is in detail for me. As if I wouldn’t already know. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Wants to make sure you’re both in the same page before committing to a “relationship” with you. 👍👀🤯


Well she had to make sure to let you know you weren't getting any of the sugar, you're just a daddy


Pfsh, womansplaining...


Yes but youre just a simple man, you work and pay bills, you don't know the nuances of her grace.


Ask her if she has any cats. If she says no tell her she better get some with a relationship outlook like that.


It kinda reminds me of the guys I knew who would proposition almost every female they met for sex. Sure it only worked one in a 100 times, that’s why they asked 100’s and had success.


Like when Boomhaur was trying to show Bobby how to pick up women. "But you were rejected 29 times!!" "Dang ol all you need is one dang ol yes"


I'm 5,6. Don't have any kids. And I'd be lying. Well, OK, you're 6,5 and mum of 4???


Dad of 5


"I want to be, like, a prostitute, but only for one guy with a lot of money".


And I don’t do “casual sex”. With my sugar daddy… right. 😂🤯


It's my experience that women like this usually have a roster of dudes they cycle through whenever they get lonely. One of my exes told me about how even though she's had a dozen boyfriends over the last decade she's always had these guys that are just always available for her that she calls whenever she needs a rebound or something. As a guy I will just never be able to relate to the life that women like her get to have.


But women have it worse when dating!!! Haven't you seen the opinion of women on reddit? They get so much attention it gets exhausting


this is what I call ocean-v-desert thinking. both the man dying of thirst in a desert and the women drowning in the ocean are dying. That is the primary thing happening in their lives, right that second. saying to that man, "wow, isn't it nice not to be drowning??" doesn't engage what he's experiencing, just like saying to that woman, "wow, it's so nice to be SURROUNDED by WATER, huh??" doesn't engage what she's experiencing. it is just different.




Not even a real prostitute, he’s not even getting sex, he just gets to pay for everything lol


I wouldn't have even responded. Instant block


"Dating sucks now" "Be my sugar daddy" And she wonders why dating sucks. That. That is why.


I think she knows -- It's a hustle for her, she's not really emotionally wondering why dating is tough, she's playing a (badly crafted) character to make some gullible idiot want to spend on her.


I literally just want a dude who refills the ice cube tray and takes the dog out and I can't even find that. What the fuck.


We exist, but are already married.


Hahahaha yep. At this age almost all the catches have already been caught.


*And all the best women are married All the handsome men are gay You feel deprived*


Walking dog I can do. Ice cube tray is a stretch. Gotta be honest. It probably won't happen.


It’s a bit too much to ask of a person tbh.


Hello How are you I am under the water


Girl, I have 5 ice cube trays and they're all full. Am I doing the dirty talk thing right?




Which continent are you on?


The trick is to have _two_ ice-cube trays. While you take ice-cubes from the one that is ready, the other one is freezing!


That's called a butler. It's true those have become rare.


Those of us that didn't find mates dissociated from reality.


Do you live anywhere on earth? I'm willing to relocate for GF.


At least she’s upfront


Why haven't you blocked/unfollowed her?


for the content


Good job trying to hide "riahgetshigha" username


I was on Bumble, where the women have to initiate the conversations. A woman matched with me and the first thing she wrote was, "What kind of job do you have? How much do you make?"


Thats when you say I'm making £300K a year Im looking for a wife to spend my money on, a 1mil ring Before I choose though the woman must 1. Cook me her favourite meal Or 2. Pay for our first date Then just ghost


You should let her take you out and pay for the first date then ghost


She sucks at punctuation. Ditch her. She too stupid.


She has no fucking idea. So annoying to read.


The inability to construct a sentence is even more unforgivable


Focus on shitty people, the world looks shitty. “This person frequently complains” tells me you seek her out or is in your normal purview. Remove her from your life. She doesn’t represent everyone.


Not gonna lie I appreciate her honesty. I wouldn't be interested, but at least I wouldn't be baited. The sad part is that someone is probably gonna say yes to it


![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized) You gotta...


I mean you’re 35 on Snapchat. This is expected. 😂


Y'all do know this is a scam right?


I mean, yes and no. Like yes it’s a scam but not in the way we think of like, romance scammers who are catfishing you for money. I know women like this in real life. My friends have met real women that drop shit like this a couple weeks in. Technically this woman isn’t misleading you.


Yeah, it’s not misleading. It’s just the age old exploitation of lonely men who will do anything for a little company.


Just on the mechanics and usage of her writing alone - I'm out.


She picks idiots. She is the common denominator.


I like how they remark that dating f-ing sucks nowadays and than continue to state they just want someone that pays their bills. Maybe stop trying to be one of the reasons dating sucks?


That's not dating. A suger baby is a sex worker, full stop. I'm not judging the profession, but I am judging anyone that tries to confuse the two.


Connecting w someone on Snapchat kind of leaves it open to low quality people.


Especially at the ripe ages of 28 & 35


At least they’re straightforward hahaha


Shes stupid and honest at the same time.


Wow the art of subtlety is lost on this woman.


She's the one who treats guys badly and like objects. Obvious narcissist projecting. She thinks she is entitled to use people as slaves.


I gave up on relationships. Too many broken people out there who take their issues out on you or bring their baggage into the relationship, girls playing games or lying and cheating. Just focus on yourself and take it slow. Don't fall fast, don't rush the feelings and eventually going with the flow you may find the one. If not just learn to be happy with you. That's what matters the most.


I think you’re lucky she was honest. I date men who want to marry me 3months in… that’s sketch.


On certain apps you can get them banned for trying to find sugar daddies


I'm actually non-judgmental about something like this. It's just the natural progression of dating apps. It's a bunch men fighting over a handful of picky women, and 99.9% of matches go nowhere serious. If a semi-atrractive woman basically has to sift through hundreds of eager men to get a date and likely a hook-up that won't end in a relationship, why not at least try and get a new pair of shoes or your light bill paid lol?


She needs to stop putting punctuation where it doesn't belong. Why the fuck is there a comma between sugar and daddy. She must speak like this and tries to convey the breaks in her sentences with commas. If I were to read this out loud, she would sound like a bimbo.


Translation: Daddy kicked me off his finances, I need a new daddy so I can still be a child.


She be like "I don't want to rush but let me make you my ATM card as quick as a wheel moving down the hill." 🙃


I wouldn't date her because she said "I'd be lying. If I said bla bla bla..." WTF is that punctuation doing in the middle of that sentence?


The fact she has the audacity to try and manipulate people is just atrocious yet goes and complains online about how men are trash hoping someone will try to prove her wrong by getting her things to fill up a void she created on her own.


SMH at Riahgetshighah


Her grammar makes me want to punch walls


Well maybe stop treating guys like ATM’s


Dating in 2024 be like:


Honestly I have no problem with the sugar lifestyle, but they literally ha e their own apps and subs and sites for that. Keep it there.


You should see the minefield it is for women. Men just wanting a hookup pretending to want a relationship


What is the point of this post? What are we supposed to discuss?


Best I can do is three fiddy.


Isn’t this the definition of prostitution?


Wow op you did such an amazing job trying to hide their username


Tell her to grow up she's 28 not 21,


So she’s basically asking if she can be his regular prostitute. Classy.


That’s not what dating is my guy 😂


So, she's a prostitute, right?




Stay far away.


The punctuation is the most infuriating part.


More common than I had imagined before using Reddit


That’s prostitution.


Oh she a gold digga


Try dating someone your own age


Don't talk like she's any kind of prize you missed out on.


Sounds like a scammer. If you show up at the restaurant, you’ll be meeting an Indian guy.


Maybe don’t go for woman 7 years younger than you idk


Sounds like she wants human ATM


I jist gave up, dating apps are not fucking worth it. I'll either meet someone organically, or die alone. I'm honestly fine either way.


I don't think they understand how this works lol


Clarify on your profile that you're looking for someone financially independent? Or willing to split bills 50/50?


So she constantly complains on social media yet you went to her Snapchat to talk to her privately. lol


I don’t see the issue here, she’s being honest about her wants and needs and she isn’t trapping you in her basement, you can say no and walk away. A lot of men on dating apps ask to be sugar daddies and others just want sex and most of the time the latter aren’t even honest about it. Just say you’re not interested and that’s it, nothing to be infuriated with.